libSBML C API  5.18.0
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Unit_t Class Reference

Detailed Description

A single unit referenced in an SBML unit definition.

The SBML unit definition facility uses two classes of objects, UnitDefinition_t and Unit_t. The approach to defining units in SBML is compositional; for example, meter second –2 is constructed by combining a Unit_t object representing meter with another Unit_t object representing second –2. The combination is wrapped inside a UnitDefinition_t, which provides for assigning an identifier and optional name to the combination. The identifier can then be referenced from elsewhere in a model. Thus, the UnitDefinition_t class is the container, and Unit_t instances are placed inside UnitDefinition_t instances.

A Unit_t has four attributes named "kind", "exponent", "scale" and "multiplier". It represents a (possibly transformed) reference to a base unit. The attribute "kind" on Unit_t indicates the chosen base unit. Its value must be one of the text strings listed below; this list corresponds to SBML Level 3:


A few small differences exist between the Level 3 list of base units and the list defined in other Level/Version combinations of SBML. Specifically, Levels of SBML before Level 3 do not define avogadro; conversely, Level 2 Version 1 defines Celsius, and Level 1 defines celsius, meter, and liter, none of which are available in Level 3. In libSBML, each of the predefined base unit names is represented by an enumeration value in UnitKind_t, discussed in a separate section below.

The attribute named "exponent" on Unit_t represents an exponent on the unit. In SBML Level 2, the attribute is optional and has a default value of 1 (one); in SBML Level 3, the attribute is mandatory and there is no default value. A Unit_t also has an attribute called "scale"; its value must be an integer exponent for a power-of-ten multiplier used to set the scale of the unit. For example, a unit having a "kind" value of gram and a "scale" value of -3 signifies 10 –3 $\times$ gram, or milligrams. In SBML Level 2, the attribute is optional and has a default value of 0 (zero), because 10 0 = 1; in SBML Level 3, the attribute is mandatory and has no default value. Lastly, the attribute named "multiplier" can be used to multiply the unit by a real-numbered factor; this enables the definition of units that are not power-of-ten multiples of SI units. For instance, a multiplier of 0.3048 could be used to define foot as a measure of length in terms of a metre. The "multiplier" attribute is optional in SBML Level 2, where it has a default value of 1 (one); in SBML Level 3, the attribute is mandatory and has no default value.


As discussed above, SBML defines a set of base units which serves as the starting point for new unit definitions. This set of base units consists of the SI units and a small number of additional convenience units.

Until SBML Level 2 Version 3, there existed a data type in the SBML specifications called UnitKind, enumerating the possible SBML base units. Although SBML Level 2 Version 3 removed this type from the language specification, libSBML maintains the corresponding enumeration type UnitKind_t as a convenience and as a way to provide backward compatibility to previous SBML Level/Version specifications. (The removal in SBML Level 2 Version 3 of the enumeration UnitKind was also accompanied by the redefinition of the data type UnitSId to include the previous UnitKind values as reserved symbols in the UnitSId space. This change has no net effect on permissible models, their representation or their syntax. The purpose of the change in the SBML specification was simply to clean up an inconsistency about the contexts in which these values were usable.)

As a consequence of the fact that libSBML supports models in all Levels and Versions of SBML, libSBML's set of UNIT_KIND_ values is a union of all the possible base unit names defined in the different SBML specifications. However, not every base unit is allowed in every Level+Version combination of SBML. Note in particular the following exceptions:

  • The alternate spelling "meter" is included in addition to the official SI spelling "metre". This spelling is only permitted in SBML Level 1 models.

  • The alternate spelling "liter" is included in addition to the official SI spelling "litre". This spelling is only permitted in SBML Level 1 models.

  • The unit "Celsius" is included because of its presence in specifications of SBML prior to SBML Level 2 Version 2.

  • The unit avogadro was introduced in SBML Level 3, and is only permitted for use in SBML Level 3 models.

The table below lists the symbols defined in the UnitKind_t enumeration, and their meanings.

Enumerator Meaning
UNIT_KIND_AMPEREThe ampere unit.
UNIT_KIND_AVOGADROThe unit dimensionless multiplied by the numerical value of Avogadro's constant. (Only usable in SBML Level 3 models.)
UNIT_KIND_BECQUERELThe becquerel unit.
UNIT_KIND_CANDELAThe candela unit.
UNIT_KIND_CELSIUSThe Celsius unit. (Only usable in SBML Level 1 and SBML Level 2 Version 1 models.)
UNIT_KIND_COULOMBThe coulomb unit.
UNIT_KIND_DIMENSIONLESSA pseudo-unit indicating a dimensionless quantity.
UNIT_KIND_FARADThe farad unit.
UNIT_KIND_GRAMThe gram unit.
UNIT_KIND_GRAYThe gray unit.
UNIT_KIND_HENRYThe henry unit.
UNIT_KIND_HERTZThe hertz unit.
UNIT_KIND_ITEMA pseudo-unit representing a single "thing".
UNIT_KIND_JOULEThe joule unit.
UNIT_KIND_KATALThe katal unit.
UNIT_KIND_KELVINThe kelvin unit.
UNIT_KIND_KILOGRAMThe kilogram unit.
UNIT_KIND_LITERAlternate spelling of litre.
UNIT_KIND_LITREThe litre unit.
UNIT_KIND_LUMENThe lumen unit.
UNIT_KIND_LUXThe lux unit.
UNIT_KIND_METERAlternate spelling of metre.
UNIT_KIND_METREThe metre unit.
UNIT_KIND_MOLEThe mole unit.
UNIT_KIND_NEWTONThe newton unit.
UNIT_KIND_OHMThe ohm unit.
UNIT_KIND_PASCALThe pascal unit.
UNIT_KIND_RADIANThe radian unit.
UNIT_KIND_SECONDThe second unit.
UNIT_KIND_SIEMENSThe siemens unit.
UNIT_KIND_SIEVERTThe sievert unit.
UNIT_KIND_STERADIANThe steradian unit.
UNIT_KIND_TESLAThe tesla unit.
UNIT_KIND_VOLTThe volt unit.
UNIT_KIND_WATTThe watt unit.
UNIT_KIND_WEBERThe weber unit.
UNIT_KIND_INVALIDMarker used by libSBML to indicate an invalid or unset unit.

Public Member Functions

int Unit_areEquivalent (Unit_t *unit1, Unit_t *unit2)
 Predicate returning true if Unit_t structures are equivalent. More...
int Unit_areIdentical (Unit_t *unit1, Unit_t *unit2)
 Predicate returning 1 (true) if two Unit_t structures are identical. More...
Unit_tUnit_clone (const Unit_t *u)
 Creates a deep copy of the given Unit_t structure. More...
UnitDefinition_tUnit_convertToSI (Unit_t *unit)
 Returns a UnitDefinition_t structure containing the given unit converted to the appropriate SI unit. More...
Unit_tUnit_create (unsigned int level, unsigned int version)
 Creates a new Unit_t structure using the given SBML level and version values. More...
Unit_tUnit_createWithNS (SBMLNamespaces_t *sbmlns)
 Creates a new Unit_t structure using the given SBMLNamespaces_t structure. More...
void Unit_free (Unit_t *u)
 Frees the given Unit_t structure. More...
int Unit_getExponent (const Unit_t *u)
 Returns the value of the "exponent" attribute of the given Unit_t structure u. More...
double Unit_getExponentAsDouble (const Unit_t *u)
 Returns the value of the "exponent" attribute of the given Unit_t structure u. More...
UnitKind_t Unit_getKind (const Unit_t *u)
 Returns the "kind" attribute value of the given unit u. More...
double Unit_getMultiplier (const Unit_t *u)
 Returns the value of the "multiplier" attribute of the given Unit_t structure u. More...
const XMLNamespaces_tUnit_getNamespaces (Unit_t *u)
 Returns a list of XMLNamespaces_t associated with this Unit_t structure. More...
double Unit_getOffset (const Unit_t *u)
 Returns the value of the "offset" attribute of the given Unit_t structure u. More...
int Unit_getScale (const Unit_t *u)
 Returns the value of the "scale" attribute of the given Unit_t structure u. More...
int Unit_hasRequiredAttributes (Unit_t *u)
 Predicate returning 1 (true) or 0 (false) depending on whether all the required attributes for this Unit_t structure have been set. More...
void Unit_initDefaults (Unit_t *u)
 Initializes the attributes of this Unit_t (except for "kind") to their default values. More...
int Unit_isAmpere (const Unit_t *u)
 Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind ampere. More...
int Unit_isBecquerel (const Unit_t *u)
 Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind becquerel. More...
int Unit_isBuiltIn (const char *name, unsigned int level)
 Predicate to test whether a given string is the name of a built-in SBML unit, depending on the SBML level, since new predefined units were added between level 2 versions 1 and 2, and then all predefined units were removed again in SBML Level 3. More...
int Unit_isCandela (const Unit_t *u)
 Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind candela. More...
int Unit_isCelsius (const Unit_t *u)
 Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind Celsius. More...
int Unit_isCoulomb (const Unit_t *u)
 Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind coulomb. More...
int Unit_isDimensionless (const Unit_t *u)
 Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind dimensionless. More...
int Unit_isFarad (const Unit_t *u)
 Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind farad. More...
int Unit_isGram (const Unit_t *u)
 Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind gram. More...
int Unit_isGray (const Unit_t *u)
 Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind gray. More...
int Unit_isHenry (const Unit_t *u)
 Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind henry. More...
int Unit_isHertz (const Unit_t *u)
 Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind hertz. More...
int Unit_isItem (const Unit_t *u)
 Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind item. More...
int Unit_isJoule (const Unit_t *u)
 Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind joule. More...
int Unit_isKatal (const Unit_t *u)
 Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind katal. More...
int Unit_isKelvin (const Unit_t *u)
 Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind kelvin. More...
int Unit_isKilogram (const Unit_t *u)
 Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind kilogram. More...
int Unit_isLitre (const Unit_t *u)
 Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind litre or liter. More...
int Unit_isLumen (const Unit_t *u)
 Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind lumen. More...
int Unit_isLux (const Unit_t *u)
 Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind lux. More...
int Unit_isMetre (const Unit_t *u)
 Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind metre or meter. More...
int Unit_isMole (const Unit_t *u)
 Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind mole. More...
int Unit_isNewton (const Unit_t *u)
 Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind newton. More...
int Unit_isOhm (const Unit_t *u)
 Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind ohm. More...
int Unit_isPascal (const Unit_t *u)
 Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind pascal. More...
int Unit_isRadian (const Unit_t *u)
 Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind radian. More...
int Unit_isSecond (const Unit_t *u)
 Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind second. More...
int Unit_isSetExponent (const Unit_t *u)
 Predicate to test whether the "exponent" attribute of the given Unit_t structure u is set. More...
int Unit_isSetKind (const Unit_t *u)
 Predicate to test whether the "kind" attribute of the given Unit_t structure u is set. More...
int Unit_isSetMultiplier (const Unit_t *u)
 Predicate to test whether the "multiplier" attribute of the given Unit_t structure u is set. More...
int Unit_isSetOffset (const Unit_t *u)
 Predicate to test whether the "scale" attribute of the given Unit_t structure u is set. More...
int Unit_isSetScale (const Unit_t *u)
 Predicate to test whether the "scale" attribute of the given Unit_t structure u is set. More...
int Unit_isSiemens (const Unit_t *u)
 Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind siemens. More...
int Unit_isSievert (const Unit_t *u)
 Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind sievert. More...
int Unit_isSteradian (const Unit_t *u)
 Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind steradian. More...
int Unit_isTesla (const Unit_t *u)
 Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind tesla. More...
int Unit_isVolt (const Unit_t *u)
 Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind volt. More...
int Unit_isWatt (const Unit_t *u)
 Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind watt. More...
int Unit_isWeber (const Unit_t *u)
 Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind weber. More...
void Unit_merge (Unit_t *unit1, Unit_t *unit2)
 Merges two Unit_t structures with the same "kind" attribute value into a single Unit_t. More...
int Unit_removeScale (Unit_t *unit)
 Manipulates the attributes of the Unit_t to express the unit with the value of the scale attribute reduced to zero. More...
int Unit_setExponent (Unit_t *u, int value)
 Sets the "exponent" attribute value of the given Unit_t structure u. More...
int Unit_setExponentAsDouble (Unit_t *u, double value)
 Sets the "exponent" attribute value of the given Unit_t structure u. More...
int Unit_setKind (Unit_t *u, UnitKind_t kind)
 Sets the kind of the given Unit_t structure u to the given UnitKind_t value. More...
int Unit_setMultiplier (Unit_t *u, double value)
 Sets the "multiplier" attribute value of the given Unit_t structure u. More...
int Unit_setOffset (Unit_t *u, double value)
 Sets the "offset" attribute value of the given Unit_t structure u. More...
int Unit_setScale (Unit_t *u, int value)
 Sets the "scale" attribute value of the given Unit_t structure u. More...
int Unit_unsetExponent (Unit_t *u)
 Unsets the "exponent" attribute value of the given Unit_t structure u. More...
int Unit_unsetKind (Unit_t *u)
 Unsets the kind of the given Unit_t structure u. More...
int Unit_unsetMultiplier (Unit_t *u)
 Unsets the "multiplier" attribute value of the given Unit_t structure u. More...
int Unit_unsetOffset (Unit_t *u)
 Unsets the "offset" attribute value of the given Unit_t structure u. More...
int Unit_unsetScale (Unit_t *u)
 Unsets the "scale" attribute value of the given Unit_t structure u. More...
int UnitKind_equals (UnitKind_t uk1, UnitKind_t uk2)
 Tests for logical equality between two given UNIT_KIND_ code values. More...
UnitKind_t UnitKind_forName (const char *name)
 Converts a text string naming a kind of unit to its corresponding libSBML UNIT_KIND_ constant/enumeration value. More...
int UnitKind_isValidUnitKindString (const char *str, unsigned int level, unsigned int version)
 Predicate for testing whether a given string corresponds to a predefined libSBML unit code. More...
const char * UnitKind_toString (UnitKind_t uk)
 Converts a unit code to a text string equivalent. More...

Member Function Documentation

int Unit_areEquivalent ( Unit_t unit1,
Unit_t unit2 

Predicate returning true if Unit_t structures are equivalent.

Two Unit_t structures are considered to be equivalent either if (1) both have a "kind" attribute value of dimensionless, or (2) their "kind", "exponent" and (for SBML Level 2 Version 1) "offset" attribute values are equal. (Contrast this to the method Unit_areIdentical(), which compares Unit_t structures with respect to all attributes, not just the "kind" and "exponent".)

unit1the first Unit_t structure to compare.
unit2the second Unit_t structure to compare.
1 (true) if the "kind" and "exponent" attributes of unit1 are identical to the kind and exponent attributes of unit2, or if the kind attributes of both are dimensionless; 0 (false) otherwise.
See also
int Unit_areIdentical ( Unit_t unit1,
Unit_t unit2 

Predicate returning 1 (true) if two Unit_t structures are identical.

Two Unit_t structures are considered to be identical if they match in all attributes. (Contrast this to the method Unit_areEquivalent(), which compares Unit_t structures only with respect to certain attributes.)

unit1the first Unit_t structure to compare.
unit2the second Unit_t structure to compare.
1 (true) if all the attributes of unit1 are identical to the attributes of unit2, 0 (false) otherwise.
See also
Unit_t * Unit_clone ( const Unit_t u)

Creates a deep copy of the given Unit_t structure.

uthe Unit_t structure to be copied.
a (deep) copy of the given Unit_t structure.
UnitDefinition_t * Unit_convertToSI ( Unit_t unit)

Returns a UnitDefinition_t structure containing the given unit converted to the appropriate SI unit.

This method exists because some units can be expressed in terms of others when the same physical dimension is involved. For example, one hertz is identical to 1 sec-1, one litre is equivalent to 1 cubic decametre, and so on.

unitthe Unit_t structure to convert to SI.
a UnitDefinition_t structure containing the SI unit.
See also
Unit_t * Unit_create ( unsigned int  level,
unsigned int  version 

Creates a new Unit_t structure using the given SBML level and version values.

levelan unsigned int, the SBML Level to assign to this Unit_t.
versionan unsigned int, the SBML Version to assign to this Unit_t.
a pointer to the newly created Unit_t structure.
Attempting to add an object to an SBMLDocument_t having a different combination of SBML Level, Version and XML namespaces than the object itself will result in an error at the time a caller attempts to make the addition. A parent object must have compatible Level, Version and XML namespaces. (Strictly speaking, a parent may also have more XML namespaces than a child, but the reverse is not permitted.) The restriction is necessary to ensure that an SBML model has a consistent overall structure. This requires callers to manage their objects carefully, but the benefit is increased flexibility in how models can be created by permitting callers to create objects bottom-up if desired. In situations where objects are not yet attached to parents (e.g., SBMLDocument_t), knowledge of the intented SBML Level and Version help libSBML determine such things as whether it is valid to assign a particular value to an attribute.
Unit_t * Unit_createWithNS ( SBMLNamespaces_t sbmlns)

Creates a new Unit_t structure using the given SBMLNamespaces_t structure.

sbmlnsSBMLNamespaces_t, a pointer to an SBMLNamespaces_t structure to assign to this Unit_t.
a pointer to the newly created Unit_t structure.
Attempting to add an object to an SBMLDocument_t having a different combination of SBML Level, Version and XML namespaces than the object itself will result in an error at the time a caller attempts to make the addition. A parent object must have compatible Level, Version and XML namespaces. (Strictly speaking, a parent may also have more XML namespaces than a child, but the reverse is not permitted.) The restriction is necessary to ensure that an SBML model has a consistent overall structure. This requires callers to manage their objects carefully, but the benefit is increased flexibility in how models can be created by permitting callers to create objects bottom-up if desired. In situations where objects are not yet attached to parents (e.g., SBMLDocument_t), knowledge of the intented SBML Level and Version help libSBML determine such things as whether it is valid to assign a particular value to an attribute.
void Unit_free ( Unit_t u)

Frees the given Unit_t structure.

uthe Unit_t structure to be freed.
int Unit_getExponent ( const Unit_t u)

Returns the value of the "exponent" attribute of the given Unit_t structure u.

ua Unit_t structure.
the "exponent" value of this Unit_t structure, as an integer.
double Unit_getExponentAsDouble ( const Unit_t u)

Returns the value of the "exponent" attribute of the given Unit_t structure u.

ua Unit_t structure.
the "exponent" value of this Unit_t structure, as a double.
UnitKind_t Unit_getKind ( const Unit_t u)

Returns the "kind" attribute value of the given unit u.

the value of the "kind" attribute of this Unit_t as a value from the UnitKind_t enumeration.
double Unit_getMultiplier ( const Unit_t u)

Returns the value of the "multiplier" attribute of the given Unit_t structure u.

ua Unit_t structure.
the "multiplier" value of this Unit_t, as a double
const XMLNamespaces_t * Unit_getNamespaces ( Unit_t u)

Returns a list of XMLNamespaces_t associated with this Unit_t structure.

uthe Unit_t structure.
pointer to the XMLNamespaces_t structure associated with this structure.
double Unit_getOffset ( const Unit_t u)

Returns the value of the "offset" attribute of the given Unit_t structure u.

ua Unit_t structure.
the "offset" value of this Unit_t, as a double
The "offset" attribute is only available in SBML Level 2 Version 1. This attribute is not present in SBML Level 2 Version 2 or above. When producing SBML models using these later specifications, Modelers and software need to account for units with offsets explicitly. The SBML specification document offers a number of suggestions for how to achieve this. LibSBML functions such as this one related to "offset" are retained for compatibility with earlier versions of SBML Level 2, but their use is strongly discouraged.
int Unit_getScale ( const Unit_t u)

Returns the value of the "scale" attribute of the given Unit_t structure u.

ua Unit_t structure.
the "scale" value of this Unit_t, as an integer.
int Unit_hasRequiredAttributes ( Unit_t u)

Predicate returning 1 (true) or 0 (false) depending on whether all the required attributes for this Unit_t structure have been set.

The required attributes for a Unit_t structure are:

  • kind
  • exponent (L3 on)
  • multiplier (L3 on)
  • scale (L3 on)
a boolean value indicating whether all the required elements for this structure have been defined.
void Unit_initDefaults ( Unit_t u)

Initializes the attributes of this Unit_t (except for "kind") to their default values.

The default values are as follows:

  • exponent = 1
  • scale = 0
  • multiplier = 1.0
int Unit_isAmpere ( const Unit_t u)

Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind ampere.

uthe Unit_t structure to query.
1 (true) if the "kind" attribute of the given Unit_t structure is set to "ampere", 0 (false) otherwise.
int Unit_isBecquerel ( const Unit_t u)

Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind becquerel.

uthe Unit_t structure to query.
1 (true) if the "kind" attribute of the given Unit_t structure is set to "becquerel", 0 (false) otherwise.
int Unit_isBuiltIn ( const char *  name,
unsigned int  level 

Predicate to test whether a given string is the name of a built-in SBML unit, depending on the SBML level, since new predefined units were added between level 2 versions 1 and 2, and then all predefined units were removed again in SBML Level 3.

namea string to be tested against the built-in unit names.
levelthe level of SBML one is checking.
1 (true) if name is one of "substance", "volume", or "time" and the level is 1; or if name is one of "substance", "volume", "area", "length", or "time" and the level is 2; 0 (false) otherwise (including all values when level is 3).
int Unit_isCandela ( const Unit_t u)

Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind candela.

uthe Unit_t structure to query.
1 (true) if the "kind" attribute of the given Unit_t structure is set to "candela", 0 (false) otherwise.
int Unit_isCelsius ( const Unit_t u)

Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind Celsius.

uthe Unit_t structure to query.
1 (true) if the "kind" attribute of the given Unit_t structure is set to "Celsius", 0 (false) otherwise.
The predefined unit Celsius was removed from the list of predefined units in SBML Level 2 Version 2 at the same time that the "offset" attribute was removed from Unit_t definitions. LibSBML functions such as this one related to Celsius are retained for compatibility with earlier versions of SBML Level 2, but their use is strongly discouraged.
int Unit_isCoulomb ( const Unit_t u)

Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind coulomb.

uthe Unit_t structure to query.
1 (true) if the "kind" attribute of the given Unit_t structure is set to "coulomb", 0 (false) otherwise.
int Unit_isDimensionless ( const Unit_t u)

Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind dimensionless.

uthe Unit_t structure to query.
1 (true) if the "kind" attribute of the given Unit_t structure is set to "dimensionless", 0 (false) otherwise.
int Unit_isFarad ( const Unit_t u)

Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind farad.

uthe Unit_t structure to query.
1 (true) if the "kind" attribute of the given Unit_t structure is set to "farad", 0 (false) otherwise.
int Unit_isGram ( const Unit_t u)

Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind gram.

uthe Unit_t structure to query.
1 (true) if the "kind" attribute of the given Unit_t structure is set to "gram", 0 (false) otherwise.
int Unit_isGray ( const Unit_t u)

Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind gray.

uthe Unit_t structure to query.
1 (true) if the "kind" attribute of the given Unit_t structure is set to "gray", 0 (false) otherwise.
int Unit_isHenry ( const Unit_t u)

Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind henry.

uthe Unit_t structure to query.
1 (true) if the "kind" attribute of the given Unit_t structure is set to "henry", 0 (false) otherwise.
int Unit_isHertz ( const Unit_t u)

Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind hertz.

uthe Unit_t structure to query.
1 (true) if the "kind" attribute of the given Unit_t structure is set to "hertz", 0 (false) otherwise.
int Unit_isItem ( const Unit_t u)

Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind item.

uthe Unit_t structure to query.
1 (true) if the "kind" attribute of the given Unit_t structure is set to "item", 0 (false) otherwise.
int Unit_isJoule ( const Unit_t u)

Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind joule.

uthe Unit_t structure to query.
1 (true) if the "kind" attribute of the given Unit_t structure is set to "joule", 0 (false) otherwise.
int Unit_isKatal ( const Unit_t u)

Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind katal.

uthe Unit_t structure to query.
1 (true) if the "kind" attribute of the given Unit_t structure is set to "katal", 0 (false) otherwise.
int Unit_isKelvin ( const Unit_t u)

Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind kelvin.

uthe Unit_t structure to query.
1 (true) if the "kind" attribute of the given Unit_t structure is set to "kelvin", 0 (false) otherwise.
int Unit_isKilogram ( const Unit_t u)

Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind kilogram.

uthe Unit_t structure to query.
1 (true) if the "kind" attribute of the given Unit_t structure is set to "kilogram", 0 (false) otherwise.
int Unit_isLitre ( const Unit_t u)

Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind litre or liter.

uthe Unit_t structure to query.
1 (true) if the "kind" attribute of the given Unit_t structure is set to "litre" or "liter", 0 (false) otherwise.
int Unit_isLumen ( const Unit_t u)

Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind lumen.

uthe Unit_t structure to query.
1 (true) if the "kind" attribute of the given Unit_t structure is set to "lumen", 0 (false) otherwise.
int Unit_isLux ( const Unit_t u)

Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind lux.

uthe Unit_t structure to query.
1 (true) if the "kind" attribute of the given Unit_t structure is set to "lux", 0 (false) otherwise.
int Unit_isMetre ( const Unit_t u)

Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind metre or meter.

uthe Unit_t structure to query.
1 (true) if the "kind" attribute of the given Unit_t structure is set to "metre" or "meter", 0 (false) otherwise.
int Unit_isMole ( const Unit_t u)

Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind mole.

uthe Unit_t structure to query.
1 (true) if the "kind" attribute of the given Unit_t structure is set to "mole", 0 (false) otherwise.
int Unit_isNewton ( const Unit_t u)

Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind newton.

uthe Unit_t structure to query.
1 (true) if the "kind" attribute of the given Unit_t structure is set to "newton", 0 (false) otherwise.
int Unit_isOhm ( const Unit_t u)

Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind ohm.

uthe Unit_t structure to query.
1 (true) if the "kind" attribute of the given Unit_t structure is set to "ohm", 0 (false) otherwise.
int Unit_isPascal ( const Unit_t u)

Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind pascal.

uthe Unit_t structure to query.
1 (true) if the "kind" attribute of the given Unit_t structure is set to "pascal", 0 (false) otherwise.
int Unit_isRadian ( const Unit_t u)

Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind radian.

uthe Unit_t structure to query.
1 (true) if the "kind" attribute of the given Unit_t structure is set to "radian", 0 (false) otherwise.
int Unit_isSecond ( const Unit_t u)

Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind second.

uthe Unit_t structure to query.
1 (true) if the "kind" attribute of the given Unit_t structure is set to "second", 0 (false) otherwise.
int Unit_isSetExponent ( const Unit_t u)

Predicate to test whether the "exponent" attribute of the given Unit_t structure u is set.

uthe Unit_t structure to query.
1 (true) if the "exponent" attribute of the given Unit_t structure is set, 0 (false) otherwise.
int Unit_isSetKind ( const Unit_t u)

Predicate to test whether the "kind" attribute of the given Unit_t structure u is set.

uthe Unit_t structure to query.
1 (true) if the "kind" attribute of the given Unit_t structure is set, 0 (false) otherwise.
int Unit_isSetMultiplier ( const Unit_t u)

Predicate to test whether the "multiplier" attribute of the given Unit_t structure u is set.

uthe Unit_t structure to query.
1 (true) if the "multiplier" attribute of the given Unit_t structure is set, 0 (false) otherwise.
int Unit_isSetOffset ( const Unit_t u)

Predicate to test whether the "scale" attribute of the given Unit_t structure u is set.

uthe Unit_t structure to query.
1 (true) if the "scale" attribute of the given Unit_t structure is set, 0 (false) otherwise.
The "offset" attribute is only available in SBML Level 2 Version 1. This attribute is not present in SBML Level 2 Version 2 or above. When producing SBML models using these later specifications, Modelers and software need to account for units with offsets explicitly. The SBML specification document offers a number of suggestions for how to achieve this. LibSBML functions such as this one related to "offset" are retained for compatibility with earlier versions of SBML Level 2, but their use is strongly discouraged.
int Unit_isSetScale ( const Unit_t u)

Predicate to test whether the "scale" attribute of the given Unit_t structure u is set.

uthe Unit_t structure to query.
1 (true) if the "scale" attribute of the given Unit_t structure is set, 0 (false) otherwise.
int Unit_isSiemens ( const Unit_t u)

Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind siemens.

uthe Unit_t structure to query.
1 (true) if the "kind" attribute of the given Unit_t structure is set to "siemens", 0 (false) otherwise.
int Unit_isSievert ( const Unit_t u)

Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind sievert.

uthe Unit_t structure to query.
1 (true) if the "kind" attribute of the given Unit_t structure is set to "sievert", 0 (false) otherwise.
int Unit_isSteradian ( const Unit_t u)

Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind steradian.

uthe Unit_t structure to query.
1 (true) if the "kind" attribute of the given Unit_t structure is set to "steradian", 0 (false) otherwise.
int Unit_isTesla ( const Unit_t u)

Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind tesla.

uthe Unit_t structure to query.
1 (true) if the "kind" attribute of the given Unit_t structure is set to "tesla", 0 (false) otherwise.
int Unit_isVolt ( const Unit_t u)

Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind volt.

uthe Unit_t structure to query.
1 (true) if the "kind" attribute of the given Unit_t structure is set to "volt", 0 (false) otherwise.
int Unit_isWatt ( const Unit_t u)

Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind watt.

uthe Unit_t structure to query.
1 (true) if the "kind" attribute of the given Unit_t structure is set to "watt", 0 (false) otherwise.
int Unit_isWeber ( const Unit_t u)

Predicate for testing whether the given Unit_t structure represents a unit of the kind weber.

uthe Unit_t structure to query.
1 (true) if the "kind" attribute of the given Unit_t structure is set to "weber", 0 (false) otherwise.
void Unit_merge ( Unit_t unit1,
Unit_t unit2 

Merges two Unit_t structures with the same "kind" attribute value into a single Unit_t.

For example, the following,

<unit kind="metre" exponent="2"/>
<unit kind="metre" exponent="1"/>

would be merged to become

<unit kind="metre" exponent="3"/>
unit1the first Unit_t structure; the result of the operation is left as a new version of this unit, modified in-place. Not modified if the two units have different kinds.
unit2the second Unit_t structure to merge with the first.
See also
int Unit_removeScale ( Unit_t unit)

Manipulates the attributes of the Unit_t to express the unit with the value of the scale attribute reduced to zero.

For example, 1 millimetre can be expressed as a Unit_t with kind= "metre" multiplier="1" scale="-3" exponent="1". It can also be expressed as a Unit_t with kind="metre" multiplier="0.001" scale="0" exponent="1".

unitthe Unit_t structure to manipulate.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
See also
int Unit_setExponent ( Unit_t u,
int  value 

Sets the "exponent" attribute value of the given Unit_t structure u.

uthe Unit_t structure whose value is to be set.
valuethe integer to which the attribute "exponent" should be set.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int Unit_setExponentAsDouble ( Unit_t u,
double  value 

Sets the "exponent" attribute value of the given Unit_t structure u.

uthe Unit_t structure whose value is to be set.
valuethe double to which the attribute "exponent" should be set.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int Unit_setKind ( Unit_t u,
UnitKind_t  kind 

Sets the kind of the given Unit_t structure u to the given UnitKind_t value.

uthe Unit_t structure whose value is to be set.
kinda value from the UnitKind_t enumeration.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int Unit_setMultiplier ( Unit_t u,
double  value 

Sets the "multiplier" attribute value of the given Unit_t structure u.

uthe Unit_t structure whose value is to be set.
valuethe integer to which the attribute "multiplier" should be set.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int Unit_setOffset ( Unit_t u,
double  value 

Sets the "offset" attribute value of the given Unit_t structure u.

uthe Unit_t structure whose value is to be set.
valuethe integer to which the attribute "offset" should be set.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
The "offset" attribute is only available in SBML Level 2 Version 1. This attribute is not present in SBML Level 2 Version 2 or above. When producing SBML models using these later specifications, Modelers and software need to account for units with offsets explicitly. The SBML specification document offers a number of suggestions for how to achieve this. LibSBML functions such as this one related to "offset" are retained for compatibility with earlier versions of SBML Level 2, but their use is strongly discouraged.
int Unit_setScale ( Unit_t u,
int  value 

Sets the "scale" attribute value of the given Unit_t structure u.

uthe Unit_t structure whose value is to be set.
valuethe integer to which the attribute "scale" should be set.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int Unit_unsetExponent ( Unit_t u)

Unsets the "exponent" attribute value of the given Unit_t structure u.

uthe Unit_t structure whose value is to be set.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int Unit_unsetKind ( Unit_t u)

Unsets the kind of the given Unit_t structure u.

uthe Unit_t structure whose value is to be set.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int Unit_unsetMultiplier ( Unit_t u)

Unsets the "multiplier" attribute value of the given Unit_t structure u.

uthe Unit_t structure whose value is to be set.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int Unit_unsetOffset ( Unit_t u)

Unsets the "offset" attribute value of the given Unit_t structure u.

uthe Unit_t structure whose value is to be set.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
The "offset" attribute is only available in SBML Level 2 Version 1. This attribute is not present in SBML Level 2 Version 2 or above. When producing SBML models using these later specifications, Modelers and software need to account for units with offsets explicitly. The SBML specification document offers a number of suggestions for how to achieve this. LibSBML functions such as this one related to "offset" are retained for compatibility with earlier versions of SBML Level 2, but their use is strongly discouraged.
int Unit_unsetScale ( Unit_t u)

Unsets the "scale" attribute value of the given Unit_t structure u.

uthe Unit_t structure whose value is to be set.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int UnitKind_equals ( UnitKind_t  uk1,
UnitKind_t  uk2 

Tests for logical equality between two given UNIT_KIND_ code values.

This function behaves exactly like C's == operator, except for the following two cases:

In the two cases above, C equality comparison would yield 0 (false) (because each of the above is a distinct enumeration value), but this function returns true.

uk1a UNIT_KIND_ value.
uk2a second UNIT_KIND_ value to compare to uk1.
1 (true) if uk1 is logically equivalent to uk2, 0 (false) otherwise.
For more information about the libSBML unit codes, please refer to the class documentation for Unit_t.
UnitKind_t UnitKind_forName ( const char *  name)

Converts a text string naming a kind of unit to its corresponding libSBML UNIT_KIND_ constant/enumeration value.

namea string, the name of a predefined base unit in SBML.
a value from UnitKind_t corresponding to the given string name (determined in a case-insensitive manner).
For more information about the libSBML unit codes, please refer to the class documentation for Unit_t.
int UnitKind_isValidUnitKindString ( const char *  str,
unsigned int  level,
unsigned int  version 

Predicate for testing whether a given string corresponds to a predefined libSBML unit code.

stra text string naming a base unit defined by SBML.
levelthe Level of SBML.
versionthe Version within the Level of SBML.
1 (true) if string is the name of a valid UNIT_KIND_ value, 0 (false) otherwise.
For more information about the libSBML unit codes, please refer to the class documentation for Unit_t.
const char * UnitKind_toString ( UnitKind_t  uk)

Converts a unit code to a text string equivalent.

uka value from the UnitKind_t enumeration
the name corresponding to the given unit code.
For more information about the libSBML unit codes, please refer to the class documentation for Unit_t.
The string returned is a static data value. The caller does not own the returned string and is therefore not allowed to modify it.