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Class org.sbml.jsbml.Model

Added interface org.sbml.jsbml.util.IdManager.

Added Methods
boolean accept(SBase)  
boolean containsReaction(String) Returns {@code true} if this Model contains a reference to the given Reaction.
Species createSpecies(String, String, Compartment) Creates a new Species inside this Model and returns it.
UnitDefinition findIdentical(UnitDefinition) Searches the first UnitDefinition within this Model's .listOfUnitDefinitions that is identical to the given UnitDefinition.
int getCompartmentCount() Returns the number of Compartments of this Model.
int getCompartmentTypeCount() Returns the number of CompartmentTypes of this Model.
int getConstraintCount() Returns the number of Constraints of this Model.
int getDelayCount() Returns the number of Delays of this Model.
int getEventAssignmentCount() Returns the number of EventAssignments of this Model.
int getEventCount() Returns the number of Events of this Model.
int getFunctionDefinitionCount() Returns the number of FunctionDefinitions of this Model.
int getInitialAssignmentCount() Returns the number of InitialAssignments of this Model.
int getKineticLawCount() Returns the number of KineticLaws of this Model.
int getListOfCount() Returns the number of ListOfs of this Model.
int getLocalParameterCount() Returns the number of parameters that are contained within kineticLaws in the reactions of this model.
int getMathContainerCount() Returns the number of elements that can contain math in the Model .
int getModifierSpeciesReferenceCount() Returns the number of ModifierSpeciesReferences in the Model.
Set<ModifierSpeciesReference> getModifierSpeciesReferences() Returns all ModifierSpeciesReferences, registered in any Reaction.
int getNamedSBaseCount() Returns the number of NamedSBases in the Model, so elements that can have a name.
int getNamedSBaseWithDerivedUnitCount()  
int getParameterCount() Returns the number of Parameters of this Model.
int getQuantityCount() Returns the number of Quantitys of this Model.
int getQuantityWithUnitCount() Returns the number of QuantityWithUnits of this Model.
int getReactionCount() Returns the number of Reactions of this Model.
int getRuleCount() Returns the number of Rules of this Model.
int getSBaseCount() Returns the number of SBases of this Model.
int getSBaseWithDerivedUnitCount() Returns the number of SBaseWithDerivedUnits of this Model.
int getSpeciesCount() Returns the number of Species of this Model.
int getSpeciesReferenceCount() Returns the number of SpeciesReferences of this Model.
int getSpeciesTypeCount() Returns the number of SpeciesTypes of this Model.
int getSpeciesWithBoundaryConditionCount() Returns the number of Species whose boundary condition is set to {@code true}.
int getStoichiometryMathCount() Returns the number of StoichiometryMath in the Model.
int getSymbolCount() Returns the number of all instances of Symbol referenced within the model.
int getTriggerCount() Returns the number of Trigger of this Model.
int getUnitCount() Returns the number of Units of this Model.
int getUnitDefinitionCount() Returns the number of UnitDefinitions of this Model.
int getVariableCount() Returns the number of Variables of this Model.
boolean register(SBase)  
UniqueNamedSBase remove(String) Removes any UniqueNamedSBase with the given identifier from this Model and returns the removed element if the operation was successfull.
boolean removeRule(Rule) Removes a Rule from the Model.
void setAreaUnits(Kind) @param kind
void setExtentUnits(Kind) @param kind
void setLengthUnits(Kind) @param kind
void setSubstanceUnits(Kind) @param kind
void setTimeUnits(Kind) Sets the .timeUnitsID of this Model to the given unit kind.
void setVolumeUnits(Kind) @param kind

Changed Methods
SBase getParent() Change in return type from SBMLDocument to SBase.
Method was locally defined, but is now inherited from AbstractSBase.
This is equivalent to calling .getParentSBMLObject(), but this method is needed for TreeNode.
boolean unregister(SBase) Change in return type from void to boolean.
Method was inherited from AbstractSBase, but is now defined locally.
SpeciesType createSpeciesType() Now deprecated.
Only valid in SBML Level 2 for Versions 2 through 4.
SpeciesType createSpeciesType(String) Now deprecated.
Only valid in SBML Level 2 for Versions 2 through 4.
CompartmentType getCompartmentType(int) Now deprecated.
Only valid in SBML Level 2 for Versions 2 through 4.
CompartmentType getCompartmentType(String) Now deprecated.
Only valid in SBML Level 2 for Versions 2 through 4.
SpeciesType getSpeciesType(int) Now deprecated.
Only valid in SBML Level 2 for Versions 2 through 4.
SpeciesType getSpeciesType(String) Now deprecated.
Only valid in SBML Level 2 for Versions 2 through 4.
CompartmentType removeCompartmentType(int) Now deprecated.
Only valid in SBML Level 2 for Versions 2 through 4.
CompartmentType removeCompartmentType(String) Now deprecated.
Only valid in SBML Level 2 for Versions 2 through 4.
SpeciesType removeSpeciesType(int) Now deprecated.
Only valid in SBML Level 2 for Versions 2 through 4.
SpeciesType removeSpeciesType(String) Now deprecated.
Only valid in SBML Level 2 for Versions 2 through 4.