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Interface org.sbml.jsbml.SBase

Added Methods
SBase getElementByMetaId(String) Returns the first child element found that has the given metaid.
SBase getElementBySId(String) Returns the first child element found that has the given id.
String getId() Returns the id of the element if it is set, an empty string otherwise.
String getName() Returns the name of the element if it is set, an empty string otherwise.
boolean isIdMandatory() Returns {@code true} if the identifier of this SBase is required to be defined (i.e., not {@code null}) in the definition of SBML.
boolean isSetId() Returns {@code true} if the id is not {@code null}.
boolean isSetName() Returns {@code true} if the name is not {@code null}.
void setId(String) Sets the id value with 'id'
void setName(String) Sets the name value with 'name'.
void unsetId() Sets the id value to {@code null}.
void unsetName() Sets the name value to {@code null}.