libSBML Python API
Classes | |
class | AlgebraicRule |
An SBML algebraic rule representing 0 = f(W). More... | |
class | AssignmentRule |
An SBML assignment rule representing x = f(Y). More... | |
class | Association |
Annotation helper class for “fbc” Version 1. More... | |
class | ASTNode |
Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) representation of a mathematical expression. More... | |
class | ASTNodeList |
Class for managing lists of ASTNode objects. More... | |
class | ASTNodeValues_t |
Proxy of C++ ASTNodeValues_t class. More... | |
class | AutoProperty |
Auto-detect Python class getX/setX methods. More... | |
class | BindingSiteSpeciesType |
Extension of MultiSpeciesType to define a binding site. More... | |
class | BoundingBox |
A bounding box for an item in a diagram. More... | |
class | Callback |
Proxy of C++ Callback class. More... | |
class | CobraToFbcConverter |
COBRA to SBML Level 3 “fbc” converter. More... | |
class | ColorDefinition |
Definition of an identifier for an RGBA color value. More... | |
class | Compartment |
An SBML compartment, where species are located. More... | |
class | CompartmentGlyph |
A glyph for an SBML compartment. More... | |
class | CompartmentReference |
Child of a Compartment that references a different Compartment. More... | |
class | CompartmentType |
A compartment type in SBML Level 2. More... | |
class | CompBase |
Convenience class for SBase-derived classes. More... | |
class | CompExtension |
Base extension class for the package. More... | |
class | CompFlatteningConverter |
'Flattens' a model, removing composition. More... | |
class | CompModelPlugin |
Extension of Model. More... | |
class | CompPkgNamespaces |
SBMLNamespaces extension for the package. More... | |
class | CompSBasePlugin |
Extension of SBase. More... | |
class | CompSBMLDocumentPlugin |
Extension of SBMLDocument. More... | |
class | Constraint |
An SBML constraint, for stating validity assumptions. More... | |
class | ConversionOption |
A single configuration setting for an SBML converter. More... | |
class | ConversionProperties |
Set of configuration option values for a converter. More... | |
class | CubicBezier |
A Cubic Bézier smooth curve. More... | |
class | Curve |
A curve connecting elements in a diagram. More... | |
class | CVTerm |
A MIRIAM-compliant controlled vocabulary term. More... | |
class | CVTermList |
Class for managing lists of CVTerm objects. More... | |
class | Date |
A MIRIAM-compliant date representation. More... | |
class | DateList |
Class for managing lists of Date objects. More... | |
class | DefaultTerm |
The default result of a Transition. More... | |
class | DefaultValues |
Encoding of default values. More... | |
class | DefinitionURLRegistry |
Registry of all libSBML SBML DefinitionURLs. More... | |
class | Delay |
A delay on the time of execution of an SBML event. More... | |
class | Deletion |
Deletion of an object from a submodel. More... | |
class | Dimensions |
Spatial dimensions of a 2D or 3D shape. More... | |
class | ElementFilter |
Base class for filter functions. More... | |
class | Ellipse |
Graphical representation of an ellipse. More... | |
class | Event |
A discontinuous SBML event. More... | |
class | EventAssignment |
An assignment to a variable by an SBML event. More... | |
class | ExternalModelDefinition |
A reference to an externally-defined model. More... | |
class | FbcAnd |
An “and” relationship for gene products More... | |
class | FbcAssociation |
Base class for FbcAnd, FbcOr, and GeneProductRef More... | |
class | FbcExtension |
Base extension class for the “fbc” package. More... | |
class | FbcModelPlugin |
Extension of Model. More... | |
class | FbcOr |
An “or” relationship for gene products More... | |
class | FbcPkgNamespaces |
SBMLNamespaces extension for the package. More... | |
class | FbcReactionPlugin |
Extension of Reaction by the “fbc” package. More... | |
class | FbcSBMLDocumentPlugin |
Extension of SBMLDocument for the “fbc” package. More... | |
class | FbcSpeciesPlugin |
Extension of Species. More... | |
class | FbcToCobraConverter |
SBML Level 3 “fbc” to COBRA converter. More... | |
class | FbcV1ToV2Converter |
Convert “fbc” Version 1 models to Version 2 More... | |
class | FbcV2ToV1Converter |
Convert “fbc” Version 2 models to Version 1 More... | |
class | float_array |
Proxy of C++ float_array class. More... | |
class | FluxBound |
Max or min value for a reaction flux. More... | |
class | FluxObjective |
An objective function for a flux. More... | |
class | FunctionDefinition |
A user-defined function in an SBML model. More... | |
class | FunctionTerm |
A function term. More... | |
class | GeneAssociation |
Annotation helper class for “fbc” Version 1. More... | |
class | GeneProduct |
Association of a gene product with a Reaction More... | |
class | GeneProductAssociation |
Association between gene products and reactions More... | |
class | GeneProductRef |
Reference to a gene product of a reaction More... | |
class | GeneralGlyph |
A glyph for miscellaneous items. More... | |
class | GlobalRenderInformation |
Render information stored in a ListOfLayouts. More... | |
class | GlobalStyle |
A style that can be associated with a layout. More... | |
class | GradientBase |
Abstract base class for linear and radial gradients. More... | |
class | GradientStop |
A color at a certain location in a color gradient. More... | |
class | GraphicalObject |
Base class of objects that store layouts. More... | |
class | GraphicalPrimitive1D |
Base class for graphical primitives implementing 1D attributes. More... | |
class | GraphicalPrimitive2D |
Base class for graphical primitives implementing 2D attributes. More... | |
class | Group |
Representation of a group of SBML components. More... | |
class | GroupsExtension |
Base extension class for the package. More... | |
class | GroupsModelPlugin |
Extension of Model. More... | |
class | GroupsPkgNamespaces |
SBMLNamespaces extension for the package. More... | |
class | Image |
Representation of images. More... | |
class | InitialAssignment |
An SBML initial assignment, evaluated once only. More... | |
class | Input |
The input to a QualitativeSpecies. More... | |
class | InSpeciesTypeBond |
Defines a bond within a MultiSpeciesType. More... | |
class | int_array |
Proxy of C++ int_array class. More... | |
class | IntraSpeciesReaction |
A subclass of Reaction for changes of an internal species bond. More... | |
class | KineticLaw |
The rate expression for an SBML reaction. More... | |
class | L3ParserSettings |
Controls the behavior of the Level 3 formula parser. More... | |
class | Layout |
The layout of a diagram of an SBML model. More... | |
class | LayoutExtension |
Base extension class for the package. More... | |
class | LayoutModelPlugin |
Extension of Model. More... | |
class | LayoutPkgNamespaces |
SBMLNamespaces extension for the package. More... | |
class | LayoutSpeciesReferencePlugin |
Extension of SpeciesReference. More... | |
class | LinearGradient |
Representation of a linear gradient. More... | |
class | LineEnding |
Decoration element for the start and/or end of curves. More... | |
class | LineSegment |
Representation of a line. More... | |
class | ListOf |
Parent class for libSBML's 'ListOfXYZ' classes. More... | |
class | ListOfColorDefinitions |
A list of ColorDefinition objects. More... | |
class | ListOfCompartmentGlyphs |
A list of CompartmentGlyph objects. More... | |
class | ListOfCompartmentReferences |
A list of CompartmentReference objects. More... | |
class | ListOfCompartments |
A list of Compartment objects. More... | |
class | ListOfCompartmentTypes |
A list of CompartmentType objects. More... | |
class | ListOfConstraints |
A list of Constraint objects. More... | |
class | ListOfCurveElements |
A list of curve elements. More... | |
class | ListOfDeletions |
A list of Deletion objects. More... | |
class | ListOfDrawables |
A list of Transformation2D objects. More... | |
class | ListOfEventAssignments |
A list of EventAssignment objects. More... | |
class | ListOfEvents |
A list of Event objects. More... | |
class | ListOfExternalModelDefinitions |
A list of ExternalModelDefinition objects. More... | |
class | ListOfFbcAssociations |
A list of FbcAssociation objects. More... | |
class | ListOfFluxBounds |
A list of FluxBound objects. More... | |
class | ListOfFluxObjectives |
A list of FluxObjective objects. More... | |
class | ListOfFunctionDefinitions |
A list of FunctionDefinition objects. More... | |
class | ListOfFunctionTerms |
A list of FunctionTerm objects. More... | |
class | ListOfGeneAssociations |
A list of GeneAssociation objects. More... | |
class | ListOfGeneProducts |
A list of GeneProduct objects. More... | |
class | ListOfGlobalRenderInformation |
A list of GlobalRenderInformation objects. More... | |
class | ListOfGlobalStyles |
A list of GlobalStyle objects. More... | |
class | ListOfGradientDefinitions |
A list of GradientBase objects. More... | |
class | ListOfGradientStops |
A list of one or more GradientStop objects. More... | |
class | ListOfGraphicalObjects |
A list of GraphicalObject objects. More... | |
class | ListOfGroups |
A list of Group objects. More... | |
class | ListOfInitialAssignments |
A list of InitialAssignment objects. More... | |
class | ListOfInputs |
A list of Input objects. More... | |
class | ListOfInSpeciesTypeBonds |
A list of InSpeciesTypeBond objects. More... | |
class | ListOfLayouts |
A list of Layout objects. More... | |
class | ListOfLineEndings |
A list of LineEnding objects. More... | |
class | ListOfLineSegments |
A list of LineSegment objects. More... | |
class | ListOfLocalParameters |
A list of LocalParameter objects. More... | |
class | ListOfLocalRenderInformation |
A list of LocalRenderInformation objects. More... | |
class | ListOfLocalStyles |
A list of LocalStyle objects. More... | |
class | ListOfMembers |
A list of Member objects. More... | |
class | ListOfModelDefinitions |
A list of ModelDefinition objects. More... | |
class | ListOfMultiSpeciesTypes |
A list of MultiSpeciesType objects. More... | |
class | ListOfObjectives |
A list of Objective objects. More... | |
class | ListOfOutputs |
A list of Output objects. More... | |
class | ListOfOutwardBindingSites |
A list of OutwardBindingSite objects. More... | |
class | ListOfParameters |
A list of Parameter objects. More... | |
class | ListOfPorts |
A list of Port objects. More... | |
class | ListOfPossibleSpeciesFeatureValues |
A list of PossibleSpeciesFeatureValue objects. More... | |
class | ListOfQualitativeSpecies |
A list of QualitativeSpecies objects. More... | |
class | ListOfReactionGlyphs |
A list of ReactionGlyph objects. More... | |
class | ListOfReactions |
A list of Reaction objects. More... | |
class | ListOfReferenceGlyphs |
A list of ReferenceGlyph objects. More... | |
class | ListOfReplacedElements |
A list of ReplacedElement objects. More... | |
class | ListOfRules |
A list of Rule objects. More... | |
class | ListOfSpecies |
A list of Species objects. More... | |
class | ListOfSpeciesFeatures |
A list of SpeciesFeature objects. More... | |
class | ListOfSpeciesFeatureTypes |
A list of SpeciesFeatureType objects. More... | |
class | ListOfSpeciesFeatureValues |
A list of SpeciesFeatureValue objects. More... | |
class | ListOfSpeciesGlyphs |
A list of SpeciesGlyph objects. More... | |
class | ListOfSpeciesReferenceGlyphs |
A list of SpeciesReferenceGlyph objects. More... | |
class | ListOfSpeciesReferences |
A list of SpeciesReference objects. More... | |
class | ListOfSpeciesTypeComponentIndexes |
A list of SpeciesTypeComponentIndex objects. More... | |
class | ListOfSpeciesTypeComponentMapInProducts |
A list of SpeciesTypeComponentMapInProduct objects. More... | |
class | ListOfSpeciesTypeInstances |
A list of SpeciesTypeInstance objects. More... | |
class | ListOfSpeciesTypes |
A list of SpeciesType objects. More... | |
class | ListOfSubmodels |
A list of Submodel objects. More... | |
class | ListOfTextGlyphs |
A list of TextGlyph objects. More... | |
class | ListOfTransitions |
A list of Transition objects. More... | |
class | ListOfUnitDefinitions |
A list of UnitDefinition objects. More... | |
class | ListOfUnits |
A list of Unit objects. More... | |
class | LocalParameter |
A parameter inside an SBML reaction definition. More... | |
class | LocalRenderInformation |
Rendering information stored in Layouts. More... | |
class | LocalStyle |
Style information object used in LocalRenderInformation. More... | |
class | Member |
The Member class defines what objects are parts of a Group. More... | |
class | Model |
An SBML model. More... | |
class | ModelCreator |
MIRIAM-compliant data about a model's creator. More... | |
class | ModelCreatorList |
Class for managing lists of ModelCreator objects. More... | |
class | ModelDefinition |
A model used in model composition. More... | |
class | ModelHistory |
MIRIAM-compliant data about a model's history. More... | |
class | ModifierSpeciesReference |
A reference to an SBML modifier species. More... | |
class | MultiASTPlugin |
Extension of ASTBasePlugin. More... | |
class | MultiCompartmentPlugin |
Extension of Compartment for the 'multi' package. More... | |
class | MultiExtension |
Base extension class for the package. More... | |
class | MultiListOfReactionsPlugin |
Extension of ListOfReactions for the 'multi' package. More... | |
class | MultiModelPlugin |
Extension of Model. More... | |
class | MultiPkgNamespaces |
SBMLNamespaces extension for the package. More... | |
class | MultiSBMLDocumentPlugin |
Extension of SBMLDocument for the 'multi' package. More... | |
class | MultiSimpleSpeciesReferencePlugin |
Extension of SimpleSpeciesReference for the 'multi' package. More... | |
class | MultiSpeciesPlugin |
Extension of Species for the 'multi' package. More... | |
class | MultiSpeciesReferencePlugin |
Extension of SpeciesReference for the 'multi' package. More... | |
class | MultiSpeciesType |
A type of Species in SBML Level 3 'multi' More... | |
class | Objective |
An objective function. More... | |
class | ostream |
Wrapper class for the C++ standard stream ostream . More... | |
class | ostringstream |
Wrapper class for the C++ standard file stream ofstream . More... | |
class | Output |
The output from a QualitativeSpecies. More... | |
class | OutwardBindingSite |
Defines a outward-facing binding site for a MultiSpeciesType. More... | |
class | Parameter |
An SBML parameter: a named symbol with a value. More... | |
class | Point |
Representation of a point. More... | |
class | Polygon |
Representation of a Polygon More... | |
class | Port |
An interface to be used in composition. More... | |
class | PossibleSpeciesFeatureValue |
Defines one value of a SpeciesFeature. More... | |
class | Priority |
The priority of execution of an SBML event. More... | |
class | PythonAPI2Warning |
Custom warning class for warnings generated by libSBML Python API2. More... | |
class | QualExtension |
Base extension class for the package. More... | |
class | QualitativeSpecies |
Extension of Species. More... | |
class | QualModelPlugin |
Extension of Model. More... | |
class | QualPkgNamespaces |
SBMLNamespaces extension for the package. More... | |
class | RadialGradient |
Representation of a radial gradient. More... | |
class | RateRule |
An SBML rate rule representing dx/dt = f(Y). More... | |
class | RDFAnnotationParser |
MIRIAM-compliant RDF annotation reader/writer. More... | |
class | Reaction |
An SBML reaction between species in an SBML model. More... | |
class | ReactionGlyph |
A glyph for an SBML reaction. More... | |
class | Rectangle |
Representation of a rectangle. More... | |
class | ReferenceGlyph |
Connection between an object and a glyph. More... | |
class | RelAbsVector |
Vectors with an absolute value and a relative value. More... | |
class | RenderCubicBezier |
Representation of cubic Bezier curves. More... | |
class | RenderCurve |
Representation of curves. More... | |
class | RenderExtension |
Base extension class for the package. More... | |
class | RenderGraphicalObjectPlugin |
The Render extension of the layout GraphicalObject class. More... | |
class | RenderGroup |
A group of graphical primitives creating a composite. More... | |
class | RenderInformationBase |
Abstract base class for local and global rendering information. More... | |
class | RenderLayoutPlugin |
LibSBML implementation for the extension to the Layout class by the Render extension. More... | |
class | RenderListOfLayoutsPlugin |
A list of layout objects used by the 'render' extension. More... | |
class | RenderPkgNamespaces |
Set of SBML Level + Version + namespace triples. More... | |
class | RenderPoint |
A point with both absolute and relative values More... | |
class | ReplacedBy |
Indicates an object replaced by another. More... | |
class | ReplacedElement |
Indicates an object replaces another. More... | |
class | Replacing |
Convenience class. More... | |
class | Rule |
Parent class for SBML rules in libSBML. More... | |
class | SBase |
SBML's SBase class, base class of most SBML objects. More... | |
class | SBaseList |
Class for managing lists of SBase objects. More... | |
class | SBasePlugin |
Base class for extending SBML objects in packages. More... | |
class | SBaseRef |
Base class for references to objects. More... | |
class | SBMLConverter |
Base class for SBML converters. More... | |
class | SBMLConverterRegistry |
Registry of all libSBML SBML converters. More... | |
class | SBMLDocument |
Overall SBML container object. More... | |
class | SBMLDocumentPlugin |
Base class for extending SBMLDocument in packages. More... | |
class | SBMLError |
An error, warning or other diagnostic. More... | |
class | SBMLErrorLog |
Log of diagnostics reported during processing. More... | |
class | SBMLExtension |
Base class for SBML Level 3 package plug-ins. More... | |
class | SBMLExtensionException |
Exception used by package extensions More... | |
class | SBMLExtensionRegistry |
Registry where package extensions are registered. More... | |
class | SBMLFileResolver |
Resolves documents stored on a file system. More... | |
class | SBMLFunctionDefinitionConverter |
Converter to expand user-defined functions in-line. More... | |
class | SBMLIdConverter |
Converter for replacing object identifiers. More... | |
class | SBMLInferUnitsConverter |
Converter for inferring and setting parameter units. More... | |
class | SBMLInitialAssignmentConverter |
Converter that removes SBML initial assignments. More... | |
class | SBMLLevel1Version1Converter |
Whole-document SBML Level/Version converter. More... | |
class | SBMLLevelVersionConverter |
Whole-document SBML Level/Version converter. More... | |
class | SBMLLocalParameterConverter |
Converter to turn local parameters into global ones. More... | |
class | SBMLNamespaces |
Set of SBML Level + Version + namespace triples. More... | |
class | SBMLNamespacesList |
Class for managing lists of SBMLNamespaces objects. More... | |
class | SBMLReactionConverter |
Converter to replace reactions with SBML rate rules. More... | |
class | SBMLReader |
File and text-string SBML reader. More... | |
class | SBMLResolver |
Base class for SBML resolvers. More... | |
class | SBMLResolverRegistry |
Registry of all SBML resolvers. More... | |
class | SBMLRuleConverter |
Converter that sorts SBML rules and assignments. More... | |
class | SBMLStripPackageConverter |
Converter that removes SBML Level 3 packages. More... | |
class | SBMLUnitsConverter |
Converts a model's existing units to SI units. More... | |
class | SBMLUri |
Utility class for handling URIs. More... | |
class | SBMLValidator |
Base class for SBML validators. More... | |
class | SBMLWriter |
File and text-string SBML writer. More... | |
class | SBO |
Facilities for using the Systems Biology Ontology. More... | |
class | SimpleSpeciesReference |
Abstract class for references to species in reactions. More... | |
class | Species |
An SBML species – a pool of entities. More... | |
class | SpeciesFeature |
Defines a feature of a multi Species. More... | |
class | SpeciesFeatureType |
Defines a template for referencing SpeciesFeature objects. More... | |
class | SpeciesFeatureValue |
Defines a particular value for a SpeciesFeature. More... | |
class | SpeciesGlyph |
A glyph for an SBML species. More... | |
class | SpeciesReference |
A reference to an SBML species in a reaction. More... | |
class | SpeciesReferenceGlyph |
A glyph for an SBML species reference. More... | |
class | SpeciesType |
A species type in SBML Level 2. More... | |
class | SpeciesTypeComponentIndex |
Identifies a component within a MultiSpeciesType. More... | |
class | SpeciesTypeComponentMapInProduct |
Distinguishes between components in reactants versus products. More... | |
class | SpeciesTypeInstance |
Allows construction of structured MultiSpeciesType objects. More... | |
class | StoichiometryMath |
Stochiometry expressions in SBML Level 2 reactions. More... | |
class | string |
Proxy of C++ std::basic_string<(char)> class. | |
class | StringSet |
Proxy of C++ std::set<(std::string)> class. More... | |
class | Style |
Abstract base class for local and global styles. More... | |
class | SubListOfSpeciesFeatures |
Defines a set of SpeciesFeature objects. More... | |
class | Submodel |
A model instance inside another model. More... | |
class | SwigPyIterator |
Proxy of C++ swig::SwigPyIterator class. | |
class | SyntaxChecker |
Methods for checking the validity of SBML identifiers. More... | |
class | Text |
Representation of text elements. More... | |
class | TextGlyph |
A glyph for a text label. More... | |
class | Transformation |
Implementation of a 3D transformation matrix. More... | |
class | Transformation2D |
Implementation of a 2D transformation matrix. More... | |
class | Transition |
A transition of a QualitativeSpecies. More... | |
class | Trigger |
The trigger expression for an SBML event. More... | |
class | Unit |
A single unit referenced in an SBML unit definition. More... | |
class | UnitDefinition |
A definition of a unit used in an SBML model. More... | |
class | XMLAttributes |
A list of attributes on an XML element. More... | |
class | XMLError |
XML-level errors, warnings and other diagnostics. More... | |
class | XMLErrorLog |
Log of diagnostics reported during XML processing. More... | |
class | XMLInputStream |
An interface to an XML input stream. More... | |
class | XMLNamespaces |
An XML Namespace. More... | |
class | XMLNode |
A node in libSBML's XML document tree. More... | |
class | XMLOutputStream |
Interface to an XML output stream. More... | |
class | XMLOwningOutputFileStream |
Proxy of C++ XMLOwningOutputFileStream class. More... | |
class | XMLOwningOutputStringStream |
Proxy of C++ XMLOwningOutputStringStream class. More... | |
class | XMLToken |
A token in an XML stream. More... | |
class | XMLTriple |
A qualified XML name. More... | |
Functions | |
def | Association_parseInfixAssociation (association) |
Parses a gene association in infix format and returns a corresponding Association object. More... | |
def | BindingStatus_fromString (s) |
def | BindingStatus_toString (bindingStatus) |
def | BiolQualifierType_fromString (s) |
This method takes a string and returns a biol qualifier representing the string. More... | |
def | BiolQualifierType_toString (type) |
This method takes a biol qualifier type code and returns a string representing the code. More... | |
def | CompBase_getParentModel (child) |
Returns the Model object to which the referenced child object belongs. More... | |
def | CompExtension_getDefaultLevel () |
Returns the default SBML Level used by this libSBML package extension. More... | |
def | CompExtension_getDefaultPackageVersion () |
Returns the default version of the SBML Level 3 package implemented by this libSBML extension. More... | |
def | CompExtension_getDefaultVersion () |
Returns the default SBML Version used by this libSBML package extension. More... | |
def | CompExtension_getPackageName () |
Returns the nickname of the SBML Level 3 package implemented by this libSBML extension. More... | |
def | CompExtension_getXmlnsL3V1V1 () |
Returns the XML namespace URI of the SBML Level 3 package implemented by this libSBML extension. More... | |
def | DefinitionURLRegistry_addDefinitionURL (url, type) |
Adds the given DefinitionURL to the registry of SBML DefinitionURLs. More... | |
def | DefinitionURLRegistry_addSBMLDefinitions () |
def | DefinitionURLRegistry_clearDefinitions () |
def | DefinitionURLRegistry_getCoreDefinitionsAdded () |
def | DefinitionURLRegistry_getDefinitionUrlByIndex (index) |
def | DefinitionURLRegistry_getInstance () |
Returns the singleton instance for the DefinitionURL registry. More... | |
def | DefinitionURLRegistry_getNumDefinitionURLs () |
Returns the number of DefinitionURLs known by the registry. More... | |
def | DefinitionURLRegistry_getType (url) |
def | deleteLayoutAnnotation (pAnnotation) |
Takes an XMLNode and tries to find the layout annotation node and deletes it if it was found. More... | |
def | deleteLayoutIdAnnotation (pAnnotation) |
Takes an XMLNode and tries to find the layoutId annotation node and deletes it if it was found. More... | |
def | endl (args) |
Insert a newline character into the given C++ stream s . More... | |
def | FbcAssociation_parseFbcInfixAssociation (association, plugin, usingId=False, addMissingGP=True) |
Parses a gene association in infix format and returns a corresponding Association object. More... | |
def | FbcExtension_getDefaultLevel () |
Returns the default SBML Level used by this libSBML package extension. More... | |
def | FbcExtension_getDefaultPackageVersion () |
Returns the default version of the SBML Level 3 package implemented by this libSBML extension. More... | |
def | FbcExtension_getDefaultVersion () |
Returns the default SBML Version used by this libSBML package extension. More... | |
def | FbcExtension_getPackageName () |
Returns the nickname of the SBML Level 3 package implemented by this libSBML extension. More... | |
def | FbcExtension_getXmlnsL3V1V1 () |
Returns the XML namespace URI of the SBML Level 3 package implemented by this libSBML extension. More... | |
def | FbcExtension_getXmlnsL3V1V2 () |
Returns the XML namespace URI of the SBML Level 3 package implemented by this libSBML extension. More... | |
def | float_array_frompointer (t) |
def | flush (args) |
Flush the given C++ stream s . More... | |
def | formulaToL3String (tree) |
Converts an AST to a string representation of a formula using a syntax derived from SBML Level 1, but extended to include elements from SBML Level 2 and SBML Level 3. More... | |
def | formulaToL3StringWithSettings (tree, settings) |
Converts an AST to a string representation of a formula using a syntax basically derived from SBML Level 1, with behavior modifiable with custom settings. More... | |
def | formulaToString (tree) |
Converts an AST to a string representation of a formula using a syntax basically derived from SBML Level 1. More... | |
def | getDefaultL3ParserSettings () |
Returns a copy of the default Level 3 ('L3') formula parser settings. More... | |
def | getLastParseL3Error () |
Returns the last error reported by the 'L3' mathematical formula parser. More... | |
def | getLibSBMLDependencyVersionOf (option) |
Returns the version string for the dependency library used. More... | |
def | getLibSBMLDottedVersion () |
Returns the version number of this copy of libSBML as a string. More... | |
def | getLibSBMLVersion () |
Returns the version number of this copy of libSBML as an integer. More... | |
def | getLibSBMLVersionString () |
Returns the version number of this copy of libSBML as a string without periods. More... | |
def | GroupKind_fromString (code) |
Returns the enumeration value corresponding to the given string or GROUP_KIND_UNKNOWN if there is no such match. More... | |
def | GroupKind_isValid (gk) |
Predicate returning 1 (true) or 0 (false) depending on whether the given enumeration value is valid. More... | |
def | GroupKind_isValidString (code) |
Predicate returning 1 (true) or 0 (false) depending on whether the given string is a valid enumeration value. More... | |
def | GroupKind_toString (gk) |
Returns the string version of the provided enumeration value. More... | |
def | GroupsExtension_getDefaultLevel () |
Returns the default SBML Level implemented by this libSBML extension. More... | |
def | GroupsExtension_getDefaultPackageVersion () |
Returns the default version of the SBML Level 3 package implemented by this libSBML extension. More... | |
def | GroupsExtension_getDefaultVersion () |
Returns the default SBML Version implemented by this libSBML extension. More... | |
def | GroupsExtension_getPackageName () |
Returns the nickname of the SBML Level 3 package implemented by this libSBML extension. More... | |
def | GroupsExtension_getXmlnsL3V1V1 () |
Returns the XML namespace URI of the SBML Level 3 package implemented by this libSBML extension. More... | |
def | int_array_frompointer (t) |
def | isLibSBMLCompiledWith (option) |
Returns an indication whether libSBML has been compiled with against a specific library. More... | |
def | LayoutExtension_getDefaultLevel () |
Returns the default SBML Level used by this libSBML package extension. More... | |
def | LayoutExtension_getDefaultPackageVersion () |
Returns the default version of the SBML Level 3 package implemented by this libSBML extension. More... | |
def | LayoutExtension_getDefaultVersion () |
Returns the default SBML Version used by this libSBML package extension. More... | |
def | LayoutExtension_getPackageName () |
Returns the nickname of the SBML Level 3 package implemented by this libSBML extension. More... | |
def | LayoutExtension_getXmlnsL2 () |
Returns the XML namespace URI of the SBML Level 2 version of the package implemented by this libSBML Extension. More... | |
def | LayoutExtension_getXmlnsL3V1V1 () |
Returns the XML namespace URI of the SBML Level 3 package implemented by this libSBML extension. More... | |
def | LayoutExtension_getXmlnsXSI () |
Returns the XML namespace URI of any additional XML namespaces needed or used by this SBML Level 3 package. More... | |
def | ModelQualifierType_fromString (s) |
This method takes a string and returns a model qualifier representing the string. More... | |
def | ModelQualifierType_toString (type) |
This method takes a model qualifier type code and returns a string representing the code. More... | |
def | MultiExtension_getDefaultLevel () |
Returns the default SBML Level used by this libSBML package extension. More... | |
def | MultiExtension_getDefaultPackageVersion () |
Returns the default version of the SBML Level 3 package implemented by this libSBML extension. More... | |
def | MultiExtension_getDefaultVersion () |
Returns the default SBML Version used by this libSBML package extension. More... | |
def | MultiExtension_getPackageName () |
Returns the nickname of the SBML Level 3 package implemented by this libSBML extension. More... | |
def | MultiExtension_getXmlnsL3V1V1 () |
Returns the XML namespace URI of the SBML Level 3 package implemented by this libSBML extension. More... | |
def | OperationReturnValue_toString (returnValue) |
This method takes an SBML operation return value and returns a string representing the code. More... | |
def | parseFormula (formula) |
Parses the given SBML formula and returns a representation of it as an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). More... | |
def | parseL3Formula (formula) |
Parses a text string as a mathematical formula and returns an AST representation of it. More... | |
def | parseL3FormulaWithModel (formula, model) |
Parses a text string as a mathematical formula using a Model to resolve symbols, and returns an AST representation of the result. More... | |
def | parseL3FormulaWithSettings (formula, settings) |
Parses a text string as a mathematical formula using specific parser settings and returns an AST representation of the result. More... | |
def | parseLayoutAnnotation (annotation, layouts) |
def | parseLayoutId (sr) |
Creates an XMLNode that represents the layoutId annotation of the species reference from the given SpeciesReference object. More... | |
def | parseLayouts (pModel) |
Creates an XMLNode that represents the layouts of the model from the given Model object. More... | |
def | parseSpeciesReferenceAnnotation (annotation, sr) |
def | QualExtension_getDefaultLevel () |
Returns the default SBML Level used by this libSBML package extension. More... | |
def | QualExtension_getDefaultPackageVersion () |
Returns the default version of the SBML Level 3 package implemented by this libSBML extension. More... | |
def | QualExtension_getDefaultVersion () |
Returns the default SBML Version used by this libSBML package extension. More... | |
def | QualExtension_getPackageName () |
Returns the nickname of the SBML Level 3 package implemented by this libSBML extension. More... | |
def | QualExtension_getXmlnsL3V1V1 () |
Returns the XML namespace URI of the SBML Level 3 package implemented by this libSBML extension. More... | |
def | RDFAnnotationParser_createAnnotation () |
Creates a blank annotation and returns its root XMLNode object. More... | |
def | RDFAnnotationParser_createCVTerms (obj) |
Takes a list of CVTerm objects and creates a the RDF 'Description' element. More... | |
def | RDFAnnotationParser_createRDFAnnotation (level=3, version=1) |
Creates a blank RDF element suitable for use in SBML annotations. More... | |
def | RDFAnnotationParser_deleteRDFAnnotation (annotation) |
Deletes any SBML MIRIAM RDF annotation found in the given XMLNode tree and returns any remaining annotation content. More... | |
def | RDFAnnotationParser_deleteRDFCVTermAnnotation (annotation) |
Deletes any SBML MIRIAM RDF 'CVTerm' annotation found in the given XMLNode tree and returns any remaining annotation content. More... | |
def | RDFAnnotationParser_deleteRDFHistoryAnnotation (annotation) |
Deletes any SBML MIRIAM RDF 'History' annotation found in the given XMLNode tree and returns any remaining annotation content. More... | |
def | RDFAnnotationParser_parseCVTerms (obj) |
Takes a list of CVTerm objects and creates a complete SBML annotation around it. More... | |
def | RDFAnnotationParser_parseModelHistory (obj) |
Reads the model history and cvTerms stored in obj and creates the XML structure for an SBML annotation representing that metadata if there is a model history stored in obj . More... | |
def | RDFAnnotationParser_parseOnlyModelHistory (obj) |
Reads the model history stored in obj and creates the XML structure for an SBML annotation representing that history. More... | |
def | RDFAnnotationParser_parseRDFAnnotation (args) |
Parses an annotation (given as an XMLNode tree) into a list of CVTerm objects. More... | |
def | readMathMLFromString (xml) |
Reads the MathML from the given XML string, constructs a corresponding abstract syntax tree, and returns a pointer to the root of the tree. More... | |
def | readMathMLFromStringWithNamespaces (xml, xmlns) |
Reads the MathML from the given XML string, constructs a corresponding abstract syntax tree, and returns a pointer to the root of the tree. More... | |
def | readSBML (filename) |
Reads an SBML document from the given file. More... | |
def | readSBMLFromFile (filename) |
Reads an SBML document from the given file. More... | |
def | readSBMLFromString (xml) |
Reads an SBML document from a text string. More... | |
def | Relation_fromString (code) |
Returns the long enumeration corresponding to the given string or MULTI_RELATION_UNKNOWN if there is no such match. More... | |
def | Relation_toString (r) |
Returns the string version of the provided long enumeration. More... | |
def | RenderExtension_getDefaultLevel () |
Returns the default SBML Level this extension. More... | |
def | RenderExtension_getDefaultPackageVersion () |
Returns the default SBML version this extension. More... | |
def | RenderExtension_getDefaultVersion () |
Returns the default SBML Version this extension. More... | |
def | RenderExtension_getPackageName () |
Returns the package name of this extension. More... | |
def | RenderExtension_getXmlnsL2 () |
Returns URI of L2 version of supported versions of this package. More... | |
def | RenderExtension_getXmlnsL3V1V1 () |
Returns URI of supported versions of this package. More... | |
def | SBMLConverterRegistry_getInstance () |
Returns the singleton instance for the converter registry. More... | |
def | SBMLDocument_getDefaultLevel () |
The default SBML Level of new SBMLDocument objects. More... | |
def | SBMLDocument_getDefaultVersion () |
The default Version of new SBMLDocument objects. More... | |
def | SBMLExtensionRegistry_disablePackage (package) |
Disables the package with the given URI or name. More... | |
def | SBMLExtensionRegistry_enablePackage (package) |
Enables the package with the given URI / name. More... | |
def | SBMLExtensionRegistry_getAllRegisteredPackageNames () |
Returns a list of registered packages. More... | |
def | SBMLExtensionRegistry_getInstance () |
Returns a singleton instance of the registry. More... | |
def | SBMLExtensionRegistry_getNumRegisteredPackages () |
Returns the number of registered packages. More... | |
def | SBMLExtensionRegistry_getRegisteredPackageName (index) |
Returns the nth registered package. More... | |
def | SBMLExtensionRegistry_isPackageEnabled (package) |
Returns True if the named package is enabled. More... | |
def | SBMLNamespaces_freeSBMLNamespaces (supportedNS) |
Frees the list of supported namespaces as generated by getSupportedNamespaces(). More... | |
def | SBMLNamespaces_getSBMLNamespaceURI (level, version) |
Returns a string representing the SBML XML namespace for the given level and version of SBML. More... | |
def | SBMLNamespaces_getSupportedNamespaces () |
Returns a list of all supported SBMLNamespaces in this version of libsbml. More... | |
def | SBMLNamespaces_isSBMLNamespace (uri) |
Predicate returning True if the given URL is one of SBML XML namespaces. More... | |
def | SBMLReader_hasBzip2 () |
Static method; returns True if this copy of libSBML supports bzip2 format compression. More... | |
def | SBMLReader_hasZlib () |
Static method; returns True if this copy of libSBML supports gzip and zip format compression. More... | |
def | SBMLResolverRegistry_deleteResolerRegistryInstance () |
def | SBMLResolverRegistry_getInstance () |
Returns the singleton instance for the resolver registry. More... | |
def | SBMLTypeCode_toString (tc, pkgName) |
This method takes an SBML type code and returns a string representing the code. More... | |
def | SBMLWriter_hasBzip2 () |
Predicate returning True if this copy of libSBML has been linked with the bzip2 library. More... | |
def | SBMLWriter_hasZlib () |
Predicate returning True if this copy of libSBML has been linked with the zlib library. More... | |
def | SBO_checkTerm (args) |
This method has multiple variants; they differ in the arguments they accept. More... | |
def | SBO_intToString (sboTerm) |
Returns the integer as a correctly formatted SBO identifier string. More... | |
def | SBO_isConservationLaw (term) |
Returns True if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO. More... | |
def | SBO_isContinuousFramework (term) |
Returns True if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO. More... | |
def | SBO_isDiscreteFramework (term) |
Returns True if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO. More... | |
def | SBO_isEntity (term) |
Returns True if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO. More... | |
def | SBO_isEvent (term) |
Returns True if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO. More... | |
def | SBO_isFunctionalCompartment (term) |
Returns True if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO. More... | |
def | SBO_isFunctionalEntity (term) |
Returns True if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO. More... | |
def | SBO_isInteraction (term) |
Returns True if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO. More... | |
def | SBO_isKineticConstant (term) |
Returns True if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO. More... | |
def | SBO_isLogicalFramework (term) |
Returns True if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO. More... | |
def | SBO_isMaterialEntity (term) |
Returns True if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO. More... | |
def | SBO_isMathematicalExpression (term) |
Returns True if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO. More... | |
def | SBO_isMetadataRepresentation (term) |
Returns True if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO. More... | |
def | SBO_isModellingFramework (term) |
Returns True if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO. More... | |
def | SBO_isModifier (term) |
Returns True if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO. More... | |
def | SBO_isObselete (term) |
Predicate for checking whether the given term is obsolete. More... | |
def | SBO_isOccurringEntityRepresentation (term) |
Returns True if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO. More... | |
def | SBO_isParticipant (term) |
Returns True if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO. More... | |
def | SBO_isParticipantRole (term) |
Returns True if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO. More... | |
def | SBO_isPhysicalEntityRepresentation (term) |
Returns True if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO. More... | |
def | SBO_isPhysicalParticipant (term) |
Returns True if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO. More... | |
def | SBO_isProduct (term) |
Returns True if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO. More... | |
def | SBO_isQuantitativeParameter (term) |
Returns True if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO. More... | |
def | SBO_isQuantitativeSystemsDescriptionParameter (term) |
Returns True if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO. More... | |
def | SBO_isRateLaw (term) |
Returns True if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO. More... | |
def | SBO_isReactant (term) |
Returns True if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO. More... | |
def | SBO_isSteadyStateExpression (term) |
Returns True if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO. More... | |
def | SBO_isSystemsDescriptionParameter (term) |
Returns True if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO. More... | |
def | SBO_stringToInt (sboTerm) |
Returns the string as a correctly formatted SBO integer portion. More... | |
def | SpreadMethod_fromString (name) |
def | SpreadMethod_toString (method) |
def | Submodel_removeProcessingCallback (args) |
def | SyntaxChecker_hasExpectedXHTMLSyntax (xhtml, sbmlns=None) |
Returns True or False depending on whether the given XMLNode object contains valid XHTML content. More... | |
def | SyntaxChecker_isValidSBMLSId (sid) |
Returns True or False depending on whether the argument string conforms to the syntax of SBML identifiers. More... | |
def | SyntaxChecker_isValidUnitSId (units) |
Returns True or False depending on whether the argument string conforms to the syntax of SBML unit identifiers. More... | |
def | SyntaxChecker_isValidXMLanyURI (uri) |
Returns True or False depending on whether the uri argument string conforms to the XML data type anyURI . More... | |
def | SyntaxChecker_isValidXMLID (id) |
Returns True or False depending on whether the argument string conforms to the XML data type ID . More... | |
def | TextAnchor_fromString (str) |
def | TextAnchor_toString (anchor) |
def | Transformation2D_getIdentityMatrix2D () |
Returns a 2D identity matrix. More... | |
def | Transformation_getIdentityMatrix () |
Returns a 3D identity matrix. More... | |
def | Unit_areEquivalent (unit1, unit2) |
Predicate returning True if Unit objects are equivalent. More... | |
def | Unit_areIdentical (unit1, unit2) |
Predicate returning True if two Unit objects are identical. More... | |
def | Unit_convertToSI (unit) |
Returns a UnitDefinition object containing the given unit converted to the appropriate SI unit. More... | |
def | Unit_isBuiltIn (name, level) |
Predicate to test whether a given string is the name of a built-in SBML unit, depending on the SBML level, since new predefined units were added between level 2 versions 1 and 2, and then all predefined units were removed again in SBML Level 3. More... | |
def | Unit_isUnitKind (name, level, version) |
Predicate to test whether a given string is the name of a valid base unit in SBML (such as 'gram' or 'mole' ). More... | |
def | Unit_merge (unit1, unit2) |
Merges two Unit objects with the same 'kind' attribute value into a single Unit. More... | |
def | Unit_removeScale (unit) |
Manipulates the attributes of the Unit to express the unit with the value of the scale attribute reduced to zero. More... | |
def | UnitDefinition_areEquivalent (ud1, ud2) |
Predicate returning True if two UnitDefinition objects are equivalent. More... | |
def | UnitDefinition_areIdentical (ud1, ud2) |
Predicate returning True if two UnitDefinition objects are identical. More... | |
def | UnitDefinition_combine (ud1, ud2) |
Combines two UnitDefinition objects into a single UnitDefinition. More... | |
def | UnitDefinition_convertToSI (ud) |
Convert a given UnitDefinition into a new UnitDefinition object that uses SI units. More... | |
def | UnitDefinition_divide (ud1, ud2) |
Combines two UnitDefinition objects into a single UnitDefinition as a division. More... | |
def | UnitDefinition_printUnits (ud, compact=False) |
Expresses the given definition in a plain-text form. More... | |
def | UnitDefinition_reorder (ud) |
Alphabetically orders the Unit objects within the ListOfUnits of a UnitDefinition. More... | |
def | UnitDefinition_simplify (ud) |
Simplifies the UnitDefinition such that any given kind of Unit object occurs only once in the ListOfUnits. More... | |
def | UnitKind_equals (uk1, uk2) |
Tests for logical equality between two given UNIT_KIND_ code values. More... | |
def | UnitKind_forName (name) |
Converts a text string naming a kind of unit to its corresponding libSBML UNIT_KIND_ constant/enumeration value. More... | |
def | UnitKind_isValidUnitKindString (str, level, version) |
Predicate for testing whether a given string corresponds to a predefined libSBML unit code. More... | |
def | UnitKind_toString (uk) |
Converts a unit code to a text string equivalent. More... | |
def | writeMathMLToString (node) |
Writes the given ASTNode (and its children) to a string as MathML, and returns the string. More... | |
def | writeMathMLWithNamespaceToString (node, sbmlns) |
Writes the given AST node (and its children) to a string as MathML, and returns the string. More... | |
def | writeSBML (d, filename) |
Writes the given SBML document d to the file named by filename . More... | |
def | writeSBMLToFile (d, filename) |
Writes the given SBML document d to the file filename . More... | |
def | writeSBMLToString (d) |
Writes the given SBML document d to an in-memory string and returns a pointer to it. More... | |
def | XMLError_getStandardMessage (code) |
Returns a copy of the message string associated with the given predefined XMLError code. More... | |
def | XMLNode_convertStringToXMLNode (xmlstr, xmlns=None) |
Returns an XMLNode which is derived from a string containing XML content. More... | |
def | XMLNode_convertXMLNodeToString (node) |
Returns a string representation of a given XMLNode. More... | |
def | XMLOutputStream_getLibraryName () |
def | XMLOutputStream_getLibraryVersion () |
def | XMLOutputStream_getWriteComment () |
def | XMLOutputStream_getWriteTimestamp () |
def | XMLOutputStream_setLibraryName (libraryName) |
sets the name of the library writing the XML More... | |
def | XMLOutputStream_setLibraryVersion (libraryVersion) |
sets the name of the library writing the output More... | |
def | XMLOutputStream_setWriteComment (writeComment) |
def | XMLOutputStream_setWriteTimestamp (writeTimestamp) |
Variables | |
Extended math added in L3V2. More... | |
Extended math added by the 'distrib' package. More... | |
Extended math. More... | |
Unknown node: will not produce any MathML. More... | |
AllowedAttributesOnAlgRule = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnAlgRule | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
AllowedAttributesOnAssignRule = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnAssignRule | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
AllowedAttributesOnCompartment = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnCompartment | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
AllowedAttributesOnConstraint = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnConstraint | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
AllowedAttributesOnDelay = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnDelay | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
AllowedAttributesOnEvent = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnEvent | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
AllowedAttributesOnEventAssignment = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnEventAssignment | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
AllowedAttributesOnFunc = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnFunc | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
AllowedAttributesOnInitialAssign = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnInitialAssign | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
AllowedAttributesOnKineticLaw = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnKineticLaw | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
AllowedAttributesOnListOfComps = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnListOfComps | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
AllowedAttributesOnListOfConstraints = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnListOfConstraints | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
AllowedAttributesOnListOfEventAssign = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnListOfEventAssign | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
AllowedAttributesOnListOfEvents = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnListOfEvents | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
AllowedAttributesOnListOfFuncs = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnListOfFuncs | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
AllowedAttributesOnListOfInitAssign = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnListOfInitAssign | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
AllowedAttributesOnListOfLocalParam = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnListOfLocalParam | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
AllowedAttributesOnListOfMods = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnListOfMods | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
AllowedAttributesOnListOfParams = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnListOfParams | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
AllowedAttributesOnListOfReactions = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnListOfReactions | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
AllowedAttributesOnListOfRules = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnListOfRules | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
AllowedAttributesOnListOfSpecies = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnListOfSpecies | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
AllowedAttributesOnListOfSpeciesRef = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnListOfSpeciesRef | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
AllowedAttributesOnListOfUnitDefs = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnListOfUnitDefs | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
AllowedAttributesOnListOfUnits = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnListOfUnits | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
AllowedAttributesOnLocalParameter = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnLocalParameter | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
AllowedAttributesOnModel = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnModel | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
AllowedAttributesOnModifier = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnModifier | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
AllowedAttributesOnParameter = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnParameter | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
AllowedAttributesOnPriority = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnPriority | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
AllowedAttributesOnRateRule = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnRateRule | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
AllowedAttributesOnReaction = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnReaction | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
AllowedAttributesOnSBML = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnSBML | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
AllowedAttributesOnSpecies = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnSpecies | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
AllowedAttributesOnSpeciesReference = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnSpeciesReference | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
AllowedAttributesOnTrigger = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnTrigger | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
AllowedAttributesOnUnit = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnUnit | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
AllowedAttributesOnUnitDefinition = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnUnitDefinition | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
fbc One of the possible Association types. More... | |
AnnotationNotElement = _libsbml.AnnotationNotElement | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
AnnotationNotesNotAllowedLevel1 = _libsbml.AnnotationNotesNotAllowedLevel1 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
ApplyCiMustBeModelComponent = _libsbml.ApplyCiMustBeModelComponent | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
ApplyCiMustBeUserFunction = _libsbml.ApplyCiMustBeUserFunction | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
ArgsToEqNeedSameType = _libsbml.ArgsToEqNeedSameType | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
AssignmentToConstantEntity = _libsbml.AssignmentToConstantEntity | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
AssignRuleCompartmentMismatch = _libsbml.AssignRuleCompartmentMismatch | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
AssignRuleParameterMismatch = _libsbml.AssignRuleParameterMismatch | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
AssignRuleSpeciesMismatch = _libsbml.AssignRuleSpeciesMismatch | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
AssignRuleStoichiometryMismatch = _libsbml.AssignRuleStoichiometryMismatch | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
AST_DIVIDE = _libsbml.AST_DIVIDE | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
AST_LAMBDA = _libsbml.AST_LAMBDA | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
AST_MINUS = _libsbml.AST_MINUS | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
AST_NAME = _libsbml.AST_NAME | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
AST_PLUS = _libsbml.AST_PLUS | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
AST_POWER = _libsbml.AST_POWER | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
AST_REAL = _libsbml.AST_REAL | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
AST_REAL_E = _libsbml.AST_REAL_E | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
AST_TIMES = _libsbml.AST_TIMES | |
One of the possible ASTNode types. More... | |
One of the possible SBML Rule object types. More... | |
AvogadroNotSupported = _libsbml.AvogadroNotSupported | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
BadCsymbolDefinitionURLValue = _libsbml.BadCsymbolDefinitionURLValue | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
BadlyFormedXML = _libsbml.BadlyFormedXML | |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML. More... | |
BadMathML = _libsbml.BadMathML | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
BadMathMLNodeType = _libsbml.BadMathMLNodeType | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
BadProcessingInstruction = _libsbml.BadProcessingInstruction | |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML. More... | |
BadXMLAttribute = _libsbml.BadXMLAttribute | |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML. More... | |
BadXMLAttributeValue = _libsbml.BadXMLAttributeValue | |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML. More... | |
BadXMLComment = _libsbml.BadXMLComment | |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML. More... | |
BadXMLDecl = _libsbml.BadXMLDecl | |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML. More... | |
BadXMLDeclLocation = _libsbml.BadXMLDeclLocation | |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML. More... | |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML. More... | |
BadXMLDocumentStructure = _libsbml.BadXMLDocumentStructure | |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML. More... | |
BadXMLIDRef = _libsbml.BadXMLIDRef | |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML. More... | |
BadXMLIDValue = _libsbml.BadXMLIDValue | |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML. More... | |
BadXMLPrefix = _libsbml.BadXMLPrefix | |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML. More... | |
BadXMLPrefixValue = _libsbml.BadXMLPrefixValue | |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML. More... | |
One of the possible MIRIAM annotation types used by CVTerm. More... | |
BooleanNumericDiscrepancy = _libsbml.BooleanNumericDiscrepancy | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
BooleanOpsNeedBooleanArgs = _libsbml.BooleanOpsNeedBooleanArgs | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
BothAmountAndConcentrationSet = _libsbml.BothAmountAndConcentrationSet | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
BothStoichiometryAndMath = _libsbml.BothStoichiometryAndMath | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
One of the possible MIRIAM annotation types used by CVTerm. More... | |
BQB_HAS_PART = _libsbml.BQB_HAS_PART | |
One of the possible MIRIAM annotation types used by CVTerm. More... | |
One of the possible MIRIAM annotation types used by CVTerm. More... | |
One of the possible MIRIAM annotation types used by CVTerm. More... | |
One of the possible MIRIAM annotation types used by CVTerm. More... | |
BQB_IS = _libsbml.BQB_IS | |
One of the possible MIRIAM annotation types used by CVTerm. More... | |
One of the possible MIRIAM annotation types used by CVTerm. More... | |
One of the possible MIRIAM annotation types used by CVTerm. More... | |
One of the possible MIRIAM annotation types used by CVTerm. More... | |
BQB_IS_PART_OF = _libsbml.BQB_IS_PART_OF | |
One of the possible MIRIAM annotation types used by CVTerm. More... | |
One of the possible MIRIAM annotation types used by CVTerm. More... | |
One of the possible MIRIAM annotation types used by CVTerm. More... | |
One of the possible MIRIAM annotation types used by CVTerm. More... | |
One of the possible MIRIAM annotation types used by CVTerm. More... | |
One of the possible MIRIAM annotation types used by CVTerm. More... | |
BQM_IS = _libsbml.BQM_IS | |
One of the possible MIRIAM annotation types used by CVTerm. More... | |
One of the possible MIRIAM annotation types used by CVTerm. More... | |
One of the possible MIRIAM annotation types used by CVTerm. More... | |
One of the possible MIRIAM annotation types used by CVTerm. More... | |
One of the possible MIRIAM annotation types used by CVTerm. More... | |
CannotConvertToL1V1 = _libsbml.CannotConvertToL1V1 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CannotVerifyUnitsObjectNoMath = _libsbml.CannotVerifyUnitsObjectNoMath | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CelsiusNoLongerValid = _libsbml.CelsiusNoLongerValid | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CiCannotReference0DCompartment = _libsbml.CiCannotReference0DCompartment | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CircularDependencyRateOf = _libsbml.CircularDependencyRateOf | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CircularRuleDependency = _libsbml.CircularRuleDependency | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
One of the possible ConversionOption data type indicators. More... | |
One of the possible ConversionOption data type indicators. More... | |
CNV_TYPE_INT = _libsbml.CNV_TYPE_INT | |
One of the possible ConversionOption data type indicators. More... | |
One of the possible ConversionOption data type indicators. More... | |
One of the possible ConversionOption data type indicators. More... | |
CompartmentNotOnL1Reaction = _libsbml.CompartmentNotOnL1Reaction | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompartmentOnReaction = _libsbml.CompartmentOnReaction | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompartmentShouldHaveSize = _libsbml.CompartmentShouldHaveSize | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompartmentTypeNotValidAttribute = _libsbml.CompartmentTypeNotValidAttribute | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompartmentTypeNotValidComponent = _libsbml.CompartmentTypeNotValidComponent | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompAttributeRequiredMissing = _libsbml.CompAttributeRequiredMissing | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompAttributeRequiredMustBeBoolean = _libsbml.CompAttributeRequiredMustBeBoolean | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompAttributeRequiredMustBeTrue = _libsbml.CompAttributeRequiredMustBeTrue | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompCircularExternalModelReference = _libsbml.CompCircularExternalModelReference | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompDeletedReplacement = _libsbml.CompDeletedReplacement | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompDeletionAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.CompDeletionAllowedAttributes | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompDeletionMustReferenceObject = _libsbml.CompDeletionMustReferenceObject | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompDeletionMustReferOnlyOneObject = _libsbml.CompDeletionMustReferOnlyOneObject | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompDeprecatedDeleteFunction = _libsbml.CompDeprecatedDeleteFunction | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompDeprecatedReplaceFunction = _libsbml.CompDeprecatedReplaceFunction | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompDeprecatedSBaseRefSpelling = _libsbml.CompDeprecatedSBaseRefSpelling | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompDuplicateComponentId = _libsbml.CompDuplicateComponentId | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompElementNotInNs = _libsbml.CompElementNotInNs | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompEmptyLOModelDefs = _libsbml.CompEmptyLOModelDefs | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompEmptyLOReplacedElements = _libsbml.CompEmptyLOReplacedElements | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompExtentConversionMustBeParameter = _libsbml.CompExtentConversionMustBeParameter | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompExtModDefAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.CompExtModDefAllowedAttributes | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompExtModDefAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.CompExtModDefAllowedCoreAttributes | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompExtModDefAllowedElements = _libsbml.CompExtModDefAllowedElements | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompExtModDefBad = _libsbml.CompExtModDefBad | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompExtModMd5DoesNotMatch = _libsbml.CompExtModMd5DoesNotMatch | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompFlatModelNotValid = _libsbml.CompFlatModelNotValid | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompFlatteningNotImplementedNotReqd = _libsbml.CompFlatteningNotImplementedNotReqd | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompFlatteningNotImplementedReqd = _libsbml.CompFlatteningNotImplementedReqd | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompFlatteningNotRecognisedNotReqd = _libsbml.CompFlatteningNotRecognisedNotReqd | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompFlatteningNotRecognisedReqd = _libsbml.CompFlatteningNotRecognisedReqd | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompFlatteningWarning = _libsbml.CompFlatteningWarning | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompIdRefMayReferenceUnknownPackage = _libsbml.CompIdRefMayReferenceUnknownPackage | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompIdRefMustReferenceObject = _libsbml.CompIdRefMustReferenceObject | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompInvalidConversionFactorSyntax = _libsbml.CompInvalidConversionFactorSyntax | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompInvalidDeletionSyntax = _libsbml.CompInvalidDeletionSyntax | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompInvalidExtentConvFactorSyntax = _libsbml.CompInvalidExtentConvFactorSyntax | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompInvalidIdRefSyntax = _libsbml.CompInvalidIdRefSyntax | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompInvalidMD5Syntax = _libsbml.CompInvalidMD5Syntax | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompInvalidMetaIdRefSyntax = _libsbml.CompInvalidMetaIdRefSyntax | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompInvalidModelRefSyntax = _libsbml.CompInvalidModelRefSyntax | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompInvalidNameSyntax = _libsbml.CompInvalidNameSyntax | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompInvalidPortRefSyntax = _libsbml.CompInvalidPortRefSyntax | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompInvalidSIdSyntax = _libsbml.CompInvalidSIdSyntax | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompInvalidSourceSyntax = _libsbml.CompInvalidSourceSyntax | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompInvalidSubmodelRefSyntax = _libsbml.CompInvalidSubmodelRefSyntax | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompInvalidTimeConvFactorSyntax = _libsbml.CompInvalidTimeConvFactorSyntax | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompInvalidUnitRefSyntax = _libsbml.CompInvalidUnitRefSyntax | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompLineNumbersUnreliable = _libsbml.CompLineNumbersUnreliable | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompLODeletionAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.CompLODeletionAllowedAttributes | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompLODeletionsAllowedElements = _libsbml.CompLODeletionsAllowedElements | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompLOExtModDefsAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.CompLOExtModDefsAllowedAttributes | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompLOExtModelDefsAllowedElements = _libsbml.CompLOExtModelDefsAllowedElements | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompLOModelDefsAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.CompLOModelDefsAllowedAttributes | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompLOModelDefsAllowedElements = _libsbml.CompLOModelDefsAllowedElements | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompLOPortsAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.CompLOPortsAllowedAttributes | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompLOPortsAllowedElements = _libsbml.CompLOPortsAllowedElements | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompLOReplacedElementsAllowedAttribs = _libsbml.CompLOReplacedElementsAllowedAttribs | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompLOReplaceElementsAllowedElements = _libsbml.CompLOReplaceElementsAllowedElements | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompLOSubmodelsAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.CompLOSubmodelsAllowedAttributes | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompLOSubmodelsAllowedElements = _libsbml.CompLOSubmodelsAllowedElements | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompMetaIdRefMayReferenceUnknownPkg = _libsbml.CompMetaIdRefMayReferenceUnknownPkg | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompMetaIdRefMustReferenceObject = _libsbml.CompMetaIdRefMustReferenceObject | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompModCannotCircularlyReferenceSelf = _libsbml.CompModCannotCircularlyReferenceSelf | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompModelFlatteningFailed = _libsbml.CompModelFlatteningFailed | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompModReferenceMustIdOfModel = _libsbml.CompModReferenceMustIdOfModel | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompModReferenceSyntax = _libsbml.CompModReferenceSyntax | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompMustReplaceIDs = _libsbml.CompMustReplaceIDs | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompMustReplaceMetaIDs = _libsbml.CompMustReplaceMetaIDs | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompMustReplacePackageIDs = _libsbml.CompMustReplacePackageIDs | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompMustReplaceSameClass = _libsbml.CompMustReplaceSameClass | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompNoEmptyListOfOnModel = _libsbml.CompNoEmptyListOfOnModel | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompNoModelInReference = _libsbml.CompNoModelInReference | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompNoMultipleReferences = _libsbml.CompNoMultipleReferences | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompNSUndeclared = _libsbml.CompNSUndeclared | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompOneListOfDeletionOnSubmodel = _libsbml.CompOneListOfDeletionOnSubmodel | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompOneListOfExtModelDefinitions = _libsbml.CompOneListOfExtModelDefinitions | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompOneListOfModelDefinitions = _libsbml.CompOneListOfModelDefinitions | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompOneListOfOnModel = _libsbml.CompOneListOfOnModel | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompOneListOfReplacedElements = _libsbml.CompOneListOfReplacedElements | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompOneReplacedByElement = _libsbml.CompOneReplacedByElement | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompOneSBaseRefOnly = _libsbml.CompOneSBaseRefOnly | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompParentOfSBRefChildMustBeSubmodel = _libsbml.CompParentOfSBRefChildMustBeSubmodel | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompPortAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.CompPortAllowedAttributes | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompPortMustReferenceObject = _libsbml.CompPortMustReferenceObject | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompPortMustReferenceOnlyOneObject = _libsbml.CompPortMustReferenceOnlyOneObject | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompPortReferencesUnique = _libsbml.CompPortReferencesUnique | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompPortRefMustReferencePort = _libsbml.CompPortRefMustReferencePort | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompReferenceMustBeL3 = _libsbml.CompReferenceMustBeL3 | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompReplacedByAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.CompReplacedByAllowedAttributes | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompReplacedByMustRefObject = _libsbml.CompReplacedByMustRefObject | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompReplacedByMustRefOnlyOne = _libsbml.CompReplacedByMustRefOnlyOne | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompReplacedBySubModelRef = _libsbml.CompReplacedBySubModelRef | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompReplacedElementAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.CompReplacedElementAllowedAttributes | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompReplacedElementConvFactorRef = _libsbml.CompReplacedElementConvFactorRef | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompReplacedElementDeletionRef = _libsbml.CompReplacedElementDeletionRef | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompReplacedElementMustRefObject = _libsbml.CompReplacedElementMustRefObject | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompReplacedElementMustRefOnlyOne = _libsbml.CompReplacedElementMustRefOnlyOne | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompReplacedElementNoDelAndConvFact = _libsbml.CompReplacedElementNoDelAndConvFact | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompReplacedElementSameReference = _libsbml.CompReplacedElementSameReference | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompReplacedElementSubModelRef = _libsbml.CompReplacedElementSubModelRef | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompReplacedUnitsShouldMatch = _libsbml.CompReplacedUnitsShouldMatch | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompRequiredFalseIfAllElementsReplaced = _libsbml.CompRequiredFalseIfAllElementsReplaced | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompRequiredTrueIfElementsRemain = _libsbml.CompRequiredTrueIfElementsRemain | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompSBaseRefMustReferenceObject = _libsbml.CompSBaseRefMustReferenceObject | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompSBaseRefMustReferenceOnlyOneObject = _libsbml.CompSBaseRefMustReferenceOnlyOneObject | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompSubmodelAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.CompSubmodelAllowedAttributes | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompSubmodelAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.CompSubmodelAllowedCoreAttributes | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompSubmodelAllowedElements = _libsbml.CompSubmodelAllowedElements | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompSubmodelCannotReferenceSelf = _libsbml.CompSubmodelCannotReferenceSelf | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompSubmodelMustReferenceModel = _libsbml.CompSubmodelMustReferenceModel | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompSubmodelNoEmptyLODeletions = _libsbml.CompSubmodelNoEmptyLODeletions | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompTimeConversionMustBeParameter = _libsbml.CompTimeConversionMustBeParameter | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompUniqueModelIds = _libsbml.CompUniqueModelIds | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompUniquePortIds = _libsbml.CompUniquePortIds | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompUnitRefMustReferenceUnitDef = _libsbml.CompUnitRefMustReferenceUnitDef | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
CompUnknown = _libsbml.CompUnknown | |
long More... | |
CompUnresolvedReference = _libsbml.CompUnresolvedReference | |
comp A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “comp” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
ConstantNotValidAttribute = _libsbml.ConstantNotValidAttribute | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
ConstantSpeciesNotValidAttribute = _libsbml.ConstantSpeciesNotValidAttribute | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
ConstraintContainsDOCTYPE = _libsbml.ConstraintContainsDOCTYPE | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
ConstraintContainsXMLDecl = _libsbml.ConstraintContainsXMLDecl | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
ConstraintMathNotBoolean = _libsbml.ConstraintMathNotBoolean | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
ConstraintNotInXHTMLNamespace = _libsbml.ConstraintNotInXHTMLNamespace | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
ConstraintNotValidComponent = _libsbml.ConstraintNotValidComponent | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
ConversionFactorMustConstant = _libsbml.ConversionFactorMustConstant | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
ConversionFactorNotInL1 = _libsbml.ConversionFactorNotInL1 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
ConversionFactorOnSpecies = _libsbml.ConversionFactorOnSpecies | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
ConvertibleMathInitialAssignment = _libsbml.ConvertibleMathInitialAssignment | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
DanglingUnitReference = _libsbml.DanglingUnitReference | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
DanglingUnitSIdRef = _libsbml.DanglingUnitSIdRef | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
DelayNeedsValuesFromTriggerTime = _libsbml.DelayNeedsValuesFromTriggerTime | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
DelayUnitsNotTime = _libsbml.DelayUnitsNotTime | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
DisallowedDefinitionURLUse = _libsbml.DisallowedDefinitionURLUse | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
DisallowedMathMLEncodingUse = _libsbml.DisallowedMathMLEncodingUse | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
DisallowedMathMLSymbol = _libsbml.DisallowedMathMLSymbol | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
DisallowedMathTypeAttributeUse = _libsbml.DisallowedMathTypeAttributeUse | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
DisallowedMathTypeAttributeValue = _libsbml.DisallowedMathTypeAttributeValue | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
DisallowedMathUnitsUse = _libsbml.DisallowedMathUnitsUse | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
DoubleExponentNotSupported = _libsbml.DoubleExponentNotSupported | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
DuplicateAnnotationInvalidInL2v2 = _libsbml.DuplicateAnnotationInvalidInL2v2 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
DuplicateAnnotationInvalidInL2v3 = _libsbml.DuplicateAnnotationInvalidInL2v3 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
DuplicateAnnotationInvalidInL2v4 = _libsbml.DuplicateAnnotationInvalidInL2v4 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
DuplicateAnnotationInvalidInL3v1 = _libsbml.DuplicateAnnotationInvalidInL3v1 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
DuplicateAnnotationNamespaces = _libsbml.DuplicateAnnotationNamespaces | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
DuplicateComponentId = _libsbml.DuplicateComponentId | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
DuplicateLocalParameterId = _libsbml.DuplicateLocalParameterId | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
DuplicateMetaId = _libsbml.DuplicateMetaId | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
DuplicateUnitDefinitionId = _libsbml.DuplicateUnitDefinitionId | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
DuplicateXMLAttribute = _libsbml.DuplicateXMLAttribute | |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML. More... | |
EM_ARRAYS = _libsbml.EM_ARRAYS | |
Extended math added by the 'arrays' package. More... | |
EM_DISTRIB = _libsbml.EM_DISTRIB | |
Extended math added by the 'distrib' package. More... | |
EM_L3V2 = _libsbml.EM_L3V2 | |
Extended math added in l3v2. More... | |
EM_UNKNOWN = _libsbml.EM_UNKNOWN | |
Unknown node: will not produce any MathML. More... | |
EmptyListElement = _libsbml.EmptyListElement | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
EmptyListInKineticLaw = _libsbml.EmptyListInKineticLaw | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
EmptyListInReaction = _libsbml.EmptyListInReaction | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
EmptyListOfElementNotSupported = _libsbml.EmptyListOfElementNotSupported | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
EmptyListOfUnits = _libsbml.EmptyListOfUnits | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
EmptyUnitListElement = _libsbml.EmptyUnitListElement | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
EventAndAssignmentRuleForId = _libsbml.EventAndAssignmentRuleForId | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
EventAssignCompartmentMismatch = _libsbml.EventAssignCompartmentMismatch | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
EventAssignmentForConstantEntity = _libsbml.EventAssignmentForConstantEntity | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
EventAssignParameterMismatch = _libsbml.EventAssignParameterMismatch | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
EventAssignSpeciesMismatch = _libsbml.EventAssignSpeciesMismatch | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
EventAssignStoichiometryMismatch = _libsbml.EventAssignStoichiometryMismatch | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
EventNotValidComponent = _libsbml.EventNotValidComponent | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
ExtentUnitsNotSubstance = _libsbml.ExtentUnitsNotSubstance | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FailedMathMLReadOfDouble = _libsbml.FailedMathMLReadOfDouble | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FailedMathMLReadOfExponential = _libsbml.FailedMathMLReadOfExponential | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FailedMathMLReadOfInteger = _libsbml.FailedMathMLReadOfInteger | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FailedMathMLReadOfRational = _libsbml.FailedMathMLReadOfRational | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FastReactionsNotSupported = _libsbml.FastReactionsNotSupported | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcActiveObjectiveRefersObjective = _libsbml.FbcActiveObjectiveRefersObjective | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcActiveObjectiveSyntax = _libsbml.FbcActiveObjectiveSyntax | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcAndAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.FbcAndAllowedCoreAttributes | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcAndAllowedCoreElements = _libsbml.FbcAndAllowedCoreElements | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcAndTwoChildren = _libsbml.FbcAndTwoChildren | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcAttributeRequiredMissing = _libsbml.FbcAttributeRequiredMissing | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcAttributeRequiredMustBeBoolean = _libsbml.FbcAttributeRequiredMustBeBoolean | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcDuplicateComponentId = _libsbml.FbcDuplicateComponentId | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcElementNotInNs = _libsbml.FbcElementNotInNs | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcFluxBoundAllowedElements = _libsbml.FbcFluxBoundAllowedElements | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcFluxBoundAllowedL3Attributes = _libsbml.FbcFluxBoundAllowedL3Attributes | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcFluxBoundNameMustBeString = _libsbml.FbcFluxBoundNameMustBeString | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcFluxBoundOperationMustBeEnum = _libsbml.FbcFluxBoundOperationMustBeEnum | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcFluxBoundReactionMustExist = _libsbml.FbcFluxBoundReactionMustExist | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcFluxBoundRectionMustBeSIdRef = _libsbml.FbcFluxBoundRectionMustBeSIdRef | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcFluxBoundRequiredAttributes = _libsbml.FbcFluxBoundRequiredAttributes | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcFluxBoundsForReactionConflict = _libsbml.FbcFluxBoundsForReactionConflict | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcFluxBoundValueMustBeDouble = _libsbml.FbcFluxBoundValueMustBeDouble | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcFluxObjectAllowedElements = _libsbml.FbcFluxObjectAllowedElements | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcFluxObjectAllowedL3Attributes = _libsbml.FbcFluxObjectAllowedL3Attributes | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcFluxObjectCoefficientMustBeDouble = _libsbml.FbcFluxObjectCoefficientMustBeDouble | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcFluxObjectCoefficientWhenStrict = _libsbml.FbcFluxObjectCoefficientWhenStrict | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcFluxObjectNameMustBeString = _libsbml.FbcFluxObjectNameMustBeString | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcFluxObjectReactionMustBeSIdRef = _libsbml.FbcFluxObjectReactionMustBeSIdRef | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcFluxObjectReactionMustExist = _libsbml.FbcFluxObjectReactionMustExist | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcFluxObjectRequiredAttributes = _libsbml.FbcFluxObjectRequiredAttributes | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcGeneProdAssocAllowedAttribs = _libsbml.FbcGeneProdAssocAllowedAttribs | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcGeneProdAssocAllowedCoreAttribs = _libsbml.FbcGeneProdAssocAllowedCoreAttribs | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcGeneProdAssocAllowedCoreElements = _libsbml.FbcGeneProdAssocAllowedCoreElements | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcGeneProdAssocContainsOneElement = _libsbml.FbcGeneProdAssocContainsOneElement | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcGeneProdAssocIdSyntax = _libsbml.FbcGeneProdAssocIdSyntax | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcGeneProdAssocNameMustBeString = _libsbml.FbcGeneProdAssocNameMustBeString | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcGeneProdRefAllowedAttribs = _libsbml.FbcGeneProdRefAllowedAttribs | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcGeneProdRefAllowedCoreAttribs = _libsbml.FbcGeneProdRefAllowedCoreAttribs | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcGeneProdRefAllowedCoreElements = _libsbml.FbcGeneProdRefAllowedCoreElements | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcGeneProdRefGeneProductExists = _libsbml.FbcGeneProdRefGeneProductExists | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcGeneProdRefGeneProductSIdRef = _libsbml.FbcGeneProdRefGeneProductSIdRef | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcGeneProductAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.FbcGeneProductAllowedAttributes | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcGeneProductAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.FbcGeneProductAllowedCoreAttributes | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcGeneProductAllowedCoreElements = _libsbml.FbcGeneProductAllowedCoreElements | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcGeneProductAssocSpeciesMustExist = _libsbml.FbcGeneProductAssocSpeciesMustExist | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcGeneProductLabelMustBeString = _libsbml.FbcGeneProductLabelMustBeString | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcGeneProductLabelMustBeUnique = _libsbml.FbcGeneProductLabelMustBeUnique | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcGeneProductNameMustBeString = _libsbml.FbcGeneProductNameMustBeString | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcLOFluxBoundsAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.FbcLOFluxBoundsAllowedAttributes | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcLOFluxBoundsAllowedElements = _libsbml.FbcLOFluxBoundsAllowedElements | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcLOGeneProductsAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.FbcLOGeneProductsAllowedAttributes | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcLOGeneProductsAllowedElements = _libsbml.FbcLOGeneProductsAllowedElements | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcLOObjectivesAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.FbcLOObjectivesAllowedAttributes | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcLOObjectivesAllowedElements = _libsbml.FbcLOObjectivesAllowedElements | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcModelMustHaveStrict = _libsbml.FbcModelMustHaveStrict | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcModelStrictMustBeBoolean = _libsbml.FbcModelStrictMustBeBoolean | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcNoEmptyListOfs = _libsbml.FbcNoEmptyListOfs | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcNSUndeclared = _libsbml.FbcNSUndeclared | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcObjectiveAllowedElements = _libsbml.FbcObjectiveAllowedElements | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcObjectiveAllowedL3Attributes = _libsbml.FbcObjectiveAllowedL3Attributes | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcObjectiveLOFluxObjAllowedAttribs = _libsbml.FbcObjectiveLOFluxObjAllowedAttribs | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcObjectiveLOFluxObjMustNotBeEmpty = _libsbml.FbcObjectiveLOFluxObjMustNotBeEmpty | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcObjectiveLOFluxObjOnlyFluxObj = _libsbml.FbcObjectiveLOFluxObjOnlyFluxObj | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcObjectiveNameMustBeString = _libsbml.FbcObjectiveNameMustBeString | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcObjectiveOneListOfObjectives = _libsbml.FbcObjectiveOneListOfObjectives | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcObjectiveRequiredAttributes = _libsbml.FbcObjectiveRequiredAttributes | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcObjectiveTypeMustBeEnum = _libsbml.FbcObjectiveTypeMustBeEnum | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcOnlyOneEachListOf = _libsbml.FbcOnlyOneEachListOf | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcOrAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.FbcOrAllowedCoreAttributes | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcOrAllowedCoreElements = _libsbml.FbcOrAllowedCoreElements | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcOrTwoChildren = _libsbml.FbcOrTwoChildren | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcReactionAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.FbcReactionAllowedAttributes | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcReactionBoundsMustHaveValuesStrict = _libsbml.FbcReactionBoundsMustHaveValuesStrict | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcReactionBoundsNotAssignedStrict = _libsbml.FbcReactionBoundsNotAssignedStrict | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcReactionConstantBoundsStrict = _libsbml.FbcReactionConstantBoundsStrict | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcReactionLwrBoundNotInfStrict = _libsbml.FbcReactionLwrBoundNotInfStrict | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcReactionLwrBoundRefExists = _libsbml.FbcReactionLwrBoundRefExists | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcReactionLwrBoundSIdRef = _libsbml.FbcReactionLwrBoundSIdRef | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcReactionLwrLessThanUpStrict = _libsbml.FbcReactionLwrLessThanUpStrict | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcReactionMustHaveBoundsStrict = _libsbml.FbcReactionMustHaveBoundsStrict | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcReactionOnlyOneGeneProdAss = _libsbml.FbcReactionOnlyOneGeneProdAss | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcReactionUpBoundNotNegInfStrict = _libsbml.FbcReactionUpBoundNotNegInfStrict | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcReactionUpBoundRefExists = _libsbml.FbcReactionUpBoundRefExists | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcReactionUpBoundSIdRef = _libsbml.FbcReactionUpBoundSIdRef | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcRequiredFalse = _libsbml.FbcRequiredFalse | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcSBMLSIdSyntax = _libsbml.FbcSBMLSIdSyntax | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcSpeciesAllowedL3Attributes = _libsbml.FbcSpeciesAllowedL3Attributes | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcSpeciesChargeMustBeInteger = _libsbml.FbcSpeciesChargeMustBeInteger | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcSpeciesFormulaMustBeString = _libsbml.FbcSpeciesFormulaMustBeString | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcSpeciesReferenceConstantStrict = _libsbml.FbcSpeciesReferenceConstantStrict | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcSpeciesRefNotAssignedStrict = _libsbml.FbcSpeciesRefNotAssignedStrict | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcSpeciesRefsStoichMustBeRealStrict = _libsbml.FbcSpeciesRefsStoichMustBeRealStrict | |
fbc A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “fbc” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FbcUnknown = _libsbml.FbcUnknown | |
long More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
fbc One of the possible FluxBound operation types. More... | |
fbc One of the possible FluxBound operation types. More... | |
fbc One of the possible FluxBound operation types. More... | |
fbc One of the possible FluxBound operation types. More... | |
long More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
FormulaInLevel1KL = _libsbml.FormulaInLevel1KL | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FuncDefNotValidComponent = _libsbml.FuncDefNotValidComponent | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
FunctionDefMathNotLambda = _libsbml.FunctionDefMathNotLambda | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
fbc One of the possible Association types. More... | |
GeneralWarningNotSpecified = _libsbml.GeneralWarningNotSpecified | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
GlobalUnitsNotDeclared = _libsbml.GlobalUnitsNotDeclared | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
long More... | |
groups One of the possible Group kinds. More... | |
groups One of the possible Group kinds. More... | |
groups Unrecognized Group kind. More... | |
GroupsAttributeRequiredMissing = _libsbml.GroupsAttributeRequiredMissing | |
groups A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “groups” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
GroupsAttributeRequiredMustBeBoolean = _libsbml.GroupsAttributeRequiredMustBeBoolean | |
groups A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “groups” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
GroupsAttributeRequiredMustHaveValue = _libsbml.GroupsAttributeRequiredMustHaveValue | |
groups A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “groups” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
GroupsDuplicateComponentId = _libsbml.GroupsDuplicateComponentId | |
groups A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “groups” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
GroupsElementNotInNs = _libsbml.GroupsElementNotInNs | |
groups A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “groups” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
GroupsGroupAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.GroupsGroupAllowedAttributes | |
groups A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “groups” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
GroupsGroupAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.GroupsGroupAllowedCoreAttributes | |
groups A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “groups” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
GroupsGroupAllowedCoreElements = _libsbml.GroupsGroupAllowedCoreElements | |
groups A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “groups” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
GroupsGroupAllowedElements = _libsbml.GroupsGroupAllowedElements | |
groups A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “groups” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
GroupsGroupEmptyLOElements = _libsbml.GroupsGroupEmptyLOElements | |
groups A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “groups” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
GroupsGroupKindMustBeGroupKindEnum = _libsbml.GroupsGroupKindMustBeGroupKindEnum | |
groups A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “groups” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
GroupsGroupLOMembersAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.GroupsGroupLOMembersAllowedAttributes | |
groups A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “groups” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
GroupsGroupLOMembersAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.GroupsGroupLOMembersAllowedCoreAttributes | |
groups A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “groups” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
GroupsGroupLOMembersAllowedCoreElements = _libsbml.GroupsGroupLOMembersAllowedCoreElements | |
groups A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “groups” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
GroupsGroupNameMustBeString = _libsbml.GroupsGroupNameMustBeString | |
groups A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “groups” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
GroupsIdSyntaxRule = _libsbml.GroupsIdSyntaxRule | |
groups A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “groups” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
GroupsLOMembersConsistentReferences = _libsbml.GroupsLOMembersConsistentReferences | |
groups A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “groups” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
GroupsLOMembersNameMustBeString = _libsbml.GroupsLOMembersNameMustBeString | |
groups A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “groups” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
GroupsMemberAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.GroupsMemberAllowedAttributes | |
groups A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “groups” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
GroupsMemberAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.GroupsMemberAllowedCoreAttributes | |
groups A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “groups” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
GroupsMemberAllowedCoreElements = _libsbml.GroupsMemberAllowedCoreElements | |
groups A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “groups” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
GroupsMemberIdRefMustBeSBase = _libsbml.GroupsMemberIdRefMustBeSBase | |
groups A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “groups” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
GroupsMemberIdRefMustBeSId = _libsbml.GroupsMemberIdRefMustBeSId | |
groups A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “groups” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
GroupsMemberMetaIdRefMustBeID = _libsbml.GroupsMemberMetaIdRefMustBeID | |
groups A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “groups” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
GroupsMemberMetaIdRefMustBeSBase = _libsbml.GroupsMemberMetaIdRefMustBeSBase | |
groups A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “groups” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
GroupsMemberNameMustBeString = _libsbml.GroupsMemberNameMustBeString | |
groups A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “groups” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
GroupsModelAllowedElements = _libsbml.GroupsModelAllowedElements | |
groups A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “groups” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
GroupsModelEmptyLOElements = _libsbml.GroupsModelEmptyLOElements | |
groups A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “groups” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
GroupsModelLOGroupsAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.GroupsModelLOGroupsAllowedCoreAttributes | |
groups A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “groups” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
GroupsModelLOGroupsAllowedCoreElements = _libsbml.GroupsModelLOGroupsAllowedCoreElements | |
groups A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “groups” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
GroupsNotCircularReferences = _libsbml.GroupsNotCircularReferences | |
groups A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “groups” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
GroupsNSUndeclared = _libsbml.GroupsNSUndeclared | |
groups A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “groups” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
GroupsUnknown = _libsbml.GroupsUnknown | |
long More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
HasOnlySubsNoSpatialUnits = _libsbml.HasOnlySubsNoSpatialUnits | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
HasOnlySubstanceUnitsNotinL1 = _libsbml.HasOnlySubstanceUnitsNotinL1 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
HasOnlySubsUnitsNotValidAttribute = _libsbml.HasOnlySubsUnitsNotValidAttribute | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
IdNameSBaseInL3V2 = _libsbml.IdNameSBaseInL3V2 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
IdNotValidAttribute = _libsbml.IdNotValidAttribute | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InconsistentArgUnits = _libsbml.InconsistentArgUnits | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InconsistentArgUnitsWarnings = _libsbml.InconsistentArgUnitsWarnings | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InconsistentExponUnitsWarnings = _libsbml.InconsistentExponUnitsWarnings | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InconsistentKineticLawUnitsL3 = _libsbml.InconsistentKineticLawUnitsL3 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InconsistentPowerUnitsWarnings = _libsbml.InconsistentPowerUnitsWarnings | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
IncorrectCompartmentSpatialDimensions = _libsbml.IncorrectCompartmentSpatialDimensions | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
IncorrectOrderInConstraint = _libsbml.IncorrectOrderInConstraint | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
IncorrectOrderInEvent = _libsbml.IncorrectOrderInEvent | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
IncorrectOrderInKineticLaw = _libsbml.IncorrectOrderInKineticLaw | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
IncorrectOrderInModel = _libsbml.IncorrectOrderInModel | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
IncorrectOrderInReaction = _libsbml.IncorrectOrderInReaction | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InitAssignCompartmenMismatch = _libsbml.InitAssignCompartmenMismatch | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InitAssignmentAndRuleForSameId = _libsbml.InitAssignmentAndRuleForSameId | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InitAssignmentCannotRef0DComp = _libsbml.InitAssignmentCannotRef0DComp | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InitAssignParameterMismatch = _libsbml.InitAssignParameterMismatch | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InitAssignSpeciesMismatch = _libsbml.InitAssignSpeciesMismatch | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InitAssignStoichiometryMismatch = _libsbml.InitAssignStoichiometryMismatch | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InitialAssignNotValidComponent = _libsbml.InitialAssignNotValidComponent | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InitialValueFalseEventNotSupported = _libsbml.InitialValueFalseEventNotSupported | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InitialValueNotBoolean = _libsbml.InitialValueNotBoolean | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
qual One of the possible Input "sign" attribute values. More... | |
qual One of the possible Input "sign" attribute values. More... | |
long More... | |
qual One of the possible Input "sign" attribute values. More... | |
qual One of the possible Input "sign" attribute values. More... | |
qual One of the possible Input transition effects. More... | |
long More... | |
qual One of the possible Input transition effects. More... | |
IntegerSpatialDimensions = _libsbml.IntegerSpatialDimensions | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InternalXMLParserError = _libsbml.InternalXMLParserError | |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML. More... | |
Invalid1DCompartmentUnits = _libsbml.Invalid1DCompartmentUnits | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
Invalid2DCompartmentUnits = _libsbml.Invalid2DCompartmentUnits | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
Invalid3DCompartmentUnits = _libsbml.Invalid3DCompartmentUnits | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidAfterXMLContent = _libsbml.InvalidAfterXMLContent | |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML. More... | |
InvalidApplyCiInLambda = _libsbml.InvalidApplyCiInLambda | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidAreaRedefinition = _libsbml.InvalidAreaRedefinition | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidAssignRuleVariable = _libsbml.InvalidAssignRuleVariable | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidCharInXML = _libsbml.InvalidCharInXML | |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML. More... | |
InvalidCiInLambda = _libsbml.InvalidCiInLambda | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidCompartmentSBOTerm = _libsbml.InvalidCompartmentSBOTerm | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidCompartmentTypeRef = _libsbml.InvalidCompartmentTypeRef | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidCompartmentTypeSBOTerm = _libsbml.InvalidCompartmentTypeSBOTerm | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidConstraintContent = _libsbml.InvalidConstraintContent | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidConstraintSBOTerm = _libsbml.InvalidConstraintSBOTerm | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidDelaySBOTerm = _libsbml.InvalidDelaySBOTerm | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidEventAssignmentSBOTerm = _libsbml.InvalidEventAssignmentSBOTerm | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidEventAssignmentVariable = _libsbml.InvalidEventAssignmentVariable | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidEventSBOTerm = _libsbml.InvalidEventSBOTerm | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidFunctionDefReturnType = _libsbml.InvalidFunctionDefReturnType | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidFunctionDefSBOTerm = _libsbml.InvalidFunctionDefSBOTerm | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidIdSyntax = _libsbml.InvalidIdSyntax | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidInitAssignSBOTerm = _libsbml.InvalidInitAssignSBOTerm | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidInitAssignSymbol = _libsbml.InvalidInitAssignSymbol | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidKineticLawSBOTerm = _libsbml.InvalidKineticLawSBOTerm | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidL1CompartmentUnits = _libsbml.InvalidL1CompartmentUnits | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidLengthRedefinition = _libsbml.InvalidLengthRedefinition | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidLocalParameterSBOTerm = _libsbml.InvalidLocalParameterSBOTerm | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidMathElement = _libsbml.InvalidMathElement | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidMathMLAttribute = _libsbml.InvalidMathMLAttribute | |
Attribute not allowed on this element. More... | |
InvalidMetaidSyntax = _libsbml.InvalidMetaidSyntax | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidModelSBOTerm = _libsbml.InvalidModelSBOTerm | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidModifiersList = _libsbml.InvalidModifiersList | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidNamespaceOnSBML = _libsbml.InvalidNamespaceOnSBML | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidNameSyntax = _libsbml.InvalidNameSyntax | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidNoArgsPassedToFunctionDef = _libsbml.InvalidNoArgsPassedToFunctionDef | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidNotesContent = _libsbml.InvalidNotesContent | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidPackageLevelVersion = _libsbml.InvalidPackageLevelVersion | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidParameterSBOTerm = _libsbml.InvalidParameterSBOTerm | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidParameterUnits = _libsbml.InvalidParameterUnits | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidRateRuleVariable = _libsbml.InvalidRateRuleVariable | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidReactantsProductsList = _libsbml.InvalidReactantsProductsList | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidReactionSBOTerm = _libsbml.InvalidReactionSBOTerm | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidRuleOrdering = _libsbml.InvalidRuleOrdering | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidRuleSBOTerm = _libsbml.InvalidRuleSBOTerm | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidSBMLElementSBOTerm = _libsbml.InvalidSBMLElementSBOTerm | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidSBMLLevelVersion = _libsbml.InvalidSBMLLevelVersion | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidSBOTermSyntax = _libsbml.InvalidSBOTermSyntax | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidSpeciesCompartmentRef = _libsbml.InvalidSpeciesCompartmentRef | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidSpeciesReference = _libsbml.InvalidSpeciesReference | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidSpeciesReferenceSBOTerm = _libsbml.InvalidSpeciesReferenceSBOTerm | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidSpeciesSBOTerm = _libsbml.InvalidSpeciesSBOTerm | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidSpeciesSusbstanceUnits = _libsbml.InvalidSpeciesSusbstanceUnits | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidSpeciesTypeRef = _libsbml.InvalidSpeciesTypeRef | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidSpeciesTypeSBOTerm = _libsbml.InvalidSpeciesTypeSBOTerm | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidSubstanceRedefinition = _libsbml.InvalidSubstanceRedefinition | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidTargetLevelVersion = _libsbml.InvalidTargetLevelVersion | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidTimeRedefinition = _libsbml.InvalidTimeRedefinition | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidTriggerSBOTerm = _libsbml.InvalidTriggerSBOTerm | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidUnitDefId = _libsbml.InvalidUnitDefId | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidUnitIdSyntax = _libsbml.InvalidUnitIdSyntax | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidUnitKind = _libsbml.InvalidUnitKind | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidUnitsValue = _libsbml.InvalidUnitsValue | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidVolumeRedefinition = _libsbml.InvalidVolumeRedefinition | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
InvalidXMLConstruct = _libsbml.InvalidXMLConstruct | |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML. More... | |
KineticLawNotSubstancePerTime = _libsbml.KineticLawNotSubstancePerTime | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
KineticLawParametersAreLocalOnly = _libsbml.KineticLawParametersAreLocalOnly | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
L1V1CompartmentVolumeReqd = _libsbml.L1V1CompartmentVolumeReqd | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
L3AreaUnitsOnModel = _libsbml.L3AreaUnitsOnModel | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
L3ConversionFactorOnModel = _libsbml.L3ConversionFactorOnModel | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
L3ExtentUnitsOnModel = _libsbml.L3ExtentUnitsOnModel | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
L3LengthUnitsOnModel = _libsbml.L3LengthUnitsOnModel | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
L3NotSchemaConformant = _libsbml.L3NotSchemaConformant | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
L3NotSupported = _libsbml.L3NotSupported | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
Do not treat 'avogadro' specially—consider it a plain symbol name when parsing text-string formulas. More... | |
Collapse unary minuses where possible. More... | |
Retain unary minuses in the AST representation when parsing text-string formulas. More... | |
Treat all forms of built-in functions as referencing that function, regardless of the capitalization of that string. More... | |
Treat only the all-lower-case form of built-in functions as referencing that function, and all other forms of capitalization of that string as referencing user-defined functions or values. More... | |
Parse units in text-string formulas when parsing text-string formulas. More... | |
L3P_NO_UNITS = _libsbml.L3P_NO_UNITS | |
Recognize 'avogadro' as an SBML Level 3 symbol when parsing text-string formulas. More... | |
Collapse unary minuses where possible when parsing text-string formulas. More... | |
Refuse to parse log(x) at all, and set an error message telling the user to use log10(x) , ln(x) , or log(base, x) instead. More... | |
L3P_PARSE_LOG_AS_LOG10 = _libsbml.L3P_PARSE_LOG_AS_LOG10 | |
Parse log(x) as the natural logarithm of x . More... | |
Do not recognize units in text-string formulas—treat them as errors. More... | |
L3PackageOnLowerSBML = _libsbml.L3PackageOnLowerSBML | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
L3SpatialDimensionsUnset = _libsbml.L3SpatialDimensionsUnset | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
L3SubstanceUnitsOnModel = _libsbml.L3SubstanceUnitsOnModel | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
L3TimeUnitsOnModel = _libsbml.L3TimeUnitsOnModel | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
L3V2FastDeprecated = _libsbml.L3V2FastDeprecated | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
L3V2SubstanceUnitsOnModel = _libsbml.L3V2SubstanceUnitsOnModel | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
L3VolumeUnitsOnModel = _libsbml.L3VolumeUnitsOnModel | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LambdaOnlyAllowedInFunctionDef = _libsbml.LambdaOnlyAllowedInFunctionDef | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutAttributeRequiredMissing = _libsbml.LayoutAttributeRequiredMissing | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutAttributeRequiredMustBeBoolean = _libsbml.LayoutAttributeRequiredMustBeBoolean | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutBBoxAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutBBoxAllowedAttributes | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutBBoxAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutBBoxAllowedCoreAttributes | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutBBoxAllowedCoreElements = _libsbml.LayoutBBoxAllowedCoreElements | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutBBoxAllowedElements = _libsbml.LayoutBBoxAllowedElements | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutBBoxConsistent3DDefinition = _libsbml.LayoutBBoxConsistent3DDefinition | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutCBezAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutCBezAllowedAttributes | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutCBezAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutCBezAllowedCoreAttributes | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutCBezAllowedCoreElements = _libsbml.LayoutCBezAllowedCoreElements | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutCBezAllowedElements = _libsbml.LayoutCBezAllowedElements | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutCGAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutCGAllowedAttributes | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutCGAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutCGAllowedCoreAttributes | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutCGAllowedCoreElements = _libsbml.LayoutCGAllowedCoreElements | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutCGAllowedElements = _libsbml.LayoutCGAllowedElements | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutCGCompartmentMustRefComp = _libsbml.LayoutCGCompartmentMustRefComp | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutCGCompartmentSyntax = _libsbml.LayoutCGCompartmentSyntax | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutCGMetaIdRefMustBeIDREF = _libsbml.LayoutCGMetaIdRefMustBeIDREF | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutCGMetaIdRefMustReferenceObject = _libsbml.LayoutCGMetaIdRefMustReferenceObject | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutCGNoDuplicateReferences = _libsbml.LayoutCGNoDuplicateReferences | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutCGOrderMustBeDouble = _libsbml.LayoutCGOrderMustBeDouble | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutCurveAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutCurveAllowedAttributes | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutCurveAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutCurveAllowedCoreAttributes | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutCurveAllowedCoreElements = _libsbml.LayoutCurveAllowedCoreElements | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutCurveAllowedElements = _libsbml.LayoutCurveAllowedElements | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutDimsAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutDimsAllowedAttributes | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutDimsAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutDimsAllowedCoreAttributes | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutDimsAllowedCoreElements = _libsbml.LayoutDimsAllowedCoreElements | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutDimsAttributesMustBeDouble = _libsbml.LayoutDimsAttributesMustBeDouble | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutDuplicateComponentId = _libsbml.LayoutDuplicateComponentId | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutElementNotInNs = _libsbml.LayoutElementNotInNs | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutGGAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutGGAllowedAttributes | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutGGAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutGGAllowedCoreAttributes | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutGGAllowedCoreElements = _libsbml.LayoutGGAllowedCoreElements | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutGGAllowedElements = _libsbml.LayoutGGAllowedElements | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutGGMetaIdRefMustBeIDREF = _libsbml.LayoutGGMetaIdRefMustBeIDREF | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutGGMetaIdRefMustReferenceObject = _libsbml.LayoutGGMetaIdRefMustReferenceObject | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutGGNoDuplicateReferences = _libsbml.LayoutGGNoDuplicateReferences | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutGGReferenceMustRefObject = _libsbml.LayoutGGReferenceMustRefObject | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutGGReferenceSyntax = _libsbml.LayoutGGReferenceSyntax | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutGOAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutGOAllowedAttributes | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutGOAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutGOAllowedCoreAttributes | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutGOAllowedCoreElements = _libsbml.LayoutGOAllowedCoreElements | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutGOAllowedElements = _libsbml.LayoutGOAllowedElements | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutGOMetaIdRefMustBeIDREF = _libsbml.LayoutGOMetaIdRefMustBeIDREF | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutGOMetaIdRefMustReferenceObject = _libsbml.LayoutGOMetaIdRefMustReferenceObject | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutGOMustContainBoundingBox = _libsbml.LayoutGOMustContainBoundingBox | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutLayoutAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutLayoutAllowedAttributes | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutLayoutAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutLayoutAllowedCoreAttributes | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutLayoutAllowedElements = _libsbml.LayoutLayoutAllowedElements | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutLayoutMustHaveDimensions = _libsbml.LayoutLayoutMustHaveDimensions | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutLayoutNameMustBeString = _libsbml.LayoutLayoutNameMustBeString | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutLOAddGOAllowedAttribut = _libsbml.LayoutLOAddGOAllowedAttribut | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutLOAddGOAllowedElements = _libsbml.LayoutLOAddGOAllowedElements | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutLOCompGlyphAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutLOCompGlyphAllowedAttributes | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutLOCompGlyphAllowedElements = _libsbml.LayoutLOCompGlyphAllowedElements | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutLOCurveSegsAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutLOCurveSegsAllowedAttributes | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutLOCurveSegsAllowedElements = _libsbml.LayoutLOCurveSegsAllowedElements | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutLOCurveSegsNotEmpty = _libsbml.LayoutLOCurveSegsNotEmpty | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutLOLayoutsAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutLOLayoutsAllowedAttributes | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutLOLayoutsAllowedElements = _libsbml.LayoutLOLayoutsAllowedElements | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutLOLayoutsNotEmpty = _libsbml.LayoutLOLayoutsNotEmpty | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutLOReferenceGlyphAllowedAttribs = _libsbml.LayoutLOReferenceGlyphAllowedAttribs | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutLOReferenceGlyphAllowedElements = _libsbml.LayoutLOReferenceGlyphAllowedElements | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutLORnGlyphAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutLORnGlyphAllowedAttributes | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutLORnGlyphAllowedElements = _libsbml.LayoutLORnGlyphAllowedElements | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutLOSpeciesGlyphAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutLOSpeciesGlyphAllowedAttributes | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutLOSpeciesGlyphAllowedElements = _libsbml.LayoutLOSpeciesGlyphAllowedElements | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutLOSpeciesRefGlyphAllowedAttribs = _libsbml.LayoutLOSpeciesRefGlyphAllowedAttribs | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutLOSpeciesRefGlyphAllowedElements = _libsbml.LayoutLOSpeciesRefGlyphAllowedElements | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutLOSpeciesRefGlyphNotEmpty = _libsbml.LayoutLOSpeciesRefGlyphNotEmpty | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutLOSubGlyphAllowedAttribs = _libsbml.LayoutLOSubGlyphAllowedAttribs | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutLOSubGlyphAllowedElements = _libsbml.LayoutLOSubGlyphAllowedElements | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutLOTextGlyphAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutLOTextGlyphAllowedAttributes | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutLOTextGlyphAllowedElements = _libsbml.LayoutLOTextGlyphAllowedElements | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutLSegAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutLSegAllowedAttributes | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutLSegAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutLSegAllowedCoreAttributes | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutLSegAllowedCoreElements = _libsbml.LayoutLSegAllowedCoreElements | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutLSegAllowedElements = _libsbml.LayoutLSegAllowedElements | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutNoEmptyListOfs = _libsbml.LayoutNoEmptyListOfs | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutNSUndeclared = _libsbml.LayoutNSUndeclared | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutOnlyOneEachListOf = _libsbml.LayoutOnlyOneEachListOf | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutOnlyOneLOLayouts = _libsbml.LayoutOnlyOneLOLayouts | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutPointAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutPointAllowedAttributes | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutPointAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutPointAllowedCoreAttributes | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutPointAllowedCoreElements = _libsbml.LayoutPointAllowedCoreElements | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutPointAttributesMustBeDouble = _libsbml.LayoutPointAttributesMustBeDouble | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutREFGAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutREFGAllowedAttributes | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutREFGAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutREFGAllowedCoreAttributes | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutREFGAllowedCoreElements = _libsbml.LayoutREFGAllowedCoreElements | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutREFGAllowedElements = _libsbml.LayoutREFGAllowedElements | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutREFGGlyphMustRefObject = _libsbml.LayoutREFGGlyphMustRefObject | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutREFGGlyphSyntax = _libsbml.LayoutREFGGlyphSyntax | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutREFGMetaIdRefMustBeIDREF = _libsbml.LayoutREFGMetaIdRefMustBeIDREF | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutREFGMetaIdRefMustReferenceObject = _libsbml.LayoutREFGMetaIdRefMustReferenceObject | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutREFGNoDuplicateReferences = _libsbml.LayoutREFGNoDuplicateReferences | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutREFGReferenceMustRefObject = _libsbml.LayoutREFGReferenceMustRefObject | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutREFGReferenceSyntax = _libsbml.LayoutREFGReferenceSyntax | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutREFGRoleSyntax = _libsbml.LayoutREFGRoleSyntax | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutRequiredFalse = _libsbml.LayoutRequiredFalse | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutRGAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutRGAllowedAttributes | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutRGAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutRGAllowedCoreAttributes | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutRGAllowedCoreElements = _libsbml.LayoutRGAllowedCoreElements | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutRGAllowedElements = _libsbml.LayoutRGAllowedElements | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutRGMetaIdRefMustBeIDREF = _libsbml.LayoutRGMetaIdRefMustBeIDREF | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutRGMetaIdRefMustReferenceObject = _libsbml.LayoutRGMetaIdRefMustReferenceObject | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutRGNoDuplicateReferences = _libsbml.LayoutRGNoDuplicateReferences | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutRGReactionMustRefReaction = _libsbml.LayoutRGReactionMustRefReaction | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutRGReactionSyntax = _libsbml.LayoutRGReactionSyntax | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutSGAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutSGAllowedAttributes | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutSGAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutSGAllowedCoreAttributes | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutSGAllowedCoreElements = _libsbml.LayoutSGAllowedCoreElements | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutSGAllowedElements = _libsbml.LayoutSGAllowedElements | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutSGMetaIdRefMustBeIDREF = _libsbml.LayoutSGMetaIdRefMustBeIDREF | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutSGMetaIdRefMustReferenceObject = _libsbml.LayoutSGMetaIdRefMustReferenceObject | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutSGNoDuplicateReferences = _libsbml.LayoutSGNoDuplicateReferences | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutSGSpeciesMustRefSpecies = _libsbml.LayoutSGSpeciesMustRefSpecies | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutSGSpeciesSyntax = _libsbml.LayoutSGSpeciesSyntax | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutSIdSyntax = _libsbml.LayoutSIdSyntax | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutSRGAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutSRGAllowedAttributes | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutSRGAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutSRGAllowedCoreAttributes | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutSRGAllowedCoreElements = _libsbml.LayoutSRGAllowedCoreElements | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutSRGAllowedElements = _libsbml.LayoutSRGAllowedElements | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutSRGMetaIdRefMustBeIDREF = _libsbml.LayoutSRGMetaIdRefMustBeIDREF | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutSRGMetaIdRefMustReferenceObject = _libsbml.LayoutSRGMetaIdRefMustReferenceObject | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutSRGNoDuplicateReferences = _libsbml.LayoutSRGNoDuplicateReferences | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutSRGRoleSyntax = _libsbml.LayoutSRGRoleSyntax | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutSRGSpeciesGlyphMustRefObject = _libsbml.LayoutSRGSpeciesGlyphMustRefObject | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutSRGSpeciesGlyphSyntax = _libsbml.LayoutSRGSpeciesGlyphSyntax | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutSRGSpeciesReferenceSyntax = _libsbml.LayoutSRGSpeciesReferenceSyntax | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutSRGSpeciesRefMustRefObject = _libsbml.LayoutSRGSpeciesRefMustRefObject | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutTGAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutTGAllowedAttributes | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutTGAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutTGAllowedCoreAttributes | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutTGAllowedCoreElements = _libsbml.LayoutTGAllowedCoreElements | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutTGAllowedElements = _libsbml.LayoutTGAllowedElements | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutTGGraphicalObjectMustRefObject = _libsbml.LayoutTGGraphicalObjectMustRefObject | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutTGGraphicalObjectSyntax = _libsbml.LayoutTGGraphicalObjectSyntax | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutTGMetaIdRefMustBeIDREF = _libsbml.LayoutTGMetaIdRefMustBeIDREF | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutTGMetaIdRefMustReferenceObject = _libsbml.LayoutTGMetaIdRefMustReferenceObject | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutTGNoDuplicateReferences = _libsbml.LayoutTGNoDuplicateReferences | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutTGOriginOfTextMustRefObject = _libsbml.LayoutTGOriginOfTextMustRefObject | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutTGOriginOfTextSyntax = _libsbml.LayoutTGOriginOfTextSyntax | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutTGTextMustBeString = _libsbml.LayoutTGTextMustBeString | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutUnknownError = _libsbml.LayoutUnknownError | |
long More... | |
LayoutXsiTypeAllowedLocations = _libsbml.LayoutXsiTypeAllowedLocations | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LayoutXsiTypeSyntax = _libsbml.LayoutXsiTypeSyntax | |
layout A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “layout” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LevelPositiveInteger = _libsbml.LevelPositiveInteger | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
The existing annotation does not have a top-level element with the given name. More... | |
The existing annotation does not have a top-level element with the given namespace. More... | |
Category code for SBMLError diagnostics. More... | |
Category code for SBMLError diagnostics. More... | |
Category code for errors in the XML layer. More... | |
Category code for SBMLError diagnostics. More... | |
Category code for SBMLError diagnostics. More... | |
Category code for SBMLError diagnostics. More... | |
Category code for SBMLError diagnostics. More... | |
Category code for errors in the XML layer. More... | |
Category code for SBMLError diagnostics. More... | |
Category code for SBMLError diagnostics. More... | |
Category code for SBMLError diagnostics. More... | |
Category code for SBMLError diagnostics. More... | |
Category code for SBMLError diagnostics. More... | |
Category code for SBMLError diagnostics. More... | |
Category code for SBMLError diagnostics. More... | |
Category code for SBMLError diagnostics. More... | |
Category code for SBMLError diagnostics. More... | |
Category code for errors in the XML layer. More... | |
Category code for SBMLError diagnostics. More... | |
Category code for errors in the XML layer. More... | |
One of the possible libSBML package operation return codes. More... | |
One of the possible libSBML package operation return codes. More... | |
One of the possible libSBML package operation return codes. More... | |
The package that is being stripped is not an enabled package but considered by libSBML to be an unrecognized package. More... | |
One of the possible libSBML package operation return codes. More... | |
The attribute that is the subject of this operation has been deprecated for the combination of SBML Level and Version for the underlying object. More... | |
A version string of the form "1.2.3". More... | |
There already exists a top level annotation with the same namespace as annoation being appended. More... | |
One of the possible libSBML operation return codes. More... | |
One of the possible libSBML operation return codes. More... | |
One of the possible libSBML operation return codes. More... | |
One of the possible libSBML operation return codes. More... | |
One of the possible libSBML operation return codes. More... | |
One of the possible libSBML operation return codes. More... | |
The requested action cannot be performed as the target object does not have the "metaid" attribute set. More... | |
One of the possible libSBML operation return codes. More... | |
One of the possible libSBML operation return codes. More... | |
One of the possible libSBML operation return codes. More... | |
Severity override code for errors logged in the XML layer. More... | |
Severity override code for errors logged in the XML layer. More... | |
Severity override code for errors logged in the XML layer. More... | |
Severity override code for errors logged in the XML layer. More... | |
One of the possible libSBML package operation return codes. More... | |
One of the possible libSBML package operation return codes. More... | |
One of the possible libSBML package operation return codes. More... | |
One of the possible libSBML package operation return codes. More... | |
One of the possible libSBML package operation return codes. More... | |
One of the possible libSBML package operation return codes. More... | |
Severity code for errors in the XML layer. More... | |
Severity code for errors in the XML layer. More... | |
Severity code for errors in the XML layer. More... | |
Severity code for errors in the XML layer. More... | |
One of the possible libSBML operation return codes. More... | |
For SBML Level 3 Version 2, use the IdAttribute functions. More... | |
The version as an integer: version 1.2.3 becomes 10203. More... | |
One of the possible libSBML operation return codes. More... | |
LibSBMLAdditionalCodesLowerBound = _libsbml.LibSBMLAdditionalCodesLowerBound | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LocalParameterShadowsId = _libsbml.LocalParameterShadowsId | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
LocalParameterShadowsSpecies = _libsbml.LocalParameterShadowsSpecies | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
MathMLElementNotSupported = _libsbml.MathMLElementNotSupported | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
MathResultMustBeNumeric = _libsbml.MathResultMustBeNumeric | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
MetaIdNotValidAttribute = _libsbml.MetaIdNotValidAttribute | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
MissingAnnotationNamespace = _libsbml.MissingAnnotationNamespace | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
MissingEventAssignment = _libsbml.MissingEventAssignment | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
MissingMathElementNotSupported = _libsbml.MissingMathElementNotSupported | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
MissingModel = _libsbml.MissingModel | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
MissingOrInconsistentLevel = _libsbml.MissingOrInconsistentLevel | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
MissingOrInconsistentVersion = _libsbml.MissingOrInconsistentVersion | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
MissingParticipantsNotSupported = _libsbml.MissingParticipantsNotSupported | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
MissingSpeciesCompartment = _libsbml.MissingSpeciesCompartment | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
MissingTriggerElementNotSupported = _libsbml.MissingTriggerElementNotSupported | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
MissingTriggerInEvent = _libsbml.MissingTriggerInEvent | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
MissingXMLAttributeValue = _libsbml.MissingXMLAttributeValue | |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML. More... | |
MissingXMLDecl = _libsbml.MissingXMLDecl | |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML. More... | |
MissingXMLElements = _libsbml.MissingXMLElements | |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML. More... | |
MissingXMLEncoding = _libsbml.MissingXMLEncoding | |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML. More... | |
MissingXMLRequiredAttribute = _libsbml.MissingXMLRequiredAttribute | |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML. More... | |
One of the possible MIRIAM annotation types used by CVTerm. More... | |
ModelSBOBranchChangedBeyondL2v2 = _libsbml.ModelSBOBranchChangedBeyondL2v2 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
ModelSBOBranchChangedBeyondL2v3 = _libsbml.ModelSBOBranchChangedBeyondL2v3 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
ModelSBOBranchChangedInL2v4 = _libsbml.ModelSBOBranchChangedInL2v4 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
ModelSBOBranchChangedInL3v1 = _libsbml.ModelSBOBranchChangedInL3v1 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
multi A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “multi” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Multistate, Multicomponent and Multicompartment Species package. More... | |
multi A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “multi” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Multistate, Multicomponent and Multicompartment Species package. More... | |
multi A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “multi” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Multistate, Multicomponent and Multicompartment Species package. More... | |
multi A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “multi” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Multistate, Multicomponent and Multicompartment Species package. More... | |
multi A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “multi” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Multistate, Multicomponent and Multicompartment Species package. More... | |
multi A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “multi” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Multistate, Multicomponent and Multicompartment Species package. More... | |
multi A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “multi” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Multistate, Multicomponent and Multicompartment Species package. More... | |
multi A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “multi” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Multistate, Multicomponent and Multicompartment Species package. More... | |
MultipleAnnotations = _libsbml.MultipleAnnotations | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
MultipleAssignmentOrRateRules = _libsbml.MultipleAssignmentOrRateRules | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
MultipleEventAssignmentsForId = _libsbml.MultipleEventAssignmentsForId | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
MultipleInitAssignments = _libsbml.MultipleInitAssignments | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
MultiplierNotValidAttribute = _libsbml.MultiplierNotValidAttribute | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
MultSpeciesSameTypeInCompartment = _libsbml.MultSpeciesSameTypeInCompartment | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NameNotValidAttribute = _libsbml.NameNotValidAttribute | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NeedCompartmentIfHaveSpecies = _libsbml.NeedCompartmentIfHaveSpecies | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NestedAnnotationNotAllowed = _libsbml.NestedAnnotationNotAllowed | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NoBodyInFunctionDef = _libsbml.NoBodyInFunctionDef | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NoCompartmentOutsideInL3v1 = _libsbml.NoCompartmentOutsideInL3v1 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NoCompartmentTypeInL1 = _libsbml.NoCompartmentTypeInL1 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NoCompartmentTypeInL2v1 = _libsbml.NoCompartmentTypeInL2v1 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NoCompartmentTypeInL3v1 = _libsbml.NoCompartmentTypeInL3v1 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NoConcentrationInZeroD = _libsbml.NoConcentrationInZeroD | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NoConstraintsInL1 = _libsbml.NoConstraintsInL1 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NoConstraintsInL2v1 = _libsbml.NoConstraintsInL2v1 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NoDelayedEventAssignmentInL2v1 = _libsbml.NoDelayedEventAssignmentInL2v1 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NoDelayedEventAssignmentInL2v2 = _libsbml.NoDelayedEventAssignmentInL2v2 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NoDelayedEventAssignmentInL2v3 = _libsbml.NoDelayedEventAssignmentInL2v3 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NoEventsInL1 = _libsbml.NoEventsInL1 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NoEventTimeUnitsInL2v3 = _libsbml.NoEventTimeUnitsInL2v3 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NoEventTimeUnitsInL2v4 = _libsbml.NoEventTimeUnitsInL2v4 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NoEventTimeUnitsInL3v1 = _libsbml.NoEventTimeUnitsInL3v1 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NoFancyStoichiometryMathInL1 = _libsbml.NoFancyStoichiometryMathInL1 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NoFunctionDefinitionsInL1 = _libsbml.NoFunctionDefinitionsInL1 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NoIdOnSpeciesReferenceInL2v1 = _libsbml.NoIdOnSpeciesReferenceInL2v1 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NoInitialAssignmentsInL1 = _libsbml.NoInitialAssignmentsInL1 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NoInitialAssignmentsInL2v1 = _libsbml.NoInitialAssignmentsInL2v1 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NoKineticLawSubstanceUnitsInL2v2 = _libsbml.NoKineticLawSubstanceUnitsInL2v2 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NoKineticLawSubstanceUnitsInL2v3 = _libsbml.NoKineticLawSubstanceUnitsInL2v3 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NoKineticLawSubstanceUnitsInL2v4 = _libsbml.NoKineticLawSubstanceUnitsInL2v4 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NoKineticLawSubstanceUnitsInL3v1 = _libsbml.NoKineticLawSubstanceUnitsInL3v1 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NoKineticLawTimeUnitsInL2v2 = _libsbml.NoKineticLawTimeUnitsInL2v2 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NoKineticLawTimeUnitsInL2v3 = _libsbml.NoKineticLawTimeUnitsInL2v3 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NoKineticLawTimeUnitsInL2v4 = _libsbml.NoKineticLawTimeUnitsInL2v4 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NoKineticLawTimeUnitsInL3v1 = _libsbml.NoKineticLawTimeUnitsInL3v1 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NonBoundarySpeciesAssignedAndUsed = _libsbml.NonBoundarySpeciesAssignedAndUsed | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NonConstantLocalParameter = _libsbml.NonConstantLocalParameter | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NonConstantSpeciesUsed = _libsbml.NonConstantSpeciesUsed | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NoNon3DCompartmentsInL1 = _libsbml.NoNon3DCompartmentsInL1 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NoNonIntegerStoichiometryInL1 = _libsbml.NoNonIntegerStoichiometryInL1 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NonPersistentNotSupported = _libsbml.NonPersistentNotSupported | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NoReactantsOrProducts = _libsbml.NoReactantsOrProducts | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NoSBOTermsInL1 = _libsbml.NoSBOTermsInL1 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NoSBOTermsInL2v1 = _libsbml.NoSBOTermsInL2v1 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NoSpatialUnitsInZeroD = _libsbml.NoSpatialUnitsInZeroD | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NoSpeciesSpatialSizeUnitsInL1 = _libsbml.NoSpeciesSpatialSizeUnitsInL1 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NoSpeciesSpatialSizeUnitsInL2v3 = _libsbml.NoSpeciesSpatialSizeUnitsInL2v3 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NoSpeciesSpatialSizeUnitsInL2v4 = _libsbml.NoSpeciesSpatialSizeUnitsInL2v4 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NoSpeciesSpatialSizeUnitsInL3v1 = _libsbml.NoSpeciesSpatialSizeUnitsInL3v1 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NoSpeciesTypeInL2v1 = _libsbml.NoSpeciesTypeInL2v1 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NoSpeciesTypeInL3v1 = _libsbml.NoSpeciesTypeInL3v1 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NoSpeciesTypesInL1 = _libsbml.NoSpeciesTypesInL1 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NoStoichiometryMathInL3v1 = _libsbml.NoStoichiometryMathInL3v1 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NotesContainsDOCTYPE = _libsbml.NotesContainsDOCTYPE | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NotesContainsXMLDecl = _libsbml.NotesContainsXMLDecl | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NotesNotInXHTMLNamespace = _libsbml.NotesNotInXHTMLNamespace | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NoTimeSymbolInFunctionDef = _libsbml.NoTimeSymbolInFunctionDef | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NotSchemaConformant = _libsbml.NotSchemaConformant | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NotUTF8 = _libsbml.NotUTF8 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NoUnitMultipliersOrOffsetsInL1 = _libsbml.NoUnitMultipliersOrOffsetsInL1 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NoUnitOffsetInL2v2 = _libsbml.NoUnitOffsetInL2v2 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NoUnitOffsetInL2v3 = _libsbml.NoUnitOffsetInL2v3 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NoUnitOffsetInL2v4 = _libsbml.NoUnitOffsetInL2v4 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NoUnitOffsetInL3v1 = _libsbml.NoUnitOffsetInL3v1 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NoUnitsOnCompartment = _libsbml.NoUnitsOnCompartment | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
NumericOpsNeedNumericArgs = _libsbml.NumericOpsNeedNumericArgs | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
fbc One of the possible FluxBound operation types. More... | |
fbc One of the possible Objective types. More... | |
fbc One of the possible Objective types. More... | |
ObseleteSBOTerm = _libsbml.ObseleteSBOTerm | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
OffsetNoLongerValid = _libsbml.OffsetNoLongerValid | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
OffsetNotValidAttribute = _libsbml.OffsetNotValidAttribute | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
OneDimensionalCompartmentUnits = _libsbml.OneDimensionalCompartmentUnits | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
OneListOfEventAssignmentsPerEvent = _libsbml.OneListOfEventAssignmentsPerEvent | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
OneListOfPerKineticLaw = _libsbml.OneListOfPerKineticLaw | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
OneListOfUnitsPerUnitDef = _libsbml.OneListOfUnitsPerUnitDef | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
OneMathElementPerConstraint = _libsbml.OneMathElementPerConstraint | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
OneMathElementPerFunc = _libsbml.OneMathElementPerFunc | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
OneMathElementPerInitialAssign = _libsbml.OneMathElementPerInitialAssign | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
OneMathElementPerRule = _libsbml.OneMathElementPerRule | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
OneMathPerDelay = _libsbml.OneMathPerDelay | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
OneMathPerEventAssignment = _libsbml.OneMathPerEventAssignment | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
OneMathPerKineticLaw = _libsbml.OneMathPerKineticLaw | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
OneMathPerPriority = _libsbml.OneMathPerPriority | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
OneMathPerTrigger = _libsbml.OneMathPerTrigger | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
OneMessageElementPerConstraint = _libsbml.OneMessageElementPerConstraint | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
OneOfEachListOf = _libsbml.OneOfEachListOf | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
OneSubElementPerReaction = _libsbml.OneSubElementPerReaction | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
OnlyCiInsideBVar = _OnlyCiInsideBVar | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
OnlyCompartmentsInListOfCompartments = _libsbml.OnlyCompartmentsInListOfCompartments | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
OnlyConstraintsInListOfConstraints = _libsbml.OnlyConstraintsInListOfConstraints | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
OnlyEventAssignInListOfEventAssign = _libsbml.OnlyEventAssignInListOfEventAssign | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
OnlyEventsInListOfEvents = _libsbml.OnlyEventsInListOfEvents | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
OnlyFuncDefsInListOfFuncDefs = _libsbml.OnlyFuncDefsInListOfFuncDefs | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
OnlyInitAssignsInListOfInitAssigns = _libsbml.OnlyInitAssignsInListOfInitAssigns | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
OnlyLocalParamsInListOfLocalParams = _libsbml.OnlyLocalParamsInListOfLocalParams | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
OnlyOneDelayPerEvent = _libsbml.OnlyOneDelayPerEvent | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
OnlyOneNotesElementAllowed = _libsbml.OnlyOneNotesElementAllowed | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
OnlyOnePriorityPerEvent = _libsbml.OnlyOnePriorityPerEvent | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
OnlyParametersInListOfParameters = _libsbml.OnlyParametersInListOfParameters | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
OnlyReactionsInListOfReactions = _libsbml.OnlyReactionsInListOfReactions | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
OnlyRulesInListOfRules = _libsbml.OnlyRulesInListOfRules | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
OnlySpeciesInListOfSpecies = _libsbml.OnlySpeciesInListOfSpecies | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
OnlyUnitDefsInListOfUnitDefs = _libsbml.OnlyUnitDefsInListOfUnitDefs | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
OnlyUnitsInListOfUnits = _libsbml.OnlyUnitsInListOfUnits | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
OperationInterrupted = _OperationInterrupted | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
OpsNeedCorrectNumberOfArgs = _libsbml.OpsNeedCorrectNumberOfArgs | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
fbc One of the possible Association types. More... | |
qual One of the possible OutputTransition "transitionEffect" attribute values. More... | |
long More... | |
qual One of the possible OutputTransition "transitionEffect" attribute values. More... | |
OverdeterminedSystem = _libsbml.OverdeterminedSystem | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
PackageConversionNotSupported = _libsbml.PackageConversionNotSupported | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
PackageNSMustMatch = _libsbml.PackageNSMustMatch | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
PackageRequiredShouldBeFalse = _libsbml.PackageRequiredShouldBeFalse | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
ParameterShouldHaveUnits = _libsbml.ParameterShouldHaveUnits | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
ParameterShouldHaveValue = _libsbml.ParameterShouldHaveValue | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
ParameterUnits = _libsbml.ParameterUnits | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
PersistentNotBoolean = _libsbml.PersistentNotBoolean | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
PieceNeedsBoolean = _libsbml.PieceNeedsBoolean | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
PiecewiseNeedsConsistentTypes = _libsbml.PiecewiseNeedsConsistentTypes | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
PriorityLostFromL3 = _libsbml.PriorityLostFromL3 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
PriorityUnitsNotDimensionless = _libsbml.PriorityUnitsNotDimensionless | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualAttributeRequiredMissing = _libsbml.QualAttributeRequiredMissing | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualAttributeRequiredMustBeBoolean = _libsbml.QualAttributeRequiredMustBeBoolean | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualCompartmentMustReferExisting = _libsbml.QualCompartmentMustReferExisting | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualConstantMustBeBool = _libsbml.QualConstantMustBeBool | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualConstantQSCannotBeOutput = _libsbml.QualConstantQSCannotBeOutput | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualDefaultTermAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.QualDefaultTermAllowedAttributes | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualDefaultTermAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.QualDefaultTermAllowedCoreAttributes | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualDefaultTermAllowedElements = _libsbml.QualDefaultTermAllowedElements | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualDefaultTermResultMustBeInteger = _libsbml.QualDefaultTermResultMustBeInteger | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualDefaultTermResultMustBeNonNeg = _libsbml.QualDefaultTermResultMustBeNonNeg | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualDuplicateComponentId = _libsbml.QualDuplicateComponentId | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualElementNotInNs = _libsbml.QualElementNotInNs | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualEmptyLONotAllowed = _libsbml.QualEmptyLONotAllowed | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualFuncTermAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.QualFuncTermAllowedAttributes | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualFuncTermAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.QualFuncTermAllowedCoreAttributes | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualFuncTermAllowedElements = _libsbml.QualFuncTermAllowedElements | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualFuncTermOnlyOneMath = _libsbml.QualFuncTermOnlyOneMath | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualFuncTermResultMustBeInteger = _libsbml.QualFuncTermResultMustBeInteger | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualFuncTermResultMustBeNonNeg = _libsbml.QualFuncTermResultMustBeNonNeg | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualFunctionTermBool = _libsbml.QualFunctionTermBool | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualInitalLevelNotNegative = _libsbml.QualInitalLevelNotNegative | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualInitialLevelCannotExceedMax = _libsbml.QualInitialLevelCannotExceedMax | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualInitialLevelMustBeInt = _libsbml.QualInitialLevelMustBeInt | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualInputAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.QualInputAllowedAttributes | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualInputAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.QualInputAllowedCoreAttributes | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualInputAllowedElements = _libsbml.QualInputAllowedElements | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualInputConstantCannotBeConsumed = _libsbml.QualInputConstantCannotBeConsumed | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualInputNameMustBeString = _libsbml.QualInputNameMustBeString | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualInputQSMustBeExistingQS = _libsbml.QualInputQSMustBeExistingQS | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualInputSignMustBeSignEnum = _libsbml.QualInputSignMustBeSignEnum | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualInputThreshMustBeInteger = _libsbml.QualInputThreshMustBeInteger | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualInputThreshMustBeNonNegative = _libsbml.QualInputThreshMustBeNonNegative | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualInputTransEffectMustBeInputEffect = _libsbml.QualInputTransEffectMustBeInputEffect | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualLOQualSpeciesAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.QualLOQualSpeciesAllowedAttributes | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualLOQualSpeciesAllowedElements = _libsbml.QualLOQualSpeciesAllowedElements | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualLOTransitiondAllowedElements = _libsbml.QualLOTransitiondAllowedElements | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualLOTransitionsAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.QualLOTransitionsAllowedAttributes | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualMathCSymbolDisallowed = _libsbml.QualMathCSymbolDisallowed | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualMaxLevelMustBeInt = _libsbml.QualMaxLevelMustBeInt | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualMaxLevelNotNegative = _libsbml.QualMaxLevelNotNegative | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualNameMustBeString = _libsbml.QualNameMustBeString | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualNSUndeclared = _libsbml.QualNSUndeclared | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualOneListOfTransOrQS = _libsbml.QualOneListOfTransOrQS | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualOutputAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.QualOutputAllowedAttributes | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualOutputAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.QualOutputAllowedCoreAttributes | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualOutputAllowedElements = _libsbml.QualOutputAllowedElements | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualOutputConstantMustBeFalse = _libsbml.QualOutputConstantMustBeFalse | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualOutputLevelMustBeInteger = _libsbml.QualOutputLevelMustBeInteger | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualOutputLevelMustBeNonNegative = _libsbml.QualOutputLevelMustBeNonNegative | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualOutputNameMustBeString = _libsbml.QualOutputNameMustBeString | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualOutputProductionMustHaveLevel = _libsbml.QualOutputProductionMustHaveLevel | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualOutputQSMustBeExistingQS = _libsbml.QualOutputQSMustBeExistingQS | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualOutputTransEffectMustBeOutput = _libsbml.QualOutputTransEffectMustBeOutput | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualQSAssignedOnlyOnce = _libsbml.QualQSAssignedOnlyOnce | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualQualSpeciesAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.QualQualSpeciesAllowedAttributes | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualQualSpeciesAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.QualQualSpeciesAllowedCoreAttributes | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualQualSpeciesAllowedElements = _libsbml.QualQualSpeciesAllowedElements | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualRequiredTrueIfTransitions = _libsbml.QualRequiredTrueIfTransitions | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualTransitionAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.QualTransitionAllowedAttributes | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualTransitionAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.QualTransitionAllowedCoreAttributes | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualTransitionAllowedElements = _libsbml.QualTransitionAllowedElements | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualTransitionEmptyLOElements = _libsbml.QualTransitionEmptyLOElements | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualTransitionLOElements = _libsbml.QualTransitionLOElements | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualTransitionLOFuncTermAttributes = _libsbml.QualTransitionLOFuncTermAttributes | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualTransitionLOFuncTermElements = _libsbml.QualTransitionLOFuncTermElements | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualTransitionLOFuncTermExceedMax = _libsbml.QualTransitionLOFuncTermExceedMax | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualTransitionLOFuncTermNegative = _libsbml.QualTransitionLOFuncTermNegative | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualTransitionLOInputAttributes = _libsbml.QualTransitionLOInputAttributes | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualTransitionLOInputElements = _libsbml.QualTransitionLOInputElements | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualTransitionLOOutputAttributes = _libsbml.QualTransitionLOOutputAttributes | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualTransitionLOOutputElements = _libsbml.QualTransitionLOOutputElements | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualTransitionNameMustBeString = _libsbml.QualTransitionNameMustBeString | |
qual A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes generated by the libSBML “qual” extension for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
QualUnknown = _libsbml.QualUnknown | |
long More... | |
RateOfSpeciesTargetCompartmentNot = _libsbml.RateOfSpeciesTargetCompartmentNot | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
RateOfTargetCannotBeAssigned = _libsbml.RateOfTargetCannotBeAssigned | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
RateOfTargetMustBeCi = _libsbml.RateOfTargetMustBeCi | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
RateRuleCompartmentMismatch = _libsbml.RateRuleCompartmentMismatch | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
RateRuleForConstantEntity = _libsbml.RateRuleForConstantEntity | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
RateRuleParameterMismatch = _libsbml.RateRuleParameterMismatch | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
RateRuleSpeciesMismatch = _libsbml.RateRuleSpeciesMismatch | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
RateRuleStoichiometryMismatch = _libsbml.RateRuleStoichiometryMismatch | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
RDFAboutTagNotMetaid = _libsbml.RDFAboutTagNotMetaid | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
RDFEmptyAboutTag = _libsbml.RDFEmptyAboutTag | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
RDFMissingAboutTag = _libsbml.RDFMissingAboutTag | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
RDFNotCompleteModelHistory = _libsbml.RDFNotCompleteModelHistory | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
RDFNotModelHistory = _libsbml.RDFNotModelHistory | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
RecursiveCompartmentContainment = _libsbml.RecursiveCompartmentContainment | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
RecursiveFunctionDefinition = _libsbml.RecursiveFunctionDefinition | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
RepeatedRule10304 = _libsbml.RepeatedRule10304 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
RepeatedRule20611 = _libsbml.RepeatedRule20611 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
RequiredPackagePresent = _libsbml.RequiredPackagePresent | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
One of the possible SBML Rule object types. More... | |
One of the possible SBML Rule object types. More... | |
One of the possible SBML Rule object types. More... | |
RuleCannotRef0DComp = _libsbml.RuleCannotRef0DComp | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
comp One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
comp One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
comp One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
comp One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
comp One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
comp One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
long More... | |
One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
SBML_DELAY = _libsbml.SBML_DELAY | |
One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
SBML_EVENT = _libsbml.SBML_EVENT | |
One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
SBML_FBC_AND = _libsbml.SBML_FBC_AND | |
fbc One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
fbc One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
fbc One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
fbc One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
fbc One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
fbc One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
fbc One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
fbc One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
fbc One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
SBML_FBC_OR = _libsbml.SBML_FBC_OR | |
fbc One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
long More... | |
One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
groups One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
long More... | |
One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
long More... | |
layout One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
layout One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
layout One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
layout One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
layout One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
layout One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
layout One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
layout One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
layout One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
layout One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
layout One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
layout One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
layout One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
layout One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
SBML_LIST_OF = _libsbml.SBML_LIST_OF | |
One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
SBML_MODEL = _libsbml.SBML_MODEL | |
One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
multi A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “multi” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Multistate, Multicomponent and Multicompartment Species package. More... | |
multi A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “multi” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Multistate, Multicomponent and Multicompartment Species package. More... | |
multi A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “multi” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Multistate, Multicomponent and Multicompartment Species package. More... | |
multi A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “multi” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Multistate, Multicomponent and Multicompartment Species package. More... | |
multi A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “multi” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Multistate, Multicomponent and Multicompartment Species package. More... | |
multi A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “multi” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Multistate, Multicomponent and Multicompartment Species package. More... | |
multi A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “multi” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Multistate, Multicomponent and Multicompartment Species package. More... | |
multi A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “multi” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Multistate, Multicomponent and Multicompartment Species package. More... | |
multi A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “multi” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Multistate, Multicomponent and Multicompartment Species package. More... | |
multi A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “multi” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Multistate, Multicomponent and Multicompartment Species package. More... | |
multi A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “multi” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Multistate, Multicomponent and Multicompartment Species package. More... | |
multi A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “multi” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Multistate, Multicomponent and Multicompartment Species package. More... | |
multi A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “multi” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Multistate, Multicomponent and Multicompartment Species package. More... | |
multi A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “multi” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Multistate, Multicomponent and Multicompartment Species package. More... | |
One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
qual One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
qual One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
qual One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
qual One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
long More... | |
qual One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
SBML_RULE = _libsbml.SBML_RULE | |
One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
SBML_UNIT = _libsbml.SBML_UNIT | |
One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
One of the possible SBML component type codes. More... | |
SBMLCodesUpperBound = _libsbml.SBMLCodesUpperBound | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
SBMLNamespaceInAnnotation = _libsbml.SBMLNamespaceInAnnotation | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
SBOTermNotUniversalInL2v2 = _libsbml.SBOTermNotUniversalInL2v2 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
SBOTermNotValidAttributeBeforeL2V2 = _libsbml.SBOTermNotValidAttributeBeforeL2V2 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
SBOTermNotValidAttributeBeforeL2V3 = _libsbml.SBOTermNotValidAttributeBeforeL2V3 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
SpatialSizeUnitsNotValidAttribute = _libsbml.SpatialSizeUnitsNotValidAttribute | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
SpatialSizeUnitsRemoved = _libsbml.SpatialSizeUnitsRemoved | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
SpatialUnitsInOneD = _libsbml.SpatialUnitsInOneD | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
SpatialUnitsInThreeD = _libsbml.SpatialUnitsInThreeD | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
SpatialUnitsInTwoD = _libsbml.SpatialUnitsInTwoD | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
layout One of the possible roles of a SpeciesReferenceGlyph. More... | |
layout One of the possible roles of a SpeciesReferenceGlyph. More... | |
layout One of the possible roles of a SpeciesReferenceGlyph. More... | |
layout One of the possible roles of a SpeciesReferenceGlyph. More... | |
layout One of the possible roles of a SpeciesReferenceGlyph. More... | |
layout One of the possible roles of a SpeciesReferenceGlyph. More... | |
layout One of the possible roles of a SpeciesReferenceGlyph. More... | |
layout One of the possible roles of a SpeciesReferenceGlyph. More... | |
long More... | |
SpeciesCompartmentRequiredInL1 = _libsbml.SpeciesCompartmentRequiredInL1 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
SpeciesInvalidExtentUnits = _libsbml.SpeciesInvalidExtentUnits | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
SpeciesRefIdInMathMLNotSupported = _libsbml.SpeciesRefIdInMathMLNotSupported | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
SpeciesShouldHaveValue = _libsbml.SpeciesShouldHaveValue | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
SpeciesTypeNotValidAttribute = _libsbml.SpeciesTypeNotValidAttribute | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
SpeciesTypeNotValidComponent = _libsbml.SpeciesTypeNotValidComponent | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
StoichiometryMathMissingMath = _libsbml.StoichiometryMathMissingMath | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
StoichiometryMathNotValidComponent = _libsbml.StoichiometryMathNotValidComponent | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
StoichiometryMathNotYetSupported = _libsbml.StoichiometryMathNotYetSupported | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
StrictSBORequiredInL2v2 = _libsbml.StrictSBORequiredInL2v2 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
StrictSBORequiredInL2v3 = _libsbml.StrictSBORequiredInL2v3 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
StrictUnitsRequiredInL1 = _libsbml.StrictUnitsRequiredInL1 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
StrictUnitsRequiredInL2v1 = _libsbml.StrictUnitsRequiredInL2v1 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
StrictUnitsRequiredInL2v2 = _libsbml.StrictUnitsRequiredInL2v2 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
StrictUnitsRequiredInL2v3 = _libsbml.StrictUnitsRequiredInL2v3 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
SubstanceUnitsOnSpecies = _libsbml.SubstanceUnitsOnSpecies | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
SubsUnitsAllowedInKL = _libsbml.SubsUnitsAllowedInKL | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
SubsUnitsNoLongerValid = _libsbml.SubsUnitsNoLongerValid | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
ThreeDimensionalCompartmentUnits = _libsbml.ThreeDimensionalCompartmentUnits | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
TimeUnitsAllowedInKL = _libsbml.TimeUnitsAllowedInKL | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
TimeUnitsEvent = _libsbml.TimeUnitsEvent | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
TimeUnitsNoLongerValid = _libsbml.TimeUnitsNoLongerValid | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
TimeUnitsRemoved = _libsbml.TimeUnitsRemoved | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
TriggerMathNotBoolean = _libsbml.TriggerMathNotBoolean | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
TwoDimensionalCompartmentUnits = _libsbml.TwoDimensionalCompartmentUnits | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
UnclosedXMLToken = _libsbml.UnclosedXMLToken | |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML. More... | |
UndeclaredExtentUnitsL3 = _libsbml.UndeclaredExtentUnitsL3 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
UndeclaredObjectUnitsL3 = _libsbml.UndeclaredObjectUnitsL3 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
UndeclaredSpeciesInStoichMath = _libsbml.UndeclaredSpeciesInStoichMath | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
UndeclaredSpeciesRef = _libsbml.UndeclaredSpeciesRef | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
UndeclaredTimeUnitsL3 = _libsbml.UndeclaredTimeUnitsL3 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
UndeclaredUnits = _libsbml.UndeclaredUnits | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
UndefinedOutsideCompartment = _libsbml.UndefinedOutsideCompartment | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
UndefinedXMLEntity = _libsbml.UndefinedXMLEntity | |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML. More... | |
UninterpretableXMLContent = _libsbml.UninterpretableXMLContent | |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML. More... | |
One of the possible predefined SBML units. More... | |
One of the possible predefined SBML units. More... | |
One of the possible predefined SBML units. More... | |
One of the possible predefined SBML units. More... | |
One of the possible predefined SBML units. More... | |
One of the possible predefined SBML units. More... | |
One of the possible predefined SBML units. More... | |
One of the possible predefined SBML units. More... | |
One of the possible predefined SBML units. More... | |
One of the possible predefined SBML units. More... | |
One of the possible predefined SBML units. More... | |
One of the possible predefined SBML units. More... | |
One of the possible predefined SBML units. More... | |
One of the possible predefined SBML units. More... | |
One of the possible predefined SBML units. More... | |
One of the possible predefined SBML units. More... | |
One of the possible predefined SBML units. More... | |
One of the possible predefined SBML units. More... | |
One of the possible predefined SBML units. More... | |
One of the possible predefined SBML units. More... | |
One of the possible predefined SBML units. More... | |
One of the possible predefined SBML units. More... | |
One of the possible predefined SBML units. More... | |
One of the possible predefined SBML units. More... | |
One of the possible predefined SBML units. More... | |
One of the possible predefined SBML units. More... | |
One of the possible predefined SBML units. More... | |
One of the possible predefined SBML units. More... | |
One of the possible predefined SBML units. More... | |
One of the possible predefined SBML units. More... | |
One of the possible predefined SBML units. More... | |
One of the possible predefined SBML units. More... | |
One of the possible predefined SBML units. More... | |
One of the possible predefined SBML units. More... | |
One of the possible predefined SBML units. More... | |
One of the possible predefined SBML units. More... | |
One of the possible predefined SBML units. More... | |
UnitsNotValidAttribute = _libsbml.UnitsNotValidAttribute | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
fbc One of the possible Association types. More... | |
One of the possible MIRIAM annotation types used by CVTerm. More... | |
UnknownCoreAttribute = _libsbml.UnknownCoreAttribute | |
Encountered an unknow attribute in the core SBML Level 3 namespace. More... | |
UnknownError = _libsbml.UnknownError | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
UnknownPackageAttribute = _libsbml.UnknownPackageAttribute | |
Encountered an unknown attribute in an SBML Level 3 package namespace. More... | |
UnrecognisedSBOTerm = _libsbml.UnrecognisedSBOTerm | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
UnrecognizedElement = _libsbml.UnrecognizedElement | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
UnrecognizedXMLElement = _libsbml.UnrecognizedXMLElement | |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML. More... | |
UnrecognizedXMLParserCode = _libsbml.UnrecognizedXMLParserCode | |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML. More... | |
UnrequiredPackagePresent = _libsbml.UnrequiredPackagePresent | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
UpperUnitBound = _libsbml.UpperUnitBound | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package. More... | |
ValuesFromTriggerTimeNeedDelay = _libsbml.ValuesFromTriggerTimeNeedDelay | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
VariableNotValidAttribute = _libsbml.VariableNotValidAttribute | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
VersionPositiveInteger = _libsbml.VersionPositiveInteger | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
VolumeLitreDefExponentNotOne = _libsbml.VolumeLitreDefExponentNotOne | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
VolumeMetreDefExponentNot3 = _libsbml.VolumeMetreDefExponentNot3 | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
XMLAttributeTypeMismatch = _libsbml.XMLAttributeTypeMismatch | |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML. More... | |
XMLBadColon = _libsbml.XMLBadColon | |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML. More... | |
XMLBadNumber = _libsbml.XMLBadNumber | |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML. More... | |
XMLBadUTF8Content = _libsbml.XMLBadUTF8Content | |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML. More... | |
XMLContentEmpty = _libsbml.XMLContentEmpty | |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML. More... | |
XMLEmptyValueNotPermitted = _libsbml.XMLEmptyValueNotPermitted | |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML. More... | |
XMLErrorCodesUpperBound = _libsbml.XMLErrorCodesUpperBound | |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML. More... | |
XMLExpectedQuotedString = _libsbml.XMLExpectedQuotedString | |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML. More... | |
XMLFileOperationError = _libsbml.XMLFileOperationError | |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML. More... | |
XMLFileUnreadable = _libsbml.XMLFileUnreadable | |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML. More... | |
XMLFileUnwritable = _libsbml.XMLFileUnwritable | |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML. More... | |
XMLNetworkAccessError = _libsbml.XMLNetworkAccessError | |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML. More... | |
XMLOutOfMemory = _libsbml.XMLOutOfMemory | |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML. More... | |
XMLTagMismatch = _libsbml.XMLTagMismatch | |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML. More... | |
XMLTranscoderError = _libsbml.XMLTranscoderError | |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML. More... | |
XMLUnexpectedEOF = _libsbml.XMLUnexpectedEOF | |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML. More... | |
XMLUnknownError = _libsbml.XMLUnknownError | |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML. More... | |
ZeroDCompartmentContainment = _libsbml.ZeroDCompartmentContainment | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
ZeroDimensionalCompartmentConst = _libsbml.ZeroDimensionalCompartmentConst | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
ZeroDimensionalCompartmentSize = _libsbml.ZeroDimensionalCompartmentSize | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
ZeroDimensionalCompartmentUnits = _libsbml.ZeroDimensionalCompartmentUnits | |
A value in the enumeration of all the SBML error and warning codes for objects of class SBMLError. More... | |
def libsbml.Association_parseInfixAssociation | ( | association | ) |
Parses a gene association in infix format and returns a corresponding Association object.
Association_parseInfixAssociation(string association) Association
This parses a string that has a list of gene names and conjunctions or disjunctions. For example:
(b2422) and (b2425) and (b2423) and (b2424) or (b2422) and (b2423) and (b2424) and (b2413) and (b3917)
association | the string to parse. |
in case of an error.def libsbml.BindingStatus_fromString | ( | s | ) |
BindingStatus_fromString(long s) long
def libsbml.BindingStatus_toString | ( | bindingStatus | ) |
BindingStatus_toString(long bindingStatus) string *
def libsbml.BiolQualifierType_fromString | ( | s | ) |
This method takes a string and returns a biol qualifier representing the string.
BiolQualifierType_fromString(long s) long
This method takes a string as argument and returns a biol qualifier type corresponding to that string. For example, passing it the string 'hasVersion'
will return the qualifier BQB_HAS_VERSION.
s | the string to translate to a libSBML constant value representing a biological qualifier. |
def libsbml.BiolQualifierType_toString | ( | type | ) |
This method takes a biol qualifier type code and returns a string representing the code.
BiolQualifierType_toString(long type) string *
This method takes a biol qualifier type as argument and returns a string name corresponding to that code. For example, passing it the qualifier BQB_HAS_VERSION will return the string 'hasVersion'
type | the value to translate. The value should be a constant whose name begins with BQB_ , such as (for example) BQB_IS. |
def libsbml.CompBase_getParentModel | ( | child | ) |
def libsbml.CompExtension_getDefaultLevel | ( | ) |
Returns the default SBML Level used by this libSBML package extension.
CompExtension_getDefaultLevel() long
def libsbml.CompExtension_getDefaultPackageVersion | ( | ) |
Returns the default version of the SBML Level 3 package implemented by this libSBML extension.
CompExtension_getDefaultPackageVersion() long
def libsbml.CompExtension_getDefaultVersion | ( | ) |
Returns the default SBML Version used by this libSBML package extension.
CompExtension_getDefaultVersion() long
def libsbml.CompExtension_getPackageName | ( | ) |
Returns the nickname of the SBML Level 3 package implemented by this libSBML extension.
CompExtension_getPackageName() string
def libsbml.CompExtension_getXmlnsL3V1V1 | ( | ) |
Returns the XML namespace URI of the SBML Level 3 package implemented by this libSBML extension.
CompExtension_getXmlnsL3V1V1() string
def libsbml.DefinitionURLRegistry_addDefinitionURL | ( | url, | |
type | |||
) |
Adds the given DefinitionURL to the registry of SBML DefinitionURLs.
DefinitionURLRegistry_addDefinitionURL(string url, int type) int
url | the DefinitionURL to add to the registry. |
type | the AST node type |
def libsbml.DefinitionURLRegistry_addSBMLDefinitions | ( | ) |
def libsbml.DefinitionURLRegistry_clearDefinitions | ( | ) |
def libsbml.DefinitionURLRegistry_getCoreDefinitionsAdded | ( | ) |
DefinitionURLRegistry_getCoreDefinitionsAdded() bool
def libsbml.DefinitionURLRegistry_getDefinitionUrlByIndex | ( | index | ) |
DefinitionURLRegistry_getDefinitionUrlByIndex(int index) string
def libsbml.DefinitionURLRegistry_getInstance | ( | ) |
Returns the singleton instance for the DefinitionURL registry.
DefinitionURLRegistry_getInstance() DefinitionURLRegistry
Prior to using the registry, callers have to obtain a copy of the registry. This static method provides the means for doing that.
def libsbml.DefinitionURLRegistry_getNumDefinitionURLs | ( | ) |
Returns the number of DefinitionURLs known by the registry.
DefinitionURLRegistry_getNumDefinitionURLs() int
def libsbml.DefinitionURLRegistry_getType | ( | url | ) |
DefinitionURLRegistry_getType(string url) int
def libsbml.deleteLayoutAnnotation | ( | pAnnotation | ) |
def libsbml.deleteLayoutIdAnnotation | ( | pAnnotation | ) |
def libsbml.endl | ( | args | ) |
Insert a newline character into the given C++ stream s
endl(ostream s) ostream
This is a wrapper around the underlying C++ OStream method endl
. It inserts a newline into the stream passed as argument. Additionally, it flushes buffered streams.
s | the stream to which the newline should be written. |
. def libsbml.FbcAssociation_parseFbcInfixAssociation | ( | association, | |
plugin, | |||
usingId = False , |
addMissingGP = True |
) |
Parses a gene association in infix format and returns a corresponding Association object.
parseFbcInfixAssociation(string association, FbcModelPlugin plugin, bool usingId, bool addMissingGP) FbcAssociation parseFbcInfixAssociation(string association, FbcModelPlugin plugin, bool usingId) FbcAssociation FbcAssociation_parseFbcInfixAssociation(string association, FbcModelPlugin plugin) FbcAssociation
This parses a string that has a list of gene names and conjunctions or disjunctions. For example:
(b2422) and (b2425) and (b2423) and (b2424) or (b2422) and (b2423) and (b2424) and (b2413) and (b3917)
The 'and' operator takes precedence over the 'or' operator, meaning that the above input string would turn into two groups of gene names: either 'b2422, b2425, b2423, and b2424' or 'b2422, b2423, b2424, b2413, and b3917'. Parentheses may be added to make things more clear, and to encode alternative schemes.
This method also creates missing GeneProduct objects, in case the unique reference does not yet exist.
association | the string to parse. |
plugin | the FbcModelPlugin on which to add the geneProduct elements. |
usingId | boolean indicating whether the infix assumes identifiers (True ) or labels (False default). |
addMissingGP | boolean indicating whether to add missing geneProducts (True default) or not (False ). |
in case of an error.def libsbml.FbcExtension_getDefaultLevel | ( | ) |
Returns the default SBML Level used by this libSBML package extension.
FbcExtension_getDefaultLevel() long
def libsbml.FbcExtension_getDefaultPackageVersion | ( | ) |
Returns the default version of the SBML Level 3 package implemented by this libSBML extension.
FbcExtension_getDefaultPackageVersion() long
def libsbml.FbcExtension_getDefaultVersion | ( | ) |
Returns the default SBML Version used by this libSBML package extension.
FbcExtension_getDefaultVersion() long
def libsbml.FbcExtension_getPackageName | ( | ) |
Returns the nickname of the SBML Level 3 package implemented by this libSBML extension.
FbcExtension_getPackageName() string
def libsbml.FbcExtension_getXmlnsL3V1V1 | ( | ) |
Returns the XML namespace URI of the SBML Level 3 package implemented by this libSBML extension.
FbcExtension_getXmlnsL3V1V1() string
def libsbml.FbcExtension_getXmlnsL3V1V2 | ( | ) |
Returns the XML namespace URI of the SBML Level 3 package implemented by this libSBML extension.
FbcExtension_getXmlnsL3V1V2() string
def libsbml.float_array_frompointer | ( | t | ) |
double_array_frompointer (float * t) float_array
def libsbml.flush | ( | args | ) |
Flush the given C++ stream s
flush(ostream s) ostream
This is a wrapper around the underlying C++ OStream method flush
. It flush any pending output in the stream passed as argument.
s | the stream to be flushed. |
. def libsbml.formulaToL3String | ( | tree | ) |
Converts an AST to a string representation of a formula using a syntax derived from SBML Level 1, but extended to include elements from SBML Level 2 and SBML Level 3.
formulaToL3String(ASTNode tree) string
The following lists the main differences in the formula syntax supported by the Level 3 ('L3') versions of the formula parsers and formatters, compared to what is supported by the Level 1-oriented parseFormula() and formulaToString():
in the SBML specifications). The whitespace between number and unit is optional.&&
(and), ||
(or), !
(not), and !=
(not equals) may be used.%
and will produce a <piecewise>
function in the corresponding MathML output by default, or can produce the MathML function rem
, depending on the L3ParserSettings object (see L3ParserSettings_setParseModuloL3v2() ).arc
as a prefix or simply a
; in other words, both arccsc
and acsc
are interpreted as the operator arccosecant as defined in MathML 2.0. (Many functions in the simpler SBML Level 1 oriented parser implemented by parseFormula() are defined this way as well, but not all.)(integer/integer)Spaces are not allowed in this construct; in other words, "
(3 / 4)
" (with whitespace between the numbers and the operator) will be parsed into the MathML <divide>
construct rather than a rational number. You can, however, assign units to a rational number as a whole; here is an example: "(3/4) ml
". (In the case of division rather than a rational number, units are not interpreted in this way.)The function log
with a single argument ("log(x)
") can be parsed as log10(x)
, ln(x)
, or treated as an error, as desired.
Unary minus signs can be collapsed or preserved; that is, sequential pairs of unary minuses (e.g., "- -3
") can be removed from the input entirely and single unary minuses can be incorporated into the number node, or all minuses can be preserved in the AST node structure.
Parsing of units embedded in the input string can be turned on and off.
The string avogadro
can be parsed as a MathML csymbol or as an identifier.
The string % can be parsed either as a piecewise function or as the 'rem' function: a % b
will either become
piecewise(a - b*ceil(a/b), xor((a < 0), (b < 0)), a - b*floor(a/b))
rem(a, b)
The latter is simpler, but the rem
MathML is only allowed as of SBML Level 3 Version 2.
A Model object may optionally be provided to the parser using the variant function call parseL3FormulaWithModel() or stored in a L3ParserSettings object passed to the variant function parseL3FormulaWithSettings(). When a Model object is provided, identifiers (values of type SId
) from that model are used in preference to pre-defined MathML definitions for both symbols and functions. More precisely:
In the case of symbols: the Model entities whose identifiers will shadow identical symbols in the mathematical formula are: Species, Compartment, Parameter, Reaction, and SpeciesReference. For instance, if the parser is given a Model containing a Species with the identifier "pi
", and the formula to be parsed is "3*pi
", the MathML produced will contain the construct <ci> pi </ci>
instead of the construct <pi/>
values of user-defined functions present in the model will be used preferentially over pre-defined MathML functions. For example, if the passed-in Model contains a FunctionDefinition object with the identifier "sin
", that function will be used instead of the predefined MathML function <sin/>
. These configuration settings cannot be changed directly using the basic parser and formatter functions, but can be changed on a per-call basis by using the alternative functions parseL3FormulaWithSettings() and formulaToL3StringWithSettings().
Neither SBML nor the MathML standard define a 'string-form' equivalent to MathML expressions. The approach taken by libSBML is to start with the formula syntax defined by SBML Level 1 (which in fact used a custom text-string representation of formulas, and not MathML), and expand it to include the functionality described above. This formula syntax is based mostly on C programming syntax, and may contain operators, function calls, symbols, and white space characters. The following table provides the precedence rules for the different entities that may appear in formula strings.
Token | Operation | Class | Preced. | Assoc. |
name | symbol reference | operand | 8 | n/a |
( expression) | expression grouping | operand | 8 | n/a |
f( ...) | function call | prefix | 8 | left |
^ | power | binary | 7 | left |
-, ! | negation, Boolean 'not' | unary | 6 | right |
*, /, % | multip., div., modulo | binary | 5 | left |
+, - | addition and subtraction | binary | 4 | left |
==, <, >, <=, >=, != | Boolean comparisons | binary | 3 | left |
&&, || | Boolean 'and' and 'or' | binary | 2 | left |
, | argument delimiter | binary | 1 | left |
In the table above, operand implies the construct is an operand, prefix implies the operation is applied to the following arguments, unary implies there is one argument, and binary implies there are two arguments. The values in the Precedence column show how the order of different types of operation are determined. For example, the expression a + b * c
is evaluated as a + (b * c)
because the *
operator has higher precedence. The Associates column shows how the order of similar precedence operations is determined; for example, a && b || c
is evaluated as (a && b) || c
because the &&
and ||
operators are left-associative and have the same precedence.
The function call syntax consists of a function name, followed by optional white space, followed by an opening parenthesis token, followed by a sequence of zero or more arguments separated by commas (with each comma optionally preceded and/or followed by zero or more white space characters), followed by a closing parenthesis token. The function name must be chosen from one of the pre-defined functions in SBML or a user-defined function in the model. The following table lists the names of certain common mathematical functions; this table corresponds to Table 6 in the SBML Level 1 Version 2 specification with additions based on the functions added in SBML Level 2 and Level 3:
Name | Argument(s) | Formula or meaning | Argument Constraints | Result constraints |
abs |
x | Absolute value of x. | ||
acos , arccos |
x | Arccosine of x in radians. | –1.0 ≤ x ≤ 1.0 | 0 ≤ acos(x) ≤ π |
acosh , arccosh |
x | Hyperbolic arccosine of x in radians. | ||
acot , arccot |
x | Arccotangent of x in radians. | ||
acoth , arccoth |
x | Hyperbolic arccotangent of x in radians. | ||
acsc , arccsc |
x | Arccosecant of x in radians. | ||
acsch , arccsch |
x | Hyperbolic arccosecant of x in radians. | ||
asec , arcsec |
x | Arcsecant of x in radians. | ||
asech , arcsech |
x | Hyperbolic arcsecant of x in radians. | ||
asin , arcsin |
x | Arcsine of x in radians. | –1.0 ≤ x ≤ 1.0 | 0 ≤ asin(x) ≤ π |
atan , arctan |
x | Arctangent of x in radians. | 0 ≤ atan(x) ≤ π | |
atanh , arctanh |
x | Hyperbolic arctangent of x in radians. | ||
ceil , ceiling |
x | Smallest number not less than x whose value is an exact integer. | ||
cos |
x | Cosine of x | ||
cosh |
x | Hyperbolic cosine of x. | ||
cot |
x | Cotangent of x. | ||
coth |
x | Hyperbolic cotangent of x. | ||
csc |
x | Cosecant of x. | ||
csch |
x | Hyperbolic cosecant of x. | ||
delay |
x, y | The value of x at y time units in the past. | ||
factorial |
n | The factorial of n. Factorials are defined by n! = n*(n–1)* ... * 1. | n must be an integer. | |
exp |
x | e x, where e is the base of the natural logarithm. | ||
floor |
x | The largest number not greater than x whose value is an exact integer. | ||
ln |
x | Natural logarithm of x. | x > 0 | |
log |
x | By default, the base 10 logarithm of x, but can be set to be the natural logarithm of x, or to be an illegal construct. | x > 0 | |
log |
x, y | The base x logarithm of y. | y > 0 | |
log10 |
x | Base 10 logarithm of x. | x > 0 | |
piecewise |
x1, y1, [x2, y2,] [...] [z] | A piecewise function: if (y1), x1. Otherwise, if (y2), x2, etc. Otherwise, z. | y1, y2, y3 [etc] must be Boolean | |
pow , power |
x, y | x y. | ||
root |
b, x | The root base b of x. | ||
sec |
x | Secant of x. | ||
sech |
x | Hyperbolic secant of x. | ||
sqr |
x | x2. | ||
sqrt |
x | √x. | x > 0 | sqrt(x) ≥ 0 |
sin |
x | Sine of x. | ||
sinh |
x | Hyperbolic sine of x. | ||
tan |
x | Tangent of x. | x ≠ n*π/2, for odd integer n | |
tanh |
x | Hyperbolic tangent of x. | ||
and |
x, y, z... | Boolean and(x, y, z...): returns true if all of its arguments are true. Note that and is an n-ary function, taking 0 or more arguments, and that and() returns true . |
All arguments must be Boolean | |
not |
x | Boolean not(x) | x must be Boolean | |
or |
x, y, z... | Boolean or(x, y, z...): returns true if at least one of its arguments is true. Note that or is an n-ary function, taking 0 or more arguments, and that or() returns false . |
All arguments must be Boolean | |
xor |
x, y, z... | Boolean xor(x, y, z...): returns true if an odd number of its arguments is true. Note that xor is an n-ary function, taking 0 or more arguments, and that xor() returns false . |
All arguments must be Boolean | |
eq |
x, y, z... | Boolean eq(x, y, z...): returns true if all arguments are equal. Note that eq is an n-ary function, but must take 2 or more arguments. |
geq |
x, y, z... | Boolean geq(x, y, z...): returns true if each argument is greater than or equal to the argument following it. Note that geq is an n-ary function, but must take 2 or more arguments. |
gt |
x, y, z... | Boolean gt(x, y, z...): returns true if each argument is greater than the argument following it. Note that gt is an n-ary function, but must take 2 or more arguments. |
leq |
x, y, z... | Boolean leq(x, y, z...): returns true if each argument is less than or equal to the argument following it. Note that leq is an n-ary function, but must take 2 or more arguments. |
lt |
x, y, z... | Boolean lt(x, y, z...): returns true if each argument is less than the argument following it. Note that lt is an n-ary function, but must take 2 or more arguments. |
neq |
x, y | Boolean x != y: returns true unless x and y are equal. |
plus |
x, y, z... | x + y + z + ...: The sum of the arguments of the function. Note that plus is an n-ary function taking 0 or more arguments, and that plus() returns 0 . |
times |
x, y, z... | x * y * z * ...: The product of the arguments of the function. Note that times is an n-ary function taking 0 or more arguments, and that times() returns 1 . |
minus |
x, y | x – y. | ||
divide |
x, y | x / y. |
Parsing of the various MathML functions and constants are all case-insensitive by default: function names such as cos
, Cos
and COS
are all parsed as the MathML cosine operator, <cos>
. However, when a Model object is used in conjunction with either parseL3FormulaWithModel() or parseL3FormulaWithSettings(), any identifiers found in that model will be parsed in a case-sensitive way. For example, if a model contains a Species having the identifier Pi
, the parser will parse "Pi
" in the input as "<ci> Pi </ci>
" but will continue to parse the symbols "pi
" and "PI
" as "<pi>
As mentioned above, the manner in which the 'L3' versions of the formula parser and formatter interpret the function "log
" can be changed. To do so, callers should use the function parseL3FormulaWithSettings() and pass it an appropriate L3ParserSettings object. By default, unlike the SBML Level 1 parser implemented by parseFormula(), the string quot;log
" is interpreted as the base 10 logarithm, and not as the natural logarithm. However, you can change the interpretation to be base-10 log, natural log, or as an error; since the name 'log' by itself is ambiguous, you require that the parser uses log10
or ln
instead, which are more clear. Please refer to parseL3FormulaWithSettings().
In addition, the following symbols will be translated to their MathML equivalents, if no symbol with the same SId
identifier string exists in the Model object provided:
Name | Meaning | MathML |
true |
Boolean value true |
<true/> |
false |
Boolean value false |
<false/> |
pi |
Mathematical constant pi | <pi/> |
avogadro |
Value of Avogadro's constant stipulated by SBML | <csymbol encoding="text" definitionURL=""> avogadro </csymbol/> |
time |
Simulation time as defined in SBML | <csymbol encoding="text" definitionURL=""> time </csymbol/> |
inf , infinity |
Mathematical constant "infinity" | <infinity/> |
nan , notanumber |
Mathematical concept "not a number" | <notanumber/> |
Again, as mentioned above, whether the string quot;avogadro
" is parsed as an AST node of type AST_NAME_AVOGADRO or AST_NAME is configurable; use the version of the parser function called parseL3FormulaWithSettings(). This Avogadro-related functionality is provided because SBML Level 2 models may not use AST_NAME_AVOGADRO AST nodes.
tree | the AST to be converted. |
def libsbml.formulaToL3StringWithSettings | ( | tree, | |
settings | |||
) |
Converts an AST to a string representation of a formula using a syntax basically derived from SBML Level 1, with behavior modifiable with custom settings.
formulaToL3StringWithSettings(ASTNode tree, L3ParserSettings settings) string
This function behaves identically to SBML_formulaToL3String(), but its behavior can be modified by two settings in the
settings | object, namely: |
All other settings will not affect the behavior of this function: the 'parseLog' setting is ignored, and 'log10(x)', 'ln(x)', and 'log(x, y)' are always produced. Nothing in the Model object is used, and whether Avogadro is a csymbol or not is immaterial to the produced infix.
tree | the AST to be converted. |
settings | the L3ParserSettings object used to modify behavior. |
def libsbml.formulaToString | ( | tree | ) |
Converts an AST to a string representation of a formula using a syntax basically derived from SBML Level 1.
formulaToString(ASTNode tree) string
0.10 * k4^2
(vm * s1)/(km + s1)
Note that this facility is provided as a convenience by libSBML—the MathML standard does not actually define a 'string-form' equivalent to MathML expression trees, so the choice of formula syntax is somewhat arbitrary. The approach taken by libSBML is to use the syntax defined by SBML Level 1 (which in fact used a text-string representation of formulas and not MathML). This formula syntax is based mostly on C programming syntax, and may contain operators, function calls, symbols, and white space characters. The following table provides the precedence rules for the different entities that may appear in formula strings.
Token | Operation | Class | Precedence | Associates |
name | symbol reference | operand | 6 | n/a |
( expression) | expression grouping | operand | 6 | n/a |
f( ...) | function call | prefix | 6 | left |
- | negation | unary | 5 | right |
^ | power | binary | 4 | left |
* | multiplication | binary | 3 | left |
/ | divison | binary | 3 | left |
+ | addition | binary | 2 | left |
- | subtraction | binary | 2 | left |
, | argument delimiter | binary | 1 | left |
In the table above, operand implies the construct is an operand, prefix implies the operation is applied to the following arguments, unary implies there is one argument, and binary implies there are two arguments. The values in the Precedence column show how the order of different types of operation are determined. For example, the expression a * b + c
is evaluated as (a * b) + c
because the *
operator has higher precedence. The Associates column shows how the order of similar precedence operations is determined; for example, a - b + c
is evaluated as (a - b) + c
because the +
and -
operators are left-associative.
The function call syntax consists of a function name, followed by optional white space, followed by an opening parenthesis token, followed by a sequence of zero or more arguments separated by commas (with each comma optionally preceded and/or followed by zero or more white space characters, followed by a closing parenthesis token. The function name must be chosen from one of the pre-defined functions in SBML or a user-defined function in the model. The following table lists the names of certain common mathematical functions; this table corresponds to Table 6 in the SBML Level 1 Version 2 specification:
Name | Args | Formula or meaning | Argument Constraints | Result constraints |
abs | x | absolute value of x | ||
acos | x | arc cosine of x in radians | -1.0 ≤ x ≤ 1.0 | 0 ≤ acos(x) ≤ π |
asin | x | arc sine of x in radians | -1.0 ≤ x ≤ 1.0 | 0 ≤ asin(x) ≤ π |
atan | x | arc tangent of x in radians | 0 ≤ atan(x) ≤ π | |
ceil | x | smallest number not less than x whose value is an exact integer | ||
cos | x | cosine of x | ||
exp | x | e x, where e is the base of the natural logarithm | ||
floor | x | largest number not greater than x whose value is an exact integer | ||
log | x | natural logarithm of x | x > 0 | |
log10 | x | base 10 logarithm of x | x > 0 | |
pow | x, y | x y | ||
sqr | x | x2 | ||
sqrt | x | √x | x > 0 | sqrt(x) ≥ 0 |
sin | x | sine of x | ||
tan | x | tangent of x | x ≠ n*π/2, for odd integer n |
represents the natural logarithm, whereas in MathML, the natural logarithm is <ln/>
. Application writers are urged to be careful when translating between text forms and MathML forms, especially if they provide a direct text-string input facility to users of their software systems.tree | the AST to be converted. |
def libsbml.getDefaultL3ParserSettings | ( | ) |
Returns a copy of the default Level 3 ('L3') formula parser settings.
getDefaultL3ParserSettings() L3ParserSettings
The data structure storing the settings allows callers to change the following parsing behaviors:
The following lists the main differences in the formula syntax supported by the Level 3 ('L3') versions of the formula parsers and formatters, compared to what is supported by the Level 1-oriented parseFormula() and formulaToString():
in the SBML specifications). The whitespace between number and unit is optional.&&
(and), ||
(or), !
(not), and !=
(not equals) may be used.%
and will produce a <piecewise>
function in the corresponding MathML output by default, or can produce the MathML function rem
, depending on the L3ParserSettings object (see L3ParserSettings_setParseModuloL3v2() ).arc
as a prefix or simply a
; in other words, both arccsc
and acsc
are interpreted as the operator arccosecant as defined in MathML 2.0. (Many functions in the simpler SBML Level 1 oriented parser implemented by parseFormula() are defined this way as well, but not all.)(integer/integer)Spaces are not allowed in this construct; in other words, "
(3 / 4)
" (with whitespace between the numbers and the operator) will be parsed into the MathML <divide>
construct rather than a rational number. You can, however, assign units to a rational number as a whole; here is an example: "(3/4) ml
". (In the case of division rather than a rational number, units are not interpreted in this way.)The function log
with a single argument ("log(x)
") can be parsed as log10(x)
, ln(x)
, or treated as an error, as desired.
Unary minus signs can be collapsed or preserved; that is, sequential pairs of unary minuses (e.g., "- -3
") can be removed from the input entirely and single unary minuses can be incorporated into the number node, or all minuses can be preserved in the AST node structure.
Parsing of units embedded in the input string can be turned on and off.
The string avogadro
can be parsed as a MathML csymbol or as an identifier.
The string % can be parsed either as a piecewise function or as the 'rem' function: a % b
will either become
piecewise(a - b*ceil(a/b), xor((a < 0), (b < 0)), a - b*floor(a/b))
rem(a, b)
The latter is simpler, but the rem
MathML is only allowed as of SBML Level 3 Version 2.
A Model object may optionally be provided to the parser using the variant function call parseL3FormulaWithModel() or stored in a L3ParserSettings object passed to the variant function parseL3FormulaWithSettings(). When a Model object is provided, identifiers (values of type SId
) from that model are used in preference to pre-defined MathML definitions for both symbols and functions. More precisely:
In the case of symbols: the Model entities whose identifiers will shadow identical symbols in the mathematical formula are: Species, Compartment, Parameter, Reaction, and SpeciesReference. For instance, if the parser is given a Model containing a Species with the identifier "pi
", and the formula to be parsed is "3*pi
", the MathML produced will contain the construct <ci> pi </ci>
instead of the construct <pi/>
values of user-defined functions present in the model will be used preferentially over pre-defined MathML functions. For example, if the passed-in Model contains a FunctionDefinition object with the identifier "sin
", that function will be used instead of the predefined MathML function <sin/>
. These configuration settings cannot be changed directly using the basic parser and formatter functions, but can be changed on a per-call basis by using the alternative functions parseL3FormulaWithSettings() and formulaToL3StringWithSettings().
Neither SBML nor the MathML standard define a 'string-form' equivalent to MathML expressions. The approach taken by libSBML is to start with the formula syntax defined by SBML Level 1 (which in fact used a custom text-string representation of formulas, and not MathML), and expand it to include the functionality described above. This formula syntax is based mostly on C programming syntax, and may contain operators, function calls, symbols, and white space characters. The following table provides the precedence rules for the different entities that may appear in formula strings.
Token | Operation | Class | Preced. | Assoc. |
name | symbol reference | operand | 8 | n/a |
( expression) | expression grouping | operand | 8 | n/a |
f( ...) | function call | prefix | 8 | left |
^ | power | binary | 7 | left |
-, ! | negation, Boolean 'not' | unary | 6 | right |
*, /, % | multip., div., modulo | binary | 5 | left |
+, - | addition and subtraction | binary | 4 | left |
==, <, >, <=, >=, != | Boolean comparisons | binary | 3 | left |
&&, || | Boolean 'and' and 'or' | binary | 2 | left |
, | argument delimiter | binary | 1 | left |
In the table above, operand implies the construct is an operand, prefix implies the operation is applied to the following arguments, unary implies there is one argument, and binary implies there are two arguments. The values in the Precedence column show how the order of different types of operation are determined. For example, the expression a + b * c
is evaluated as a + (b * c)
because the *
operator has higher precedence. The Associates column shows how the order of similar precedence operations is determined; for example, a && b || c
is evaluated as (a && b) || c
because the &&
and ||
operators are left-associative and have the same precedence.
The function call syntax consists of a function name, followed by optional white space, followed by an opening parenthesis token, followed by a sequence of zero or more arguments separated by commas (with each comma optionally preceded and/or followed by zero or more white space characters), followed by a closing parenthesis token. The function name must be chosen from one of the pre-defined functions in SBML or a user-defined function in the model. The following table lists the names of certain common mathematical functions; this table corresponds to Table 6 in the SBML Level 1 Version 2 specification with additions based on the functions added in SBML Level 2 and Level 3:
Name | Argument(s) | Formula or meaning | Argument Constraints | Result constraints |
abs |
x | Absolute value of x. | ||
acos , arccos |
x | Arccosine of x in radians. | –1.0 ≤ x ≤ 1.0 | 0 ≤ acos(x) ≤ π |
acosh , arccosh |
x | Hyperbolic arccosine of x in radians. | ||
acot , arccot |
x | Arccotangent of x in radians. | ||
acoth , arccoth |
x | Hyperbolic arccotangent of x in radians. | ||
acsc , arccsc |
x | Arccosecant of x in radians. | ||
acsch , arccsch |
x | Hyperbolic arccosecant of x in radians. | ||
asec , arcsec |
x | Arcsecant of x in radians. | ||
asech , arcsech |
x | Hyperbolic arcsecant of x in radians. | ||
asin , arcsin |
x | Arcsine of x in radians. | –1.0 ≤ x ≤ 1.0 | 0 ≤ asin(x) ≤ π |
atan , arctan |
x | Arctangent of x in radians. | 0 ≤ atan(x) ≤ π | |
atanh , arctanh |
x | Hyperbolic arctangent of x in radians. | ||
ceil , ceiling |
x | Smallest number not less than x whose value is an exact integer. | ||
cos |
x | Cosine of x | ||
cosh |
x | Hyperbolic cosine of x. | ||
cot |
x | Cotangent of x. | ||
coth |
x | Hyperbolic cotangent of x. | ||
csc |
x | Cosecant of x. | ||
csch |
x | Hyperbolic cosecant of x. | ||
delay |
x, y | The value of x at y time units in the past. | ||
factorial |
n | The factorial of n. Factorials are defined by n! = n*(n–1)* ... * 1. | n must be an integer. | |
exp |
x | e x, where e is the base of the natural logarithm. | ||
floor |
x | The largest number not greater than x whose value is an exact integer. | ||
ln |
x | Natural logarithm of x. | x > 0 | |
log |
x | By default, the base 10 logarithm of x, but can be set to be the natural logarithm of x, or to be an illegal construct. | x > 0 | |
log |
x, y | The base x logarithm of y. | y > 0 | |
log10 |
x | Base 10 logarithm of x. | x > 0 | |
piecewise |
x1, y1, [x2, y2,] [...] [z] | A piecewise function: if (y1), x1. Otherwise, if (y2), x2, etc. Otherwise, z. | y1, y2, y3 [etc] must be Boolean | |
pow , power |
x, y | x y. | ||
root |
b, x | The root base b of x. | ||
sec |
x | Secant of x. | ||
sech |
x | Hyperbolic secant of x. | ||
sqr |
x | x2. | ||
sqrt |
x | √x. | x > 0 | sqrt(x) ≥ 0 |
sin |
x | Sine of x. | ||
sinh |
x | Hyperbolic sine of x. | ||
tan |
x | Tangent of x. | x ≠ n*π/2, for odd integer n | |
tanh |
x | Hyperbolic tangent of x. | ||
and |
x, y, z... | Boolean and(x, y, z...): returns true if all of its arguments are true. Note that and is an n-ary function, taking 0 or more arguments, and that and() returns true . |
All arguments must be Boolean | |
not |
x | Boolean not(x) | x must be Boolean | |
or |
x, y, z... | Boolean or(x, y, z...): returns true if at least one of its arguments is true. Note that or is an n-ary function, taking 0 or more arguments, and that or() returns false . |
All arguments must be Boolean | |
xor |
x, y, z... | Boolean xor(x, y, z...): returns true if an odd number of its arguments is true. Note that xor is an n-ary function, taking 0 or more arguments, and that xor() returns false . |
All arguments must be Boolean | |
eq |
x, y, z... | Boolean eq(x, y, z...): returns true if all arguments are equal. Note that eq is an n-ary function, but must take 2 or more arguments. |
geq |
x, y, z... | Boolean geq(x, y, z...): returns true if each argument is greater than or equal to the argument following it. Note that geq is an n-ary function, but must take 2 or more arguments. |
gt |
x, y, z... | Boolean gt(x, y, z...): returns true if each argument is greater than the argument following it. Note that gt is an n-ary function, but must take 2 or more arguments. |
leq |
x, y, z... | Boolean leq(x, y, z...): returns true if each argument is less than or equal to the argument following it. Note that leq is an n-ary function, but must take 2 or more arguments. |
lt |
x, y, z... | Boolean lt(x, y, z...): returns true if each argument is less than the argument following it. Note that lt is an n-ary function, but must take 2 or more arguments. |
neq |
x, y | Boolean x != y: returns true unless x and y are equal. |
plus |
x, y, z... | x + y + z + ...: The sum of the arguments of the function. Note that plus is an n-ary function taking 0 or more arguments, and that plus() returns 0 . |
times |
x, y, z... | x * y * z * ...: The product of the arguments of the function. Note that times is an n-ary function taking 0 or more arguments, and that times() returns 1 . |
minus |
x, y | x – y. | ||
divide |
x, y | x / y. |
Parsing of the various MathML functions and constants are all case-insensitive by default: function names such as cos
, Cos
and COS
are all parsed as the MathML cosine operator, <cos>
. However, when a Model object is used in conjunction with either parseL3FormulaWithModel() or parseL3FormulaWithSettings(), any identifiers found in that model will be parsed in a case-sensitive way. For example, if a model contains a Species having the identifier Pi
, the parser will parse "Pi
" in the input as "<ci> Pi </ci>
" but will continue to parse the symbols "pi
" and "PI
" as "<pi>
As mentioned above, the manner in which the 'L3' versions of the formula parser and formatter interpret the function "log
" can be changed. To do so, callers should use the function parseL3FormulaWithSettings() and pass it an appropriate L3ParserSettings object. By default, unlike the SBML Level 1 parser implemented by parseFormula(), the string quot;log
" is interpreted as the base 10 logarithm, and not as the natural logarithm. However, you can change the interpretation to be base-10 log, natural log, or as an error; since the name 'log' by itself is ambiguous, you require that the parser uses log10
or ln
instead, which are more clear. Please refer to parseL3FormulaWithSettings().
In addition, the following symbols will be translated to their MathML equivalents, if no symbol with the same SId
identifier string exists in the Model object provided:
Name | Meaning | MathML |
true |
Boolean value true |
<true/> |
false |
Boolean value false |
<false/> |
pi |
Mathematical constant pi | <pi/> |
avogadro |
Value of Avogadro's constant stipulated by SBML | <csymbol encoding="text" definitionURL=""> avogadro </csymbol/> |
time |
Simulation time as defined in SBML | <csymbol encoding="text" definitionURL=""> time </csymbol/> |
inf , infinity |
Mathematical constant "infinity" | <infinity/> |
nan , notanumber |
Mathematical concept "not a number" | <notanumber/> |
Again, as mentioned above, whether the string quot;avogadro
" is parsed as an AST node of type AST_NAME_AVOGADRO or AST_NAME is configurable; use the version of the parser function called parseL3FormulaWithSettings(). This Avogadro-related functionality is provided because SBML Level 2 models may not use AST_NAME_AVOGADRO AST nodes.
For more details about the parser, please see the definition of L3ParserSettings and parseL3Formula().
def libsbml.getLastParseL3Error | ( | ) |
Returns the last error reported by the 'L3' mathematical formula parser.
getLastParseL3Error() string
If the functions parseL3Formula(), parseL3FormulaWithSettings(), or parseL3FormulaWithModel() return None
, an error is set internally. This function allows callers to retrieve information about the error.
def libsbml.getLibSBMLDependencyVersionOf | ( | option | ) |
Returns the version string for the dependency library used.
getLibSBMLDependencyVersionOf(long option) string *
option | the library for which the version should be retrieved, this can be one of 'expat', 'libxml', 'xerces-c', 'bzip2', 'zip' |
def libsbml.getLibSBMLDottedVersion | ( | ) |
Returns the version number of this copy of libSBML as a string.
getLibSBMLDottedVersion() string *
def libsbml.getLibSBMLVersion | ( | ) |
Returns the version number of this copy of libSBML as an integer.
getLibSBMLVersion() int
def libsbml.getLibSBMLVersionString | ( | ) |
Returns the version number of this copy of libSBML as a string without periods.
getLibSBMLVersionString() string *
def libsbml.GroupKind_fromString | ( | code | ) |
Returns the enumeration value corresponding to the given string or GROUP_KIND_UNKNOWN if there is no such match.
GroupKind_fromString(long code) long
code | the string to convert to an enumeration value. |
def libsbml.GroupKind_isValid | ( | gk | ) |
Predicate returning 1
(true) or 0
(false) depending on whether the given enumeration value is valid.
GroupKind_isValid(long gk) int
gk | the enumeration value to query. |
(false) otherwise (including GROUP_KIND_UNKNOWN). def libsbml.GroupKind_isValidString | ( | code | ) |
Predicate returning 1
(true) or 0
(false) depending on whether the given string is a valid enumeration value.
GroupKind_isValidString(long code) int
code | the string to query. |
(true) if the string is 'classification', 'partonomy', or 'collection'; 0
(false) otherwise.1
(true), but 'Classification' will return 0
(false). def libsbml.GroupKind_toString | ( | gk | ) |
Returns the string version of the provided enumeration value.
GroupKind_toString(long gk) string *
gk | the enumeration value to convert. |
if the value is GROUP_KIND_UNKNOWN or another invalid enumeration value.def libsbml.GroupsExtension_getDefaultLevel | ( | ) |
Returns the default SBML Level implemented by this libSBML extension.
GroupsExtension_getDefaultLevel() long
def libsbml.GroupsExtension_getDefaultPackageVersion | ( | ) |
Returns the default version of the SBML Level 3 package implemented by this libSBML extension.
GroupsExtension_getDefaultPackageVersion() long
def libsbml.GroupsExtension_getDefaultVersion | ( | ) |
Returns the default SBML Version implemented by this libSBML extension.
GroupsExtension_getDefaultVersion() long
def libsbml.GroupsExtension_getPackageName | ( | ) |
Returns the nickname of the SBML Level 3 package implemented by this libSBML extension.
GroupsExtension_getPackageName() string
def libsbml.GroupsExtension_getXmlnsL3V1V1 | ( | ) |
Returns the XML namespace URI of the SBML Level 3 package implemented by this libSBML extension.
GroupsExtension_getXmlnsL3V1V1() string
def libsbml.int_array_frompointer | ( | t | ) |
int_array_frompointer(int * t) int_array
def libsbml.isLibSBMLCompiledWith | ( | option | ) |
Returns an indication whether libSBML has been compiled with against a specific library.
isLibSBMLCompiledWith(long option) int
option | the library to test against, this can be one of 'expat', 'libxml', 'xerces-c', 'bzip2', 'zip' |
def libsbml.LayoutExtension_getDefaultLevel | ( | ) |
Returns the default SBML Level used by this libSBML package extension.
LayoutExtension_getDefaultLevel() long
def libsbml.LayoutExtension_getDefaultPackageVersion | ( | ) |
Returns the default version of the SBML Level 3 package implemented by this libSBML extension.
LayoutExtension_getDefaultPackageVersion() long
def libsbml.LayoutExtension_getDefaultVersion | ( | ) |
Returns the default SBML Version used by this libSBML package extension.
LayoutExtension_getDefaultVersion() long
def libsbml.LayoutExtension_getPackageName | ( | ) |
Returns the nickname of the SBML Level 3 package implemented by this libSBML extension.
LayoutExtension_getPackageName() string
def libsbml.LayoutExtension_getXmlnsL2 | ( | ) |
Returns the XML namespace URI of the SBML Level 2 version of the package implemented by this libSBML Extension.
LayoutExtension_getXmlnsL2() string
Unique among the SBML Level 3 packages, the Layout package existed and was in widespread use prior to the introduction of SBML Level 3. The Layout package was used as model annotations in SBML Level 2. This method returns the SBML annotation XML namespace used for Level 2.
def libsbml.LayoutExtension_getXmlnsL3V1V1 | ( | ) |
Returns the XML namespace URI of the SBML Level 3 package implemented by this libSBML extension.
LayoutExtension_getXmlnsL3V1V1() string
def libsbml.LayoutExtension_getXmlnsXSI | ( | ) |
Returns the XML namespace URI of any additional XML namespaces needed or used by this SBML Level 3 package.
LayoutExtension_getXmlnsXSI() string
def libsbml.ModelQualifierType_fromString | ( | s | ) |
This method takes a string and returns a model qualifier representing the string.
ModelQualifierType_fromString(long s) long
This method takes a string as argument and returns a model qualifier type corresponding to that string. For example, passing it the string 'isDescribedBy'
will return the qualifier BQM_IS_DESCRIBED_BY.
s | the string to translate to a libSBML constant value representing a model qualifier. |
def libsbml.ModelQualifierType_toString | ( | type | ) |
This method takes a model qualifier type code and returns a string representing the code.
ModelQualifierType_toString(long type) string *
This method takes a model qualifier type as argument and returns a string name corresponding to that code. For example, passing it the qualifier BQM_IS_DESCRIBED_BY will return the string 'isDescribedBy'
type | the value to translate. The value should be a libSBML constant whose name begins with BQM_ , such as (for example) BQM_IS. |
def libsbml.MultiExtension_getDefaultLevel | ( | ) |
Returns the default SBML Level used by this libSBML package extension.
MultiExtension_getDefaultLevel() long
def libsbml.MultiExtension_getDefaultPackageVersion | ( | ) |
Returns the default version of the SBML Level 3 package implemented by this libSBML extension.
MultiExtension_getDefaultPackageVersion() long
def libsbml.MultiExtension_getDefaultVersion | ( | ) |
Returns the default SBML Version used by this libSBML package extension.
MultiExtension_getDefaultVersion() long
def libsbml.MultiExtension_getPackageName | ( | ) |
Returns the nickname of the SBML Level 3 package implemented by this libSBML extension.
MultiExtension_getPackageName() string
def libsbml.MultiExtension_getXmlnsL3V1V1 | ( | ) |
Returns the XML namespace URI of the SBML Level 3 package implemented by this libSBML extension.
MultiExtension_getXmlnsL3V1V1() string
def libsbml.OperationReturnValue_toString | ( | returnValue | ) |
This method takes an SBML operation return value and returns a string representing the code.
OperationReturnValue_toString(int returnValue) string *
returnValue | the operation return value to convert to a string. |
def libsbml.parseFormula | ( | formula | ) |
Parses the given SBML formula and returns a representation of it as an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST).
parseFormula(long formula) ASTNode
0.10 * k4^2
(vm * s1)/(km + s1)
Note that this facility is provided as a convenience by libSBML—the MathML standard does not actually define a 'string-form' equivalent to MathML expression trees, so the choice of formula syntax is somewhat arbitrary. The approach taken by libSBML is to use the syntax defined by SBML Level 1 (which in fact used a text-string representation of formulas and not MathML). This formula syntax is based mostly on C programming syntax, and may contain operators, function calls, symbols, and white space characters. The following table provides the precedence rules for the different entities that may appear in formula strings.
Token | Operation | Class | Precedence | Associates |
name | symbol reference | operand | 6 | n/a |
( expression) | expression grouping | operand | 6 | n/a |
f( ...) | function call | prefix | 6 | left |
- | negation | unary | 5 | right |
^ | power | binary | 4 | left |
* | multiplication | binary | 3 | left |
/ | divison | binary | 3 | left |
+ | addition | binary | 2 | left |
- | subtraction | binary | 2 | left |
, | argument delimiter | binary | 1 | left |
In the table above, operand implies the construct is an operand, prefix implies the operation is applied to the following arguments, unary implies there is one argument, and binary implies there are two arguments. The values in the Precedence column show how the order of different types of operation are determined. For example, the expression a * b + c
is evaluated as (a * b) + c
because the *
operator has higher precedence. The Associates column shows how the order of similar precedence operations is determined; for example, a - b + c
is evaluated as (a - b) + c
because the +
and -
operators are left-associative.
The function call syntax consists of a function name, followed by optional white space, followed by an opening parenthesis token, followed by a sequence of zero or more arguments separated by commas (with each comma optionally preceded and/or followed by zero or more white space characters, followed by a closing parenthesis token. The function name must be chosen from one of the pre-defined functions in SBML or a user-defined function in the model. The following table lists the names of certain common mathematical functions; this table corresponds to Table 6 in the SBML Level 1 Version 2 specification:
Name | Args | Formula or meaning | Argument Constraints | Result constraints |
abs | x | absolute value of x | ||
acos | x | arc cosine of x in radians | -1.0 ≤ x ≤ 1.0 | 0 ≤ acos(x) ≤ π |
asin | x | arc sine of x in radians | -1.0 ≤ x ≤ 1.0 | 0 ≤ asin(x) ≤ π |
atan | x | arc tangent of x in radians | 0 ≤ atan(x) ≤ π | |
ceil | x | smallest number not less than x whose value is an exact integer | ||
cos | x | cosine of x | ||
exp | x | e x, where e is the base of the natural logarithm | ||
floor | x | largest number not greater than x whose value is an exact integer | ||
log | x | natural logarithm of x | x > 0 | |
log10 | x | base 10 logarithm of x | x > 0 | |
pow | x, y | x y | ||
sqr | x | x2 | ||
sqrt | x | √x | x > 0 | sqrt(x) ≥ 0 |
sin | x | sine of x | ||
tan | x | tangent of x | x ≠ n*π/2, for odd integer n |
represents the natural logarithm, whereas in MathML, the natural logarithm is <ln/>
. Application writers are urged to be careful when translating between text forms and MathML forms, especially if they provide a direct text-string input facility to users of their software systems.formula | the text-string formula expression to be parsed |
, or None
if an error occurred in parsing the formuladef libsbml.parseL3Formula | ( | formula | ) |
Parses a text string as a mathematical formula and returns an AST representation of it.
parseL3Formula(long formula) ASTNode
The following lists the main differences in the formula syntax supported by the Level 3 ('L3') versions of the formula parsers and formatters, compared to what is supported by the Level 1-oriented parseFormula() and formulaToString():
in the SBML specifications). The whitespace between number and unit is optional.&&
(and), ||
(or), !
(not), and !=
(not equals) may be used.%
and will produce a <piecewise>
function in the corresponding MathML output by default, or can produce the MathML function rem
, depending on the L3ParserSettings object (see L3ParserSettings_setParseModuloL3v2() ).arc
as a prefix or simply a
; in other words, both arccsc
and acsc
are interpreted as the operator arccosecant as defined in MathML 2.0. (Many functions in the simpler SBML Level 1 oriented parser implemented by parseFormula() are defined this way as well, but not all.)(integer/integer)Spaces are not allowed in this construct; in other words, "
(3 / 4)
" (with whitespace between the numbers and the operator) will be parsed into the MathML <divide>
construct rather than a rational number. You can, however, assign units to a rational number as a whole; here is an example: "(3/4) ml
". (In the case of division rather than a rational number, units are not interpreted in this way.)The function log
with a single argument ("log(x)
") can be parsed as log10(x)
, ln(x)
, or treated as an error, as desired.
Unary minus signs can be collapsed or preserved; that is, sequential pairs of unary minuses (e.g., "- -3
") can be removed from the input entirely and single unary minuses can be incorporated into the number node, or all minuses can be preserved in the AST node structure.
Parsing of units embedded in the input string can be turned on and off.
The string avogadro
can be parsed as a MathML csymbol or as an identifier.
The string % can be parsed either as a piecewise function or as the 'rem' function: a % b
will either become
piecewise(a - b*ceil(a/b), xor((a < 0), (b < 0)), a - b*floor(a/b))
rem(a, b)
The latter is simpler, but the rem
MathML is only allowed as of SBML Level 3 Version 2.
A Model object may optionally be provided to the parser using the variant function call parseL3FormulaWithModel() or stored in a L3ParserSettings object passed to the variant function parseL3FormulaWithSettings(). When a Model object is provided, identifiers (values of type SId
) from that model are used in preference to pre-defined MathML definitions for both symbols and functions. More precisely:
In the case of symbols: the Model entities whose identifiers will shadow identical symbols in the mathematical formula are: Species, Compartment, Parameter, Reaction, and SpeciesReference. For instance, if the parser is given a Model containing a Species with the identifier "pi
", and the formula to be parsed is "3*pi
", the MathML produced will contain the construct <ci> pi </ci>
instead of the construct <pi/>
values of user-defined functions present in the model will be used preferentially over pre-defined MathML functions. For example, if the passed-in Model contains a FunctionDefinition object with the identifier "sin
", that function will be used instead of the predefined MathML function <sin/>
. These configuration settings cannot be changed directly using the basic parser and formatter functions, but can be changed on a per-call basis by using the alternative functions parseL3FormulaWithSettings() and formulaToL3StringWithSettings().
Neither SBML nor the MathML standard define a 'string-form' equivalent to MathML expressions. The approach taken by libSBML is to start with the formula syntax defined by SBML Level 1 (which in fact used a custom text-string representation of formulas, and not MathML), and expand it to include the functionality described above. This formula syntax is based mostly on C programming syntax, and may contain operators, function calls, symbols, and white space characters. The following table provides the precedence rules for the different entities that may appear in formula strings.
Token | Operation | Class | Preced. | Assoc. |
name | symbol reference | operand | 8 | n/a |
( expression) | expression grouping | operand | 8 | n/a |
f( ...) | function call | prefix | 8 | left |
^ | power | binary | 7 | left |
-, ! | negation, Boolean 'not' | unary | 6 | right |
*, /, % | multip., div., modulo | binary | 5 | left |
+, - | addition and subtraction | binary | 4 | left |
==, <, >, <=, >=, != | Boolean comparisons | binary | 3 | left |
&&, || | Boolean 'and' and 'or' | binary | 2 | left |
, | argument delimiter | binary | 1 | left |
In the table above, operand implies the construct is an operand, prefix implies the operation is applied to the following arguments, unary implies there is one argument, and binary implies there are two arguments. The values in the Precedence column show how the order of different types of operation are determined. For example, the expression a + b * c
is evaluated as a + (b * c)
because the *
operator has higher precedence. The Associates column shows how the order of similar precedence operations is determined; for example, a && b || c
is evaluated as (a && b) || c
because the &&
and ||
operators are left-associative and have the same precedence.
The function call syntax consists of a function name, followed by optional white space, followed by an opening parenthesis token, followed by a sequence of zero or more arguments separated by commas (with each comma optionally preceded and/or followed by zero or more white space characters), followed by a closing parenthesis token. The function name must be chosen from one of the pre-defined functions in SBML or a user-defined function in the model. The following table lists the names of certain common mathematical functions; this table corresponds to Table 6 in the SBML Level 1 Version 2 specification with additions based on the functions added in SBML Level 2 and Level 3:
Name | Argument(s) | Formula or meaning | Argument Constraints | Result constraints |
abs |
x | Absolute value of x. | ||
acos , arccos |
x | Arccosine of x in radians. | –1.0 ≤ x ≤ 1.0 | 0 ≤ acos(x) ≤ π |
acosh , arccosh |
x | Hyperbolic arccosine of x in radians. | ||
acot , arccot |
x | Arccotangent of x in radians. | ||
acoth , arccoth |
x | Hyperbolic arccotangent of x in radians. | ||
acsc , arccsc |
x | Arccosecant of x in radians. | ||
acsch , arccsch |
x | Hyperbolic arccosecant of x in radians. | ||
asec , arcsec |
x | Arcsecant of x in radians. | ||
asech , arcsech |
x | Hyperbolic arcsecant of x in radians. | ||
asin , arcsin |
x | Arcsine of x in radians. | –1.0 ≤ x ≤ 1.0 | 0 ≤ asin(x) ≤ π |
atan , arctan |
x | Arctangent of x in radians. | 0 ≤ atan(x) ≤ π | |
atanh , arctanh |
x | Hyperbolic arctangent of x in radians. | ||
ceil , ceiling |
x | Smallest number not less than x whose value is an exact integer. | ||
cos |
x | Cosine of x | ||
cosh |
x | Hyperbolic cosine of x. | ||
cot |
x | Cotangent of x. | ||
coth |
x | Hyperbolic cotangent of x. | ||
csc |
x | Cosecant of x. | ||
csch |
x | Hyperbolic cosecant of x. | ||
delay |
x, y | The value of x at y time units in the past. | ||
factorial |
n | The factorial of n. Factorials are defined by n! = n*(n–1)* ... * 1. | n must be an integer. | |
exp |
x | e x, where e is the base of the natural logarithm. | ||
floor |
x | The largest number not greater than x whose value is an exact integer. | ||
ln |
x | Natural logarithm of x. | x > 0 | |
log |
x | By default, the base 10 logarithm of x, but can be set to be the natural logarithm of x, or to be an illegal construct. | x > 0 | |
log |
x, y | The base x logarithm of y. | y > 0 | |
log10 |
x | Base 10 logarithm of x. | x > 0 | |
piecewise |
x1, y1, [x2, y2,] [...] [z] | A piecewise function: if (y1), x1. Otherwise, if (y2), x2, etc. Otherwise, z. | y1, y2, y3 [etc] must be Boolean | |
pow , power |
x, y | x y. | ||
root |
b, x | The root base b of x. | ||
sec |
x | Secant of x. | ||
sech |
x | Hyperbolic secant of x. | ||
sqr |
x | x2. | ||
sqrt |
x | √x. | x > 0 | sqrt(x) ≥ 0 |
sin |
x | Sine of x. | ||
sinh |
x | Hyperbolic sine of x. | ||
tan |
x | Tangent of x. | x ≠ n*π/2, for odd integer n | |
tanh |
x | Hyperbolic tangent of x. | ||
and |
x, y, z... | Boolean and(x, y, z...): returns true if all of its arguments are true. Note that and is an n-ary function, taking 0 or more arguments, and that and() returns true . |
All arguments must be Boolean | |
not |
x | Boolean not(x) | x must be Boolean | |
or |
x, y, z... | Boolean or(x, y, z...): returns true if at least one of its arguments is true. Note that or is an n-ary function, taking 0 or more arguments, and that or() returns false . |
All arguments must be Boolean | |
xor |
x, y, z... | Boolean xor(x, y, z...): returns true if an odd number of its arguments is true. Note that xor is an n-ary function, taking 0 or more arguments, and that xor() returns false . |
All arguments must be Boolean | |
eq |
x, y, z... | Boolean eq(x, y, z...): returns true if all arguments are equal. Note that eq is an n-ary function, but must take 2 or more arguments. |
geq |
x, y, z... | Boolean geq(x, y, z...): returns true if each argument is greater than or equal to the argument following it. Note that geq is an n-ary function, but must take 2 or more arguments. |
gt |
x, y, z... | Boolean gt(x, y, z...): returns true if each argument is greater than the argument following it. Note that gt is an n-ary function, but must take 2 or more arguments. |
leq |
x, y, z... | Boolean leq(x, y, z...): returns true if each argument is less than or equal to the argument following it. Note that leq is an n-ary function, but must take 2 or more arguments. |
lt |
x, y, z... | Boolean lt(x, y, z...): returns true if each argument is less than the argument following it. Note that lt is an n-ary function, but must take 2 or more arguments. |
neq |
x, y | Boolean x != y: returns true unless x and y are equal. |
plus |
x, y, z... | x + y + z + ...: The sum of the arguments of the function. Note that plus is an n-ary function taking 0 or more arguments, and that plus() returns 0 . |
times |
x, y, z... | x * y * z * ...: The product of the arguments of the function. Note that times is an n-ary function taking 0 or more arguments, and that times() returns 1 . |
minus |
x, y | x – y. | ||
divide |
x, y | x / y. |
Parsing of the various MathML functions and constants are all case-insensitive by default: function names such as cos
, Cos
and COS
are all parsed as the MathML cosine operator, <cos>
. However, when a Model object is used in conjunction with either parseL3FormulaWithModel() or parseL3FormulaWithSettings(), any identifiers found in that model will be parsed in a case-sensitive way. For example, if a model contains a Species having the identifier Pi
, the parser will parse "Pi
" in the input as "<ci> Pi </ci>
" but will continue to parse the symbols "pi
" and "PI
" as "<pi>
As mentioned above, the manner in which the 'L3' versions of the formula parser and formatter interpret the function "log
" can be changed. To do so, callers should use the function parseL3FormulaWithSettings() and pass it an appropriate L3ParserSettings object. By default, unlike the SBML Level 1 parser implemented by parseFormula(), the string quot;log
" is interpreted as the base 10 logarithm, and not as the natural logarithm. However, you can change the interpretation to be base-10 log, natural log, or as an error; since the name 'log' by itself is ambiguous, you require that the parser uses log10
or ln
instead, which are more clear. Please refer to parseL3FormulaWithSettings().
In addition, the following symbols will be translated to their MathML equivalents, if no symbol with the same SId
identifier string exists in the Model object provided:
Name | Meaning | MathML |
true |
Boolean value true |
<true/> |
false |
Boolean value false |
<false/> |
pi |
Mathematical constant pi | <pi/> |
avogadro |
Value of Avogadro's constant stipulated by SBML | <csymbol encoding="text" definitionURL=""> avogadro </csymbol/> |
time |
Simulation time as defined in SBML | <csymbol encoding="text" definitionURL=""> time </csymbol/> |
inf , infinity |
Mathematical constant "infinity" | <infinity/> |
nan , notanumber |
Mathematical concept "not a number" | <notanumber/> |
Again, as mentioned above, whether the string quot;avogadro
" is parsed as an AST node of type AST_NAME_AVOGADRO or AST_NAME is configurable; use the version of the parser function called parseL3FormulaWithSettings(). This Avogadro-related functionality is provided because SBML Level 2 models may not use AST_NAME_AVOGADRO AST nodes.
formula | the text-string formula expression to be parsed. |
if an error occurred while parsing the formula. When None
is returned, an error is recorded internally; information about the error can be retrieved using getLastParseL3Error().def libsbml.parseL3FormulaWithModel | ( | formula, | |
model | |||
) |
Parses a text string as a mathematical formula using a Model to resolve symbols, and returns an AST representation of the result.
parseL3FormulaWithModel(long formula, Model model) ASTNode
This is identical to parseL3Formula(), except that this function uses the given model in the argument model
to check against identifiers that appear in the formula
. For more information about the parser, please see the definition of L3ParserSettings and the function parseL3Formula().
formula | the mathematical formula expression to be parsed. |
model | the Model object to use for checking identifiers. |
if an error occurred while parsing the formula. When None
is returned, an error is recorded internally; information about the error can be retrieved using getLastParseL3Error().def libsbml.parseL3FormulaWithSettings | ( | formula, | |
settings | |||
) |
Parses a text string as a mathematical formula using specific parser settings and returns an AST representation of the result.
parseL3FormulaWithSettings(long formula, L3ParserSettings settings) ASTNode
This is identical to parseL3Formula(), except that this function uses the parser settings given in the argument settings
. The settings override the default parsing behavior. The following parsing behaviors can be configured:
) from the model in preference to pre-defined MathML symbols More precisely, the Model entities whose identifiers will shadow identical symbols in the mathematical formula are: Species, Compartment, Parameter, Reaction, and SpeciesReference. For instance, if the parser is given a Model containing a Species with the identifier "pi
", and the formula to be parsed is "3*pi
", the MathML produced by the parser will contain the construct <ci> pi </ci>
instead of the construct <pi/>
. Another example, if the passed-in Model contains a FunctionDefinition with the identifier "sin
", that function will be used instead of the predefined MathML function <sin/>
. log
with a single argument ("log(x)
") can be parsed as log10(x)
, ln(x)
, or treated as an error, as desired. - -3
") from the input and incorporate single unary minuses into the number node, or (2) preserve all minuses in the AST node structure, turning them into ASTNode objects of type AST_MINUS. number id
" can be interpreted as a numerical value number
followed by units of measurement indicated by id
, or it can be treated as a syntax error. (In Level 3, MathML <cn>
elements can have an attribute named units
placed in the SBML namespace, which can be used to indicate the units to be associated with the number. The text-string infix formula parser allows units to be placed after raw numbers; they are interpreted as unit identifiers for units defined by the SBML specification or in the containing Model object.) avogadro
can be parsed either as a MathML csymbol or as a identifier. More specifically, "avogadro
" can be treated as an ASTNode of type AST_NAME_AVOGADRO or of type AST_NAME. For more details about the parser, please see the definition of L3ParserSettings and parseL3FormulaWithSettings().
formula | the mathematical formula expression to be parsed. |
settings | the settings to be used for this parser invocation. |
if an error occurred while parsing the formula. When None
is returned, an error is recorded internally; information about the error can be retrieved using getLastParseL3Error().def libsbml.parseLayoutAnnotation | ( | annotation, | |
layouts | |||
) |
parseLayoutAnnotation(XMLNode annotation, ListOfLayouts layouts)
takes an annotation that has been read into the model identifies the RDF elements and creates a List of Layouts from the annotation
def libsbml.parseLayoutId | ( | sr | ) |
Creates an XMLNode that represents the layoutId annotation of the species reference from the given SpeciesReference object.
parseLayoutId(SimpleSpeciesReference sr) XMLNode
def libsbml.parseLayouts | ( | pModel | ) |
def libsbml.parseSpeciesReferenceAnnotation | ( | annotation, | |
sr | |||
) |
parseSpeciesReferenceAnnotation(XMLNode annotation, SimpleSpeciesReference sr)
takes an annotation that has been read into the species reference identifies the id elements and set the id of the species reference
def libsbml.QualExtension_getDefaultLevel | ( | ) |
Returns the default SBML Level used by this libSBML package extension.
QualExtension_getDefaultLevel() long
def libsbml.QualExtension_getDefaultPackageVersion | ( | ) |
Returns the default version of the SBML Level 3 package implemented by this libSBML extension.
QualExtension_getDefaultPackageVersion() long
def libsbml.QualExtension_getDefaultVersion | ( | ) |
Returns the default SBML Version used by this libSBML package extension.
QualExtension_getDefaultVersion() long
def libsbml.QualExtension_getPackageName | ( | ) |
Returns the nickname of the SBML Level 3 package implemented by this libSBML extension.
QualExtension_getPackageName() string
def libsbml.QualExtension_getXmlnsL3V1V1 | ( | ) |
Returns the XML namespace URI of the SBML Level 3 package implemented by this libSBML extension.
QualExtension_getXmlnsL3V1V1() string
def libsbml.RDFAnnotationParser_createAnnotation | ( | ) |
Creates a blank annotation and returns its root XMLNode object.
RDFAnnotationParser_createAnnotation() XMLNode
This creates a completely empty SBML <annotation>
element. It is not attached to any SBML element. An example of how this might be used is illustrated in the following code fragment. In this example, suppose that content
is an XMLNode object previously created, containing MIRIAM-style annotations, and that sbmlObject
is an SBML object derived from SBase (e.g., a Model, or a Species, or a Compartment, etc.). Then:
The SBML specification contains more information about the format of annotations. We urge readers to consult Section 6 of the SBML Level 2 (Versions 2–4) and SBML Level 3 specification documents.
def libsbml.RDFAnnotationParser_createCVTerms | ( | obj | ) |
Takes a list of CVTerm objects and creates a the RDF 'Description' element.
RDFAnnotationParser_createCVTerms(SBase obj) XMLNode
This essentially takes the given SBML object, reads out the CVTerm objects attached to it, creates an RDF 'Description' element to hold the terms, and adds each term with appropriate qualifiers.
obj | the SBML object to start from. |
def libsbml.RDFAnnotationParser_createRDFAnnotation | ( | level = 3 , |
version = 1 |
) |
Creates a blank RDF element suitable for use in SBML annotations.
createRDFAnnotation(long level=3, long version=1) XMLNode createRDFAnnotation(long level=3) XMLNode RDFAnnotationParser_createRDFAnnotation() XMLNode
The annotation created by this method has namespace declarations for all the relevant XML namespaces used in RDF annotations and also has an empty RDF element. The result is the following XML:
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf='' xmlns:dc='' xmlns:dcterms='' xmlns:vCard='' xmlns:bqbiol='' xmlns:bqmodel='' > </rdf:RDF>
Note that this does not create the containing SBML <annotation>
element; the method RDFAnnotationParser.createAnnotation() is available for creating the container.
= value
. This is not to be intepreted as a Python keyword argument; the use of a parameter name followed by an equals sign followed by a value is only meant to indicate a default value if the argument is not provided at all. It is not a keyword in the Python sense. def libsbml.RDFAnnotationParser_deleteRDFAnnotation | ( | annotation | ) |
Deletes any SBML MIRIAM RDF annotation found in the given XMLNode tree and returns any remaining annotation content.
RDFAnnotationParser_deleteRDFAnnotation(XMLNode annotation) XMLNode
The name of the XMLNode given as parameter annotation
must be 'annotation', or else this method returns None
. The method will walk down the XML structure looking for elements that are in the RDF XML namespace, and remove them if they conform to the syntax of a History or CVTerm element.
annotation | the XMLNode tree within which the RDF annotation is to be found and deleted. |
def libsbml.RDFAnnotationParser_deleteRDFCVTermAnnotation | ( | annotation | ) |
Deletes any SBML MIRIAM RDF 'CVTerm' annotation found in the given XMLNode tree and returns any remaining annotation content.
RDFAnnotationParser_deleteRDFCVTermAnnotation(XMLNode annotation) XMLNode
The name of the XMLNode given as parameter annotation
must be 'annotation', or else this method returns None
. The method will walk down the XML structure looking for elements that are in the RDF XML namespace, and remove any that conform to the syntax of a CVTerm element.
annotation | the XMLNode tree within which the RDF annotation is to be found and deleted. |
def libsbml.RDFAnnotationParser_deleteRDFHistoryAnnotation | ( | annotation | ) |
Deletes any SBML MIRIAM RDF 'History' annotation found in the given XMLNode tree and returns any remaining annotation content.
RDFAnnotationParser_deleteRDFHistoryAnnotation(XMLNode annotation) XMLNode
The name of the XMLNode given as parameter annotation
must be 'annotation', or else this method returns None
. The method will walk down the XML structure looking for elements that are in the RDF XML namespace, and remove any that conform to the syntax of a History element.
annotation | the XMLNode tree within which the RDF annotation is to be found and deleted. |
def libsbml.RDFAnnotationParser_parseCVTerms | ( | obj | ) |
Takes a list of CVTerm objects and creates a complete SBML annotation around it.
RDFAnnotationParser_parseCVTerms(SBase obj) XMLNode
This essentially takes the given SBML object, reads out the CVTerm objects attached to it, callsRDFAnnotationParser.createRDFAnnotation() to create an RDF annotation to hold the terms, and finally callsRDFAnnotationParser.createAnnotation() to wrap the result as an SBML <annotation>
obj | the SBML object to start from. |
def libsbml.RDFAnnotationParser_parseModelHistory | ( | obj | ) |
Reads the model history and cvTerms stored in obj
and creates the XML structure for an SBML annotation representing that metadata if there is a model history stored in obj
RDFAnnotationParser_parseModelHistory(SBase obj) XMLNode
obj | any SBase object. |
is returned even if CVTerms are present.def libsbml.RDFAnnotationParser_parseOnlyModelHistory | ( | obj | ) |
Reads the model history stored in obj
and creates the XML structure for an SBML annotation representing that history.
RDFAnnotationParser_parseOnlyModelHistory(SBase obj) XMLNode
obj | any SBase object. |
def libsbml.RDFAnnotationParser_parseRDFAnnotation | ( | args | ) |
Parses an annotation (given as an XMLNode tree) into a list of CVTerm objects.
parseRDFAnnotation(XMLNode annotation, long metaId, XMLInputStream stream) ModelHistory parseRDFAnnotation(XMLNode annotation, long metaId) ModelHistory parseRDFAnnotation(XMLNode annotation) ModelHistory parseRDFAnnotation(XMLNode annotation, CVTermList CVTerms) parseRDFAnnotation(XMLNode annotation, CVTermList CVTerms, long metaId, XMLInputStream stream) RDFAnnotationParser_parseRDFAnnotation(XMLNode annotation, CVTermList CVTerms, long metaId)
This is used to take an annotation that has been read into an SBML model, identify the RDF elements within it, and create a list of corresponding CVTerm (controlled vocabulary term) objects.
annotation | XMLNode containing the annotation. |
CVTerms | list of CVTerm objects to be created. |
metaId | optional metaId, if set only the RDF annotation for this metaId will be returned. |
stream | optional XMLInputStream that facilitates error logging. |
def libsbml.readMathMLFromString | ( | xml | ) |
Reads the MathML from the given XML string, constructs a corresponding abstract syntax tree, and returns a pointer to the root of the tree.
readMathMLFromString(long xml) ASTNode
xml | a string containing a full MathML expression |
is returned if the given string is None
or invalid. def libsbml.readMathMLFromStringWithNamespaces | ( | xml, | |
xmlns | |||
) |
Reads the MathML from the given XML string, constructs a corresponding abstract syntax tree, and returns a pointer to the root of the tree.
readMathMLFromStringWithNamespaces(long xml, XMLNamespaces xmlns) ASTNode
xml | a string containing a full MathML expression |
xmlns | an XMLNamespaces object containing namespaces that are considered active during the read. (For example, an SBML Level 3 package namespace.) |
is returned if the given string is None
or invalid. def libsbml.readSBML | ( | filename | ) |
Reads an SBML document from the given file.
readSBML(long filename) SBMLDocument
If the file named filename
does not exist or its content is not valid SBML, one or more errors will be logged with the SBMLDocument object returned by this method. Callers can use the methods on SBMLDocument such as SBMLDocument.getNumErrors(), SBMLDocument.getNumErrors() and SBMLDocument.getError() to get the errors. The object returned by SBMLDocument.getError() is an SBMLError object, and it has methods to get the error code, category, and severity level of the problem, as well as a textual description of the problem. The possible severity levels range from informational messages to fatal errors; see the documentation for SBMLError for more information.
If the file filename
could not be read, the file-reading error will appear first. The error code can provide a clue about what happened. For example, a file might be unreadable (either because it does not actually exist or because the user does not have the necessary access privileges to read it) or some sort of file operation error may have been reported by the underlying operating system. Callers can check for these situations using a program fragment such as the following:
.gz' (for example, 'myfile.xml.gz'
), the file is assumed to be compressed in gzip format and will be automatically decompressed upon reading. Similarly, if the given filename ends with '
.zip' or '
.bz2', the file is assumed to be compressed in zip or bzip2 format (respectively). Files whose names lack these suffixes will be read uncompressed. Note that if the file is in zip format but the archive contains more than one file, only the first file in the archive will be read and the rest ignored.def libsbml.readSBMLFromFile | ( | filename | ) |
Reads an SBML document from the given file.
readSBMLFromFile(long filename) SBMLDocument
If the file named filename
does not exist or its content is not valid SBML, one or more errors will be logged with the SBMLDocument object returned by this method. Callers can use the methods on SBMLDocument such as SBMLDocument.getNumErrors(), SBMLDocument.getNumErrors() and SBMLDocument.getError() to get the errors. The object returned by SBMLDocument.getError() is an SBMLError object, and it has methods to get the error code, category, and severity level of the problem, as well as a textual description of the problem. The possible severity levels range from informational messages to fatal errors; see the documentation for SBMLError for more information.
If the file filename
could not be read, the file-reading error will appear first. The error code can provide a clue about what happened. For example, a file might be unreadable (either because it does not actually exist or because the user does not have the necessary access privileges to read it) or some sort of file operation error may have been reported by the underlying operating system. Callers can check for these situations using a program fragment such as the following:
.gz' (for example, 'myfile.xml.gz'
), the file is assumed to be compressed in gzip format and will be automatically decompressed upon reading. Similarly, if the given filename ends with '
.zip' or '
.bz2', the file is assumed to be compressed in zip or bzip2 format (respectively). Files whose names lack these suffixes will be read uncompressed. Note that if the file is in zip format but the archive contains more than one file, only the first file in the archive will be read and the rest ignored.filename | the name or full pathname of the file to be read. |
. def libsbml.readSBMLFromString | ( | xml | ) |
Reads an SBML document from a text string.
readSBMLFromString(long xml) SBMLDocument
This method is flexible with respect to the presence of an XML declaration at the beginning of the string. In particular, if the string in xml
does not begin with the XML declaration
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
then this method will automatically prepend the declaration to xml
This method will log a fatal error if the content given in the parameter xml
is not in SBML format. See the method documentation for SBMLReader.readSBML() for an example of code for testing the returned error code.
xml | a string containing a full SBML model. |
.def libsbml.Relation_fromString | ( | code | ) |
Returns the long enumeration corresponding to the given string or MULTI_RELATION_UNKNOWN if there is no such match.
Relation_fromString(long code) long
code | the string to convert to a long. |
def libsbml.Relation_toString | ( | r | ) |
Returns the string version of the provided long enumeration.
Relation_toString(long r) string *
r | the long enumeration value to convert. |
if the value is MULTI_RELATION_UNKNOWN or another invalid enumeration value.def libsbml.RenderExtension_getDefaultLevel | ( | ) |
Returns the default SBML Level this extension.
RenderExtension_getDefaultLevel() long
def libsbml.RenderExtension_getDefaultPackageVersion | ( | ) |
Returns the default SBML version this extension.
RenderExtension_getDefaultPackageVersion() long
def libsbml.RenderExtension_getDefaultVersion | ( | ) |
Returns the default SBML Version this extension.
RenderExtension_getDefaultVersion() long
def libsbml.RenderExtension_getPackageName | ( | ) |
Returns the package name of this extension.
RenderExtension_getPackageName() string
def libsbml.RenderExtension_getXmlnsL2 | ( | ) |
Returns URI of L2 version of supported versions of this package.
RenderExtension_getXmlnsL2() string
def libsbml.RenderExtension_getXmlnsL3V1V1 | ( | ) |
Returns URI of supported versions of this package.
RenderExtension_getXmlnsL3V1V1() string
def libsbml.SBMLConverterRegistry_getInstance | ( | ) |
Returns the singleton instance for the converter registry.
SBMLConverterRegistry_getInstance() SBMLConverterRegistry
Prior to using the registry, callers have to obtain a copy of the registry. This static method provides the means for doing that.
def libsbml.SBMLDocument_getDefaultLevel | ( | ) |
The default SBML Level of new SBMLDocument objects.
SBMLDocument_getDefaultLevel() long
def libsbml.SBMLDocument_getDefaultVersion | ( | ) |
The default Version of new SBMLDocument objects.
SBMLDocument_getDefaultVersion() long
def libsbml.SBMLExtensionRegistry_disablePackage | ( | package | ) |
Disables the package with the given URI or name.
SBMLExtensionRegistry_disablePackage(string package)
package | a string representing the URI or name of the SBML package whose package extension is to be disabled. |
def libsbml.SBMLExtensionRegistry_enablePackage | ( | package | ) |
Enables the package with the given URI / name.
SBMLExtensionRegistry_enablePackage(string package)
package | the name or URI of a package to enable. |
def libsbml.SBMLExtensionRegistry_getAllRegisteredPackageNames | ( | ) |
Returns a list of registered packages.
SBMLExtensionRegistry_getAllRegisteredPackageNames() std::vector< std::string >
This method returns a vector of strings containing the nicknames of the SBML packages for which package extensions are registered with this copy of libSBML. The vector will contain string
def libsbml.SBMLExtensionRegistry_getInstance | ( | ) |
Returns a singleton instance of the registry.
SBMLExtensionRegistry_getInstance() SBMLExtensionRegistry
Callers need to obtain a copy of the package extension registry before they can invoke its methods. The registry is implemented as a singleton, and this is the method callers can use to get a copy of it.
def libsbml.SBMLExtensionRegistry_getNumRegisteredPackages | ( | ) |
Returns the number of registered packages.
SBMLExtensionRegistry_getNumRegisteredPackages() long
def libsbml.SBMLExtensionRegistry_getRegisteredPackageName | ( | index | ) |
Returns the nth registered package.
SBMLExtensionRegistry_getRegisteredPackageName(long index) string
index | zero-based index of the package name to return. |
if none such exists.def libsbml.SBMLExtensionRegistry_isPackageEnabled | ( | package | ) |
Returns True
if the named package is enabled.
SBMLExtensionRegistry_isPackageEnabled(string package) bool
package | the name or URI of a package to test. |
if the package is enabled, False
otherwise. def libsbml.SBMLNamespaces_freeSBMLNamespaces | ( | supportedNS | ) |
Frees the list of supported namespaces as generated by getSupportedNamespaces().
SBMLNamespaces_freeSBMLNamespaces(List * supportedNS)
supportedNS | the list to be freed. |
def libsbml.SBMLNamespaces_getSBMLNamespaceURI | ( | level, | |
version | |||
) |
Returns a string representing the SBML XML namespace for the given level
and version
of SBML.
SBMLNamespaces_getSBMLNamespaceURI(long level, long version) string
level | the SBML level. |
version | the SBML version. |
def libsbml.SBMLNamespaces_getSupportedNamespaces | ( | ) |
Returns a list of all supported SBMLNamespaces in this version of libsbml.
SBMLNamespaces_getSupportedNamespaces() List *
def libsbml.SBMLNamespaces_isSBMLNamespace | ( | uri | ) |
Predicate returning True
if the given URL is one of SBML XML namespaces.
SBMLNamespaces_isSBMLNamespace(string uri) bool
uri | the URI of namespace. |
if the 'uri' is one of SBML namespaces, False
otherwise.def libsbml.SBMLReader_hasBzip2 | ( | ) |
Static method; returns True
if this copy of libSBML supports bzip2 format compression.
SBMLReader_hasBzip2() bool
if libSBML is linked with the bzip2 libraries, False
otherwise.def libsbml.SBMLReader_hasZlib | ( | ) |
Static method; returns True
if this copy of libSBML supports gzip and zip format compression.
SBMLReader_hasZlib() bool
if libSBML has been linked with the zlib library, False
otherwise.def libsbml.SBMLResolverRegistry_deleteResolerRegistryInstance | ( | ) |
deletes the static resolver registry instance
def libsbml.SBMLResolverRegistry_getInstance | ( | ) |
Returns the singleton instance for the resolver registry.
SBMLResolverRegistry_getInstance() SBMLResolverRegistry
Prior to using the registry, callers have to obtain a copy of the registry. This static method provides the means for doing that.
def libsbml.SBMLTypeCode_toString | ( | tc, | |
pkgName | |||
) |
This method takes an SBML type code and returns a string representing the code.
SBMLTypeCode_toString(int tc, long pkgName) string *
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In the Python language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
def libsbml.SBMLWriter_hasBzip2 | ( | ) |
Predicate returning True
if this copy of libSBML has been linked with the bzip2 library.
SBMLWriter_hasBzip2() bool
LibSBML supports reading and writing files compressed with either bzip2 or zip/gzip compression. The facility depends on libSBML having been compiled with the necessary support libraries. This method allows a calling program to inquire whether that is the case for the copy of libSBML it is using.
if libSBML is linked with bzip2, False
otherwise.def libsbml.SBMLWriter_hasZlib | ( | ) |
Predicate returning True
if this copy of libSBML has been linked with the zlib library.
SBMLWriter_hasZlib() bool
LibSBML supports reading and writing files compressed with either bzip2 or zip/gzip compression. The facility depends on libSBML having been compiled with the necessary support libraries. This method allows a calling program to inquire whether that is the case for the copy of libSBML it is using.
if libSBML is linked with zlib, False
otherwise.def libsbml.SBO_checkTerm | ( | args | ) |
This method has multiple variants; they differ in the arguments they accept.
checkTerm(string sboTerm) bool SBO_checkTerm(int sboTerm) bool
Each variant is described separately below.
checkTerm(string sboTerm)
Checks the format of the given SBO identifier string.
if sboTerm is in the correct format (a zero-padded, seven digit string), False
otherwise.checkTerm(int sboTerm)
Checks the format of the given SBO identifier, given in the form of the integer portion alone.
if sboTerm is in the range (0000000–9999999), False
otherwise.def libsbml.SBO_intToString | ( | sboTerm | ) |
Returns the integer as a correctly formatted SBO identifier string.
SBO_intToString(int sboTerm) string
def libsbml.SBO_isConservationLaw | ( | term | ) |
Returns True
if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO.
SBO_isConservationLaw(long term) bool
if term
is-a SBO 'conservation law', False
otherwise.def libsbml.SBO_isContinuousFramework | ( | term | ) |
Returns True
if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO.
SBO_isContinuousFramework(long term) bool
if term
is-a SBO 'continuous framework', False
otherwise.def libsbml.SBO_isDiscreteFramework | ( | term | ) |
Returns True
if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO.
SBO_isDiscreteFramework(long term) bool
if term
is-a SBO 'discrete framework', False
otherwise.def libsbml.SBO_isEntity | ( | term | ) |
Returns True
if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO.
SBO_isEntity(long term) bool
if term
is-a SBO 'entity', False
otherwise.def libsbml.SBO_isEvent | ( | term | ) |
Returns True
if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO.
SBO_isEvent(long term) bool
if term
is-a SBO 'event', False
otherwise.def libsbml.SBO_isFunctionalCompartment | ( | term | ) |
Returns True
if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO.
SBO_isFunctionalCompartment(long term) bool
if term
is-a SBO 'functional compartment', False
otherwise.def libsbml.SBO_isFunctionalEntity | ( | term | ) |
Returns True
if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO.
SBO_isFunctionalEntity(long term) bool
if term
is-a SBO 'functional entity', False
otherwise.def libsbml.SBO_isInteraction | ( | term | ) |
Returns True
if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO.
SBO_isInteraction(long term) bool
if term
is-a SBO 'interaction', False
otherwise.def libsbml.SBO_isKineticConstant | ( | term | ) |
Returns True
if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO.
SBO_isKineticConstant(long term) bool
if term
is-a SBO 'kinetic constant', False
otherwise.def libsbml.SBO_isLogicalFramework | ( | term | ) |
Returns True
if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO.
SBO_isLogicalFramework(long term) bool
if term
is-a SBO 'logical framework', False
otherwise.def libsbml.SBO_isMaterialEntity | ( | term | ) |
Returns True
if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO.
SBO_isMaterialEntity(long term) bool
if term
is-a SBO 'material entity', False
otherwise.def libsbml.SBO_isMathematicalExpression | ( | term | ) |
Returns True
if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO.
SBO_isMathematicalExpression(long term) bool
if term
is-a SBO 'mathematical expression', False
otherwise.def libsbml.SBO_isMetadataRepresentation | ( | term | ) |
Returns True
if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO.
SBO_isMetadataRepresentation(long term) bool
if term
is-a SBO 'metadata representation', False
otherwise.def libsbml.SBO_isModellingFramework | ( | term | ) |
Returns True
if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO.
SBO_isModellingFramework(long term) bool
if term
is-a SBO 'modeling framework', False
otherwise.def libsbml.SBO_isModifier | ( | term | ) |
Returns True
if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO.
SBO_isModifier(long term) bool
if term
is-a SBO 'modifier', False
otherwise.def libsbml.SBO_isObselete | ( | term | ) |
Predicate for checking whether the given term is obsolete.
SBO_isObselete(long term) bool
if term
is-a SBO 'obsolete' term, False
otherwise.def libsbml.SBO_isOccurringEntityRepresentation | ( | term | ) |
Returns True
if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO.
SBO_isOccurringEntityRepresentation(long term) bool
if term
is-a SBO 'occurring entity representation', False
otherwise.def libsbml.SBO_isParticipant | ( | term | ) |
Returns True
if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO.
SBO_isParticipant(long term) bool
if term
is-a SBO 'participant', False
otherwise.def libsbml.SBO_isParticipantRole | ( | term | ) |
Returns True
if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO.
SBO_isParticipantRole(long term) bool
if term
is-a SBO 'participant role', False
otherwise.def libsbml.SBO_isPhysicalEntityRepresentation | ( | term | ) |
Returns True
if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO.
SBO_isPhysicalEntityRepresentation(long term) bool
if term
is-a SBO 'physical entity representation', False
otherwise.def libsbml.SBO_isPhysicalParticipant | ( | term | ) |
Returns True
if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO.
SBO_isPhysicalParticipant(long term) bool
if term
is-a SBO 'physical participant, False
otherwise.def libsbml.SBO_isProduct | ( | term | ) |
Returns True
if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO.
SBO_isProduct(long term) bool
if term
is-a SBO 'product', False
otherwise.def libsbml.SBO_isQuantitativeParameter | ( | term | ) |
Returns True
if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO.
SBO_isQuantitativeParameter(long term) bool
if term
is-a SBO 'quantiative parameter', False
otherwise.def libsbml.SBO_isQuantitativeSystemsDescriptionParameter | ( | term | ) |
Returns True
if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO.
SBO_isQuantitativeSystemsDescriptionParameter(long term) bool
if term
is-a SBO 'quantiative systems description parameter', False
otherwise.def libsbml.SBO_isRateLaw | ( | term | ) |
Returns True
if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO.
SBO_isRateLaw(long term) bool
if term
is-a SBO 'rate law', False
otherwise.def libsbml.SBO_isReactant | ( | term | ) |
Returns True
if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO.
SBO_isReactant(long term) bool
if term
is-a SBO 'reactant', False
otherwise.def libsbml.SBO_isSteadyStateExpression | ( | term | ) |
Returns True
if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO.
SBO_isSteadyStateExpression(long term) bool
if term
is-a SBO 'steady state expression', False
otherwise.def libsbml.SBO_isSystemsDescriptionParameter | ( | term | ) |
Returns True
if the given term identifier comes from the stated branch of SBO.
SBO_isSystemsDescriptionParameter(long term) bool
if term
is-a SBO 'systems description parameter', False
otherwise.def libsbml.SBO_stringToInt | ( | sboTerm | ) |
Returns the string as a correctly formatted SBO integer portion.
SBO_stringToInt(string sboTerm) int
is returned.def libsbml.SpreadMethod_fromString | ( | name | ) |
SpreadMethod_fromString(long name) GradientBase::SPREADMETHOD
def libsbml.SpreadMethod_toString | ( | method | ) |
SpreadMethod_toString(GradientBase::SPREADMETHOD method) string *
def libsbml.Submodel_removeProcessingCallback | ( | args | ) |
removeProcessingCallback(int index) Submodel_removeProcessingCallback(ModelProcessingCallback cb)
def libsbml.SyntaxChecker_hasExpectedXHTMLSyntax | ( | xhtml, | |
sbmlns = None |
) |
Returns True
or False
depending on whether the given XMLNode object contains valid XHTML content.
hasExpectedXHTMLSyntax(XMLNode xhtml, SBMLNamespaces sbmlns) bool SyntaxChecker_hasExpectedXHTMLSyntax(XMLNode xhtml) bool
The format of 'notes' elements conform to the definition of XHTML 1.0. However, the content cannot be entirely free-form; it must satisfy certain requirements defined in the SBML specifications for specific SBML Levels. To help verify the formatting of 'notes' content, libSBML provides the static utility method SyntaxChecker.hasExpectedXHTMLSyntax(); this method implements a verification process that lets callers check whether the content of a given XMLNode object conforms to the SBML requirements for 'notes' and 'message' structure. Developers are urged to consult the appropriate SBML specification document for the Level and Version of their model for more in-depth explanations of using 'notes' in SBML. The SBML Level 2 and 3 specifications have considerable detail about how 'notes' element content must be structured.
An aspect of XHTML validity is that the content is declared to be in the XML namespace for XHTML 1.0. There is more than one way in which this can be done in XML. In particular, a model might not contain the declaration within the 'notes' or 'message' subelement itself, but might instead place the declaration on an enclosing element and use an XML namespace prefix within the 'notes' element to refer to it. In other words, the following is valid:
<sbml xmlns='' level='2' version='3' xmlns:xhtml=''> <model> <notes> <xhtml:body> <xhtml:center><xhtml:h2>A Simple Mitotic Oscillator</xhtml:h2></xhtml:center> <xhtml:p>A minimal cascade model for the mitotic oscillator.</xhtml:p> </xhtml:body> </notes> ... rest of model ... </sbml>
Contrast the above with the following, self-contained version, which places the XML namespace declaration within the <notes>
element itself:
<sbml xmlns='' level='2' version='3'> <model> <notes> <html xmlns=''> <head> <title/> </head> <body> <center><h2>A Simple Mitotic Oscillator</h2></center> <p>A minimal cascade model for the mitotic oscillator.</p> </body> </html> </notes> ... rest of model ... </sbml>
Both of the above are valid XML. The purpose of the sbmlns
argument to this method is to allow callers to check the validity of 'notes' and 'message' subelements whose XML namespace declarations have been put elsewhere in the manner illustrated above. Callers can can pass in the SBMLNamespaces object of a higher-level model component if the XMLNode object does not itself have the XML namespace declaration for XHTML 1.0.
xhtml | the XMLNode to be checked for conformance. |
sbmlns | the SBMLNamespaces associated with the object. |
if the XMLNode content conforms, False
= value
. This is not to be intepreted as a Python keyword argument; the use of a parameter name followed by an equals sign followed by a value is only meant to indicate a default value if the argument is not provided at all. It is not a keyword in the Python sense. def libsbml.SyntaxChecker_isValidSBMLSId | ( | sid | ) |
Returns True
or False
depending on whether the argument string conforms to the syntax of SBML identifiers.
SyntaxChecker_isValidSBMLSId(string sid) bool
in the SBML specifications. LibSBML does not provide an explicit SId
data type; it uses ordinary character strings, which is easier for applications to support. (LibSBML does, however, test for identifier validity at various times, such as when reading in models from files and data streams.)This method provides programs with the ability to test explicitly that the identifier strings they create conform to the SBML identifier syntax.
sid | string to be checked for conformance to SBML identifier syntax. |
if the string conforms to type SBML data type SId
, False
otherwise.The identifier given by an object's 'id' attribute value is used to identify the object within the SBML model definition. Other objects can refer to the component using this identifier. The data type of 'id' is always SId
or a type derived from that, such as UnitSId
, depending on the object in question. All data types are defined as follows:
letter ::= 'a'..'z','A'..'Z' digit ::= '0'..'9' idChar ::= letter | digit | '_' SId ::= ( letter | '_' ) idChar*
The equality of SId
and SId
-derived values in SBML is determined by an exact character sequence match; i.e., comparisons of these identifiers must be performed in a case-sensitive manner. This applies to all uses of SId
, SIdRef
, and derived types.
def libsbml.SyntaxChecker_isValidUnitSId | ( | units | ) |
Returns True
or False
depending on whether the argument string conforms to the syntax of SBML unit identifiers.
SyntaxChecker_isValidUnitSId(string units) bool
In SBML, the identifiers of units (of both the predefined units and user-defined units) must conform to a data type called UnitSId
in the SBML specifications. LibSBML does not provide an explicit UnitSId
data type; it uses ordinary character strings, which is easier for applications to support. LibSBML does, however, test for identifier validity at various times, such as when reading in models from files and data streams.
This method provides programs with the ability to test explicitly that the identifier strings they create conform to the SBML identifier syntax.
units | string to be checked for conformance to SBML unit identifier syntax. |
if the string conforms to type SBML data type UnitSId
, False
, which defines the permitted syntax of identifiers.
We express the syntax using an extended form of BNF notation:
letter ::= 'a'..'z','A'..'Z'
digit ::= '0'..'9'
idChar ::= letter | digit | '_'
SId ::= ( letter | '_' ) idChar*
The characters (
and )
are used for grouping, the
character *
"zero or more times", and the character
indicates logical "or". The equality of SBML unit
identifiers is determined by an exact character sequence match; i.e.,
comparisons must be performed in a case-sensitive manner. In addition,
there are a few conditions for the uniqueness of unit identifiers in an
SBML model. Please consult the SBML specifications for the exact
def libsbml.SyntaxChecker_isValidXMLanyURI | ( | uri | ) |
Returns True
or False
depending on whether the uri
argument string conforms to the XML data type anyURI
SyntaxChecker_isValidXMLanyURI(string uri) bool
Type anyURI is defined by XML Schema 1.0. It is a character string data type whose values are interpretable as URIs (Universal Resource Identifiers) as described by the W3C document RFC 3986. LibSBML does not provide an explicit XML anyURI
data type; it uses ordinary character strings, which is easier for applications to support. LibSBML does, however, test for anyURI validity at various times, such as when reading in models from files and data streams.
This method provides programs with the ability to test explicitly that the strings they create conform to the XML anyURI syntax.
uri | string to be checked for conformance to the syntax of anyURI. |
if the string is a syntactically-valid value for the XML type anyURI, False
otherwise.def libsbml.SyntaxChecker_isValidXMLID | ( | id | ) |
Returns True
or False
depending on whether the argument string conforms to the XML data type ID
SyntaxChecker_isValidXMLID(string id) bool
, the XML identifier type, which means each 'metaid' value must be globally unique within an SBML file. The latter point is important, because the uniqueness criterion applies across any attribute with type ID
anywhere in the file, not just the 'metaid' attribute used by SBML—something to be aware of if your application-specific XML content inside the 'annotation' subelement happens to use the XML ID
type. Although SBML itself specifies the use of XML ID
only for the 'metaid' attribute, SBML-compatible applications should be careful if they use XML ID
's in XML portions of a model that are not defined by SBML, such as in the application-specific content of the 'annotation' subelement. Finally, note that LibSBML does not provide an explicit XML ID
data type; it uses ordinary character strings, which is easier for applications to support.This method provides programs with the ability to test explicitly that the identifier strings they create conform to the SBML identifier syntax.
id | string to be checked for conformance to the syntax of XML ID. |
if the string is a syntactically-valid value for the XML type ID, False
NCNameChar ::= letter | digit | '.' | '-' | '_' | ':' | CombiningChar | Extender
ID ::= ( letter | '_' | ':' ) NCNameChar*
The characters (
and )
are used for grouping, the
character *
means "zero or more times", and the character
indicates logical "or". The production letter
consists of the basic upper and lower case alphabetic characters of the
Latin alphabet along with a large number of related characters defined by
Unicode 2.0; similarly, the production digit
consists of
the numerals 0..9
along with related Unicode 2.0
characters. The CombiningChar
production is a list of
characters that add such things as accents to the preceding character. (For
example, the Unicode character \#x030A
when combined with
produces \aa
.) The Extender
production is a list of characters that extend the shape of the preceding
character. Please consult the XML 1.0
specification for the complete definitions of letter
, CombiningChar
, and Extender
def libsbml.TextAnchor_fromString | ( | str | ) |
TextAnchor_fromString(long str) Text::TEXT_ANCHOR
def libsbml.TextAnchor_toString | ( | anchor | ) |
TextAnchor_toString(Text::TEXT_ANCHOR anchor) string *
def libsbml.Transformation2D_getIdentityMatrix2D | ( | ) |
Returns a 2D identity matrix.
Transformation2D_getIdentityMatrix2D() float *
The matrix contains 6 float values.
def libsbml.Transformation_getIdentityMatrix | ( | ) |
Returns a 3D identity matrix.
Transformation_getIdentityMatrix() float *
The matrix contains 12 float values.
def libsbml.Unit_areEquivalent | ( | unit1, | |
unit2 | |||
) |
Predicate returning True
if Unit objects are equivalent.
Unit_areEquivalent(Unit unit1, Unit unit2) bool
Two Unit objects are considered to be equivalent either if (1) both have a 'kind' attribute value of dimensionless
, or (2) their 'kind', 'exponent' and (for SBML Level 2 Version 1) 'offset' attribute values are equal. (Contrast this to the method areIdentical(), which compares Unit objects with respect to all attributes, not just the 'kind' and 'exponent'.)
if the 'kind' and 'exponent' attributes of unit1 are identical to the kind and exponent attributes of unit2, or if the kind attributes of both are dimensionless
; False
otherwise.def libsbml.Unit_areIdentical | ( | unit1, | |
unit2 | |||
) |
Predicate returning True
if two Unit objects are identical.
Unit_areIdentical(Unit unit1, Unit unit2) bool
Two Unit objects are considered to be identical if they match in all attributes. (Contrast this to the method areEquivalent(), which compares Unit objects only with respect to certain attributes.)
if all the attributes of unit1 are identical to the attributes of unit2, False
otherwise.def libsbml.Unit_convertToSI | ( | unit | ) |
Returns a UnitDefinition object containing the given unit
converted to the appropriate SI unit.
Unit_convertToSI(Unit unit) UnitDefinition
This method exists because some units can be expressed in terms of others when the same physical dimension is involved. For example, one hertz is identical to 1 sec-1, one litre is equivalent to 1 cubic decametre, and so on.
unit | the Unit object to convert to SI. |
def libsbml.Unit_isBuiltIn | ( | name, | |
level | |||
) |
Predicate to test whether a given string is the name of a built-in SBML unit, depending on the SBML level, since new predefined units were added between level 2 versions 1 and 2, and then all predefined units were removed again in SBML Level 3.
Unit_isBuiltIn(string name, long level) bool
name | a string to be tested against the built-in unit names. |
level | the level of SBML one is checking. |
if name
is one of 'substance'
, 'volume'
, or 'time'
and the level
is 1
; or if name
is one of 'substance'
, 'volume'
, 'area'
, 'length'
, or 'time'
and the level
is 2
; False
otherwise (including all values when level
is 3
).def libsbml.Unit_isUnitKind | ( | name, | |
level, | |||
version | |||
) |
Predicate to test whether a given string is the name of a valid base unit in SBML (such as 'gram'
or 'mole'
Unit_isUnitKind(string name, long level, long version) bool
This method exists because prior to SBML Level 2 Version 3, an enumeration called UnitKind
was defined by SBML. This enumeration was removed in SBML Level 2 Version 3 and its values were folded into the space of values of a type called UnitSId
. This method therefore has less significance in SBML Level 2 Version 3 and Level 2 Version 4, but remains for backward compatibility and support for reading models in older Versions of Level 2.
name | a string to be tested. |
level | a long integer representing the SBML specification Level. |
version | a long integer representing the SBML specification Version. |
if name is a valid SBML UnitKind, False
otherwise.def libsbml.Unit_merge | ( | unit1, | |
unit2 | |||
) |
Merges two Unit objects with the same 'kind' attribute value into a single Unit.
Unit_merge(Unit unit1, Unit unit2)
For example, the following,
<unit kind='metre' exponent='2'/> <unit kind='metre' exponent='1'/>
would be merged to become
<unit kind='metre' exponent='3'/>
unit1 | the first Unit object; the result of the operation is left as a new version of this unit, modified in-place. Not modified if the two units have different kinds. |
unit2 | the second Unit object to merge with the first. |
def libsbml.Unit_removeScale | ( | unit | ) |
Manipulates the attributes of the Unit to express the unit with the value of the scale attribute reduced to zero.
Unit_removeScale(Unit unit) int
For example, 1 millimetre can be expressed as a Unit with kind= 'metre'
. It can also be expressed as a Unit with kind='metre'
unit | the Unit object to manipulate. |
def libsbml.UnitDefinition_areEquivalent | ( | ud1, | |
ud2 | |||
) |
Predicate returning True
if two UnitDefinition objects are equivalent.
UnitDefinition_areEquivalent(UnitDefinition ud1, UnitDefinition ud2) bool
For the purposes of performing this comparison, two UnitDefinition objects are considered equivalent when they contain equivalent list of Unit objects. Unit objects are in turn considered equivalent if they satisfy the predicate Unit.areEquivalent(). The predicate tests a subset of the objects's attributes.
ud1 | the first UnitDefinition object to compare. |
ud2 | the second UnitDefinition object to compare. |
if all the Unit objects in ud1
are equivalent to the Unit objects in ud2
, False
otherwise.def libsbml.UnitDefinition_areIdentical | ( | ud1, | |
ud2 | |||
) |
Predicate returning True
if two UnitDefinition objects are identical.
UnitDefinition_areIdentical(UnitDefinition ud1, UnitDefinition ud2) bool
For the purposes of performing this comparison, two UnitDefinition objects are considered identical when they contain identical lists of Unit objects. Pairs of Unit objects in the lists are in turn considered identical if they satisfy the predicate Unit.areIdentical(). The predicate compares every attribute of the Unit objects.
ud1 | the first UnitDefinition object to compare. |
ud2 | the second UnitDefinition object to compare. |
if all the Unit objects in ud1
are identical to the Unit objects of ud2
, False
otherwise.def libsbml.UnitDefinition_combine | ( | ud1, | |
ud2 | |||
) |
Combines two UnitDefinition objects into a single UnitDefinition.
UnitDefinition_combine(UnitDefinition ud1, UnitDefinition ud2) UnitDefinition
This takes UnitDefinition objects ud1
and ud2
, and creates a UnitDefinition object that expresses the product of the units of ud1
and ud2
ud1 | the first UnitDefinition object. |
ud2 | the second UnitDefinition object. |
def libsbml.UnitDefinition_convertToSI | ( | ud | ) |
Convert a given UnitDefinition into a new UnitDefinition object that uses SI units.
UnitDefinition_convertToSI(UnitDefinition ud) UnitDefinition
ud | the UnitDefinition object to convert to SI. |
def libsbml.UnitDefinition_divide | ( | ud1, | |
ud2 | |||
) |
Combines two UnitDefinition objects into a single UnitDefinition as a division.
UnitDefinition_divide(UnitDefinition ud1, UnitDefinition ud2) UnitDefinition
This takes UnitDefinition objects ud1
and ud2
, and creates a UnitDefinition object that expresses the division of the units of ud1
and ud2
ud1 | the first UnitDefinition object. |
ud2 | the second UnitDefinition object. |
def libsbml.UnitDefinition_printUnits | ( | ud, | |
compact = False |
) |
Expresses the given definition in a plain-text form.
printUnits(UnitDefinition ud, bool compact) string UnitDefinition_printUnits(UnitDefinition ud) string
For example, UnitDefinition.printUnits() applied to
<unitDefinition> <listOfUnits> <unit kind='metre' exponent='1'/> <unit kind='second' exponent='-2'/> </listOfUnits> <unitDefinition>
will return the string 'metre (exponent = 1, multiplier = 1, scale = 0) second (exponent = -2, multiplier = 1, scale = 0)'
or, if the optional parameter compact
is given the value True
, the string '(1 metre)^1 (1 second)^-2'
. This method may be useful for printing unit information to human users, or in debugging software, or other situations.
ud | the UnitDefinition object. |
compact | boolean indicating whether the compact form should be used (defaults to false). |
= value
. This is not to be intepreted as a Python keyword argument; the use of a parameter name followed by an equals sign followed by a value is only meant to indicate a default value if the argument is not provided at all. It is not a keyword in the Python sense. def libsbml.UnitDefinition_reorder | ( | ud | ) |
Alphabetically orders the Unit objects within the ListOfUnits of a UnitDefinition.
UnitDefinition_reorder(UnitDefinition ud)
ud | the UnitDefinition object whose units are to be reordered. |
def libsbml.UnitDefinition_simplify | ( | ud | ) |
Simplifies the UnitDefinition such that any given kind of Unit object occurs only once in the ListOfUnits.
UnitDefinition_simplify(UnitDefinition ud)
For example, the following definition,
<unitDefinition> <listOfUnits> <unit kind='metre' exponent='1'/> <unit kind='metre' exponent='2'/> </listOfUnits> <unitDefinition>
will be simplified to
<unitDefinition> <listOfUnits> <unit kind='metre' exponent='3'/> </listOfUnits> <unitDefinition>
ud | the UnitDefinition object to be simplified. |
def libsbml.UnitKind_equals | ( | uk1, | |
uk2 | |||
) |
Tests for logical equality between two given UNIT_KIND_
code values.
UnitKind_equals(long uk1, long uk2) int
This function behaves exactly like C's ==
operator, except for the following two cases:
In the two cases above, C equality comparison would yield 0
(false) (because each of the above is a distinct enumeration value), but this function returns True
uk1 | a UNIT_KIND_ value. |
uk2 | a second UNIT_KIND_ value to compare to uk1 . |
(true) if uk1
is logically equivalent to uk2
, 0
(false) otherwise.def libsbml.UnitKind_forName | ( | name | ) |
Converts a text string naming a kind of unit to its corresponding libSBML UNIT_KIND_
constant/enumeration value.
UnitKind_forName(long name) long
name | a string, the name of a predefined base unit in SBML. |
codes defined in class libsbml, corresponding to the string name
(determined in a case-insensitive manner).def libsbml.UnitKind_isValidUnitKindString | ( | str, | |
level, | |||
version | |||
) |
Predicate for testing whether a given string corresponds to a predefined libSBML unit code.
UnitKind_isValidUnitKindString(long str, long level, long version) int
str | a text string naming a base unit defined by SBML. |
level | the Level of SBML. |
version | the Version within the Level of SBML. |
value, 0
(false) otherwise.def libsbml.UnitKind_toString | ( | uk | ) |
Converts a unit code to a text string equivalent.
UnitKind_toString(long uk) string *
uka | value from the set of UNIT_KIND_ codes defined in the class libsbml |
def libsbml.writeMathMLToString | ( | node | ) |
Writes the given ASTNode (and its children) to a string as MathML, and returns the string.
writeMathMLToString(ASTNode node) string
node | the root of an AST to write out to the stream. |
is returned if the given argument is None
. def libsbml.writeMathMLWithNamespaceToString | ( | node, | |
sbmlns | |||
) |
Writes the given AST node (and its children) to a string as MathML, and returns the string.
writeMathMLWithNamespaceToString(ASTNode node, SBMLNamespaces sbmlns) string
node | the root of an AST to write out to the stream. |
sbmlns | the SBML namespace to be used |
is returned if the given argument is None
. def libsbml.writeSBML | ( | d, | |
filename | |||
) |
Writes the given SBML document d
to the file named by filename
writeSBML(SBMLDocument d, long filename) int
This convenience function is functionally equivalent to:
SBMLWriter_writeSBML(SBMLWriter_create(), d, filename);
If the given filename ends with the suffix".gz"
(for example, "myfile.xml.gz"
), libSBML assumes the
caller wants the file to be written compressed in gzip format.
Similarly, if the given filename ends with ".zip"
, libSBML assumes the caller wants the file to
be compressed in zip or bzip2 format (respectively).
Files whose names lack these suffixes will be written uncompressed.
Special considerations for the zip format: If the given filename
ends with ".zip"
, the file placed in the zip archive
will have the suffix ".xml"
. For example, the file in the zip archive
will be named "test.xml"
if the given filename is
or ""
Similarly, the filename in the archive will be
if the given filename is
d | the SBMLDocument object to be written out in XML format. |
filename | a string giving the path to a file where the XML content is to be written. |
(true) on success and 0
(false) if filename
could not be written. Some possible reasons for failure include (a) being unable to open the file, and (b) using a filename that indicates a compressed SBML file (i.e., a filename ending in ".zip"
or similar) when the compression functionality has not been enabled in the underlying copy of libSBML.def libsbml.writeSBMLToFile | ( | d, | |
filename | |||
) |
Writes the given SBML document d
to the file filename
writeSBMLToFile(SBMLDocument d, long filename) int
This convenience function is functionally equivalent to:
SBMLWriter_writeSBMLToFile(SBMLWriter_create(), d, filename);
but that does not require the caller to create an SBMLWriter object first.
If the given filename ends with the suffix".gz"
(for example, "myfile.xml.gz"
), libSBML assumes the
caller wants the file to be written compressed in gzip format.
Similarly, if the given filename ends with ".zip"
, libSBML assumes the caller wants the file to
be compressed in zip or bzip2 format (respectively).
Files whose names lack these suffixes will be written uncompressed.
Special considerations for the zip format: If the given filename
ends with ".zip"
, the file placed in the zip archive
will have the suffix ".xml"
. For example, the file in the zip archive
will be named "test.xml"
if the given filename is
or ""
Similarly, the filename in the archive will be
if the given filename is
d | an SBMLDocument object to be written out in XML format. |
filename | a string giving the path to a file where the XML content is to be written. |
(true) on success and 0
(false) if filename
could not be written. Some possible reasons for failure include (a) being unable to open the file, and (b) using a filename that indicates a compressed SBML file (i.e., a filename ending in ".zip"
or similar) when the compression functionality has not been enabled in the underlying copy of libSBML.def libsbml.writeSBMLToString | ( | d | ) |
Writes the given SBML document d
to an in-memory string and returns a pointer to it.
writeSBMLToString(SBMLDocument d) string
The string is owned by the caller and should be freed (with free()) when no longer needed. This convenience function is functionally equivalent to:
SBMLWriter_writeSBMLToString(SBMLWriter_create(), d);
but does not require the caller to create an SBMLWriter object first.
d | an SBMLDocument object to be written out in XML format. |
if one of the underlying parser components fail. def libsbml.XMLError_getStandardMessage | ( | code | ) |
Returns a copy of the message string associated with the given predefined XMLError code.
XMLError_getStandardMessage(int code) string
code | the error code whose message is sought; it must be a predefined value from the set of predefined error identifiers. |
def libsbml.XMLNode_convertStringToXMLNode | ( | xmlstr, | |
xmlns = None |
) |
Returns an XMLNode which is derived from a string containing XML content.
convertStringToXMLNode(string xmlstr, XMLNamespaces xmlns) XMLNode XMLNode_convertStringToXMLNode(string xmlstr) XMLNode
The XML namespace must be defined using argument xmlns
if the corresponding XML namespace attribute is not part of the string of the first argument.
xmlstr | string to be converted to a XML node. |
xmlns | XMLNamespaces the namespaces to set (default value is None ). |
, <body>
, <annotation>
, or <notes>
. In the dummy root node, each top-level element in the given XML string is contained as a child XMLNode. XMLToken.isEOF() can be used to identify if the returned XMLNode object is a dummy node.xmlstr
. If the conversion failed, this method returns None
= value
. This is not to be intepreted as a Python keyword argument; the use of a parameter name followed by an equals sign followed by a value is only meant to indicate a default value if the argument is not provided at all. It is not a keyword in the Python sense. def libsbml.XMLNode_convertXMLNodeToString | ( | node | ) |
def libsbml.XMLOutputStream_getLibraryName | ( | ) |
XMLOutputStream_getLibraryName() string
def libsbml.XMLOutputStream_getLibraryVersion | ( | ) |
XMLOutputStream_getLibraryVersion() string
def libsbml.XMLOutputStream_getWriteComment | ( | ) |
XMLOutputStream_getWriteComment() bool
def libsbml.XMLOutputStream_getWriteTimestamp | ( | ) |
XMLOutputStream_getWriteTimestamp() bool
def libsbml.XMLOutputStream_setLibraryName | ( | libraryName | ) |
sets the name of the library writing the XML
libraryName | the name of the library to be used in comments. |
XMLOutputStream_setLibraryName(string libraryName)
def libsbml.XMLOutputStream_setLibraryVersion | ( | libraryVersion | ) |
sets the name of the library writing the output
libraryVersion | the version information as string. |
XMLOutputStream_setLibraryVersion(string libraryVersion)
def libsbml.XMLOutputStream_setWriteComment | ( | writeComment | ) |
XMLOutputStream_setWriteComment(bool writeComment)
sets a flag, whether the output stream will write an XML comment at the top of the file. (Enabled by default.)
writeComment | the flag. |
def libsbml.XMLOutputStream_setWriteTimestamp | ( | writeTimestamp | ) |
XMLOutputStream_setWriteTimestamp(bool writeTimestamp)
sets a flag, whether the output stream will write an XML comment with a timestamp at the top of the file. (Enabled by default.)
writeTimestamp | the flag. |
Extended math added in L3V2.
Extended math added by the 'distrib' package.
Extended math.
Unknown node: will not produce any MathML.
libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnAlgRule = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnAlgRule |
libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnAssignRule = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnAssignRule |
libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnCompartment = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnCompartment |
libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnConstraint = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnConstraint |
libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnDelay = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnDelay |
libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnEvent = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnEvent |
libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnEventAssignment = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnEventAssignment |
libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnFunc = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnFunc |
libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnInitialAssign = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnInitialAssign |
libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnKineticLaw = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnKineticLaw |
libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnListOfComps = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnListOfComps |
libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnListOfConstraints = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnListOfConstraints |
libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnListOfEventAssign = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnListOfEventAssign |
libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnListOfEvents = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnListOfEvents |
libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnListOfFuncs = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnListOfFuncs |
libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnListOfInitAssign = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnListOfInitAssign |
libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnListOfLocalParam = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnListOfLocalParam |
libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnListOfMods = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnListOfMods |
libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnListOfParams = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnListOfParams |
libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnListOfReactions = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnListOfReactions |
libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnListOfRules = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnListOfRules |
libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnListOfSpecies = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnListOfSpecies |
libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnListOfSpeciesRef = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnListOfSpeciesRef |
libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnListOfUnitDefs = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnListOfUnitDefs |
libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnListOfUnits = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnListOfUnits |
libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnLocalParameter = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnLocalParameter |
libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnModel = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnModel |
libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnModifier = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnModifier |
libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnParameter = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnParameter |
libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnPriority = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnPriority |
libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnRateRule = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnRateRule |
libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnReaction = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnReaction |
libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnSBML = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnSBML |
libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnSpecies = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnSpecies |
libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnSpeciesReference = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnSpeciesReference |
libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnTrigger = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnTrigger |
libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnUnit = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnUnit |
libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnUnitDefinition = _libsbml.AllowedAttributesOnUnitDefinition |
fbc One of the possible Association types.
The Association class is not part of the official SBML Level 3 Flux Balance Constraints specification, but is instead a proposed future development of the package. If adopted, it would be a child of a GeneAssociation that would describe a single 'and' or 'or' relationship between two or more genes or other associations.
The present code is one of the possible Association types for this proposed SBML Level 3 Flux Balance Constraints (“fbc”) package future development.
libsbml.AnnotationNotElement = _libsbml.AnnotationNotElement |
libsbml.AnnotationNotesNotAllowedLevel1 = _libsbml.AnnotationNotesNotAllowedLevel1 |
libsbml.ApplyCiMustBeModelComponent = _libsbml.ApplyCiMustBeModelComponent |
libsbml.ApplyCiMustBeUserFunction = _libsbml.ApplyCiMustBeUserFunction |
libsbml.ArgsToEqNeedSameType = _libsbml.ArgsToEqNeedSameType |
libsbml.AssignmentToConstantEntity = _libsbml.AssignmentToConstantEntity |
libsbml.AssignRuleCompartmentMismatch = _libsbml.AssignRuleCompartmentMismatch |
libsbml.AssignRuleParameterMismatch = _libsbml.AssignRuleParameterMismatch |
libsbml.AssignRuleSpeciesMismatch = _libsbml.AssignRuleSpeciesMismatch |
libsbml.AssignRuleStoichiometryMismatch = _libsbml.AssignRuleStoichiometryMismatch |
libsbml.AST_CONSTANT_E = _libsbml.AST_CONSTANT_E |
libsbml.AST_CONSTANT_PI = _libsbml.AST_CONSTANT_PI |
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types.
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types.
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types.
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types.
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types.
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types.
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types.
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types.
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types.
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types.
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types.
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types.
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types.
libsbml.AST_DIVIDE = _libsbml.AST_DIVIDE |
libsbml.AST_END_OF_CORE = _libsbml.AST_END_OF_CORE |
One of the possible ASTNode types.
Marker for the end of values in SBML Core.
libsbml.AST_FUNCTION = _libsbml.AST_FUNCTION |
libsbml.AST_FUNCTION_LN = _libsbml.AST_FUNCTION_LN |
libsbml.AST_INTEGER = _libsbml.AST_INTEGER |
libsbml.AST_LAMBDA = _libsbml.AST_LAMBDA |
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types.
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types.
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types.
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types.
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types.
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types.
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types.
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types.
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types.
libsbml.AST_LOGICAL_AND = _libsbml.AST_LOGICAL_AND |
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types.
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types.
libsbml.AST_LOGICAL_NOT = _libsbml.AST_LOGICAL_NOT |
libsbml.AST_LOGICAL_OR = _libsbml.AST_LOGICAL_OR |
libsbml.AST_LOGICAL_XOR = _libsbml.AST_LOGICAL_XOR |
libsbml.AST_MINUS = _libsbml.AST_MINUS |
libsbml.AST_NAME = _libsbml.AST_NAME |
libsbml.AST_NAME_TIME = _libsbml.AST_NAME_TIME |
libsbml.AST_PLUS = _libsbml.AST_PLUS |
libsbml.AST_POWER = _libsbml.AST_POWER |
libsbml.AST_RATIONAL = _libsbml.AST_RATIONAL |
libsbml.AST_REAL = _libsbml.AST_REAL |
libsbml.AST_REAL_E = _libsbml.AST_REAL_E |
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types.
libsbml.AST_SERIES_SUM = _libsbml.AST_SERIES_SUM |
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types.
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types.
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types.
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types.
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types.
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types.
Enumeration marker for the possible ASTNode types.
libsbml.AST_TIMES = _libsbml.AST_TIMES |
libsbml.AST_UNKNOWN = _libsbml.AST_UNKNOWN |
One of the possible SBML Rule object types.
libsbml.AvogadroNotSupported = _libsbml.AvogadroNotSupported |
libsbml.BadCsymbolDefinitionURLValue = _libsbml.BadCsymbolDefinitionURLValue |
libsbml.BadlyFormedXML = _libsbml.BadlyFormedXML |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML.
Please consult the documentation for XMLError for an explanation of the meaning of this particular error code.
libsbml.BadMathML = _libsbml.BadMathML |
libsbml.BadMathMLNodeType = _libsbml.BadMathMLNodeType |
libsbml.BadProcessingInstruction = _libsbml.BadProcessingInstruction |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML.
Please consult the documentation for XMLError for an explanation of the meaning of this particular error code.
libsbml.BadXMLAttribute = _libsbml.BadXMLAttribute |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML.
Please consult the documentation for XMLError for an explanation of the meaning of this particular error code.
libsbml.BadXMLAttributeValue = _libsbml.BadXMLAttributeValue |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML.
Please consult the documentation for XMLError for an explanation of the meaning of this particular error code.
libsbml.BadXMLComment = _libsbml.BadXMLComment |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML.
Please consult the documentation for XMLError for an explanation of the meaning of this particular error code.
libsbml.BadXMLDecl = _libsbml.BadXMLDecl |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML.
Please consult the documentation for XMLError for an explanation of the meaning of this particular error code.
libsbml.BadXMLDeclLocation = _libsbml.BadXMLDeclLocation |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML.
Please consult the documentation for XMLError for an explanation of the meaning of this particular error code.
libsbml.BadXMLDOCTYPE = _libsbml.BadXMLDOCTYPE |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML.
Please consult the documentation for XMLError for an explanation of the meaning of this particular error code.
libsbml.BadXMLDocumentStructure = _libsbml.BadXMLDocumentStructure |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML.
Please consult the documentation for XMLError for an explanation of the meaning of this particular error code.
libsbml.BadXMLIDRef = _libsbml.BadXMLIDRef |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML.
Please consult the documentation for XMLError for an explanation of the meaning of this particular error code.
libsbml.BadXMLIDValue = _libsbml.BadXMLIDValue |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML.
Please consult the documentation for XMLError for an explanation of the meaning of this particular error code.
libsbml.BadXMLPrefix = _libsbml.BadXMLPrefix |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML.
Please consult the documentation for XMLError for an explanation of the meaning of this particular error code.
libsbml.BadXMLPrefixValue = _libsbml.BadXMLPrefixValue |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML.
Please consult the documentation for XMLError for an explanation of the meaning of this particular error code.
One of the possible MIRIAM annotation types used by CVTerm.
libsbml.BooleanNumericDiscrepancy = _libsbml.BooleanNumericDiscrepancy |
libsbml.BooleanOpsNeedBooleanArgs = _libsbml.BooleanOpsNeedBooleanArgs |
libsbml.BothAmountAndConcentrationSet = _libsbml.BothAmountAndConcentrationSet |
libsbml.BothStoichiometryAndMath = _libsbml.BothStoichiometryAndMath |
libsbml.BQB_ENCODES = _libsbml.BQB_ENCODES |
One of the possible MIRIAM annotation types used by CVTerm.
libsbml.BQB_HAS_PART = _libsbml.BQB_HAS_PART |
One of the possible MIRIAM annotation types used by CVTerm.
One of the possible MIRIAM annotation types used by CVTerm.
libsbml.BQB_HAS_TAXON = _libsbml.BQB_HAS_TAXON |
One of the possible MIRIAM annotation types used by CVTerm.
libsbml.BQB_HAS_VERSION = _libsbml.BQB_HAS_VERSION |
One of the possible MIRIAM annotation types used by CVTerm.
libsbml.BQB_IS = _libsbml.BQB_IS |
One of the possible MIRIAM annotation types used by CVTerm.
One of the possible MIRIAM annotation types used by CVTerm.
libsbml.BQB_IS_ENCODED_BY = _libsbml.BQB_IS_ENCODED_BY |
One of the possible MIRIAM annotation types used by CVTerm.
libsbml.BQB_IS_HOMOLOG_TO = _libsbml.BQB_IS_HOMOLOG_TO |
One of the possible MIRIAM annotation types used by CVTerm.
libsbml.BQB_IS_PART_OF = _libsbml.BQB_IS_PART_OF |
One of the possible MIRIAM annotation types used by CVTerm.
One of the possible MIRIAM annotation types used by CVTerm.
libsbml.BQB_IS_VERSION_OF = _libsbml.BQB_IS_VERSION_OF |
One of the possible MIRIAM annotation types used by CVTerm.
libsbml.BQB_OCCURS_IN = _libsbml.BQB_OCCURS_IN |
One of the possible MIRIAM annotation types used by CVTerm.
libsbml.BQB_UNKNOWN = _libsbml.BQB_UNKNOWN |
One of the possible MIRIAM annotation types used by CVTerm.
One of the possible MIRIAM annotation types used by CVTerm.
libsbml.BQM_IS = _libsbml.BQM_IS |
One of the possible MIRIAM annotation types used by CVTerm.
One of the possible MIRIAM annotation types used by CVTerm.
One of the possible MIRIAM annotation types used by CVTerm.
One of the possible MIRIAM annotation types used by CVTerm.
libsbml.BQM_UNKNOWN = _libsbml.BQM_UNKNOWN |
One of the possible MIRIAM annotation types used by CVTerm.
libsbml.CannotConvertToL1V1 = _libsbml.CannotConvertToL1V1 |
libsbml.CannotVerifyUnitsObjectNoMath = _libsbml.CannotVerifyUnitsObjectNoMath |
libsbml.CelsiusNoLongerValid = _libsbml.CelsiusNoLongerValid |
libsbml.CiCannotReference0DCompartment = _libsbml.CiCannotReference0DCompartment |
libsbml.CircularDependencyRateOf = _libsbml.CircularDependencyRateOf |
libsbml.CircularRuleDependency = _libsbml.CircularRuleDependency |
libsbml.CNV_TYPE_BOOL = _libsbml.CNV_TYPE_BOOL |
One of the possible ConversionOption data type indicators.
Indicates the value type is a Boolean.
libsbml.CNV_TYPE_DOUBLE = _libsbml.CNV_TYPE_DOUBLE |
One of the possible ConversionOption data type indicators.
Indicates the value type is a float-sized float.
libsbml.CNV_TYPE_INT = _libsbml.CNV_TYPE_INT |
One of the possible ConversionOption data type indicators.
Indicates the value type is an integer.
libsbml.CNV_TYPE_SINGLE = _libsbml.CNV_TYPE_SINGLE |
One of the possible ConversionOption data type indicators.
Indicates the value type is a float.
libsbml.CNV_TYPE_STRING = _libsbml.CNV_TYPE_STRING |
One of the possible ConversionOption data type indicators.
Indicates the value type is a string.
libsbml.CompartmentNotOnL1Reaction = _libsbml.CompartmentNotOnL1Reaction |
libsbml.CompartmentOnReaction = _libsbml.CompartmentOnReaction |
libsbml.CompartmentShouldHaveSize = _libsbml.CompartmentShouldHaveSize |
libsbml.CompartmentTypeNotValidAttribute = _libsbml.CompartmentTypeNotValidAttribute |
libsbml.CompartmentTypeNotValidComponent = _libsbml.CompartmentTypeNotValidComponent |
libsbml.CompAttributeRequiredMissing = _libsbml.CompAttributeRequiredMissing |
libsbml.CompAttributeRequiredMustBeBoolean = _libsbml.CompAttributeRequiredMustBeBoolean |
libsbml.CompAttributeRequiredMustBeTrue = _libsbml.CompAttributeRequiredMustBeTrue |
libsbml.CompCircularExternalModelReference = _libsbml.CompCircularExternalModelReference |
libsbml.CompDeletedReplacement = _libsbml.CompDeletedReplacement |
libsbml.CompDeletionAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.CompDeletionAllowedAttributes |
libsbml.CompDeletionMustReferenceObject = _libsbml.CompDeletionMustReferenceObject |
libsbml.CompDeletionMustReferOnlyOneObject = _libsbml.CompDeletionMustReferOnlyOneObject |
libsbml.CompDeprecatedDeleteFunction = _libsbml.CompDeprecatedDeleteFunction |
libsbml.CompDeprecatedReplaceFunction = _libsbml.CompDeprecatedReplaceFunction |
libsbml.CompDeprecatedSBaseRefSpelling = _libsbml.CompDeprecatedSBaseRefSpelling |
libsbml.CompDuplicateComponentId = _libsbml.CompDuplicateComponentId |
libsbml.CompElementNotInNs = _libsbml.CompElementNotInNs |
libsbml.CompEmptyLOModelDefs = _libsbml.CompEmptyLOModelDefs |
libsbml.CompEmptyLOReplacedElements = _libsbml.CompEmptyLOReplacedElements |
libsbml.CompExtentConversionMustBeParameter = _libsbml.CompExtentConversionMustBeParameter |
libsbml.CompExtModDefAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.CompExtModDefAllowedAttributes |
libsbml.CompExtModDefAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.CompExtModDefAllowedCoreAttributes |
libsbml.CompExtModDefAllowedElements = _libsbml.CompExtModDefAllowedElements |
libsbml.CompExtModDefBad = _libsbml.CompExtModDefBad |
libsbml.CompExtModMd5DoesNotMatch = _libsbml.CompExtModMd5DoesNotMatch |
libsbml.CompFlatModelNotValid = _libsbml.CompFlatModelNotValid |
libsbml.CompFlatteningNotImplementedNotReqd = _libsbml.CompFlatteningNotImplementedNotReqd |
libsbml.CompFlatteningNotImplementedReqd = _libsbml.CompFlatteningNotImplementedReqd |
libsbml.CompFlatteningNotRecognisedNotReqd = _libsbml.CompFlatteningNotRecognisedNotReqd |
libsbml.CompFlatteningNotRecognisedReqd = _libsbml.CompFlatteningNotRecognisedReqd |
libsbml.CompFlatteningWarning = _libsbml.CompFlatteningWarning |
libsbml.CompIdRefMayReferenceUnknownPackage = _libsbml.CompIdRefMayReferenceUnknownPackage |
libsbml.CompIdRefMustReferenceObject = _libsbml.CompIdRefMustReferenceObject |
libsbml.CompInvalidConversionFactorSyntax = _libsbml.CompInvalidConversionFactorSyntax |
libsbml.CompInvalidDeletionSyntax = _libsbml.CompInvalidDeletionSyntax |
libsbml.CompInvalidExtentConvFactorSyntax = _libsbml.CompInvalidExtentConvFactorSyntax |
libsbml.CompInvalidIdRefSyntax = _libsbml.CompInvalidIdRefSyntax |
libsbml.CompInvalidMD5Syntax = _libsbml.CompInvalidMD5Syntax |
libsbml.CompInvalidMetaIdRefSyntax = _libsbml.CompInvalidMetaIdRefSyntax |
libsbml.CompInvalidModelRefSyntax = _libsbml.CompInvalidModelRefSyntax |
libsbml.CompInvalidNameSyntax = _libsbml.CompInvalidNameSyntax |
libsbml.CompInvalidPortRefSyntax = _libsbml.CompInvalidPortRefSyntax |
libsbml.CompInvalidSIdSyntax = _libsbml.CompInvalidSIdSyntax |
libsbml.CompInvalidSourceSyntax = _libsbml.CompInvalidSourceSyntax |
libsbml.CompInvalidSubmodelRefSyntax = _libsbml.CompInvalidSubmodelRefSyntax |
libsbml.CompInvalidTimeConvFactorSyntax = _libsbml.CompInvalidTimeConvFactorSyntax |
libsbml.CompInvalidUnitRefSyntax = _libsbml.CompInvalidUnitRefSyntax |
libsbml.CompLineNumbersUnreliable = _libsbml.CompLineNumbersUnreliable |
libsbml.CompLODeletionAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.CompLODeletionAllowedAttributes |
libsbml.CompLODeletionsAllowedElements = _libsbml.CompLODeletionsAllowedElements |
libsbml.CompLOExtModDefsAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.CompLOExtModDefsAllowedAttributes |
libsbml.CompLOExtModelDefsAllowedElements = _libsbml.CompLOExtModelDefsAllowedElements |
libsbml.CompLOModelDefsAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.CompLOModelDefsAllowedAttributes |
libsbml.CompLOModelDefsAllowedElements = _libsbml.CompLOModelDefsAllowedElements |
libsbml.CompLOPortsAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.CompLOPortsAllowedAttributes |
libsbml.CompLOPortsAllowedElements = _libsbml.CompLOPortsAllowedElements |
libsbml.CompLOReplacedElementsAllowedAttribs = _libsbml.CompLOReplacedElementsAllowedAttribs |
libsbml.CompLOReplaceElementsAllowedElements = _libsbml.CompLOReplaceElementsAllowedElements |
libsbml.CompLOSubmodelsAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.CompLOSubmodelsAllowedAttributes |
libsbml.CompLOSubmodelsAllowedElements = _libsbml.CompLOSubmodelsAllowedElements |
libsbml.CompMetaIdRefMayReferenceUnknownPkg = _libsbml.CompMetaIdRefMayReferenceUnknownPkg |
libsbml.CompMetaIdRefMustReferenceObject = _libsbml.CompMetaIdRefMustReferenceObject |
libsbml.CompModCannotCircularlyReferenceSelf = _libsbml.CompModCannotCircularlyReferenceSelf |
libsbml.CompModelFlatteningFailed = _libsbml.CompModelFlatteningFailed |
libsbml.CompModReferenceMustIdOfModel = _libsbml.CompModReferenceMustIdOfModel |
libsbml.CompModReferenceSyntax = _libsbml.CompModReferenceSyntax |
libsbml.CompMustReplaceIDs = _libsbml.CompMustReplaceIDs |
libsbml.CompMustReplaceMetaIDs = _libsbml.CompMustReplaceMetaIDs |
libsbml.CompMustReplacePackageIDs = _libsbml.CompMustReplacePackageIDs |
libsbml.CompMustReplaceSameClass = _libsbml.CompMustReplaceSameClass |
libsbml.CompNoEmptyListOfOnModel = _libsbml.CompNoEmptyListOfOnModel |
libsbml.CompNoModelInReference = _libsbml.CompNoModelInReference |
libsbml.CompNoMultipleReferences = _libsbml.CompNoMultipleReferences |
libsbml.CompNSUndeclared = _libsbml.CompNSUndeclared |
libsbml.CompOneListOfDeletionOnSubmodel = _libsbml.CompOneListOfDeletionOnSubmodel |
libsbml.CompOneListOfExtModelDefinitions = _libsbml.CompOneListOfExtModelDefinitions |
libsbml.CompOneListOfModelDefinitions = _libsbml.CompOneListOfModelDefinitions |
libsbml.CompOneListOfOnModel = _libsbml.CompOneListOfOnModel |
libsbml.CompOneListOfReplacedElements = _libsbml.CompOneListOfReplacedElements |
libsbml.CompOneReplacedByElement = _libsbml.CompOneReplacedByElement |
libsbml.CompOneSBaseRefOnly = _libsbml.CompOneSBaseRefOnly |
libsbml.CompParentOfSBRefChildMustBeSubmodel = _libsbml.CompParentOfSBRefChildMustBeSubmodel |
libsbml.CompPortAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.CompPortAllowedAttributes |
libsbml.CompPortMustReferenceObject = _libsbml.CompPortMustReferenceObject |
libsbml.CompPortMustReferenceOnlyOneObject = _libsbml.CompPortMustReferenceOnlyOneObject |
libsbml.CompPortReferencesUnique = _libsbml.CompPortReferencesUnique |
libsbml.CompPortRefMustReferencePort = _libsbml.CompPortRefMustReferencePort |
libsbml.CompReferenceMustBeL3 = _libsbml.CompReferenceMustBeL3 |
libsbml.CompReplacedByAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.CompReplacedByAllowedAttributes |
libsbml.CompReplacedByMustRefObject = _libsbml.CompReplacedByMustRefObject |
libsbml.CompReplacedByMustRefOnlyOne = _libsbml.CompReplacedByMustRefOnlyOne |
libsbml.CompReplacedBySubModelRef = _libsbml.CompReplacedBySubModelRef |
libsbml.CompReplacedElementAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.CompReplacedElementAllowedAttributes |
libsbml.CompReplacedElementConvFactorRef = _libsbml.CompReplacedElementConvFactorRef |
libsbml.CompReplacedElementDeletionRef = _libsbml.CompReplacedElementDeletionRef |
libsbml.CompReplacedElementMustRefObject = _libsbml.CompReplacedElementMustRefObject |
libsbml.CompReplacedElementMustRefOnlyOne = _libsbml.CompReplacedElementMustRefOnlyOne |
libsbml.CompReplacedElementNoDelAndConvFact = _libsbml.CompReplacedElementNoDelAndConvFact |
libsbml.CompReplacedElementSameReference = _libsbml.CompReplacedElementSameReference |
libsbml.CompReplacedElementSubModelRef = _libsbml.CompReplacedElementSubModelRef |
libsbml.CompReplacedUnitsShouldMatch = _libsbml.CompReplacedUnitsShouldMatch |
libsbml.CompRequiredFalseIfAllElementsReplaced = _libsbml.CompRequiredFalseIfAllElementsReplaced |
libsbml.CompRequiredTrueIfElementsRemain = _libsbml.CompRequiredTrueIfElementsRemain |
libsbml.CompSBaseRefMustReferenceObject = _libsbml.CompSBaseRefMustReferenceObject |
libsbml.CompSBaseRefMustReferenceOnlyOneObject = _libsbml.CompSBaseRefMustReferenceOnlyOneObject |
libsbml.CompSubmodelAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.CompSubmodelAllowedAttributes |
libsbml.CompSubmodelAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.CompSubmodelAllowedCoreAttributes |
libsbml.CompSubmodelAllowedElements = _libsbml.CompSubmodelAllowedElements |
libsbml.CompSubmodelCannotReferenceSelf = _libsbml.CompSubmodelCannotReferenceSelf |
libsbml.CompSubmodelMustReferenceModel = _libsbml.CompSubmodelMustReferenceModel |
libsbml.CompSubmodelNoEmptyLODeletions = _libsbml.CompSubmodelNoEmptyLODeletions |
libsbml.CompTimeConversionMustBeParameter = _libsbml.CompTimeConversionMustBeParameter |
libsbml.CompUniqueModelIds = _libsbml.CompUniqueModelIds |
libsbml.CompUniquePortIds = _libsbml.CompUniquePortIds |
libsbml.CompUnitRefMustReferenceUnitDef = _libsbml.CompUnitRefMustReferenceUnitDef |
libsbml.CompUnknown = _libsbml.CompUnknown |
libsbml.CompUnresolvedReference = _libsbml.CompUnresolvedReference |
libsbml.ConstantNotValidAttribute = _libsbml.ConstantNotValidAttribute |
libsbml.ConstantSpeciesNotValidAttribute = _libsbml.ConstantSpeciesNotValidAttribute |
libsbml.ConstraintContainsDOCTYPE = _libsbml.ConstraintContainsDOCTYPE |
libsbml.ConstraintContainsXMLDecl = _libsbml.ConstraintContainsXMLDecl |
libsbml.ConstraintMathNotBoolean = _libsbml.ConstraintMathNotBoolean |
libsbml.ConstraintNotInXHTMLNamespace = _libsbml.ConstraintNotInXHTMLNamespace |
libsbml.ConstraintNotValidComponent = _libsbml.ConstraintNotValidComponent |
libsbml.ConversionFactorMustConstant = _libsbml.ConversionFactorMustConstant |
libsbml.ConversionFactorNotInL1 = _libsbml.ConversionFactorNotInL1 |
libsbml.ConversionFactorOnSpecies = _libsbml.ConversionFactorOnSpecies |
libsbml.ConvertibleMathInitialAssignment = _libsbml.ConvertibleMathInitialAssignment |
libsbml.DanglingUnitReference = _libsbml.DanglingUnitReference |
libsbml.DanglingUnitSIdRef = _libsbml.DanglingUnitSIdRef |
libsbml.DelayNeedsValuesFromTriggerTime = _libsbml.DelayNeedsValuesFromTriggerTime |
libsbml.DelayUnitsNotTime = _libsbml.DelayUnitsNotTime |
libsbml.DisallowedDefinitionURLUse = _libsbml.DisallowedDefinitionURLUse |
libsbml.DisallowedMathMLEncodingUse = _libsbml.DisallowedMathMLEncodingUse |
libsbml.DisallowedMathMLSymbol = _libsbml.DisallowedMathMLSymbol |
libsbml.DisallowedMathTypeAttributeUse = _libsbml.DisallowedMathTypeAttributeUse |
libsbml.DisallowedMathTypeAttributeValue = _libsbml.DisallowedMathTypeAttributeValue |
libsbml.DisallowedMathUnitsUse = _libsbml.DisallowedMathUnitsUse |
libsbml.DoubleExponentNotSupported = _libsbml.DoubleExponentNotSupported |
libsbml.DuplicateAnnotationInvalidInL2v2 = _libsbml.DuplicateAnnotationInvalidInL2v2 |
libsbml.DuplicateAnnotationInvalidInL2v3 = _libsbml.DuplicateAnnotationInvalidInL2v3 |
libsbml.DuplicateAnnotationInvalidInL2v4 = _libsbml.DuplicateAnnotationInvalidInL2v4 |
libsbml.DuplicateAnnotationInvalidInL3v1 = _libsbml.DuplicateAnnotationInvalidInL3v1 |
libsbml.DuplicateAnnotationNamespaces = _libsbml.DuplicateAnnotationNamespaces |
libsbml.DuplicateComponentId = _libsbml.DuplicateComponentId |
libsbml.DuplicateLocalParameterId = _libsbml.DuplicateLocalParameterId |
libsbml.DuplicateMetaId = _libsbml.DuplicateMetaId |
libsbml.DuplicateUnitDefinitionId = _libsbml.DuplicateUnitDefinitionId |
libsbml.DuplicateXMLAttribute = _libsbml.DuplicateXMLAttribute |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML.
Please consult the documentation for XMLError for an explanation of the meaning of this particular error code.
libsbml.EM_ARRAYS = _libsbml.EM_ARRAYS |
Extended math added by the 'arrays' package.
libsbml.EM_DISTRIB = _libsbml.EM_DISTRIB |
Extended math added by the 'distrib' package.
libsbml.EM_L3V2 = _libsbml.EM_L3V2 |
Extended math added in l3v2.
libsbml.EM_UNKNOWN = _libsbml.EM_UNKNOWN |
Unknown node: will not produce any MathML.
libsbml.EmptyListElement = _libsbml.EmptyListElement |
libsbml.EmptyListInKineticLaw = _libsbml.EmptyListInKineticLaw |
libsbml.EmptyListInReaction = _libsbml.EmptyListInReaction |
libsbml.EmptyListOfElementNotSupported = _libsbml.EmptyListOfElementNotSupported |
libsbml.EmptyListOfUnits = _libsbml.EmptyListOfUnits |
libsbml.EmptyUnitListElement = _libsbml.EmptyUnitListElement |
libsbml.EventAndAssignmentRuleForId = _libsbml.EventAndAssignmentRuleForId |
libsbml.EventAssignCompartmentMismatch = _libsbml.EventAssignCompartmentMismatch |
libsbml.EventAssignmentForConstantEntity = _libsbml.EventAssignmentForConstantEntity |
libsbml.EventAssignParameterMismatch = _libsbml.EventAssignParameterMismatch |
libsbml.EventAssignSpeciesMismatch = _libsbml.EventAssignSpeciesMismatch |
libsbml.EventAssignStoichiometryMismatch = _libsbml.EventAssignStoichiometryMismatch |
libsbml.EventNotValidComponent = _libsbml.EventNotValidComponent |
libsbml.ExtentUnitsNotSubstance = _libsbml.ExtentUnitsNotSubstance |
libsbml.FailedMathMLReadOfDouble = _libsbml.FailedMathMLReadOfDouble |
libsbml.FailedMathMLReadOfExponential = _libsbml.FailedMathMLReadOfExponential |
libsbml.FailedMathMLReadOfInteger = _libsbml.FailedMathMLReadOfInteger |
libsbml.FailedMathMLReadOfRational = _libsbml.FailedMathMLReadOfRational |
libsbml.FastReactionsNotSupported = _libsbml.FastReactionsNotSupported |
libsbml.FbcActiveObjectiveRefersObjective = _libsbml.FbcActiveObjectiveRefersObjective |
libsbml.FbcActiveObjectiveSyntax = _libsbml.FbcActiveObjectiveSyntax |
libsbml.FbcAndAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.FbcAndAllowedCoreAttributes |
libsbml.FbcAndAllowedCoreElements = _libsbml.FbcAndAllowedCoreElements |
libsbml.FbcAndTwoChildren = _libsbml.FbcAndTwoChildren |
libsbml.FbcAttributeRequiredMissing = _libsbml.FbcAttributeRequiredMissing |
libsbml.FbcAttributeRequiredMustBeBoolean = _libsbml.FbcAttributeRequiredMustBeBoolean |
libsbml.FbcDuplicateComponentId = _libsbml.FbcDuplicateComponentId |
libsbml.FbcElementNotInNs = _libsbml.FbcElementNotInNs |
libsbml.FbcFluxBoundAllowedElements = _libsbml.FbcFluxBoundAllowedElements |
libsbml.FbcFluxBoundAllowedL3Attributes = _libsbml.FbcFluxBoundAllowedL3Attributes |
libsbml.FbcFluxBoundNameMustBeString = _libsbml.FbcFluxBoundNameMustBeString |
libsbml.FbcFluxBoundOperationMustBeEnum = _libsbml.FbcFluxBoundOperationMustBeEnum |
libsbml.FbcFluxBoundReactionMustExist = _libsbml.FbcFluxBoundReactionMustExist |
libsbml.FbcFluxBoundRectionMustBeSIdRef = _libsbml.FbcFluxBoundRectionMustBeSIdRef |
libsbml.FbcFluxBoundRequiredAttributes = _libsbml.FbcFluxBoundRequiredAttributes |
libsbml.FbcFluxBoundsForReactionConflict = _libsbml.FbcFluxBoundsForReactionConflict |
libsbml.FbcFluxBoundValueMustBeDouble = _libsbml.FbcFluxBoundValueMustBeDouble |
libsbml.FbcFluxObjectAllowedElements = _libsbml.FbcFluxObjectAllowedElements |
libsbml.FbcFluxObjectAllowedL3Attributes = _libsbml.FbcFluxObjectAllowedL3Attributes |
libsbml.FbcFluxObjectCoefficientMustBeDouble = _libsbml.FbcFluxObjectCoefficientMustBeDouble |
libsbml.FbcFluxObjectCoefficientWhenStrict = _libsbml.FbcFluxObjectCoefficientWhenStrict |
libsbml.FbcFluxObjectNameMustBeString = _libsbml.FbcFluxObjectNameMustBeString |
libsbml.FbcFluxObjectReactionMustBeSIdRef = _libsbml.FbcFluxObjectReactionMustBeSIdRef |
libsbml.FbcFluxObjectReactionMustExist = _libsbml.FbcFluxObjectReactionMustExist |
libsbml.FbcFluxObjectRequiredAttributes = _libsbml.FbcFluxObjectRequiredAttributes |
libsbml.FbcGeneProdAssocAllowedAttribs = _libsbml.FbcGeneProdAssocAllowedAttribs |
libsbml.FbcGeneProdAssocAllowedCoreAttribs = _libsbml.FbcGeneProdAssocAllowedCoreAttribs |
libsbml.FbcGeneProdAssocAllowedCoreElements = _libsbml.FbcGeneProdAssocAllowedCoreElements |
libsbml.FbcGeneProdAssocContainsOneElement = _libsbml.FbcGeneProdAssocContainsOneElement |
libsbml.FbcGeneProdAssocIdSyntax = _libsbml.FbcGeneProdAssocIdSyntax |
libsbml.FbcGeneProdAssocNameMustBeString = _libsbml.FbcGeneProdAssocNameMustBeString |
libsbml.FbcGeneProdRefAllowedAttribs = _libsbml.FbcGeneProdRefAllowedAttribs |
libsbml.FbcGeneProdRefAllowedCoreAttribs = _libsbml.FbcGeneProdRefAllowedCoreAttribs |
libsbml.FbcGeneProdRefAllowedCoreElements = _libsbml.FbcGeneProdRefAllowedCoreElements |
libsbml.FbcGeneProdRefGeneProductExists = _libsbml.FbcGeneProdRefGeneProductExists |
libsbml.FbcGeneProdRefGeneProductSIdRef = _libsbml.FbcGeneProdRefGeneProductSIdRef |
libsbml.FbcGeneProductAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.FbcGeneProductAllowedAttributes |
libsbml.FbcGeneProductAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.FbcGeneProductAllowedCoreAttributes |
libsbml.FbcGeneProductAllowedCoreElements = _libsbml.FbcGeneProductAllowedCoreElements |
libsbml.FbcGeneProductAssocSpeciesMustExist = _libsbml.FbcGeneProductAssocSpeciesMustExist |
libsbml.FbcGeneProductLabelMustBeString = _libsbml.FbcGeneProductLabelMustBeString |
libsbml.FbcGeneProductLabelMustBeUnique = _libsbml.FbcGeneProductLabelMustBeUnique |
libsbml.FbcGeneProductNameMustBeString = _libsbml.FbcGeneProductNameMustBeString |
libsbml.FbcLOFluxBoundsAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.FbcLOFluxBoundsAllowedAttributes |
libsbml.FbcLOFluxBoundsAllowedElements = _libsbml.FbcLOFluxBoundsAllowedElements |
libsbml.FbcLOGeneProductsAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.FbcLOGeneProductsAllowedAttributes |
libsbml.FbcLOGeneProductsAllowedElements = _libsbml.FbcLOGeneProductsAllowedElements |
libsbml.FbcLOObjectivesAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.FbcLOObjectivesAllowedAttributes |
libsbml.FbcLOObjectivesAllowedElements = _libsbml.FbcLOObjectivesAllowedElements |
libsbml.FbcModelMustHaveStrict = _libsbml.FbcModelMustHaveStrict |
libsbml.FbcModelStrictMustBeBoolean = _libsbml.FbcModelStrictMustBeBoolean |
libsbml.FbcNoEmptyListOfs = _libsbml.FbcNoEmptyListOfs |
libsbml.FbcNSUndeclared = _libsbml.FbcNSUndeclared |
libsbml.FbcObjectiveAllowedElements = _libsbml.FbcObjectiveAllowedElements |
libsbml.FbcObjectiveAllowedL3Attributes = _libsbml.FbcObjectiveAllowedL3Attributes |
libsbml.FbcObjectiveLOFluxObjAllowedAttribs = _libsbml.FbcObjectiveLOFluxObjAllowedAttribs |
libsbml.FbcObjectiveLOFluxObjMustNotBeEmpty = _libsbml.FbcObjectiveLOFluxObjMustNotBeEmpty |
libsbml.FbcObjectiveLOFluxObjOnlyFluxObj = _libsbml.FbcObjectiveLOFluxObjOnlyFluxObj |
libsbml.FbcObjectiveNameMustBeString = _libsbml.FbcObjectiveNameMustBeString |
libsbml.FbcObjectiveOneListOfObjectives = _libsbml.FbcObjectiveOneListOfObjectives |
libsbml.FbcObjectiveRequiredAttributes = _libsbml.FbcObjectiveRequiredAttributes |
libsbml.FbcObjectiveTypeMustBeEnum = _libsbml.FbcObjectiveTypeMustBeEnum |
libsbml.FbcOnlyOneEachListOf = _libsbml.FbcOnlyOneEachListOf |
libsbml.FbcOrAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.FbcOrAllowedCoreAttributes |
libsbml.FbcOrAllowedCoreElements = _libsbml.FbcOrAllowedCoreElements |
libsbml.FbcOrTwoChildren = _libsbml.FbcOrTwoChildren |
libsbml.FbcReactionAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.FbcReactionAllowedAttributes |
libsbml.FbcReactionBoundsMustHaveValuesStrict = _libsbml.FbcReactionBoundsMustHaveValuesStrict |
libsbml.FbcReactionBoundsNotAssignedStrict = _libsbml.FbcReactionBoundsNotAssignedStrict |
libsbml.FbcReactionConstantBoundsStrict = _libsbml.FbcReactionConstantBoundsStrict |
libsbml.FbcReactionLwrBoundNotInfStrict = _libsbml.FbcReactionLwrBoundNotInfStrict |
libsbml.FbcReactionLwrBoundRefExists = _libsbml.FbcReactionLwrBoundRefExists |
libsbml.FbcReactionLwrBoundSIdRef = _libsbml.FbcReactionLwrBoundSIdRef |
libsbml.FbcReactionLwrLessThanUpStrict = _libsbml.FbcReactionLwrLessThanUpStrict |
libsbml.FbcReactionMustHaveBoundsStrict = _libsbml.FbcReactionMustHaveBoundsStrict |
libsbml.FbcReactionOnlyOneGeneProdAss = _libsbml.FbcReactionOnlyOneGeneProdAss |
libsbml.FbcReactionUpBoundNotNegInfStrict = _libsbml.FbcReactionUpBoundNotNegInfStrict |
libsbml.FbcReactionUpBoundRefExists = _libsbml.FbcReactionUpBoundRefExists |
libsbml.FbcReactionUpBoundSIdRef = _libsbml.FbcReactionUpBoundSIdRef |
libsbml.FbcRequiredFalse = _libsbml.FbcRequiredFalse |
libsbml.FbcSBMLSIdSyntax = _libsbml.FbcSBMLSIdSyntax |
libsbml.FbcSpeciesAllowedL3Attributes = _libsbml.FbcSpeciesAllowedL3Attributes |
libsbml.FbcSpeciesChargeMustBeInteger = _libsbml.FbcSpeciesChargeMustBeInteger |
libsbml.FbcSpeciesFormulaMustBeString = _libsbml.FbcSpeciesFormulaMustBeString |
libsbml.FbcSpeciesReferenceConstantStrict = _libsbml.FbcSpeciesReferenceConstantStrict |
libsbml.FbcSpeciesRefNotAssignedStrict = _libsbml.FbcSpeciesRefNotAssignedStrict |
libsbml.FbcSpeciesRefsStoichMustBeRealStrict = _libsbml.FbcSpeciesRefsStoichMustBeRealStrict |
libsbml.FbcUnknown = _libsbml.FbcUnknown |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
libsbml.FILL_RULE_UNSET = _libsbml.FILL_RULE_UNSET |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
fbc One of the possible FluxBound operation types.
The FluxBound class is part of the SBML Level 3 Flux Balanced Constraints package. Its purpose is to to hold a single equality or inequality that represents the maximum or minimum value a reaction flux can obtain at steady state. One of the attributes of FluxBound is "operation". This code is one of the possible values of the "operation" attribute. The possible legal values are less than or equal to, greater than or equal to, or equal to. The additional two options "less than" and "greater than" are not legal values for the FluxBound "operation" attribute, but are provided to allow backwards compatibility with an earlier version of the draft specification.
fbc One of the possible FluxBound operation types.
The FluxBound class is part of the SBML Level 3 Flux Balanced Constraints package. Its purpose is to to hold a single equality or inequality that represents the maximum or minimum value a reaction flux can obtain at steady state. One of the attributes of FluxBound is "operation". This code is one of the possible values of the "operation" attribute. The possible legal values are less than or equal to, greater than or equal to, or equal to. The additional two options "less than" and "greater than" are not legal values for the FluxBound "operation" attribute, but are provided to allow backwards compatibility with an earlier version of the draft specification.
fbc One of the possible FluxBound operation types.
The FluxBound class is part of the SBML Level 3 Flux Balanced Constraints package. Its purpose is to to hold a single equality or inequality that represents the maximum or minimum value a reaction flux can obtain at steady state. One of the attributes of FluxBound is "operation". This code is one of the possible values of the "operation" attribute. The possible legal values are less than or equal to, greater than or equal to, or equal to. The additional two options "less than" and "greater than" are not legal values for the FluxBound "operation" attribute, but are provided to allow backwards compatibility with an earlier version of the draft specification.
fbc One of the possible FluxBound operation types.
The FluxBound class is part of the SBML Level 3 Flux Balanced Constraints package. Its purpose is to to hold a single equality or inequality that represents the maximum or minimum value a reaction flux can obtain at steady state. One of the attributes of FluxBound is "operation". This code is one of the possible values of the "operation" attribute. The possible legal values are less than or equal to, greater than or equal to, or equal to. The additional two options "less than" and "greater than" are not legal values for the FluxBound "operation" attribute, but are provided to allow backwards compatibility with an earlier version of the draft specification.
fbc One of the possible FluxBound operation types.
The FluxBound class is part of the SBML Level 3 Flux Balanced Constraints package. Its purpose is to to hold a single equality or inequality that represents the maximum or minimum value a reaction flux can obtain at steady state. One of the attributes of FluxBound is "operation". This code is one of the possible values of the "operation" attribute. The possible legal values are less than or equal to, greater than or equal to, or equal to. The additional two options "less than" and "greater than" are not legal values for the FluxBound "operation" attribute, but are provided to allow backwards compatibility with an earlier version of the draft specification.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
libsbml.FormulaInLevel1KL = _libsbml.FormulaInLevel1KL |
libsbml.FuncDefNotValidComponent = _libsbml.FuncDefNotValidComponent |
libsbml.FunctionDefMathNotLambda = _libsbml.FunctionDefMathNotLambda |
fbc One of the possible Association types.
The Association class is not part of the official SBML Level 3 Flux Balance Constraints specification, but is instead a proposed future development of the package. If adopted, it would be a child of a GeneAssociation that would describe a single 'and' or 'or' relationship between two or more genes or other associations.
The present code is one of the possible Association types for this proposed SBML Level 3 Flux Balance Constraints (“fbc”) package future development.
libsbml.GeneralWarningNotSpecified = _libsbml.GeneralWarningNotSpecified |
libsbml.GlobalUnitsNotDeclared = _libsbml.GlobalUnitsNotDeclared |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
groups One of the possible Group kinds.
groups One of the possible Group kinds.
groups One of the possible Group kinds.
groups Unrecognized Group kind.
libsbml.GroupsAttributeRequiredMissing = _libsbml.GroupsAttributeRequiredMissing |
libsbml.GroupsAttributeRequiredMustBeBoolean = _libsbml.GroupsAttributeRequiredMustBeBoolean |
libsbml.GroupsAttributeRequiredMustHaveValue = _libsbml.GroupsAttributeRequiredMustHaveValue |
libsbml.GroupsDuplicateComponentId = _libsbml.GroupsDuplicateComponentId |
libsbml.GroupsElementNotInNs = _libsbml.GroupsElementNotInNs |
libsbml.GroupsGroupAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.GroupsGroupAllowedAttributes |
libsbml.GroupsGroupAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.GroupsGroupAllowedCoreAttributes |
libsbml.GroupsGroupAllowedCoreElements = _libsbml.GroupsGroupAllowedCoreElements |
libsbml.GroupsGroupAllowedElements = _libsbml.GroupsGroupAllowedElements |
libsbml.GroupsGroupEmptyLOElements = _libsbml.GroupsGroupEmptyLOElements |
libsbml.GroupsGroupKindMustBeGroupKindEnum = _libsbml.GroupsGroupKindMustBeGroupKindEnum |
libsbml.GroupsGroupLOMembersAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.GroupsGroupLOMembersAllowedAttributes |
libsbml.GroupsGroupLOMembersAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.GroupsGroupLOMembersAllowedCoreAttributes |
libsbml.GroupsGroupLOMembersAllowedCoreElements = _libsbml.GroupsGroupLOMembersAllowedCoreElements |
libsbml.GroupsGroupNameMustBeString = _libsbml.GroupsGroupNameMustBeString |
libsbml.GroupsIdSyntaxRule = _libsbml.GroupsIdSyntaxRule |
libsbml.GroupsLOMembersConsistentReferences = _libsbml.GroupsLOMembersConsistentReferences |
libsbml.GroupsLOMembersNameMustBeString = _libsbml.GroupsLOMembersNameMustBeString |
libsbml.GroupsMemberAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.GroupsMemberAllowedAttributes |
libsbml.GroupsMemberAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.GroupsMemberAllowedCoreAttributes |
libsbml.GroupsMemberAllowedCoreElements = _libsbml.GroupsMemberAllowedCoreElements |
libsbml.GroupsMemberIdRefMustBeSBase = _libsbml.GroupsMemberIdRefMustBeSBase |
libsbml.GroupsMemberIdRefMustBeSId = _libsbml.GroupsMemberIdRefMustBeSId |
libsbml.GroupsMemberMetaIdRefMustBeID = _libsbml.GroupsMemberMetaIdRefMustBeID |
libsbml.GroupsMemberMetaIdRefMustBeSBase = _libsbml.GroupsMemberMetaIdRefMustBeSBase |
libsbml.GroupsMemberNameMustBeString = _libsbml.GroupsMemberNameMustBeString |
libsbml.GroupsModelAllowedElements = _libsbml.GroupsModelAllowedElements |
libsbml.GroupsModelEmptyLOElements = _libsbml.GroupsModelEmptyLOElements |
libsbml.GroupsModelLOGroupsAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.GroupsModelLOGroupsAllowedCoreAttributes |
libsbml.GroupsModelLOGroupsAllowedCoreElements = _libsbml.GroupsModelLOGroupsAllowedCoreElements |
libsbml.GroupsNotCircularReferences = _libsbml.GroupsNotCircularReferences |
libsbml.GroupsNSUndeclared = _libsbml.GroupsNSUndeclared |
libsbml.GroupsUnknown = _libsbml.GroupsUnknown |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
libsbml.HasOnlySubsNoSpatialUnits = _libsbml.HasOnlySubsNoSpatialUnits |
libsbml.HasOnlySubstanceUnitsNotinL1 = _libsbml.HasOnlySubstanceUnitsNotinL1 |
libsbml.HasOnlySubsUnitsNotValidAttribute = _libsbml.HasOnlySubsUnitsNotValidAttribute |
libsbml.IdNameSBaseInL3V2 = _libsbml.IdNameSBaseInL3V2 |
libsbml.IdNotValidAttribute = _libsbml.IdNotValidAttribute |
libsbml.InconsistentArgUnits = _libsbml.InconsistentArgUnits |
libsbml.InconsistentArgUnitsWarnings = _libsbml.InconsistentArgUnitsWarnings |
libsbml.InconsistentExponUnitsWarnings = _libsbml.InconsistentExponUnitsWarnings |
libsbml.InconsistentKineticLawUnitsL3 = _libsbml.InconsistentKineticLawUnitsL3 |
libsbml.InconsistentPowerUnitsWarnings = _libsbml.InconsistentPowerUnitsWarnings |
libsbml.IncorrectCompartmentSpatialDimensions = _libsbml.IncorrectCompartmentSpatialDimensions |
libsbml.IncorrectOrderInConstraint = _libsbml.IncorrectOrderInConstraint |
libsbml.IncorrectOrderInEvent = _libsbml.IncorrectOrderInEvent |
libsbml.IncorrectOrderInKineticLaw = _libsbml.IncorrectOrderInKineticLaw |
libsbml.IncorrectOrderInModel = _libsbml.IncorrectOrderInModel |
libsbml.IncorrectOrderInReaction = _libsbml.IncorrectOrderInReaction |
libsbml.InitAssignCompartmenMismatch = _libsbml.InitAssignCompartmenMismatch |
libsbml.InitAssignmentAndRuleForSameId = _libsbml.InitAssignmentAndRuleForSameId |
libsbml.InitAssignmentCannotRef0DComp = _libsbml.InitAssignmentCannotRef0DComp |
libsbml.InitAssignParameterMismatch = _libsbml.InitAssignParameterMismatch |
libsbml.InitAssignSpeciesMismatch = _libsbml.InitAssignSpeciesMismatch |
libsbml.InitAssignStoichiometryMismatch = _libsbml.InitAssignStoichiometryMismatch |
libsbml.InitialAssignNotValidComponent = _libsbml.InitialAssignNotValidComponent |
libsbml.InitialValueFalseEventNotSupported = _libsbml.InitialValueFalseEventNotSupported |
libsbml.InitialValueNotBoolean = _libsbml.InitialValueNotBoolean |
libsbml.INPUT_SIGN_DUAL = _libsbml.INPUT_SIGN_DUAL |
qual One of the possible Input "sign" attribute values.
The Input class is part of the SBML Level 3 Qualitative Models package. Its purpose is to represent a qualitative species that participates in a Transition; specifically, in Petri nets, these are the input places of the transition, and in logical models, they are the regulators of the species whose behaviour is defined by the transition. Input has an attribute named "sign" that is used to indicate whether the contribution of this input is positive, negative, both (dual) or unknown. This enables a model to distinguish between stimulation and inhibition and can facilitate interpretation of themodel without the mathematics. The sign is particularly used for visualization purposes and has no impact on the mathematical interpretation.
The present code is one of the possible values of the "sign" attribute of an Input object.
qual One of the possible Input "sign" attribute values.
The Input class is part of the SBML Level 3 Qualitative Models package. Its purpose is to represent a qualitative species that participates in a Transition; specifically, in Petri nets, these are the input places of the transition, and in logical models, they are the regulators of the species whose behaviour is defined by the transition. Input has an attribute named "sign" that is used to indicate whether the contribution of this input is positive, negative, both (dual) or unknown. This enables a model to distinguish between stimulation and inhibition and can facilitate interpretation of themodel without the mathematics. The sign is particularly used for visualization purposes and has no impact on the mathematical interpretation.
The present code is one of the possible values of the "sign" attribute of an Input object.
qual One of the possible Input "sign" attribute values.
The Input class is part of the SBML Level 3 Qualitative Models package. Its purpose is to represent a qualitative species that participates in a Transition; specifically, in Petri nets, these are the input places of the transition, and in logical models, they are the regulators of the species whose behaviour is defined by the transition. Input has an attribute named "sign" that is used to indicate whether the contribution of this input is positive, negative, both (dual) or unknown. This enables a model to distinguish between stimulation and inhibition and can facilitate interpretation of themodel without the mathematics. The sign is particularly used for visualization purposes and has no impact on the mathematical interpretation.
The present code is one of the possible values of the "sign" attribute of an Input object.
qual One of the possible Input "sign" attribute values.
The Input class is part of the SBML Level 3 Qualitative Models package. Its purpose is to represent a qualitative species that participates in a Transition; specifically, in Petri nets, these are the input places of the transition, and in logical models, they are the regulators of the species whose behaviour is defined by the transition. Input has an attribute named "sign" that is used to indicate whether the contribution of this input is positive, negative, both (dual) or unknown. This enables a model to distinguish between stimulation and inhibition and can facilitate interpretation of themodel without the mathematics. The sign is particularly used for visualization purposes and has no impact on the mathematical interpretation.
The present code is one of the possible values of the "sign" attribute of an Input object.
qual One of the possible Input "sign" attribute values.
The Input class is part of the SBML Level 3 Qualitative Models package. Its purpose is to represent a qualitative species that participates in a Transition; specifically, in Petri nets, these are the input places of the transition, and in logical models, they are the regulators of the species whose behaviour is defined by the transition. Input has an attribute named "sign" that is used to indicate whether the contribution of this input is positive, negative, both (dual) or unknown. This enables a model to distinguish between stimulation and inhibition and can facilitate interpretation of themodel without the mathematics. The sign is particularly used for visualization purposes and has no impact on the mathematical interpretation.
The present code is one of the possible values of the "sign" attribute of an Input object.
qual One of the possible Input transition effects.
The Input class is part of the SBML Level 3 Qualitative Models package. Its purpose is to represent a qualitative species that participates in a Transition; specifically, in Petri nets, these are the input places of the transition, and in logical models, they are the regulators of the species whose behaviour is defined by the transition. Input has an attribute named "transitionEffect" that is used to describe how the QualitativeSpecies referenced by the Input is affected by the Transition.
The present code is one of the possible values of the "transitionEffect" attribute of an Input object.
qual One of the possible Input transition effects.
The Input class is part of the SBML Level 3 Qualitative Models package. Its purpose is to represent a qualitative species that participates in a Transition; specifically, in Petri nets, these are the input places of the transition, and in logical models, they are the regulators of the species whose behaviour is defined by the transition. Input has an attribute named "transitionEffect" that is used to describe how the QualitativeSpecies referenced by the Input is affected by the Transition.
The present code is one of the possible values of the "transitionEffect" attribute of an Input object.
qual One of the possible Input transition effects.
The Input class is part of the SBML Level 3 Qualitative Models package. Its purpose is to represent a qualitative species that participates in a Transition; specifically, in Petri nets, these are the input places of the transition, and in logical models, they are the regulators of the species whose behaviour is defined by the transition. Input has an attribute named "transitionEffect" that is used to describe how the QualitativeSpecies referenced by the Input is affected by the Transition.
The present code is one of the possible values of the "transitionEffect" attribute of an Input object.
libsbml.IntegerSpatialDimensions = _libsbml.IntegerSpatialDimensions |
libsbml.InternalXMLParserError = _libsbml.InternalXMLParserError |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML.
Please consult the documentation for XMLError for an explanation of the meaning of this particular error code.
libsbml.Invalid1DCompartmentUnits = _libsbml.Invalid1DCompartmentUnits |
libsbml.Invalid2DCompartmentUnits = _libsbml.Invalid2DCompartmentUnits |
libsbml.Invalid3DCompartmentUnits = _libsbml.Invalid3DCompartmentUnits |
libsbml.InvalidAfterXMLContent = _libsbml.InvalidAfterXMLContent |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML.
Please consult the documentation for XMLError for an explanation of the meaning of this particular error code.
libsbml.InvalidApplyCiInLambda = _libsbml.InvalidApplyCiInLambda |
libsbml.InvalidAreaRedefinition = _libsbml.InvalidAreaRedefinition |
libsbml.InvalidAssignRuleVariable = _libsbml.InvalidAssignRuleVariable |
libsbml.InvalidCharInXML = _libsbml.InvalidCharInXML |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML.
Please consult the documentation for XMLError for an explanation of the meaning of this particular error code.
libsbml.InvalidCiInLambda = _libsbml.InvalidCiInLambda |
libsbml.InvalidCompartmentSBOTerm = _libsbml.InvalidCompartmentSBOTerm |
libsbml.InvalidCompartmentTypeRef = _libsbml.InvalidCompartmentTypeRef |
libsbml.InvalidCompartmentTypeSBOTerm = _libsbml.InvalidCompartmentTypeSBOTerm |
libsbml.InvalidConstraintContent = _libsbml.InvalidConstraintContent |
libsbml.InvalidConstraintSBOTerm = _libsbml.InvalidConstraintSBOTerm |
libsbml.InvalidDelaySBOTerm = _libsbml.InvalidDelaySBOTerm |
libsbml.InvalidEventAssignmentSBOTerm = _libsbml.InvalidEventAssignmentSBOTerm |
libsbml.InvalidEventAssignmentVariable = _libsbml.InvalidEventAssignmentVariable |
libsbml.InvalidEventSBOTerm = _libsbml.InvalidEventSBOTerm |
libsbml.InvalidFunctionDefReturnType = _libsbml.InvalidFunctionDefReturnType |
libsbml.InvalidFunctionDefSBOTerm = _libsbml.InvalidFunctionDefSBOTerm |
libsbml.InvalidIdSyntax = _libsbml.InvalidIdSyntax |
libsbml.InvalidInitAssignSBOTerm = _libsbml.InvalidInitAssignSBOTerm |
libsbml.InvalidInitAssignSymbol = _libsbml.InvalidInitAssignSymbol |
libsbml.InvalidKineticLawSBOTerm = _libsbml.InvalidKineticLawSBOTerm |
libsbml.InvalidL1CompartmentUnits = _libsbml.InvalidL1CompartmentUnits |
libsbml.InvalidLengthRedefinition = _libsbml.InvalidLengthRedefinition |
libsbml.InvalidLocalParameterSBOTerm = _libsbml.InvalidLocalParameterSBOTerm |
libsbml.InvalidMathElement = _libsbml.InvalidMathElement |
libsbml.InvalidMathMLAttribute = _libsbml.InvalidMathMLAttribute |
Attribute not allowed on this element.
libsbml.InvalidMetaidSyntax = _libsbml.InvalidMetaidSyntax |
libsbml.InvalidModelSBOTerm = _libsbml.InvalidModelSBOTerm |
libsbml.InvalidModifiersList = _libsbml.InvalidModifiersList |
libsbml.InvalidNamespaceOnSBML = _libsbml.InvalidNamespaceOnSBML |
libsbml.InvalidNameSyntax = _libsbml.InvalidNameSyntax |
libsbml.InvalidNoArgsPassedToFunctionDef = _libsbml.InvalidNoArgsPassedToFunctionDef |
libsbml.InvalidNotesContent = _libsbml.InvalidNotesContent |
libsbml.InvalidPackageLevelVersion = _libsbml.InvalidPackageLevelVersion |
libsbml.InvalidParameterSBOTerm = _libsbml.InvalidParameterSBOTerm |
libsbml.InvalidParameterUnits = _libsbml.InvalidParameterUnits |
libsbml.InvalidRateRuleVariable = _libsbml.InvalidRateRuleVariable |
libsbml.InvalidReactantsProductsList = _libsbml.InvalidReactantsProductsList |
libsbml.InvalidReactionSBOTerm = _libsbml.InvalidReactionSBOTerm |
libsbml.InvalidRuleOrdering = _libsbml.InvalidRuleOrdering |
libsbml.InvalidRuleSBOTerm = _libsbml.InvalidRuleSBOTerm |
libsbml.InvalidSBMLElementSBOTerm = _libsbml.InvalidSBMLElementSBOTerm |
libsbml.InvalidSBMLLevelVersion = _libsbml.InvalidSBMLLevelVersion |
libsbml.InvalidSBOTermSyntax = _libsbml.InvalidSBOTermSyntax |
libsbml.InvalidSpeciesCompartmentRef = _libsbml.InvalidSpeciesCompartmentRef |
libsbml.InvalidSpeciesReference = _libsbml.InvalidSpeciesReference |
libsbml.InvalidSpeciesReferenceSBOTerm = _libsbml.InvalidSpeciesReferenceSBOTerm |
libsbml.InvalidSpeciesSBOTerm = _libsbml.InvalidSpeciesSBOTerm |
libsbml.InvalidSpeciesSusbstanceUnits = _libsbml.InvalidSpeciesSusbstanceUnits |
libsbml.InvalidSpeciesTypeRef = _libsbml.InvalidSpeciesTypeRef |
libsbml.InvalidSpeciesTypeSBOTerm = _libsbml.InvalidSpeciesTypeSBOTerm |
libsbml.InvalidSubstanceRedefinition = _libsbml.InvalidSubstanceRedefinition |
libsbml.InvalidTargetLevelVersion = _libsbml.InvalidTargetLevelVersion |
libsbml.InvalidTimeRedefinition = _libsbml.InvalidTimeRedefinition |
libsbml.InvalidTriggerSBOTerm = _libsbml.InvalidTriggerSBOTerm |
libsbml.InvalidUnitDefId = _libsbml.InvalidUnitDefId |
libsbml.InvalidUnitIdSyntax = _libsbml.InvalidUnitIdSyntax |
libsbml.InvalidUnitKind = _libsbml.InvalidUnitKind |
libsbml.InvalidUnitsValue = _libsbml.InvalidUnitsValue |
libsbml.InvalidVolumeRedefinition = _libsbml.InvalidVolumeRedefinition |
libsbml.InvalidXMLConstruct = _libsbml.InvalidXMLConstruct |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML.
Please consult the documentation for XMLError for an explanation of the meaning of this particular error code.
libsbml.KineticLawNotSubstancePerTime = _libsbml.KineticLawNotSubstancePerTime |
libsbml.KineticLawParametersAreLocalOnly = _libsbml.KineticLawParametersAreLocalOnly |
libsbml.L1V1CompartmentVolumeReqd = _libsbml.L1V1CompartmentVolumeReqd |
libsbml.L3AreaUnitsOnModel = _libsbml.L3AreaUnitsOnModel |
libsbml.L3ConversionFactorOnModel = _libsbml.L3ConversionFactorOnModel |
libsbml.L3ExtentUnitsOnModel = _libsbml.L3ExtentUnitsOnModel |
libsbml.L3LengthUnitsOnModel = _libsbml.L3LengthUnitsOnModel |
libsbml.L3NotSchemaConformant = _libsbml.L3NotSchemaConformant |
libsbml.L3NotSupported = _libsbml.L3NotSupported |
Do not treat 'avogadro' specially—consider it a plain symbol name when parsing text-string formulas.
Collapse unary minuses where possible.
Retain unary minuses in the AST representation when parsing text-string formulas.
Treat all forms of built-in functions as referencing that function, regardless of the capitalization of that string.
Treat only the all-lower-case form of built-in functions as referencing that function, and all other forms of capitalization of that string as referencing user-defined functions or values.
Parse units in text-string formulas when parsing text-string formulas.
libsbml.L3P_MODULO_IS_REM = _libsbml.L3P_MODULO_IS_REM |
libsbml.L3P_NO_UNITS = _libsbml.L3P_NO_UNITS |
Recognize 'avogadro' as an SBML Level 3 symbol when parsing text-string formulas.
Collapse unary minuses where possible when parsing text-string formulas.
libsbml.L3P_PARSE_LOG_AS_LN = _libsbml.L3P_PARSE_LOG_AS_LN |
Refuse to parse log(x)
at all, and set an error message telling the user to use log10(x)
, ln(x)
, or log(base, x)
libsbml.L3P_PARSE_LOG_AS_LOG10 = _libsbml.L3P_PARSE_LOG_AS_LOG10 |
Parse log(x)
as the natural logarithm of x
libsbml.L3P_PARSE_UNITS = _libsbml.L3P_PARSE_UNITS |
Do not recognize units in text-string formulas—treat them as errors.
libsbml.L3PackageOnLowerSBML = _libsbml.L3PackageOnLowerSBML |
libsbml.L3SpatialDimensionsUnset = _libsbml.L3SpatialDimensionsUnset |
libsbml.L3SubstanceUnitsOnModel = _libsbml.L3SubstanceUnitsOnModel |
libsbml.L3TimeUnitsOnModel = _libsbml.L3TimeUnitsOnModel |
libsbml.L3V2FastDeprecated = _libsbml.L3V2FastDeprecated |
libsbml.L3V2SubstanceUnitsOnModel = _libsbml.L3V2SubstanceUnitsOnModel |
libsbml.L3VolumeUnitsOnModel = _libsbml.L3VolumeUnitsOnModel |
libsbml.LambdaOnlyAllowedInFunctionDef = _libsbml.LambdaOnlyAllowedInFunctionDef |
libsbml.LayoutAttributeRequiredMissing = _libsbml.LayoutAttributeRequiredMissing |
libsbml.LayoutAttributeRequiredMustBeBoolean = _libsbml.LayoutAttributeRequiredMustBeBoolean |
libsbml.LayoutBBoxAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutBBoxAllowedAttributes |
libsbml.LayoutBBoxAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutBBoxAllowedCoreAttributes |
libsbml.LayoutBBoxAllowedCoreElements = _libsbml.LayoutBBoxAllowedCoreElements |
libsbml.LayoutBBoxAllowedElements = _libsbml.LayoutBBoxAllowedElements |
libsbml.LayoutBBoxConsistent3DDefinition = _libsbml.LayoutBBoxConsistent3DDefinition |
libsbml.LayoutCBezAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutCBezAllowedAttributes |
libsbml.LayoutCBezAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutCBezAllowedCoreAttributes |
libsbml.LayoutCBezAllowedCoreElements = _libsbml.LayoutCBezAllowedCoreElements |
libsbml.LayoutCBezAllowedElements = _libsbml.LayoutCBezAllowedElements |
libsbml.LayoutCGAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutCGAllowedAttributes |
libsbml.LayoutCGAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutCGAllowedCoreAttributes |
libsbml.LayoutCGAllowedCoreElements = _libsbml.LayoutCGAllowedCoreElements |
libsbml.LayoutCGAllowedElements = _libsbml.LayoutCGAllowedElements |
libsbml.LayoutCGCompartmentMustRefComp = _libsbml.LayoutCGCompartmentMustRefComp |
libsbml.LayoutCGCompartmentSyntax = _libsbml.LayoutCGCompartmentSyntax |
libsbml.LayoutCGMetaIdRefMustBeIDREF = _libsbml.LayoutCGMetaIdRefMustBeIDREF |
libsbml.LayoutCGMetaIdRefMustReferenceObject = _libsbml.LayoutCGMetaIdRefMustReferenceObject |
libsbml.LayoutCGNoDuplicateReferences = _libsbml.LayoutCGNoDuplicateReferences |
libsbml.LayoutCGOrderMustBeDouble = _libsbml.LayoutCGOrderMustBeDouble |
libsbml.LayoutCurveAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutCurveAllowedAttributes |
libsbml.LayoutCurveAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutCurveAllowedCoreAttributes |
libsbml.LayoutCurveAllowedCoreElements = _libsbml.LayoutCurveAllowedCoreElements |
libsbml.LayoutCurveAllowedElements = _libsbml.LayoutCurveAllowedElements |
libsbml.LayoutDimsAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutDimsAllowedAttributes |
libsbml.LayoutDimsAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutDimsAllowedCoreAttributes |
libsbml.LayoutDimsAllowedCoreElements = _libsbml.LayoutDimsAllowedCoreElements |
libsbml.LayoutDimsAttributesMustBeDouble = _libsbml.LayoutDimsAttributesMustBeDouble |
libsbml.LayoutDuplicateComponentId = _libsbml.LayoutDuplicateComponentId |
libsbml.LayoutElementNotInNs = _libsbml.LayoutElementNotInNs |
libsbml.LayoutGGAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutGGAllowedAttributes |
libsbml.LayoutGGAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutGGAllowedCoreAttributes |
libsbml.LayoutGGAllowedCoreElements = _libsbml.LayoutGGAllowedCoreElements |
libsbml.LayoutGGAllowedElements = _libsbml.LayoutGGAllowedElements |
libsbml.LayoutGGMetaIdRefMustBeIDREF = _libsbml.LayoutGGMetaIdRefMustBeIDREF |
libsbml.LayoutGGMetaIdRefMustReferenceObject = _libsbml.LayoutGGMetaIdRefMustReferenceObject |
libsbml.LayoutGGNoDuplicateReferences = _libsbml.LayoutGGNoDuplicateReferences |
libsbml.LayoutGGReferenceMustRefObject = _libsbml.LayoutGGReferenceMustRefObject |
libsbml.LayoutGGReferenceSyntax = _libsbml.LayoutGGReferenceSyntax |
libsbml.LayoutGOAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutGOAllowedAttributes |
libsbml.LayoutGOAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutGOAllowedCoreAttributes |
libsbml.LayoutGOAllowedCoreElements = _libsbml.LayoutGOAllowedCoreElements |
libsbml.LayoutGOAllowedElements = _libsbml.LayoutGOAllowedElements |
libsbml.LayoutGOMetaIdRefMustBeIDREF = _libsbml.LayoutGOMetaIdRefMustBeIDREF |
libsbml.LayoutGOMetaIdRefMustReferenceObject = _libsbml.LayoutGOMetaIdRefMustReferenceObject |
libsbml.LayoutGOMustContainBoundingBox = _libsbml.LayoutGOMustContainBoundingBox |
libsbml.LayoutLayoutAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutLayoutAllowedAttributes |
libsbml.LayoutLayoutAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutLayoutAllowedCoreAttributes |
libsbml.LayoutLayoutAllowedElements = _libsbml.LayoutLayoutAllowedElements |
libsbml.LayoutLayoutMustHaveDimensions = _libsbml.LayoutLayoutMustHaveDimensions |
libsbml.LayoutLayoutNameMustBeString = _libsbml.LayoutLayoutNameMustBeString |
libsbml.LayoutLOAddGOAllowedAttribut = _libsbml.LayoutLOAddGOAllowedAttribut |
libsbml.LayoutLOAddGOAllowedElements = _libsbml.LayoutLOAddGOAllowedElements |
libsbml.LayoutLOCompGlyphAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutLOCompGlyphAllowedAttributes |
libsbml.LayoutLOCompGlyphAllowedElements = _libsbml.LayoutLOCompGlyphAllowedElements |
libsbml.LayoutLOCurveSegsAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutLOCurveSegsAllowedAttributes |
libsbml.LayoutLOCurveSegsAllowedElements = _libsbml.LayoutLOCurveSegsAllowedElements |
libsbml.LayoutLOCurveSegsNotEmpty = _libsbml.LayoutLOCurveSegsNotEmpty |
libsbml.LayoutLOLayoutsAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutLOLayoutsAllowedAttributes |
libsbml.LayoutLOLayoutsAllowedElements = _libsbml.LayoutLOLayoutsAllowedElements |
libsbml.LayoutLOLayoutsNotEmpty = _libsbml.LayoutLOLayoutsNotEmpty |
libsbml.LayoutLOReferenceGlyphAllowedAttribs = _libsbml.LayoutLOReferenceGlyphAllowedAttribs |
libsbml.LayoutLOReferenceGlyphAllowedElements = _libsbml.LayoutLOReferenceGlyphAllowedElements |
libsbml.LayoutLORnGlyphAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutLORnGlyphAllowedAttributes |
libsbml.LayoutLORnGlyphAllowedElements = _libsbml.LayoutLORnGlyphAllowedElements |
libsbml.LayoutLOSpeciesGlyphAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutLOSpeciesGlyphAllowedAttributes |
libsbml.LayoutLOSpeciesGlyphAllowedElements = _libsbml.LayoutLOSpeciesGlyphAllowedElements |
libsbml.LayoutLOSpeciesRefGlyphAllowedAttribs = _libsbml.LayoutLOSpeciesRefGlyphAllowedAttribs |
libsbml.LayoutLOSpeciesRefGlyphAllowedElements = _libsbml.LayoutLOSpeciesRefGlyphAllowedElements |
libsbml.LayoutLOSpeciesRefGlyphNotEmpty = _libsbml.LayoutLOSpeciesRefGlyphNotEmpty |
libsbml.LayoutLOSubGlyphAllowedAttribs = _libsbml.LayoutLOSubGlyphAllowedAttribs |
libsbml.LayoutLOSubGlyphAllowedElements = _libsbml.LayoutLOSubGlyphAllowedElements |
libsbml.LayoutLOTextGlyphAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutLOTextGlyphAllowedAttributes |
libsbml.LayoutLOTextGlyphAllowedElements = _libsbml.LayoutLOTextGlyphAllowedElements |
libsbml.LayoutLSegAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutLSegAllowedAttributes |
libsbml.LayoutLSegAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutLSegAllowedCoreAttributes |
libsbml.LayoutLSegAllowedCoreElements = _libsbml.LayoutLSegAllowedCoreElements |
libsbml.LayoutLSegAllowedElements = _libsbml.LayoutLSegAllowedElements |
libsbml.LayoutNoEmptyListOfs = _libsbml.LayoutNoEmptyListOfs |
libsbml.LayoutNSUndeclared = _libsbml.LayoutNSUndeclared |
libsbml.LayoutOnlyOneEachListOf = _libsbml.LayoutOnlyOneEachListOf |
libsbml.LayoutOnlyOneLOLayouts = _libsbml.LayoutOnlyOneLOLayouts |
libsbml.LayoutPointAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutPointAllowedAttributes |
libsbml.LayoutPointAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutPointAllowedCoreAttributes |
libsbml.LayoutPointAllowedCoreElements = _libsbml.LayoutPointAllowedCoreElements |
libsbml.LayoutPointAttributesMustBeDouble = _libsbml.LayoutPointAttributesMustBeDouble |
libsbml.LayoutREFGAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutREFGAllowedAttributes |
libsbml.LayoutREFGAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutREFGAllowedCoreAttributes |
libsbml.LayoutREFGAllowedCoreElements = _libsbml.LayoutREFGAllowedCoreElements |
libsbml.LayoutREFGAllowedElements = _libsbml.LayoutREFGAllowedElements |
libsbml.LayoutREFGGlyphMustRefObject = _libsbml.LayoutREFGGlyphMustRefObject |
libsbml.LayoutREFGGlyphSyntax = _libsbml.LayoutREFGGlyphSyntax |
libsbml.LayoutREFGMetaIdRefMustBeIDREF = _libsbml.LayoutREFGMetaIdRefMustBeIDREF |
libsbml.LayoutREFGMetaIdRefMustReferenceObject = _libsbml.LayoutREFGMetaIdRefMustReferenceObject |
libsbml.LayoutREFGNoDuplicateReferences = _libsbml.LayoutREFGNoDuplicateReferences |
libsbml.LayoutREFGReferenceMustRefObject = _libsbml.LayoutREFGReferenceMustRefObject |
libsbml.LayoutREFGReferenceSyntax = _libsbml.LayoutREFGReferenceSyntax |
libsbml.LayoutREFGRoleSyntax = _libsbml.LayoutREFGRoleSyntax |
libsbml.LayoutRequiredFalse = _libsbml.LayoutRequiredFalse |
libsbml.LayoutRGAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutRGAllowedAttributes |
libsbml.LayoutRGAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutRGAllowedCoreAttributes |
libsbml.LayoutRGAllowedCoreElements = _libsbml.LayoutRGAllowedCoreElements |
libsbml.LayoutRGAllowedElements = _libsbml.LayoutRGAllowedElements |
libsbml.LayoutRGMetaIdRefMustBeIDREF = _libsbml.LayoutRGMetaIdRefMustBeIDREF |
libsbml.LayoutRGMetaIdRefMustReferenceObject = _libsbml.LayoutRGMetaIdRefMustReferenceObject |
libsbml.LayoutRGNoDuplicateReferences = _libsbml.LayoutRGNoDuplicateReferences |
libsbml.LayoutRGReactionMustRefReaction = _libsbml.LayoutRGReactionMustRefReaction |
libsbml.LayoutRGReactionSyntax = _libsbml.LayoutRGReactionSyntax |
libsbml.LayoutSGAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutSGAllowedAttributes |
libsbml.LayoutSGAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutSGAllowedCoreAttributes |
libsbml.LayoutSGAllowedCoreElements = _libsbml.LayoutSGAllowedCoreElements |
libsbml.LayoutSGAllowedElements = _libsbml.LayoutSGAllowedElements |
libsbml.LayoutSGMetaIdRefMustBeIDREF = _libsbml.LayoutSGMetaIdRefMustBeIDREF |
libsbml.LayoutSGMetaIdRefMustReferenceObject = _libsbml.LayoutSGMetaIdRefMustReferenceObject |
libsbml.LayoutSGNoDuplicateReferences = _libsbml.LayoutSGNoDuplicateReferences |
libsbml.LayoutSGSpeciesMustRefSpecies = _libsbml.LayoutSGSpeciesMustRefSpecies |
libsbml.LayoutSGSpeciesSyntax = _libsbml.LayoutSGSpeciesSyntax |
libsbml.LayoutSIdSyntax = _libsbml.LayoutSIdSyntax |
libsbml.LayoutSRGAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutSRGAllowedAttributes |
libsbml.LayoutSRGAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutSRGAllowedCoreAttributes |
libsbml.LayoutSRGAllowedCoreElements = _libsbml.LayoutSRGAllowedCoreElements |
libsbml.LayoutSRGAllowedElements = _libsbml.LayoutSRGAllowedElements |
libsbml.LayoutSRGMetaIdRefMustBeIDREF = _libsbml.LayoutSRGMetaIdRefMustBeIDREF |
libsbml.LayoutSRGMetaIdRefMustReferenceObject = _libsbml.LayoutSRGMetaIdRefMustReferenceObject |
libsbml.LayoutSRGNoDuplicateReferences = _libsbml.LayoutSRGNoDuplicateReferences |
libsbml.LayoutSRGRoleSyntax = _libsbml.LayoutSRGRoleSyntax |
libsbml.LayoutSRGSpeciesGlyphMustRefObject = _libsbml.LayoutSRGSpeciesGlyphMustRefObject |
libsbml.LayoutSRGSpeciesGlyphSyntax = _libsbml.LayoutSRGSpeciesGlyphSyntax |
libsbml.LayoutSRGSpeciesReferenceSyntax = _libsbml.LayoutSRGSpeciesReferenceSyntax |
libsbml.LayoutSRGSpeciesRefMustRefObject = _libsbml.LayoutSRGSpeciesRefMustRefObject |
libsbml.LayoutTGAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutTGAllowedAttributes |
libsbml.LayoutTGAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.LayoutTGAllowedCoreAttributes |
libsbml.LayoutTGAllowedCoreElements = _libsbml.LayoutTGAllowedCoreElements |
libsbml.LayoutTGAllowedElements = _libsbml.LayoutTGAllowedElements |
libsbml.LayoutTGGraphicalObjectMustRefObject = _libsbml.LayoutTGGraphicalObjectMustRefObject |
libsbml.LayoutTGGraphicalObjectSyntax = _libsbml.LayoutTGGraphicalObjectSyntax |
libsbml.LayoutTGMetaIdRefMustBeIDREF = _libsbml.LayoutTGMetaIdRefMustBeIDREF |
libsbml.LayoutTGMetaIdRefMustReferenceObject = _libsbml.LayoutTGMetaIdRefMustReferenceObject |
libsbml.LayoutTGNoDuplicateReferences = _libsbml.LayoutTGNoDuplicateReferences |
libsbml.LayoutTGOriginOfTextMustRefObject = _libsbml.LayoutTGOriginOfTextMustRefObject |
libsbml.LayoutTGOriginOfTextSyntax = _libsbml.LayoutTGOriginOfTextSyntax |
libsbml.LayoutTGTextMustBeString = _libsbml.LayoutTGTextMustBeString |
libsbml.LayoutUnknownError = _libsbml.LayoutUnknownError |
libsbml.LayoutXsiTypeAllowedLocations = _libsbml.LayoutXsiTypeAllowedLocations |
libsbml.LayoutXsiTypeSyntax = _libsbml.LayoutXsiTypeSyntax |
libsbml.LevelPositiveInteger = _libsbml.LevelPositiveInteger |
The existing annotation does not have a top-level element with the given name.
This error is typically returned in situations where the replaceTopLevelAnnotationElement function or the removeTopLevelAnnotationElement function is being used to replace or remove an annotation with a name that does not match the name of any top-level element that is already present in the existing annotation.
The existing annotation does not have a top-level element with the given namespace.
This error is typically returned in situations where the replaceTopLevelAnnotationElement function or the removeTopLevelAnnotationElement function is being used to replace or remove an annotation with a namespace that does not match the namespace of any top-level element that is already present in the existing annotation.
Category code for SBMLError diagnostics.
This code has the following meaning: Category of errors that can occur while validating general SBML constructs. With respect to the SBML specification, these concern failures in applying the validation rules numbered 2xxxx in the Level 2 Versions 2 and 3 specifications.
Category code for SBMLError diagnostics.
This code has the following meaning: Category of errors that can occur while validating symbol identifiers in a model. With respect to the SBML specification, these concern failures in applying the validation rules numbered 103xx in the Level 2 Versions 2 and 3 specifications.
Category code for errors in the XML layer.
This code has the following meaning: A problem involving the libSBML software itself or the underlying XML parser. This almost certainly indicates a software defect (i.e., bug) in libSBML. Please report instances of this to the libSBML developers.
Category code for SBMLError diagnostics.
This code has the following meaning: Category of errors that can occur while validating libSBML's internal representation of SBML constructs. (These are tests performed by libSBML and do not have equivalent SBML validation rules.)
Category code for SBMLError diagnostics.
This code has the following meaning: Category of errors that can occur while validating MathML formulas in a model. With respect to the SBML specification, these concern failures in applying the validation rules numbered 102xx in the Level 2 Versions 2 and 3 specifications.
Category code for SBMLError diagnostics.
This code has the following meaning: Category of warnings about recommended good practices involving SBML and computational modeling. (These are tests performed by libSBML and do not have equivalent SBML validation rules.)
Category code for SBMLError diagnostics.
This code has the following meaning: Error in the system of equations in the model: the system is overdetermined, therefore violating a tenet of proper SBML. With respect to the SBML specification, this is validation rule #10601 in the SBML Level 2 Versions 2 and 3 specifications.
Category code for errors in the XML layer.
This code has the following meaning: General SBML error not falling into another category below.
Category code for SBMLError diagnostics.
This code has the following meaning: Category of errors that can only occur during attempted translation from one Level/Version of SBML to another.
Category code for SBMLError diagnostics.
This code has the following meaning: General SBML error not falling into another category below.
This code has the following meaning: Category of errors that can only occur during attempted translation from one Level/Version of SBML to another. This particular category applies to errors encountered while trying to convert a model from SBML Level 2 to SBML Level 1.
Category code for SBMLError diagnostics.
This code has the following meaning: Category of errors that can only occur during attempted translation from one Level/Version of SBML to another. This particular category applies to errors encountered while trying to convert a model to SBML Level 2 Version 1.
Category code for SBMLError diagnostics.
This code has the following meaning: Category of errors that can only occur during attempted translation from one Level/Version of SBML to another. This particular category applies to errors encountered while trying to convert a model to SBML Level 2 Version 2.
Category code for SBMLError diagnostics.
This code has the following meaning: Category of errors that can only occur during attempted translation from one Level/Version of SBML to another. This particular category applies to errors encountered while trying to convert a model to SBML Level 2 Version 3.
Category code for SBMLError diagnostics.
This code has the following meaning: Category of errors that can only occur during attempted translation from one Level/Version of SBML to another. This particular category applies to errors encountered while trying to convert a model to SBML Level 2 Version 4.
Category code for SBMLError diagnostics.
This code has the following meaning: Category of errors that can only occur during attempted translation from one Level/Version of SBML to another. This particular category applies to errors encountered while trying to convert a model to SBML Level 3 Version 1.
Category code for SBMLError diagnostics.
This code has the following meaning: Category of errors that can only occur during attempted translation from one Level/Version of SBML to another. This particular category applies to errors encountered while trying to convert a model to SBML Level 3 Version 1.
Category code for SBMLError diagnostics.
This code has the following meaning: Category of errors that can occur while validating SBO identifiers in a model. With respect to the SBML specification, these concern failures in applying the validation rules numbered 107xx in the Level 2 Versions 2 and 3 specifications.
Category code for errors in the XML layer.
This code has the following meaning: A problem reported by the operating system, such as an inability to read or write a file. This indicates something that is not a program error but is outside of the control of libSBML.
Category code for SBMLError diagnostics.
This code has the following meaning: Category of errors that can occur while validating the units of measurement on quantities in a model. With respect to the SBML specification, these concern failures in applying the validation rules numbered 105xx in the Level 2 Versions 2 and 3 specifications.
libsbml.LIBSBML_CAT_XML = _libsbml.LIBSBML_CAT_XML |
Category code for errors in the XML layer.
This code has the following meaning: A problem in the XML content itself. This usually arises from malformed XML or the use of constructs not permitted in SBML.
One of the possible libSBML package operation return codes.
This code has the following meaning: conversion with the given properties is not yet available.
One of the possible libSBML package operation return codes.
This code has the following meaning: The document on which conversion is being requested is invalid and the requested conversion cannot be performed. This error is typically returned when a conversion routine has been given an invalid target document or the conversion requires a certain degree of validity that is not present in the document. To avoid this error use the SBMLDocument#checkConsistency() function to find and resolve errors before passing the document to a conversion method.
One of the possible libSBML package operation return codes.
This code has the following meaning: while attempting to convert the SBML document using SBMLLevelVersionConverter#convert() or related methods, the target namespace has been found to be invalid or unset. (The function SBMLNamespaces#isValidCombination() may be useful in detecting this situation and preventing the error.)
The package that is being stripped is not an enabled package but considered by libSBML to be an unrecognized package.
This error is typically returned when calling the StripPackage converter requesting that a package for which code is not available be stripped. Thus the containing document will not be altered as the elements and attributes for this package are stored as unknown package information and will be written out as such.
One of the possible libSBML package operation return codes.
This code has the following meaning: conversions involving SBML Level 3 packages are not available in the given libSBML method. This error is typically returned when calling a converter that does not have the functionality to deal with SBML packages. To avoid this error, ensure that the requested ConversionProperties specifies packages.
The attribute that is the subject of this operation has been deprecated for the combination of SBML Level and Version for the underlying object.
A version string of the form "1.2.3".
The numeric version as a string: version 1.2.3 becomes "10203".
There already exists a top level annotation with the same namespace as annoation being appended.
This error is typically returned in situations where the appendAnnotation function is being used to add an annotation that has a namespace that is already present in the existing annotation.
One of the possible libSBML operation return codes.
This code has the following meaning: There already exists an object with this identifier in the context where this operation is being attempted. This error is typically returned in situations where SBML object identifiers must be unique, such as attempting to add two species with the same identifier to a model.
One of the possible libSBML operation return codes.
This code has the following meaning: An index parameter exceeded the bounds of a data array or other collection used in the operation. This return value is typically returned by methods that take index numbers to refer to lists of objects, when the caller has provided an index that exceeds the bounds of the list. LibSBML provides methods for checking the size of list/sequence/collection structures, and callers should verify the sizes before calling methods that take index numbers.
One of the possible libSBML operation return codes.
This code has the following meaning: A value passed as an argument to the method is not of a type that is valid for the operation or kind of object involved. For example, this return code is used when a calling program attempts to set an SBML object identifier to a string whose syntax does not conform to the SBML identifier syntax.
One of the possible libSBML operation return codes.
This code has the following meaning: The object passed as an argument to the method is not of a type that is valid for the operation or kind of object involved. For example, handing an invalidly-constructed ASTNode to a method expecting an ASTNode will result in this error.
One of the possible libSBML operation return codes.
This code has the following meaning: The XML operation attempted is not valid for the object or context involved. This error is typically returned by the XML interface layer of libSBML, when a calling program attempts to construct or manipulate XML in an invalid way.
One of the possible libSBML operation return codes.
This code has the following meaning: The SBML Level associated with the object does not match the Level of the parent object. This error can happen when an SBML component such as a species or compartment object is created outside of a model and a calling program then attempts to add the object to a model that has a different SBML Level defined.
The requested action cannot be performed as the target object does not have the "metaid" attribute set.
One of the possible libSBML operation return codes.
This code has the following meaning: The operation attempt could not be performed because the object(s) involved have mismatched XML namespaces for SBML Level/Versions. This typically means the properties of the SBMLNamespaces objects possessed by the SBML objects do not correspond in some way.
One of the possible libSBML operation return codes.
This code has the following meaning: The requested action could not be performed. This can occur in a variety of contexts, such as passing a null object as a parameter in a situation where it does not make sense to permit a null object.
One of the possible libSBML operation return codes.
This code has the following meaning: The operation was successful.
Severity override code for errors logged in the XML layer.
XMLErrorLog can be configured whether to log errors or not log them. This code has the following meaning: log errors in the error log, as normal.
Severity override code for errors logged in the XML layer.
XMLErrorLog can be configured whether to log errors or not log them. This code has the following meaning: disable all error logging.
Severity override code for errors logged in the XML layer.
XMLErrorLog can be configured whether to log errors or not log them. This code has the following meaning: log all errors as errors instead of warnings.
Severity override code for errors logged in the XML layer.
XMLErrorLog can be configured whether to log errors or not log them. This code has the following meaning: log all errors as warnings instead of actual errors.
One of the possible libSBML package operation return codes.
This code has the following meaning: another SBML package extension for the same URI has already been registered. This error is typically returned when adding a SBML package extension to the SBMLExtensionRegistry. To avoid this error, ensure that SBML package extensions are only registered once.
One of the possible libSBML package operation return codes.
This code has the following meaning: another version of the required package extension has already been enabled in the target SBase object, or enabled in the model to/in which the target object to be added/contained. This error is typically returned when adding an object of some SBase derived class with the required package to other SBase derived object, or when enabling the required package in the target object. To avoid this error, the conflict of versions need to be avoided.
One of the possible libSBML package operation return codes.
This code has the following meaning: The required package extension is disabled. This error is typically returned when creating an object of SBase derived class with the required package, creating an object of SBMLNamespaces or its derived class with the required package, or invoking functions depending on the required package. To avoid this error, the library of the required package needs to be enabled.
One of the possible libSBML package operation return codes.
This code has the following meaning: the required package extension is unknown. This error is typically returned when creating an object of SBase derived class with the required package, creating an object of SBMLNamespaces or its derived class with the required package, or invoking functions depending on the required package. To avoid this error, the library of the required package needs to be linked.
One of the possible libSBML package operation return codes.
This code has the following meaning: The required version of the package extension is unknown. This error is typically returned when creating an object of SBase derived class with the required package, creating an object of SBMLNamespaces or its derived class with the required package, or invoking functions depending on the required package. This error may be avoided by updating the library of the required package to be linked.
One of the possible libSBML package operation return codes.
This code has the following meaning: the Version of the package extension within the SBML Level and version associated with the object does not match the Version of the parent object. This error can happen when an SBML component object is created outside of a model, and a calling program then attempts to add the object to a model that has a different SBML Level+Version+Package Version combination.
Severity code for errors in the XML layer.
This code has the following meaning: The error object represents a serious error. The application may continue running but it is unlikely to be able to continue processing the same XML file or data stream.
Severity code for errors in the XML layer.
This code has the following meaning: A serious error occurred, such as an out-of-memory condition, and the software should terminate immediately.
Severity code for errors in the XML layer.
This code has the following meaning: The error is actually informational and not necessarily a serious problem.
Severity code for errors in the XML layer.
This code has the following meaning: The error object represents a problem that is not serious enough to necessarily stop the problem, but applications should take note of the problem and evaluate what its implications may be.
One of the possible libSBML operation return codes.
This code has the following meaning: The attribute that is the subject of this operation is not valid for the combination of SBML Level and Version for the underlying object. This can happen because libSBML strives to offer a uniform API for all SBML Levels and Versions, but some object attributes and elements are not defined for all SBML Levels and Versions. Calling programs are expected to be aware of which object structures they are working with, but when errors of this kind occur, they are reported using this return value.
For SBML Level 3 Version 2, use the IdAttribute functions.
The version as an integer: version 1.2.3 becomes 10203.
Since the major number comes first, the overall number will always increase when a new libSBML is released, making it easy to use less-than and greater-than comparisons when testing versions numbers.
One of the possible libSBML operation return codes.
This code has the following meaning: The SBML Version within the SBML Level associated with the object does not match the Version of the parent object. This error can happen when an SBML component such as a species or compartment object is created outside of a model and a calling program then attempts to add the object to a model that has a different SBML Level+Version combination.
libsbml.LibSBMLAdditionalCodesLowerBound = _libsbml.LibSBMLAdditionalCodesLowerBound |
libsbml.LocalParameterShadowsId = _libsbml.LocalParameterShadowsId |
libsbml.LocalParameterShadowsSpecies = _libsbml.LocalParameterShadowsSpecies |
libsbml.MathMLElementNotSupported = _libsbml.MathMLElementNotSupported |
libsbml.MathResultMustBeNumeric = _libsbml.MathResultMustBeNumeric |
libsbml.MetaIdNotValidAttribute = _libsbml.MetaIdNotValidAttribute |
libsbml.MissingAnnotationNamespace = _libsbml.MissingAnnotationNamespace |
libsbml.MissingEventAssignment = _libsbml.MissingEventAssignment |
libsbml.MissingMathElementNotSupported = _libsbml.MissingMathElementNotSupported |
libsbml.MissingModel = _libsbml.MissingModel |
libsbml.MissingOrInconsistentLevel = _libsbml.MissingOrInconsistentLevel |
libsbml.MissingOrInconsistentVersion = _libsbml.MissingOrInconsistentVersion |
libsbml.MissingParticipantsNotSupported = _libsbml.MissingParticipantsNotSupported |
libsbml.MissingSpeciesCompartment = _libsbml.MissingSpeciesCompartment |
libsbml.MissingTriggerElementNotSupported = _libsbml.MissingTriggerElementNotSupported |
libsbml.MissingTriggerInEvent = _libsbml.MissingTriggerInEvent |
libsbml.MissingXMLAttributeValue = _libsbml.MissingXMLAttributeValue |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML.
Please consult the documentation for XMLError for an explanation of the meaning of this particular error code.
libsbml.MissingXMLDecl = _libsbml.MissingXMLDecl |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML.
Please consult the documentation for XMLError for an explanation of the meaning of this particular error code.
libsbml.MissingXMLElements = _libsbml.MissingXMLElements |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML.
Please consult the documentation for XMLError for an explanation of the meaning of this particular error code.
libsbml.MissingXMLEncoding = _libsbml.MissingXMLEncoding |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML.
Please consult the documentation for XMLError for an explanation of the meaning of this particular error code.
libsbml.MissingXMLRequiredAttribute = _libsbml.MissingXMLRequiredAttribute |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML.
Please consult the documentation for XMLError for an explanation of the meaning of this particular error code.
One of the possible MIRIAM annotation types used by CVTerm.
libsbml.ModelSBOBranchChangedBeyondL2v2 = _libsbml.ModelSBOBranchChangedBeyondL2v2 |
libsbml.ModelSBOBranchChangedBeyondL2v3 = _libsbml.ModelSBOBranchChangedBeyondL2v3 |
libsbml.ModelSBOBranchChangedInL2v4 = _libsbml.ModelSBOBranchChangedInL2v4 |
libsbml.ModelSBOBranchChangedInL3v1 = _libsbml.ModelSBOBranchChangedInL3v1 |
multi A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “multi” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Multistate, Multicomponent and Multicompartment Species package.
multi A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “multi” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Multistate, Multicomponent and Multicompartment Species package.
multi A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “multi” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Multistate, Multicomponent and Multicompartment Species package.
multi A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “multi” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Multistate, Multicomponent and Multicompartment Species package.
multi A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “multi” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Multistate, Multicomponent and Multicompartment Species package.
multi A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “multi” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Multistate, Multicomponent and Multicompartment Species package.
multi A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “multi” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Multistate, Multicomponent and Multicompartment Species package.
multi A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “multi” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Multistate, Multicomponent and Multicompartment Species package.
libsbml.MultipleAnnotations = _libsbml.MultipleAnnotations |
libsbml.MultipleAssignmentOrRateRules = _libsbml.MultipleAssignmentOrRateRules |
libsbml.MultipleEventAssignmentsForId = _libsbml.MultipleEventAssignmentsForId |
libsbml.MultipleInitAssignments = _libsbml.MultipleInitAssignments |
libsbml.MultiplierNotValidAttribute = _libsbml.MultiplierNotValidAttribute |
libsbml.MultSpeciesSameTypeInCompartment = _libsbml.MultSpeciesSameTypeInCompartment |
libsbml.NameNotValidAttribute = _libsbml.NameNotValidAttribute |
libsbml.NeedCompartmentIfHaveSpecies = _libsbml.NeedCompartmentIfHaveSpecies |
libsbml.NestedAnnotationNotAllowed = _libsbml.NestedAnnotationNotAllowed |
libsbml.NoBodyInFunctionDef = _libsbml.NoBodyInFunctionDef |
libsbml.NoCompartmentOutsideInL3v1 = _libsbml.NoCompartmentOutsideInL3v1 |
libsbml.NoCompartmentTypeInL1 = _libsbml.NoCompartmentTypeInL1 |
libsbml.NoCompartmentTypeInL2v1 = _libsbml.NoCompartmentTypeInL2v1 |
libsbml.NoCompartmentTypeInL3v1 = _libsbml.NoCompartmentTypeInL3v1 |
libsbml.NoConcentrationInZeroD = _libsbml.NoConcentrationInZeroD |
libsbml.NoConstraintsInL1 = _libsbml.NoConstraintsInL1 |
libsbml.NoConstraintsInL2v1 = _libsbml.NoConstraintsInL2v1 |
libsbml.NoDelayedEventAssignmentInL2v1 = _libsbml.NoDelayedEventAssignmentInL2v1 |
libsbml.NoDelayedEventAssignmentInL2v2 = _libsbml.NoDelayedEventAssignmentInL2v2 |
libsbml.NoDelayedEventAssignmentInL2v3 = _libsbml.NoDelayedEventAssignmentInL2v3 |
libsbml.NoEventsInL1 = _libsbml.NoEventsInL1 |
libsbml.NoEventTimeUnitsInL2v3 = _libsbml.NoEventTimeUnitsInL2v3 |
libsbml.NoEventTimeUnitsInL2v4 = _libsbml.NoEventTimeUnitsInL2v4 |
libsbml.NoEventTimeUnitsInL3v1 = _libsbml.NoEventTimeUnitsInL3v1 |
libsbml.NoFancyStoichiometryMathInL1 = _libsbml.NoFancyStoichiometryMathInL1 |
libsbml.NoFunctionDefinitionsInL1 = _libsbml.NoFunctionDefinitionsInL1 |
libsbml.NoIdOnSpeciesReferenceInL2v1 = _libsbml.NoIdOnSpeciesReferenceInL2v1 |
libsbml.NoInitialAssignmentsInL1 = _libsbml.NoInitialAssignmentsInL1 |
libsbml.NoInitialAssignmentsInL2v1 = _libsbml.NoInitialAssignmentsInL2v1 |
libsbml.NoKineticLawSubstanceUnitsInL2v2 = _libsbml.NoKineticLawSubstanceUnitsInL2v2 |
libsbml.NoKineticLawSubstanceUnitsInL2v3 = _libsbml.NoKineticLawSubstanceUnitsInL2v3 |
libsbml.NoKineticLawSubstanceUnitsInL2v4 = _libsbml.NoKineticLawSubstanceUnitsInL2v4 |
libsbml.NoKineticLawSubstanceUnitsInL3v1 = _libsbml.NoKineticLawSubstanceUnitsInL3v1 |
libsbml.NoKineticLawTimeUnitsInL2v2 = _libsbml.NoKineticLawTimeUnitsInL2v2 |
libsbml.NoKineticLawTimeUnitsInL2v3 = _libsbml.NoKineticLawTimeUnitsInL2v3 |
libsbml.NoKineticLawTimeUnitsInL2v4 = _libsbml.NoKineticLawTimeUnitsInL2v4 |
libsbml.NoKineticLawTimeUnitsInL3v1 = _libsbml.NoKineticLawTimeUnitsInL3v1 |
libsbml.NonBoundarySpeciesAssignedAndUsed = _libsbml.NonBoundarySpeciesAssignedAndUsed |
libsbml.NonConstantLocalParameter = _libsbml.NonConstantLocalParameter |
libsbml.NonConstantSpeciesUsed = _libsbml.NonConstantSpeciesUsed |
libsbml.NoNon3DCompartmentsInL1 = _libsbml.NoNon3DCompartmentsInL1 |
libsbml.NoNonIntegerStoichiometryInL1 = _libsbml.NoNonIntegerStoichiometryInL1 |
libsbml.NonPersistentNotSupported = _libsbml.NonPersistentNotSupported |
libsbml.NoReactantsOrProducts = _libsbml.NoReactantsOrProducts |
libsbml.NoSBOTermsInL1 = _libsbml.NoSBOTermsInL1 |
libsbml.NoSBOTermsInL2v1 = _libsbml.NoSBOTermsInL2v1 |
libsbml.NoSpatialUnitsInZeroD = _libsbml.NoSpatialUnitsInZeroD |
libsbml.NoSpeciesSpatialSizeUnitsInL1 = _libsbml.NoSpeciesSpatialSizeUnitsInL1 |
libsbml.NoSpeciesSpatialSizeUnitsInL2v3 = _libsbml.NoSpeciesSpatialSizeUnitsInL2v3 |
libsbml.NoSpeciesSpatialSizeUnitsInL2v4 = _libsbml.NoSpeciesSpatialSizeUnitsInL2v4 |
libsbml.NoSpeciesSpatialSizeUnitsInL3v1 = _libsbml.NoSpeciesSpatialSizeUnitsInL3v1 |
libsbml.NoSpeciesTypeInL2v1 = _libsbml.NoSpeciesTypeInL2v1 |
libsbml.NoSpeciesTypeInL3v1 = _libsbml.NoSpeciesTypeInL3v1 |
libsbml.NoSpeciesTypesInL1 = _libsbml.NoSpeciesTypesInL1 |
libsbml.NoStoichiometryMathInL3v1 = _libsbml.NoStoichiometryMathInL3v1 |
libsbml.NotesContainsDOCTYPE = _libsbml.NotesContainsDOCTYPE |
libsbml.NotesContainsXMLDecl = _libsbml.NotesContainsXMLDecl |
libsbml.NotesNotInXHTMLNamespace = _libsbml.NotesNotInXHTMLNamespace |
libsbml.NoTimeSymbolInFunctionDef = _libsbml.NoTimeSymbolInFunctionDef |
libsbml.NotSchemaConformant = _libsbml.NotSchemaConformant |
libsbml.NotUTF8 = _libsbml.NotUTF8 |
libsbml.NoUnitMultipliersOrOffsetsInL1 = _libsbml.NoUnitMultipliersOrOffsetsInL1 |
libsbml.NoUnitOffsetInL2v2 = _libsbml.NoUnitOffsetInL2v2 |
libsbml.NoUnitOffsetInL2v3 = _libsbml.NoUnitOffsetInL2v3 |
libsbml.NoUnitOffsetInL2v4 = _libsbml.NoUnitOffsetInL2v4 |
libsbml.NoUnitOffsetInL3v1 = _libsbml.NoUnitOffsetInL3v1 |
libsbml.NoUnitsOnCompartment = _libsbml.NoUnitsOnCompartment |
libsbml.NumericOpsNeedNumericArgs = _libsbml.NumericOpsNeedNumericArgs |
fbc One of the possible FluxBound operation types.
fbc One of the possible Objective types.
The FluxBound class is part of the SBML Level 3 Flux Balanced Constraints package. Its purpose is to to hold a single equality or inequality that represents the maximum or minimum value a reaction flux can obtain at steady state. One of the attributes of FluxBound is "operation". This code is one of the possible values of the "operation" attribute. The possible legal values are less than or equal to, greater than or equal to, or equal to. The additional two options "less than" and "greater than" are not legal values for the FluxBound "operation" attribute, but are provided to allow backwards compatibility with an earlier version of the draft specification. long
The Objective class is part of the SBML Level 3 Flux Balanced Constraints package. Its purpose is to represent the so-called objective function, which generally consist of a linear combination ofmodel variables (fluxes) and a sense (direction). The Objective class has a "type" attribute, and the present code is one of possible type values.
fbc One of the possible Objective types.
The Objective class is part of the SBML Level 3 Flux Balanced Constraints package. Its purpose is to represent the so-called objective function, which generally consist of a linear combination ofmodel variables (fluxes) and a sense (direction). The Objective class has a "type" attribute, and the present code is one of possible type values.
fbc One of the possible Objective types.
The Objective class is part of the SBML Level 3 Flux Balanced Constraints package. Its purpose is to represent the so-called objective function, which generally consist of a linear combination ofmodel variables (fluxes) and a sense (direction). The Objective class has a "type" attribute, and the present code is one of possible type values.
libsbml.ObseleteSBOTerm = _libsbml.ObseleteSBOTerm |
libsbml.OffsetNoLongerValid = _libsbml.OffsetNoLongerValid |
libsbml.OffsetNotValidAttribute = _libsbml.OffsetNotValidAttribute |
libsbml.OneDimensionalCompartmentUnits = _libsbml.OneDimensionalCompartmentUnits |
libsbml.OneListOfEventAssignmentsPerEvent = _libsbml.OneListOfEventAssignmentsPerEvent |
libsbml.OneListOfPerKineticLaw = _libsbml.OneListOfPerKineticLaw |
libsbml.OneListOfUnitsPerUnitDef = _libsbml.OneListOfUnitsPerUnitDef |
libsbml.OneMathElementPerConstraint = _libsbml.OneMathElementPerConstraint |
libsbml.OneMathElementPerFunc = _libsbml.OneMathElementPerFunc |
libsbml.OneMathElementPerInitialAssign = _libsbml.OneMathElementPerInitialAssign |
libsbml.OneMathElementPerRule = _libsbml.OneMathElementPerRule |
libsbml.OneMathPerDelay = _libsbml.OneMathPerDelay |
libsbml.OneMathPerEventAssignment = _libsbml.OneMathPerEventAssignment |
libsbml.OneMathPerKineticLaw = _libsbml.OneMathPerKineticLaw |
libsbml.OneMathPerPriority = _libsbml.OneMathPerPriority |
libsbml.OneMathPerTrigger = _libsbml.OneMathPerTrigger |
libsbml.OneMessageElementPerConstraint = _libsbml.OneMessageElementPerConstraint |
libsbml.OneOfEachListOf = _libsbml.OneOfEachListOf |
libsbml.OneSubElementPerReaction = _libsbml.OneSubElementPerReaction |
libsbml.OnlyCiInsideBVar = _OnlyCiInsideBVar |
libsbml.OnlyCompartmentsInListOfCompartments = _libsbml.OnlyCompartmentsInListOfCompartments |
libsbml.OnlyConstraintsInListOfConstraints = _libsbml.OnlyConstraintsInListOfConstraints |
libsbml.OnlyEventAssignInListOfEventAssign = _libsbml.OnlyEventAssignInListOfEventAssign |
libsbml.OnlyEventsInListOfEvents = _libsbml.OnlyEventsInListOfEvents |
libsbml.OnlyFuncDefsInListOfFuncDefs = _libsbml.OnlyFuncDefsInListOfFuncDefs |
libsbml.OnlyInitAssignsInListOfInitAssigns = _libsbml.OnlyInitAssignsInListOfInitAssigns |
libsbml.OnlyLocalParamsInListOfLocalParams = _libsbml.OnlyLocalParamsInListOfLocalParams |
libsbml.OnlyOneDelayPerEvent = _libsbml.OnlyOneDelayPerEvent |
libsbml.OnlyOneNotesElementAllowed = _libsbml.OnlyOneNotesElementAllowed |
libsbml.OnlyOnePriorityPerEvent = _libsbml.OnlyOnePriorityPerEvent |
libsbml.OnlyParametersInListOfParameters = _libsbml.OnlyParametersInListOfParameters |
libsbml.OnlyReactionsInListOfReactions = _libsbml.OnlyReactionsInListOfReactions |
libsbml.OnlyRulesInListOfRules = _libsbml.OnlyRulesInListOfRules |
libsbml.OnlySpeciesInListOfSpecies = _libsbml.OnlySpeciesInListOfSpecies |
libsbml.OnlyUnitDefsInListOfUnitDefs = _libsbml.OnlyUnitDefsInListOfUnitDefs |
libsbml.OnlyUnitsInListOfUnits = _libsbml.OnlyUnitsInListOfUnits |
libsbml.OperationInterrupted = _OperationInterrupted |
libsbml.OpsNeedCorrectNumberOfArgs = _libsbml.OpsNeedCorrectNumberOfArgs |
fbc One of the possible Association types.
The Association class is not part of the official SBML Level 3 Flux Balance Constraints specification, but is instead a proposed future development of the package. If adopted, it would be a child of a GeneAssociation that would describe a single 'and' or 'or' relationship between two or more genes or other associations.
The present code is one of the possible Association types for this proposed SBML Level 3 Flux Balance Constraints (“fbc”) package future development.
qual One of the possible OutputTransition "transitionEffect" attribute values.
The OutputTransition class is part of the SBML Level 3 Qualitative Models package. Its purpose is to represent a qualitative species that is affected by a Transition. (In Petri net models, these are the output places of the transition.) OutputTransition has an attribute named "transitionEffect" that is used to describe how the QualitativeSpecies referenced by the Output is affected by the Transition.
The present code is one of the possible values of the "transitionEffect" attribute of an OutputTransition object.
qual One of the possible OutputTransition "transitionEffect" attribute values.
The OutputTransition class is part of the SBML Level 3 Qualitative Models package. Its purpose is to represent a qualitative species that is affected by a Transition. (In Petri net models, these are the output places of the transition.) OutputTransition has an attribute named "transitionEffect" that is used to describe how the QualitativeSpecies referenced by the Output is affected by the Transition.
The present code is one of the possible values of the "transitionEffect" attribute of an OutputTransition object.
qual One of the possible OutputTransition "transitionEffect" attribute values.
The OutputTransition class is part of the SBML Level 3 Qualitative Models package. Its purpose is to represent a qualitative species that is affected by a Transition. (In Petri net models, these are the output places of the transition.) OutputTransition has an attribute named "transitionEffect" that is used to describe how the QualitativeSpecies referenced by the Output is affected by the Transition.
The present code is one of the possible values of the "transitionEffect" attribute of an OutputTransition object.
libsbml.OverdeterminedSystem = _libsbml.OverdeterminedSystem |
libsbml.PackageConversionNotSupported = _libsbml.PackageConversionNotSupported |
libsbml.PackageNSMustMatch = _libsbml.PackageNSMustMatch |
libsbml.PackageRequiredShouldBeFalse = _libsbml.PackageRequiredShouldBeFalse |
libsbml.ParameterShouldHaveUnits = _libsbml.ParameterShouldHaveUnits |
libsbml.ParameterShouldHaveValue = _libsbml.ParameterShouldHaveValue |
libsbml.ParameterUnits = _libsbml.ParameterUnits |
libsbml.PersistentNotBoolean = _libsbml.PersistentNotBoolean |
libsbml.PieceNeedsBoolean = _libsbml.PieceNeedsBoolean |
libsbml.PiecewiseNeedsConsistentTypes = _libsbml.PiecewiseNeedsConsistentTypes |
libsbml.PriorityLostFromL3 = _libsbml.PriorityLostFromL3 |
libsbml.PriorityUnitsNotDimensionless = _libsbml.PriorityUnitsNotDimensionless |
libsbml.QualAttributeRequiredMissing = _libsbml.QualAttributeRequiredMissing |
libsbml.QualAttributeRequiredMustBeBoolean = _libsbml.QualAttributeRequiredMustBeBoolean |
libsbml.QualCompartmentMustReferExisting = _libsbml.QualCompartmentMustReferExisting |
libsbml.QualConstantMustBeBool = _libsbml.QualConstantMustBeBool |
libsbml.QualConstantQSCannotBeOutput = _libsbml.QualConstantQSCannotBeOutput |
libsbml.QualDefaultTermAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.QualDefaultTermAllowedAttributes |
libsbml.QualDefaultTermAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.QualDefaultTermAllowedCoreAttributes |
libsbml.QualDefaultTermAllowedElements = _libsbml.QualDefaultTermAllowedElements |
libsbml.QualDefaultTermResultMustBeInteger = _libsbml.QualDefaultTermResultMustBeInteger |
libsbml.QualDefaultTermResultMustBeNonNeg = _libsbml.QualDefaultTermResultMustBeNonNeg |
libsbml.QualDuplicateComponentId = _libsbml.QualDuplicateComponentId |
libsbml.QualElementNotInNs = _libsbml.QualElementNotInNs |
libsbml.QualEmptyLONotAllowed = _libsbml.QualEmptyLONotAllowed |
libsbml.QualFuncTermAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.QualFuncTermAllowedAttributes |
libsbml.QualFuncTermAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.QualFuncTermAllowedCoreAttributes |
libsbml.QualFuncTermAllowedElements = _libsbml.QualFuncTermAllowedElements |
libsbml.QualFuncTermOnlyOneMath = _libsbml.QualFuncTermOnlyOneMath |
libsbml.QualFuncTermResultMustBeInteger = _libsbml.QualFuncTermResultMustBeInteger |
libsbml.QualFuncTermResultMustBeNonNeg = _libsbml.QualFuncTermResultMustBeNonNeg |
libsbml.QualFunctionTermBool = _libsbml.QualFunctionTermBool |
libsbml.QualInitalLevelNotNegative = _libsbml.QualInitalLevelNotNegative |
libsbml.QualInitialLevelCannotExceedMax = _libsbml.QualInitialLevelCannotExceedMax |
libsbml.QualInitialLevelMustBeInt = _libsbml.QualInitialLevelMustBeInt |
libsbml.QualInputAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.QualInputAllowedAttributes |
libsbml.QualInputAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.QualInputAllowedCoreAttributes |
libsbml.QualInputAllowedElements = _libsbml.QualInputAllowedElements |
libsbml.QualInputConstantCannotBeConsumed = _libsbml.QualInputConstantCannotBeConsumed |
libsbml.QualInputNameMustBeString = _libsbml.QualInputNameMustBeString |
libsbml.QualInputQSMustBeExistingQS = _libsbml.QualInputQSMustBeExistingQS |
libsbml.QualInputSignMustBeSignEnum = _libsbml.QualInputSignMustBeSignEnum |
libsbml.QualInputThreshMustBeInteger = _libsbml.QualInputThreshMustBeInteger |
libsbml.QualInputThreshMustBeNonNegative = _libsbml.QualInputThreshMustBeNonNegative |
libsbml.QualInputTransEffectMustBeInputEffect = _libsbml.QualInputTransEffectMustBeInputEffect |
libsbml.QualLOQualSpeciesAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.QualLOQualSpeciesAllowedAttributes |
libsbml.QualLOQualSpeciesAllowedElements = _libsbml.QualLOQualSpeciesAllowedElements |
libsbml.QualLOTransitiondAllowedElements = _libsbml.QualLOTransitiondAllowedElements |
libsbml.QualLOTransitionsAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.QualLOTransitionsAllowedAttributes |
libsbml.QualMathCSymbolDisallowed = _libsbml.QualMathCSymbolDisallowed |
libsbml.QualMaxLevelMustBeInt = _libsbml.QualMaxLevelMustBeInt |
libsbml.QualMaxLevelNotNegative = _libsbml.QualMaxLevelNotNegative |
libsbml.QualNameMustBeString = _libsbml.QualNameMustBeString |
libsbml.QualNSUndeclared = _libsbml.QualNSUndeclared |
libsbml.QualOneListOfTransOrQS = _libsbml.QualOneListOfTransOrQS |
libsbml.QualOutputAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.QualOutputAllowedAttributes |
libsbml.QualOutputAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.QualOutputAllowedCoreAttributes |
libsbml.QualOutputAllowedElements = _libsbml.QualOutputAllowedElements |
libsbml.QualOutputConstantMustBeFalse = _libsbml.QualOutputConstantMustBeFalse |
libsbml.QualOutputLevelMustBeInteger = _libsbml.QualOutputLevelMustBeInteger |
libsbml.QualOutputLevelMustBeNonNegative = _libsbml.QualOutputLevelMustBeNonNegative |
libsbml.QualOutputNameMustBeString = _libsbml.QualOutputNameMustBeString |
libsbml.QualOutputProductionMustHaveLevel = _libsbml.QualOutputProductionMustHaveLevel |
libsbml.QualOutputQSMustBeExistingQS = _libsbml.QualOutputQSMustBeExistingQS |
libsbml.QualOutputTransEffectMustBeOutput = _libsbml.QualOutputTransEffectMustBeOutput |
libsbml.QualQSAssignedOnlyOnce = _libsbml.QualQSAssignedOnlyOnce |
libsbml.QualQualSpeciesAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.QualQualSpeciesAllowedAttributes |
libsbml.QualQualSpeciesAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.QualQualSpeciesAllowedCoreAttributes |
libsbml.QualQualSpeciesAllowedElements = _libsbml.QualQualSpeciesAllowedElements |
libsbml.QualRequiredTrueIfTransitions = _libsbml.QualRequiredTrueIfTransitions |
libsbml.QualTransitionAllowedAttributes = _libsbml.QualTransitionAllowedAttributes |
libsbml.QualTransitionAllowedCoreAttributes = _libsbml.QualTransitionAllowedCoreAttributes |
libsbml.QualTransitionAllowedElements = _libsbml.QualTransitionAllowedElements |
libsbml.QualTransitionEmptyLOElements = _libsbml.QualTransitionEmptyLOElements |
libsbml.QualTransitionLOElements = _libsbml.QualTransitionLOElements |
libsbml.QualTransitionLOFuncTermAttributes = _libsbml.QualTransitionLOFuncTermAttributes |
libsbml.QualTransitionLOFuncTermElements = _libsbml.QualTransitionLOFuncTermElements |
libsbml.QualTransitionLOFuncTermExceedMax = _libsbml.QualTransitionLOFuncTermExceedMax |
libsbml.QualTransitionLOFuncTermNegative = _libsbml.QualTransitionLOFuncTermNegative |
libsbml.QualTransitionLOInputAttributes = _libsbml.QualTransitionLOInputAttributes |
libsbml.QualTransitionLOInputElements = _libsbml.QualTransitionLOInputElements |
libsbml.QualTransitionLOOutputAttributes = _libsbml.QualTransitionLOOutputAttributes |
libsbml.QualTransitionLOOutputElements = _libsbml.QualTransitionLOOutputElements |
libsbml.QualTransitionNameMustBeString = _libsbml.QualTransitionNameMustBeString |
libsbml.QualUnknown = _libsbml.QualUnknown |
libsbml.RateOfSpeciesTargetCompartmentNot = _libsbml.RateOfSpeciesTargetCompartmentNot |
libsbml.RateOfTargetCannotBeAssigned = _libsbml.RateOfTargetCannotBeAssigned |
libsbml.RateOfTargetMustBeCi = _libsbml.RateOfTargetMustBeCi |
libsbml.RateRuleCompartmentMismatch = _libsbml.RateRuleCompartmentMismatch |
libsbml.RateRuleForConstantEntity = _libsbml.RateRuleForConstantEntity |
libsbml.RateRuleParameterMismatch = _libsbml.RateRuleParameterMismatch |
libsbml.RateRuleSpeciesMismatch = _libsbml.RateRuleSpeciesMismatch |
libsbml.RateRuleStoichiometryMismatch = _libsbml.RateRuleStoichiometryMismatch |
libsbml.RDFAboutTagNotMetaid = _libsbml.RDFAboutTagNotMetaid |
libsbml.RDFEmptyAboutTag = _libsbml.RDFEmptyAboutTag |
libsbml.RDFMissingAboutTag = _libsbml.RDFMissingAboutTag |
libsbml.RDFNotCompleteModelHistory = _libsbml.RDFNotCompleteModelHistory |
libsbml.RDFNotModelHistory = _libsbml.RDFNotModelHistory |
libsbml.RecursiveCompartmentContainment = _libsbml.RecursiveCompartmentContainment |
libsbml.RecursiveFunctionDefinition = _libsbml.RecursiveFunctionDefinition |
libsbml.RepeatedRule10304 = _libsbml.RepeatedRule10304 |
libsbml.RepeatedRule20611 = _libsbml.RepeatedRule20611 |
libsbml.RequiredPackagePresent = _libsbml.RequiredPackagePresent |
One of the possible SBML Rule object types.
libsbml.RULE_TYPE_RATE = _libsbml.RULE_TYPE_RATE |
One of the possible SBML Rule object types.
One of the possible SBML Rule object types.
libsbml.RuleCannotRef0DComp = _libsbml.RuleCannotRef0DComp |
One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
comp One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
Each libSBML extension for SBML Level 3 packages adds its own type codes to objects. The present type code belongs to libSBML's extension to support the SBML Level 3 Hierarchical Model Composition (“comp”) package. It is used to identify the type of SBML component to which a given object corresponds.
comp One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
Each libSBML extension for SBML Level 3 packages adds its own type codes to objects. The present type code belongs to libSBML's extension to support the SBML Level 3 Hierarchical Model Composition (“comp”) package. It is used to identify the type of SBML component to which a given object corresponds.
comp One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
Each libSBML extension for SBML Level 3 packages adds its own type codes to objects. The present type code belongs to libSBML's extension to support the SBML Level 3 Hierarchical Model Composition (“comp”) package. It is used to identify the type of SBML component to which a given object corresponds.
libsbml.SBML_COMP_PORT = _libsbml.SBML_COMP_PORT |
comp One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
Each libSBML extension for SBML Level 3 packages adds its own type codes to objects. The present type code belongs to libSBML's extension to support the SBML Level 3 Hierarchical Model Composition (“comp”) package. It is used to identify the type of SBML component to which a given object corresponds.
comp One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
Each libSBML extension for SBML Level 3 packages adds its own type codes to objects. The present type code belongs to libSBML's extension to support the SBML Level 3 Hierarchical Model Composition (“comp”) package. It is used to identify the type of SBML component to which a given object corresponds.
comp One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
Each libSBML extension for SBML Level 3 packages adds its own type codes to objects. The present type code belongs to libSBML's extension to support the SBML Level 3 Hierarchical Model Composition (“comp”) package. It is used to identify the type of SBML component to which a given object corresponds.
comp One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
Each libSBML extension for SBML Level 3 packages adds its own type codes to objects. The present type code belongs to libSBML's extension to support the SBML Level 3 Hierarchical Model Composition (“comp”) package. It is used to identify the type of SBML component to which a given object corresponds.
One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
libsbml.SBML_DELAY = _libsbml.SBML_DELAY |
One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
libsbml.SBML_DOCUMENT = _libsbml.SBML_DOCUMENT |
One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
libsbml.SBML_EVENT = _libsbml.SBML_EVENT |
One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
libsbml.SBML_FBC_AND = _libsbml.SBML_FBC_AND |
fbc One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
Each libSBML extension for SBML Level 3 packages adds its own type codes to objects. The present type code belongs to libSBML's extension to support the SBML Level 3 Flux Balance Constraints (“fbc”) package. It is used to identify the type of SBML component to which a given object corresponds.
fbc One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
Each libSBML extension for SBML Level 3 packages adds its own type codes to objects. The present type code belongs to libSBML's extension to support the SBML Level 3 Flux Balance Constraints (“fbc”) package. It is used to identify the type of SBML component to which a given object corresponds.
fbc One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
Each libSBML extension for SBML Level 3 packages adds its own type codes to objects. The present type code belongs to libSBML's extension to support the SBML Level 3 Flux Balance Constraints (“fbc”) package. It is used to identify the type of SBML component to which a given object corresponds.
fbc One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
Each libSBML extension for SBML Level 3 packages adds its own type codes to objects. The present type code belongs to libSBML's extension to support the SBML Level 3 Flux Balance Constraints (“fbc”) package. It is used to identify the type of SBML component to which a given object corresponds.
fbc One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
Each libSBML extension for SBML Level 3 packages adds its own type codes to objects. The present type code belongs to libSBML's extension to support the SBML Level 3 Flux Balance Constraints (“fbc”) package. It is used to identify the type of SBML component to which a given object corresponds.
fbc One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
Each libSBML extension for SBML Level 3 packages adds its own type codes to objects. The present type code belongs to libSBML's extension to support the SBML Level 3 Flux Balance Constraints (“fbc”) package. It is used to identify the type of SBML component to which a given object corresponds.
fbc One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
Each libSBML extension for SBML Level 3 packages adds its own type codes to objects. The present type code belongs to libSBML's extension to support the SBML Level 3 Flux Balance Constraints (“fbc”) package. It is used to identify the type of SBML component to which a given object corresponds.
fbc One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
Each libSBML extension for SBML Level 3 packages adds its own type codes to objects. The present type code belongs to libSBML's extension to support the SBML Level 3 Flux Balance Constraints (“fbc”) package. It is used to identify the type of SBML component to which a given object corresponds.
fbc One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
Each libSBML extension for SBML Level 3 packages adds its own type codes to objects. The present type code belongs to libSBML's extension to support the SBML Level 3 Flux Balance Constraints (“fbc”) package. It is used to identify the type of SBML component to which a given object corresponds.
libsbml.SBML_FBC_OR = _libsbml.SBML_FBC_OR |
fbc One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
Each libSBML extension for SBML Level 3 packages adds its own type codes to objects. The present type code belongs to libSBML's extension to support the SBML Level 3 Flux Balance Constraints (“fbc”) package. It is used to identify the type of SBML component to which a given object corresponds.
fbc One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
Each libSBML extension for SBML Level 3 packages adds its own type codes to objects. The present type code belongs to libSBML's extension to support the SBML Level 3 Flux Balance Constraints (“fbc”) package. It is used to identify the type of SBML component to which a given object corresponds.
One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
groups One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
Each libSBML extension for SBML Level 3 packages adds its own type codes to objects. The present type code belongs to libSBML's extension to support the SBML Level 3 Groups (“groups”) package. It is used to identify the type of SBML component to which a given object corresponds.
groups One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
Each libSBML extension for SBML Level 3 packages adds its own type codes to objects. The present type code belongs to libSBML's extension to support the SBML Level 3 Groups (“groups”) package. It is used to identify the type of SBML component to which a given object corresponds.
One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
layout One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
Each libSBML extension for SBML Level 3 packages adds its own type codes to objects. The present type code belongs to libSBML's extension to support the SBML Level 3 Layout (“layout”) package. It is used to identify the type of SBML component to which a given object corresponds.
layout One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
Each libSBML extension for SBML Level 3 packages adds its own type codes to objects. The present type code belongs to libSBML's extension to support the SBML Level 3 Layout (“layout”) package. It is used to identify the type of SBML component to which a given object corresponds.
layout One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
Each libSBML extension for SBML Level 3 packages adds its own type codes to objects. The present type code belongs to libSBML's extension to support the SBML Level 3 Layout (“layout”) package. It is used to identify the type of SBML component to which a given object corresponds.
layout One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
Each libSBML extension for SBML Level 3 packages adds its own type codes to objects. The present type code belongs to libSBML's extension to support the SBML Level 3 Layout (“layout”) package. It is used to identify the type of SBML component to which a given object corresponds.
layout One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
Each libSBML extension for SBML Level 3 packages adds its own type codes to objects. The present type code belongs to libSBML's extension to support the SBML Level 3 Layout (“layout”) package. It is used to identify the type of SBML component to which a given object corresponds.
layout One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
Each libSBML extension for SBML Level 3 packages adds its own type codes to objects. The present type code belongs to libSBML's extension to support the SBML Level 3 Layout (“layout”) package. It is used to identify the type of SBML component to which a given object corresponds.
layout One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
Each libSBML extension for SBML Level 3 packages adds its own type codes to objects. The present type code belongs to libSBML's extension to support the SBML Level 3 Layout (“layout”) package. It is used to identify the type of SBML component to which a given object corresponds.
layout One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
Each libSBML extension for SBML Level 3 packages adds its own type codes to objects. The present type code belongs to libSBML's extension to support the SBML Level 3 Layout (“layout”) package. It is used to identify the type of SBML component to which a given object corresponds.
layout One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
Each libSBML extension for SBML Level 3 packages adds its own type codes to objects. The present type code belongs to libSBML's extension to support the SBML Level 3 Layout (“layout”) package. It is used to identify the type of SBML component to which a given object corresponds.
layout One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
Each libSBML extension for SBML Level 3 packages adds its own type codes to objects. The present type code belongs to libSBML's extension to support the SBML Level 3 Layout (“layout”) package. It is used to identify the type of SBML component to which a given object corresponds.
layout One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
Each libSBML extension for SBML Level 3 packages adds its own type codes to objects. The present type code belongs to libSBML's extension to support the SBML Level 3 Layout (“layout”) package. It is used to identify the type of SBML component to which a given object corresponds.
layout One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
Each libSBML extension for SBML Level 3 packages adds its own type codes to objects. The present type code belongs to libSBML's extension to support the SBML Level 3 Layout (“layout”) package. It is used to identify the type of SBML component to which a given object corresponds.
layout One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
Each libSBML extension for SBML Level 3 packages adds its own type codes to objects. The present type code belongs to libSBML's extension to support the SBML Level 3 Layout (“layout”) package. It is used to identify the type of SBML component to which a given object corresponds.
layout One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
Each libSBML extension for SBML Level 3 packages adds its own type codes to objects. The present type code belongs to libSBML's extension to support the SBML Level 3 Layout (“layout”) package. It is used to identify the type of SBML component to which a given object corresponds.
layout One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
Each libSBML extension for SBML Level 3 packages adds its own type codes to objects. The present type code belongs to libSBML's extension to support the SBML Level 3 Layout (“layout”) package. It is used to identify the type of SBML component to which a given object corresponds.
libsbml.SBML_LIST_OF = _libsbml.SBML_LIST_OF |
One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
libsbml.SBML_MODEL = _libsbml.SBML_MODEL |
One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
multi A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “multi” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Multistate, Multicomponent and Multicompartment Species package.
multi A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “multi” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Multistate, Multicomponent and Multicompartment Species package.
multi A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “multi” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Multistate, Multicomponent and Multicompartment Species package.
multi A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “multi” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Multistate, Multicomponent and Multicompartment Species package.
multi A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “multi” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Multistate, Multicomponent and Multicompartment Species package.
multi A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “multi” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Multistate, Multicomponent and Multicompartment Species package.
multi A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “multi” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Multistate, Multicomponent and Multicompartment Species package.
multi A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “multi” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Multistate, Multicomponent and Multicompartment Species package.
multi A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “multi” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Multistate, Multicomponent and Multicompartment Species package.
multi A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “multi” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Multistate, Multicomponent and Multicompartment Species package.
multi A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “multi” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Multistate, Multicomponent and Multicompartment Species package.
multi A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “multi” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Multistate, Multicomponent and Multicompartment Species package.
multi A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “multi” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Multistate, Multicomponent and Multicompartment Species package.
multi A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “multi” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Multistate, Multicomponent and Multicompartment Species package.
One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
libsbml.SBML_PRIORITY = _libsbml.SBML_PRIORITY |
One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
qual One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
Each libSBML extension for SBML Level 3 packages adds its own type codes to objects. The present type code belongs to libSBML's extension to support the SBML Level 3 Qualitative Models (“qual”) package. It is used to identify the type of SBML component to which a given object corresponds.
qual One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
Each libSBML extension for SBML Level 3 packages adds its own type codes to objects. The present type code belongs to libSBML's extension to support the SBML Level 3 Qualitative Models (“qual”) package. It is used to identify the type of SBML component to which a given object corresponds.
libsbml.SBML_QUAL_INPUT = _libsbml.SBML_QUAL_INPUT |
qual One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
Each libSBML extension for SBML Level 3 packages adds its own type codes to objects. The present type code belongs to libSBML's extension to support the SBML Level 3 Qualitative Models (“qual”) package. It is used to identify the type of SBML component to which a given object corresponds.
qual One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
Each libSBML extension for SBML Level 3 packages adds its own type codes to objects. The present type code belongs to libSBML's extension to support the SBML Level 3 Qualitative Models (“qual”) package. It is used to identify the type of SBML component to which a given object corresponds.
qual One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
Each libSBML extension for SBML Level 3 packages adds its own type codes to objects. The present type code belongs to libSBML's extension to support the SBML Level 3 Qualitative Models (“qual”) package. It is used to identify the type of SBML component to which a given object corresponds.
qual One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
Each libSBML extension for SBML Level 3 packages adds its own type codes to objects. The present type code belongs to libSBML's extension to support the SBML Level 3 Qualitative Models (“qual”) package. It is used to identify the type of SBML component to which a given object corresponds.
libsbml.SBML_RATE_RULE = _libsbml.SBML_RATE_RULE |
One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
libsbml.SBML_REACTION = _libsbml.SBML_REACTION |
One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
libsbml.SBML_RULE = _libsbml.SBML_RULE |
One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
libsbml.SBML_SPECIES = _libsbml.SBML_SPECIES |
One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
libsbml.SBML_TRIGGER = _libsbml.SBML_TRIGGER |
One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
libsbml.SBML_UNIT = _libsbml.SBML_UNIT |
One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
libsbml.SBML_UNKNOWN = _libsbml.SBML_UNKNOWN |
One of the possible SBML component type codes.
LibSBML attaches an identifying code to every kind of SBML object. These are known as SBML type codes. In other languages, the set of type codes is stored in an enumeration; in the Java language interface for libSBML, the type codes are defined as static integer constants in the interface class libsbml. The names of the type codes all begin with the characters SBML_
libsbml.SBMLCodesUpperBound = _libsbml.SBMLCodesUpperBound |
libsbml.SBMLNamespaceInAnnotation = _libsbml.SBMLNamespaceInAnnotation |
libsbml.SBOTermNotUniversalInL2v2 = _libsbml.SBOTermNotUniversalInL2v2 |
libsbml.SBOTermNotValidAttributeBeforeL2V2 = _libsbml.SBOTermNotValidAttributeBeforeL2V2 |
libsbml.SBOTermNotValidAttributeBeforeL2V3 = _libsbml.SBOTermNotValidAttributeBeforeL2V3 |
libsbml.SpatialSizeUnitsNotValidAttribute = _libsbml.SpatialSizeUnitsNotValidAttribute |
libsbml.SpatialSizeUnitsRemoved = _libsbml.SpatialSizeUnitsRemoved |
libsbml.SpatialUnitsInOneD = _libsbml.SpatialUnitsInOneD |
libsbml.SpatialUnitsInThreeD = _libsbml.SpatialUnitsInThreeD |
libsbml.SpatialUnitsInTwoD = _libsbml.SpatialUnitsInTwoD |
layout One of the possible roles of a SpeciesReferenceGlyph.
SpeciesReferenceGlyphs include an attribute to describe the role of a given SpeciesReference in a model diagram. The present code is one of the possible values for this role attribute.
layout One of the possible roles of a SpeciesReferenceGlyph.
SpeciesReferenceGlyphs include an attribute to describe the role of a given SpeciesReference in a model diagram. The present code is one of the possible values for this role attribute.
layout One of the possible roles of a SpeciesReferenceGlyph.
SpeciesReferenceGlyphs include an attribute to describe the role of a given SpeciesReference in a model diagram. The present code is one of the possible values for this role attribute.
layout One of the possible roles of a SpeciesReferenceGlyph.
SpeciesReferenceGlyphs include an attribute to describe the role of a given SpeciesReference in a model diagram. The present code is one of the possible values for this role attribute.
layout One of the possible roles of a SpeciesReferenceGlyph.
SpeciesReferenceGlyphs include an attribute to describe the role of a given SpeciesReference in a model diagram. The present code is one of the possible values for this role attribute.
layout One of the possible roles of a SpeciesReferenceGlyph.
SpeciesReferenceGlyphs include an attribute to describe the role of a given SpeciesReference in a model diagram. The present code is one of the possible values for this role attribute.
layout One of the possible roles of a SpeciesReferenceGlyph.
SpeciesReferenceGlyphs include an attribute to describe the role of a given SpeciesReference in a model diagram. The present code is one of the possible values for this role attribute.
layout One of the possible roles of a SpeciesReferenceGlyph.
SpeciesReferenceGlyphs include an attribute to describe the role of a given SpeciesReference in a model diagram. The present code is one of the possible values for this role attribute.
layout One of the possible roles of a SpeciesReferenceGlyph.
SpeciesReferenceGlyphs include an attribute to describe the role of a given SpeciesReference in a model diagram. The present code is one of the possible values for this role attribute.
libsbml.SpeciesCompartmentRequiredInL1 = _libsbml.SpeciesCompartmentRequiredInL1 |
libsbml.SpeciesInvalidExtentUnits = _libsbml.SpeciesInvalidExtentUnits |
libsbml.SpeciesRefIdInMathMLNotSupported = _libsbml.SpeciesRefIdInMathMLNotSupported |
libsbml.SpeciesShouldHaveValue = _libsbml.SpeciesShouldHaveValue |
libsbml.SpeciesTypeNotValidAttribute = _libsbml.SpeciesTypeNotValidAttribute |
libsbml.SpeciesTypeNotValidComponent = _libsbml.SpeciesTypeNotValidComponent |
libsbml.StoichiometryMathMissingMath = _libsbml.StoichiometryMathMissingMath |
libsbml.StoichiometryMathNotValidComponent = _libsbml.StoichiometryMathNotValidComponent |
libsbml.StoichiometryMathNotYetSupported = _libsbml.StoichiometryMathNotYetSupported |
libsbml.StrictSBORequiredInL2v2 = _libsbml.StrictSBORequiredInL2v2 |
libsbml.StrictSBORequiredInL2v3 = _libsbml.StrictSBORequiredInL2v3 |
libsbml.StrictUnitsRequiredInL1 = _libsbml.StrictUnitsRequiredInL1 |
libsbml.StrictUnitsRequiredInL2v1 = _libsbml.StrictUnitsRequiredInL2v1 |
libsbml.StrictUnitsRequiredInL2v2 = _libsbml.StrictUnitsRequiredInL2v2 |
libsbml.StrictUnitsRequiredInL2v3 = _libsbml.StrictUnitsRequiredInL2v3 |
libsbml.SubstanceUnitsOnSpecies = _libsbml.SubstanceUnitsOnSpecies |
libsbml.SubsUnitsAllowedInKL = _libsbml.SubsUnitsAllowedInKL |
libsbml.SubsUnitsNoLongerValid = _libsbml.SubsUnitsNoLongerValid |
libsbml.ThreeDimensionalCompartmentUnits = _libsbml.ThreeDimensionalCompartmentUnits |
libsbml.TimeUnitsAllowedInKL = _libsbml.TimeUnitsAllowedInKL |
libsbml.TimeUnitsEvent = _libsbml.TimeUnitsEvent |
libsbml.TimeUnitsNoLongerValid = _libsbml.TimeUnitsNoLongerValid |
libsbml.TimeUnitsRemoved = _libsbml.TimeUnitsRemoved |
libsbml.TriggerMathNotBoolean = _libsbml.TriggerMathNotBoolean |
libsbml.TwoDimensionalCompartmentUnits = _libsbml.TwoDimensionalCompartmentUnits |
libsbml.UnclosedXMLToken = _libsbml.UnclosedXMLToken |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML.
Please consult the documentation for XMLError for an explanation of the meaning of this particular error code.
libsbml.UndeclaredExtentUnitsL3 = _libsbml.UndeclaredExtentUnitsL3 |
libsbml.UndeclaredObjectUnitsL3 = _libsbml.UndeclaredObjectUnitsL3 |
libsbml.UndeclaredSpeciesInStoichMath = _libsbml.UndeclaredSpeciesInStoichMath |
libsbml.UndeclaredSpeciesRef = _libsbml.UndeclaredSpeciesRef |
libsbml.UndeclaredTimeUnitsL3 = _libsbml.UndeclaredTimeUnitsL3 |
libsbml.UndeclaredUnits = _libsbml.UndeclaredUnits |
libsbml.UndefinedOutsideCompartment = _libsbml.UndefinedOutsideCompartment |
libsbml.UndefinedXMLEntity = _libsbml.UndefinedXMLEntity |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML.
Please consult the documentation for XMLError for an explanation of the meaning of this particular error code.
libsbml.UninterpretableXMLContent = _libsbml.UninterpretableXMLContent |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML.
Please consult the documentation for XMLError for an explanation of the meaning of this particular error code.
One of the possible predefined SBML units.
One of the possible predefined SBML units.
One of the possible predefined SBML units.
One of the possible predefined SBML units.
One of the possible predefined SBML units.
One of the possible predefined SBML units.
One of the possible predefined SBML units.
libsbml.UNIT_KIND_FARAD = _libsbml.UNIT_KIND_FARAD |
One of the possible predefined SBML units.
libsbml.UNIT_KIND_GRAM = _libsbml.UNIT_KIND_GRAM |
One of the possible predefined SBML units.
libsbml.UNIT_KIND_GRAY = _libsbml.UNIT_KIND_GRAY |
One of the possible predefined SBML units.
libsbml.UNIT_KIND_HENRY = _libsbml.UNIT_KIND_HENRY |
One of the possible predefined SBML units.
libsbml.UNIT_KIND_HERTZ = _libsbml.UNIT_KIND_HERTZ |
One of the possible predefined SBML units.
One of the possible predefined SBML units.
libsbml.UNIT_KIND_ITEM = _libsbml.UNIT_KIND_ITEM |
One of the possible predefined SBML units.
libsbml.UNIT_KIND_JOULE = _libsbml.UNIT_KIND_JOULE |
One of the possible predefined SBML units.
libsbml.UNIT_KIND_KATAL = _libsbml.UNIT_KIND_KATAL |
One of the possible predefined SBML units.
One of the possible predefined SBML units.
One of the possible predefined SBML units.
libsbml.UNIT_KIND_LITER = _libsbml.UNIT_KIND_LITER |
One of the possible predefined SBML units.
libsbml.UNIT_KIND_LITRE = _libsbml.UNIT_KIND_LITRE |
One of the possible predefined SBML units.
libsbml.UNIT_KIND_LUMEN = _libsbml.UNIT_KIND_LUMEN |
One of the possible predefined SBML units.
libsbml.UNIT_KIND_LUX = _libsbml.UNIT_KIND_LUX |
One of the possible predefined SBML units.
libsbml.UNIT_KIND_METER = _libsbml.UNIT_KIND_METER |
One of the possible predefined SBML units.
libsbml.UNIT_KIND_METRE = _libsbml.UNIT_KIND_METRE |
One of the possible predefined SBML units.
libsbml.UNIT_KIND_MOLE = _libsbml.UNIT_KIND_MOLE |
One of the possible predefined SBML units.
One of the possible predefined SBML units.
libsbml.UNIT_KIND_OHM = _libsbml.UNIT_KIND_OHM |
One of the possible predefined SBML units.
One of the possible predefined SBML units.
One of the possible predefined SBML units.
One of the possible predefined SBML units.
One of the possible predefined SBML units.
One of the possible predefined SBML units.
One of the possible predefined SBML units.
libsbml.UNIT_KIND_TESLA = _libsbml.UNIT_KIND_TESLA |
One of the possible predefined SBML units.
libsbml.UNIT_KIND_VOLT = _libsbml.UNIT_KIND_VOLT |
One of the possible predefined SBML units.
libsbml.UNIT_KIND_WATT = _libsbml.UNIT_KIND_WATT |
One of the possible predefined SBML units.
libsbml.UNIT_KIND_WEBER = _libsbml.UNIT_KIND_WEBER |
One of the possible predefined SBML units.
libsbml.UnitsNotValidAttribute = _libsbml.UnitsNotValidAttribute |
fbc One of the possible Association types.
The Association class is not part of the official SBML Level 3 Flux Balance Constraints specification, but is instead a proposed future development of the package. If adopted, it would be a child of a GeneAssociation that would describe a single 'and' or 'or' relationship between two or more genes or other associations.
The present code is one of the possible Association types for this proposed SBML Level 3 Flux Balance Constraints (“fbc”) package future development.
One of the possible MIRIAM annotation types used by CVTerm.
libsbml.UnknownCoreAttribute = _libsbml.UnknownCoreAttribute |
Encountered an unknow attribute in the core SBML Level 3 namespace.
libsbml.UnknownError = _libsbml.UnknownError |
libsbml.UnknownPackageAttribute = _libsbml.UnknownPackageAttribute |
Encountered an unknown attribute in an SBML Level 3 package namespace.
libsbml.UnrecognisedSBOTerm = _libsbml.UnrecognisedSBOTerm |
libsbml.UnrecognizedElement = _libsbml.UnrecognizedElement |
libsbml.UnrecognizedXMLElement = _libsbml.UnrecognizedXMLElement |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML.
Please consult the documentation for XMLError for an explanation of the meaning of this particular error code.
libsbml.UnrecognizedXMLParserCode = _libsbml.UnrecognizedXMLParserCode |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML.
Please consult the documentation for XMLError for an explanation of the meaning of this particular error code.
libsbml.UnrequiredPackagePresent = _libsbml.UnrequiredPackagePresent |
libsbml.UpperUnitBound = _libsbml.UpperUnitBound |
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
render A value in an enumeration defined by the libSBML “render” extension to implement functionality for the SBML Level 3 Render package.
libsbml.ValuesFromTriggerTimeNeedDelay = _libsbml.ValuesFromTriggerTimeNeedDelay |
libsbml.VariableNotValidAttribute = _libsbml.VariableNotValidAttribute |
libsbml.VersionPositiveInteger = _libsbml.VersionPositiveInteger |
libsbml.VolumeLitreDefExponentNotOne = _libsbml.VolumeLitreDefExponentNotOne |
libsbml.VolumeMetreDefExponentNot3 = _libsbml.VolumeMetreDefExponentNot3 |
libsbml.XMLAttributeTypeMismatch = _libsbml.XMLAttributeTypeMismatch |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML.
Please consult the documentation for XMLError for an explanation of the meaning of this particular error code.
libsbml.XMLBadColon = _libsbml.XMLBadColon |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML.
Please consult the documentation for XMLError for an explanation of the meaning of this particular error code.
libsbml.XMLBadNumber = _libsbml.XMLBadNumber |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML.
Please consult the documentation for XMLError for an explanation of the meaning of this particular error code.
libsbml.XMLBadUTF8Content = _libsbml.XMLBadUTF8Content |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML.
Please consult the documentation for XMLError for an explanation of the meaning of this particular error code.
libsbml.XMLContentEmpty = _libsbml.XMLContentEmpty |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML.
Please consult the documentation for XMLError for an explanation of the meaning of this particular error code.
libsbml.XMLEmptyValueNotPermitted = _libsbml.XMLEmptyValueNotPermitted |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML.
Please consult the documentation for XMLError for an explanation of the meaning of this particular error code.
libsbml.XMLErrorCodesUpperBound = _libsbml.XMLErrorCodesUpperBound |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML.
Please consult the documentation for XMLError for an explanation of the meaning of this particular error code.
libsbml.XMLExpectedQuotedString = _libsbml.XMLExpectedQuotedString |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML.
Please consult the documentation for XMLError for an explanation of the meaning of this particular error code.
libsbml.XMLFileOperationError = _libsbml.XMLFileOperationError |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML.
Please consult the documentation for XMLError for an explanation of the meaning of this particular error code.
libsbml.XMLFileUnreadable = _libsbml.XMLFileUnreadable |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML.
Please consult the documentation for XMLError for an explanation of the meaning of this particular error code.
libsbml.XMLFileUnwritable = _libsbml.XMLFileUnwritable |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML.
Please consult the documentation for XMLError for an explanation of the meaning of this particular error code.
libsbml.XMLNetworkAccessError = _libsbml.XMLNetworkAccessError |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML.
Please consult the documentation for XMLError for an explanation of the meaning of this particular error code.
libsbml.XMLOutOfMemory = _libsbml.XMLOutOfMemory |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML.
Please consult the documentation for XMLError for an explanation of the meaning of this particular error code.
libsbml.XMLTagMismatch = _libsbml.XMLTagMismatch |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML.
Please consult the documentation for XMLError for an explanation of the meaning of this particular error code.
libsbml.XMLTranscoderError = _libsbml.XMLTranscoderError |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML.
Please consult the documentation for XMLError for an explanation of the meaning of this particular error code.
libsbml.XMLUnexpectedEOF = _libsbml.XMLUnexpectedEOF |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML.
Please consult the documentation for XMLError for an explanation of the meaning of this particular error code.
libsbml.XMLUnknownError = _libsbml.XMLUnknownError |
A value in the enumeration of all the error and warning codes returned by the XML layer in libSBML.
Please consult the documentation for XMLError for an explanation of the meaning of this particular error code.
libsbml.ZeroDCompartmentContainment = _libsbml.ZeroDCompartmentContainment |
libsbml.ZeroDimensionalCompartmentConst = _libsbml.ZeroDimensionalCompartmentConst |
libsbml.ZeroDimensionalCompartmentSize = _libsbml.ZeroDimensionalCompartmentSize |