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Class org.sbml.jsbml.SBO

Removed Methods
int getCompetetiveInhibitor() @return
int getNonCompetetiveInhibitor() @return

Added Methods
int getAllostericActivator() Describes an activator (ligand) which binds at a site other than the active site, resulting in a conformational change, enhancing the activity of the enzyme.
int getAllostericInhibitor() An inhibitor whose binding to an enzyme results in a conformational change, resulting in a loss of enzymatic activity.
int getBiochemicalReaction() An event involving one or more chemical entities that modifies the electrochemical structure of at least one of the participants.
int getCompetitiveInhibitor() Substance that decreases the probability of a chemical reaction, without itself being consumed or transformed by the reaction, by stericaly hindering the interaction between reactants.
int getComplexAssembly() Interaction between several biochemical entities that results in the formation of a non-covalent complex Also known as non-covalent binding
int getConversion() Biochemical reaction that results in the modification of some covalent bonds.
int getDNA() Polymer composed of nucleotides containing deoxyribose and linked by phosphodiester bonds.
int getDNASegment() Fragment or region of a DNA macromolecule.
int getDegradation() Complete disappearance of a physical entity.
int getEnthalpyChange() Change in enthalpy observed in the constituents of a thermodynamic system when undergoing a transformation or chemical reaction.
int getEntropyChange() The increase or decrease of the entropy of a system.
int getEquilibriumConstant() Quantity characterizing a chemical equilibrium in a chemical reaction, which is a useful tool to determine the concentration of various reactants or products in a system where chemical equilibrium occurs.
int getGeneticInteraction() A phenomenon whereby an observed phenotype, qualitative or quantative, is not explainable by the simple additive effects of the individual gene pertubations alone.
int getGibbsFreeEnergyChange() The increase or decrease of the Gibbs free energy of a system.
int getIonicStrength() A combined (weighted) measure of the concentration of all electrolytes present in a solution.
int getIrreversibleInhibitor() An inhibitor which binds irreversibly with the enzyme such that it cannot be removed, and abolishes enzymatic function.
int getModifierUnknownActivity() A modifier whose activity is not known or has not been specified.
int getMolecularInteraction() Relationship between molecular entities, based on contacts, direct or indirect.
int getNonAllostericActivator() Describes an activator (ligand) which binds to the enzyme, which does not result in a conformational change, but which enhances the enzyme's activity.
int getNonCompetitiveInhibitor() Substance that decreases the probability of a chemical reaction, without itself being consumed or transformed by the reaction, and without sterically hindering the interaction between reactants.
int getPMg() An enumeration of the concentration of magnesium (Mg) in solution (pMg = -log10[Mg2+]).
int getPotentiator() Substance that increases the probability of a chemical reaction without itself being consumed or transformed by the reaction.
int getRNASegment() Fragment or region of an RNA macromolecule.
int getSmallMolecule() Simple, non-repetitive chemical entity.
int getTemplateReaction() A composite biochemical process through which a gene sequence is fully converted into mature gene products.
int getTemplateReactionRegulation() A phenomenon whereby an observed phenotype, qualitative or quantative, is not explainable by the simple additive effects of the individual gene pertubations alone.
int getThermodynamicTemperature() Temperature is the physical property of a system which underlies the common notions of "hot" and "cold"; the material with the higher temperature is said to be hotter.
int getTransportWithBiochemicalReaction() An event involving one or more physical entities that modifies the structure, location or free energy of at least one of the participants.
int getUncompetitiveInhibitor() An inhibitor which binds only to the complex formed between the enzyme and substrate (E-S complex).
int getpH() "A measure of acidity and alkalinity of a solution that is a number on a scale on which a value of 7 represents neutrality and lower numbers indicate increasing acidity and higher numbers increasing alkalinity and on which each unit of change represents a tenfold change in acidity or alkalinity and that is the negative logarithm of the effective hydrogen-ion concentration or hydrogen-ion activity in gram equivalents per liter of the solution.
boolean hasTerm(int) This method will test if a term for the given SBO code number exists and returns {@code true} if this is the case.
boolean hasTerm(String) This method will test if a term for the given SBO code number exists and returns {@code true} if this is the case.