Enumerator |
XMLUnknownError |
Unknown error encountered.
XMLOutOfMemory |
LibSBML unexpected encountered an out of memory condition from the operating system.
XMLFileUnreadable |
Could not open or read the file.
XMLFileUnwritable |
Could not write to the file.
XMLFileOperationError |
Error encountered while attempting a file operation.
XMLNetworkAccessError |
Error encountered while attempting a network access.
InternalXMLParserError |
Internal error in XML parser.
UnrecognizedXMLParserCode |
The XML parser returned an error code that is not recognized by libSBML.
XMLTranscoderError |
The character transcoder reported an error.
MissingXMLDecl |
Missing XML declaration at beginning of XML input.
MissingXMLEncoding |
Missing encoding attribute in XML declaration.
BadXMLDecl |
Invalid or unrecognized XML declaration or XML encoding.
Invalid, malformed or unrecognized XML DOCTYPE declaration.
InvalidCharInXML |
Invalid character in XML content.
BadlyFormedXML |
XML is not well-formed.
UnclosedXMLToken |
Unclosed token.
InvalidXMLConstruct |
XML construct is invalid or not permitted.
XMLTagMismatch |
Element tag mismatch or missing tag.
DuplicateXMLAttribute |
Duplicate attribute.
UndefinedXMLEntity |
Undefined XML entity.
BadProcessingInstruction |
Invalid, malformed or unrecognized XML processing instruction.
BadXMLPrefix |
Invalid or undefined XML Namespace prefix.
BadXMLPrefixValue |
Invalid XML Namespace prefix value.
MissingXMLRequiredAttribute |
Required attribute is missing.
XMLAttributeTypeMismatch |
Data type mismatch for attribute value.
XMLBadUTF8Content |
Invalid UTF8 content.
MissingXMLAttributeValue |
Missing or improperly formed attribute value.
BadXMLAttributeValue |
Invalid or unrecognizable attribute value.
BadXMLAttribute |
Invalid, unrecognized or malformed attribute.
UnrecognizedXMLElement |
Element either not recognized or not permitted.
BadXMLComment |
Badly formed XML comment.
BadXMLDeclLocation |
XML declaration not permitted in this location.
XMLUnexpectedEOF |
Reached end of input unexpectedly.
BadXMLIDValue |
Value is invalid for XML ID, or has already been used.
XML ID value was never declared.
UninterpretableXMLContent |
Unable to interpret content.
BadXMLDocumentStructure |
Bad XML document structure.
InvalidAfterXMLContent |
Encountered invalid content after expected content.
XMLExpectedQuotedString |
Expected to find a quoted string.
XMLEmptyValueNotPermitted |
An empty value is not permitted in this context.
XMLBadNumber |
Invalid or unrecognized number.
XMLBadColon |
Colon characters are invalid in this context.
MissingXMLElements |
One or more expected elements are missing.
XMLContentEmpty |
Main XML content is empty.
XMLErrorCodesUpperBound |