libSBML C API  5.18.0
DefaultValues_t Class Reference

Detailed Description

render Encoding of default values.

The SBMl Render package originally (pre-SBML Level 3) specified default values and inheritance in a similar fashion to the specification used by SVG. However, in order to comply with the SBML development guidelines for Level 3 packages, the Render package specification introduced a new class of objects, DefaultValues_t, to encode these values within a model. The DefaultValues_t class objets can occur as a child of either the ListOfGlobalRenderInformation_t or a ListOfLocalRenderInformation_t.

The values from DefaultValues_t objects are to be taken as default source for the values of any optional attribute that is not explicitly declared. If an attribute has not been declared, either explicitly on an element or using the DefaultValues_t class then software reading the XML may chose how they handle the attribute. Please see the SBML Level 3 Render package specification for more information.

Note that the DefaultValues_t associated with a ListOfLocalRenderInformation_t will override DefaultValues_t declared on the ListOfGlobalRenderInformation_t.

Public Member Functions

DefaultValues_tDefaultValues_clone (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Creates and returns a deep copy of this DefaultValues_t object. More...
DefaultValues_tDefaultValues_create (unsigned int level, unsigned int version, unsigned int pkgVersion)
 Creates a new DefaultValues_t using the given SBML Level, Version and “render” package version. More...
void DefaultValues_free (DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Frees this DefaultValues_t object. More...
char * DefaultValues_getBackgroundColor (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Returns the value of the "backgroundColor" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
const RelAbsVector_tDefaultValues_getDefault_z (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Returns the value of the "default_z" element of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_getEnableRotationalMapping (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Returns the value of the "enableRotationalMapping" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
char * DefaultValues_getEndHead (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Returns the value of the "endHead" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
char * DefaultValues_getFill (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Returns the value of the "fill" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
FillRule_t DefaultValues_getFillRule (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Returns the value of the "fill-rule" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
char * DefaultValues_getFillRuleAsString (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Returns the value of the "fill-rule" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
char * DefaultValues_getFontFamily (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Returns the value of the "font-family" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
const RelAbsVector_tDefaultValues_getFontSize (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Returns the value of the "font-size" element of this DefaultValues_t. More...
FontStyle_t DefaultValues_getFontStyle (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Returns the value of the "font-style" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
char * DefaultValues_getFontStyleAsString (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Returns the value of the "font-style" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
FontWeight_t DefaultValues_getFontWeight (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Returns the value of the "font-weight" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
char * DefaultValues_getFontWeightAsString (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Returns the value of the "font-weight" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
const RelAbsVector_tDefaultValues_getLinearGradient_x1 (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Returns the value of the "linearGradient_x1" element of this DefaultValues_t. More...
const RelAbsVector_tDefaultValues_getLinearGradient_x2 (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Returns the value of the "linearGradient_x2" element of this DefaultValues_t. More...
const RelAbsVector_tDefaultValues_getLinearGradient_y1 (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Returns the value of the "linearGradient_y1" element of this DefaultValues_t. More...
const RelAbsVector_tDefaultValues_getLinearGradient_y2 (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Returns the value of the "linearGradient_y2" element of this DefaultValues_t. More...
const RelAbsVector_tDefaultValues_getLinearGradient_z1 (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Returns the value of the "linearGradient_z1" element of this DefaultValues_t. More...
const RelAbsVector_tDefaultValues_getLinearGradient_z2 (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Returns the value of the "linearGradient_z2" element of this DefaultValues_t. More...
const RelAbsVector_tDefaultValues_getRadialGradient_cx (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Returns the value of the "radialGradient_cx" element of this DefaultValues_t. More...
const RelAbsVector_tDefaultValues_getRadialGradient_cy (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Returns the value of the "radialGradient_cy" element of this DefaultValues_t. More...
const RelAbsVector_tDefaultValues_getRadialGradient_cz (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Returns the value of the "radialGradient_cz" element of this DefaultValues_t. More...
const RelAbsVector_tDefaultValues_getRadialGradient_fx (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Returns the value of the "radialGradient_fx" element of this DefaultValues_t. More...
const RelAbsVector_tDefaultValues_getRadialGradient_fy (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Returns the value of the "radialGradient_fy" element of this DefaultValues_t. More...
const RelAbsVector_tDefaultValues_getRadialGradient_fz (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Returns the value of the "radialGradient_fz" element of this DefaultValues_t. More...
const RelAbsVector_tDefaultValues_getRadialGradient_r (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Returns the value of the "radialGradient_r" element of this DefaultValues_t. More...
GradientSpreadMethod_t DefaultValues_getSpreadMethod (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Returns the value of the "spreadMethod" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
char * DefaultValues_getSpreadMethodAsString (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Returns the value of the "spreadMethod" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
char * DefaultValues_getStartHead (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Returns the value of the "startHead" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
char * DefaultValues_getStroke (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Returns the value of the "stroke" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
double DefaultValues_getStrokeWidth (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Returns the value of the "stroke-width" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
HTextAnchor_t DefaultValues_getTextAnchor (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Returns the value of the "text-anchor" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
char * DefaultValues_getTextAnchorAsString (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Returns the value of the "text-anchor" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
VTextAnchor_t DefaultValues_getVtextAnchor (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Returns the value of the "vtext-anchor" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
char * DefaultValues_getVtextAnchorAsString (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Returns the value of the "vtext-anchor" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_hasRequiredAttributes (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Predicate returning 1 (true) if all the required attributes for this DefaultValues_t object have been set. More...
int DefaultValues_isSetBackgroundColor (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "backgroundColor" attribute is set. More...
int DefaultValues_isSetDefault_z (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "default_z" element is set. More...
int DefaultValues_isSetEnableRotationalMapping (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "enableRotationalMapping" attribute is set. More...
int DefaultValues_isSetEndHead (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "endHead" attribute is set. More...
int DefaultValues_isSetFill (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "fill" attribute is set. More...
int DefaultValues_isSetFillRule (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "fill-rule" attribute is set. More...
int DefaultValues_isSetFontFamily (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "font-family" attribute is set. More...
int DefaultValues_isSetFontSize (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "font-size" element is set. More...
int DefaultValues_isSetFontStyle (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "font-style" attribute is set. More...
int DefaultValues_isSetFontWeight (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "font-weight" attribute is set. More...
int DefaultValues_isSetLinearGradient_x1 (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "linearGradient_x1" element is set. More...
int DefaultValues_isSetLinearGradient_x2 (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "linearGradient_x2" element is set. More...
int DefaultValues_isSetLinearGradient_y1 (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "linearGradient_y1" element is set. More...
int DefaultValues_isSetLinearGradient_y2 (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "linearGradient_y2" element is set. More...
int DefaultValues_isSetLinearGradient_z1 (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "linearGradient_z1" element is set. More...
int DefaultValues_isSetLinearGradient_z2 (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "linearGradient_z2" element is set. More...
int DefaultValues_isSetRadialGradient_cx (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "radialGradient_cx" element is set. More...
int DefaultValues_isSetRadialGradient_cy (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "radialGradient_cy" element is set. More...
int DefaultValues_isSetRadialGradient_cz (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "radialGradient_cz" element is set. More...
int DefaultValues_isSetRadialGradient_fx (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "radialGradient_fx" element is set. More...
int DefaultValues_isSetRadialGradient_fy (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "radialGradient_fy" element is set. More...
int DefaultValues_isSetRadialGradient_fz (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "radialGradient_fz" element is set. More...
int DefaultValues_isSetRadialGradient_r (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "radialGradient_r" element is set. More...
int DefaultValues_isSetSpreadMethod (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "spreadMethod" attribute is set. More...
int DefaultValues_isSetStartHead (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "startHead" attribute is set. More...
int DefaultValues_isSetStroke (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "stroke" attribute is set. More...
int DefaultValues_isSetStrokeWidth (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "stroke-width" attribute is set. More...
int DefaultValues_isSetTextAnchor (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "text-anchor" attribute is set. More...
int DefaultValues_isSetVtextAnchor (const DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "vtext-anchor" attribute is set. More...
int DefaultValues_setBackgroundColor (DefaultValues_t *dv, const char *backgroundColor)
 Sets the value of the "backgroundColor" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_setDefault_z (DefaultValues_t *dv, const RelAbsVector_t *default_z)
 Sets the value of the "default_z" element of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_setEnableRotationalMapping (DefaultValues_t *dv, int enableRotationalMapping)
 Sets the value of the "enableRotationalMapping" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_setEndHead (DefaultValues_t *dv, const char *endHead)
 Sets the value of the "endHead" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_setFill (DefaultValues_t *dv, const char *fill)
 Sets the value of the "fill" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_setFillRule (DefaultValues_t *dv, FillRule_t fillRule)
 Sets the value of the "fill-rule" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_setFillRuleAsString (DefaultValues_t *dv, const char *fillRule)
 Sets the value of the "fill-rule" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_setFontFamily (DefaultValues_t *dv, const char *fontFamily)
 Sets the value of the "font-family" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_setFontSize (DefaultValues_t *dv, const RelAbsVector_t *fontSize)
 Sets the value of the "font-size" element of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_setFontStyle (DefaultValues_t *dv, FontStyle_t fontStyle)
 Sets the value of the "font-style" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_setFontStyleAsString (DefaultValues_t *dv, const char *fontStyle)
 Sets the value of the "font-style" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_setFontWeight (DefaultValues_t *dv, FontWeight_t fontWeight)
 Sets the value of the "font-weight" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_setFontWeightAsString (DefaultValues_t *dv, const char *fontWeight)
 Sets the value of the "font-weight" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_setLinearGradient_x1 (DefaultValues_t *dv, const RelAbsVector_t *linearGradient_x1)
 Sets the value of the "linearGradient_x1" element of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_setLinearGradient_x2 (DefaultValues_t *dv, const RelAbsVector_t *linearGradient_x2)
 Sets the value of the "linearGradient_x2" element of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_setLinearGradient_y1 (DefaultValues_t *dv, const RelAbsVector_t *linearGradient_y1)
 Sets the value of the "linearGradient_y1" element of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_setLinearGradient_y2 (DefaultValues_t *dv, const RelAbsVector_t *linearGradient_y2)
 Sets the value of the "linearGradient_y2" element of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_setLinearGradient_z1 (DefaultValues_t *dv, const RelAbsVector_t *linearGradient_z1)
 Sets the value of the "linearGradient_z1" element of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_setLinearGradient_z2 (DefaultValues_t *dv, const RelAbsVector_t *linearGradient_z2)
 Sets the value of the "linearGradient_z2" element of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_setRadialGradient_cx (DefaultValues_t *dv, const RelAbsVector_t *radialGradient_cx)
 Sets the value of the "radialGradient_cx" element of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_setRadialGradient_cy (DefaultValues_t *dv, const RelAbsVector_t *radialGradient_cy)
 Sets the value of the "radialGradient_cy" element of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_setRadialGradient_cz (DefaultValues_t *dv, const RelAbsVector_t *radialGradient_cz)
 Sets the value of the "radialGradient_cz" element of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_setRadialGradient_fx (DefaultValues_t *dv, const RelAbsVector_t *radialGradient_fx)
 Sets the value of the "radialGradient_fx" element of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_setRadialGradient_fy (DefaultValues_t *dv, const RelAbsVector_t *radialGradient_fy)
 Sets the value of the "radialGradient_fy" element of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_setRadialGradient_fz (DefaultValues_t *dv, const RelAbsVector_t *radialGradient_fz)
 Sets the value of the "radialGradient_fz" element of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_setRadialGradient_r (DefaultValues_t *dv, const RelAbsVector_t *radialGradient_r)
 Sets the value of the "radialGradient_r" element of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_setSpreadMethod (DefaultValues_t *dv, GradientSpreadMethod_t spreadMethod)
 Sets the value of the "spreadMethod" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_setSpreadMethodAsString (DefaultValues_t *dv, const char *spreadMethod)
 Sets the value of the "spreadMethod" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_setStartHead (DefaultValues_t *dv, const char *startHead)
 Sets the value of the "startHead" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_setStroke (DefaultValues_t *dv, const char *stroke)
 Sets the value of the "stroke" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_setStrokeWidth (DefaultValues_t *dv, double strokeWidth)
 Sets the value of the "stroke-width" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_setTextAnchor (DefaultValues_t *dv, HTextAnchor_t textAnchor)
 Sets the value of the "text-anchor" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_setTextAnchorAsString (DefaultValues_t *dv, const char *textAnchor)
 Sets the value of the "text-anchor" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_setVtextAnchor (DefaultValues_t *dv, VTextAnchor_t vtextAnchor)
 Sets the value of the "vtext-anchor" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_setVtextAnchorAsString (DefaultValues_t *dv, const char *vtextAnchor)
 Sets the value of the "vtext-anchor" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_unsetBackgroundColor (DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Unsets the value of the "backgroundColor" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_unsetDefault_z (DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Unsets the value of the "default_z" element of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_unsetEnableRotationalMapping (DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Unsets the value of the "enableRotationalMapping" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_unsetEndHead (DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Unsets the value of the "endHead" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_unsetFill (DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Unsets the value of the "fill" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_unsetFillRule (DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Unsets the value of the "fill-rule" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_unsetFontFamily (DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Unsets the value of the "font-family" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_unsetFontSize (DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Unsets the value of the "font-size" element of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_unsetFontStyle (DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Unsets the value of the "font-style" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_unsetFontWeight (DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Unsets the value of the "font-weight" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_unsetLinearGradient_x1 (DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Unsets the value of the "linearGradient_x1" element of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_unsetLinearGradient_x2 (DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Unsets the value of the "linearGradient_x2" element of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_unsetLinearGradient_y1 (DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Unsets the value of the "linearGradient_y1" element of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_unsetLinearGradient_y2 (DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Unsets the value of the "linearGradient_y2" element of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_unsetLinearGradient_z1 (DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Unsets the value of the "linearGradient_z1" element of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_unsetLinearGradient_z2 (DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Unsets the value of the "linearGradient_z2" element of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_unsetRadialGradient_cx (DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Unsets the value of the "radialGradient_cx" element of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_unsetRadialGradient_cy (DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Unsets the value of the "radialGradient_cy" element of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_unsetRadialGradient_cz (DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Unsets the value of the "radialGradient_cz" element of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_unsetRadialGradient_fx (DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Unsets the value of the "radialGradient_fx" element of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_unsetRadialGradient_fy (DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Unsets the value of the "radialGradient_fy" element of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_unsetRadialGradient_fz (DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Unsets the value of the "radialGradient_fz" element of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_unsetRadialGradient_r (DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Unsets the value of the "radialGradient_r" element of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_unsetSpreadMethod (DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Unsets the value of the "spreadMethod" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_unsetStartHead (DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Unsets the value of the "startHead" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_unsetStroke (DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Unsets the value of the "stroke" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_unsetStrokeWidth (DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Unsets the value of the "stroke-width" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_unsetTextAnchor (DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Unsets the value of the "text-anchor" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
int DefaultValues_unsetVtextAnchor (DefaultValues_t *dv)
 Unsets the value of the "vtext-anchor" attribute of this DefaultValues_t. More...
FillRule_t FillRule_fromString (const char *code)
 Returns the FillRule_t enumeration corresponding to the given string or FILL_RULE_INVALID if there is no such match. More...
int FillRule_isValid (FillRule_t fr)
 Predicate returning 1 (true) or 0 (false) depending on whether the given FillRule_t is valid. More...
int FillRule_isValidString (const char *code)
 Predicate returning 1 (true) or 0 (false) depending on whether the given string is a valid FillRule_t. More...
const char * FillRule_toString (FillRule_t fr)
 Returns the string version of the provided FillRule_t enumeration. More...
FontFamily_t FontFamily_fromString (const char *code)
 Returns the FontFamily_t enumeration corresponding to the given string or FONT_FAMILY_INVALID if there is no such match. More...
int FontFamily_isValid (FontFamily_t ff)
 Predicate returning 1 (true) or 0 (false) depending on whether the given FontFamily_t is valid. More...
int FontFamily_isValidString (const char *code)
 Predicate returning 1 (true) or 0 (false) depending on whether the given string is a valid FontFamily_t. More...
const char * FontFamily_toString (FontFamily_t ff)
 Returns the string version of the provided FontFamily_t enumeration. More...
FontStyle_t FontStyle_fromString (const char *code)
 Returns the FontStyle_t enumeration corresponding to the given string or FONT_STYLE_INVALID if there is no such match. More...
int FontStyle_isValid (FontStyle_t fs)
 Predicate returning 1 (true) or 0 (false) depending on whether the given FontStyle_t is valid. More...
int FontStyle_isValidString (const char *code)
 Predicate returning 1 (true) or 0 (false) depending on whether the given string is a valid FontStyle_t. More...
const char * FontStyle_toString (FontStyle_t fs)
 Returns the string version of the provided FontStyle_t enumeration. More...
FontWeight_t FontWeight_fromString (const char *code)
 Returns the FontWeight_t enumeration corresponding to the given string or FONT_WEIGHT_INVALID if there is no such match. More...
int FontWeight_isValid (FontWeight_t fw)
 Predicate returning 1 (true) or 0 (false) depending on whether the given FontWeight_t is valid. More...
int FontWeight_isValidString (const char *code)
 Predicate returning 1 (true) or 0 (false) depending on whether the given string is a valid FontWeight_t. More...
const char * FontWeight_toString (FontWeight_t fw)
 Returns the string version of the provided FontWeight_t enumeration. More...
HTextAnchor_t HTextAnchor_fromString (const char *code)
 Returns the HTextAnchor_t enumeration corresponding to the given string or H_TEXTANCHOR_INVALID if there is no such match. More...
int HTextAnchor_isValid (HTextAnchor_t hta)
 Predicate returning 1 (true) or 0 (false) depending on whether the given HTextAnchor_t is valid. More...
int HTextAnchor_isValidString (const char *code)
 Predicate returning 1 (true) or 0 (false) depending on whether the given string is a valid HTextAnchor_t. More...
const char * HTextAnchor_toString (HTextAnchor_t hta)
 Returns the string version of the provided HTextAnchor_t enumeration. More...
VTextAnchor_t VTextAnchor_fromString (const char *code)
 Returns the VTextAnchor_t enumeration corresponding to the given string or V_TEXTANCHOR_INVALID if there is no such match. More...
int VTextAnchor_isValid (VTextAnchor_t vta)
 Predicate returning 1 (true) or 0 (false) depending on whether the given VTextAnchor_t is valid. More...
int VTextAnchor_isValidString (const char *code)
 Predicate returning 1 (true) or 0 (false) depending on whether the given string is a valid VTextAnchor_t. More...
const char * VTextAnchor_toString (VTextAnchor_t vta)
 Returns the string version of the provided VTextAnchor_t enumeration. More...

Member Function Documentation

DefaultValues_t * DefaultValues_clone ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Creates and returns a deep copy of this DefaultValues_t object.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
a (deep) copy of this DefaultValues_t object.
The pointer that is returned by this function is owned by the caller, who is responsible for deleting it. Any changes made to the element will not be reflected in any resulting SBML document unless the element is added to an SBML Document. Even in this case, the element's deletion is still the responsibility of the caller with two exceptions: if it is used as the "disownedItem" in the ListOf_appendAndOwn() or ListOf_insertAndOwn() functions. All other functions in libsbml add a copy of the element, and do not transfer ownership of the pointer.
DefaultValues_t * DefaultValues_create ( unsigned int  level,
unsigned int  version,
unsigned int  pkgVersion 

Creates a new DefaultValues_t using the given SBML Level, Version and “render” package version.

levelan unsigned int, the SBML Level to assign to this DefaultValues_t.
versionan unsigned int, the SBML Version to assign to this DefaultValues_t.
pkgVersionan unsigned int, the SBML Render Version to assign to this DefaultValues_t.
Attempting to add an object to an SBMLDocument_t having a different combination of SBML Level, Version and XML namespaces than the object itself will result in an error at the time a caller attempts to make the addition. A parent object must have compatible Level, Version and XML namespaces. (Strictly speaking, a parent may also have more XML namespaces than a child, but the reverse is not permitted.) The restriction is necessary to ensure that an SBML model has a consistent overall structure. This requires callers to manage their objects carefully, but the benefit is increased flexibility in how models can be created by permitting callers to create objects bottom-up if desired. In situations where objects are not yet attached to parents (e.g., SBMLDocument_t), knowledge of the intented SBML Level and Version help libSBML determine such things as whether it is valid to assign a particular value to an attribute. For packages, this means that the parent object to which this package element is being added must have been created with the package namespace, or that the package namespace was added to it, even if that parent is not a package object itself.
The pointer that is returned by this function is owned by the caller, who is responsible for deleting it. Any changes made to the element will not be reflected in any resulting SBML document unless the element is added to an SBML Document. Even in this case, the element's deletion is still the responsibility of the caller with two exceptions: if it is used as the "disownedItem" in the ListOf_appendAndOwn() or ListOf_insertAndOwn() functions. All other functions in libsbml add a copy of the element, and do not transfer ownership of the pointer.
void DefaultValues_free ( DefaultValues_t dv)

Frees this DefaultValues_t object.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
char * DefaultValues_getBackgroundColor ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Returns the value of the "backgroundColor" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure whose backgroundColor is sought.
the value of the "backgroundColor" attribute of this DefaultValues_t as a pointer to a string.
The string returned by this function is owned by the caller, who is responsible for deleting it. Any changes made to the string will not be reflected in any resulting SBML document unless the string is added to an SBML Document. Even in this case, the string should be deleted, as adding a string to an SBML Document adds a copy of the string, and does not transfer ownership of that string.
const RelAbsVector_t * DefaultValues_getDefault_z ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Returns the value of the "default_z" element of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure whose default_z is sought.
the value of the "default_z" element of this DefaultValues_t as a RelAbsVector_t.
int DefaultValues_getEnableRotationalMapping ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Returns the value of the "enableRotationalMapping" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure whose enableRotationalMapping is sought.
the value of the "enableRotationalMapping" attribute of this DefaultValues_t as a boolean.
char * DefaultValues_getEndHead ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Returns the value of the "endHead" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure whose endHead is sought.
the value of the "endHead" attribute of this DefaultValues_t as a pointer to a string.
The string returned by this function is owned by the caller, who is responsible for deleting it. Any changes made to the string will not be reflected in any resulting SBML document unless the string is added to an SBML Document. Even in this case, the string should be deleted, as adding a string to an SBML Document adds a copy of the string, and does not transfer ownership of that string.
char * DefaultValues_getFill ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Returns the value of the "fill" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure whose fill is sought.
the value of the "fill" attribute of this DefaultValues_t as a pointer to a string.
The string returned by this function is owned by the caller, who is responsible for deleting it. Any changes made to the string will not be reflected in any resulting SBML document unless the string is added to an SBML Document. Even in this case, the string should be deleted, as adding a string to an SBML Document adds a copy of the string, and does not transfer ownership of that string.
FillRule_t DefaultValues_getFillRule ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Returns the value of the "fill-rule" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

The attribute "fill-rule" is used to define how polygons should be filled. In the SBML Level 3 Version 1 Render specification, the following are the allowable values for "fill-rule":
  • "nonzero": This value determines the "insideness" of a point in the shape by drawing a ray from that point to infinity in any direction and then examining the places where a segment of the shape crosses the ray. Starting with a count of zero, add one each time a path segment crosses the ray from left to right and subtract one each time a path segment crosses the ray from right to left. After counting the crossings, if the result is zero then the point is outside the path. Otherwise, it is inside.

  • "evenodd": This value determines the "insideness" of a point in the shape by drawing a ray from that point to infinity in any direction and counting the number of path segments from the given shape that the ray crosses. If this number is odd, the point is inside; if even, the point is outside.

  • "inherit": This value declares the "insideness" of a point in the shape by declaring that the property takes the same computed value as the property for the element's parent. The inherited value, which is normally only used as a fallback value, can be clarified by setting 'inherit' explicitly. NOTE: This value is NOT in the Level 3 Version 1 Render specification, but was left out due to an oversight: the value has long been part of the codebase. It is provided here as a convenience. Elements with a fill-rule set to "inherit" actually behave identicaly to elements without a fill-rule attribute at all, since this attribute always takes the value of a parent element if not defined explicitly.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure whose fill-rule is sought.
the value of the "fill-rule" attribute of this DefaultValues_t as a FillRule_t. The possible values returned by this method are:
char * DefaultValues_getFillRuleAsString ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Returns the value of the "fill-rule" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

The attribute "fill-rule" is used to define how polygons should be filled. In the SBML Level 3 Version 1 Render specification, the following are the allowable values for "fill-rule":
  • "nonzero": This value determines the "insideness" of a point in the shape by drawing a ray from that point to infinity in any direction and then examining the places where a segment of the shape crosses the ray. Starting with a count of zero, add one each time a path segment crosses the ray from left to right and subtract one each time a path segment crosses the ray from right to left. After counting the crossings, if the result is zero then the point is outside the path. Otherwise, it is inside.

  • "evenodd": This value determines the "insideness" of a point in the shape by drawing a ray from that point to infinity in any direction and counting the number of path segments from the given shape that the ray crosses. If this number is odd, the point is inside; if even, the point is outside.

  • "inherit": This value declares the "insideness" of a point in the shape by declaring that the property takes the same computed value as the property for the element's parent. The inherited value, which is normally only used as a fallback value, can be clarified by setting 'inherit' explicitly. NOTE: This value is NOT in the Level 3 Version 1 Render specification, but was left out due to an oversight: the value has long been part of the codebase. It is provided here as a convenience. Elements with a fill-rule set to "inherit" actually behave identicaly to elements without a fill-rule attribute at all, since this attribute always takes the value of a parent element if not defined explicitly.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure whose fill-rule is sought.
the value of the "fill-rule" attribute of this DefaultValues_t as a const char *. The possible values returned by this method are:
  • "unset"
  • "nonzero"
  • "evenodd"
  • "inherit"
  • "invalid DefaultValuesFill-rule"
The string returned by this function is a pointer to a string literal defined in the libSBML library, and may not be modified or deleted.
char * DefaultValues_getFontFamily ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Returns the value of the "font-family" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure whose font-family is sought.
the value of the "font-family" attribute of this DefaultValues_t as a pointer to a string.
The string returned by this function is owned by the caller, who is responsible for deleting it. Any changes made to the string will not be reflected in any resulting SBML document unless the string is added to an SBML Document. Even in this case, the string should be deleted, as adding a string to an SBML Document adds a copy of the string, and does not transfer ownership of that string.
const RelAbsVector_t * DefaultValues_getFontSize ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Returns the value of the "font-size" element of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure whose font-size is sought.
the value of the "font-size" element of this DefaultValues_t as a RelAbsVector_t.
FontStyle_t DefaultValues_getFontStyle ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Returns the value of the "font-style" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

The attribute "font-style" is used to specify whether the text is to be "normal" or "italic". If omitted, the text may be rendered in either way. In the SBML Level 3 Version 1 Render specification, the following are the allowable values for "font-style":
  • "italic", slanted print

  • "normal", upright print

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure whose font-style is sought.
the value of the "font-style" attribute of this DefaultValues_t as a FontStyle_t. The possible values returned by this method are:
char * DefaultValues_getFontStyleAsString ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Returns the value of the "font-style" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

The attribute "font-style" is used to specify whether the text is to be "normal" or "italic". If omitted, the text may be rendered in either way. In the SBML Level 3 Version 1 Render specification, the following are the allowable values for "font-style":
  • "italic", slanted print

  • "normal", upright print

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure whose font-style is sought.
the value of the "font-style" attribute of this DefaultValues_t as a const char *. The possible values returned by this method are:
  • "italic"
  • "normal"
  • "invalid DefaultValuesFont-style"
The string returned by this function is a pointer to a string literal defined in the libSBML library, and may not be modified or deleted.
FontWeight_t DefaultValues_getFontWeight ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Returns the value of the "font-weight" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

The attribute "font-weight" is used to specify whether the text is to be "normal" or "bold". If omitted, the text may be rendered in either way. In the SBML Level 3 Version 1 Render specification, the following are the allowable values for "font-weight":
  • "bold", darker and/or thicker than normal print.

  • "normal", the typical print weight; lighter and/or thinner than "bold".

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure whose font-weight is sought.
the value of the "font-weight" attribute of this DefaultValues_t as a FontWeight_t. The possible values returned by this method are:
char * DefaultValues_getFontWeightAsString ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Returns the value of the "font-weight" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

The attribute "font-weight" is used to specify whether the text is to be "normal" or "bold". If omitted, the text may be rendered in either way. In the SBML Level 3 Version 1 Render specification, the following are the allowable values for "font-weight":
  • "bold", darker and/or thicker than normal print.

  • "normal", the typical print weight; lighter and/or thinner than "bold".

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure whose font-weight is sought.
the value of the "font-weight" attribute of this DefaultValues_t as a const char *. The possible values returned by this method are:
  • "bold"
  • "normal"
  • "invalid DefaultValuesFont-weight"
The string returned by this function is a pointer to a string literal defined in the libSBML library, and may not be modified or deleted.
const RelAbsVector_t * DefaultValues_getLinearGradient_x1 ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Returns the value of the "linearGradient_x1" element of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure whose linearGradient_x1 is sought.
the value of the "linearGradient_x1" element of this DefaultValues_t as a RelAbsVector_t.
const RelAbsVector_t * DefaultValues_getLinearGradient_x2 ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Returns the value of the "linearGradient_x2" element of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure whose linearGradient_x2 is sought.
the value of the "linearGradient_x2" element of this DefaultValues_t as a RelAbsVector_t.
const RelAbsVector_t * DefaultValues_getLinearGradient_y1 ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Returns the value of the "linearGradient_y1" element of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure whose linearGradient_y1 is sought.
the value of the "linearGradient_y1" element of this DefaultValues_t as a RelAbsVector_t.
const RelAbsVector_t * DefaultValues_getLinearGradient_y2 ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Returns the value of the "linearGradient_y2" element of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure whose linearGradient_y2 is sought.
the value of the "linearGradient_y2" element of this DefaultValues_t as a RelAbsVector_t.
const RelAbsVector_t * DefaultValues_getLinearGradient_z1 ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Returns the value of the "linearGradient_z1" element of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure whose linearGradient_z1 is sought.
the value of the "linearGradient_z1" element of this DefaultValues_t as a RelAbsVector_t.
const RelAbsVector_t * DefaultValues_getLinearGradient_z2 ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Returns the value of the "linearGradient_z2" element of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure whose linearGradient_z2 is sought.
the value of the "linearGradient_z2" element of this DefaultValues_t as a RelAbsVector_t.
const RelAbsVector_t * DefaultValues_getRadialGradient_cx ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Returns the value of the "radialGradient_cx" element of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure whose radialGradient_cx is sought.
the value of the "radialGradient_cx" element of this DefaultValues_t as a RelAbsVector_t.
const RelAbsVector_t * DefaultValues_getRadialGradient_cy ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Returns the value of the "radialGradient_cy" element of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure whose radialGradient_cy is sought.
the value of the "radialGradient_cy" element of this DefaultValues_t as a RelAbsVector_t.
const RelAbsVector_t * DefaultValues_getRadialGradient_cz ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Returns the value of the "radialGradient_cz" element of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure whose radialGradient_cz is sought.
the value of the "radialGradient_cz" element of this DefaultValues_t as a RelAbsVector_t.
const RelAbsVector_t * DefaultValues_getRadialGradient_fx ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Returns the value of the "radialGradient_fx" element of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure whose radialGradient_fx is sought.
the value of the "radialGradient_fx" element of this DefaultValues_t as a RelAbsVector_t.
const RelAbsVector_t * DefaultValues_getRadialGradient_fy ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Returns the value of the "radialGradient_fy" element of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure whose radialGradient_fy is sought.
the value of the "radialGradient_fy" element of this DefaultValues_t as a RelAbsVector_t.
const RelAbsVector_t * DefaultValues_getRadialGradient_fz ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Returns the value of the "radialGradient_fz" element of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure whose radialGradient_fz is sought.
the value of the "radialGradient_fz" element of this DefaultValues_t as a RelAbsVector_t.
const RelAbsVector_t * DefaultValues_getRadialGradient_r ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Returns the value of the "radialGradient_r" element of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure whose radialGradient_r is sought.
the value of the "radialGradient_r" element of this DefaultValues_t as a RelAbsVector_t.
GradientSpreadMethod_t DefaultValues_getSpreadMethod ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Returns the value of the "spreadMethod" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure whose spreadMethod is sought.
the value of the "spreadMethod" attribute of this DefaultValues_t as a GradientSpreadMethod_t. The possible values returned by this method are:
char * DefaultValues_getSpreadMethodAsString ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Returns the value of the "spreadMethod" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure whose spreadMethod is sought.
the value of the "spreadMethod" attribute of this DefaultValues_t as a const char **. The possible values returned by this method are:
  • "pad"
  • "reflect"
  • "repeat"
  • "invalid DefaultValuesSpreadMethod"
The string returned by this function is a pointer to a string literal defined in the libSBML library, and may not be modified or deleted.
char * DefaultValues_getStartHead ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Returns the value of the "startHead" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure whose startHead is sought.
the value of the "startHead" attribute of this DefaultValues_t as a pointer to a string.
The string returned by this function is owned by the caller, who is responsible for deleting it. Any changes made to the string will not be reflected in any resulting SBML document unless the string is added to an SBML Document. Even in this case, the string should be deleted, as adding a string to an SBML Document adds a copy of the string, and does not transfer ownership of that string.
char * DefaultValues_getStroke ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Returns the value of the "stroke" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure whose stroke is sought.
the value of the "stroke" attribute of this DefaultValues_t as a pointer to a string.
The string returned by this function is owned by the caller, who is responsible for deleting it. Any changes made to the string will not be reflected in any resulting SBML document unless the string is added to an SBML Document. Even in this case, the string should be deleted, as adding a string to an SBML Document adds a copy of the string, and does not transfer ownership of that string.
double DefaultValues_getStrokeWidth ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Returns the value of the "stroke-width" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure whose stroke-width is sought.
the value of the "stroke-width" attribute of this DefaultValues_t as a double.
HTextAnchor_t DefaultValues_getTextAnchor ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Returns the value of the "text-anchor" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

The attribute "text-anchor" is used to specify the horizontal alignment of the text. If omitted, the text may be aligned in any way. In the SBML Level 3 Version 1 Render specification, the following are the allowable values for "text-anchor":
  • "start", the start of the text is aligned to the horizontal center of the box.

  • "middle", the horizontal center of the text is aligned to the horizontal center of the box.

  • "end", the end of the text is aligned to the horizontal center of the box.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure whose text-anchor is sought.
the value of the "text-anchor" attribute of this DefaultValues_t as a HTextAnchor_t. The possible values returned by this method are:
char * DefaultValues_getTextAnchorAsString ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Returns the value of the "text-anchor" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

The attribute "text-anchor" is used to specify the horizontal alignment of the text. If omitted, the text may be aligned in any way. In the SBML Level 3 Version 1 Render specification, the following are the allowable values for "text-anchor":
  • "start", the start of the text is aligned to the horizontal center of the box.

  • "middle", the horizontal center of the text is aligned to the horizontal center of the box.

  • "end", the end of the text is aligned to the horizontal center of the box.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure whose text-anchor is sought.
the value of the "text-anchor" attribute of this DefaultValues_t as a const char *. The possible values returned by this method are:
  • "start"
  • "middle"
  • "end"
  • "invalid DefaultValuesText-anchor"
The string returned by this function is a pointer to a string literal defined in the libSBML library, and may not be modified or deleted.
VTextAnchor_t DefaultValues_getVtextAnchor ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Returns the value of the "vtext-anchor" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

The attribute "vtext-anchor" is used to specify the vertical alignment of the text. If omitted, the text may be aligned in any way. In the SBML Level 3 Version 1 Render specification, the following are the allowable values for "vtext-anchor":
  • "top", the top of the text is aligned to the vertical center of the box.

  • "middle", the vertical center of the text is aligned with the vertical center of the box.

  • "bottom", the bottom of the text (i.e. the very bottom of any descending letter like 'y' or 'p') is aligned with the vertical center of the box.

  • "baseline", the baseline of the text (i.e. the bottom of any non-descending letter like 'a' or e') is aligned with the vertical center of the box.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure whose vtext-anchor is sought.
the value of the "vtext-anchor" attribute of this DefaultValues_t as a VTextAnchor_t. The possible values returned by this method are:
char * DefaultValues_getVtextAnchorAsString ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Returns the value of the "vtext-anchor" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

The attribute "vtext-anchor" is used to specify the vertical alignment of the text. If omitted, the text may be aligned in any way. In the SBML Level 3 Version 1 Render specification, the following are the allowable values for "vtext-anchor":
  • "top", the top of the text is aligned to the vertical center of the box.

  • "middle", the vertical center of the text is aligned with the vertical center of the box.

  • "bottom", the bottom of the text (i.e. the very bottom of any descending letter like 'y' or 'p') is aligned with the vertical center of the box.

  • "baseline", the baseline of the text (i.e. the bottom of any non-descending letter like 'a' or e') is aligned with the vertical center of the box.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure whose vtext-anchor is sought.
the value of the "vtext-anchor" attribute of this DefaultValues_t as a const char *. The possible values returned by this method are:
  • "top"
  • "middle"
  • "bottom"
  • "baseline"
  • "invalid DefaultValuesVtext-anchor"
The string returned by this function is a pointer to a string literal defined in the libSBML library, and may not be modified or deleted.
int DefaultValues_hasRequiredAttributes ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Predicate returning 1 (true) if all the required attributes for this DefaultValues_t object have been set.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
1 (true) to indicate that all the required attributes of this DefaultValues_t have been set, otherwise 0 (false) is returned.
int DefaultValues_isSetBackgroundColor ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "backgroundColor" attribute is set.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "backgroundColor" attribute has been set, otherwise 0 (false) is returned.
int DefaultValues_isSetDefault_z ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "default_z" element is set.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "default_z" element has been set, otherwise 0 (false) is returned.
int DefaultValues_isSetEnableRotationalMapping ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "enableRotationalMapping" attribute is set.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "enableRotationalMapping" attribute has been set, otherwise 0 (false) is returned.
int DefaultValues_isSetEndHead ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "endHead" attribute is set.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "endHead" attribute has been set, otherwise 0 (false) is returned.
int DefaultValues_isSetFill ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "fill" attribute is set.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "fill" attribute has been set, otherwise 0 (false) is returned.
int DefaultValues_isSetFillRule ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "fill-rule" attribute is set.

The attribute "fill-rule" is used to define how polygons should be filled. In the SBML Level 3 Version 1 Render specification, the following are the allowable values for "fill-rule":
  • "nonzero": This value determines the "insideness" of a point in the shape by drawing a ray from that point to infinity in any direction and then examining the places where a segment of the shape crosses the ray. Starting with a count of zero, add one each time a path segment crosses the ray from left to right and subtract one each time a path segment crosses the ray from right to left. After counting the crossings, if the result is zero then the point is outside the path. Otherwise, it is inside.

  • "evenodd": This value determines the "insideness" of a point in the shape by drawing a ray from that point to infinity in any direction and counting the number of path segments from the given shape that the ray crosses. If this number is odd, the point is inside; if even, the point is outside.

  • "inherit": This value declares the "insideness" of a point in the shape by declaring that the property takes the same computed value as the property for the element's parent. The inherited value, which is normally only used as a fallback value, can be clarified by setting 'inherit' explicitly. NOTE: This value is NOT in the Level 3 Version 1 Render specification, but was left out due to an oversight: the value has long been part of the codebase. It is provided here as a convenience. Elements with a fill-rule set to "inherit" actually behave identicaly to elements without a fill-rule attribute at all, since this attribute always takes the value of a parent element if not defined explicitly.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "fill-rule" attribute has been set, otherwise 0 (false) is returned.
int DefaultValues_isSetFontFamily ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "font-family" attribute is set.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "font-family" attribute has been set, otherwise 0 (false) is returned.
int DefaultValues_isSetFontSize ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "font-size" element is set.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "font-size" element has been set, otherwise 0 (false) is returned.
int DefaultValues_isSetFontStyle ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "font-style" attribute is set.

The attribute "font-style" is used to specify whether the text is to be "normal" or "italic". If omitted, the text may be rendered in either way. In the SBML Level 3 Version 1 Render specification, the following are the allowable values for "font-style":
  • "italic", slanted print

  • "normal", upright print

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "font-style" attribute has been set, otherwise 0 (false) is returned.
int DefaultValues_isSetFontWeight ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "font-weight" attribute is set.

The attribute "font-weight" is used to specify whether the text is to be "normal" or "bold". If omitted, the text may be rendered in either way. In the SBML Level 3 Version 1 Render specification, the following are the allowable values for "font-weight":
  • "bold", darker and/or thicker than normal print.

  • "normal", the typical print weight; lighter and/or thinner than "bold".

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "font-weight" attribute has been set, otherwise 0 (false) is returned.
int DefaultValues_isSetLinearGradient_x1 ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "linearGradient_x1" element is set.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "linearGradient_x1" element has been set, otherwise 0 (false) is returned.
int DefaultValues_isSetLinearGradient_x2 ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "linearGradient_x2" element is set.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "linearGradient_x2" element has been set, otherwise 0 (false) is returned.
int DefaultValues_isSetLinearGradient_y1 ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "linearGradient_y1" element is set.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "linearGradient_y1" element has been set, otherwise 0 (false) is returned.
int DefaultValues_isSetLinearGradient_y2 ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "linearGradient_y2" element is set.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "linearGradient_y2" element has been set, otherwise 0 (false) is returned.
int DefaultValues_isSetLinearGradient_z1 ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "linearGradient_z1" element is set.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "linearGradient_z1" element has been set, otherwise 0 (false) is returned.
int DefaultValues_isSetLinearGradient_z2 ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "linearGradient_z2" element is set.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "linearGradient_z2" element has been set, otherwise 0 (false) is returned.
int DefaultValues_isSetRadialGradient_cx ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "radialGradient_cx" element is set.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "radialGradient_cx" element has been set, otherwise 0 (false) is returned.
int DefaultValues_isSetRadialGradient_cy ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "radialGradient_cy" element is set.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "radialGradient_cy" element has been set, otherwise 0 (false) is returned.
int DefaultValues_isSetRadialGradient_cz ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "radialGradient_cz" element is set.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "radialGradient_cz" element has been set, otherwise 0 (false) is returned.
int DefaultValues_isSetRadialGradient_fx ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "radialGradient_fx" element is set.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "radialGradient_fx" element has been set, otherwise 0 (false) is returned.
int DefaultValues_isSetRadialGradient_fy ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "radialGradient_fy" element is set.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "radialGradient_fy" element has been set, otherwise 0 (false) is returned.
int DefaultValues_isSetRadialGradient_fz ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "radialGradient_fz" element is set.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "radialGradient_fz" element has been set, otherwise 0 (false) is returned.
int DefaultValues_isSetRadialGradient_r ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "radialGradient_r" element is set.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "radialGradient_r" element has been set, otherwise 0 (false) is returned.
int DefaultValues_isSetSpreadMethod ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "spreadMethod" attribute is set.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "spreadMethod" attribute has been set, otherwise 0 (false) is returned.
int DefaultValues_isSetStartHead ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "startHead" attribute is set.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "startHead" attribute has been set, otherwise 0 (false) is returned.
int DefaultValues_isSetStroke ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "stroke" attribute is set.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "stroke" attribute has been set, otherwise 0 (false) is returned.
int DefaultValues_isSetStrokeWidth ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "stroke-width" attribute is set.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "stroke-width" attribute has been set, otherwise 0 (false) is returned.
int DefaultValues_isSetTextAnchor ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "text-anchor" attribute is set.

The attribute "text-anchor" is used to specify the horizontal alignment of the text. If omitted, the text may be aligned in any way. In the SBML Level 3 Version 1 Render specification, the following are the allowable values for "text-anchor":
  • "start", the start of the text is aligned to the horizontal center of the box.

  • "middle", the horizontal center of the text is aligned to the horizontal center of the box.

  • "end", the end of the text is aligned to the horizontal center of the box.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "text-anchor" attribute has been set, otherwise 0 (false) is returned.
int DefaultValues_isSetVtextAnchor ( const DefaultValues_t dv)

Predicate returning 1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "vtext-anchor" attribute is set.

The attribute "vtext-anchor" is used to specify the vertical alignment of the text. If omitted, the text may be aligned in any way. In the SBML Level 3 Version 1 Render specification, the following are the allowable values for "vtext-anchor":
  • "top", the top of the text is aligned to the vertical center of the box.

  • "middle", the vertical center of the text is aligned with the vertical center of the box.

  • "bottom", the bottom of the text (i.e. the very bottom of any descending letter like 'y' or 'p') is aligned with the vertical center of the box.

  • "baseline", the baseline of the text (i.e. the bottom of any non-descending letter like 'a' or e') is aligned with the vertical center of the box.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
1 (true) if this DefaultValues_t's "vtext-anchor" attribute has been set, otherwise 0 (false) is returned.
int DefaultValues_setBackgroundColor ( DefaultValues_t dv,
const char *  backgroundColor 

Sets the value of the "backgroundColor" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
backgroundColorconst char ** value of the "backgroundColor" attribute to be set. Calling this function with backgroundColor = NULL or an empty string is equivalent to calling DefaultValues_unsetBackgroundColor().
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_setDefault_z ( DefaultValues_t dv,
const RelAbsVector_t default_z 

Sets the value of the "default_z" element of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
default_zRelAbsVector_t value of the "default_z" element to be set.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_setEnableRotationalMapping ( DefaultValues_t dv,
int  enableRotationalMapping 

Sets the value of the "enableRotationalMapping" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
enableRotationalMappingint value of the "enableRotationalMapping" attribute to be set.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_setEndHead ( DefaultValues_t dv,
const char *  endHead 

Sets the value of the "endHead" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
endHeadconst char ** value of the "endHead" attribute to be set.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_setFill ( DefaultValues_t dv,
const char *  fill 

Sets the value of the "fill" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
fillconst char ** value of the "fill" attribute to be set. Calling this function with fill = NULL or an empty string is equivalent to calling DefaultValues_unsetFill().
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_setFillRule ( DefaultValues_t dv,
FillRule_t  fillRule 

Sets the value of the "fill-rule" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

The attribute "fill-rule" is used to define how polygons should be filled. In the SBML Level 3 Version 1 Render specification, the following are the allowable values for "fill-rule":
  • "nonzero": This value determines the "insideness" of a point in the shape by drawing a ray from that point to infinity in any direction and then examining the places where a segment of the shape crosses the ray. Starting with a count of zero, add one each time a path segment crosses the ray from left to right and subtract one each time a path segment crosses the ray from right to left. After counting the crossings, if the result is zero then the point is outside the path. Otherwise, it is inside.

  • "evenodd": This value determines the "insideness" of a point in the shape by drawing a ray from that point to infinity in any direction and counting the number of path segments from the given shape that the ray crosses. If this number is odd, the point is inside; if even, the point is outside.

  • "inherit": This value declares the "insideness" of a point in the shape by declaring that the property takes the same computed value as the property for the element's parent. The inherited value, which is normally only used as a fallback value, can be clarified by setting 'inherit' explicitly. NOTE: This value is NOT in the Level 3 Version 1 Render specification, but was left out due to an oversight: the value has long been part of the codebase. It is provided here as a convenience. Elements with a fill-rule set to "inherit" actually behave identicaly to elements without a fill-rule attribute at all, since this attribute always takes the value of a parent element if not defined explicitly.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
fillRuleFillRule_t value of the "fill-rule" attribute to be set.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_setFillRuleAsString ( DefaultValues_t dv,
const char *  fillRule 

Sets the value of the "fill-rule" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

The attribute "fill-rule" is used to define how polygons should be filled. In the SBML Level 3 Version 1 Render specification, the following are the allowable values for "fill-rule":
  • "nonzero": This value determines the "insideness" of a point in the shape by drawing a ray from that point to infinity in any direction and then examining the places where a segment of the shape crosses the ray. Starting with a count of zero, add one each time a path segment crosses the ray from left to right and subtract one each time a path segment crosses the ray from right to left. After counting the crossings, if the result is zero then the point is outside the path. Otherwise, it is inside.

  • "evenodd": This value determines the "insideness" of a point in the shape by drawing a ray from that point to infinity in any direction and counting the number of path segments from the given shape that the ray crosses. If this number is odd, the point is inside; if even, the point is outside.

  • "inherit": This value declares the "insideness" of a point in the shape by declaring that the property takes the same computed value as the property for the element's parent. The inherited value, which is normally only used as a fallback value, can be clarified by setting 'inherit' explicitly. NOTE: This value is NOT in the Level 3 Version 1 Render specification, but was left out due to an oversight: the value has long been part of the codebase. It is provided here as a convenience. Elements with a fill-rule set to "inherit" actually behave identicaly to elements without a fill-rule attribute at all, since this attribute always takes the value of a parent element if not defined explicitly.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
fillRuleconst char ** of the "fill-rule" attribute to be set.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_setFontFamily ( DefaultValues_t dv,
const char *  fontFamily 

Sets the value of the "font-family" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
fontFamilyconst char ** value of the "font-family" attribute to be set. Calling this function with fontFamily = NULL or an empty string is equivalent to calling DefaultValues_unsetFontFamily().
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_setFontSize ( DefaultValues_t dv,
const RelAbsVector_t fontSize 

Sets the value of the "font-size" element of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
fontSizeRelAbsVector_t value of the "font-size" element to be set.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_setFontStyle ( DefaultValues_t dv,
FontStyle_t  fontStyle 

Sets the value of the "font-style" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

The attribute "font-style" is used to specify whether the text is to be "normal" or "italic". If omitted, the text may be rendered in either way. In the SBML Level 3 Version 1 Render specification, the following are the allowable values for "font-style":
  • "italic", slanted print

  • "normal", upright print

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
fontStyleFontStyle_t value of the "font-style" attribute to be set.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_setFontStyleAsString ( DefaultValues_t dv,
const char *  fontStyle 

Sets the value of the "font-style" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

The attribute "font-style" is used to specify whether the text is to be "normal" or "italic". If omitted, the text may be rendered in either way. In the SBML Level 3 Version 1 Render specification, the following are the allowable values for "font-style":
  • "italic", slanted print

  • "normal", upright print

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
fontStyleconst char ** of the "font-style" attribute to be set.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_setFontWeight ( DefaultValues_t dv,
FontWeight_t  fontWeight 

Sets the value of the "font-weight" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

The attribute "font-weight" is used to specify whether the text is to be "normal" or "bold". If omitted, the text may be rendered in either way. In the SBML Level 3 Version 1 Render specification, the following are the allowable values for "font-weight":
  • "bold", darker and/or thicker than normal print.

  • "normal", the typical print weight; lighter and/or thinner than "bold".

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
fontWeightFontWeight_t value of the "font-weight" attribute to be set.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_setFontWeightAsString ( DefaultValues_t dv,
const char *  fontWeight 

Sets the value of the "font-weight" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

The attribute "font-weight" is used to specify whether the text is to be "normal" or "bold". If omitted, the text may be rendered in either way. In the SBML Level 3 Version 1 Render specification, the following are the allowable values for "font-weight":
  • "bold", darker and/or thicker than normal print.

  • "normal", the typical print weight; lighter and/or thinner than "bold".

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
fontWeightconst char ** of the "font-weight" attribute to be set.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_setLinearGradient_x1 ( DefaultValues_t dv,
const RelAbsVector_t linearGradient_x1 

Sets the value of the "linearGradient_x1" element of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
linearGradient_x1RelAbsVector_t value of the "linearGradient_x1" element to be set.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_setLinearGradient_x2 ( DefaultValues_t dv,
const RelAbsVector_t linearGradient_x2 

Sets the value of the "linearGradient_x2" element of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
linearGradient_x2RelAbsVector_t value of the "linearGradient_x2" element to be set.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_setLinearGradient_y1 ( DefaultValues_t dv,
const RelAbsVector_t linearGradient_y1 

Sets the value of the "linearGradient_y1" element of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
linearGradient_y1RelAbsVector_t value of the "linearGradient_y1" element to be set.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_setLinearGradient_y2 ( DefaultValues_t dv,
const RelAbsVector_t linearGradient_y2 

Sets the value of the "linearGradient_y2" element of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
linearGradient_y2RelAbsVector_t value of the "linearGradient_y2" element to be set.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_setLinearGradient_z1 ( DefaultValues_t dv,
const RelAbsVector_t linearGradient_z1 

Sets the value of the "linearGradient_z1" element of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
linearGradient_z1RelAbsVector_t value of the "linearGradient_z1" element to be set.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_setLinearGradient_z2 ( DefaultValues_t dv,
const RelAbsVector_t linearGradient_z2 

Sets the value of the "linearGradient_z2" element of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
linearGradient_z2RelAbsVector_t value of the "linearGradient_z2" element to be set.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_setRadialGradient_cx ( DefaultValues_t dv,
const RelAbsVector_t radialGradient_cx 

Sets the value of the "radialGradient_cx" element of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
radialGradient_cxRelAbsVector_t value of the "radialGradient_cx" element to be set.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_setRadialGradient_cy ( DefaultValues_t dv,
const RelAbsVector_t radialGradient_cy 

Sets the value of the "radialGradient_cy" element of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
radialGradient_cyRelAbsVector_t value of the "radialGradient_cy" element to be set.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_setRadialGradient_cz ( DefaultValues_t dv,
const RelAbsVector_t radialGradient_cz 

Sets the value of the "radialGradient_cz" element of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
radialGradient_czRelAbsVector_t value of the "radialGradient_cz" element to be set.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_setRadialGradient_fx ( DefaultValues_t dv,
const RelAbsVector_t radialGradient_fx 

Sets the value of the "radialGradient_fx" element of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
radialGradient_fxRelAbsVector_t value of the "radialGradient_fx" element to be set.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_setRadialGradient_fy ( DefaultValues_t dv,
const RelAbsVector_t radialGradient_fy 

Sets the value of the "radialGradient_fy" element of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
radialGradient_fyRelAbsVector_t value of the "radialGradient_fy" element to be set.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_setRadialGradient_fz ( DefaultValues_t dv,
const RelAbsVector_t radialGradient_fz 

Sets the value of the "radialGradient_fz" element of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
radialGradient_fzRelAbsVector_t value of the "radialGradient_fz" element to be set.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_setRadialGradient_r ( DefaultValues_t dv,
const RelAbsVector_t radialGradient_r 

Sets the value of the "radialGradient_r" element of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
radialGradient_rRelAbsVector_t value of the "radialGradient_r" element to be set.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_setSpreadMethod ( DefaultValues_t dv,
GradientSpreadMethod_t  spreadMethod 

Sets the value of the "spreadMethod" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
spreadMethodGradientSpreadMethod_t value of the "spreadMethod" attribute to be set.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_setSpreadMethodAsString ( DefaultValues_t dv,
const char *  spreadMethod 

Sets the value of the "spreadMethod" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
spreadMethodconst char ** of the "spreadMethod" attribute to be set.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_setStartHead ( DefaultValues_t dv,
const char *  startHead 

Sets the value of the "startHead" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
startHeadconst char ** value of the "startHead" attribute to be set.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_setStroke ( DefaultValues_t dv,
const char *  stroke 

Sets the value of the "stroke" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
strokeconst char ** value of the "stroke" attribute to be set. Calling this function with stroke = NULL or an empty string is equivalent to calling DefaultValues_unsetStroke().
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_setStrokeWidth ( DefaultValues_t dv,
double  strokeWidth 

Sets the value of the "stroke-width" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
strokeWidthdouble value of the "stroke-width" attribute to be set.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_setTextAnchor ( DefaultValues_t dv,
HTextAnchor_t  textAnchor 

Sets the value of the "text-anchor" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

The attribute "text-anchor" is used to specify the horizontal alignment of the text. If omitted, the text may be aligned in any way. In the SBML Level 3 Version 1 Render specification, the following are the allowable values for "text-anchor":
  • "start", the start of the text is aligned to the horizontal center of the box.

  • "middle", the horizontal center of the text is aligned to the horizontal center of the box.

  • "end", the end of the text is aligned to the horizontal center of the box.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
textAnchorHTextAnchor_t value of the "text-anchor" attribute to be set.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_setTextAnchorAsString ( DefaultValues_t dv,
const char *  textAnchor 

Sets the value of the "text-anchor" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

The attribute "text-anchor" is used to specify the horizontal alignment of the text. If omitted, the text may be aligned in any way. In the SBML Level 3 Version 1 Render specification, the following are the allowable values for "text-anchor":
  • "start", the start of the text is aligned to the horizontal center of the box.

  • "middle", the horizontal center of the text is aligned to the horizontal center of the box.

  • "end", the end of the text is aligned to the horizontal center of the box.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
textAnchorconst char ** of the "text-anchor" attribute to be set.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_setVtextAnchor ( DefaultValues_t dv,
VTextAnchor_t  vtextAnchor 

Sets the value of the "vtext-anchor" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

The attribute "vtext-anchor" is used to specify the vertical alignment of the text. If omitted, the text may be aligned in any way. In the SBML Level 3 Version 1 Render specification, the following are the allowable values for "vtext-anchor":
  • "top", the top of the text is aligned to the vertical center of the box.

  • "middle", the vertical center of the text is aligned with the vertical center of the box.

  • "bottom", the bottom of the text (i.e. the very bottom of any descending letter like 'y' or 'p') is aligned with the vertical center of the box.

  • "baseline", the baseline of the text (i.e. the bottom of any non-descending letter like 'a' or e') is aligned with the vertical center of the box.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
vtextAnchorVTextAnchor_t value of the "vtext-anchor" attribute to be set.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_setVtextAnchorAsString ( DefaultValues_t dv,
const char *  vtextAnchor 

Sets the value of the "vtext-anchor" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

The attribute "vtext-anchor" is used to specify the vertical alignment of the text. If omitted, the text may be aligned in any way. In the SBML Level 3 Version 1 Render specification, the following are the allowable values for "vtext-anchor":
  • "top", the top of the text is aligned to the vertical center of the box.

  • "middle", the vertical center of the text is aligned with the vertical center of the box.

  • "bottom", the bottom of the text (i.e. the very bottom of any descending letter like 'y' or 'p') is aligned with the vertical center of the box.

  • "baseline", the baseline of the text (i.e. the bottom of any non-descending letter like 'a' or e') is aligned with the vertical center of the box.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
vtextAnchorconst char ** of the "vtext-anchor" attribute to be set.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_unsetBackgroundColor ( DefaultValues_t dv)

Unsets the value of the "backgroundColor" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_unsetDefault_z ( DefaultValues_t dv)

Unsets the value of the "default_z" element of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_unsetEnableRotationalMapping ( DefaultValues_t dv)

Unsets the value of the "enableRotationalMapping" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_unsetEndHead ( DefaultValues_t dv)

Unsets the value of the "endHead" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_unsetFill ( DefaultValues_t dv)

Unsets the value of the "fill" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_unsetFillRule ( DefaultValues_t dv)

Unsets the value of the "fill-rule" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

The attribute "fill-rule" is used to define how polygons should be filled. In the SBML Level 3 Version 1 Render specification, the following are the allowable values for "fill-rule":
  • "nonzero": This value determines the "insideness" of a point in the shape by drawing a ray from that point to infinity in any direction and then examining the places where a segment of the shape crosses the ray. Starting with a count of zero, add one each time a path segment crosses the ray from left to right and subtract one each time a path segment crosses the ray from right to left. After counting the crossings, if the result is zero then the point is outside the path. Otherwise, it is inside.

  • "evenodd": This value determines the "insideness" of a point in the shape by drawing a ray from that point to infinity in any direction and counting the number of path segments from the given shape that the ray crosses. If this number is odd, the point is inside; if even, the point is outside.

  • "inherit": This value declares the "insideness" of a point in the shape by declaring that the property takes the same computed value as the property for the element's parent. The inherited value, which is normally only used as a fallback value, can be clarified by setting 'inherit' explicitly. NOTE: This value is NOT in the Level 3 Version 1 Render specification, but was left out due to an oversight: the value has long been part of the codebase. It is provided here as a convenience. Elements with a fill-rule set to "inherit" actually behave identicaly to elements without a fill-rule attribute at all, since this attribute always takes the value of a parent element if not defined explicitly.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_unsetFontFamily ( DefaultValues_t dv)

Unsets the value of the "font-family" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_unsetFontSize ( DefaultValues_t dv)

Unsets the value of the "font-size" element of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_unsetFontStyle ( DefaultValues_t dv)

Unsets the value of the "font-style" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

The attribute "font-style" is used to specify whether the text is to be "normal" or "italic". If omitted, the text may be rendered in either way. In the SBML Level 3 Version 1 Render specification, the following are the allowable values for "font-style":
  • "italic", slanted print

  • "normal", upright print

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_unsetFontWeight ( DefaultValues_t dv)

Unsets the value of the "font-weight" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

The attribute "font-weight" is used to specify whether the text is to be "normal" or "bold". If omitted, the text may be rendered in either way. In the SBML Level 3 Version 1 Render specification, the following are the allowable values for "font-weight":
  • "bold", darker and/or thicker than normal print.

  • "normal", the typical print weight; lighter and/or thinner than "bold".

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_unsetLinearGradient_x1 ( DefaultValues_t dv)

Unsets the value of the "linearGradient_x1" element of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_unsetLinearGradient_x2 ( DefaultValues_t dv)

Unsets the value of the "linearGradient_x2" element of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_unsetLinearGradient_y1 ( DefaultValues_t dv)

Unsets the value of the "linearGradient_y1" element of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_unsetLinearGradient_y2 ( DefaultValues_t dv)

Unsets the value of the "linearGradient_y2" element of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_unsetLinearGradient_z1 ( DefaultValues_t dv)

Unsets the value of the "linearGradient_z1" element of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_unsetLinearGradient_z2 ( DefaultValues_t dv)

Unsets the value of the "linearGradient_z2" element of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_unsetRadialGradient_cx ( DefaultValues_t dv)

Unsets the value of the "radialGradient_cx" element of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_unsetRadialGradient_cy ( DefaultValues_t dv)

Unsets the value of the "radialGradient_cy" element of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_unsetRadialGradient_cz ( DefaultValues_t dv)

Unsets the value of the "radialGradient_cz" element of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_unsetRadialGradient_fx ( DefaultValues_t dv)

Unsets the value of the "radialGradient_fx" element of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_unsetRadialGradient_fy ( DefaultValues_t dv)

Unsets the value of the "radialGradient_fy" element of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_unsetRadialGradient_fz ( DefaultValues_t dv)

Unsets the value of the "radialGradient_fz" element of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_unsetRadialGradient_r ( DefaultValues_t dv)

Unsets the value of the "radialGradient_r" element of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_unsetSpreadMethod ( DefaultValues_t dv)

Unsets the value of the "spreadMethod" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_unsetStartHead ( DefaultValues_t dv)

Unsets the value of the "startHead" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_unsetStroke ( DefaultValues_t dv)

Unsets the value of the "stroke" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_unsetStrokeWidth ( DefaultValues_t dv)

Unsets the value of the "stroke-width" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_unsetTextAnchor ( DefaultValues_t dv)

Unsets the value of the "text-anchor" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

The attribute "text-anchor" is used to specify the horizontal alignment of the text. If omitted, the text may be aligned in any way. In the SBML Level 3 Version 1 Render specification, the following are the allowable values for "text-anchor":
  • "start", the start of the text is aligned to the horizontal center of the box.

  • "middle", the horizontal center of the text is aligned to the horizontal center of the box.

  • "end", the end of the text is aligned to the horizontal center of the box.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
int DefaultValues_unsetVtextAnchor ( DefaultValues_t dv)

Unsets the value of the "vtext-anchor" attribute of this DefaultValues_t.

The attribute "vtext-anchor" is used to specify the vertical alignment of the text. If omitted, the text may be aligned in any way. In the SBML Level 3 Version 1 Render specification, the following are the allowable values for "vtext-anchor":
  • "top", the top of the text is aligned to the vertical center of the box.

  • "middle", the vertical center of the text is aligned with the vertical center of the box.

  • "bottom", the bottom of the text (i.e. the very bottom of any descending letter like 'y' or 'p') is aligned with the vertical center of the box.

  • "baseline", the baseline of the text (i.e. the bottom of any non-descending letter like 'a' or e') is aligned with the vertical center of the box.

dvthe DefaultValues_t structure.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The value is drawn from the enumeration OperationReturnValues_t. The possible values returned by this function are:
FillRule_t FillRule_fromString ( const char *  code)

Returns the FillRule_t enumeration corresponding to the given string or FILL_RULE_INVALID if there is no such match.

codethe string to convert to a FillRule_t.
the corresponding FillRule_t or FILL_RULE_INVALID if no match is found.
The matching is case-sensitive: "nonzero" will return FILL_RULE_NONZERO, but "NonZero" will return FILL_RULE_INVALID.
int FillRule_isValid ( FillRule_t  fr)

Predicate returning 1 (true) or 0 (false) depending on whether the given FillRule_t is valid.

frthe FillRule_t enumeration to query.
1 (true) if the FillRule_t is FILL_RULE_NONZERO, FILL_RULE_EVENODD, or FILL_RULE_INHERIT; 0 (false) otherwise (including FILL_RULE_INVALID or FILL_RULE_UNSET).
int FillRule_isValidString ( const char *  code)

Predicate returning 1 (true) or 0 (false) depending on whether the given string is a valid FillRule_t.

codethe string to query.
1 (true) if the string is "nonzero", "evenodd", or "inherit"; 0 (false) otherwise.
The matching is case-sensitive: "nonzero" will return 1 (true), but "NonZero" will return 0 (false).
const char * FillRule_toString ( FillRule_t  fr)

Returns the string version of the provided FillRule_t enumeration.

frthe FillRule_t enumeration value to convert.
A string corresponding to the given type: "unset", "nonzero", "evenodd", "inherit", "invalid FillRule", or "(Unknown FillRule value)" if the value is an invalid enumeration value.
The string returned by this function is a pointer to a string literal defined in the libSBML library, and may not be modified or deleted.
FontFamily_t FontFamily_fromString ( const char *  code)

Returns the FontFamily_t enumeration corresponding to the given string or FONT_FAMILY_INVALID if there is no such match.

codethe string to convert to a FontFamily_t.
the corresponding FontFamily_t or FONT_FAMILY_INVALID if no match is found.
The matching is case-sensitive: "serif" will return FONT_FAMILY_SERIF, but "Serif" will return FONT_FAMILY_INVALID.
int FontFamily_isValid ( FontFamily_t  ff)

Predicate returning 1 (true) or 0 (false) depending on whether the given FontFamily_t is valid.

ffthe FontFamily_t enumeration to query.
1 (true) if the FontFamily_t is FONT_FAMILY_SERIF, FONT_FAMILY_SANS_SERIF, or FONT_FAMILY_MONOSPACE; 0 (false) otherwise (including FONT_FAMILY_INVALID).
int FontFamily_isValidString ( const char *  code)

Predicate returning 1 (true) or 0 (false) depending on whether the given string is a valid FontFamily_t.

codethe string to query.
1 (true) if the string is "serif", "sans-serif", or "monospace"; 0 (false) otherwise.
The matching is case-sensitive: "serif" will return 1 (true), but "Serif" will return 0 (false).
const char * FontFamily_toString ( FontFamily_t  ff)

Returns the string version of the provided FontFamily_t enumeration.

ffthe FontFamily_t enumeration value to convert.
A string corresponding to the given type: "serif", "sans-serif", "monospace", "invalid FontFamily", or "(Unknown FontFamily value)" if the value is an unknown enumeration value.
The string returned by this function is a pointer to a string literal defined in the libSBML library, and may not be modified or deleted.
FontStyle_t FontStyle_fromString ( const char *  code)

Returns the FontStyle_t enumeration corresponding to the given string or FONT_STYLE_INVALID if there is no such match.

codethe string to convert to a FontStyle_t.
the corresponding FontStyle_t or FONT_STYLE_INVALID if no match is found.
The matching is case-sensitive: "italic" will return FONT_STYLE_ITALIC, but "Italic" will return FONT_STYLE_INVALID.
int FontStyle_isValid ( FontStyle_t  fs)

Predicate returning 1 (true) or 0 (false) depending on whether the given FontStyle_t is valid.

fsthe FontStyle_t enumeration to query.
1 (true) if the FontStyle_t is FONT_STYLE_ITALIC, or FONT_STYLE_NORMAL; 0 (false) otherwise (including FONT_STYLE_INVALID).
int FontStyle_isValidString ( const char *  code)

Predicate returning 1 (true) or 0 (false) depending on whether the given string is a valid FontStyle_t.

codethe string to query.
1 (true) if the string is "italic", or "normal"; 0 (false) otherwise.
The matching is case-sensitive: "italic" will return 1 (true), but "Italic" will return 0 (false).
const char * FontStyle_toString ( FontStyle_t  fs)

Returns the string version of the provided FontStyle_t enumeration.

fsthe FontStyle_t enumeration value to convert.
A string corresponding to the given type: "unset", "italic", "normal", "invalid FontStyle", or "(Unknown FontStyle value)" if the value is an unknown enumeration value.
The string returned by this function is a pointer to a string literal defined in the libSBML library, and may not be modified or deleted.
FontWeight_t FontWeight_fromString ( const char *  code)

Returns the FontWeight_t enumeration corresponding to the given string or FONT_WEIGHT_INVALID if there is no such match.

codethe string to convert to a FontWeight_t.
the corresponding FontWeight_t or FONT_WEIGHT_INVALID if no match is found.
The matching is case-sensitive: "bold" will return FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD, but "Bold" will return FONT_WEIGHT_INVALID.
int FontWeight_isValid ( FontWeight_t  fw)

Predicate returning 1 (true) or 0 (false) depending on whether the given FontWeight_t is valid.

fwthe FontWeight_t enumeration to query.
1 (true) if the FontWeight_t is FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD, or FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL; 0 (false) otherwise (including FONT_WEIGHT_INVALID).
int FontWeight_isValidString ( const char *  code)

Predicate returning 1 (true) or 0 (false) depending on whether the given string is a valid FontWeight_t.

codethe string to query.
1 (true) if the string is "bold", or "normal"; 0 (false) otherwise.
The matching is case-sensitive: "bold" will return 1 (true), but "Bold" will return 0 (false).
const char * FontWeight_toString ( FontWeight_t  fw)

Returns the string version of the provided FontWeight_t enumeration.

fwthe FontWeight_t enumeration value to convert.
A string corresponding to the given type: "unset", "bold", "normal", "invalid FontWeight", or "(Unknown FontWeight value)" if the value is an unknown enumeration value.
The string returned by this function is a pointer to a string literal defined in the libSBML library, and may not be modified or deleted.
HTextAnchor_t HTextAnchor_fromString ( const char *  code)

Returns the HTextAnchor_t enumeration corresponding to the given string or H_TEXTANCHOR_INVALID if there is no such match.

codethe string to convert to a HTextAnchor_t.
the corresponding HTextAnchor_t or H_TEXTANCHOR_INVALID if no match is found.
The matching is case-sensitive: "start" will return H_TEXTANCHOR_START, but "Start" will return H_TEXTANCHOR_INVALID.
int HTextAnchor_isValid ( HTextAnchor_t  hta)

Predicate returning 1 (true) or 0 (false) depending on whether the given HTextAnchor_t is valid.

htathe HTextAnchor_t enumeration to query.
1 (true) if the HTextAnchor_t is H_TEXTANCHOR_START, H_TEXTANCHOR_MIDDLE, or H_TEXTANCHOR_END; 0 (false) otherwise (including H_TEXTANCHOR_INVALID).
int HTextAnchor_isValidString ( const char *  code)

Predicate returning 1 (true) or 0 (false) depending on whether the given string is a valid HTextAnchor_t.

codethe string to query.
1 (true) if the string is "start", "middle", or "end"; 0 (false) otherwise.
The matching is case-sensitive: "start" will return 1 (true), but "Start" will return 0 (false).
const char * HTextAnchor_toString ( HTextAnchor_t  hta)

Returns the string version of the provided HTextAnchor_t enumeration.

htathe HTextAnchor_t enumeration value to convert.
A string corresponding to the given type: "unset", "start", "middle", "end", "invalid HTextAnchor" or "(Unknown HTextAnchor value)" if the value is an unknown enumeration value.
The string returned by this function is a pointer to a string literal defined in the libSBML library, and may not be modified or deleted.
VTextAnchor_t VTextAnchor_fromString ( const char *  code)

Returns the VTextAnchor_t enumeration corresponding to the given string or V_TEXTANCHOR_INVALID if there is no such match.

codethe string to convert to a VTextAnchor_t.
the corresponding VTextAnchor_t or V_TEXTANCHOR_INVALID if no match is found.
The matching is case-sensitive: "top" will return V_TEXTANCHOR_TOP, but "Top" will return V_TEXTANCHOR_INVALID.
int VTextAnchor_isValid ( VTextAnchor_t  vta)

Predicate returning 1 (true) or 0 (false) depending on whether the given VTextAnchor_t is valid.

vtathe VTextAnchor_t enumeration to query.
int VTextAnchor_isValidString ( const char *  code)

Predicate returning 1 (true) or 0 (false) depending on whether the given string is a valid VTextAnchor_t.

codethe string to query.
1 (true) if the string is "top", "middle", "bottom", or "baseline"; 0 (false) otherwise.
The matching is case-sensitive: "top" will return 1 (true), but "Top" will return 0 (false).
const char * VTextAnchor_toString ( VTextAnchor_t  vta)

Returns the string version of the provided VTextAnchor_t enumeration.

vtathe VTextAnchor_t enumeration value to convert.
A string corresponding to the given type: "unset", "top", "middle", "bottom", "baseline", "invalid VTextAnchor" or "(Unknown VTextAnchor value)" if the value is an unknown enumeration value.
The string returned by this function is a pointer to a string literal defined in the libSBML library, and may not be modified or deleted.