SBML Logos

The longer explanation in the section titled “Policy for using the logos” below essentially states the following: the logo illustrated at the right, hereafter referred to as the “Supports SBML” logo, may be used to indicate support of SBML by software, websites, and other software-based resources. Its use carries no implication about the degree of compliance with the SBML specifications and does not indicate endorsement by anyone associated with the SBML effort.

Policy for using the logos

You are granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable and non-sublicensable license to use the “Supports SBML” logo, unmodified, in electronic or print media for referring to the Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML), and by such use, you agree to the following terms:

  • Use of SBML or an SBML logo does not indicate or imply endorsement by anyone associated with the development of SBML, nor does it indicate or imply that anyone associated with the development of SBML is in any way responsible for (i) any content which appears on your website; (ii) any software developed or provided by you; or (iii) any of your actions or omissions in maintaining or allowing access or use of your software, website, and its content.
  • When used in the context of indicating software support for input and/or output of data in SBML format, the use of the logo does not constitute a claim about the degree of compliance with the SBML specifications.
  • By using SBML or the SBML logo, you agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless everyone associated with the development of SBML against any claims and liabilities whatsoever arising out of the operation or use of your software or website.

The stylized “SB” insignia, as well as the letters “SBML” used in the context of computer software, are trademarks of the Systems Biology Institute (SBI) in the United States, Japan and European Union, and are made freely available by the SBI for the SBML community. You may freely use the name SBML to refer to the Systems Biology Markup Language in the context of computer software. (The trademarking by the SBI is on behalf of the SBML community to protect against misuse of the SBML name and logo, and does not indicate intention to charge for or restrict the use of SBML now or in the future.)

File downloads

Please make sure to read the section above titled Policy for using the logos before using these logos on your website, in your software, or otherwise displaying the logos publicly. In addition, when used on web pages, we request that you link each use of the icon to the URL if possible and practical.

Download icons as one archive file in ZIP format.

The archive you download will have the “Supports SBML” logo icons in the following sizes and formats: (1) PDF, (2) SVG, (3) JPG on white background and (4) PNG with transparency, in various sizes.

In the future, a second logo may be made available to indicate that a given software system has been tested to comply with the SBML specifications. This second logo is not yet available for use. Only the use of the “Supports SBML” logo is officially sanctioned at this time.