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Class org.sbml.jsbml.SBO

Changed Methods
Term getSBORoot() Change in return type from org.sbml.jsbml.SBO.Term to org.sbml.jsbml.ontology.Term.
Returns the root element of the SBO Ontology (SBO:0000000).
Set<Term> getTerms() Change in return type from java.util.Set to java.util.Set.
Return the set of terms of the SBO Ontology.
Set<Triple> getTriples(Term, Term, Term) Change in return type from java.util.Set to java.util.Set.
Change in signature from (org.sbml.jsbml.SBO.Term, org.sbml.jsbml.SBO.Term, org.sbml.jsbml.SBO.Term) to (org.sbml.jsbml.ontology.Term, org.sbml.jsbml.ontology.Term, org.sbml.jsbml.ontology.Term).
Returns a set of Triple which match the supplied subject, predicate and object.
Term getTerm(int) Change in return type from org.sbml.jsbml.SBO.Term to org.sbml.jsbml.ontology.Term.
Gets the SBO term with the id 'sboTerm'.
Term getTerm(String) Change in return type from org.sbml.jsbml.SBO.Term to org.sbml.jsbml.ontology.Term.
Gets the SBO term with the id 'sboTerm'.