Strips the given SBML Level 3 package from the given SBML file.
namespace LibSBMLCSExample
public class stripPackage
public static void Main (string[] args)
if (args.Length != 3)
string myname = Path.GetFileName(Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()[0]);
Console.WriteLine("Usage: {0} input-filename package-to-strip output-filename", myname);
string inputFile = args[0];
string packageToStrip = args[1];
string outputFile = args[2];
if ( ! File.Exists(inputFile) )
Console.WriteLine("[Error] {0} : No such file.", inputFile);
SBMLReader reader = new SBMLReader();
SBMLWriter writer = new SBMLWriter();
SBMLDocument sbmlDoc = reader.readSBML(inputFile);
if ( sbmlDoc.getErrorLog().getNumFailsWithSeverity(libsbml.LIBSBML_SEV_ERROR) > 0)
Console.WriteLine("[Error] Cannot read {0}", inputFile);
ConversionProperties props = new ConversionProperties();
props.addOption("stripPackage", true, "Strip SBML Level 3 package constructs from the model");
props.addOption("package", packageToStrip, "Name of the SBML Level 3 package to be stripped");
if (sbmlDoc.convert(props) != libsbml.LIBSBML_OPERATION_SUCCESS)
Console.WriteLine ("conversion failed ... ");
writer.writeSBML(sbmlDoc, outputFile);
Console.WriteLine("[OK] Stripped package '{0}' from {1} and wrote to {2}", packageToStrip, inputFile, outputFile);