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Interface org.sbml.jsbml.SBase

Removed Methods
void addNamespace(String) Adds an additional name space to the set of name spaces of this SBase if the given name space is not yet present within this SortedSet.
SortedSet<String> getNamespaces() Returns all the namespaces of all the packages which are currently extending this object.
void unregister(SBase) Unregisters recursively the given SBase from the Model and SBMLDocument.

Added Methods
void addExtension(String, SBasePlugin) Adds a SBasePlugin extension object to this SBase.
void addPlugin(String, SBasePlugin) Adds a SBasePlugin extension object to this SBase.
SBasePlugin createPlugin(String) Creates a new SBasePlugin for the given package name or URI and adds it to this SBase.
void disablePackage(String) Disables the given SBML Level 3 package on this SBMLDocument.
void enablePackage(String) Enables the given SBML Level 3 package on this SBMLDocument.
void enablePackage(String, boolean) Enables or disables the given SBML Level 3 package on this SBMLDocument.
List<String> filterCVTerms(Qualifier, boolean, String[]) Returns a list of resource URIs for the given Qualifier that match the given patterns.
List<String> filterCVTerms(Qualifier, String, boolean) Returns a list of resource URIs for the given Qualifier that match the given pattern.
int getCVTermCount() Returns the number of CVTerms of this SBase.
SBasePlugin getExtension(String) Returns the SBasePlugin extension object which matches this package name or URI.
int getExtensionCount() Returns the number of SBasePlugins of this SBase.
(Map<String, SBasePlugin>getExtensionPackages() Returns the map containing all the SBasePlugin extension objects of this SBase.
String getNamespace() Returns the namespace to which this SBase belong to.
int getNumPlugins() Returns the number of SBasePlugins of this SBase.
SBasePlugin getPlugin(String) Returns an SBasePlugin for an SBML Level 3 package extension with the given package name or URI.
boolean isExtendedByOtherPackages() Returns {@code true} if this object is extended by other packages.
boolean isPackageEnabled(String) Returns {@code true} if the given SBML Level 3 package is enabled within the containing SBMLDocument.
boolean isPackageURIEnabled(String) Returns {@code true} if the given SBML Level 3 package is enabled within the containing SBMLDocument.
boolean isPkgEnabled(String) Returns {@code true} if the given SBML Level 3 package is enabled within the containing SBMLDocument.
boolean isPkgURIEnabled(String) Returns {@code true} if the given SBML Level 3 package is enabled within the containing SBMLDocument.
boolean isSetPlugin(String) Returns {@code true} if an SBasePlugin is defined for the given package.
boolean removeCVTerm(CVTerm) Removes the given CVTerm.
CVTerm removeCVTerm(int) Removes the CVTerm at the given index.
void unregisterChild(SBase) Unregisters recursively the given SBase from the Model and SBMLDocument.
void unsetExtension(String) Unsets the SBasePlugin extension object which matches this package name or URI.
void unsetPlugin(String) Unsets the SBasePlugin extension object which matches this package name or URI.

Changed Methods
String getAnnotationString() Change in exceptions thrown from no exceptions to
Returns the content of the 'annotation' sub-element of this object as a String.
String getNotesString() Change in exceptions thrown from no exceptions to
Returns the notes sub-element of this object as a String.
void setThisAsParentSBMLObject(SBase) Now deprecated.
use {@link #registerChild(SBase)}
void appendNotes(String) Change in exceptions thrown from no exceptions to
Appends 'notes' to the notes String of this object.
void setNotes(String) Change in exceptions thrown from no exceptions to
Sets the notes with 'notes'.