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Interface org.sbml.jsbml.SBase

Removed Methods
void unregister(SBase) Unregisters recursively the given SBase from the Model and SBMLDocument.

Added Methods
void addPlugin(String, SBasePlugin) Adds a SBasePlugin extension object to this SBase.
List<String> filterCVTerms(Qualifier, boolean, String[]) Returns a list of resource URIs for the given Qualifier that match the given patterns.
int getExtensionCount() Returns the number of SBasePlugins of this SBase.
boolean removeCVTerm(CVTerm) Removes the given CVTerm.
CVTerm removeCVTerm(int) Removes the CVTerm at the given index.
void unregisterChild(SBase) Unregisters recursively the given SBase from the Model and SBMLDocument.