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Class org.sbml.jsbml.CVTerm

Removed Methods
List<String> filterResources(String) Returns a list of resources that contain the given pattern.

Added Methods
List<String> filterResources(String[]) Returns a list of resource URIs that contain the given pattern(s).
List<String> filterResources(Pattern[]) Returns a list of resource URIs that contain the given Pattern(s).
Qualifier getQualifier() Returns the Qualifier for this CVTerm.
int getResourceCount() Returns the number of resources for this CVTerm.
boolean isSetQualifier() Returns {@code true} if the Qualifier of this CVTerm is set and is different from Qualifier.BQM_UNKNOWN and Qualifier.BQB_UNKNOWN.
boolean removeFromParent()  
String removeResource(int) Removes the ith resource URI from the CVTerm.
void setQualifier(Qualifier) Sets the Qualifier of this CVTerm, sets at the same time the Type to the proper value.
void unsetQualifier() Unsets the qualifier if it is set.

Changed Methods
boolean isSetTypeQualifier() Now deprecated.
use {@link #isSetQualifier()}