Sarah Keating, Frank Bergmann, Ben Bornstein, Akiya Jouraku and Lucian Smith designed and wrote most of the software, with contributions from Gordon Ball, Bill Denney, Christoph Flamm, Akira Funahashi, Ralph Gauges, Martin Ginkel, Alex Gutteridge, Stefan Hoops, Michael Hucka, Totte Karlsson, Moriyoshi Koizumi, Ben Kovitz, Rainer Machné, Nicolas Rodriguez, and many others in the SBML community.
LibSBML is an open-source library for writing and manipulating the Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML). This version of libSBML supports all releases of SBML up through Level 3 Version 2 Core Release 2. For more information about SBML, please visit on the Internet.
Please note: article citations are crucial to our academic careers. If you use libSBML and you publish papers about your software, we ask that you please cite the libSBML paper:
Bornstein, B. J., Keating, S. M., Jouraku, A., and Hucka, M. (2008) LibSBML: An API Library for SBML. Bioinformatics, 24(6):880-881.
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