The AccessModel folder contains a number of functions that derive information from the MATLAB_SBML structures.
Function are:
array = DetermineSpeciesRoleInReaction(SBMLSpecies, SBMLReaction)
- SBMLSpecies, an SBML species structure
- SBMLReaction, an SBML reaction structure
- an array with five elements
[isProduct, isReactant, isModifier,
positionInProductList, positionInReactantList]
whether the species is a product, reactant or modifier and recording
the position in the list of products/reactants
- array = 0 if the species is NOT part of the reaction
y = DetermineSpeciesRoleInReaction(s, r)
= 0 if s is not in r
= [1, 0, 0, 2, 0] if s is product number 2 in rb
= [0, 1, 0, 0, 1] if s is reactant number 1 in r
= [0, 0, 1, 0, 0] if s is a modifier in r
= [1, 1, 0, 1, 2] if s is product number 1 and reactant number 2 in r
[names, values] = GetAllParameters(SBMLModel)
- SBMLModel, an SBML Model structure
- an array of strings representing the identifiers of all parameters
(both global and embedded) within the model
- an array of the values of each parameter
NOTE: the value returned will be (in order)
- determined from assignmentRules/initialAssignments where appropriate
- the attribute 'value' for the given parameter
- NaN, if the value is not specified in any way within the model
[names, values] = GetAllParametersUnique(SBMLModel)
- SBMLModel, an SBML model structure
- an array of strings representing the identifiers of all parameters
(both global and embedded) within the model.
Note: reaction names are appended to the names of parameters
declared within a reaction
- an array of the values of each parameter
NOTE: the value returned will be (in order)
- determined from assignmentRules/initialAssignments where appropriate
- the attribute 'value' for the given parameter
- NaN, if the value is not specified in any way within the model
model has 1 parameter k1
and reaction R1 that lists a local parameter k1
[names, values] = GetAllParametersUnique(model)
names = [k1, k1_R1]
values = [2, 1.5]
names = GetCompartmentTypes(SBMLModel)
- SBMLModel, an SBML Model structure
- an array of strings representing the identifiers of all compartmentTypes within the model
[names, values] = GetCompartments(SBMLModel)
- SBMLModel, an SBML Model structure
- an array of strings representing the identifiers of all compartments within the model
- an array of the size/volume values of each compartment
NOTE: the value returned will be (in order)
- determined from assignmentRules/initialAssignments where appropriate
- the attribute 'size' ('volume' in L1) for the given compartment
- NaN, if the value is not specified in any way within the model
[names, values] = GetGlobalParameters(SBMLModel)
- SBMLModel, an SBML Model structure
- an array of strings representing the identifiers of
all global parameters within the model
- an array of the values of each parameter
NOTE: the value returned will be (in order)
- determined from assignmentRules/initialAssignments where appropriate
- the attribute 'value' for the given parameter
- NaN, if the value is not specified in any way within the model
[parameters, algebraicRules] = GetParameterAlgebraicRules(SBMLModel)
- SBMLModel, an SBML Model structure
- an array of strings representing the identifiers of all parameters
an array of
- the character representation of each algebraic
rule the parameter appears in
- '0' if the particular parameter is not in an algebraic rule
model has 3 parameters (k1, k2, k3)
and 2 algebraic rules with formula 'k2+7' and 'k2-k3'
[parameters, algebraicRules] = GetParameterAlgebraicRules(model)
parameters = ['k1', 'k2', 'k3']
algebraicRules = {'0', ['k2+7', 'k2-k3'], ['k2-k3']}
[parameters, assignmentRules] = GetParameterAssignmentRules(SBMLModel)
- SBMLModel, an SBML Model structure
- an array of strings representing the identifiers of all parameters
an array of
- the character representation of the assignment rule used to
assign value to a given parameter
- '0' if the parameter is not assigned by a rule
[names, values] = GetParameterFromReaction(SBMLReaction)
- SBMLReaction, an SBML Reaction structure
- an array of strings representing the identifiers of all parameters defined
within the kinetic law of the reaction
- an array of the values of each parameter
[names, values] = GetParameterFromReactionUnique(SBMLReaction)
- SBMLReaction, an SBML Reaction structure
- an array of strings representing the identifiers of all parameters defined
within the kinetic law of the reaction, with the reaction
name appended
- an array of the values of each parameter
reaction with id R1 has 2 parameters k1 and k2
[names, values] = GetParameterFromReactionUnique(reaction)
names = [k1_R1, k2_R1]
values = [2, 1.5]
[parameters, raterules] = GetParameterRateRules((SBMLModel)
- SBMLModel, an SBML Model structure
- an array of strings representing the identifiers of all parameters
an array of
- the character representation of the rate rule used to
assign value to a given parameter
- '0' if the parameter is not assigned by a rule
[species, rateLaws] = GetRateLawsFromReactions(SBMLModel)
- SBMLModel; an SBML Model structure
- an array of strings representing the identifiers of all species
an array of
- the character representation of the rate law established from any reactions
that determines the particular species
- '0' if the particular species is not a reactant/product in any reaction
model has 4 species (s1, s2, s3, s4)
and 2 reactions; s1 -> s2 with kineticLaw 'k1*s1'
s2 -> s3 with kineticLaw 'k2*s2'
[species, rateLaws] = GetRateLawsFromReactions(model)
species = ['s1', 's2', 's3', 's4']
rateLaws = {'-k1*s1', 'k1*s1-k2*s2', 'k2*s2', '0'}
[species, rateLaws] = GetRateLawsFromRules(SBMLModel)
- SBMLModel, an SBML Model structure
- an array of strings representing the identifiers of all species
an array of
- the character representation of the rateRule that determines
the particular species
- '0' if the particular species is not assigned by a rateRule
[names, values] = GetSpecies(SBMLModel)
- SBMLModel, an SBML Model structure
- an array of strings representing the identifiers of all species within the model
- an array of the initial concentration/amount values of each species
NOTE: the value returned will be (in order)
- determined from assignmentRules/initialAssignments where appropriate
- the attribute 'initialAmount' or 'initialConcentration' for the given parameter
- NaN, if the value is not specified in any way within the model
[names, values] = GetSpeciesAlgebraicRules(SBMLModel)
- SBMLModel, an SBML Model structure
- an array of strings representing the identifiers of all species
an array of
- the character representation of each algebraic
rule the species appears in
- '0' if the particular species is not in an algebraic rule
model has 3 species (s1, s2, s3)
and 2 algebraic rules with formula 's2+7' and 's2-s3'
[species, algebraicRules] = GetSpeciesAlgebraicRules(model)
species = ['s1', 's2', 's3']
algebraicRules = {'0', ['s2+7', 's2-s3'], ['k2-k3']}
[species, assignmentRules] = GetSpeciesAssignmentRules(SBMLModel)
- SBMLModel, an SBML Model structure
- an array of strings representing the identifiers of all species
an array of
- the character representation of the assignment rule used to
assign value to a given species
- '0' if the species is not assigned by a rule
names = GetSpeciesTypes(SBMLModel)
- SBMLModel, an SBML Model structure
- an array of strings representing the identifiers of all SpeciesTypes within the model
[matrix, species] = GetStoichiometryMatrix(SBMLModel)
- SBMLModel, an SBML Model structure
- the stoichiometry matrix produced from the reactions/species
- an array of strings representing the identifiers of all species within the model
(in the order in which the matrix deals with them)
model has 5 species (s1, s2, s3, s4, s5)
and 3 reactions: s1 -> s2
s3 -> s5
2s1 -> s5
[matrix, species] = GetRateLawsFromReactions(model)
matrix = -1 0 -2
1 0 0
0 -1 0
0 1 1
species = ['s1', 's2', 's3', 's5']
(species s4 does not play a role in any reaction)
S = GetStoichiometrySparse(SBMLModel)
- SBMLModel, an SBML Model structure
- a sparse stoichiometry matrix produced from the reactions/species
NOTE: This function was contributed by: Arsen Batagov (2006)
[names, values] = GetVaryingParameters(SBMLModel)
- SBMLModel, an SBML Model structure
- an array of strings representing the identifiers of any non-constant parameters
within the model
- an array of the values of each of these parameter
NOTE: the value returned will be (in order)
- determined from assignmentRules/initialAssignments where appropriate
- the attribute 'value' for the given parameter
- NaN; if the value is not specified in any way within the model
num = IsSpeciesInReaction(SBMLSpecies, SBMLReaction)
- SBMLSpecies, an SBML Species structure
- SBMLReaction, an SBML Reaction structure
- the number of times the species occurs within the reaction