libSBML C# API  5.18.0
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
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 Clibsbmlcs.SBMLConstructorException Exceptions thrown by some libSBML constructors
 Clibsbmlcs.XMLConstructorException Exceptions thrown by some libSBML constructors
 Clibsbmlcs.ASTBasePlugin Base class for extensions that plug into AST classes
 Clibsbmlcs.MultiASTPluginmulti Extension of ASTBasePlugin
 Clibsbmlcs.ASTNode Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) representation of a mathematical expression
 Clibsbmlcs.ConversionOption A single configuration setting for an SBML converter
 Clibsbmlcs.ConversionProperties Set of configuration option values for a converter
 Clibsbmlcs.CVTerm A MIRIAM-compliant controlled vocabulary term
 Clibsbmlcs.Date A MIRIAM-compliant date representation
 Clibsbmlcs.DefinitionURLRegistry Registry of all libSBML SBML DefinitionURLs
 Clibsbmlcs.IdentifierTransformer Base class for identifier transformers
 Clibsbmlcs.IdList Maintains a list of SIds
 Clibsbmlcs.L3ParserSettings Controls the behavior of the Level 3 formula parser
 Clibsbmlcs.ModelCreator MIRIAM-compliant data about a model's creator
 Clibsbmlcs.ModelHistory MIRIAM-compliant data about a model's history
 Clibsbmlcs.RDFAnnotationParser MIRIAM-compliant RDF annotation reader/writer
 Clibsbmlcs.RelAbsVectorrender Vectors with an absolute value and a relative value
 Clibsbmlcs.SBase SBML's SBase class, base class of most SBML objects
 Clibsbmlcs.Associationfbc Annotation helper class for “fbc” Version 1
 Clibsbmlcs.BoundingBoxlayout A bounding box for an item in a diagram
 Clibsbmlcs.ColorDefinitionrender Definition of an identifier for an RGBA color value
 Clibsbmlcs.Compartment An SBML compartment, where species are located
 Clibsbmlcs.CompartmentReferencemulti Child of a Compartment that references a different Compartment
 Clibsbmlcs.CompartmentType A compartment type in SBML Level 2
 Clibsbmlcs.CompBasecomp Convenience class for SBase-derived classes
 Clibsbmlcs.ExternalModelDefinitioncomp A reference to an externally-defined model
 Clibsbmlcs.SBaseRefcomp Base class for references to objects
 Clibsbmlcs.Deletioncomp Deletion of an object from a submodel
 Clibsbmlcs.Portcomp An interface to be used in composition
 Clibsbmlcs.Replacingcomp Convenience class
 Clibsbmlcs.ReplacedBycomp Indicates an object replaced by another
 Clibsbmlcs.ReplacedElementcomp Indicates an object replaces another
 Clibsbmlcs.Submodelcomp A model instance inside another model
 Clibsbmlcs.Constraint An SBML constraint, for stating validity assumptions
 Clibsbmlcs.Curvelayout A curve connecting elements in a diagram
 Clibsbmlcs.DefaultTermqual The default result of a Transition
 Clibsbmlcs.DefaultValuesrender Encoding of default values
 Clibsbmlcs.Delay A delay on the time of execution of an SBML event
 Clibsbmlcs.Dimensionslayout Spatial dimensions of a 2D or 3D shape
 Clibsbmlcs.Event A discontinuous SBML event
 Clibsbmlcs.EventAssignment An assignment to a variable by an SBML event
 Clibsbmlcs.FbcAssociationfbc Base class for FbcAnd, FbcOr, and GeneProductRef
 Clibsbmlcs.FbcAndfbc An “and” relationship for gene products
 Clibsbmlcs.FbcOrfbc An “or” relationship for gene products
 Clibsbmlcs.GeneProductReffbc Reference to a gene product of a reaction
 Clibsbmlcs.FluxBoundfbc Max or min value for a reaction flux
 Clibsbmlcs.FluxObjectivefbc An objective function for a flux
 Clibsbmlcs.FunctionDefinition A user-defined function in an SBML model
 Clibsbmlcs.FunctionTermqual A function term
 Clibsbmlcs.GeneAssociationfbc Annotation helper class for “fbc” Version 1
 Clibsbmlcs.GeneProductfbc Association of a gene product with a Reaction
 Clibsbmlcs.GeneProductAssociationfbc Association between gene products and reactions
 Clibsbmlcs.GradientBaserender Abstract base class for linear and radial gradients
 Clibsbmlcs.LinearGradientrender Representation of a linear gradient
 Clibsbmlcs.RadialGradientrender Representation of a radial gradient
 Clibsbmlcs.GradientStoprender A color at a certain location in a color gradient
 Clibsbmlcs.GraphicalObjectlayout Base class of objects that store layouts
 Clibsbmlcs.CompartmentGlyphlayout A glyph for an SBML compartment
 Clibsbmlcs.GeneralGlyphlayout A glyph for miscellaneous items
 Clibsbmlcs.ReactionGlyphlayout A glyph for an SBML reaction
 Clibsbmlcs.ReferenceGlyphlayout Connection between an object and a glyph
 Clibsbmlcs.SpeciesGlyphlayout A glyph for an SBML species
 Clibsbmlcs.SpeciesReferenceGlyphlayout A glyph for an SBML species reference
 Clibsbmlcs.TextGlyphlayout A glyph for a text label
 Clibsbmlcs.Groupgroups Representation of a group of SBML components
 Clibsbmlcs.InitialAssignment An SBML initial assignment, evaluated once only
 Clibsbmlcs.Inputqual The input to a QualitativeSpecies
 Clibsbmlcs.InSpeciesTypeBondmulti Defines a bond within a MultiSpeciesType
 Clibsbmlcs.KineticLaw The rate expression for an SBML reaction
 Clibsbmlcs.Layoutlayout The layout of a diagram of an SBML model
 Clibsbmlcs.LineSegmentlayout Representation of a line
 Clibsbmlcs.CubicBezierlayout A Cubic Bézier smooth curve
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOf Parent class for libSBML's 'ListOfXYZ' classes
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfColorDefinitionsrender A list of ColorDefinition objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfCompartmentGlyphslayout A list of CompartmentGlyph objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfCompartmentReferencesmulti A list of CompartmentReference objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfCompartments A list of Compartment objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfCompartmentTypes A list of CompartmentType objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfConstraints A list of Constraint objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfCurveElementsrender A list of curve elements
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfDeletionscomp A list of Deletion objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfDrawablesrender A list of Transformation2D objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfEventAssignments A list of EventAssignment objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfEvents A list of Event objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfExternalModelDefinitionscomp A list of ExternalModelDefinition objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfFbcAssociationsfbc A list of FbcAssociation objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfFluxBoundsfbc A list of FluxBound objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfFluxObjectivesfbc A list of FluxObjective objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfFunctionDefinitions A list of FunctionDefinition objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfFunctionTermsqual A list of FunctionTerm objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfGeneAssociationsfbc A list of GeneAssociation objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfGeneProductsfbc A list of GeneProduct objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfGlobalRenderInformationrender A list of GlobalRenderInformation objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfGlobalStylesrender A list of GlobalStyle objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfGradientDefinitionsrender A list of GradientBase objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfGradientStopsrender A list of one or more GradientStop objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfGraphicalObjectslayout A list of GraphicalObject objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfGroupsgroups A list of Group objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfInitialAssignments A list of InitialAssignment objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfInputsqual A list of Input objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfInSpeciesTypeBondsmulti A list of InSpeciesTypeBond objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfLayoutslayout A list of Layout objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfLineEndingsrender A list of LineEnding objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfLineSegmentslayout A list of LineSegment objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfLocalRenderInformationrender A list of LocalRenderInformation objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfLocalStylesrender A list of LocalStyle objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfMembersgroups A list of Member objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfModelDefinitionscomp A list of ModelDefinition objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfMultiSpeciesTypesmulti A list of MultiSpeciesType objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfObjectivesfbc A list of Objective objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfOutputsqual A list of Output objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfOutwardBindingSitesmulti A list of OutwardBindingSite objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfParameters A list of Parameter objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfLocalParameters A list of LocalParameter objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfPortscomp A list of Port objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfPossibleSpeciesFeatureValuesmulti A list of PossibleSpeciesFeatureValue objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfQualitativeSpeciesqual A list of QualitativeSpecies objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfReactionGlyphslayout A list of ReactionGlyph objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfReactions A list of Reaction objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfReferenceGlyphslayout A list of ReferenceGlyph objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfReplacedElementscomp A list of ReplacedElement objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfRules A list of Rule objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfSpecies A list of Species objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfSpeciesFeaturesmulti A list of SpeciesFeature objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfSpeciesFeatureTypesmulti A list of SpeciesFeatureType objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfSpeciesFeatureValuesmulti A list of SpeciesFeatureValue objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfSpeciesGlyphslayout A list of SpeciesGlyph objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfSpeciesReferenceGlyphslayout A list of SpeciesReferenceGlyph objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfSpeciesReferences A list of SpeciesReference objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfSpeciesTypeComponentIndexesmulti A list of SpeciesTypeComponentIndex objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfSpeciesTypeComponentMapInProductsmulti A list of SpeciesTypeComponentMapInProduct objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfSpeciesTypeInstancesmulti A list of SpeciesTypeInstance objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfSpeciesTypes A list of SpeciesType objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfSubmodelscomp A list of Submodel objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfTextGlyphslayout A list of TextGlyph objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfTransitionsqual A list of Transition objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfUnitDefinitions A list of UnitDefinition objects
 Clibsbmlcs.ListOfUnits A list of Unit objects
 Clibsbmlcs.SubListOfSpeciesFeaturesmulti Defines a set of SpeciesFeature objects
 Clibsbmlcs.Membergroups The Member class defines what objects are parts of a Group
 Clibsbmlcs.Model An SBML model
 Clibsbmlcs.ModelDefinitioncomp A model used in model composition
 Clibsbmlcs.MultiSpeciesTypemulti A type of Species in SBML Level 3 'multi'
 Clibsbmlcs.BindingSiteSpeciesTypemulti Extension of MultiSpeciesType to define a binding site
 Clibsbmlcs.Objectivefbc An objective function
 Clibsbmlcs.Outputqual The output from a QualitativeSpecies
 Clibsbmlcs.OutwardBindingSitemulti Defines a outward-facing binding site for a MultiSpeciesType
 Clibsbmlcs.Parameter An SBML parameter: a named symbol with a value
 Clibsbmlcs.LocalParameter A parameter inside an SBML reaction definition
 Clibsbmlcs.Pointlayout Representation of a point
 Clibsbmlcs.PossibleSpeciesFeatureValuemulti Defines one value of a SpeciesFeature
 Clibsbmlcs.Priority The priority of execution of an SBML event
 Clibsbmlcs.QualitativeSpeciesqual Extension of Species
 Clibsbmlcs.Reaction An SBML reaction between species in an SBML model
 Clibsbmlcs.IntraSpeciesReactionmulti A subclass of Reaction for changes of an internal species bond
 Clibsbmlcs.RenderInformationBaserender Abstract base class for local and global rendering information
 Clibsbmlcs.GlobalRenderInformationrender Render information stored in a ListOfLayouts
 Clibsbmlcs.LocalRenderInformationrender Rendering information stored in Layouts
 Clibsbmlcs.RenderPointrender A point with both absolute and relative values
 Clibsbmlcs.RenderCubicBezierrender Representation of cubic Bezier curves
 Clibsbmlcs.Rule Parent class for SBML rules in libSBML
 Clibsbmlcs.AlgebraicRule An SBML algebraic rule representing 0 = f(W)
 Clibsbmlcs.AssignmentRule An SBML assignment rule representing x = f(Y)
 Clibsbmlcs.RateRule An SBML rate rule representing dx/dt = f(Y)
 Clibsbmlcs.SimpleSpeciesReference Abstract class for references to species in reactions
 Clibsbmlcs.ModifierSpeciesReference A reference to an SBML modifier species
 Clibsbmlcs.SpeciesReference A reference to an SBML species in a reaction
 Clibsbmlcs.Species An SBML species – a pool of entities
 Clibsbmlcs.SpeciesFeaturemulti Defines a feature of a multi Species
 Clibsbmlcs.SpeciesFeatureTypemulti Defines a template for referencing SpeciesFeature objects
 Clibsbmlcs.SpeciesFeatureValuemulti Defines a particular value for a SpeciesFeature
 Clibsbmlcs.SpeciesType A species type in SBML Level 2
 Clibsbmlcs.SpeciesTypeComponentIndexmulti Identifies a component within a MultiSpeciesType
 Clibsbmlcs.SpeciesTypeComponentMapInProductmulti Distinguishes between components in reactants versus products
 Clibsbmlcs.SpeciesTypeInstancemulti Allows construction of structured MultiSpeciesType objects
 Clibsbmlcs.StoichiometryMath Stochiometry expressions in SBML Level 2 reactions
 Clibsbmlcs.Stylerender Abstract base class for local and global styles
 Clibsbmlcs.GlobalStylerender A style that can be associated with a layout
 Clibsbmlcs.LocalStylerender Style information object used in LocalRenderInformation
 Clibsbmlcs.Transformationrender Implementation of a 3D transformation matrix
 Clibsbmlcs.Transformation2Drender Implementation of a 2D transformation matrix
 Clibsbmlcs.GraphicalPrimitive1Drender Base class for graphical primitives implementing 1D attributes
 Clibsbmlcs.GraphicalPrimitive2Drender Base class for graphical primitives implementing 2D attributes
 Clibsbmlcs.Ellipserender Graphical representation of an ellipse
 Clibsbmlcs.LineEndingrender Decoration element for the start and/or end of curves
 Clibsbmlcs.Polygonrender Representation of a Polygon
 Clibsbmlcs.Rectanglerender Representation of a rectangle
 Clibsbmlcs.RenderGrouprender A group of graphical primitives creating a composite
 Clibsbmlcs.RenderCurverender Representation of curves
 Clibsbmlcs.Textrender Representation of text elements
 Clibsbmlcs.Imagerender Representation of images
 Clibsbmlcs.Transitionqual A transition of a QualitativeSpecies
 Clibsbmlcs.Trigger The trigger expression for an SBML event
 Clibsbmlcs.Unit A single unit referenced in an SBML unit definition
 Clibsbmlcs.UnitDefinition A definition of a unit used in an SBML model
 Clibsbmlcs.SBasePlugin Base class for extending SBML objects in packages
 Clibsbmlcs.CompSBasePlugincomp Extension of SBase
 Clibsbmlcs.CompModelPlugincomp Extension of Model
 Clibsbmlcs.FbcModelPluginfbc Extension of Model
 Clibsbmlcs.FbcReactionPluginfbc Extension of Reaction by the “fbc” package
 Clibsbmlcs.FbcSpeciesPluginfbc Extension of Species
 Clibsbmlcs.GroupsModelPlugingroups Extension of Model
 Clibsbmlcs.LayoutModelPluginlayout Extension of Model
 Clibsbmlcs.LayoutSpeciesReferencePluginlayout Extension of SpeciesReference
 Clibsbmlcs.MultiCompartmentPluginmulti Extension of Compartment for the 'multi' package
 Clibsbmlcs.MultiListOfReactionsPluginmulti Extension of ListOfReactions for the 'multi' package
 Clibsbmlcs.MultiModelPluginmulti Extension of Model
 Clibsbmlcs.MultiSimpleSpeciesReferencePluginmulti Extension of SimpleSpeciesReference for the 'multi' package
 Clibsbmlcs.MultiSpeciesReferencePluginmulti Extension of SpeciesReference for the 'multi' package
 Clibsbmlcs.MultiSpeciesPluginmulti Extension of Species for the 'multi' package
 Clibsbmlcs.QualModelPluginqual Extension of Model
 Clibsbmlcs.RenderGraphicalObjectPluginrender The Render extension of the layout GraphicalObject class
 Clibsbmlcs.RenderLayoutPluginrender LibSBML implementation for the extension to the Layout class by the Render extension
 Clibsbmlcs.RenderListOfLayoutsPluginrender A list of layout objects used by the 'render' extension
 Clibsbmlcs.SBMLDocumentPlugin Base class for extending SBMLDocument in packages
 Clibsbmlcs.CompSBMLDocumentPlugincomp Extension of SBMLDocument
 Clibsbmlcs.FbcSBMLDocumentPluginfbc Extension of SBMLDocument for the “fbc” package
 Clibsbmlcs.MultiSBMLDocumentPluginmulti Extension of SBMLDocument for the 'multi' package
 Clibsbmlcs.SBMLConstructorException Exceptions thrown by some libSBML constructors
 Clibsbmlcs.SBMLConverter Base class for SBML converters
 Clibsbmlcs.CobraToFbcConverterfbc COBRA to SBML Level 3 “fbc” converter
 Clibsbmlcs.CompFlatteningConvertercomp 'Flattens' a model, removing composition
 Clibsbmlcs.FbcToCobraConverterfbc SBML Level 3 “fbc” to COBRA converter
 Clibsbmlcs.FbcV1ToV2Converterfbc Convert “fbc” Version 1 models to Version 2
 Clibsbmlcs.FbcV2ToV1Converterfbc Convert “fbc” Version 2 models to Version 1
 Clibsbmlcs.SBMLFunctionDefinitionConverter Converter to expand user-defined functions in-line
 Clibsbmlcs.SBMLIdConverter Converter for replacing object identifiers
 Clibsbmlcs.SBMLInferUnitsConverter Converter for inferring and setting parameter units
 Clibsbmlcs.SBMLInitialAssignmentConverter Converter that removes SBML initial assignments
 Clibsbmlcs.SBMLLevel1Version1Converter Whole-document SBML Level/Version converter
 Clibsbmlcs.SBMLLevelVersionConverter Whole-document SBML Level/Version converter
 Clibsbmlcs.SBMLLocalParameterConverter Converter to turn local parameters into global ones
 Clibsbmlcs.SBMLReactionConverter Converter to replace reactions with SBML rate rules
 Clibsbmlcs.SBMLRuleConverter Converter that sorts SBML rules and assignments
 Clibsbmlcs.SBMLStripPackageConverter Converter that removes SBML Level 3 packages
 Clibsbmlcs.SBMLUnitsConverter Converts a model's existing units to SI units
 Clibsbmlcs.SBMLConverterRegistry Registry of all libSBML SBML converters
 Clibsbmlcs.SBMLExtension Base class for SBML Level 3 package plug-ins
 Clibsbmlcs.CompExtensioncomp Base extension class for the package
 Clibsbmlcs.FbcExtensionfbc Base extension class for the “fbc” package
 Clibsbmlcs.GroupsExtensiongroups Base extension class for the package
 Clibsbmlcs.LayoutExtensionlayout Base extension class for the package
 Clibsbmlcs.MultiExtensionmulti Base extension class for the package
 Clibsbmlcs.QualExtensionqual Base extension class for the package
 Clibsbmlcs.RenderExtensionrender Base extension class for the package
 Clibsbmlcs.SBMLExtensionException Exception used by package extensions
 Clibsbmlcs.SBMLExtensionRegistry Registry where package extensions are registered
 Clibsbmlcs.SBMLNamespaces Set of SBML Level + Version + namespace triples
 Clibsbmlcs.CompPkgNamespaces Set of SBML Level + Version + namespace triples
 Clibsbmlcs.FbcPkgNamespaces Set of SBML Level + Version + namespace triples
 Clibsbmlcs.GroupsPkgNamespaces Set of SBML Level + Version + namespace triples
 Clibsbmlcs.LayoutPkgNamespaces Set of SBML Level + Version + namespace triples
 Clibsbmlcs.MultiPkgNamespaces Set of SBML Level + Version + namespace triples
 Clibsbmlcs.QualPkgNamespaces Set of SBML Level + Version + namespace triples
 Clibsbmlcs.RenderPkgNamespaces Set of SBML Level + Version + namespace triples
 Clibsbmlcs.SBMLReader File and text-string SBML reader
 Clibsbmlcs.SBMLResolvercomp Base class for SBML resolvers
 Clibsbmlcs.SBMLFileResolvercomp Resolves documents stored on a file system
 Clibsbmlcs.SBMLResolverRegistrycomp Registry of all SBML resolvers
 Clibsbmlcs.SBMLUricomp Utility class for handling URIs
 Clibsbmlcs.SBMLValidator Base class for SBML validators
 Clibsbmlcs.SBMLWriter File and text-string SBML writer
 Clibsbmlcs.SBO Facilities for using the Systems Biology Ontology
 Clibsbmlcs.SyntaxChecker Methods for checking the validity of SBML identifiers
 Clibsbmlcs.XMLAttributes A list of attributes on an XML element
 Clibsbmlcs.XMLConstructorException Exceptions thrown by some libSBML constructors
 Clibsbmlcs.XMLError XML-level errors, warnings and other diagnostics
 Clibsbmlcs.SBMLError An error, warning or other diagnostic
 Clibsbmlcs.XMLErrorLog Log of diagnostics reported during XML processing
 Clibsbmlcs.SBMLErrorLog Log of diagnostics reported during processing
 Clibsbmlcs.XMLInputStream An interface to an XML input stream
 Clibsbmlcs.XMLNamespaces An XML Namespace
 Clibsbmlcs.XMLOutputStream Interface to an XML output stream
 Clibsbmlcs.XMLToken A token in an XML stream
 Clibsbmlcs.XMLNode A node in libSBML's XML document tree
 Clibsbmlcs.XMLTriple A qualified XML name