: Implementation of the MultiSBMLError class More...
: Implementation of the MultiSBMLError class
enum MultiSBMLErrorCode_t |
Codes for all SBML-level errors and warnings from the 'multi' package.
These are distinguished from other SBML error codes by having a number between 7000000 and 7099999.
Enumerator | |
MultiUnknownError | Unknown error from multi |
MultiNSUndeclared | The Multi ns is not correctly declared |
MultiElementNotInNs | Element not in Multi namespace |
MultiMathCi_AllowedMultiAtts | Math ci element: Allowed Multi attributes |
MultiMathCi_SpeRefAtt_Ref | Math ci element: 'speciesReference' must be the 'id' of a speciesReference within the same reaction |
MultiMathCi_RepTypAtt_Ref | Math ci element: 'representationType' must be a value of the Multi data type 'RepresentationType' |
MultiDupClaId | Duplicate 'id' attribute value |
MultiInvSIdSyn | Invalid SId syntax |
MultiInvNamSyn | Invalid name syntax |
MultiUnqId_SptIns | SpeciesTypeInstance must have unique ids within the parent speciesType |
MultiUnqId_SptCpoInd | SpeciesTypeComponentIndex must have unique ids within the parent speciesType |
MultiUnqId_InSptBnd | InSpeciesTypeBond must have unique ids within the parent speciesType |
MultiUnqId_Sft | SpeciesFeatureType must have unique ids within the parent speciesType |
MultiUnqId_SubListOfSfs | SubListOfSpeciesFeatures must have unique ids within a species |
MultiUnqId_SpeFtr | SpeciesFeature must have unique ids within a species |
MultiUnqId_CpaRef | CompartmentReference must have unique ids within a compartment |
MultiInvSIdRefSyn_Spt_CpaAtt | Invalid SIdRef syntax: 'compartment' attribute of SpeciesType |
MultiInvSIdRefSyn_PslSpeFtrVal_NumAtt | Invalid SIdRef syntax: 'numericValue' attribute of PossibleSpeciesFeatureValue |
MultiInvSIdRefSyn_SptIns_SptAtt | Invalid SIdRef syntax: 'speciesType' attribute of SpeciesTypeInstance |
MultiInvSIdRefSyn_SptIns_CpaRefAtt | Invalid SIdRef syntax: 'compartmentReference' attribute of SpeciesTypeInstance |
MultiInvSIdRefSyn_SptCpoInd_CpoAtt | Invalid SIdRef syntax: 'component' attribute of SpeciesTypeComponentIndex |
MultiInvSIdRefSyn_SptCpoInd_ParAtt | Invalid SIdRef syntax: 'identifyingParent' attribute of SpeciesTypeComponentIndex |
MultiInvSIdRefSyn_InSptBnd_Bst1Att | Invalid SIdRef syntax: 'bindingSite1' attribute of InSpeciesTypeBond |
MultiInvSIdRefSyn_InSptBnd_Bst2Att | Invalid SIdRef syntax: 'bindingSite2' attribute of InSpeciesTypeBond |
MultiInvSIdRefSyn_Spe_SptAtt | Invalid SIdRef syntax: 'speciesType' attribute of extended Species |
MultiInvSIdRefSyn_OutBst_CpoAtt | Invalid SIdRef syntax: 'component' attribute of OutwardBindingSite |
MultiInvSIdRefSyn_SpeFtr_SpeFtrTypAtt | Invalid SIdRef syntax: 'speciesFeatureType' attribute of SpeciesFeature |
MultiInvSIdRefSyn_SpeFtr_CpoAtt | Invalid SIdRef syntax: 'component' attribute of SpeciesFeature |
MultiInvSIdRefSyn_SpeFtrVal_ValAtt | Invalid SIdRef syntax: 'value' attribute of SpeciesFeatureValue |
MultiInvSIdRefSyn_SplSpeRef_CompRefAtt | Invalid SIdRef syntax: 'compartmentReference' attribute of extended SimpleSpeciesReference |
MultiInvSIdRefSyn_StpCpoMapInPro_RctAtt | Invalid SIdRef syntax: 'reactant' attribute of SpeciesTypeComponentMapInProduct |
MultiInvSIdRefSyn_StpCpoMapInPro_RctCpoAtt | Invalid SIdRef syntax: 'reactantComponent' attribute of SpeciesTypeComponentMapInProduct |
MultiInvSIdRefSyn_StpCpoMapInPro_ProCpoAtt | Invalid SIdRef syntax: 'productComponent' attribute of SpeciesTypeComponentMapInProduct |
MultiInvSIdRefSyn_Cpa_CpaTypAtt | Invalid SIdRef syntax: 'compartmentType' attribute of extended Compartment |
MultiInvSIdRefSyn_CpaRef_CpaAtt | Invalid SIdRef syntax: 'compartment' attribute of CompartmentReference |
MultiSBML_RequiredAttMissing | The 'multi:required' attribute is required on |
MultiSBML_RequiredAttMustBeBoolean | The 'multi:required' attribute must be Boolean |
MultiSBML_RequiredAttMustBeTrue | The 'multi:required' attribute must be 'true' |
MultiLofStps_OnlyOne | ListOfSpeciesTypes: Only one object allowed in a model |
MultiLofStps_NoEmpty | ListOfSpeciesTypes: Must not be empty |
MultiLofStps_AllowedAtts | ListOfSpeciesTypes: Allowed attributes |
MultiLofStps_AllowedElts | ListOfSpeciesTypes: Allowed elements |
MultiExCpa_AllowedMultiAtts | Extended Compartment: Allowed Multi attributes |
MultiExCpa_IsTypeAtt_Invalid | Extended Compartment: Invalid boolean syntax of 'isType' attribute |
MultiExCpa_IsTypeAtt_Required | Extended Compartment: 'isType' attribute is requried |
MultiExCpa_IsTypeAtt_SameAsParent | Extended Compartment: 'isType' attribute, if referenced, must be same as that of the containing compartment |
MultiExCpa_CpaTypAtt_Restrict | Extended Compartment: Compartment type can not reference another compartment type |
MultiLofCpaRefs_OnlyOne | ListOfCompartmentReferences: Only one object allowed in a compartment |
MultiLofCpaRefs_NoEmpty | ListOfCompartmentReferences: Must not be empty |
MultiLofCpaRefs_AllowedAtts | ListOfCompartmentReferences: Allowed attributes |
MultiLofCpaRefs_AllowedElts | ListOfCompartmentReferences: Allowed elements |
MultiSpt_AllowedCoreAtts | SpeciesType: Allowed SBML core attributes |
MultiSpt_AllowedCoreElts | SpeciesType: Allowed SBML core children |
MultiSpt_AllowedMultiAtts | SpeciesType: Allowed Multi attributes |
MultiSpt_CompartmentAtt_Ref | SpeciesType: 'compartment' must be the 'id' of a compartment |
MultiSpt_ListOfDefs_NoEmpty | SpeciesType: ListOf- subobjects must not be empty |
MultiLofSpeFtrTyps_onlyOne | ListOfSpeciesFeatureTypes: Only one <listOfSpeciesFeatureTypes> is allowed in a <speciesType> |
MultiLofSpeFtrTyps_Elts | ListOfSpeciesFeatureTypes: Only allow speciesFeatureType elements |
MultiLofSpeFtrTyps_AllowedAtts | ListOfSpeciesFeatureTypes: Allowed attributes |
MultiLofSptInss_onlyOne | ListOfSpeciesTypeInstances: Only one <listOfSpeciesTypeInstances> is allowed in a <speciesType> |
MultiLofSptInss_Elts | ListOfSpeciesTypeInstances: Only allow speciesTypeInstance elements |
MultiLofSptInss_AllowedAtts | ListOfSpeciesTypeInstances: Allowed attributes |
MultiLofSptCpoInds_onlyOne | ListOfSpeciesTypeComponentIndexes: Only one <listOfSpeciesTypeComponentIndexes> is allowed in a <speciesType> |
MultiLofSptCpoInds_Elts | ListOfSpeciesTypeComponentIndexes: Only allow speciesTypeComponentIndex elements |
MultiLofSptCpoInds_AllowedAtts | ListOfSpeciesTypeComponentIndexes: Allowed attributes |
MultiLofInSptBnds_onlyOne | ListOfInSpeciesTypeBonds: Only one <listOfInSpeciesTypeBonds> is allowed in a <speciesType> |
MultiLofInSptBnds_Elts | ListOfInSpeciesTypeBonds: Only allow inSpeciesTypeBond elements |
MultiLofInSptBnds_AllowedAtts | ListOfInSpeciesTypeBonds: Allowed attributes |
MultiBstSpt_Restrict | BindingSiteSpeciesType: Not permitted to have listOfSpeciesTypeInstances |
MultiSpeFtrTyp_AllowedCoreAtts | SpeciesFeatureType: Allowed SBML core attributes |
MultiSpeFtrTyp_AllowedCoreElts | SpeciesFeatureType: Allowed SBML core elements |
MultiSpeFtrTyp_AllowedMultiAtts | SpeciesFeatureType: Allowed Multi attributes |
MultiSpeFtrTyp_OccAtt_Ref | SpeciesFeatureType: 'occur' must be a positiveInteger |
MultiSpeFtrTyp_RestrictElt | SpeciesFeatureType: Required to have one listOfPossibleSpeciesFeatureValues |
MultiLofPsbSpeFtrVals_AllowedAtts | ListOfPossibleSpeciesFeatureValues: Allowed attributes |
MultiLofPsbSpeFtrVals_Elts | ListOfPossibleSpeciesFeatureValues: Only allow possibleSpeciesFeatureValue elements |
MultiLofPsbSpeFtrVals_NoEmpty | ListOfPossibleSpeciesFeatureValues: Must not be empty |
MultiPsbSpeFtrVal_AllowedCoreAtts | PossibleSpeciesFeatureValue: Allowed SBML core attributes |
MultiPsbSpeFtrVal_AllowedCoreElts | PossibleSpeciesFeatureValue: Allowed SBML core elements |
MultiPsbSpeFtrVal_AllowedMultiAtts | PossibleSpeciesFeatureValue: Allowed Multi attributes |
MultiPsbSpeFtrVal_NumAtt_Ref | PossibleSpeciesFeatureValue: 'numbericValue' must be the 'id' of a parameter |
MultiSptIns_AllowedCoreAtts | SpeciesTypeInstance: Allowed SBML core attributes |
MultiSptIns_AllowedCoreElts | SpeciesTypeInstance: Allowed SBML core elements |
MultiSptIns_AllowedMultiAtts | SpeciesTypeInstance: Allowed Multi attributes |
MultiSptIns_SptAtt_Ref | SpeciesTypeInstance: 'speciesType' must be the 'id' of a speciesType |
MultiSptIns_CpaRefAtt_Ref | SpeciesTypeInstance: 'compartmentReference' must be the 'id' of a compartmentReference |
MultiSptCpoInd_AllowedCoreAtts | SpeciesTypeComponentIndex: Allowed SBML core attributes |
MultiSptCpoInd_AllowedCoreElts | SpeciesTypeComponentIndex: Allowed SBML core elements |
MultiSptCpoInd_AllowedMultiAtts | SpeciesTypeComponentIndex: Allowed Multi attributes |
MultiSptCpoInd_CpoAtt_Ref | SpeciesTypeComponentIndex: 'component' must be the 'id' of a component |
MultiSptCpoInd_IdParAtt_Ref | SpeciesTypeComponentIndex: 'identifyingParent' must be the 'id' of a component |
MultiInSptBnd_AllowedCoreAtts | InSpeciesTypeBond: Allowed SBML core attributes |
MultiInSptBnd_AllowedCoreElts | InSpeciesTypeBond: Allowed SBML core elements |
MultiInSptBnd_AllowedMultiAtts | InSpeciesTypeBond: Allowed Multi attributes |
MultiInSptBnd_Bst1Att_Ref | InSpeciesTypeBond: 'bindingSite1' must be the 'id' of a speciesTypeInstance or speciesTypeComponentIndex |
MultiInSptBnd_Bst2Att_Ref | InSpeciesTypeBond: 'bindingSite2' must be the 'id' of a speciesTypeInstance or speciesTypeComponentIndex |
MultiInSptBnd_TwoBstAtts_NotSame | InSpeciesTypeBond: 'bindingSite1' and 'bindingSite2' can not reference the same binding site |
MultiExSpe_AllowedMultiAtts | Extended Species: Allowed Multi attributes |
MultiExSpe_RestrictSpeciesTypeAtt | Extended Species: SpeciesType attribute must have value of the id of a speciesType |
MultiExSpe_NoEmptyListOfDefs | Extended Species: ListOf- subobjects must not be empty |
MultiLofOutBsts_AllowedAtts | ListOfOutwardBindingSites: Allowed attributes |
MultiLofOutBsts_AllowedElts | ListOfOutwardBindingSites: Allowed elements |
MultiLofSpeFtrs_AllowedAtts | ListOfSpeciesFeatures: Allowed SBML attributes |
MultiSubLofSpeFtrs_AllowedMultiAtts | SubListOfSpeciesFeatures: Allowed Multi attributes |
MultiSubLofSpeFtrs_RelationAtt_Ref | ListOfSpeciesFeatures: 'relation' must be a value of 'Relation' |
MultiLofSpeFtrs_AllowedElts | ListOfSpeciesFeatures: Allowed elements |
MultiSubLofSpeFtrs_AllowedCoreAtts | SubListOfSpeciesFeatures: Allowed SBML core attributes |
MultiSubLofSpeFtrs_AllowedElts | SubListOfSpeciesFeatures: Allowed elements |
MultiSubLofSpeFtrs_CpoAtt_Ref | SubListOfSpeciesFeatures: 'component' must be the 'id' of a 'SpeciesType' component |
MultiExSpe_ReqSpt_LofOutBsts | Extended Species: 'speciesType' is required when it has a 'listOfOutwardBindingSites' |
MultiExSpe_ReqSpt_LofSpeFtrs | Extended Species: 'speciesType' is required when it has a 'listOfSpeciesFeatures' |
MultiSubLofSpeFtrs_RelationAndOcc | SubListOfSpeciesFeatures: 'relation' can only be 'and' when referencing a speciesFeatureType with occur > 1 |
MultiSubLofSpeFtrs_TwoSpeFtrs | SubListOfSpeciesFeatures: must have at least two 'speciesFeatures' |
MultiOutBst_AllowedCoreAtts | OutwardBindingSite: Allowed SBML core attributes |
MultiOutBst_AllowedCoreElts | OutwardBindingSite: Allowed SBML core elements |
MultiOutBst_AllowedMultiAtts | OutwardBindingSite: Allowed Multi attributes |
MultiOutBst_BdgStaAtt_Ref | OutwardBindingSite: 'bindingStatus' must have a value of 'BindingStatus' |
MultiOutBst_CpoAtt_Ref | OutwardBindingSite: 'component' must be the 'id' of a 'BindingSiteSpeciesType' component |
MultiOutBst_NotInBond | OutwardBindingSite: An outwardBindingSite can not be in a bond of the species |
MultiSpeFtr_AllowedCoreAtts | SpeciesFeature: Allowed SBML core attributes |
MultiSpeFtr_AllowedCoreElts | SpeciesFeature: Allowed SBML core elements |
MultiSpeFtr_AllowedMultiAtts | SpeciesFeature: Allowed Multi attributes |
MultiSpeFtr_SpeFtrTypAtt_Ref | SpeciesFeature: 'speciesFeatureType' must be the 'id' of a speciesFeatureType |
MultiSpeFtr_OccAtt_Ref | SpeciesFeature: 'occur' must be a positiveInteger with restriction |
MultiSpeFtr_CpoAtt_Ref | SpeciesFeature: 'component' must be the 'id' of a component |
MultiSpeFtr_RestrictElts | SpeciesFeature: Required one listOfSpeciesFeatureValues |
MultiLofSpeFtrVals_NoEmpty | ListOfSpeciesFeatureValues: Must not be empty |
MultiLofSpeFtrVals_AllowedAtts | ListOfSpeciesFeatureValues: Allowed attributes |
MultiLofSpeFtrVals_AllowedElts | ListOfSpeciesFeatureValues: Allowed elements |
MultiSpeFtrVal_AllowedCoreAtts | SpeciesFeatureValue: Allowed SBML core attributes |
MultiSpeFtrVal_AllowedCoreElts | SpeciesFeatureValue: Allowed SBML core elements |
MultiSpeFtrVal_AllowedMultiAtts | SpeciesFeatureValue: Allowed Multi attributes |
MultiSpeFtrVal_ValAtt_Ref | SpeciesFeatureValue: 'value' must be the 'id' of a possibleSpeciesFeatureValue |
MultiIntSpeRec_AllowedAtts | IntraSpeciesReaction: Allowed attributes |
MultiIntSpeRec_AllowedCoreElts | IntraSpeciesReaction: Allowed SBML core elements |
MultiExSplSpeRef_AllowedMultiAtts | Extended SimpleSpeciesReference: Allowed Multi attributes |
MultiExSplSpeRef_CpaRefAtt_Ref | Extended SimpleSpeciesReference: 'compartmentReference' must be the 'id' of a compartmentReference |
MultiLofSptCpoMapsInPro_NoEmpty | ListOfSpeciesTypeComponentMapsInProduct: Must not be empty |
MultiLofSptCpoMapsInPro_AllowedAtts | ListOfSpeciesTypeComponentMapsInProduct: Allowed attributes |
MultiLofSptCpoMapsInPro_AllowedElts | ListOfSpeciesTypeComponentMapsInProduct: Allowed elements |
MultiSptCpoMapInPro_AllowedCoreAtts | SpeciesTypeComponentMapInProduct: Allowed SBML core attributes |
MultiSptCpoMapInPro_AllowedCoreElts | SpeciesTypeComponentMapInProduct: Allowed SBML core elements |
MultiSptCpoMapInPro_AllowedMultiAtts | SpeciesTypeComponentMapInProduct: Allowed Multi attributes |
MultiSptCpoMapInPro_RctAtt_Ref | SpeciesTypeComponentMapInProduct: 'reactant' must be the 'id' of a reactant speciesReference |
MultiSptCpoMapInPro_RctCpoAtt_Ref | SpeciesTypeComponentMapInProduct: 'reactantComponent' must be the 'id' of a reactant component |
MultiSptCpoMapInPro_ProCpoAtt_Ref | SpeciesTypeComponentMapInProduct: 'productComponent' must be the 'id' of a product component |
MultiCpaRef_AllowedCoreAtts | CompartmentReference: Allowed SBML core attributes |
MultiCpaRef_AllowedCoreElts | CompartmentReference: Allowed SBML core elements |
MultiCpaRef_AllowedMultiAtts | CompartmentReference: Allowed Multi attributes |
MultiCpaRef_CompartmentAtt_Ref | CompartmentReference: 'compartment' must be the 'id' of a compartment |
MultiCpaRef_IdRequiredOrOptional | CompartmentReference: 'multi:id' is required when referencing the same compartment |
MultiCpaRef_NoReferenceToAnyParent | CompartmentReference: A compartmentReference cannot reference any parent compartment |