▼CArgumentException | |
Clibsbmlcs.SBMLConstructorException | Exceptions thrown by some libSBML constructors |
Clibsbmlcs.XMLConstructorException | Exceptions thrown by some libSBML constructors |
Clibsbmlcs.libsbml | |
Clibsbmlcs.SWIGTYPE_p_double | |
Clibsbmlcs.SWIGTYPE_p_ExpectedAttributes | |
Clibsbmlcs.SWIGTYPE_p_f_p_Model_p_SBMLErrorLog_p_void__int | |
Clibsbmlcs.SWIGTYPE_p_FormulaUnitsData | |
Clibsbmlcs.SWIGTYPE_p_int | |
Clibsbmlcs.SWIGTYPE_p_packageErrorTableEntryV2 | |
Clibsbmlcs.SWIGTYPE_p_PrefixTransformer | |
Clibsbmlcs.SWIGTYPE_p_std__stringstream | |
Clibsbmlcs.SWIGTYPE_p_std__vectorT_ASTBasePlugin_p_t | |
Clibsbmlcs.SWIGTYPE_p_std__vectorT_std__string_t | |
Clibsbmlcs.SWIGTYPE_p_std__vectorT_unsigned_int_t | |
Clibsbmlcs.SWIGTYPE_p_std__vectorT_XMLError_p_t | |
Clibsbmlcs.SWIGTYPE_p_StringBuffer_t | |
Clibsbmlcs.SWIGTYPE_p_UnitFormulaFormatter | |
Clibsbmlcs.SWIGTYPE_p_void | |
▼CSystemIDisposable | |
▼Clibsbmlcs.ASTBasePlugin | Base class for extensions that plug into AST classes |
Clibsbmlcs.MultiASTPlugin | multi
Extension of ASTBasePlugin |
Clibsbmlcs.ASTNode | Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) representation of a mathematical expression |
Clibsbmlcs.ASTNodeList | |
Clibsbmlcs.ASTNodeValues_t | |
Clibsbmlcs.Callback | |
Clibsbmlcs.CallbackRegistry | |
Clibsbmlcs.ConversionOption | A single configuration setting for an SBML converter |
Clibsbmlcs.ConversionProperties | Set of configuration option values for a converter |
Clibsbmlcs.CVTerm | A MIRIAM-compliant controlled vocabulary term |
Clibsbmlcs.CVTermList | |
Clibsbmlcs.Date | A MIRIAM-compliant date representation |
Clibsbmlcs.DateList | |
Clibsbmlcs.DefinitionURLRegistry | Registry of all libSBML SBML DefinitionURLs |
Clibsbmlcs.double_array | |
Clibsbmlcs.IdentifierTransformer | Base class for identifier transformers |
Clibsbmlcs.IdList | Maintains a list of SIds |
Clibsbmlcs.int_array | |
Clibsbmlcs.L3ParserSettings | Controls the behavior of the Level 3 formula parser |
Clibsbmlcs.ModelCreator | MIRIAM-compliant data about a model's creator |
Clibsbmlcs.ModelCreatorList | |
Clibsbmlcs.ModelHistory | MIRIAM-compliant data about a model's history |
▼Clibsbmlcs.OStream | |
Clibsbmlcs.OFStream | |
Clibsbmlcs.OStringStream | |
Clibsbmlcs.RDFAnnotationParser | MIRIAM-compliant RDF annotation reader/writer |
Clibsbmlcs.RelAbsVector | render
Vectors with an absolute value and a relative value |
▼Clibsbmlcs.SBase | SBML's SBase class, base class of most SBML objects |
Clibsbmlcs.Association | fbc
Annotation helper class for “fbc” Version 1 |
Clibsbmlcs.BoundingBox | layout
A bounding box for an item in a diagram |
Clibsbmlcs.ColorDefinition | render
Definition of an identifier for an RGBA color value |
Clibsbmlcs.Compartment | An SBML compartment, where species are located |
Clibsbmlcs.CompartmentReference | multi
Child of a Compartment that references a different Compartment |
Clibsbmlcs.CompartmentType | A compartment type in SBML Level 2 |
▼Clibsbmlcs.CompBase | comp
Convenience class for SBase-derived classes |
Clibsbmlcs.ExternalModelDefinition | comp
A reference to an externally-defined model |
▼Clibsbmlcs.SBaseRef | comp
Base class for references to objects |
Clibsbmlcs.Deletion | comp
Deletion of an object from a submodel |
Clibsbmlcs.Port | comp
An interface to be used in composition |
▼Clibsbmlcs.Replacing | comp
Convenience class |
Clibsbmlcs.ReplacedBy | comp
Indicates an object replaced by another |
Clibsbmlcs.ReplacedElement | comp
Indicates an object replaces another |
Clibsbmlcs.Submodel | comp
A model instance inside another model |
Clibsbmlcs.Constraint | An SBML constraint, for stating validity assumptions |
Clibsbmlcs.Curve | layout
A curve connecting elements in a diagram |
Clibsbmlcs.DefaultTerm | qual
The default result of a Transition |
Clibsbmlcs.DefaultValues | render
Encoding of default values |
Clibsbmlcs.Delay | A delay on the time of execution of an SBML event |
Clibsbmlcs.Dimensions | layout
Spatial dimensions of a 2D or 3D shape |
Clibsbmlcs.Event | A discontinuous SBML event |
Clibsbmlcs.EventAssignment | An assignment to a variable by an SBML event |
▼Clibsbmlcs.FbcAssociation | fbc
Base class for FbcAnd, FbcOr, and GeneProductRef |
Clibsbmlcs.FbcAnd | fbc
An “and” relationship for gene products |
Clibsbmlcs.FbcOr | fbc
An “or” relationship for gene products |
Clibsbmlcs.GeneProductRef | fbc
Reference to a gene product of a reaction |
Clibsbmlcs.FluxBound | fbc
Max or min value for a reaction flux |
Clibsbmlcs.FluxObjective | fbc
An objective function for a flux |
Clibsbmlcs.FunctionDefinition | A user-defined function in an SBML model |
Clibsbmlcs.FunctionTerm | qual
A function term |
Clibsbmlcs.GeneAssociation | fbc
Annotation helper class for “fbc” Version 1 |
Clibsbmlcs.GeneProduct | fbc
Association of a gene product with a Reaction |
Clibsbmlcs.GeneProductAssociation | fbc
Association between gene products and reactions |
▼Clibsbmlcs.GradientBase | render
Abstract base class for linear and radial gradients |
Clibsbmlcs.LinearGradient | render
Representation of a linear gradient |
Clibsbmlcs.RadialGradient | render
Representation of a radial gradient |
Clibsbmlcs.GradientStop | render
A color at a certain location in a color gradient |
▼Clibsbmlcs.GraphicalObject | layout
Base class of objects that store layouts |
Clibsbmlcs.CompartmentGlyph | layout
A glyph for an SBML compartment |
Clibsbmlcs.GeneralGlyph | layout
A glyph for miscellaneous items |
Clibsbmlcs.ReactionGlyph | layout
A glyph for an SBML reaction |
Clibsbmlcs.ReferenceGlyph | layout
Connection between an object and a glyph |
Clibsbmlcs.SpeciesGlyph | layout
A glyph for an SBML species |
Clibsbmlcs.SpeciesReferenceGlyph | layout
A glyph for an SBML species reference |
Clibsbmlcs.TextGlyph | layout
A glyph for a text label |
Clibsbmlcs.Group | groups
Representation of a group of SBML components |
Clibsbmlcs.InitialAssignment | An SBML initial assignment, evaluated once only |
Clibsbmlcs.Input | qual
The input to a QualitativeSpecies |
Clibsbmlcs.InSpeciesTypeBond | multi
Defines a bond within a MultiSpeciesType |
Clibsbmlcs.KineticLaw | The rate expression for an SBML reaction |
Clibsbmlcs.Layout | layout
The layout of a diagram of an SBML model |
▼Clibsbmlcs.LineSegment | layout
Representation of a line |
Clibsbmlcs.CubicBezier | layout
A Cubic Bézier smooth curve |
▼Clibsbmlcs.ListOf | Parent class for libSBML's 'ListOfXYZ' classes |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfColorDefinitions | render
A list of ColorDefinition objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfCompartmentGlyphs | layout
A list of CompartmentGlyph objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfCompartmentReferences | multi
A list of CompartmentReference objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfCompartments | A list of Compartment objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfCompartmentTypes | A list of CompartmentType objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfConstraints | A list of Constraint objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfCurveElements | render
A list of curve elements |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfDeletions | comp
A list of Deletion objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfDrawables | render
A list of Transformation2D objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfEventAssignments | A list of EventAssignment objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfEvents | A list of Event objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfExternalModelDefinitions | comp
A list of ExternalModelDefinition objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfFbcAssociations | fbc
A list of FbcAssociation objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfFluxBounds | fbc
A list of FluxBound objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfFluxObjectives | fbc
A list of FluxObjective objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfFunctionDefinitions | A list of FunctionDefinition objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfFunctionTerms | qual
A list of FunctionTerm objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfGeneAssociations | fbc
A list of GeneAssociation objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfGeneProducts | fbc
A list of GeneProduct objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfGlobalRenderInformation | render
A list of GlobalRenderInformation objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfGlobalStyles | render
A list of GlobalStyle objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfGradientDefinitions | render
A list of GradientBase objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfGradientStops | render
A list of one or more GradientStop objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfGraphicalObjects | layout
A list of GraphicalObject objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfGroups | groups
A list of Group objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfInitialAssignments | A list of InitialAssignment objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfInputs | qual
A list of Input objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfInSpeciesTypeBonds | multi
A list of InSpeciesTypeBond objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfLayouts | layout
A list of Layout objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfLineEndings | render
A list of LineEnding objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfLineSegments | layout
A list of LineSegment objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfLocalRenderInformation | render
A list of LocalRenderInformation objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfLocalStyles | render
A list of LocalStyle objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfMembers | groups
A list of Member objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfModelDefinitions | comp
A list of ModelDefinition objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfMultiSpeciesTypes | multi
A list of MultiSpeciesType objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfObjectives | fbc
A list of Objective objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfOutputs | qual
A list of Output objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfOutwardBindingSites | multi
A list of OutwardBindingSite objects |
▼Clibsbmlcs.ListOfParameters | A list of Parameter objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfLocalParameters | A list of LocalParameter objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfPorts | comp
A list of Port objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfPossibleSpeciesFeatureValues | multi
A list of PossibleSpeciesFeatureValue objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfQualitativeSpecies | qual
A list of QualitativeSpecies objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfReactionGlyphs | layout
A list of ReactionGlyph objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfReactions | A list of Reaction objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfReferenceGlyphs | layout
A list of ReferenceGlyph objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfReplacedElements | comp
A list of ReplacedElement objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfRules | A list of Rule objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfSpecies | A list of Species objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfSpeciesFeatures | multi
A list of SpeciesFeature objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfSpeciesFeatureTypes | multi
A list of SpeciesFeatureType objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfSpeciesFeatureValues | multi
A list of SpeciesFeatureValue objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfSpeciesGlyphs | layout
A list of SpeciesGlyph objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfSpeciesReferenceGlyphs | layout
A list of SpeciesReferenceGlyph objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfSpeciesReferences | A list of SpeciesReference objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfSpeciesTypeComponentIndexes | multi
A list of SpeciesTypeComponentIndex objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfSpeciesTypeComponentMapInProducts | multi
A list of SpeciesTypeComponentMapInProduct objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfSpeciesTypeInstances | multi
A list of SpeciesTypeInstance objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfSpeciesTypes | A list of SpeciesType objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfSubmodels | comp
A list of Submodel objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfTextGlyphs | layout
A list of TextGlyph objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfTransitions | qual
A list of Transition objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfUnitDefinitions | A list of UnitDefinition objects |
Clibsbmlcs.ListOfUnits | A list of Unit objects |
Clibsbmlcs.SubListOfSpeciesFeatures | multi
Defines a set of SpeciesFeature objects |
Clibsbmlcs.Member | groups
The Member class defines what objects are parts of a Group |
▼Clibsbmlcs.Model | An SBML model |
Clibsbmlcs.ModelDefinition | comp
A model used in model composition |
▼Clibsbmlcs.MultiSpeciesType | multi
A type of Species in SBML Level 3 'multi' |
Clibsbmlcs.BindingSiteSpeciesType | multi
Extension of MultiSpeciesType to define a binding site |
Clibsbmlcs.Objective | fbc
An objective function |
Clibsbmlcs.Output | qual
The output from a QualitativeSpecies |
Clibsbmlcs.OutwardBindingSite | multi
Defines a outward-facing binding site for a MultiSpeciesType |
▼Clibsbmlcs.Parameter | An SBML parameter: a named symbol with a value |
Clibsbmlcs.LocalParameter | A parameter inside an SBML reaction definition |
Clibsbmlcs.Point | layout
Representation of a point |
Clibsbmlcs.PossibleSpeciesFeatureValue | multi
Defines one value of a SpeciesFeature |
Clibsbmlcs.Priority | The priority of execution of an SBML event |
Clibsbmlcs.QualitativeSpecies | qual
Extension of Species |
▼Clibsbmlcs.Reaction | An SBML reaction between species in an SBML model |
Clibsbmlcs.IntraSpeciesReaction | multi
A subclass of Reaction for changes of an internal species bond |
▼Clibsbmlcs.RenderInformationBase | render
Abstract base class for local and global rendering information |
Clibsbmlcs.GlobalRenderInformation | render
Render information stored in a ListOfLayouts |
Clibsbmlcs.LocalRenderInformation | render
Rendering information stored in Layouts |
▼Clibsbmlcs.RenderPoint | render
A point with both absolute and relative values |
Clibsbmlcs.RenderCubicBezier | render
Representation of cubic Bezier curves |
▼Clibsbmlcs.Rule | Parent class for SBML rules in libSBML |
Clibsbmlcs.AlgebraicRule | An SBML algebraic rule representing 0 = f(W) |
Clibsbmlcs.AssignmentRule | An SBML assignment rule representing x = f(Y) |
Clibsbmlcs.RateRule | An SBML rate rule representing dx/dt = f(Y) |
▼Clibsbmlcs.SimpleSpeciesReference | Abstract class for references to species in reactions |
Clibsbmlcs.ModifierSpeciesReference | A reference to an SBML modifier species |
Clibsbmlcs.SpeciesReference | A reference to an SBML species in a reaction |
Clibsbmlcs.Species | An SBML species – a pool of entities |
Clibsbmlcs.SpeciesFeature | multi
Defines a feature of a multi Species |
Clibsbmlcs.SpeciesFeatureType | multi
Defines a template for referencing SpeciesFeature objects |
Clibsbmlcs.SpeciesFeatureValue | multi
Defines a particular value for a SpeciesFeature |
Clibsbmlcs.SpeciesType | A species type in SBML Level 2 |
Clibsbmlcs.SpeciesTypeComponentIndex | multi
Identifies a component within a MultiSpeciesType |
Clibsbmlcs.SpeciesTypeComponentMapInProduct | multi
Distinguishes between components in reactants versus products |
Clibsbmlcs.SpeciesTypeInstance | multi
Allows construction of structured MultiSpeciesType objects |
Clibsbmlcs.StoichiometryMath | Stochiometry expressions in SBML Level 2 reactions |
▼Clibsbmlcs.Style | render
Abstract base class for local and global styles |
Clibsbmlcs.GlobalStyle | render
A style that can be associated with a layout |
Clibsbmlcs.LocalStyle | render
Style information object used in LocalRenderInformation |
▼Clibsbmlcs.Transformation | render
Implementation of a 3D transformation matrix |
▼Clibsbmlcs.Transformation2D | render
Implementation of a 2D transformation matrix |
▼Clibsbmlcs.GraphicalPrimitive1D | render
Base class for graphical primitives implementing 1D attributes |
▼Clibsbmlcs.GraphicalPrimitive2D | render
Base class for graphical primitives implementing 2D attributes |
Clibsbmlcs.Ellipse | render
Graphical representation of an ellipse |
Clibsbmlcs.LineEnding | render
Decoration element for the start and/or end of curves |
Clibsbmlcs.Polygon | render
Representation of a Polygon |
Clibsbmlcs.Rectangle | render
Representation of a rectangle |
Clibsbmlcs.RenderGroup | render
A group of graphical primitives creating a composite |
Clibsbmlcs.RenderCurve | render
Representation of curves |
Clibsbmlcs.Text | render
Representation of text elements |
Clibsbmlcs.Image | render
Representation of images |
Clibsbmlcs.Transition | qual
A transition of a QualitativeSpecies |
Clibsbmlcs.Trigger | The trigger expression for an SBML event |
Clibsbmlcs.Unit | A single unit referenced in an SBML unit definition |
Clibsbmlcs.UnitDefinition | A definition of a unit used in an SBML model |
Clibsbmlcs.SBaseList | |
▼Clibsbmlcs.SBasePlugin | Base class for extending SBML objects in packages |
▼Clibsbmlcs.CompSBasePlugin | comp
Extension of SBase |
Clibsbmlcs.CompModelPlugin | comp
Extension of Model |
Clibsbmlcs.FbcModelPlugin | fbc
Extension of Model |
Clibsbmlcs.FbcReactionPlugin | fbc
Extension of Reaction by the “fbc” package |
Clibsbmlcs.FbcSpeciesPlugin | fbc
Extension of Species |
Clibsbmlcs.GroupsModelPlugin | groups
Extension of Model |
Clibsbmlcs.LayoutModelPlugin | layout
Extension of Model |
Clibsbmlcs.LayoutSpeciesReferencePlugin | layout
Extension of SpeciesReference |
Clibsbmlcs.MultiCompartmentPlugin | multi
Extension of Compartment for the 'multi' package |
Clibsbmlcs.MultiListOfReactionsPlugin | multi
Extension of ListOfReactions for the 'multi' package |
Clibsbmlcs.MultiModelPlugin | multi
Extension of Model |
▼Clibsbmlcs.MultiSimpleSpeciesReferencePlugin | multi
Extension of SimpleSpeciesReference for the 'multi' package |
Clibsbmlcs.MultiSpeciesReferencePlugin | multi
Extension of SpeciesReference for the 'multi' package |
Clibsbmlcs.MultiSpeciesPlugin | multi
Extension of Species for the 'multi' package |
Clibsbmlcs.QualModelPlugin | qual
Extension of Model |
Clibsbmlcs.RenderGraphicalObjectPlugin | render
The Render extension of the layout GraphicalObject class |
Clibsbmlcs.RenderLayoutPlugin | render
LibSBML implementation for the extension to the Layout class by the Render extension |
Clibsbmlcs.RenderListOfLayoutsPlugin | render
A list of layout objects used by the 'render' extension |
▼Clibsbmlcs.SBMLDocumentPlugin | Base class for extending SBMLDocument in packages |
Clibsbmlcs.CompSBMLDocumentPlugin | comp
Extension of SBMLDocument |
Clibsbmlcs.FbcSBMLDocumentPlugin | fbc
Extension of SBMLDocument for the “fbc” package |
Clibsbmlcs.MultiSBMLDocumentPlugin | multi
Extension of SBMLDocument for the 'multi' package |
Clibsbmlcs.SBMLConstructorException | Exceptions thrown by some libSBML constructors |
▼Clibsbmlcs.SBMLConverter | Base class for SBML converters |
Clibsbmlcs.CobraToFbcConverter | fbc
COBRA to SBML Level 3 “fbc” converter |
Clibsbmlcs.CompFlatteningConverter | comp
'Flattens' a model, removing composition |
Clibsbmlcs.FbcToCobraConverter | fbc
SBML Level 3 “fbc” to COBRA converter |
Clibsbmlcs.FbcV1ToV2Converter | fbc
Convert “fbc” Version 1 models to Version 2 |
Clibsbmlcs.FbcV2ToV1Converter | fbc
Convert “fbc” Version 2 models to Version 1 |
Clibsbmlcs.SBMLFunctionDefinitionConverter | Converter to expand user-defined functions in-line |
Clibsbmlcs.SBMLIdConverter | Converter for replacing object identifiers |
Clibsbmlcs.SBMLInferUnitsConverter | Converter for inferring and setting parameter units |
Clibsbmlcs.SBMLInitialAssignmentConverter | Converter that removes SBML initial assignments |
Clibsbmlcs.SBMLLevel1Version1Converter | Whole-document SBML Level/Version converter |
Clibsbmlcs.SBMLLevelVersionConverter | Whole-document SBML Level/Version converter |
Clibsbmlcs.SBMLLocalParameterConverter | Converter to turn local parameters into global ones |
Clibsbmlcs.SBMLReactionConverter | Converter to replace reactions with SBML rate rules |
Clibsbmlcs.SBMLRuleConverter | Converter that sorts SBML rules and assignments |
Clibsbmlcs.SBMLStripPackageConverter | Converter that removes SBML Level 3 packages |
Clibsbmlcs.SBMLUnitsConverter | Converts a model's existing units to SI units |
Clibsbmlcs.SBMLConverterRegistry | Registry of all libSBML SBML converters |
▼Clibsbmlcs.SBMLExtension | Base class for SBML Level 3 package plug-ins |
Clibsbmlcs.CompExtension | comp
Base extension class for the package |
Clibsbmlcs.FbcExtension | fbc
Base extension class for the “fbc” package |
Clibsbmlcs.GroupsExtension | groups
Base extension class for the package |
Clibsbmlcs.LayoutExtension | layout
Base extension class for the package |
Clibsbmlcs.MultiExtension | multi
Base extension class for the package |
Clibsbmlcs.QualExtension | qual
Base extension class for the package |
Clibsbmlcs.RenderExtension | render
Base extension class for the package |
Clibsbmlcs.SBMLExtensionException | Exception used by package extensions |
Clibsbmlcs.SBMLExtensionRegistry | Registry where package extensions are registered |
▼Clibsbmlcs.SBMLNamespaces | Set of SBML Level + Version + namespace triples |
Clibsbmlcs.CompPkgNamespaces | Set of SBML Level + Version + namespace triples |
Clibsbmlcs.FbcPkgNamespaces | Set of SBML Level + Version + namespace triples |
Clibsbmlcs.GroupsPkgNamespaces | Set of SBML Level + Version + namespace triples |
Clibsbmlcs.LayoutPkgNamespaces | Set of SBML Level + Version + namespace triples |
Clibsbmlcs.MultiPkgNamespaces | Set of SBML Level + Version + namespace triples |
Clibsbmlcs.QualPkgNamespaces | Set of SBML Level + Version + namespace triples |
Clibsbmlcs.RenderPkgNamespaces | Set of SBML Level + Version + namespace triples |
Clibsbmlcs.SBMLNamespacesList | |
Clibsbmlcs.SBMLReader | File and text-string SBML reader |
▼Clibsbmlcs.SBMLResolver | comp
Base class for SBML resolvers |
Clibsbmlcs.SBMLFileResolver | comp
Resolves documents stored on a file system |
Clibsbmlcs.SBMLResolverRegistry | comp
Registry of all SBML resolvers |
Clibsbmlcs.SBMLUri | comp
Utility class for handling URIs |
▼Clibsbmlcs.SBMLValidator | Base class for SBML validators |
Clibsbmlcs.SBMLExternalValidator | |
Clibsbmlcs.SBMLWriter | File and text-string SBML writer |
Clibsbmlcs.SBO | Facilities for using the Systems Biology Ontology |
Clibsbmlcs.StringSet | |
Clibsbmlcs.SyntaxChecker | Methods for checking the validity of SBML identifiers |
Clibsbmlcs.XMLAttributes | A list of attributes on an XML element |
Clibsbmlcs.XMLConstructorException | Exceptions thrown by some libSBML constructors |
▼Clibsbmlcs.XMLError | XML-level errors, warnings and other diagnostics |
Clibsbmlcs.SBMLError | An error, warning or other diagnostic |
▼Clibsbmlcs.XMLErrorLog | Log of diagnostics reported during XML processing |
Clibsbmlcs.SBMLErrorLog | Log of diagnostics reported during processing |
Clibsbmlcs.XMLInputStream | An interface to an XML input stream |
Clibsbmlcs.XMLNamespaces | An XML Namespace |
Clibsbmlcs.XMLOutputStream | Interface to an XML output stream |
Clibsbmlcs.XMLOwningOutputFileStream | |
Clibsbmlcs.XMLOwningOutputStringStream | |
▼Clibsbmlcs.XMLToken | A token in an XML stream |
Clibsbmlcs.XMLNode | A node in libSBML's XML document tree |
Clibsbmlcs.XMLTriple | A qualified XML name |