class | AlgebraicRule_t |
| An SBML algebraic rule representing 0 = f(W). More...
class | AssignmentRule_t |
| An SBML assignment rule representing x = f(Y). More...
class | ASTNode_t |
| Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) representation of a mathematical expression. More...
class | Compartment_t |
| An SBML compartment, where species are located. More...
class | CompartmentType_t |
| A compartment type in SBML Level 2. More...
class | Constraint_t |
| An SBML constraint, for stating validity assumptions. More...
class | ConversionOption_t |
| A single configuration setting for an SBML converter. More...
class | ConversionProperties_t |
| Set of configuration option values for a converter. More...
class | CVTerm_t |
| A MIRIAM-compliant controlled vocabulary term. More...
class | Date_t |
| A MIRIAM-compliant date representation. More...
class | DefinitionURLRegistry_t |
| Registry of all libSBML SBML DefinitionURLs. More...
class | Delay_t |
| A delay on the time of execution of an SBML event. More...
class | ElementFilter_t |
| Base class for filter functions. More...
class | Event_t |
| A discontinuous SBML event. More...
class | EventAssignment_t |
| An assignment to a variable by an SBML event. More...
struct | FormulaTokenizer_t |
| Tokenizes a mathematical formula string in SBML Level 1 syntax. More...
class | FunctionDefinition_t |
| A user-defined function in an SBML model. More...
class | InitialAssignment_t |
| An SBML initial assignment, evaluated once only. More...
class | KineticLaw_t |
| The rate expression for an SBML reaction. More...
class | L3ParserSettings_t |
| Controls the behavior of the Level 3 formula parser. More...
class | List_t |
| Simple, plain, generic lists. More...
class | ListOf_t |
| Parent class for libSBML's "ListOfXYZ" classes. More...
class | ListOfCompartments_t |
| A list of Compartment_t objects. More...
class | ListOfCompartmentTypes_t |
| A list of CompartmentType_t objects. More...
class | ListOfConstraints_t |
| A list of Constraint_t objects. More...
class | ListOfEventAssignments_t |
| A list of EventAssignment_t objects. More...
class | ListOfEvents_t |
| A list of Event_t objects. More...
class | ListOfFunctionDefinitions_t |
| A list of FunctionDefinition_t objects. More...
class | ListOfInitialAssignments_t |
| A list of InitialAssignment_t objects. More...
class | ListOfLocalParameters_t |
| A list of LocalParameter_t objects. More...
class | ListOfParameters_t |
| A list of Parameter_t objects. More...
class | ListOfReactions_t |
| A list of Reaction_t objects. More...
class | ListOfRules_t |
| A list of Rule_t objects. More...
class | ListOfSpecies_t |
| A list of Species_t objects. More...
class | ListOfSpeciesReferences_t |
| A list of SpeciesReference_t objects. More...
class | ListOfSpeciesTypes_t |
| A list of SpeciesType_t objects. More...
class | ListOfUnitDefinitions_t |
| A list of UnitDefinition_t objects. More...
class | ListOfUnits_t |
| A list of Unit_t objects. More...
class | LocalParameter_t |
| A parameter inside an SBML reaction definition. More...
class | Model_t |
| An SBML model. More...
class | ModelCreator_t |
| MIRIAM-compliant data about a model's creator. More...
class | ModelHistory_t |
| MIRIAM-compliant data about a model's history. More...
class | ModifierSpeciesReference_t |
| A reference to an SBML modifier species. More...
class | Parameter_t |
| An SBML parameter: a named symbol with a value. More...
class | Priority_t |
| The priority of execution of an SBML event. More...
class | RateRule_t |
| An SBML rate rule representing dx/dt = f(Y). More...
class | RDFAnnotationParser_t |
| MIRIAM-compliant RDF annotation reader/writer. More...
class | Reaction_t |
| An SBML reaction between species in an SBML model. More...
class | RenderLayoutConverter_t |
| Converts an SBML document with Layout_t and Render information between the Level 3 package version and the Level 2 annotation version. More...
class | Rule_t |
| Parent class for SBML rules in libSBML. More...
class | SBase_t |
| SBML's SBase class, base class of most SBML objects. More...
class | SBaseExtensionPoint_t |
| Base class for extending SBML components More...
class | SBasePlugin_t |
| Base class for extending SBML objects in packages. More...
class | SBasePluginCreator_t |
| Template for SBasePlugin_t factory objects. More...
class | SBasePluginCreatorBase_t |
| Base class of SBasePluginCreator. More...
class | SBMLConstructorException_t |
| Exceptions thrown by some libSBML constructors. More...
class | SBMLConverter_t |
| Base class for SBML converters. More...
class | SBMLConverterRegistry_t |
| Registry of all libSBML SBML converters. More...
class | SBMLDocument_t |
| Overall SBML container object. More...
class | SBMLDocumentPlugin_t |
| Base class for extending SBMLDocument_t in packages. More...
class | SBMLDocumentPluginNotRequired_t |
| Base class for non-required Level 3 packages plug-ins. More...
class | SBMLError_t |
| An error, warning or other diagnostic. More...
class | SBMLErrorLog_t |
| Log of diagnostics reported during processing. More...
class | SBMLExtension_t |
| Base class for SBML Level 3 package plug-ins. More...
class | SBMLExtensionException_t |
| Exception used by package extensions More...
class | SBMLExtensionNamespaces_t |
| Set of SBML Level + Version + namespace triples. More...
class | SBMLExtensionRegister_t |
| Template class for extension package registration More...
class | SBMLExtensionRegistry_t |
| Registry where package extensions are registered. More...
class | SBMLFunctionDefinitionConverter_t |
| Converter to expand user-defined functions in-line. More...
class | SBMLIdConverter_t |
| Converter for replacing object identifiers. More...
class | SBMLInferUnitsConverter_t |
| Converter for inferring and setting parameter units. More...
class | SBMLInitialAssignmentConverter_t |
| Converter that removes SBML initial assignments. More...
class | SBMLInternalValidator_t |
| Basic SBML consistency checks and other validations. More...
class | SBMLLevel1Version1Converter_t |
| Whole-document SBML Level/Version converter. More...
class | SBMLLevelVersionConverter_t |
| Whole-document SBML Level/Version converter. More...
class | SBMLLocalParameterConverter_t |
| Converter to turn local parameters into global ones. More...
class | SBMLNamespaces_t |
| Set of SBML Level + Version + namespace triples. More...
class | SBMLRateOfConverter_t |
| Converter to inteerchange csymbol 'rateOf' with FunctionDefinition_t. More...
class | SBMLReactionConverter_t |
| Converter to replace reactions with SBML rate rules. More...
class | SBMLReader_t |
| File and text-string SBML reader. More...
class | SBMLRuleConverter_t |
| Converter that sorts SBML rules and assignments. More...
class | SBMLStripPackageConverter_t |
| Converter that removes SBML Level 3 packages. More...
class | SBMLUnitsConverter_t |
| Converts a model's existing units to SI units. More...
class | SBMLValidator_t |
| Base class for SBML validators. More...
class | SBMLVisitor_t |
| Support class for operations on SBML objects. More...
class | SBMLWriter_t |
| File and text-string SBML writer. More...
class | SBO_t |
| Facilities for using the Systems Biology Ontology. More...
class | SimpleSpeciesReference_t |
| Abstract class for references to species in reactions. More...
class | Species_t |
| An SBML species – a pool of entities. More...
class | SpeciesReference_t |
| A reference to an SBML species in a reaction. More...
class | SpeciesType_t |
| A species type in SBML Level 2. More...
class | StoichiometryMath_t |
| Stochiometry expressions in SBML Level 2 reactions. More...
class | SyntaxChecker_t |
| Methods for checking the validity of SBML identifiers. More...
struct | Token_t |
| Structure used to store a token returned by FormulaTokenizer_nextToken(). More...
union | Token_t.value |
class | Trigger_t |
| The trigger expression for an SBML event. More...
class | Unit_t |
| A single unit referenced in an SBML unit definition. More...
class | UnitDefinition_t |
| A definition of a unit used in an SBML model. More...
class | Validator_t |
| Entry point for SBML validation rules in libSBML. More...
class | VConstraint_t |
| Helper class for SBML validators. More...
class | XMLAttributes_t |
| A list of attributes on an XML element. More...
class | XMLConstructorException_t |
| Exceptions thrown by some libSBML constructors. More...
class | XMLError_t |
| XML-level errors, warnings and other diagnostics. More...
class | XMLErrorLog_t |
| Log of diagnostics reported during XML processing. More...
class | XMLInputStream_t |
| An interface to an XML input stream. More...
class | XMLLogOverride_t |
| Facility for temporarily overriding error severities. More...
class | XMLNamespaces_t |
| An XML Namespace. More...
class | XMLNode_t |
| A node in libSBML's XML document tree. More...
class | XMLOutputStream_t |
| Interface to an XML output stream. More...
class | XMLToken_t |
| A token in an XML stream. More...
class | XMLTriple_t |
| A qualified XML name. More...