libSBML C API  5.18.0
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Layout_t Class Reference

Detailed Description

layout The layout of a diagram of an SBML model.

The Layout_t class stores layout information for some or all elements of the SBML model as well as additional objects that need not be connected to the model. The Layout_t has two attributes: id and name. Additionally, a Dimensions_t element specifies the size of the layout. The actual layout elements are contained in several lists, namely: a ListOfCompartmentGlyphs_t, a ListOfSpeciesGlyphs_t, a ListOfReactionGlyphs_t, a ListOfTextGlyphs_t, and a ListOfAdditionalGraphicalObjects. Each of these lists can only occur once, and, if present, are not allowed to be empty.

Public Member Functions

void Layout_addAdditionalGraphicalObject (Layout_t *l, GraphicalObject_t *go)
 Adds a new copy of go to the list of additional graphical objects. More...
void Layout_addCompartmentGlyph (Layout_t *l, CompartmentGlyph_t *cg)
 Adds a new copy of cg to the list of compartment glyphs. More...
void Layout_addReactionGlyph (Layout_t *l, ReactionGlyph_t *rg)
 Adds a new copy of rg to the list of reaction glyphs. More...
void Layout_addSpeciesGlyph (Layout_t *l, SpeciesGlyph_t *sg)
 Adds a new copy of sg to the list of species glyphs. More...
void Layout_addTextGlyph (Layout_t *l, TextGlyph_t *tg)
 Adds a new copy of tg to the list of text glyphs. More...
Layout_tLayout_clone (const Layout_t *l)
Layout_tLayout_create (void)
 Creates a new Layout_t with the default SBML level, version, and package version, and returns a pointer to it. More...
GraphicalObject_tLayout_createAdditionalGraphicalObject (Layout_t *l)
 Creates a GraphicalObject_t structure, adds it to the end of the additional graphical objects list and returns a pointer to the newly created structure. More...
CompartmentGlyph_tLayout_createCompartmentGlyph (Layout_t *l)
 Creates a ComparmentGlyph_t structure, adds it to the end of the compartment glyphs list and returns a pointer to the newly created structure. More...
Layout_tLayout_createFrom (const Layout_t *temp)
 Creates a clone of temp, or an empty Layout_t structure if temp is NULL. More...
GeneralGlyph_tLayout_createGeneralGlyph (Layout_t *l)
 Creates a GeneralGlyph_t structure, adds it to the end of the additional objects list and returns a pointer to the newly created structure. More...
ReactionGlyph_tLayout_createReactionGlyph (Layout_t *l)
 Creates a ReactionGlyph_t structure, adds it to the end of the reaction glyphs list and returns a pointer to the newly created structure. More...
SpeciesGlyph_tLayout_createSpeciesGlyph (Layout_t *l)
 Creates a SpeciesGlyph_t structure, adds it to the end of the species glyphs list and returns a pointer to the newly created structure. More...
TextGlyph_tLayout_createTextGlyph (Layout_t *l)
 Creates a TextGlyph_t structure, adds it to the end of the text glyphs list and returns a pointer to the newly created structure. More...
Layout_tLayout_createWith (const char *sid)
 Creates a new Layout_t with the default SBML level, version, and package version, and with the given id and returns a pointer to it. More...
Layout_tLayout_createWithDimensions (const char *sid, const Dimensions_t *dimensions)
 Creates a new Layout_t with the default SBML level, version, and package version, and with the given Dimensions_t and returns a pointer to it. More...
Layout_tLayout_createWithSize (const char *sid, double width, double height, double depth)
 Creates a new Layout_t with the default SBML level, version, and package version, and with the given width, height and depth and returns a pointer to it. More...
void Layout_free (Layout_t *l)
 Frees the memory for the given layout. More...
GraphicalObject_tLayout_getAdditionalGraphicalObject (Layout_t *l, unsigned int index)
 Returns a pointer to the AdditionalGraphicalObject_t with the given index. More...
CompartmentGlyph_tLayout_getCompartmentGlyph (Layout_t *l, unsigned int index)
 Returns a pointer to the CompartmentGlyph_t with the given index. More...
Dimensions_tLayout_getDimensions (Layout_t *l)
 Returns a Dimensions_t pointer from the layout. More...
const char * Layout_getId (const Layout_t *l)
 Returns the id. More...
ListOf_tLayout_getListOfAdditionalGraphicalObjects (Layout_t *l)
 Returns a pointer to the list of additional GraphicalObjects. More...
ListOf_tLayout_getListOfCompartmentGlyphs (Layout_t *l)
 Returns a pointer to the list of CompartmentGlyph_t's. More...
ListOf_tLayout_getListOfReactionGlyphs (Layout_t *l)
 Returns a pointer to the list of ReactionGlyphs. More...
ListOf_tLayout_getListOfSpeciesGlyphs (Layout_t *l)
 Returns a pointer to the list of SpeciesGlyphs. More...
ListOf_tLayout_getListOfTextGlyphs (Layout_t *l)
 Returns a pointer to the list of TextGlyphs. More...
unsigned int Layout_getNumAdditionalGraphicalObjects (const Layout_t *l)
 Returns the number of additional GraphicalObjects. More...
unsigned int Layout_getNumCompartmentGlyphs (const Layout_t *l)
 Returns the number of CompartmentGlyphs. More...
unsigned int Layout_getNumReactionGlyphs (const Layout_t *l)
 Returns the number of ReactionGlyphs. More...
unsigned int Layout_getNumSpeciesGlyphs (const Layout_t *l)
 Returns the number of SpeciesGlyphs. More...
unsigned int Layout_getNumTextGlyphs (const Layout_t *l)
 Returns the number of TextGlyphs. More...
ReactionGlyph_tLayout_getReactionGlyph (Layout_t *l, unsigned int index)
 Returns a pointer to the ReactionGlyph_t with the given index. More...
SpeciesGlyph_tLayout_getSpeciesGlyph (Layout_t *l, unsigned int index)
 Returns a pointer to the SpeciesGlyph_t with the given index. More...
TextGlyph_tLayout_getTextGlyph (Layout_t *l, unsigned int index)
 Returns a pointer to the GraphicalObject_t with the given index. More...
void Layout_initDefaults (Layout_t *l)
 Does nothing since no defaults are defined for Layout_t. More...
int Layout_isSetId (const Layout_t *l)
 Returns 1 (true) if the id is set. More...
GraphicalObject_tLayout_removeAdditionalGraphicalObject (Layout_t *l, unsigned int index)
 Removes the graphical object with the given index. More...
GraphicalObject_tLayout_removeAdditionalGraphicalObjectWithId (Layout_t *l, const char *id)
 Removes the graphical object with the given id. More...
CompartmentGlyph_tLayout_removeCompartmentGlyph (Layout_t *l, unsigned int index)
 Removes the compartment glyph with the given index. More...
CompartmentGlyph_tLayout_removeCompartmentGlyphWithId (Layout_t *l, const char *id)
 Removes the compartment glyph with the given id. More...
ReactionGlyph_tLayout_removeReactionGlyph (Layout_t *l, unsigned int index)
 Removes the reaction glyph with the given index. More...
ReactionGlyph_tLayout_removeReactionGlyphWithId (Layout_t *l, const char *id)
 Removes the reaction glyph with the given id. More...
SpeciesGlyph_tLayout_removeSpeciesGlyph (Layout_t *l, unsigned int index)
 Removes the species glyph with the given index. More...
SpeciesGlyph_tLayout_removeSpeciesGlyphWithId (Layout_t *l, const char *id)
 Removes the species glyph with the given id. More...
SpeciesReferenceGlyph_tLayout_removeSpeciesReferenceGlyphWithId (Layout_t *l, const char *id)
 Removes the species reference glyph with the given id. More...
TextGlyph_tLayout_removeTextGlyph (Layout_t *l, unsigned int index)
 Removes the text glyph with the given index. More...
TextGlyph_tLayout_removeTextGlyphWithId (Layout_t *l, const char *id)
 Removes the text glyph with the given id. More...
void Layout_setDimensions (Layout_t *l, const Dimensions_t *dimensions)
 Sets the dimensions of the given Layout_t structure to a copy of dimensions. More...
int Layout_setId (Layout_t *l, const char *sid)
 Sets the id. More...
void Layout_unsetId (Layout_t *l)
 Unsets the id. More...

Member Function Documentation

void Layout_addAdditionalGraphicalObject ( Layout_t l,
GraphicalObject_t go 

Adds a new copy of go to the list of additional graphical objects.

lthe Layout_t structure.
gothe GraphicalObject_t to add to the Layout_t structure.
void Layout_addCompartmentGlyph ( Layout_t l,
CompartmentGlyph_t cg 

Adds a new copy of cg to the list of compartment glyphs.

lthe Layout_t structure.
cgthe CompartmentGlyph_t to add to the Layout_t structure.
void Layout_addReactionGlyph ( Layout_t l,
ReactionGlyph_t rg 

Adds a new copy of rg to the list of reaction glyphs.

lthe Layout_t structure.
rgthe ReactionGlyph_t to add to the Layout_t structure.
void Layout_addSpeciesGlyph ( Layout_t l,
SpeciesGlyph_t sg 

Adds a new copy of sg to the list of species glyphs.

lthe Layout_t structure.
sgthe SpeciesGlyph_t to add to the Layout_t structure.
void Layout_addTextGlyph ( Layout_t l,
TextGlyph_t tg 

Adds a new copy of tg to the list of text glyphs.

lthe Layout_t structure.
tgthe TextGlyph_t to add to the Layout_t structure.
Layout_t * Layout_clone ( const Layout_t l)
a (deep) copy of this Layout_t.
lthe Layout_t structure.
The pointer that is returned by this function is owned by the caller, who is responsible for deleting it. Any changes made to the element will not be reflected in any resulting SBML document unless the element is added to an SBML Document. Even in this case, the element's deletion is still the responsibility of the caller with two exceptions: if it is used as the "disownedItem" in the ListOf_appendAndOwn() or ListOf_insertAndOwn() functions. All other functions in libsbml add a copy of the element, and do not transfer ownership of the pointer.
Layout_t * Layout_create ( void  )

Creates a new Layout_t with the default SBML level, version, and package version, and returns a pointer to it.

The pointer that is returned by this function is owned by the caller, who is responsible for deleting it. Any changes made to the element will not be reflected in any resulting SBML document unless the element is added to an SBML Document. Even in this case, the element's deletion is still the responsibility of the caller with two exceptions: if it is used as the "disownedItem" in the ListOf_appendAndOwn() or ListOf_insertAndOwn() functions. All other functions in libsbml add a copy of the element, and do not transfer ownership of the pointer.
GraphicalObject_t * Layout_createAdditionalGraphicalObject ( Layout_t l)

Creates a GraphicalObject_t structure, adds it to the end of the additional graphical objects list and returns a pointer to the newly created structure.

lthe Layout_t structure.
The pointer that is returned by this function is not owned by the caller, but may be queried and modified. Any changes made will be reflected in any resulting SBML document containing the pointer's parent.
CompartmentGlyph_t * Layout_createCompartmentGlyph ( Layout_t l)

Creates a ComparmentGlyph_t structure, adds it to the end of the compartment glyphs list and returns a pointer to the newly created structure.

lthe Layout_t structure.
The pointer that is returned by this function is not owned by the caller, but may be queried and modified. Any changes made will be reflected in any resulting SBML document containing the pointer's parent.
Layout_t * Layout_createFrom ( const Layout_t temp)

Creates a clone of temp, or an empty Layout_t structure if temp is NULL.

tempthe Layout_t structure to copy.
The pointer that is returned by this function is owned by the caller, who is responsible for deleting it. Any changes made to the element will not be reflected in any resulting SBML document unless the element is added to an SBML Document. Even in this case, the element's deletion is still the responsibility of the caller with two exceptions: if it is used as the "disownedItem" in the ListOf_appendAndOwn() or ListOf_insertAndOwn() functions. All other functions in libsbml add a copy of the element, and do not transfer ownership of the pointer.
GeneralGlyph_t * Layout_createGeneralGlyph ( Layout_t l)

Creates a GeneralGlyph_t structure, adds it to the end of the additional objects list and returns a pointer to the newly created structure.

lthe Layout_t structure.
The pointer that is returned by this function is not owned by the caller, but may be queried and modified. Any changes made will be reflected in any resulting SBML document containing the pointer's parent.
ReactionGlyph_t * Layout_createReactionGlyph ( Layout_t l)

Creates a ReactionGlyph_t structure, adds it to the end of the reaction glyphs list and returns a pointer to the newly created structure.

lthe Layout_t structure.
The pointer that is returned by this function is not owned by the caller, but may be queried and modified. Any changes made will be reflected in any resulting SBML document containing the pointer's parent.
SpeciesGlyph_t * Layout_createSpeciesGlyph ( Layout_t l)

Creates a SpeciesGlyph_t structure, adds it to the end of the species glyphs list and returns a pointer to the newly created structure.

lthe Layout_t structure.
The pointer that is returned by this function is not owned by the caller, but may be queried and modified. Any changes made will be reflected in any resulting SBML document containing the pointer's parent.
TextGlyph_t * Layout_createTextGlyph ( Layout_t l)

Creates a TextGlyph_t structure, adds it to the end of the text glyphs list and returns a pointer to the newly created structure.

lthe Layout_t structure.
The pointer that is returned by this function is not owned by the caller, but may be queried and modified. Any changes made will be reflected in any resulting SBML document containing the pointer's parent.
Layout_t * Layout_createWith ( const char *  sid)

Creates a new Layout_t with the default SBML level, version, and package version, and with the given id and returns a pointer to it.

sidthe id of the created Layout_t.
Layout_t * Layout_createWithDimensions ( const char *  sid,
const Dimensions_t dimensions 

Creates a new Layout_t with the default SBML level, version, and package version, and with the given Dimensions_t and returns a pointer to it.

sidthe id of the created Layout_t.
dimensionsthe dimensions of the created Layout_t structure.
Layout_t * Layout_createWithSize ( const char *  sid,
double  width,
double  height,
double  depth 

Creates a new Layout_t with the default SBML level, version, and package version, and with the given width, height and depth and returns a pointer to it.

sidthe id of the created Layout_t.
widththe value of the width.
heightthe value of the height.
depththe value of the depth.
void Layout_free ( Layout_t l)

Frees the memory for the given layout.

lthe Layout_t structure.
GraphicalObject_t * Layout_getAdditionalGraphicalObject ( Layout_t l,
unsigned int  index 

Returns a pointer to the AdditionalGraphicalObject_t with the given index.

lthe Layout_t structure.
indexthe index of the desired GraphicalObject_t.
The pointer that is returned by this function is not owned by the caller, but may be queried and modified. Any changes made will be reflected in any resulting SBML document containing the pointer's parent.
CompartmentGlyph_t * Layout_getCompartmentGlyph ( Layout_t l,
unsigned int  index 

Returns a pointer to the CompartmentGlyph_t with the given index.

lthe Layout_t structure.
indexthe index of the desired CompartmentGlyph_t.
The pointer that is returned by this function is not owned by the caller, but may be queried and modified. Any changes made will be reflected in any resulting SBML document containing the pointer's parent.
Dimensions_t * Layout_getDimensions ( Layout_t l)

Returns a Dimensions_t pointer from the layout.

lthe Layout_t structure.
The pointer that is returned by this function is not owned by the caller, but may be queried and modified. Any changes made will be reflected in any resulting SBML document containing the pointer's parent.
const char * Layout_getId ( const Layout_t l)

Returns the id.

lthe Layout_t structure.
The string returned by this function is owned by the caller, who is responsible for deleting it. Any changes made to the string will not be reflected in any resulting SBML document unless the string is added to an SBML Document. Even in this case, the string should be deleted, as adding a string to an SBML Document adds a copy of the string, and does not transfer ownership of that string.
ListOf_t * Layout_getListOfAdditionalGraphicalObjects ( Layout_t l)

Returns a pointer to the list of additional GraphicalObjects.

lthe Layout_t structure.
The pointer that is returned by this function is not owned by the caller, but may be queried and modified. Any changes made will be reflected in any resulting SBML document containing the pointer's parent.
ListOf_t * Layout_getListOfCompartmentGlyphs ( Layout_t l)

Returns a pointer to the list of CompartmentGlyph_t's.

lthe Layout_t structure.
The pointer that is returned by this function is not owned by the caller, but may be queried and modified. Any changes made will be reflected in any resulting SBML document containing the pointer's parent.
ListOf_t * Layout_getListOfReactionGlyphs ( Layout_t l)

Returns a pointer to the list of ReactionGlyphs.

lthe Layout_t structure.
The pointer that is returned by this function is not owned by the caller, but may be queried and modified. Any changes made will be reflected in any resulting SBML document containing the pointer's parent.
ListOf_t * Layout_getListOfSpeciesGlyphs ( Layout_t l)

Returns a pointer to the list of SpeciesGlyphs.

lthe Layout_t structure.
The pointer that is returned by this function is not owned by the caller, but may be queried and modified. Any changes made will be reflected in any resulting SBML document containing the pointer's parent.
ListOf_t * Layout_getListOfTextGlyphs ( Layout_t l)

Returns a pointer to the list of TextGlyphs.

lthe Layout_t structure.
The pointer that is returned by this function is not owned by the caller, but may be queried and modified. Any changes made will be reflected in any resulting SBML document containing the pointer's parent.
unsigned int Layout_getNumAdditionalGraphicalObjects ( const Layout_t l)

Returns the number of additional GraphicalObjects.

lthe Layout_t structure.
unsigned int Layout_getNumCompartmentGlyphs ( const Layout_t l)

Returns the number of CompartmentGlyphs.

lthe Layout_t structure.
unsigned int Layout_getNumReactionGlyphs ( const Layout_t l)

Returns the number of ReactionGlyphs.

lthe Layout_t structure.
unsigned int Layout_getNumSpeciesGlyphs ( const Layout_t l)

Returns the number of SpeciesGlyphs.

lthe Layout_t structure.
unsigned int Layout_getNumTextGlyphs ( const Layout_t l)

Returns the number of TextGlyphs.

lthe Layout_t structure.
ReactionGlyph_t * Layout_getReactionGlyph ( Layout_t l,
unsigned int  index 

Returns a pointer to the ReactionGlyph_t with the given index.

lthe Layout_t structure.
indexthe index of the desired ReactionGlyph_t.
The pointer that is returned by this function is not owned by the caller, but may be queried and modified. Any changes made will be reflected in any resulting SBML document containing the pointer's parent.
SpeciesGlyph_t * Layout_getSpeciesGlyph ( Layout_t l,
unsigned int  index 

Returns a pointer to the SpeciesGlyph_t with the given index.

lthe Layout_t structure.
indexthe index of the desired SpeciesGlyph_t.
The pointer that is returned by this function is not owned by the caller, but may be queried and modified. Any changes made will be reflected in any resulting SBML document containing the pointer's parent.
TextGlyph_t * Layout_getTextGlyph ( Layout_t l,
unsigned int  index 

Returns a pointer to the GraphicalObject_t with the given index.

lthe Layout_t structure.
indexthe index of the desired TextGlyph_t.
The pointer that is returned by this function is not owned by the caller, but may be queried and modified. Any changes made will be reflected in any resulting SBML document containing the pointer's parent.
void Layout_initDefaults ( Layout_t l)

Does nothing since no defaults are defined for Layout_t.

lthe Layout_t structure.
int Layout_isSetId ( const Layout_t l)

Returns 1 (true) if the id is set.

lthe Layout_t structure.
GraphicalObject_t * Layout_removeAdditionalGraphicalObject ( Layout_t l,
unsigned int  index 

Removes the graphical object with the given index.

If the index is invalid, nothing is removed, and NULL is returned.

lthe Layout_t structure.
indexthe index of the GraphicalObject_t to remove.
The pointer that is returned by this function is owned by the caller, who is responsible for deleting it. Any changes made to the element will not be reflected in any resulting SBML document unless the element is added to an SBML Document. Even in this case, the element's deletion is still the responsibility of the caller with two exceptions: if it is used as the "disownedItem" in the ListOf_appendAndOwn() or ListOf_insertAndOwn() functions. All other functions in libsbml add a copy of the element, and do not transfer ownership of the pointer.
GraphicalObject_t * Layout_removeAdditionalGraphicalObjectWithId ( Layout_t l,
const char *  id 

Removes the graphical object with the given id.

If the id is not found, nothing is removed, and NULL is returned.

lthe Layout_t structure.
idthe id of the GraphicalObject_t to remove.
The pointer that is returned by this function is owned by the caller, who is responsible for deleting it. Any changes made to the element will not be reflected in any resulting SBML document unless the element is added to an SBML Document. Even in this case, the element's deletion is still the responsibility of the caller with two exceptions: if it is used as the "disownedItem" in the ListOf_appendAndOwn() or ListOf_insertAndOwn() functions. All other functions in libsbml add a copy of the element, and do not transfer ownership of the pointer.
CompartmentGlyph_t * Layout_removeCompartmentGlyph ( Layout_t l,
unsigned int  index 

Removes the compartment glyph with the given index.

If the index is invalid, nothing is removed, and NULL is returned.

lthe Layout_t structure.
indexthe index of the CompartmentGlyph_t to remove.
The pointer that is returned by this function is owned by the caller, who is responsible for deleting it. Any changes made to the element will not be reflected in any resulting SBML document unless the element is added to an SBML Document. Even in this case, the element's deletion is still the responsibility of the caller with two exceptions: if it is used as the "disownedItem" in the ListOf_appendAndOwn() or ListOf_insertAndOwn() functions. All other functions in libsbml add a copy of the element, and do not transfer ownership of the pointer.
CompartmentGlyph_t * Layout_removeCompartmentGlyphWithId ( Layout_t l,
const char *  id 

Removes the compartment glyph with the given id.

If the id is not found, nothing is removed, and NULL is returned.

lthe Layout_t structure.
idthe id of the CompartmentGlyph_t to remove.
The pointer that is returned by this function is owned by the caller, who is responsible for deleting it. Any changes made to the element will not be reflected in any resulting SBML document unless the element is added to an SBML Document. Even in this case, the element's deletion is still the responsibility of the caller with two exceptions: if it is used as the "disownedItem" in the ListOf_appendAndOwn() or ListOf_insertAndOwn() functions. All other functions in libsbml add a copy of the element, and do not transfer ownership of the pointer.
ReactionGlyph_t * Layout_removeReactionGlyph ( Layout_t l,
unsigned int  index 

Removes the reaction glyph with the given index.

If the index is invalid, nothing is removed, and NULL is returned.

lthe Layout_t structure.
indexthe index of the ReactionGlyph_t to remove.
The pointer that is returned by this function is owned by the caller, who is responsible for deleting it. Any changes made to the element will not be reflected in any resulting SBML document unless the element is added to an SBML Document. Even in this case, the element's deletion is still the responsibility of the caller with two exceptions: if it is used as the "disownedItem" in the ListOf_appendAndOwn() or ListOf_insertAndOwn() functions. All other functions in libsbml add a copy of the element, and do not transfer ownership of the pointer.
ReactionGlyph_t * Layout_removeReactionGlyphWithId ( Layout_t l,
const char *  id 

Removes the reaction glyph with the given id.

If the id is not found, nothing is removed, and NULL is returned.

lthe Layout_t structure.
idthe id of the ReactionGlyph_t to remove.
The pointer that is returned by this function is owned by the caller, who is responsible for deleting it. Any changes made to the element will not be reflected in any resulting SBML document unless the element is added to an SBML Document. Even in this case, the element's deletion is still the responsibility of the caller with two exceptions: if it is used as the "disownedItem" in the ListOf_appendAndOwn() or ListOf_insertAndOwn() functions. All other functions in libsbml add a copy of the element, and do not transfer ownership of the pointer.
SpeciesGlyph_t * Layout_removeSpeciesGlyph ( Layout_t l,
unsigned int  index 

Removes the species glyph with the given index.

If the index is invalid, nothing is removed, and NULL is returned.

lthe Layout_t structure.
indexthe index of the SpeciesGlyph_t to remove.
The pointer that is returned by this function is owned by the caller, who is responsible for deleting it. Any changes made to the element will not be reflected in any resulting SBML document unless the element is added to an SBML Document. Even in this case, the element's deletion is still the responsibility of the caller with two exceptions: if it is used as the "disownedItem" in the ListOf_appendAndOwn() or ListOf_insertAndOwn() functions. All other functions in libsbml add a copy of the element, and do not transfer ownership of the pointer.
SpeciesGlyph_t * Layout_removeSpeciesGlyphWithId ( Layout_t l,
const char *  id 

Removes the species glyph with the given id.

If the id is not found, nothing is removed, and NULL is returned.

lthe Layout_t structure.
idthe id of the SpeciesGlyph_t to remove.
The pointer that is returned by this function is owned by the caller, who is responsible for deleting it. Any changes made to the element will not be reflected in any resulting SBML document unless the element is added to an SBML Document. Even in this case, the element's deletion is still the responsibility of the caller with two exceptions: if it is used as the "disownedItem" in the ListOf_appendAndOwn() or ListOf_insertAndOwn() functions. All other functions in libsbml add a copy of the element, and do not transfer ownership of the pointer.
SpeciesReferenceGlyph_t * Layout_removeSpeciesReferenceGlyphWithId ( Layout_t l,
const char *  id 

Removes the species reference glyph with the given id.

If the id is not found, nothing is removed, and NULL is returned.

lthe Layout_t structure.
idthe id of the SpeciesReferenceGlyph_t to remove.
The pointer that is returned by this function is owned by the caller, who is responsible for deleting it. Any changes made to the element will not be reflected in any resulting SBML document unless the element is added to an SBML Document. Even in this case, the element's deletion is still the responsibility of the caller with two exceptions: if it is used as the "disownedItem" in the ListOf_appendAndOwn() or ListOf_insertAndOwn() functions. All other functions in libsbml add a copy of the element, and do not transfer ownership of the pointer.
TextGlyph_t * Layout_removeTextGlyph ( Layout_t l,
unsigned int  index 

Removes the text glyph with the given index.

If the index is invalid, nothing is removed, and NULL is returned.

lthe Layout_t structure.
indexthe index of the TextGlyph_t to remove.
The pointer that is returned by this function is owned by the caller, who is responsible for deleting it. Any changes made to the element will not be reflected in any resulting SBML document unless the element is added to an SBML Document. Even in this case, the element's deletion is still the responsibility of the caller with two exceptions: if it is used as the "disownedItem" in the ListOf_appendAndOwn() or ListOf_insertAndOwn() functions. All other functions in libsbml add a copy of the element, and do not transfer ownership of the pointer.
TextGlyph_t * Layout_removeTextGlyphWithId ( Layout_t l,
const char *  id 

Removes the text glyph with the given id.

If the id is not found, nothing is removed, and NULL is returned.

lthe Layout_t structure.
idthe id of the TextGlyph_t to remove.
The pointer that is returned by this function is owned by the caller, who is responsible for deleting it. Any changes made to the element will not be reflected in any resulting SBML document unless the element is added to an SBML Document. Even in this case, the element's deletion is still the responsibility of the caller with two exceptions: if it is used as the "disownedItem" in the ListOf_appendAndOwn() or ListOf_insertAndOwn() functions. All other functions in libsbml add a copy of the element, and do not transfer ownership of the pointer.
void Layout_setDimensions ( Layout_t l,
const Dimensions_t dimensions 

Sets the dimensions of the given Layout_t structure to a copy of dimensions.

lthe Layout_t structure.
dimensionsthe dimensions to use for the Layout_t structure.
int Layout_setId ( Layout_t l,
const char *  sid 

Sets the id.

lthe Layout_t structure.
sidthe string to use as the ID of the Layout_t.
void Layout_unsetId ( Layout_t l)

Unsets the id.

lthe Layout_t structure.