Represents SBML errors and other diagnostics. More...
Represents SBML errors and other diagnostics.
enum FbcSBMLErrorCode_t |
Codes for all SBML-level errors and warnings from the 'fbc' package.
These are distinguished from other SBML error codes by having a number between 2000000 and 2099999.
Enumerator | |
FbcUnknown | Unknown error from fbc |
FbcNSUndeclared | The fbc ns is not correctly declared |
FbcElementNotInNs | Element not in fbc namespace |
FbcDuplicateComponentId | Duplicate 'id' attribute value |
FbcSBMLSIdSyntax | Invalid 'id' attribute |
FbcAttributeRequiredMissing | Required fbc:required attribute on |
FbcAttributeRequiredMustBeBoolean | The fbc:required attribute must be Boolean |
FbcRequiredFalse | The fbc:required attribute must be 'false' |
FbcOnlyOneEachListOf | One of each list of allowed |
FbcNoEmptyListOfs | ListOf elements cannot be empty |
FbcLOFluxBoundsAllowedElements | Allowed elements on ListOfFluxBounds |
FbcLOObjectivesAllowedElements | Allowed elements on ListOfObjectives |
FbcLOFluxBoundsAllowedAttributes | Allowed attributes on ListOfFluxBounds |
FbcLOObjectivesAllowedAttributes | Allowed attributes on ListOfObjectives |
FbcActiveObjectiveSyntax | Type of activeObjective attribute |
FbcActiveObjectiveRefersObjective | ActiveObjective must reference Objective |
FbcModelMustHaveStrict | 'Strict' attribute required on |
FbcModelStrictMustBeBoolean | 'Strict' attribute must be boolean |
FbcLOGeneProductsAllowedElements | Allowed elements on ListOfGeneProducts |
FbcLOGeneProductsAllowedAttributes | Allowed attributes on ListOfGeneProducts |
FbcLOUserConstraintsAllowedElements | |
FbcLOUserConstraintsAllowedAttributes | |
FbcSpeciesAllowedL3Attributes | Species allowed attributes |
FbcSpeciesChargeMustBeInteger | Charge must be integer |
FbcSpeciesFormulaMustBeString | Chemical formula must be string |
FbcSpeciesChargeMustBeDouble | Charge must be double |
FbcFluxBoundAllowedL3Attributes |
FbcFluxBoundAllowedElements |
FbcFluxBoundRequiredAttributes | Invalid attribute found on |
FbcFluxBoundRectionMustBeSIdRef | Datatype for 'fbc:reaction' must be SIdRef |
FbcFluxBoundNameMustBeString | The attribute 'fbc:name' must be of the data type string |
FbcFluxBoundOperationMustBeEnum | The attribute 'fbc:operation' must be of data type FbcOperation |
FbcFluxBoundValueMustBeDouble | The attribute 'fbc:value' must be of the data type double |
FbcFluxBoundReactionMustExist | 'fbc:reaction' must refer to valid reaction |
FbcFluxBoundsForReactionConflict | Conflicting set of FluxBounds for a reaction |
FbcObjectiveAllowedL3Attributes |
FbcObjectiveAllowedElements |
FbcObjectiveRequiredAttributes | Invalid attribute found on |
FbcObjectiveNameMustBeString | The attribute 'fbc:name' must be of the data type string |
FbcObjectiveTypeMustBeEnum | The attribute 'fbc:type' must be of data type FbcType. |
FbcObjectiveOneListOfObjectives | An |
FbcObjectiveLOFluxObjMustNotBeEmpty |
FbcObjectiveLOFluxObjOnlyFluxObj | Invalid element found in |
FbcObjectiveLOFluxObjAllowedAttribs |
FbcFluxObjectAllowedL3Attributes |
FbcFluxObjectAllowedElements |
FbcFluxObjectRequiredAttributes | Invalid attribute found on |
FbcFluxObjectNameMustBeString | The attribute 'fbc:name' must be of the data type string |
FbcFluxObjectReactionMustBeSIdRef | Datatype for 'fbc:reaction' must be SIdRef |
FbcFluxObjectReactionMustExist | 'fbc:reaction' must refer to valid reaction |
FbcFluxObjectCoefficientMustBeDouble | The attribute 'fbc:coefficient' must be of the data type double |
FbcFluxObjectCoefficientWhenStrict | The 'fbc:coefficient' must be declared when strict |
FbcFluxObjectiveVariableTypeMustBeFbcVariableTypeEnum | |
FbcFluxObjectReaction2MustBeSIdRef | Datatype for 'fbc:reaction' must be SIdRef |
FbcFluxObjectReaction2MustExist | 'fbc:reaction' must refer to valid reaction |
FbcReactionOnlyOneGeneProdAss | One GeneProductAssociation in a Reaction |
FbcReactionAllowedAttributes | Fbc attributes on a Reaction |
FbcReactionLwrBoundSIdRef | LowerBound must be SIdRef |
FbcReactionUpBoundSIdRef | UpperBound must be SIdRef |
FbcReactionLwrBoundRefExists | LowerBound must point to Parameter |
FbcReactionUpBoundRefExists | UpperBound must point to Parameter |
FbcReactionMustHaveBoundsStrict | Reaction must have bounds when strict |
FbcReactionConstantBoundsStrict | Reaction bounds constant when strict |
FbcReactionBoundsMustHaveValuesStrict | Reaction bounds must have values when strict |
FbcReactionBoundsNotAssignedStrict | Reaction bounds not assigned when strict |
FbcReactionLwrBoundNotInfStrict | LowerBound cannot be INF when strict |
FbcReactionUpBoundNotNegInfStrict | UpperBound cannot be -INF when strict |
FbcReactionLwrLessThanUpStrict | LowerBound less than upperBound when strict |
FbcSpeciesReferenceConstantStrict | SpeciesReferences must be constant when strict |
FbcSpeciesRefsStoichMustBeRealStrict | Stoichiometry of SpeciesReferences must be real valued when strict |
FbcSpeciesRefNotAssignedStrict | SpeciesReference not target of InitialAssignment when strict" |
FbcGeneProdAssocAllowedCoreAttribs | Allowed core attributes on |
FbcGeneProdAssocAllowedCoreElements | Allowed core elements on |
FbcGeneProdAssocAllowedAttribs | Allowed fbc attributes on |
FbcGeneProdAssocIdSyntax | 'fbc:id' must have SId syntax |
FbcGeneProdAssocContainsOneElement |
FbcGeneProdAssocNameMustBeString | 'fbc:name' must be string |
FbcGeneProdRefAllowedCoreAttribs | Allowed core attributes on |
FbcGeneProdRefAllowedCoreElements | Allowed core elements on |
FbcGeneProdRefAllowedAttribs | Allowed fbc attributes on |
FbcGeneProdRefGeneProductSIdRef | 'fbc:geneProduct' must be SIdRef |
FbcGeneProdRefGeneProductExists | 'fbc:geneProduct' must point to existing |
FbcAndAllowedCoreAttributes | Allowed core attributes on |
FbcAndAllowedCoreElements | Allowed core elements on |
FbcAndTwoChildren |
FbcOrAllowedCoreAttributes | Allowed core attributes on |
FbcOrAllowedCoreElements | Allowed core elements on |
FbcOrTwoChildren |
FbcGeneProductAllowedCoreAttributes | Allowed core attributes on |
FbcGeneProductAllowedCoreElements | Allowed core elements on |
FbcGeneProductAllowedAttributes | Allowed fbc attributes on |
FbcGeneProductLabelMustBeString | 'fbc:label' must be string |
FbcGeneProductLabelMustBeUnique | 'fbc:label' must be unique |
FbcGeneProductNameMustBeString | 'fbc:name' must be string |
FbcGeneProductAssocSpeciesMustExist | 'fbc:associatedSpecies' must point to existing |
FbcUserDefinedConstraintComponentAllowedCoreAttributes | |
FbcUserDefinedConstraintComponentAllowedCoreElements | |
FbcUserDefinedConstraintComponentAllowedAttributes | |
FbcUserDefinedConstraintComponentCoefficientMustBeParameter | |
FbcUserDefinedConstraintComponentVariableMustBeReactionOrParameter | |
FbcUserDefinedConstraintComponentVariableTypeMustBeFbcVariableTypeEnum | |
FbcUserDefinedConstraintComponentNameMustBeString | |
FbcUserDefinedConstraintComponentVariable2MustBeReactionOrParameter | |
FbcUserDefinedConstraintAllowedCoreAttributes | |
FbcUserDefinedConstraintAllowedCoreElements | |
FbcUserDefinedConstraintAllowedAttributes | |
FbcUserDefinedConstraintAllowedElements | |
FbcUserDefinedConstraintLowerBoundMustBeParameter | |
FbcUserDefinedConstraintUpperBoundMustBeParameter | |
FbcUserDefinedConstraintNameMustBeString | |
FbcUserDefinedConstraintLOUserDefinedConstraintComponentsAllowedCoreElements | |
FbcUserDefinedConstraintLOUserDefinedConstraintComponentsAllowedCoreAttributes | |
FbcKeyValuePairAllowedCoreAttributes | |
FbcKeyValuePairAllowedCoreElements | |
FbcKeyValuePairAllowedAttributes | |
FbcKeyValuePairKeyMustBeString | |
FbcKeyValuePairNameMustBeString | |
FbcKeyValuePairValueMustBeString | |
FbcKeyValuePairKvp_uriMustBeString | |
FbcSBaseLOKeyValuePairsAllowedAttributes | |
FbcSBaseLOKeyValuePairsAllowedCoreAttributes |