This is the complete list of members for Ellipse, including all inherited members.
addCVTerm(CVTerm *term, bool newBag=false) | SBase | |
addDash(unsigned int dash) | GraphicalPrimitive1D | |
addModifiedDate(Date *date) | SBase | |
appendAnnotation(const XMLNode *annotation) | SBase | virtual |
appendAnnotation(const std::string &annotation) | SBase | virtual |
appendNotes(const XMLNode *notes) | SBase | |
appendNotes(const std::string ¬es) | SBase | |
clearDashes() | GraphicalPrimitive1D | |
clone() const | Ellipse | virtual |
deleteDisabledPlugins(bool recursive=true) | SBase | |
disablePackage(const std::string &pkgURI, const std::string &pkgPrefix) | SBase | |
Ellipse(unsigned int level=RenderExtension::getDefaultLevel(), unsigned int version=RenderExtension::getDefaultVersion(), unsigned int pkgVersion=RenderExtension::getDefaultPackageVersion()) | Ellipse | |
Ellipse(RenderPkgNamespaces *renderns) | Ellipse | |
Ellipse(const XMLNode &node, unsigned int l2version=4) | Ellipse | |
Ellipse(RenderPkgNamespaces *renderns, const std::string &id) | Ellipse | |
Ellipse(RenderPkgNamespaces *renderns, const RelAbsVector &cx, const RelAbsVector &cy, const RelAbsVector &r) | Ellipse | |
Ellipse(RenderPkgNamespaces *renderns, const RelAbsVector &cx, const RelAbsVector &cy, const RelAbsVector &rx, const RelAbsVector &ry) | Ellipse | |
Ellipse(RenderPkgNamespaces *renderns, const RelAbsVector &cx, const RelAbsVector &cy, const RelAbsVector &cz, const RelAbsVector &rx, const RelAbsVector &ry) | Ellipse | |
Ellipse(RenderPkgNamespaces *renderns, const std::string &id, const RelAbsVector &cx, const RelAbsVector &cy, const RelAbsVector &r) | Ellipse | |
Ellipse(RenderPkgNamespaces *renderns, const std::string &id, const RelAbsVector &cx, const RelAbsVector &cy, const RelAbsVector &rx, const RelAbsVector &ry) | Ellipse | |
Ellipse(RenderPkgNamespaces *renderns, const std::string &id, const RelAbsVector &cx, const RelAbsVector &cy, const RelAbsVector &cz, const RelAbsVector &rx, const RelAbsVector &ry) | Ellipse | |
Ellipse(const Ellipse &orig) | Ellipse | |
enablePackage(const std::string &pkgURI, const std::string &pkgPrefix, bool flag) | SBase | |
getAllElements(ElementFilter *filter=NULL) | SBase | virtual |
getAllElementsFromPlugins(ElementFilter *filter=NULL) | SBase | virtual |
getAncestorOfType(int type, const std::string &pkgName="core") | SBase | |
getAncestorOfType(int type, const std::string pkgName="core") const | SBase | |
getAnnotation() | SBase | |
getAnnotation() const | SBase | |
getAnnotationString() | SBase | |
getAnnotationString() const | SBase | |
getColumn() const | SBase | |
getCreatedDate() const | SBase | |
getCreatedDate() | SBase | |
getCVTerm(unsigned int n) | SBase | |
getCVTerms() | SBase | |
getCVTerms() const | SBase | |
getCX() const | Ellipse | |
getCX() | Ellipse | |
getCY() const | Ellipse | |
getCY() | Ellipse | |
getCZ() const | Ellipse | |
getCZ() | Ellipse | |
getDashArray() const | GraphicalPrimitive1D | |
getDashArray() | GraphicalPrimitive1D | |
getDashByIndex(unsigned int index) const | GraphicalPrimitive1D | |
getDisabledPlugin(unsigned int n) | SBase | |
getDisabledPlugin(unsigned int n) const | SBase | |
getElementByMetaId(const std::string &metaid) | SBase | virtual |
getElementByMetaId(const std::string &metaid) const | SBase | |
getElementBySId(const std::string &id) | SBase | virtual |
getElementBySId(const std::string &id) const | SBase | virtual |
getElementName() const | Ellipse | virtual |
getFill() const | GraphicalPrimitive2D | |
getFillColor() const | GraphicalPrimitive2D | |
getFillRule() const | GraphicalPrimitive2D | |
getFillRuleAsString() const | GraphicalPrimitive2D | |
getId() const | GraphicalPrimitive1D | virtual |
getIdAttribute() const | SBase | |
getIdentityMatrix() | Transformation | static |
getIdentityMatrix2D() | Transformation2D | static |
getLevel() const | SBase | |
getLine() const | SBase | |
getMatrix() const | Transformation | |
getMatrix2D() const | Transformation2D | |
getMetaId() const | SBase | |
getMetaId() | SBase | |
getModel() const | SBase | |
getModelHistory() const | SBase | |
getModelHistory() | SBase | |
getModifiedDate(unsigned int n) | SBase | |
getName() const | Transformation | virtual |
getNamespaces() const | SBase | virtual |
getNotes() | SBase | |
getNotes() const | SBase | |
getNotesString() | SBase | |
getNotesString() const | SBase | |
getNumCVTerms() const | SBase | |
getNumDashes() const | GraphicalPrimitive1D | |
getNumDisabledPlugins() const | SBase | |
getNumModifiedDates() | SBase | |
getNumPlugins() const | SBase | |
getPackageCoreVersion() const | SBase | |
getPackageName() const | SBase | |
getPackageVersion() const | SBase | |
getParentSBMLObject() | SBase | |
getParentSBMLObject() const | SBase | |
getPlugin(const std::string &package) | SBase | |
getPlugin(const std::string &package) const | SBase | |
getPlugin(unsigned int n) | SBase | |
getPlugin(unsigned int n) const | SBase | |
getPrefix() const | SBase | |
getRatio() const | Ellipse | |
getResourceBiologicalQualifier(std::string resource) const | SBase | |
getResourceModelQualifier(std::string resource) const | SBase | |
getRX() const | Ellipse | |
getRX() | Ellipse | |
getRY() const | Ellipse | |
getRY() | Ellipse | |
getSBMLDocument() const | SBase | |
getSBMLDocument() | SBase | |
getSBOTerm() const | SBase | |
getSBOTermAsURL() const | SBase | |
getSBOTermID() const | SBase | |
getStroke() const | GraphicalPrimitive1D | |
getStrokeDashArray() const | GraphicalPrimitive1D | |
getStrokeWidth() const | GraphicalPrimitive1D | |
getTransform(double *outArray) const | Transformation | |
getTypeCode() const | Ellipse | virtual |
getURI() const | SBase | |
getUserData() const | SBase | |
getVersion() const | SBase | |
GraphicalPrimitive1D(unsigned int level=RenderExtension::getDefaultLevel(), unsigned int version=RenderExtension::getDefaultVersion(), unsigned int pkgVersion=RenderExtension::getDefaultPackageVersion()) | GraphicalPrimitive1D | |
GraphicalPrimitive1D(RenderPkgNamespaces *renderns) | GraphicalPrimitive1D | |
GraphicalPrimitive1D(const XMLNode &node, unsigned int l2version=4) | GraphicalPrimitive1D | |
GraphicalPrimitive1D(RenderPkgNamespaces *renderns, const std::string &id) | GraphicalPrimitive1D | |
GraphicalPrimitive1D(const GraphicalPrimitive1D &orig) | GraphicalPrimitive1D | |
GraphicalPrimitive2D(unsigned int level=RenderExtension::getDefaultLevel(), unsigned int version=RenderExtension::getDefaultVersion(), unsigned int pkgVersion=RenderExtension::getDefaultPackageVersion()) | GraphicalPrimitive2D | |
GraphicalPrimitive2D(RenderPkgNamespaces *renderns) | GraphicalPrimitive2D | |
GraphicalPrimitive2D(const XMLNode &node, unsigned int l2Version=4) | GraphicalPrimitive2D | |
GraphicalPrimitive2D(RenderPkgNamespaces *renderns, const std::string &id) | GraphicalPrimitive2D | |
GraphicalPrimitive2D(const GraphicalPrimitive2D &orig) | GraphicalPrimitive2D | |
hasRequiredAttributes() const | Ellipse | virtual |
hasValidLevelVersionNamespaceCombination() | SBase | |
insertDash(unsigned int index, unsigned int dash) | GraphicalPrimitive1D | |
isEllipse() const | GraphicalPrimitive2D | virtual |
isImage() const | Transformation2D | virtual |
isLineEnding() const | GraphicalPrimitive2D | virtual |
isPackageEnabled(const std::string &pkgName) const | SBase | |
isPackageURIEnabled(const std::string &pkgURI) const | SBase | |
isPkgEnabled(const std::string &pkgName) const | SBase | |
isPkgURIEnabled(const std::string &pkgURI) const | SBase | |
isPolygon() const | GraphicalPrimitive2D | virtual |
isRectangle() const | GraphicalPrimitive2D | virtual |
isRenderCurve() const | GraphicalPrimitive1D | virtual |
isRenderGroup() const | GraphicalPrimitive2D | virtual |
isSetAnnotation() const | SBase | |
isSetCreatedDate() const | SBase | |
isSetCX() const | Ellipse | |
isSetCY() const | Ellipse | |
isSetCZ() const | Ellipse | |
isSetDashArray() const | GraphicalPrimitive1D | |
isSetFill() const | GraphicalPrimitive2D | |
isSetFillColor() const | GraphicalPrimitive2D | |
isSetFillRule() const | GraphicalPrimitive2D | |
isSetId() const | GraphicalPrimitive1D | virtual |
isSetIdAttribute() const | SBase | |
isSetMatrix() const | Transformation | |
isSetMetaId() const | SBase | |
isSetModelHistory() const | SBase | |
isSetModifiedDate() const | SBase | |
isSetName() const | Transformation | virtual |
isSetNotes() const | SBase | |
isSetRatio() const | Ellipse | |
isSetRX() const | Ellipse | |
isSetRY() const | Ellipse | |
isSetSBOTerm() const | SBase | |
isSetStroke() const | GraphicalPrimitive1D | |
isSetStrokeDashArray() const | GraphicalPrimitive1D | |
isSetStrokeWidth() const | GraphicalPrimitive1D | |
isSetTransform() const | Transformation | |
isSetUserData() const | SBase | |
isText() const | GraphicalPrimitive1D | virtual |
matchesRequiredSBMLNamespacesForAddition(const SBase *sb) | SBase | |
matchesRequiredSBMLNamespacesForAddition(const SBase *sb) const | SBase | |
matchesSBMLNamespaces(const SBase *sb) | SBase | |
matchesSBMLNamespaces(const SBase *sb) const | SBase | |
operator=(const Ellipse &rhs) | Ellipse | |
GraphicalPrimitive2D::operator=(const GraphicalPrimitive2D &rhs) | GraphicalPrimitive2D | |
GraphicalPrimitive1D::operator=(const GraphicalPrimitive1D &rhs) | GraphicalPrimitive1D | |
Transformation2D::operator=(const Transformation2D &rhs) | Transformation2D | |
Transformation::operator=(const Transformation &rhs) | Transformation | |
SBase::operator=(const SBase &rhs) | SBase | |
read(const XMLNode &node, XMLErrorSeverityOverride_t flag=LIBSBML_OVERRIDE_DISABLED) | SBase | |
removeDash(unsigned int index) | GraphicalPrimitive1D | |
removeFromParentAndDelete() | SBase | virtual |
removeTopLevelAnnotationElement(const std::string &elementName, const std::string elementURI="", bool removeEmpty=true) | SBase | |
renameMetaIdRefs(const std::string &oldid, const std::string &newid) | SBase | virtual |
renameSIdRefs(const std::string &oldid, const std::string &newid) | SBase | virtual |
renameUnitSIdRefs(const std::string &oldid, const std::string &newid) | SBase | virtual |
replaceTopLevelAnnotationElement(const XMLNode *annotation) | SBase | |
replaceTopLevelAnnotationElement(const std::string &annotation) | SBase | |
setAnnotation(const XMLNode *annotation) | SBase | virtual |
setAnnotation(const std::string &annotation) | SBase | virtual |
setCenter2D(const RelAbsVector &cx, const RelAbsVector &cy) | Ellipse | |
setCenter3D(const RelAbsVector &cx, const RelAbsVector &cy, const RelAbsVector &cz) | Ellipse | |
setCreatedDate(Date *date) | SBase | |
setCX(const RelAbsVector &cx) | Ellipse | |
setCY(const RelAbsVector &cy) | Ellipse | |
setCZ(const RelAbsVector &cz) | Ellipse | |
setDashArray(const std::vector< unsigned int > &array) | GraphicalPrimitive1D | |
setDashArray(const std::string &arrayString) | GraphicalPrimitive1D | |
setDashByIndex(unsigned int index, unsigned int dash) | GraphicalPrimitive1D | |
setElementText(const std::string &text) | SBase | protectedvirtual |
setFill(const std::string &fill) | GraphicalPrimitive2D | |
setFillColor(const std::string &color) | GraphicalPrimitive2D | |
setFillRule(FILL_RULE rule) | GraphicalPrimitive2D | |
setFillRule(const FillRule_t fillRule) | GraphicalPrimitive2D | |
setFillRule(const std::string &fillRule) | GraphicalPrimitive2D | |
setId(const std::string &id) | GraphicalPrimitive1D | virtual |
setIdAttribute(const std::string &sid) | SBase | virtual |
setMatrix(const double m[12]) | Transformation2D | |
setMatrix2D(const double m[6]) | Transformation2D | |
setMetaId(const std::string &metaid) | SBase | |
setModelHistory(ModelHistory *history) | SBase | |
setName(const std::string &name) | Transformation | virtual |
setNamespaces(XMLNamespaces *xmlns) | SBase | |
setNotes(const XMLNode *notes) | SBase | |
setNotes(const std::string ¬es, bool addXHTMLMarkup=false) | SBase | |
setRadii(const RelAbsVector &rx, const RelAbsVector &ry) | Ellipse | |
setRatio(double ratio) | Ellipse | |
setRX(const RelAbsVector &rx) | Ellipse | |
setRY(const RelAbsVector &ry) | Ellipse | |
setSBOTerm(int value) | SBase | virtual |
setSBOTerm(const std::string &sboid) | SBase | virtual |
setStroke(const std::string &stroke) | GraphicalPrimitive1D | |
setStrokeDashArray(const std::vector< unsigned int > &array) | GraphicalPrimitive1D | |
setStrokeWidth(double strokeWidth) | GraphicalPrimitive1D | |
setTransform(double *inArray) | Transformation | |
setUserData(void *userData) | SBase | |
toSBML() | SBase | |
toXML() const | Ellipse | virtual |
toXMLNode() | SBase | |
Transformation(unsigned int level=RenderExtension::getDefaultLevel(), unsigned int version=RenderExtension::getDefaultVersion(), unsigned int pkgVersion=RenderExtension::getDefaultPackageVersion()) | Transformation | |
Transformation(RenderPkgNamespaces *renderns) | Transformation | |
Transformation(const Transformation &orig) | Transformation | |
Transformation2D(unsigned int level=RenderExtension::getDefaultLevel(), unsigned int version=RenderExtension::getDefaultVersion(), unsigned int pkgVersion=RenderExtension::getDefaultPackageVersion()) | Transformation2D | |
Transformation2D(RenderPkgNamespaces *renderns) | Transformation2D | |
Transformation2D(const XMLNode &node, unsigned int l2version=4) | Transformation2D | |
Transformation2D(const Transformation2D &orig) | Transformation2D | |
Transformation2D(RenderPkgNamespaces *renderns, const double m[6]) | Transformation2D | |
unsetAnnotation() | SBase | |
unsetCreatedDate() | SBase | |
unsetCVTerms() | SBase | |
unsetCX() | Ellipse | |
unsetCY() | Ellipse | |
unsetCZ() | Ellipse | |
unsetFill() | GraphicalPrimitive2D | |
unsetFillRule() | GraphicalPrimitive2D | |
unsetId() | GraphicalPrimitive1D | virtual |
unsetIdAttribute() | SBase | |
unsetMatrix() | Transformation | |
unsetMetaId() | SBase | |
unsetModelHistory() | SBase | |
unsetModifiedDates() | SBase | |
unsetName() | Transformation | virtual |
unsetNotes() | SBase | |
unsetRatio() | Ellipse | |
unsetRX() | Ellipse | |
unsetRY() | Ellipse | |
unsetSBOTerm() | SBase | |
unsetStroke() | GraphicalPrimitive1D | |
unsetStrokeDashArray() | GraphicalPrimitive1D | |
unsetStrokeWidth() | GraphicalPrimitive1D | |
unsetTransform() | Transformation | |
unsetUserData() | SBase | |
~Ellipse() | Ellipse | virtual |
~GraphicalPrimitive1D() | GraphicalPrimitive1D | virtual |
~GraphicalPrimitive2D() | GraphicalPrimitive2D | virtual |
~SBase() | SBase | virtual |
~Transformation() | Transformation | virtual |
~Transformation2D() | Transformation2D | virtual |