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Lengthy example of creating SBML models presented in the SBML specification.

* @file createExampleSBML.cpp
* @brief Creates example SBML models presented in the SBML specification.
* @author Akiya Jouraku
* @author Michael Hucka
* @author Sarah Keating
* @author Frank Bergmann
* <!--------------------------------------------------------------------------
* This sample program is distributed under a different license than the rest
* of libSBML. This program uses the open-source MIT license, as follows:
* Copyright (c) 2013-2018 by the California Institute of Technology
* (California, USA), the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI, UK)
* and the University of Heidelberg (Germany), with support from the National
* Institutes of Health (USA) under grant R01GM070923. All rights reserved.
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
* Neither the name of the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), nor
* of the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), nor of the University
* of Heidelberg, nor the names of any contributors, may be used to endorse
* or promote products derived from this software without specific prior
* written permission.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sbml/SBMLTypes.h>
* Functions for creating the Example SBML documents.
SBMLDocument_t* createExampleEnzymaticReaction(); /* 7.1 */
SBMLDocument_t* createExampleInvolvingUnits(); /* 7.2 */
SBMLDocument_t* createExampleInvolvingFunctionDefinitions(); /* 7.8 */
* Helper functions for validating and writing the SBML documents created.
int validateExampleSBML(SBMLDocument_t *sbmlDoc);
int writeExampleSBML(SBMLDocument_t *sbmlDoc, const char* filename);
* These variables are used in writeExampleSBML when writing an SBML
* document. They are handed to libSBML functions in order to include
* the program information into comments within the SBML file.
const char* ProgramName = "createExampleModels";
const char* ProgramVersion = "1.0.0";
* The SBML Level and Version of the example SBML models.
const unsigned int Level = 2;
const unsigned int Version = 4;
* Main routine
* Creates SBML models represented in "Example models expressed in XML using
* SBML" in Section 7 of the SBML Level 2 Version 4 specification(*).
* (*) The specification document is available at the following URL:
main (int argc, char *argv[])
SBMLDocument_t* sbmlDoc = NULL;
int SBMLok = 0;
* 7.1 A Simple example application of SBML
sbmlDoc = createExampleEnzymaticReaction();
SBMLok = validateExampleSBML(sbmlDoc);
if (SBMLok == 1) writeExampleSBML(sbmlDoc, "enzymaticreaction.xml");
if (SBMLok == 0) return 1;
* 7.2 Example involving units
sbmlDoc = createExampleInvolvingUnits();
SBMLok = validateExampleSBML(sbmlDoc);
if (SBMLok == 1) writeExampleSBML(sbmlDoc, "units.xml");
if (SBMLok == 0) return 1;
* 7.8 Example involving function definitions
sbmlDoc = createExampleInvolvingFunctionDefinitions();
SBMLok = validateExampleSBML(sbmlDoc);
if (SBMLok == 1) writeExampleSBML(sbmlDoc, "functiondef.xml");
if (SBMLok == 0) return 1;
/* A 0 return status is the standard Unix/Linux way to say "all ok". */
return 0;
* Functions for creating the Example SBML documents.
* Creates an SBML model represented in "7.1 A Simple example application of SBML"
* in the SBML Level 2 Version 4 Specification.
SBMLDocument_t* createExampleEnzymaticReaction()
const unsigned int level = Level;
const unsigned int version = Version;
* Variables
SBMLDocument_t* sbmlDoc;
Model_t* model;
/* Temporary pointers (reused more than once below). */
UnitDefinition_t* unitdef;
Unit_t* unit;
const char* compName = "cytosol";
char* mathXMLString;
Species_t *sp;
Reaction_t* reaction;
Parameter_t* para;
ASTNode_t* astCytosol;
ASTNode_t* astKon;
ASTNode_t* astKoff;
ASTNode_t* astE;
ASTNode_t* astS;
ASTNode_t* astES;
ASTNode_t* astTimes1;
ASTNode_t* astTimes2;
ASTNode_t* astTimes;
ASTNode_t* astMinus;
ASTNode_t* astMath;
* Creates an SBMLDocument object
sbmlDoc = SBMLDocument_createWithLevelAndVersion(level,version);
* Creates a Model object inside the SBMLDocument object.
model = SBMLDocument_createModel(sbmlDoc);
Model_setId(model, "EnzymaticReaction");
* Creates UnitDefinition objects inside the Model object.
* (UnitDefinition1) Creates an UnitDefinition object ("per_second")
unitdef = Model_createUnitDefinition(model);
UnitDefinition_setId(unitdef, "per_second");
/* Creates an Unit inside the UnitDefinition object */
unit = UnitDefinition_createUnit(unitdef);
* (UnitDefinition2) Creates an UnitDefinition object ("litre_per_mole_per_second")
/* Note that we can reuse the pointers 'unitdef' and 'unit' because the
* actual UnitDefinition object (along with the Unit objects within it)
* is already attached to the Model object.*/
unitdef = Model_createUnitDefinition(model);
/* Creates an Unit inside the UnitDefinition object ("litre_per_mole_per_second") */
unit = UnitDefinition_createUnit(unitdef);
/* Creates an Unit inside the UnitDefinition object ("litre_per_mole_per_second") */
unit = UnitDefinition_createUnit(unitdef);
/* Creates an Unit inside the UnitDefinition object ("litre_per_mole_per_second") */
unit = UnitDefinition_createUnit(unitdef);
* Creates a Compartment object inside the Model object.
/* Creates a Compartment object ("cytosol")*/
comp = Model_createCompartment(model);
/* Sets the "size" attribute of the Compartment object.
* We are not setting the units on the compartment size explicitly, so
* the units of this Compartment object will be the default SBML units of
* volume, which are liters.
* Creates Species objects inside the Model object.
* (Species1) Creates a Species object ("ES")
* Create the Species objects inside the Model object. */
sp = Model_createSpecies(model);
/* Sets the "compartment" attribute of the Species object to identify the
* compartment in which the Species object is located.*/
/* Sets the "initialAmount" attribute of the Species object.
* In SBML, the units of a Species object's initial quantity are
* determined by two attributes, "substanceUnits" and
* "hasOnlySubstanceUnits", and the "spatialDimensions" attribute
* of the Compartment object ("cytosol") in which the species
* object is located. Here, we are using the default values for
* "substanceUnits" (which is "mole") and "hasOnlySubstanceUnits"
* (which is "false"). The compartment in which the species is
* located uses volume units of liters, so the units of these
* species (when the species appear in numerical formulas in the
* model) will be moles/liters.
* (Species2) Creates a Species object ("P")
sp = Model_createSpecies(model);
* (Species3) Creates a Species object ("S")
sp = Model_createSpecies(model);
* (Species4) Creates a Species object ("E")
sp = Model_createSpecies(model);
* Creates Reaction objects inside the Model object.
* (Reaction1) Creates a Reaction object ("veq").
reaction = Model_createReaction(model);
/* (Reactant1) Creates a Reactant object that references Species "E"
* in the model. The object will be created within the reaction in the
* SBML <listOfReactants>.*/
spr = Reaction_createReactant(reaction);
/* (Reactant2) Creates a Reactant object that references Species "S"
* in the model.*/
spr = Reaction_createReactant(reaction);
* (Product1) Creates a Product object that references Species "ES" in
* the model.
spr = Reaction_createProduct(reaction);
* Creates a KineticLaw object inside the Reaction object ("veq").
kl = Reaction_createKineticLaw(reaction);
* Creates an ASTNode object which represents the following math of the
* KineticLaw.
* <math xmlns="">
* <apply>
* <times/>
* <ci> cytosol </ci>
* <apply>
* <minus/>
* <apply>
* <times/>
* <ci> kon </ci>
* <ci> E </ci>
* <ci> S </ci>
* </apply>
* <apply>
* <times/>
* <ci> koff </ci>
* <ci> ES </ci>
* </apply>
* </apply>
* </apply>
* </math>
* create nodes representing the variables
ASTNode_setName(astCytosol, "cytosol");
ASTNode_setName(astKon, "kon");
ASTNode_setName( astKoff, "koff");
ASTNode_setName(astE, "E");
ASTNode_setName(astS, "S");
ASTNode_setName(astES, "ES");
* create node representing
* <apply>
* <times/>
* <ci> koff </ci>
* <ci> ES </ci>
* </apply>
ASTNode_addChild( astTimes1, astKoff);
ASTNode_addChild( astTimes1, astES);
* create node representing
* <apply>
* <times/>
* <ci> kon </ci>
* <ci> E </ci>
* <ci> S </ci>
* </apply>
* Since there is a restriction with an ASTNode of "<times/>" operation
* such that the ASTNode is a binary class and thus only two operands can
* be directly added, the following code in this comment block is invalid
* because the code directly adds three <ci> ASTNodes to <times/> ASTNode.
* ASTNode *astTimes = new ASTNode(AST_TIMES);
* astTimes->addChild(astKon);
* astTimes->addChild(astE);
* astTimes->addChild(astS);
* The following valid code after this comment block creates the ASTNode
* as a binary tree.
* Please see "Converting between ASTs and text strings" described
* at
* for the detailed information.
ASTNode_addChild( astTimes2, astE);
ASTNode_addChild( astTimes2, astS);
ASTNode_addChild( astTimes, astKon);
ASTNode_addChild( astTimes, astTimes2);
* create node representing
* <apply>
* <minus/>
* <apply>
* <times/>
* <ci> kon </ci>
* <ci> E </ci>
* <ci> S </ci>
* </apply>
* <apply>
* <times/>
* <ci> koff </ci>
* <ci> ES </ci>
* </apply>
* </apply>
ASTNode_addChild( astMinus, astTimes);
ASTNode_addChild( astMinus, astTimes1);
* create node representing
* <apply>
* <times/>
* <ci> cytosol </ci>
* <apply>
* <minus/>
* <apply>
* <times/>
* <ci> kon </ci>
* <ci> E </ci>
* <ci> S </ci>
* </apply>
* <apply>
* <times/>
* <ci> koff </ci>
* <ci> ES </ci>
* </apply>
* </apply>
* </apply>
ASTNode_addChild( astMath, astCytosol);
ASTNode_addChild( astMath, astMinus);
* set the Math element
KineticLaw_setMath( kl, astMath);
/* KineticLaw::setMath(const ASTNode*) sets the math of the KineticLaw object
* to a copy of the given ASTNode, and thus basically the caller should delete
* the original ASTNode object if the caller has the ownership of the object to
* avoid memory leak.*/
* Creates local Parameter objects inside the KineticLaw object.
/* Creates a Parameter ("kon")*/
Parameter_setId(para, "kon");
Parameter_setValue( para, 1000000);
Parameter_setUnits( para, "litre_per_mole_per_second");
/* Creates a Parameter ("koff")*/
Parameter_setId( para, "koff");
Parameter_setValue( para, 0.2);
Parameter_setUnits( para, "per_second");
* (Reaction2) Creates a Reaction object ("vcat") .
reaction = Model_createReaction(model);
Reaction_setId(reaction, "vcat");
Reaction_setReversible(reaction, 0);
* Creates Reactant objects inside the Reaction object ("vcat").
* (Reactant1) Creates a Reactant object that references Species "ES" in the
* model.*/
spr = Reaction_createReactant(reaction);
* Creates a Product object inside the Reaction object ("vcat").
* (Product1) Creates a Product object that references Species "E" in the model.*/
spr = Reaction_createProduct(reaction);
/* (Product2) Creates a Product object that references Species "P" in the model.*/
spr = Reaction_createProduct(reaction);
* Creates a KineticLaw object inside the Reaction object ("vcat").
kl = Reaction_createKineticLaw(reaction);
* Sets a math (ASTNode object) to the KineticLaw object.
/* To create mathematical expressions, one would typically construct
* an ASTNode tree as the above example code which creates a math of another
* KineticLaw object. Here, to save some space and illustrate another approach
* of doing it, we will write out the formula in MathML form and then use a
* libSBML convenience function to create the ASTNode tree for us.
* (This is a bit dangerous; it's very easy to make mistakes when writing MathML
* by hand, so in a real program, we would not really want to do it this way.)*/
mathXMLString = "<math xmlns=\"\">"
" <apply>"
" <times/>"
" <ci> cytosol </ci>"
" <ci> kcat </ci>"
" <ci> ES </ci>"
" </apply>"
astMath = readMathMLFromString(mathXMLString);
KineticLaw_setMath( kl, astMath);
ASTNode_free( astMath );
* Creates local Parameter objects inside the KineticLaw object.
/* Creates a Parameter ("kcat")*/
Parameter_setId( para, "kcat");
Parameter_setValue( para, 0.1);
Parameter_setUnits(para, "per_second");
/* Returns the created SBMLDocument object.
* The returned object must be explicitly deleted by the caller,
* otherwise a memory leak will happen.*/
return sbmlDoc;
* Creates an SBML model represented in "7.2 Example involving units"
* in the SBML Level 2 Version 4 Specification.
SBMLDocument_t* createExampleInvolvingUnits()
const unsigned int level = Level;
const unsigned int version = Version;
* Variables
SBMLDocument_t* sbmlDoc;
Model_t* model;
char* notesString, * mathXMLString ;
ASTNode_t* astMath, * astDivide, * astTimes, * astPlus ;
XMLNode_t* notesXMLNode;
XMLTriple_t *pTripple;
XMLAttributes_t* xmlAttr;
/* Temporary pointers (reused more than once below).*/
UnitDefinition_t* unitdef;
Unit_t *unit;
const char* compName = "cell";
Species_t *sp;
Parameter_t* para;
Reaction_t* reaction;
/* Temporary pointers (reused more than once below). */
* Creates an SBMLDocument object
sbmlDoc = SBMLDocument_createWithLevelAndVersion(level,version);
/* Adds the namespace for XHTML to the SBMLDocument object. We need this
* because we will add notes to the model. (By default, the SBML document
* created by SBMLDocument only declares the SBML XML namespace.)*/
XMLNamespaces_add(xmlns, "", "xhtml");
* Creates a Model object inside the SBMLDocument object.
model = SBMLDocument_createModel( sbmlDoc );
Model_setId(model, "unitsExample");
* Creates UnitDefinition objects inside the Model object.
* (UnitDefinition1) Creates an UnitDefinition object ("substance").
* This has the effect of redefining the default unit of subtance for the
* whole model.
unitdef = Model_createUnitDefinition(model);
UnitDefinition_setId(unitdef, "substance");
/* Creates an Unit inside the UnitDefinition object */
unit = UnitDefinition_createUnit(unitdef);
Unit_setScale(unit, -3);
* (UnitDefinition2) Creates an UnitDefinition object ("mmls")
/* Note that we can reuse the pointers 'unitdef' and 'unit' because the
* actual UnitDefinition object (along with the Unit objects within it)
* is already attached to the Model object.*/
unitdef = Model_createUnitDefinition(model);
/* Creates an Unit inside the UnitDefinition object ("mmls")*/
unit = UnitDefinition_createUnit(unitdef);
/* Creates an Unit inside the UnitDefinition object ("mmls")*/
unit = UnitDefinition_createUnit(unitdef);
Unit_setExponent(unit, -1);
/* Creates an Unit inside the UnitDefinition object ("mmls")*/
unit = UnitDefinition_createUnit(unitdef);
Unit_setExponent(unit, -1);
* (UnitDefinition3) Creates an UnitDefinition object ("mml")
unitdef = Model_createUnitDefinition(model);
UnitDefinition_setId(unitdef, "mml");
/* Creates an Unit inside the UnitDefinition object ("mml")*/
unit = UnitDefinition_createUnit(unitdef);
Unit_setScale(unit, -3);
/* Creates an Unit inside the UnitDefinition object ("mml")*/
unit = UnitDefinition_createUnit(unitdef);
Unit_setExponent(unit, -1);
* Creates a Compartment object inside the Model object.
/* Creates a Compartment object ("cell")*/
comp = Model_createCompartment(model);
Compartment_setId(comp, compName);
/* Sets the "size" attribute of the Compartment object.
* The units of this Compartment object is the default SBML
* units of volume (litre), and thus we don't have to explicitly invoke
* setUnits("litre") function to set the default units.
* Creates Species objects inside the Model object.
* (Species1) Creates a Species object ("x0")
sp = Model_createSpecies(model);
Species_setId(sp, "x0");
/* Sets the "compartment" attribute of the Species object to identify the
* compartnet in which the Species object located.*/
Species_setCompartment(sp, compName);
/* Sets the "initialConcentration" attribute of the Species object.
* The units of this Species object is determined by two attributes of this
* Species object ("substanceUnits" and "hasOnlySubstanceUnits") and the
* "spatialDimensions" attribute of the Compartment object ("cytosol") in which
* this species object is located.
* Since the default values are used for "substanceUnits" (substance (mole))
* and "hasOnlySubstanceUnits" (false) and the value of "spatialDimension" (3)
* is greater than 0, the units of this Species object is moles/liters .
* (Species2) Creates a Species object ("x1")
sp = Model_createSpecies(model);
Species_setId(sp, "x1");
Species_setCompartment(sp, compName);
* (Species3) Creates a Species object ("s1")
sp = Model_createSpecies(model);
Species_setCompartment(sp, compName);
Species_setId(sp, "s1");
* (Species4) Creates a Species object ("s2")
sp = Model_createSpecies(model);
Species_setCompartment(sp, compName);
Species_setId(sp, "s2");
* Creates global Parameter objects inside the Model object.
/* Creates a Parameter ("vm") */
para = Model_createParameter(model);
Parameter_setId(para, "vm");
Parameter_setUnits(para, "mmls");
/* Creates a Parameter ("km") */
para = Model_createParameter(model);
Parameter_setId(para, "km");
Parameter_setUnits(para, "mml");
* Creates Reaction objects inside the Model object.
* (Reaction1) Creates a Reaction object ("v1").
reaction = Model_createReaction(model);
Reaction_setId(reaction, "v1");
* Creates Reactant objects inside the Reaction object ("v1").
/* (Reactant1) Creates a Reactant object that references Species "x0"
* in the model.*/
spr = Reaction_createReactant(reaction);
* Creates a Product object inside the Reaction object ("v1").
/* Creates a Product object that references Species "s1" in the model. */
spr = Reaction_createProduct(reaction);
* Creates a KineticLaw object inside the Reaction object ("v1").
kl = Reaction_createKineticLaw(reaction);
/* Creates a <notes> element in the KineticLaw object.
* Here we illustrate how to do it using a literal string. This requires
* known the required syntax of XHTML and the requirements for SBML <notes>
* elements. Later below, we show how to create notes using objects instead
* of strings.*/
notesString = "<xhtml:p> ((vm * s1)/(km + s1)) * cell </xhtml:p>";
SBase_setNotesString((SBase_t*)kl, notesString);
* Creates an ASTNode object which represents the following KineticLaw object.
* <math xmlns=\"\">
* <apply>
* <times/>
* <apply>
* <divide/>
* <apply>
* <times/>
* <ci> vm </ci>
* <ci> s1 </ci>
* </apply>
* <apply>
* <plus/>
* <ci> km </ci>
* <ci> s1 </ci>
* </apply>
* </apply>
* <ci> cell </ci>
* </apply>
* </math>
* In the following code, ASTNode objects, which construct an ASTNode tree
* of the above math, are created and added in the order of preorder traversal
* of the tree (i.e. the order corresponds to the nested structure of the above
* MathML elements), and thus the following code maybe a bit more efficient but
* maybe a bit difficult to read.
astDivide = ASTNode_getLeftChild( astMath );
astTimes = ASTNode_getLeftChild (astDivide);
astPlus = ASTNode_getRightChild( astDivide );
* set the Math element
KineticLaw_setMath( kl, astMath);
* (Reaction2) Creates a Reaction object ("v2").
reaction = Model_createReaction(model);
Reaction_setId(reaction, "v2");
* Creates Reactant objects inside the Reaction object ("v2").
/* (Reactant2) Creates a Reactant object that references Species "s1"
* in the model.*/
spr = Reaction_createReactant(reaction);
* Creates a Product object inside the Reaction object ("v2").
/* Creates a Product object that references Species "s2" in the model. */
spr = Reaction_createProduct(reaction);
* Creates a KineticLaw object inside the Reaction object ("v2").
kl = Reaction_createKineticLaw(reaction);
/* Sets a notes (by XMLNode) to the KineticLaw object.
* The following code is an alternative to using setNotes(const string&).
* The equivalent code would be like this:
* notesString = "<xhtml:p>((vm * s2)/(km + s2))*cell</xhtml:p>";
* kl->setNotes(notesString);
* Creates an XMLNode of start element (<xhtml:p>) without attributes.*/
pTripple = XMLTriple_createWith("p", "", "xhtml");
xmlAttr = XMLAttributes_create();
notesXMLNode = XMLNode_createStartElement(pTripple, xmlAttr);
/* Adds a text element to the start element.*/
XMLNode_addChild( notesXMLNode, XMLNode_createTextNode(" ((vm * s2)/(km + s2)) * cell "));
/* Adds it to the kineticLaw object.*/
SBase_setNotes( (SBase_t*) kl, notesXMLNode);
* Sets a math (ASTNode object) to the KineticLaw object.
/* To create mathematical expressions, one would typically construct
* an ASTNode tree as the above example code which creates a math of another
* KineticLaw object. Here, to save some space and illustrate another approach
* of doing it, we will write out the formula in MathML form and then use a
* libSBML convenience function to create the ASTNode tree for us.
* (This is a bit dangerous; it's very easy to make mistakes when writing MathML
* by hand, so in a real program, we would not really want to do it this way.)*/
mathXMLString = "<math xmlns=\"\">"
" <apply>"
" <times/>"
" <apply>"
" <divide/>"
" <apply>"
" <times/>"
" <ci> vm </ci>"
" <ci> s2 </ci>"
" </apply>"
" <apply>"
" <plus/>"
" <ci> km </ci>"
" <ci> s2 </ci>"
" </apply>"
" </apply>"
" <ci> cell </ci>"
" </apply>"
astMath = readMathMLFromString(mathXMLString);
KineticLaw_setMath(kl, astMath);
* (Reaction3) Creates a Reaction object ("v3").
reaction = Model_createReaction(model);
Reaction_setId(reaction, "v3");
* Creates Reactant objects inside the Reaction object ("v3").
/* (Reactant2) Creates a Reactant object that references Species "s2"
* in the model.*/
spr = Reaction_createReactant(reaction);
* Creates a Product object inside the Reaction object ("v3").
/* Creates a Product object that references Species "x1" in the model. */
spr = Reaction_createProduct(reaction);
* Creates a KineticLaw object inside the Reaction object ("v3").
kl = Reaction_createKineticLaw(reaction);
/* Sets a notes (by string) to the KineticLaw object.*/
notesString = "<xhtml:p> ((vm * x1)/(km + x1)) * cell </xhtml:p>";
SBase_setNotesString((SBase_t*) kl, notesString);
* Sets a math (ASTNode object) to the KineticLaw object.
mathXMLString = "<math xmlns=\"\">"
" <apply>"
" <times/>"
" <apply>"
" <divide/>"
" <apply>"
" <times/>"
" <ci> vm </ci>"
" <ci> x1 </ci>"
" </apply>"
" <apply>"
" <plus/>"
" <ci> km </ci>"
" <ci> x1 </ci>"
" </apply>"
" </apply>"
" <ci> cell </ci>"
" </apply>"
astMath = readMathMLFromString(mathXMLString);
KineticLaw_setMath( kl, astMath);
/* Returns the created SBMLDocument object.
* The returned object must be explicitly deleted by the caller,
* otherwise memory leak will happen.*/
return sbmlDoc;
* Creates an SBML model represented in "7.8 Example involving function definitions"
* in the SBML Level 2 Version 4 Specification.
SBMLDocument_t* createExampleInvolvingFunctionDefinitions()
const unsigned int level = Level;
const unsigned int version = Version;
* Variables
SBMLDocument_t* sbmlDoc;
Model_t* model;
char* mathXMLString;
ASTNode_t* astMath;
const char* compName = "compartmentOne";
Species_t* sp;
Parameter_t* para;
/* Temporary pointers.*/
Reaction_t* reaction;
* Creates an SBMLDocument object
sbmlDoc = SBMLDocument_createWithLevelAndVersion(level,version);
* Creates a Model object inside the SBMLDocument object.
model = SBMLDocument_createModel(sbmlDoc);
Model_setId(model, "functionExample");
* Creates a FunctionDefinition object inside the Model object.
/* Sets a math (ASTNode object) to the FunctionDefinition object.*/
mathXMLString = "<math xmlns=\"\">"
" <lambda>"
" <bvar>"
" <ci> x </ci>"
" </bvar>"
" <apply>"
" <times/>"
" <ci> x </ci>"
" <cn> 2 </cn>"
" </apply>"
" </lambda>"
astMath = readMathMLFromString(mathXMLString);
FunctionDefinition_setMath( fdef, astMath);
* Creates a Compartment object inside the Model object.
/* Creates a Compartment object ("compartmentOne")*/
comp = Model_createCompartment(model);
Compartment_setId(comp, compName);
/* Sets the "size" attribute of the Compartment object.
* The units of this Compartment object is the default SBML
* units of volume (litre), and thus we don't have to explicitly invoke
* setUnits("litre") function to set the default units.
* Creates Species objects inside the Model object.
* (Species1) Creates a Species object ("S1")
sp = Model_createSpecies(model);
Species_setId(sp, "S1");
/* Sets the "compartment" attribute of the Species object to identify the
* compartnet in which the Species object located.*/
Species_setCompartment(sp, compName);
/* Sets the "initialConcentration" attribute of the Species object.
* The units of this Species object is determined by two attributes of this
* Species object ("substanceUnits" and "hasOnlySubstanceUnits") and the
* "spatialDimension" attribute of the Compartment object ("cytosol") in which
* this species object located.
* Since the default values are used for "substanceUnits" (substance (mole))
* and "hasOnlySubstanceUnits" (false) and the value of "spatialDimension" (3)
* is greater than 0, the units of this Species object is mole/litre .
* (Species2) Creates a Species object ("S2")
sp = Model_createSpecies(model);
Species_setId(sp, "S2");
Species_setCompartment(sp, compName);
* Creates a global Parameter object inside the Model object.
/* Creates a Parameter ("t") */
para = Model_createParameter(model);
Parameter_setId(para, "t");
Parameter_setUnits(para, "second");
* Creates Reaction objects inside the Model object.
* (Reaction1) Creates a Reaction object ("reaction_1").
reaction = Model_createReaction(model);
Reaction_setId(reaction, "reaction_1");
Reaction_setReversible(reaction, 0);
* Creates Reactant objects inside the Reaction object ("reaction_1").
/* (Reactant1) Creates a Reactant object that references Species "S1"
* in the model.*/
spr = Reaction_createReactant(reaction);
* Creates a Product object inside the Reaction object ("reaction_1").
/* Creates a Product object that references Species "S2" in the model. */
spr = Reaction_createProduct(reaction);
* Creates a KineticLaw object inside the Reaction object ("reaction_1").
kl = Reaction_createKineticLaw(reaction);
* Sets a math (ASTNode object) to the KineticLaw object.
mathXMLString = "<math xmlns=\"\">"
" <apply>"
" <divide/>"
" <apply>"
" <times/>"
" <apply>"
" <ci> f </ci>"
" <ci> S1 </ci>"
" </apply>"
" <ci> compartmentOne </ci>"
" </apply>"
" <ci> t </ci>"
" </apply>"
astMath = readMathMLFromString(mathXMLString);
KineticLaw_setMath( kl, astMath);
/* Returns the created SBMLDocument object.
* The returned object must be explicitly deleted by the caller,
* otherwise memory leak will happen.*/
return sbmlDoc;
* Helper functions for writing/validating the given SBML documents.
* Validates the given SBMLDocument_t.
* This function is based on validateSBML.cpp implemented by
* Sarah Keating, Ben Bornstein, and Michael Hucka.
int validateExampleSBML (SBMLDocument_t* sbmlDoc)
int noProblems = 1;
unsigned int numCheckFailures = 0;
unsigned int numConsistencyErrors = 0;
unsigned int numConsistencyWarnings = 0;
unsigned int numValidationErrors = 0;
unsigned int numValidationWarnings = 0;
if (!sbmlDoc)
fprintf(stderr, "validateExampleSBML: given a null SBML Document\n");
return 0;
/* LibSBML 3.3 is lenient when generating models from scratch using the
* API for creating objects. Once the whole model is done and before it
* gets written out, it's important to check that the whole model is in
* fact complete, consistent and valid.*/
numCheckFailures = SBMLDocument_checkInternalConsistency( sbmlDoc);
if ( numCheckFailures > 0 )
unsigned int i;
noProblems = 0;
for (i = 0; i < numCheckFailures; i++)
const SBMLError_t* sbmlErr = SBMLDocument_getError( sbmlDoc, i);
if ( XMLError_isFatal((const XMLError_t*) sbmlErr) || XMLError_isError((const XMLError_t*) sbmlErr) )
SBMLDocument_printErrors(sbmlDoc, stdout);
/* If the internal checks fail, it makes little sense to attempt
* further validation, because the model may be too compromised to
* be properly interpreted.*/
if (numConsistencyErrors > 0)
printf("Further validation aborted.\n");
numCheckFailures = SBMLDocument_checkConsistency( sbmlDoc );
if ( numCheckFailures > 0 )
unsigned int i;
noProblems = 0;
for (i = 0; i < numCheckFailures; i++)
const SBMLError_t* sbmlErr = SBMLDocument_getError( sbmlDoc, i);
if ( XMLError_isFatal((const XMLError_t*) sbmlErr) || XMLError_isError((const XMLError_t*) sbmlErr) )
SBMLDocument_printErrors(sbmlDoc, stdout);
if (noProblems)
return 1;
if (numConsistencyErrors > 0)
printf("ERROR: encountered %d consistency error%s in model '%s'.\n",
(numConsistencyErrors == 1 ? "" : "s"),
if (numConsistencyWarnings > 0)
printf( "Notice: encountered %d consistency warning%s in model '%s'.\n",
(numConsistencyWarnings == 1 ? "" : "s"),
if (numValidationErrors > 0)
printf("ERROR: encountered %d validation error%s in model '%s'.\n",
(numValidationErrors == 1 ? "" : "s"),
if (numValidationWarnings > 0)
printf( "Notice: encountered %d validation warning%s in model '%s'.\n",
(numValidationWarnings == 1 ? "" : "s"),
return (numConsistencyErrors == 0 && numValidationErrors == 0);
* Writes the given SBMLDocument_t to the given file.
int writeExampleSBML(SBMLDocument_t* sbmlDoc, const char* filename)
int result = writeSBML(sbmlDoc, filename);
if (result)
printf("Wrote file \"%s\"\n", filename);
return 1;
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to write \"%s\"\n", filename );
return 0;