libSBML Python API  5.18.0
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libsbml.LayoutPkgNamespaces Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for libsbml.LayoutPkgNamespaces:

Detailed Description

layout SBMLNamespaces extension for the package.

This class of objects is defined by libSBML only and has no direct equivalent in terms of SBML components. This class is not prescribed by the SBML specifications, although it is used to implement features defined in SBML.

SBML Level 3 “packages” add features on top of SBML Level 3 Core. When a model definition uses an SBML package, it must declare the Level and Version of SBML Core and the Version of the package being used. The package name, the SBML Level and Version, and the package Version correspond uniquely to an XML namespace added to the XML encoding of the SBML model.

LibSBML Level 3 extensions are implementations of support for SBML Level 3 packages. Each package is implemented as a separate extension. To allow software applications to query the level and version information of an extension's package implementation, libSBML uses specialized object classes. For the extension implementing the SBML “layout” package, the object class is LayoutPkgNamespaces. (This class is a specialization of a common base class called SBMLExtensionNamespaces that is not exposed in the libSBML programming language interfaces other than C++.)

Objects of class LayoutPkgNamespaces can be passed to constructors of SBML components defined by “layout” in order to ensure that the correct component structure is created. This is necessary because different versions of an SBML Level 3 package may introduce differences in the definition of the components defined by the package. (For example, later editions of a package may introduce new attributes on a component that are not present in earlier editions of the package specification.)

See also

Public Member Functions

def addNamespace (self, uri, prefix)
 Add an XML namespace (a pair of URI and prefix) to the set of namespaces within this SBMLNamespaces object. More...
def addNamespaces (self, xmlns)
 Add the given XML namespaces list to the set of namespaces within this SBMLNamespaces object. More...
def addPackageNamespace (self, args)
 Add an XML namespace (a pair of URI and prefix) of a package extension to the set of namespaces within this SBMLNamespaces object. More...
def addPackageNamespaces (self, xmlns)
 Add the XML namespaces of package extensions in the given XMLNamespace object to the set of namespaces within this SBMLNamespaces object (Non-package XML namespaces are not added by this function). More...
def clone (self)
 Creates and returns a deep copy of this SBMLExtensionNamespaces. More...
def freeSBMLNamespaces (supportedNS)
 Frees the list of supported namespaces as generated by getSupportedNamespaces(). More...
def getLevel (self, args)
 Get the SBML Level of this SBMLNamespaces object. More...
def getNamespaces (self, args)
 Get the XML namespaces list for this SBMLNamespaces object. More...
def getPackageName (self)
 Returns the name of the main package for this namespace. More...
def getSBMLNamespaceURI (level, version)
 Returns a string representing the SBML XML namespace for the given level and version of SBML. More...
def getSupportedNamespaces ()
 Returns a list of all supported SBMLNamespaces in this version of libsbml. More...
def getURI (self)
 Returns a string representing the SBML XML namespace of this object. More...
def getVersion (self, args)
 Get the SBML Version of this SBMLNamespaces object. More...
def isSBMLNamespace (uri)
 Predicate returning True if the given URL is one of SBML XML namespaces. More...
def isValidCombination (self)
 Predicate returning True if the given set of namespaces represent a valid set. More...
def removeNamespace (self, uri)
 Removes an XML namespace from the set of namespaces within this SBMLNamespaces object. More...
def removePackageNamespace (self, level, version, pkgName, pkgVersion)
 Removes an XML namespace of a package extension from the set of namespaces within this SBMLNamespaces object. More...

Member Function Documentation

def libsbml.SBMLNamespaces.addNamespace (   self,

Add an XML namespace (a pair of URI and prefix) to the set of namespaces within this SBMLNamespaces object.

addNamespace(string uri, string prefix)   int
urithe XML namespace to be added.
prefixthe prefix of the namespace to be added.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The possible values returned by this function are:
def libsbml.SBMLNamespaces.addNamespaces (   self,

Add the given XML namespaces list to the set of namespaces within this SBMLNamespaces object.

addNamespaces(XMLNamespaces xmlns)   int

The following code gives an example of how one could add the XHTML namespace to the list of namespaces recorded by the top-level <sbml> element of a model. It gives the new namespace a prefix of html.

1 sbmlDoc = None
2 try:
3  sbmlDoc = SBMLDocument(3, 1)
4 except ValueError:
5  # Do something to handle exceptional situation. Candidate
6  # causes include invalid combinations of SBML Level and Version
7  # (impossible if hardwired as given here), running out of memory, and
8  # unknown system exceptions.
10 namespaces = sbmlDoc.getNamespaces()
11 if namespaces == None:
12  # Do something to handle case of no namespaces.
14 status = namespaces.add('', 'html')
16  # Do something to handle failure.
xmlnsthe XML namespaces to be added.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The possible values returned by this function are:
def libsbml.SBMLNamespaces.addPackageNamespace (   self,

Add an XML namespace (a pair of URI and prefix) of a package extension to the set of namespaces within this SBMLNamespaces object.

addPackageNamespace(string pkgName, long  pkgVersion, string prefix)   int
addPackageNamespace(string pkgName, long  pkgVersion)   int

The SBML Level and SBML Version of this object is used.

pkgNamethe string of package name (e.g. 'layout', 'multi').
pkgVersionthe package version.
prefixthe prefix of the package namespace to be added. The package's name will be used if the given string is empty (default).
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The possible values returned by this function are:
An XML namespace of a non-registered package extension can't be added by this function (LIBSBML_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE will be returned).
See also
Owing to the way that language interfaces are created in libSBML, this documentation may show methods that define default values for parameters with text that has the form parameter = value. This is not to be intepreted as a Python keyword argument; the use of a parameter name followed by an equals sign followed by a value is only meant to indicate a default value if the argument is not provided at all. It is not a keyword in the Python sense.
def libsbml.SBMLNamespaces.addPackageNamespaces (   self,

Add the XML namespaces of package extensions in the given XMLNamespace object to the set of namespaces within this SBMLNamespaces object (Non-package XML namespaces are not added by this function).

addPackageNamespaces(XMLNamespaces xmlns)   int
xmlnsthe XML namespaces to be added.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The possible values returned by this function are:
XML namespaces of a non-registered package extensions are not added (just ignored) by this function. LIBSBML_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE will be returned if the given xmlns is None.
def libsbml.LayoutPkgNamespaces.clone (   self)

Creates and returns a deep copy of this SBMLExtensionNamespaces.

clone()   LayoutPkgNamespaces
a (deep) copy of this SBMLExtensionNamespaces.
def libsbml.SBMLNamespaces.freeSBMLNamespaces (   supportedNS)

Frees the list of supported namespaces as generated by getSupportedNamespaces().

freeSBMLNamespaces(List * supportedNS)
supportedNSthe list to be freed.
Because this is a static method on a class, the Python language interface for libSBML will contain two variants. One will be the expected, normal static method on the class (i.e., a regular methodName), and the other will be a standalone top-level function with the name ClassName_methodName(). This is merely an artifact of how the language interfaces are created in libSBML. The methods are functionally identical.
def libsbml.SBMLNamespaces.getLevel (   self,

Get the SBML Level of this SBMLNamespaces object.

getLevel()   long
the SBML Level of this SBMLNamespaces object.
def libsbml.SBMLNamespaces.getNamespaces (   self,

Get the XML namespaces list for this SBMLNamespaces object.

getNamespaces()   XMLNamespaces
SBMLNamespaces objects are used in libSBML to communicate SBML Level and Version data between constructors and other methods. The SBMLNamespaces object class holds triples consisting of SBML Level, Version, and the corresponding SBML XML namespace. Most constructors for SBML objects in libSBML take a SBMLNamespaces object as an argument, thereby allowing the constructor to produce the proper combination of attributes and other internal data structures for the given SBML Level and Version.

The plural name (SBMLNamespaces) is not a mistake, because in SBML Level 3, objects may have extensions added by Level 3 packages used by a given model and therefore may have multiple namespaces associated with them. In SBML Levels below Level 3, the SBMLNamespaces object only records one SBML Level/Version/namespace combination at a time. Most constructors for SBML objects in libSBML take a SBMLNamespaces object as an argument, thereby allowing the constructor to produce the proper combination of attributes and other internal data structures for the given SBML Level and Version.

the XML namespaces of this SBMLNamespaces object.
def libsbml.LayoutPkgNamespaces.getPackageName (   self)

Returns the name of the main package for this namespace.

getPackageName()   string
the name of the main package for this namespace. 'core' will be returned if this namespace is defined in the SBML core.
def libsbml.SBMLNamespaces.getSBMLNamespaceURI (   level,

Returns a string representing the SBML XML namespace for the given level and version of SBML.

getSBMLNamespaceURI(long  level, long  version)   string
levelthe SBML level.
versionthe SBML version.
a string representing the SBML namespace that reflects the SBML Level and Version specified.
Because this is a static method on a class, the Python language interface for libSBML will contain two variants. One will be the expected, normal static method on the class (i.e., a regular methodName), and the other will be a standalone top-level function with the name ClassName_methodName(). This is merely an artifact of how the language interfaces are created in libSBML. The methods are functionally identical.
def libsbml.SBMLNamespaces.getSupportedNamespaces ( )

Returns a list of all supported SBMLNamespaces in this version of libsbml.

getSupportedNamespaces()   List  *
a list with supported SBML namespaces.
Because this is a static method on a class, the Python language interface for libSBML will contain two variants. One will be the expected, normal static method on the class (i.e., a regular methodName), and the other will be a standalone top-level function with the name ClassName_methodName(). This is merely an artifact of how the language interfaces are created in libSBML. The methods are functionally identical.
def libsbml.LayoutPkgNamespaces.getURI (   self)

Returns a string representing the SBML XML namespace of this object.

getURI()   string
a string representing the SBML namespace that reflects the SBML Level and Version of this object.
def libsbml.SBMLNamespaces.getVersion (   self,

Get the SBML Version of this SBMLNamespaces object.

getVersion()   long
the SBML Version of this SBMLNamespaces object.
def libsbml.SBMLNamespaces.isSBMLNamespace (   uri)

Predicate returning True if the given URL is one of SBML XML namespaces.

isSBMLNamespace(string uri)   bool
urithe URI of namespace.
True if the 'uri' is one of SBML namespaces, False otherwise.
Because this is a static method on a class, the Python language interface for libSBML will contain two variants. One will be the expected, normal static method on the class (i.e., a regular methodName), and the other will be a standalone top-level function with the name ClassName_methodName(). This is merely an artifact of how the language interfaces are created in libSBML. The methods are functionally identical.
def libsbml.SBMLNamespaces.isValidCombination (   self)

Predicate returning True if the given set of namespaces represent a valid set.

True if the set of namespaces is valid, False otherwise.
isValidCombination()   bool
def libsbml.SBMLNamespaces.removeNamespace (   self,

Removes an XML namespace from the set of namespaces within this SBMLNamespaces object.

removeNamespace(string uri)   int
urithe XML namespace to be added.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The possible values returned by this function are:
def libsbml.SBMLNamespaces.removePackageNamespace (   self,

Removes an XML namespace of a package extension from the set of namespaces within this SBMLNamespaces object.

removePackageNamespace(long  level, long  version, string pkgName, long  pkgVersion)   int
levelthe SBML level.
versionthe SBML version.
pkgNamethe string of package name (e.g. 'layout', 'multi').
pkgVersionthe package version.
integer value indicating success/failure of the function. The possible values returned by this function are: