SBML Level 3 Distributions (“distrib”)

This page summarizes the current development status of the SBML Level 3 Distributions Package (known by the label “distrib”). If you use this Package in your work, please cite the publication associated with the package in addition to the core Level 3 specification, to give credit to the package developers.

This table is generated automatically from the row for “distrib” in the SBML Level 3 Package Status spreadsheet.
Package purpose:Support for encoding models that sample values from statistical distributions
Package status:Final specification approved and two independent implementations are available
Latest version:Version 1 Release 1 (02 April 2020)
Specification URL:
Please cite this publication if you use this package →Smith, L. P., Moodie, S. L., Bergmann, F. T., Gillespie, C., Keating, S. M., König, M., Myers, C. J., Swat, M. J., Wilkinson, D. J., & Hucka, M. (2020). Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) Level 3 Package: Distributions, Version 1, Release 1. Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics, 17(2-3), 20200018.
Publication DOI:10.1515/jib-2020-0018
RELAX NG schema:A prototype or test schema is available
LibSBML status:A prototype or test implementation is available
JSBML status:A prototype or test implementation is available
Working group mailing list:sbml-distrib

About the schemas: for finalized Level 3 Packages, libSBML and JSBML provide built-in validation, and the use of a schema is unnecessary. For not-yet-finalized Packages and applications not using libSBML or JSBML, the basic RELAX NG schemas enable syntactic validation using an RNG schema processor. A separate page provides more information about the use of schemas.

Notes about this specification

2020-04-02: Version 1, Release 1 of the “distrib” specification has been officially accepted by the SBML Editors and publicly announced.

2012-08-06: Stuart Moodie released an updated version of the “distrib” proposal.