Some issues are the topics of frequent questions and discussions, and merit longer elaboration than the shorter answers in the SBML FAQ. We try to gather explanations in this section. The contents here will continue to grow over time. If you have suggestions or requests for items to be added, please don’t hesitate to open an issue in the tracker or contact the SBML Editors directly.
Additional explanations about SBML MIRIAM annotation syntax
This was written for SBML Level 2, but it also applies to Level 3. -
The syntax of metaid values in SBML
The allowed values of the metaid attribute in SBML can be confusing. -
Using RELAX NG schemas for SBML Level 3
Though the libSBML and JSBML libraries perform SBML validation, some applications may need to validate SBML files using the RELAX NG schemas. This page explains how to use the schemas.