Survey about Windows installers, November 2009

Our thanks to everyone who participated in our Nov.-Dec. 2009 survey about the Windows installer for libSBML. The answers to the original questions are available below, with the names of the responders omitted to protect their privacy.

  1. Do you feel it would be a problem if the Windows installer for libSBML was only provided in a version incorporating libxml2 as the underlying XML parser (instead of also having additional separate installer versions incorporating other parsers, in particular Xerces and/or Expat)? → Results in PDF format
  2. Do you feel it would be a problem for you if we provided the Windows installer only in a version supporting Microsoft Visual C 9 (2008), instead of addition versions for other versions of MSVC? → Results in PDF format

A total of 31 people submitted responses. We ran a contest in conjunction with this survey, and although we originally stated we would only do it if the survey produced at least 40 responses, we went ahead and ran the contest anyway. The winner is Tommaso Mazza. He will receive a $25 gift certificate to