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Interface org.sbml.jsbml.SBase

Added Methods
void appendAnnotation(String) Appends the given annotation to the 'annotation' subelement of this object.
void appendAnnotation(XMLNode) Appends the given annotation to the 'annotation' subelement of this object.
String getPackageName() Returns the name of the SBML Level 3 package in which this element is defined, as defined in the community wiki.
int getPackageVersion() Returns the version of the SBML Level 3 package to which this element belongs.
String getURI() Returns the namespace to which this SBase belong to.
boolean isSetPackageVErsion() Returns {@code true} if the package version is not equals to '-1'.
void setAnnotation(String) @param nonRDFAnnotation
void setAnnotation(XMLNode) @param nonRDFAnnotation
void setPackageVersion(int) Sets the version of the SBML Level 3 package to which this element belongs.

Changed Methods
void setMetaId(String) Change in exceptions thrown from no exceptions to java.lang.IllegalArgumentException.
Sets the metaid value with 'metaid'.