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libsbmlcs.XMLToken Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for libsbmlcs.XMLToken:

Detailed Description

A token in an XML stream.

This class of objects is defined by libSBML only and has no direct equivalent in terms of SBML components. This class is not prescribed by the SBML specifications, although it is used to implement features defined in SBML.

The libSBML XML parser interface can read an XML file or data stream and convert the contents into tokens. The tokens represent items in the XML stream, either XML elements (start or end tags) or text that appears as content inside an element. The XMLToken class is libSBML's low-level representation of these entities.

Each XMLToken has the following information associated with it:

  1. Qualified name: every XML element or XML attribute has a name (e.g., for the element <mytag>, the name is 'mytag'), but this name may be qualified with a namespace (e.g., it may appear as <someNamespace:mytag> in the input). An XMLToken stores the name of a token, along with any namespace qualification present, through the use of an XMLTriple object. This object stores the bare name of the element, its XML namespace prefix (if any), and the XML namespace with which that prefix is associated.
  2. Namespaces: An XML token can have one or more XML namespaces associated with it. These namespaces may be specified explicitly on the element or inherited from parent elements. In libSBML, a list of namespaces is stored in an XMLNamespaces object. An XMLToken possesses a field for storing an XMLNamespaces object.
  3. Attributes: XML elements can have attributes associated with them, and these attributes can have values assigned to them. The set of attribute-value pairs is stored in an XMLAttributes object stored in an XMLToken object. (Note: only elements can have attributes—text blocks cannot have them in XML.)
  4. Line number: the line number in the input where the token appears.
  5. Column number: the column number in the input where the token appears.

The XMLToken class serves as base class for XMLNode. XML lends itself to a tree-structured representation, and in libSBML, the nodes in an XML document tree are XMLNode objects. Most higher-level libSBML classes and methods that offer XML-level functionality (such as the methods on SBase for interacting with annotations) work with XMLNode objects rather than XMLToken objects directly.

See also

Public Member Functions

int addAttr (string name, string value, string namespaceURI, string prefix)
 Adds an attribute to the XML element represented by this token. More...
int addAttr (string name, string value, string namespaceURI)
 Adds an attribute to the XML element represented by this token. More...
int addAttr (string name, string value)
 Adds an attribute to the XML element represented by this token. More...
int addAttr (XMLTriple triple, string value)
 Adds an attribute to the XML element represented by this token. More...
int addNamespace (string uri, string prefix)
 Appends an XML namespace declaration to this token. More...
int addNamespace (string uri)
 Appends an XML namespace declaration to this token. More...
int append (string chars)
 Appends characters to the text content of token. More...
int clearAttributes ()
 Removes all attributes of this XMLToken object. More...
int clearNamespaces ()
 Removes all XML namespace declarations from this token. More...
XMLToken clone ()
 Creates and returns a deep copy of this XMLToken object. More...
virtual void Dispose ()
override bool Equals (Object sb)
XMLAttributes getAttributes ()
 Returns the attributes of the XML element represented by this token. More...
int getAttributesLength ()
 Returns the number of attributes on this XMLToken object. More...
int getAttrIndex (string name, string uri)
 Returns the index of the attribute with the given name and namespace URI. More...
int getAttrIndex (string name)
 Returns the index of the attribute with the given name and namespace URI. More...
int getAttrIndex (XMLTriple triple)
 Returns the index of the attribute defined by the given XMLTriple object. More...
string getAttrName (int index)
 Returns the name of the nth attribute in this token's list of attributes. More...
string getAttrPrefix (int index)
 Returns the prefix of the nth attribute in this token's list of attributes. More...
string getAttrPrefixedName (int index)
 Returns the prefixed name of the nth attribute in this token's list of attributes. More...
string getAttrURI (int index)
 Returns the XML namespace URI of the nth attribute in this token's list of attributes. More...
string getAttrValue (int index)
 Returns the value of the nth attribute in this token's list of attributes. More...
string getAttrValue (string name, string uri)
 Returns the value of the attribute with a given name and XML namespace URI. More...
string getAttrValue (string name)
 Returns the value of the attribute with a given name and XML namespace URI. More...
string getAttrValue (XMLTriple triple)
 Returns the value of the attribute specified by a given XMLTriple object. More...
string getCharacters ()
 Returns the character text of token. More...
long getColumn ()
 Returns the column number at which this token occurs in the input. More...
override int GetHashCode ()
long getLine ()
 Returns the line number at which this token occurs in the input. More...
string getName ()
 Returns the (unqualified) name of token. More...
int getNamespaceIndex (string uri)
 Returns the index of an XML namespace declaration based on its URI. More...
int getNamespaceIndexByPrefix (string prefix)
 Returns the index of an XML namespace declaration based on its prefix. More...
string getNamespacePrefix (int index)
 Returns the prefix of the nth XML namespace declaration. More...
string getNamespacePrefix (string uri)
 Returns the prefix associated with a given XML namespace URI on this token. More...
XMLNamespaces getNamespaces ()
 Returns the XML namespaces declared for this token. More...
int getNamespacesLength ()
 Returns the number of XML namespaces declared on this token. More...
string getNamespaceURI (int index)
 Returns the URI of the nth XML namespace declared on this token. More...
string getNamespaceURI (string prefix)
 Returns the URI of an XML namespace with a given prefix. More...
string getNamespaceURI ()
 Returns the URI of an XML namespace with a given prefix. More...
string getPrefix ()
 Returns the XML namespace prefix of token. More...
string getURI ()
 Returns the XML namespace URI of token. More...
bool hasAttr (int index)
 Returns true if an attribute with the given index exists. More...
bool hasAttr (string name, string uri)
 Returns true if an attribute with a given name and namespace URI exists. More...
bool hasAttr (string name)
 Returns true if an attribute with a given name and namespace URI exists. More...
bool hasAttr (XMLTriple triple)
 Returns true if an attribute defined by a given XMLTriple object exists. More...
bool hasNamespaceNS (string uri, string prefix)
 Returns true if this token has an XML namespace with a given prefix and URI combination. More...
bool hasNamespacePrefix (string prefix)
 Returns true if this token has an XML namespace with a given prefix. More...
bool hasNamespaceURI (string uri)
 Returns true if this token has an XML namespace with a given URI. More...
bool isAttributesEmpty ()
 Returns true if this token has no attributes. More...
bool isElement ()
 Returns true if this token represents an XML element. More...
bool isEnd ()
 Returns true if this token represents an XML end element. More...
bool isEndFor (XMLToken element)
 Returns true if this token represents an XML end element for a particular start element. More...
bool isEOF ()
 Returns true if this token is an end of file marker. More...
bool isNamespacesEmpty ()
 Returns true if there are no namespaces declared on this token. More...
bool isStart ()
 Returns true if this token represents an XML start element. More...
bool isText ()
 Returns true if this token represents an XML text element. More...
int removeAttr (int n)
 Removes the nth attribute from the XML element represented by this token. More...
int removeAttr (string name, string uri)
 Removes an attribute from the XML element represented by this token. More...
int removeAttr (string name)
 Removes an attribute from the XML element represented by this token. More...
int removeAttr (XMLTriple triple)
 Removes an attribute from the XML element represented by this token. More...
int removeNamespace (int index)
 Removes the nth XML namespace declaration. More...
int removeNamespace (string prefix)
 Removes an XML namespace declaration having a given prefix. More...
int setAttributes (XMLAttributes attributes)
 Sets the attributes on the XML element represented by this token. More...
int setCharacters (string chars)
 Sets the characters for this XMLToken. More...
int setEnd ()
 Declares that this token represents an XML element end tag. More...
int setEOF ()
 Declares that this token is an end-of-file/input marker. More...
int setNamespaces (XMLNamespaces namespaces)
 Sets the XML namespaces on this XML element. More...
int setTriple (XMLTriple triple)
 Sets the name, namespace prefix and namespace URI of this token. More...
string toString ()
 Prints a string representation of the underlying token stream. More...
int unsetEnd ()
 Declares that this token no longer represents an XML start/end element. More...
 XMLToken ()
 Creates a new empty XMLToken object. More...
 XMLToken (XMLTriple triple, XMLAttributes attributes, XMLNamespaces namespaces, long line, long column)
 Creates an XML start element with attributes and namespace declarations. More...
 XMLToken (XMLTriple triple, XMLAttributes attributes, XMLNamespaces namespaces, long line)
 Creates an XML start element with attributes and namespace declarations. More...
 XMLToken (XMLTriple triple, XMLAttributes attributes, XMLNamespaces namespaces)
 Creates an XML start element with attributes and namespace declarations. More...
 XMLToken (XMLTriple triple, XMLAttributes attributes, long line, long column)
 Creates an XML start element with attributes. More...
 XMLToken (XMLTriple triple, XMLAttributes attributes, long line)
 Creates an XML start element with attributes. More...
 XMLToken (XMLTriple triple, XMLAttributes attributes)
 Creates an XML start element with attributes. More...
 XMLToken (XMLTriple triple, long line, long column)
 Creates an XML end element. More...
 XMLToken (XMLTriple triple, long line)
 Creates an XML end element. More...
 XMLToken (XMLTriple triple)
 Creates an XML end element. More...
 XMLToken (string chars, long line, long column)
 Creates a text object. More...
 XMLToken (string chars, long line)
 Creates a text object. More...
 XMLToken (string chars)
 Creates a text object. More...
 XMLToken (XMLToken orig)
 Copy constructor; creates a copy of this XMLToken object. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static bool operator!= (XMLToken lhs, XMLToken rhs)
static bool operator== (XMLToken lhs, XMLToken rhs)

Protected Attributes

bool swigCMemOwn

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

libsbmlcs.XMLToken.XMLToken ( )

Creates a new empty XMLToken object.

libsbmlcs.XMLToken.XMLToken ( XMLTriple  triple,
XMLAttributes  attributes,
XMLNamespaces  namespaces,
long  line,
long  column 

Creates an XML start element with attributes and namespace declarations.

triplean XMLTriple object describing the start tag.
attributesXMLAttributes, the attributes to set on the element to be created.
namespacesXMLNamespaces, the namespaces to set on the element to be created.
linea long integer, the line number to associate with the token (default = 0).
columna long integer, the column number to associate with the token (default = 0).
Documentation note:
The native C++ implementation of this method defines a default argument value. In the documentation generated for different libSBML language bindings, you may or may not see corresponding arguments in the method declarations. For example, in Java and C#, a default argument is handled by declaring two separate methods, with one of them having the argument and the other one lacking the argument. However, the libSBML documentation will be identical for both methods. Consequently, if you are reading this and do not see an argument even though one is described, please look for descriptions of other variants of this method near where this one appears in the documentation.
libsbmlcs.XMLToken.XMLToken ( XMLTriple  triple,
XMLAttributes  attributes,
XMLNamespaces  namespaces,
long  line 

Creates an XML start element with attributes and namespace declarations.

triplean XMLTriple object describing the start tag.
attributesXMLAttributes, the attributes to set on the element to be created.
namespacesXMLNamespaces, the namespaces to set on the element to be created.
linea long integer, the line number to associate with the token (default = 0).
columna long integer, the column number to associate with the token (default = 0).
Documentation note:
The native C++ implementation of this method defines a default argument value. In the documentation generated for different libSBML language bindings, you may or may not see corresponding arguments in the method declarations. For example, in Java and C#, a default argument is handled by declaring two separate methods, with one of them having the argument and the other one lacking the argument. However, the libSBML documentation will be identical for both methods. Consequently, if you are reading this and do not see an argument even though one is described, please look for descriptions of other variants of this method near where this one appears in the documentation.
libsbmlcs.XMLToken.XMLToken ( XMLTriple  triple,
XMLAttributes  attributes,
XMLNamespaces  namespaces 

Creates an XML start element with attributes and namespace declarations.

triplean XMLTriple object describing the start tag.
attributesXMLAttributes, the attributes to set on the element to be created.
namespacesXMLNamespaces, the namespaces to set on the element to be created.
linea long integer, the line number to associate with the token (default = 0).
columna long integer, the column number to associate with the token (default = 0).
Documentation note:
The native C++ implementation of this method defines a default argument value. In the documentation generated for different libSBML language bindings, you may or may not see corresponding arguments in the method declarations. For example, in Java and C#, a default argument is handled by declaring two separate methods, with one of them having the argument and the other one lacking the argument. However, the libSBML documentation will be identical for both methods. Consequently, if you are reading this and do not see an argument even though one is described, please look for descriptions of other variants of this method near where this one appears in the documentation.
libsbmlcs.XMLToken.XMLToken ( XMLTriple  triple,
XMLAttributes  attributes,
long  line,
long  column 

Creates an XML start element with attributes.

triplean XMLTriple object describing the start tag.
attributesXMLAttributes, the attributes to set on the element to be created.
linea long integer, the line number to associate with the token (default = 0).
columna long integer, the column number to associate with the token (default = 0).

The XML namespace component of this XMLToken object will be left empty. See the other variants of the XMLToken constructors for versions that take namespace arguments.

Documentation note:
The native C++ implementation of this method defines a default argument value. In the documentation generated for different libSBML language bindings, you may or may not see corresponding arguments in the method declarations. For example, in Java and C#, a default argument is handled by declaring two separate methods, with one of them having the argument and the other one lacking the argument. However, the libSBML documentation will be identical for both methods. Consequently, if you are reading this and do not see an argument even though one is described, please look for descriptions of other variants of this method near where this one appears in the documentation.
libsbmlcs.XMLToken.XMLToken ( XMLTriple  triple,
XMLAttributes  attributes,
long  line 

Creates an XML start element with attributes.

triplean XMLTriple object describing the start tag.
attributesXMLAttributes, the attributes to set on the element to be created.
linea long integer, the line number to associate with the token (default = 0).
columna long integer, the column number to associate with the token (default = 0).

The XML namespace component of this XMLToken object will be left empty. See the other variants of the XMLToken constructors for versions that take namespace arguments.

Documentation note:
The native C++ implementation of this method defines a default argument value. In the documentation generated for different libSBML language bindings, you may or may not see corresponding arguments in the method declarations. For example, in Java and C#, a default argument is handled by declaring two separate methods, with one of them having the argument and the other one lacking the argument. However, the libSBML documentation will be identical for both methods. Consequently, if you are reading this and do not see an argument even though one is described, please look for descriptions of other variants of this method near where this one appears in the documentation.
libsbmlcs.XMLToken.XMLToken ( XMLTriple  triple,
XMLAttributes  attributes 

Creates an XML start element with attributes.

triplean XMLTriple object describing the start tag.
attributesXMLAttributes, the attributes to set on the element to be created.
linea long integer, the line number to associate with the token (default = 0).
columna long integer, the column number to associate with the token (default = 0).

The XML namespace component of this XMLToken object will be left empty. See the other variants of the XMLToken constructors for versions that take namespace arguments.

Documentation note:
The native C++ implementation of this method defines a default argument value. In the documentation generated for different libSBML language bindings, you may or may not see corresponding arguments in the method declarations. For example, in Java and C#, a default argument is handled by declaring two separate methods, with one of them having the argument and the other one lacking the argument. However, the libSBML documentation will be identical for both methods. Consequently, if you are reading this and do not see an argument even though one is described, please look for descriptions of other variants of this method near where this one appears in the documentation.
libsbmlcs.XMLToken.XMLToken ( XMLTriple  triple,
long  line,
long  column 

Creates an XML end element.

triplean XMLTriple object describing the end tag.
linea long integer, the line number to associate with the token (default = 0).
columna long integer, the column number to associate with the token (default = 0).
Documentation note:
The native C++ implementation of this method defines a default argument value. In the documentation generated for different libSBML language bindings, you may or may not see corresponding arguments in the method declarations. For example, in Java and C#, a default argument is handled by declaring two separate methods, with one of them having the argument and the other one lacking the argument. However, the libSBML documentation will be identical for both methods. Consequently, if you are reading this and do not see an argument even though one is described, please look for descriptions of other variants of this method near where this one appears in the documentation.
libsbmlcs.XMLToken.XMLToken ( XMLTriple  triple,
long  line 

Creates an XML end element.

triplean XMLTriple object describing the end tag.
linea long integer, the line number to associate with the token (default = 0).
columna long integer, the column number to associate with the token (default = 0).
Documentation note:
The native C++ implementation of this method defines a default argument value. In the documentation generated for different libSBML language bindings, you may or may not see corresponding arguments in the method declarations. For example, in Java and C#, a default argument is handled by declaring two separate methods, with one of them having the argument and the other one lacking the argument. However, the libSBML documentation will be identical for both methods. Consequently, if you are reading this and do not see an argument even though one is described, please look for descriptions of other variants of this method near where this one appears in the documentation.
libsbmlcs.XMLToken.XMLToken ( XMLTriple  triple)

Creates an XML end element.

triplean XMLTriple object describing the end tag.
linea long integer, the line number to associate with the token (default = 0).
columna long integer, the column number to associate with the token (default = 0).
Documentation note:
The native C++ implementation of this method defines a default argument value. In the documentation generated for different libSBML language bindings, you may or may not see corresponding arguments in the method declarations. For example, in Java and C#, a default argument is handled by declaring two separate methods, with one of them having the argument and the other one lacking the argument. However, the libSBML documentation will be identical for both methods. Consequently, if you are reading this and do not see an argument even though one is described, please look for descriptions of other variants of this method near where this one appears in the documentation.
libsbmlcs.XMLToken.XMLToken ( string  chars,
long  line,
long  column 

Creates a text object.

charsa string, the text to be added to the XMLToken object.
linea long integer, the line number to associate with the token (default = 0).
columna long integer, the column number to associate with the token (default = 0).
Documentation note:
The native C++ implementation of this method defines a default argument value. In the documentation generated for different libSBML language bindings, you may or may not see corresponding arguments in the method declarations. For example, in Java and C#, a default argument is handled by declaring two separate methods, with one of them having the argument and the other one lacking the argument. However, the libSBML documentation will be identical for both methods. Consequently, if you are reading this and do not see an argument even though one is described, please look for descriptions of other variants of this method near where this one appears in the documentation.
libsbmlcs.XMLToken.XMLToken ( string  chars,
long  line 

Creates a text object.

charsa string, the text to be added to the XMLToken object.
linea long integer, the line number to associate with the token (default = 0).
columna long integer, the column number to associate with the token (default = 0).
Documentation note:
The native C++ implementation of this method defines a default argument value. In the documentation generated for different libSBML language bindings, you may or may not see corresponding arguments in the method declarations. For example, in Java and C#, a default argument is handled by declaring two separate methods, with one of them having the argument and the other one lacking the argument. However, the libSBML documentation will be identical for both methods. Consequently, if you are reading this and do not see an argument even though one is described, please look for descriptions of other variants of this method near where this one appears in the documentation.
libsbmlcs.XMLToken.XMLToken ( string  chars)

Creates a text object.

charsa string, the text to be added to the XMLToken object.
linea long integer, the line number to associate with the token (default = 0).
columna long integer, the column number to associate with the token (default = 0).
Documentation note:
The native C++ implementation of this method defines a default argument value. In the documentation generated for different libSBML language bindings, you may or may not see corresponding arguments in the method declarations. For example, in Java and C#, a default argument is handled by declaring two separate methods, with one of them having the argument and the other one lacking the argument. However, the libSBML documentation will be identical for both methods. Consequently, if you are reading this and do not see an argument even though one is described, please look for descriptions of other variants of this method near where this one appears in the documentation.
libsbmlcs.XMLToken.XMLToken ( XMLToken  orig)

Copy constructor; creates a copy of this XMLToken object.

origthe XMLToken object to copy.

Member Function Documentation

int libsbmlcs.XMLToken.addAttr ( string  name,
string  value,
string  namespaceURI,
string  prefix 

Adds an attribute to the XML element represented by this token.

This operation only makes sense for XML start elements. This method will return LIBSBML_INVALID_XML_OPERATION if this XMLToken object is not an XML start element.

namea string, the so-called 'local part' of the attribute name; that is, the attribute name without any namespace qualifier or prefix.
valuea string, the value assigned to the attribute.
namespaceURIa string, the XML namespace URI of the attribute.
prefixa string, the prefix for the XML namespace.

Recall that in XML, the complete form of an attribute on an XML element is the following:


The name part is the name of the attribute, the 'value' part is the value assigned to the attribute (and it is always a quoted string), and the prefix part is an optional XML namespace prefix. Internally in libSBML, this data is stored in an XMLAttributes object associated with this XMLToken.

integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The possible values returned by this function are:
If an attribute with the same name and XML namespace URI already exists on this XMLToken object, then the previous value will be replaced with the new value provided to this method.
Documentation note:
The native C++ implementation of this method defines a default argument value. In the documentation generated for different libSBML language bindings, you may or may not see corresponding arguments in the method declarations. For example, in Java and C#, a default argument is handled by declaring two separate methods, with one of them having the argument and the other one lacking the argument. However, the libSBML documentation will be identical for both methods. Consequently, if you are reading this and do not see an argument even though one is described, please look for descriptions of other variants of this method near where this one appears in the documentation.
int libsbmlcs.XMLToken.addAttr ( string  name,
string  value,
string  namespaceURI 

Adds an attribute to the XML element represented by this token.

This operation only makes sense for XML start elements. This method will return LIBSBML_INVALID_XML_OPERATION if this XMLToken object is not an XML start element.

namea string, the so-called 'local part' of the attribute name; that is, the attribute name without any namespace qualifier or prefix.
valuea string, the value assigned to the attribute.
namespaceURIa string, the XML namespace URI of the attribute.
prefixa string, the prefix for the XML namespace.

Recall that in XML, the complete form of an attribute on an XML element is the following:


The name part is the name of the attribute, the 'value' part is the value assigned to the attribute (and it is always a quoted string), and the prefix part is an optional XML namespace prefix. Internally in libSBML, this data is stored in an XMLAttributes object associated with this XMLToken.

integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The possible values returned by this function are:
If an attribute with the same name and XML namespace URI already exists on this XMLToken object, then the previous value will be replaced with the new value provided to this method.
Documentation note:
The native C++ implementation of this method defines a default argument value. In the documentation generated for different libSBML language bindings, you may or may not see corresponding arguments in the method declarations. For example, in Java and C#, a default argument is handled by declaring two separate methods, with one of them having the argument and the other one lacking the argument. However, the libSBML documentation will be identical for both methods. Consequently, if you are reading this and do not see an argument even though one is described, please look for descriptions of other variants of this method near where this one appears in the documentation.
int libsbmlcs.XMLToken.addAttr ( string  name,
string  value 

Adds an attribute to the XML element represented by this token.

This operation only makes sense for XML start elements. This method will return LIBSBML_INVALID_XML_OPERATION if this XMLToken object is not an XML start element.

namea string, the so-called 'local part' of the attribute name; that is, the attribute name without any namespace qualifier or prefix.
valuea string, the value assigned to the attribute.
namespaceURIa string, the XML namespace URI of the attribute.
prefixa string, the prefix for the XML namespace.

Recall that in XML, the complete form of an attribute on an XML element is the following:


The name part is the name of the attribute, the 'value' part is the value assigned to the attribute (and it is always a quoted string), and the prefix part is an optional XML namespace prefix. Internally in libSBML, this data is stored in an XMLAttributes object associated with this XMLToken.

integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The possible values returned by this function are:
If an attribute with the same name and XML namespace URI already exists on this XMLToken object, then the previous value will be replaced with the new value provided to this method.
Documentation note:
The native C++ implementation of this method defines a default argument value. In the documentation generated for different libSBML language bindings, you may or may not see corresponding arguments in the method declarations. For example, in Java and C#, a default argument is handled by declaring two separate methods, with one of them having the argument and the other one lacking the argument. However, the libSBML documentation will be identical for both methods. Consequently, if you are reading this and do not see an argument even though one is described, please look for descriptions of other variants of this method near where this one appears in the documentation.
int libsbmlcs.XMLToken.addAttr ( XMLTriple  triple,
string  value 

Adds an attribute to the XML element represented by this token.

This operation only makes sense for XML start elements. This method will return LIBSBML_INVALID_XML_OPERATION if this XMLToken object is not an XML start element.

triplean XMLTriple object defining the attribute, its value, and optionally its XML namespace (if any is provided).
valuea string, the value assigned to the attribute.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The possible values returned by this function are:
If an attribute with the same name and XML namespace URI already exists on this XMLToken object, then the previous value will be replaced with the new value provided to this method.
int libsbmlcs.XMLToken.addNamespace ( string  uri,
string  prefix 

Appends an XML namespace declaration to this token.

The namespace added will be defined by the given XML namespace URI and an optional prefix. If this XMLToken object already possesses an XML namespace declaration with the given prefix, then the existing XML namespace URI will be overwritten by the new one given by uri.

This operation only makes sense for XML start elements. This method will return LIBSBML_INVALID_XML_OPERATION if this XMLToken object is not an XML start element.

uria string, the XML namespace URI for the namespace.
prefixa string, the namespace prefix to use.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The possible values returned by this function are:
Documentation note:
The native C++ implementation of this method defines a default argument value. In the documentation generated for different libSBML language bindings, you may or may not see corresponding arguments in the method declarations. For example, in Java and C#, a default argument is handled by declaring two separate methods, with one of them having the argument and the other one lacking the argument. However, the libSBML documentation will be identical for both methods. Consequently, if you are reading this and do not see an argument even though one is described, please look for descriptions of other variants of this method near where this one appears in the documentation.
int libsbmlcs.XMLToken.addNamespace ( string  uri)

Appends an XML namespace declaration to this token.

The namespace added will be defined by the given XML namespace URI and an optional prefix. If this XMLToken object already possesses an XML namespace declaration with the given prefix, then the existing XML namespace URI will be overwritten by the new one given by uri.

This operation only makes sense for XML start elements. This method will return LIBSBML_INVALID_XML_OPERATION if this XMLToken object is not an XML start element.

uria string, the XML namespace URI for the namespace.
prefixa string, the namespace prefix to use.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The possible values returned by this function are:
Documentation note:
The native C++ implementation of this method defines a default argument value. In the documentation generated for different libSBML language bindings, you may or may not see corresponding arguments in the method declarations. For example, in Java and C#, a default argument is handled by declaring two separate methods, with one of them having the argument and the other one lacking the argument. However, the libSBML documentation will be identical for both methods. Consequently, if you are reading this and do not see an argument even though one is described, please look for descriptions of other variants of this method near where this one appears in the documentation.
int libsbmlcs.XMLToken.append ( string  chars)

Appends characters to the text content of token.

This method only makes sense for XMLToken objects that contains text. If this method is called on a token that represents an XML start or end tag, it will return the code LIBSBML_OPERATION_FAILED.

charsstring, characters to append to the text of this token.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The possible values returned by this function are:
See also
int libsbmlcs.XMLToken.clearAttributes ( )

Removes all attributes of this XMLToken object.

This operation only makes sense for XML start elements. This method will return LIBSBML_INVALID_XML_OPERATION if this XMLToken object is not an XML start element.

integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The possible values returned by this function are:
int libsbmlcs.XMLToken.clearNamespaces ( )

Removes all XML namespace declarations from this token.

This operation only makes sense for XML start elements. This method will return LIBSBML_INVALID_XML_OPERATION if this XMLToken object is not an XML start element.

integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The possible values returned by this function are:
XMLToken libsbmlcs.XMLToken.clone ( )

Creates and returns a deep copy of this XMLToken object.

the (deep) copy of this XMLToken object.
virtual void libsbmlcs.XMLToken.Dispose ( )

Reimplemented in libsbmlcs.XMLNode.

override bool libsbmlcs.XMLToken.Equals ( Object  sb)
XMLAttributes libsbmlcs.XMLToken.getAttributes ( )

Returns the attributes of the XML element represented by this token.

the attributes of this XML element, stored in an XMLAttributes object.
int libsbmlcs.XMLToken.getAttributesLength ( )

Returns the number of attributes on this XMLToken object.

the number of attributes possessed by this token.
See also
int libsbmlcs.XMLToken.getAttrIndex ( string  name,
string  uri 

Returns the index of the attribute with the given name and namespace URI.

namea string, the name of the attribute.
uria string, the namespace URI of the attribute.
the index of an attribute with the given local name and namespace URI, or -1 if it is not present on this token.
Documentation note:
The native C++ implementation of this method defines a default argument value. In the documentation generated for different libSBML language bindings, you may or may not see corresponding arguments in the method declarations. For example, in Java and C#, a default argument is handled by declaring two separate methods, with one of them having the argument and the other one lacking the argument. However, the libSBML documentation will be identical for both methods. Consequently, if you are reading this and do not see an argument even though one is described, please look for descriptions of other variants of this method near where this one appears in the documentation.
int libsbmlcs.XMLToken.getAttrIndex ( string  name)

Returns the index of the attribute with the given name and namespace URI.

namea string, the name of the attribute.
uria string, the namespace URI of the attribute.
the index of an attribute with the given local name and namespace URI, or -1 if it is not present on this token.
Documentation note:
The native C++ implementation of this method defines a default argument value. In the documentation generated for different libSBML language bindings, you may or may not see corresponding arguments in the method declarations. For example, in Java and C#, a default argument is handled by declaring two separate methods, with one of them having the argument and the other one lacking the argument. However, the libSBML documentation will be identical for both methods. Consequently, if you are reading this and do not see an argument even though one is described, please look for descriptions of other variants of this method near where this one appears in the documentation.
int libsbmlcs.XMLToken.getAttrIndex ( XMLTriple  triple)

Returns the index of the attribute defined by the given XMLTriple object.

triplethe XMLTriple object that defines the attribute whose index is being sought.
the index of an attribute with the given XMLTriple object, or -1 if no such attribute is present on this token.
string libsbmlcs.XMLToken.getAttrName ( int  index)

Returns the name of the nth attribute in this token's list of attributes.

indexan integer, the position of the attribute whose name is being sought.
the name of the attribute located at position n in the list of attributes possessed by this XMLToken object.
If index is out of range, this method will return an empty string. XMLToken::hasAttr() can be used to test for an attribute's existence explicitly, and XMLToken::getAttributesLength() can be used to find out the number of attributes possessed by this token.
See also
string libsbmlcs.XMLToken.getAttrPrefix ( int  index)

Returns the prefix of the nth attribute in this token's list of attributes.

indexan integer, the position of the attribute whose prefix is being sought.
the XML namespace prefix of the attribute located at position n in the list of attributes possessed by this XMLToken object.
If index is out of range, this method will return an empty string. XMLToken::hasAttr() can be used to test for an attribute's existence explicitly, and XMLToken::getAttributesLength() can be used to find out the number of attributes possessed by this token.
See also
string libsbmlcs.XMLToken.getAttrPrefixedName ( int  index)

Returns the prefixed name of the nth attribute in this token's list of attributes.

In this context, prefixed name means the name of the attribute prefixed with the XML namespace prefix assigned to the attribute. This will be a string of the form prefix:name.

indexan integer, the position of the attribute whose prefixed name is being sought.
the prefixed name of the attribute located at position n in the list of attributes possessed by this XMLToken object.
If index is out of range, this method will return an empty string. XMLToken::hasAttr() can be used to test for an attribute's existence explicitly, and XMLToken::getAttributesLength() can be used to find out the number of attributes possessed by this token.
string libsbmlcs.XMLToken.getAttrURI ( int  index)

Returns the XML namespace URI of the nth attribute in this token's list of attributes.

indexan integer, the position of the attribute whose namespace URI is being sought.
the XML namespace URI of the attribute located at position n in the list of attributes possessed by this XMLToken object.
If index is out of range, this method will return an empty string. XMLToken::hasAttr() can be used to test for an attribute's existence explicitly, and XMLToken::getAttributesLength() can be used to find out the number of attributes possessed by this token.
string libsbmlcs.XMLToken.getAttrValue ( int  index)

Returns the value of the nth attribute in this token's list of attributes.

indexan integer, the position of the attribute whose value is required.
the value of the attribute located at position n in the list of attributes possessed by this XMLToken object.
If index is out of range, this method will return an empty string. XMLToken::hasAttr() can be used to test for an attribute's existence explicitly, and XMLToken::getAttributesLength() can be used to find out the number of attributes possessed by this token.
string libsbmlcs.XMLToken.getAttrValue ( string  name,
string  uri 

Returns the value of the attribute with a given name and XML namespace URI.

namea string, the name of the attribute whose value is being sought.
uria string, the XML namespace URI of the attribute.
The value of the attribute, as a string.
If an attribute with the given name and uri does not exist on this token object, this method will return an empty string. XMLToken::hasAttr() can be used to test explicitly for the presence of an attribute with a given name and namespace.
Documentation note:
The native C++ implementation of this method defines a default argument value. In the documentation generated for different libSBML language bindings, you may or may not see corresponding arguments in the method declarations. For example, in Java and C#, a default argument is handled by declaring two separate methods, with one of them having the argument and the other one lacking the argument. However, the libSBML documentation will be identical for both methods. Consequently, if you are reading this and do not see an argument even though one is described, please look for descriptions of other variants of this method near where this one appears in the documentation.
string libsbmlcs.XMLToken.getAttrValue ( string  name)

Returns the value of the attribute with a given name and XML namespace URI.

namea string, the name of the attribute whose value is being sought.
uria string, the XML namespace URI of the attribute.
The value of the attribute, as a string.
If an attribute with the given name and uri does not exist on this token object, this method will return an empty string. XMLToken::hasAttr() can be used to test explicitly for the presence of an attribute with a given name and namespace.
Documentation note:
The native C++ implementation of this method defines a default argument value. In the documentation generated for different libSBML language bindings, you may or may not see corresponding arguments in the method declarations. For example, in Java and C#, a default argument is handled by declaring two separate methods, with one of them having the argument and the other one lacking the argument. However, the libSBML documentation will be identical for both methods. Consequently, if you are reading this and do not see an argument even though one is described, please look for descriptions of other variants of this method near where this one appears in the documentation.
string libsbmlcs.XMLToken.getAttrValue ( XMLTriple  triple)

Returns the value of the attribute specified by a given XMLTriple object.

triplean XMLTriple describing the attribute whose value is being sought.
The value of the attribute, as a string.
If an attribute defined by the given triple does not exist on this token object, this method will return an empty string. XMLToken::hasAttr() can be used to test explicitly for the existence of an attribute with the properties of a given triple.
string libsbmlcs.XMLToken.getCharacters ( )

Returns the character text of token.

the characters of this XML token. If this token is not a text token (i.e., it's an XML element and not character content), then this will return an empty string.
See also
long libsbmlcs.XMLToken.getColumn ( )

Returns the column number at which this token occurs in the input.

the column at which this XMLToken occurred.
override int libsbmlcs.XMLToken.GetHashCode ( )
long libsbmlcs.XMLToken.getLine ( )

Returns the line number at which this token occurs in the input.

the line at which this XMLToken occurred.
string libsbmlcs.XMLToken.getName ( )

Returns the (unqualified) name of token.

the (unqualified) name of token.
int libsbmlcs.XMLToken.getNamespaceIndex ( string  uri)

Returns the index of an XML namespace declaration based on its URI.

uria string, the XML namespace URI of the sought-after namespace.
the index of the given declaration, or -1 if no such namespace URI is present on this XMLToken object.
int libsbmlcs.XMLToken.getNamespaceIndexByPrefix ( string  prefix)

Returns the index of an XML namespace declaration based on its prefix.

prefixa string, the prefix of the sought-after XML namespace.
the index of the given declaration, or -1 if no such namespace URI is present on this XMLToken object.
string libsbmlcs.XMLToken.getNamespacePrefix ( int  index)

Returns the prefix of the nth XML namespace declaration.

indexan integer, position of the required prefix.
the prefix of an XML namespace declaration in the XMLNamespaces (by position).
If index is out of range, this method will return an empty string. XMLToken::getNamespacesLength() can be used to find out how many namespaces are defined on this XMLToken object.
See also
string libsbmlcs.XMLToken.getNamespacePrefix ( string  uri)

Returns the prefix associated with a given XML namespace URI on this token.

uria string, the URI of the namespace whose prefix is being sought.
the prefix of an XML namespace declaration on this XMLToken object.
If there is no XML namespace with the given uri declared on this XMLToken object, this method will return an empty string.
XMLNamespaces libsbmlcs.XMLToken.getNamespaces ( )

Returns the XML namespaces declared for this token.

the XML namespace declarations for this XML element.
int libsbmlcs.XMLToken.getNamespacesLength ( )

Returns the number of XML namespaces declared on this token.

the number of XML namespaces stored in the XMLNamespaces object of this XMLToken object.
string libsbmlcs.XMLToken.getNamespaceURI ( int  index)

Returns the URI of the nth XML namespace declared on this token.

indexan integer, the position of the sought-after XML namespace URI.
the URI of the nth XML namespace stored in the XMLNamespaces object in this XMLToken object.
If index is out of range, this method will return an empty string.
See also
string libsbmlcs.XMLToken.getNamespaceURI ( string  prefix)

Returns the URI of an XML namespace with a given prefix.

prefixa string, the prefix of the sought-after XML namespace URI.
the URI of an XML namespace declaration given its prefix.
If there is no XML namespace with the given prefix stored in the XMLNamespaces object of this XMLToken object, this method will return an empty string.
Documentation note:
The native C++ implementation of this method defines a default argument value. In the documentation generated for different libSBML language bindings, you may or may not see corresponding arguments in the method declarations. For example, in Java and C#, a default argument is handled by declaring two separate methods, with one of them having the argument and the other one lacking the argument. However, the libSBML documentation will be identical for both methods. Consequently, if you are reading this and do not see an argument even though one is described, please look for descriptions of other variants of this method near where this one appears in the documentation.
string libsbmlcs.XMLToken.getNamespaceURI ( )

Returns the URI of an XML namespace with a given prefix.

prefixa string, the prefix of the sought-after XML namespace URI.
the URI of an XML namespace declaration given its prefix.
If there is no XML namespace with the given prefix stored in the XMLNamespaces object of this XMLToken object, this method will return an empty string.
Documentation note:
The native C++ implementation of this method defines a default argument value. In the documentation generated for different libSBML language bindings, you may or may not see corresponding arguments in the method declarations. For example, in Java and C#, a default argument is handled by declaring two separate methods, with one of them having the argument and the other one lacking the argument. However, the libSBML documentation will be identical for both methods. Consequently, if you are reading this and do not see an argument even though one is described, please look for descriptions of other variants of this method near where this one appears in the documentation.
string libsbmlcs.XMLToken.getPrefix ( )

Returns the XML namespace prefix of token.

the XML namespace prefix of token.
If no XML namespace prefix has been assigned to this token, this method will return an empty string.
string libsbmlcs.XMLToken.getURI ( )

Returns the XML namespace URI of token.

the XML namespace URI of token.
bool libsbmlcs.XMLToken.hasAttr ( int  index)

Returns true if an attribute with the given index exists.

indexan integer, the position of the attribute.
true if this token object possesses an attribute with the given index, false otherwise.
bool libsbmlcs.XMLToken.hasAttr ( string  name,
string  uri 

Returns true if an attribute with a given name and namespace URI exists.

namea string, the name of the attribute being sought.
uria string, the XML namespace URI of the attribute being sought.
true if an attribute with the given local name and namespace URI exists in the list of attributes on this token object, false otherwise.
Documentation note:
The native C++ implementation of this method defines a default argument value. In the documentation generated for different libSBML language bindings, you may or may not see corresponding arguments in the method declarations. For example, in Java and C#, a default argument is handled by declaring two separate methods, with one of them having the argument and the other one lacking the argument. However, the libSBML documentation will be identical for both methods. Consequently, if you are reading this and do not see an argument even though one is described, please look for descriptions of other variants of this method near where this one appears in the documentation.
bool libsbmlcs.XMLToken.hasAttr ( string  name)

Returns true if an attribute with a given name and namespace URI exists.

namea string, the name of the attribute being sought.
uria string, the XML namespace URI of the attribute being sought.
true if an attribute with the given local name and namespace URI exists in the list of attributes on this token object, false otherwise.
Documentation note:
The native C++ implementation of this method defines a default argument value. In the documentation generated for different libSBML language bindings, you may or may not see corresponding arguments in the method declarations. For example, in Java and C#, a default argument is handled by declaring two separate methods, with one of them having the argument and the other one lacking the argument. However, the libSBML documentation will be identical for both methods. Consequently, if you are reading this and do not see an argument even though one is described, please look for descriptions of other variants of this method near where this one appears in the documentation.
bool libsbmlcs.XMLToken.hasAttr ( XMLTriple  triple)

Returns true if an attribute defined by a given XMLTriple object exists.

triplean XMLTriple object describing the attribute being sought.
true if an attribute matching the properties of the given XMLTriple object exists in the list of attributes on this token, false otherwise.
bool libsbmlcs.XMLToken.hasNamespaceNS ( string  uri,
string  prefix 

Returns true if this token has an XML namespace with a given prefix and URI combination.

uria string, the URI for the namespace.
prefixa string, the prefix for the namespace.
true if an XML namespace with the given URI/prefix pair is contained in the XMLNamespaces object of this XMLToken object, false otherwise.
bool libsbmlcs.XMLToken.hasNamespacePrefix ( string  prefix)

Returns true if this token has an XML namespace with a given prefix.

prefixa string, the prefix for the XML namespace.
true if an XML Namespace with the given URI is contained in the XMLNamespaces of this XMLToken, false otherwise.
bool libsbmlcs.XMLToken.hasNamespaceURI ( string  uri)

Returns true if this token has an XML namespace with a given URI.

uria string, the URI of the XML namespace.
true if an XML namespace with the given URI is contained in the XMLNamespaces object of this XMLToken object, false otherwise.
bool libsbmlcs.XMLToken.isAttributesEmpty ( )

Returns true if this token has no attributes.

true if the list of attributes on XMLToken object is empty, false otherwise.
bool libsbmlcs.XMLToken.isElement ( )

Returns true if this token represents an XML element.

This generic predicate returns true if the element is either a start or end tag, and false if it's a text object. The related methods XMLToken:isStart(), XMLToken::isEnd() and XMLToken::isText() are more specific predicates.

true if this XMLToken object represents an XML element, false otherwise.
See also
bool libsbmlcs.XMLToken.isEnd ( )

Returns true if this token represents an XML end element.

true if this XMLToken object represents an XML end element, false otherwise.
See also
bool libsbmlcs.XMLToken.isEndFor ( XMLToken  element)

Returns true if this token represents an XML end element for a particular start element.

elementXMLToken, the element with which the current object should be compared to determined whether the current object is a start element for the given one.
true if this XMLToken object represents an XML end tag for the start tag given by element, false otherwise.
See also
bool libsbmlcs.XMLToken.isEOF ( )

Returns true if this token is an end of file marker.

true if this XMLToken object represents the end of the input, false otherwise.
See also
bool libsbmlcs.XMLToken.isNamespacesEmpty ( )

Returns true if there are no namespaces declared on this token.

true if the XMLNamespaces object stored in this XMLToken token is empty, false otherwise.
bool libsbmlcs.XMLToken.isStart ( )

Returns true if this token represents an XML start element.

true if this XMLToken is an XML start element, false otherwise.
See also
bool libsbmlcs.XMLToken.isText ( )

Returns true if this token represents an XML text element.

true if this XMLToken is an XML text element, false otherwise.
See also
static bool libsbmlcs.XMLToken.operator!= ( XMLToken  lhs,
XMLToken  rhs 
static bool libsbmlcs.XMLToken.operator== ( XMLToken  lhs,
XMLToken  rhs 
int libsbmlcs.XMLToken.removeAttr ( int  n)

Removes the nth attribute from the XML element represented by this token.

This operation only makes sense for XML start elements. This method will return LIBSBML_INVALID_XML_OPERATION if this XMLToken object is not an XML start element.

nan integer the index of the resource to be deleted.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The possible values returned by this function are: The value LIBSBML_INDEX_EXCEEDS_SIZE is returned if there is no attribute on this element at the given index n.
See also
getAttrIndex(XMLTriple triple)
getAttrIndex(string name, string uri)
int libsbmlcs.XMLToken.removeAttr ( string  name,
string  uri 

Removes an attribute from the XML element represented by this token.

This operation only makes sense for XML start elements. This method will return LIBSBML_INVALID_XML_OPERATION if this XMLToken object is not an XML start element.

namea string, the name of the attribute to be removed.
uria string, the XML namespace URI of the attribute to be removed.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The possible values returned by this function are: The value LIBSBML_INDEX_EXCEEDS_SIZE is returned if there is no attribute on this element with the given name (and uri if specified).
See also
hasAttr(string name, string uri)
int libsbmlcs.XMLToken.removeAttr ( string  name)

Removes an attribute from the XML element represented by this token.

This operation only makes sense for XML start elements. This method will return LIBSBML_INVALID_XML_OPERATION if this XMLToken object is not an XML start element.

namea string, the name of the attribute to be removed.
uria string, the XML namespace URI of the attribute to be removed.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The possible values returned by this function are: The value LIBSBML_INDEX_EXCEEDS_SIZE is returned if there is no attribute on this element with the given name (and uri if specified).
See also
hasAttr(string name, string uri)
int libsbmlcs.XMLToken.removeAttr ( XMLTriple  triple)

Removes an attribute from the XML element represented by this token.

This operation only makes sense for XML start elements. This method will return LIBSBML_INVALID_XML_OPERATION if this XMLToken object is not an XML start element.

triplean XMLTriple describing the attribute to be removed.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The possible values returned by this function are: The value LIBSBML_INDEX_EXCEEDS_SIZE is returned if there is no attribute on this element matching the properties of the given triple.
See also
hasAttr(XMLTriple triple)
int libsbmlcs.XMLToken.removeNamespace ( int  index)

Removes the nth XML namespace declaration.

This operation only makes sense for XML start elements. This method will return LIBSBML_INVALID_XML_OPERATION if this XMLToken object is not an XML start element.

indexan integer, the position of the namespace to be removed. The position in this context refers to the position of the namespace in the XMLNamespaces object stored in this XMLToken object. Callers can use one of the getNamespace___() methods to find the index number of a given namespace.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The possible values returned by this function are:
See also
int libsbmlcs.XMLToken.removeNamespace ( string  prefix)

Removes an XML namespace declaration having a given prefix.

This operation only makes sense for XML start elements. This method will return LIBSBML_INVALID_XML_OPERATION if this XMLToken object is not an XML start element.

prefixa string, the prefix of the namespace to be removed.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The possible values returned by this function are: The value LIBSBML_INDEX_EXCEEDS_SIZE is returned if there is no namespace with the given prefix on this element.
See also
int libsbmlcs.XMLToken.setAttributes ( XMLAttributes  attributes)

Sets the attributes on the XML element represented by this token.

This operation only makes sense for XML start elements. This method will return LIBSBML_INVALID_XML_OPERATION if this XMLToken object is not an XML start element.

attributesan XMLAttributes object to be assigned to this XMLToken object, thereby setting the XML attributes associated with this token.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The possible values returned by this function are:
This function replaces any existing XMLAttributes object on this XMLToken object with the one given by attributes.
int libsbmlcs.XMLToken.setCharacters ( string  chars)

Sets the characters for this XMLToken.

This method only makes sense for XMLToken objects that contains text. If this method is called on a token that represents an XML start or end tag, it will return the code LIBSBML_OPERATION_FAILED.

charsstring, characters to append to the text of this token.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The possible values returned by this function are:
See also
int libsbmlcs.XMLToken.setEnd ( )

Declares that this token represents an XML element end tag.

integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The possible values returned by this function are:
See also
int libsbmlcs.XMLToken.setEOF ( )

Declares that this token is an end-of-file/input marker.

integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The possible values returned by this function are:
See also
int libsbmlcs.XMLToken.setNamespaces ( XMLNamespaces  namespaces)

Sets the XML namespaces on this XML element.

This operation only makes sense for XML start elements. This method will return LIBSBML_INVALID_XML_OPERATION if this XMLToken object is not an XML start element.

namespacesthe XMLNamespaces object to be assigned to this XMLToken object.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The possible values returned by this function are:
This function replaces any existing XMLNamespaces object on this XMLToken object with the new one given by namespaces.
int libsbmlcs.XMLToken.setTriple ( XMLTriple  triple)

Sets the name, namespace prefix and namespace URI of this token.

This operation only makes sense for XML start elements. This method will return LIBSBML_INVALID_XML_OPERATION if this XMLToken object is not an XML start element.

triplethe new XMLTriple to use for this XMLToken object. If this XMLToken already had an XMLTriple object stored within it, that object will be replaced.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The possible values returned by this function are:
string libsbmlcs.XMLToken.toString ( )

Prints a string representation of the underlying token stream.

This method is intended for debugging purposes.

a text string representing this XMLToken object.
int libsbmlcs.XMLToken.unsetEnd ( )

Declares that this token no longer represents an XML start/end element.

integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The possible values returned by this function are:

Member Data Documentation

bool libsbmlcs.XMLToken.swigCMemOwn