
typecode = SBML_REACTION

SBML Level 1

Version 1 Version 2
Fieldname Type
typecode as above
notes string
annotation string
name string
reactant array of structures
product array of structures
kineticLaw structure
reversible boolean
fast boolean
Fieldname Type
typecode as above
notes string
annotation string
name string
reactant array of structures
product array of structures
kineticLaw structure
reversible boolean
fast boolean

SBML Level 2

Version 1 Version 2
Fieldname Type
typecode as above
metaid string
notes string
annotation string
name string
id string
reactant array of structures
product array of structures
modifier array of structures
kineticLaw structure
reversible boolean
fast boolean
isSetFast boolean
Fieldname Type
typecode as above
metaid string
notes string
annotation string
name string
id string
reactant array of structures
product array of structures
modifier array of structures
kineticLaw structure
reversible boolean
fast boolean
sboTerm integer
isSetFast boolean

Version 3 Version 4
Fieldname Type
typecode as above
metaid string
notes string
annotation string
sboTerm integer
name string
id string
reactant array of structures
product array of structures
modifier array of structures
kineticLaw structure
reversible boolean
fast boolean
isSetFast boolean
Fieldname Type
typecode as above
metaid string
notes string
annotation string
sboTerm integer
name string
id string
reactant array of structures
product array of structures
modifier array of structures
kineticLaw structure
reversible boolean
fast boolean
isSetFast boolean

SBML Level 3

Version 1
Fieldname Type
typecode as above
metaid string
notes string
annotation string
sboTerm integer
name string
id string
reactant array of structures
product array of structures
modifier array of structures
kineticLaw structure
reversible boolean
fast boolean
isSetFast boolean
compartment string