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Package org.sbml.jsbml.xml.parsers

Changed Classes and Interfaces
AbstractReaderWriter Contains some code shared by most of the L3 packages parsers.
MathMLParser A MathMLParser is used to parse the MathML expressions injected into a SBML file.
MathMLStaxParser A MathMLStaxParser is used to parse the MathML expressions injected into a SBML file.
PackageParser Interface that define some common methods that the parsers for SBML packages need to implement in order to provide some basic information about them.
ReadingParser The interface to implement for the SBML parsers reading SBML files.
SBMLCoreParser Parses the SBML core elements of an SBML file.
SBMLRDFAnnotationParser Parses the RDF annotations as defined in the SBML specifications and put them into objects.
XMLNodeReader A XMLNodeReader can be used to store any XML into an XMLNode.