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Interface org.sbml.jsbml.util.TreeNodeWithChangeSupport

Added Methods
boolean addAllChangeListeners(Collection<TreeNodeChangeListener>, boolean) @param listeners
void clearUserObjects() Removes all of the mappings from the map of user objects (optional operation).
boolean containsUserObjectKey(Object) @param key
List<TreeNode> filter(Filter) Filters this tree data structure recursively and returns a list of all TreeNodes that are accepted by the Filter.
List<TreeNode> filter(Filter, boolean) Filters this tree data structure recursively and returns a list of all TreeNodes that are accepted by the Filter.
List<TreeNode> filter(Filter, boolean, boolean) Filters this tree data structure recursively and returns a list of all TreeNodes that are accepted by the Filter.
TreeNode getRoot() @return A TreeNode without parent, which is the top-most ancestor of this node.
Object getUserObject(Object) @return the userObject
boolean isSetUserObjects() Checks whether any user-defined key-value pairs have been attached to this object.
void putUserObject(Object, Object) @param key some user-defined key under which the given userObject can be found.
void removeAllTreeNodeChangeListeners(boolean)  
boolean removeFromParent() Removes itself from its parent.
Object removeUserObject(Object) @param key
Set<Object> userObjectKeySet() @return