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Class org.sbml.jsbml.SBMLDocument

Removed Methods
void printErrors()  

Added Methods
void disablePackage(String) Disables the given SBML Level 3 package on this SBMLDocument.
void enablePackage(String) Enables the given SBML Level 3 package on this SBMLDocument.
void enablePackage(String, boolean) Enables or disables the given SBML Level 3 package on this SBMLDocument.
SBase getElementByMetaId(String) Returns the SBase with the given metaid in this SBMLDocument or null if no such SBase is found.
int getErrorCount() Returns the number of errors or warnings encountered during consistency checking.
boolean getPackageRequired(String) Returns the required attribute of the given package extension.
boolean getPkgRequired(String) Returns the required attribute of the given package extension.
boolean isIgnoredPackage(String) Returns {@code true} if the given package extension is one of an ignored packages, otherwise returns {@code false}.
boolean isIgnoredPkg(String) Returns true if the given package extension is one of ignored packages, otherwise returns false.
boolean isPackageEnabled(String) Returns {@code true} if the given SBML Level 3 package is enabled within the SBMLDocument.
Boolean isPackageEnabledOrDisabled(String) Returns {@code true} if the given SBML Level 3 package is enabled within the SBMLDocument, {@code false} if the package was disabled using the method .disablePackage(String) or {@code null} if this package was neither enabled or disabled on this SBMLDocument.
boolean isSetPackageRequired(String) Returns {@code true}.
boolean isSetPkgRequired(String) Returns {@code true}
Collection<String> metaIds() Provides access to all registered metaIds in this SBMLDocument.
boolean setPackageRequired(String, boolean) Sets the required attribute value of the given package extension (does nothing in fact!).
boolean setPkgRequired(String, boolean) Sets the value of the required attribute for the given package (does nothing in fact!).

Changed Methods
Map<String, String> getSBMLDocumentNamespaces() Now deprecated.
use {@link SBase#getDeclaredNamespaces()}
void addNamespace(String, String, String) Now deprecated.
use {@link SBase#addDeclaredNamespace(String, String)}
Model createModel() Change from deprecated to undeprecated.
Creates a new Model inside this SBMLDocument, and returns a pointer to it.