Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- g -
- GeneAssociation()
: GeneAssociation
- GeneProduct()
: GeneProduct
- GeneProductAssociation
: FbcAssociation
, GeneProductAssociation
- GeneProductRef()
: GeneProductRef
- GeneralGlyph()
: GeneralGlyph
- Geometry()
: Geometry
- GeometryDefinition()
: GeometryDefinition
- get()
: List
, ListOf
, ListOfAdjacentDomains
, ListOfAnalyticVolumes
, ListOfColorDefinitions
, ListOfCompartmentGlyphs
, ListOfCompartmentReferences
, ListOfCompartments
, ListOfCompartmentTypes
, ListOfConstraints
, ListOfCoordinateComponents
, ListOfCSGNodes
, ListOfCSGObjects
, ListOfCurveElements
, ListOfDeletions
, ListOfDomains
, ListOfDomainTypes
, ListOfDrawables
, ListOfEventAssignments
, ListOfEvents
, ListOfExternalModelDefinitions
, ListOfFbcAssociations
, ListOfFluxBounds
, ListOfFluxObjectives
, ListOfFunctionDefinitions
, ListOfFunctionTerms
, ListOfGeneAssociations
, ListOfGeneProducts
, ListOfGeometryDefinitions
, ListOfGlobalRenderInformation
, ListOfGlobalStyles
, ListOfGradientDefinitions
, ListOfGradientStops
, ListOfGraphicalObjects
, ListOfGroups
, ListOfInitialAssignments
, ListOfInputs
, ListOfInSpeciesTypeBonds
, ListOfInteriorPoints
, ListOfKeyValuePairs
, ListOfLayouts
, ListOfLineEndings
, ListOfLineSegments
, ListOfLocalParameters
, ListOfLocalRenderInformation
, ListOfLocalStyles
, ListOfMembers
, ListOfModelDefinitions
, ListOfMultiSpeciesTypes
, ListOfObjectives
, ListOfOrdinalMappings
, ListOfOutputs
, ListOfOutwardBindingSites
, ListOfParameters
, ListOfParametricObjects
, ListOfPorts
, ListOfPossibleSpeciesFeatureValues
, ListOfQualitativeSpecies
, ListOfReactionGlyphs
, ListOfReactions
, ListOfReferenceGlyphs
, ListOfReplacedElements
, ListOfRules
, ListOfSampledFields
, ListOfSampledVolumes
, ListOfSpecies
, ListOfSpeciesFeatures
, ListOfSpeciesFeatureTypes
, ListOfSpeciesFeatureValues
, ListOfSpeciesGlyphs
, ListOfSpeciesReferenceGlyphs
, ListOfSpeciesReferences
, ListOfSpeciesTypeComponentIndexes
, ListOfSpeciesTypeComponentMapInProducts
, ListOfSpeciesTypeInstances
, ListOfSpeciesTypes
, ListOfSubmodels
, ListOfTextGlyphs
, ListOfTransitions
, ListOfUncertainties
, ListOfUncertParameters
, ListOfUnitDefinitions
, ListOfUnits
, ListOfUserDefinedConstraintComponents
, ListOfUserDefinedConstraints
, SubListOfSpeciesFeatures
- getAbsoluteValue()
: RelAbsVector
- getActiveObjective()
: FbcModelPlugin
, ListOfObjectives
- getActiveObjectiveId()
: FbcModelPlugin
- getActualArrayDataLength()
: SpatialPoints
- getActualComponentsLength()
: TransformationComponent
- getActualPointIndexLength()
: ParametricObject
- getActualSamplesLength()
: SampledField
- getAddDefaultUnits()
: SBMLLevelVersionConverter
- getAdditionalGraphicalObject()
: Layout
- getAdjacentDomains()
: Geometry
- getAdjacentDomainsByDomain1()
: Geometry
- getAdjacentDomainsByDomain2()
: Geometry
- getAdvectionCoefficient()
: SpatialParameterPlugin
- getAllElementIdList()
: Model
- getAllElementMetaIdList()
: Model
- getAllElements()
: AnalyticGeometry
, BoundingBox
, CompModelPlugin
, CompSBasePlugin
, CompSBMLDocumentPlugin
, CoordinateComponent
, CSGeometry
, CSGHomogeneousTransformation
, CSGObject
, CSGSetOperator
, CSGTransformation
, CubicBezier
, Curve
, DistribSBasePlugin
, Domain
, Event
, FbcAnd
, FbcModelPlugin
, FbcOr
, FbcReactionPlugin
, FbcSBasePlugin
, GeneProductAssociation
, GeneralGlyph
, Geometry
, GlobalRenderInformation
, GradientBase
, GraphicalObject
, Group
, GroupsModelPlugin
, KineticLaw
, Layout
, LayoutModelPlugin
, LineEnding
, LineSegment
, ListOf
, ListOfFunctionTerms
, ListOfGlobalRenderInformation
, ListOfLocalRenderInformation
, LocalRenderInformation
, MixedGeometry
, Model
, MultiCompartmentPlugin
, MultiModelPlugin
, MultiSimpleSpeciesReferencePlugin
, MultiSpeciesPlugin
, MultiSpeciesReferencePlugin
, MultiSpeciesType
, Objective
, ParametricGeometry
, Polygon
, QualModelPlugin
, Reaction
, ReactionGlyph
, ReferenceGlyph
, RenderCurve
, RenderGroup
, RenderInformationBase
, RenderLayoutPlugin
, RenderListOfLayoutsPlugin
, SampledFieldGeometry
, SBase
, SBasePlugin
, SBaseRef
, SBMLDocument
, SpatialCompartmentPlugin
, SpatialModelPlugin
, SpatialParameterPlugin
, SpeciesFeature
, SpeciesFeatureType
, SpeciesReferenceGlyph
, Style
, Submodel
, Transition
, Uncertainty
, UncertParameter
, UnitDefinition
, UserDefinedConstraint
- getAllElementsFromPlugins()
: SBase
- getAllInstantiatedElements()
: Submodel
- getAllRegisteredPackageNames()
: SBMLExtensionRegistry
- getAlpha()
: ColorDefinition
- getAnalyticVolume()
: AnalyticGeometry
- getAnalyticVolumeByDomainType()
: AnalyticGeometry
- getAncestorOfType()
: SBase
- getAnnotation()
: SBase
- getAnnotationString()
: SBase
- getApplicableValidators()
: SBMLInternalValidator
- getAreaUnits()
: Model
- getArgument()
: FunctionDefinition
- getArrayData()
: SpatialPoints
- getArrayDataLength()
: SpatialPoints
- getAssignmentRule()
: Model
- getAssignmentRuleByVariable()
: Model
- getAssociatedSpecies()
: GeneProduct
- getAssociation()
: FbcAnd
, FbcOr
, GeneAssociation
, GeneProductAssociation
- getASTPlugin()
: ASTNode
, SBMLExtensionRegistry
- getASTPlugins()
: SBMLExtensionRegistry
- getAttributes()
: XMLToken
- getAttributesLength()
: XMLToken
- getAttrIndex()
: XMLToken
- getAttrName()
: XMLToken
- getAttrPrefix()
: XMLToken
- getAttrPrefixedName()
: XMLToken
- getAttrURI()
: XMLToken
- getAttrValue()
: XMLToken
- getBackgroundColor()
: DefaultValues
, RenderInformationBase
- getBasePoint1()
: CubicBezier
- getBasePoint1_x()
: RenderCubicBezier
- getBasePoint1_y()
: RenderCubicBezier
- getBasePoint1_z()
: RenderCubicBezier
- getBasePoint2()
: CubicBezier
- getBasePoint2_x()
: RenderCubicBezier
- getBasePoint2_y()
: RenderCubicBezier
- getBasePoint2_z()
: RenderCubicBezier
- getBindingSite1()
: InSpeciesTypeBond
- getBindingSite2()
: InSpeciesTypeBond
- getBindingStatus()
: OutwardBindingSite
- getBiologicalQualifierType()
: CVTerm
- getBlue()
: ColorDefinition
- getBody()
: FunctionDefinition
- getBoolValue()
: ConversionOption
, ConversionProperties
- getBoundaryCondition()
: SpatialParameterPlugin
, Species
- getBoundaryDomainType()
: BoundaryCondition
- getBoundaryMax()
: CoordinateComponent
- getBoundaryMin()
: CoordinateComponent
- getBoundingBox()
: GraphicalObject
, LineEnding
- getBoundingBoxExplicitlySet()
: GraphicalObject
- getByDomain1()
: ListOfAdjacentDomains
- getByDomain2()
: ListOfAdjacentDomains
- getByDomainType()
: ListOfAnalyticVolumes
, ListOfCSGObjects
, ListOfDomains
, ListOfParametricObjects
, ListOfSampledVolumes
- getByGeometryDefinition()
: ListOfOrdinalMappings
- getByIdRef()
: ListOfMembers
- getByLowerBound()
: ListOfUserDefinedConstraints
- getBySpecies()
: ListOfInputs
, ListOfOutputs
- getByType()
: ListOfUncertParameters
- getByUpperBound()
: ListOfUserDefinedConstraints
- getByVar()
: ListOfUncertParameters
- getByVariable()
: ListOfUserDefinedConstraintComponents
- getCategory()
: FbcExtension
, Validator
, XMLError
- getCategoryAsString()
: XMLError
- getCenterX()
: RadialGradient
- getCenterY()
: RadialGradient
- getCenterZ()
: RadialGradient
- getCharacter()
: ASTNode
- getCharacters()
: XMLToken
- getCharge()
: FbcSpeciesPlugin
, Species
- getChargeAsDouble()
: FbcSpeciesPlugin
- getChemicalFormula()
: FbcSpeciesPlugin
- getChild()
: ASTNode
, XMLNode
- getClass()
: ASTNode
- getCoeff()
: SBMLRateRuleConverter
- getCoefficient()
: FluxObjective
, UserDefinedConstraintComponent
- getColorDefinition()
: RenderInformationBase
- getColumn()
: SBase
, XMLError
, XMLToken
- getComparisonCaseSensitivity()
: L3ParserSettings
- getCompartment()
: CompartmentReference
, Model
, MultiSpeciesType
, QualitativeSpecies
, Reaction
, Species
- getCompartmentGlyph()
: Layout
- getCompartmentId()
: CompartmentGlyph
- getCompartmentMapping()
: SpatialCompartmentPlugin
- getCompartmentReference()
: MultiCompartmentPlugin
, MultiSimpleSpeciesReferencePlugin
, SpeciesTypeInstance
- getCompartmentType()
: Compartment
, Model
, MultiCompartmentPlugin
- getComplementA()
: CSGSetOperator
- getComplementB()
: CSGSetOperator
- getComponent()
: OutwardBindingSite
, SpeciesFeature
, SpeciesTypeComponentIndex
, SubListOfSpeciesFeatures
- getComponents()
: TransformationComponent
- getComponentsLength()
: TransformationComponent
- getCompression()
: ParametricObject
, SampledField
, SpatialPoints
- getCompressionAsString()
: ParametricObject
, SampledField
, SpatialPoints
- getConstant()
: Compartment
, Parameter
, QualitativeSpecies
, Species
, SpeciesReference
- getConstraint()
: Model
- getConversionFactor()
: Model
, ReplacedElement
, Species
- getConversionValidators()
: SBMLInternalValidator
- getConverterByIndex()
: SBMLConverterRegistry
- getConverterFor()
: SBMLConverterRegistry
- getCoord1()
: InteriorPoint
- getCoord2()
: InteriorPoint
- getCoord3()
: InteriorPoint
- getCoordinate()
: AdvectionCoefficient
, RelAbsVector
- getCoordinateAsString()
: AdvectionCoefficient
- getCoordinateBoundary()
: BoundaryCondition
- getCoordinateComponent()
: Geometry
- getCoordinateComponentByKind()
: Geometry
- getCoordinateReference1()
: DiffusionCoefficient
- getCoordinateReference1AsString()
: DiffusionCoefficient
- getCoordinateReference2()
: DiffusionCoefficient
- getCoordinateReference2AsString()
: DiffusionCoefficient
- getCoordinateSystem()
: Geometry
- getCoordinateSystemAsString()
: Geometry
- getCoreDefinitionsAdded()
: DefinitionURLRegistry
- getCreatedDate()
: ModelHistory
, SBase
- getCreator()
: ModelHistory
- getCSGNode()
: CSGObject
, CSGSetOperator
, CSGTransformation
- getCSGObject()
: CSGeometry
- getCSGObjectByDomainType()
: CSGeometry
- getCurve()
: GeneralGlyph
, ReactionGlyph
, ReferenceGlyph
, SpeciesReferenceGlyph
- getCurveElement()
: RenderCurve
- getCurveExplicitlySet()
: GeneralGlyph
, ReactionGlyph
, ReferenceGlyph
, SpeciesReferenceGlyph
- getCurveSegment()
: Curve
- getCVTerm()
: SBase
- getCVTerms()
: SBase
- getCX()
: Ellipse
- getCx()
: RadialGradient
- getCY()
: Ellipse
- getCy()
: RadialGradient
- getCZ()
: Ellipse
- getCz()
: RadialGradient
- getDashArray()
: GraphicalPrimitive1D
- getDashByIndex()
: GraphicalPrimitive1D
- getDataType()
: ParametricObject
, SampledField
, SpatialPoints
- getDataTypeAsString()
: ParametricObject
, SampledField
, SpatialPoints
- getDateAsString()
: Date
- getDay()
: Date
- getDefault_z()
: DefaultValues
- getDefaultLevel()
: CompExtension
, DistribExtension
, FbcExtension
, GroupsExtension
, LayoutExtension
, MultiExtension
, QualExtension
, RenderExtension
, SBMLDocument
, SpatialExtension
- getDefaultPackageVersion()
: CompExtension
, DistribExtension
, FbcExtension
, GroupsExtension
, LayoutExtension
, MultiExtension
, QualExtension
, RenderExtension
, SpatialExtension
- getDefaultProperties()
: CobraToFbcConverter
, CompFlatteningConverter
, FbcToCobraConverter
, FbcV1ToV2Converter
, FbcV2ToV1Converter
, RenderLayoutConverter
, SBMLConverter
, SBMLFunctionDefinitionConverter
, SBMLIdConverter
, SBMLInferUnitsConverter
, SBMLInitialAssignmentConverter
, SBMLLevel1Version1Converter
, SBMLLevelVersionConverter
, SBMLLocalParameterConverter
, SBMLRateOfConverter
, SBMLRateRuleConverter
, SBMLReactionConverter
, SBMLRuleConverter
, SBMLStripPackageConverter
, SBMLUnitsConverter
- getDefaultTerm()
: ListOfFunctionTerms
, Transition
- getDefaultValues()
: ListOfGlobalRenderInformation
, ListOfLocalRenderInformation
- getDefaultVersion()
: CompExtension
, DistribExtension
, FbcExtension
, GroupsExtension
, LayoutExtension
, MultiExtension
, QualExtension
, RenderExtension
, SBMLDocument
, SpatialExtension
- getDefinitionURL()
: ASTNode
, UncertParameter
- getDefinitionUrlByIndex()
: DefinitionURLRegistry
- getDefinitionURLString()
: ASTNode
- getDelay()
: Event
- getDeletion()
: ReplacedElement
, Submodel
- getDenominator()
: ASTNode
, SpeciesReference
- getDepth()
: Dimensions
- getDerivedUnitDefinition()
: Compartment
, Delay
, EventAssignment
, InitialAssignment
, KineticLaw
, LocalParameter
, Parameter
, Rule
, Species
, StoichiometryMath
- getDescription()
: ConversionOption
, ConversionProperties
- getDExplicitlySet()
: Dimensions
- getDiffusionCoefficient()
: SpatialParameterPlugin
- getDimensions()
: BoundingBox
, Layout
- getDimensionsExplicitlySet()
: BoundingBox
, Layout
- getDisabledPlugin()
: SBase
- getDivider()
: CompModelPlugin
- getDocument()
: SBMLConverter
, SBMLValidator
- getDomain()
: Geometry
- getDomain1()
: AdjacentDomains
- getDomain2()
: AdjacentDomains
- getDomainByDomainType()
: Geometry
- getDomainType()
: AnalyticVolume
, CompartmentMapping
, CSGObject
, Domain
, Geometry
, ParametricObject
, SampledVolume
- getDoubleValue()
: ConversionOption
, ConversionProperties
- getElement()
: Polygon
, RenderCurve
, RenderGroup
- getElementByMetaId()
: AnalyticGeometry
, CompModelPlugin
, CompSBasePlugin
, CompSBMLDocumentPlugin
, CoordinateComponent
, CSGeometry
, CSGHomogeneousTransformation
, CSGObject
, CSGSetOperator
, CSGTransformation
, DistribSBasePlugin
, Domain
, Event
, FbcModelPlugin
, FbcSBasePlugin
, GeneProductAssociation
, Geometry
, GlobalRenderInformation
, GradientBase
, Group
, GroupsModelPlugin
, KineticLaw
, LineEnding
, ListOf
, ListOfGlobalRenderInformation
, ListOfLocalRenderInformation
, LocalRenderInformation
, MixedGeometry
, Model
, Objective
, ParametricGeometry
, Polygon
, QualModelPlugin
, Reaction
, RenderCurve
, RenderGroup
, RenderInformationBase
, SampledFieldGeometry
, SBase
, SBasePlugin
, SBaseRef
, SBMLDocument
, SpatialCompartmentPlugin
, SpatialModelPlugin
, SpatialParameterPlugin
, Style
, Submodel
, Transition
, Uncertainty
, UncertParameter
, UnitDefinition
, UserDefinedConstraint
- getElementBySId()
: AnalyticGeometry
, CompModelPlugin
, CompSBasePlugin
, CompSBMLDocumentPlugin
, CoordinateComponent
, CSGeometry
, CSGHomogeneousTransformation
, CSGObject
, CSGSetOperator
, CSGTransformation
, DistribSBasePlugin
, Domain
, Event
, FbcModelPlugin
, FbcSBasePlugin
, GeneProductAssociation
, Geometry
, GlobalRenderInformation
, GradientBase
, Group
, GroupsModelPlugin
, KineticLaw
, LineEnding
, ListOf
, ListOfEventAssignments
, ListOfGlobalRenderInformation
, ListOfInitialAssignments
, ListOfLocalParameters
, ListOfLocalRenderInformation
, ListOfPorts
, ListOfRules
, ListOfUnitDefinitions
, LocalRenderInformation
, MixedGeometry
, Model
, Objective
, ParametricGeometry
, Polygon
, QualModelPlugin
, Reaction
, RenderCurve
, RenderGroup
, RenderInformationBase
, SampledFieldGeometry
, SBase
, SBasePlugin
, SBaseRef
, SBMLDocument
, SpatialCompartmentPlugin
, SpatialModelPlugin
, SpatialParameterPlugin
, Style
, Submodel
, Transition
, Uncertainty
, UncertParameter
, UnitDefinition
, UserDefinedConstraint
- getElementName()
: AdjacentDomains
, AdvectionCoefficient
, AnalyticGeometry
, AnalyticVolume
, Association
, BindingSiteSpeciesType
, Boundary
, BoundaryCondition
, BoundingBox
, ColorDefinition
, Compartment
, CompartmentGlyph
, CompartmentMapping
, CompartmentReference
, CompartmentType
, Constraint
, CoordinateComponent
, CSGeometry
, CSGHomogeneousTransformation
, CSGNode
, CSGObject
, CSGPrimitive
, CSGRotation
, CSGScale
, CSGSetOperator
, CSGTransformation
, CSGTranslation
, CubicBezier
, Curve
, DefaultTerm
, DefaultValues
, Delay
, Deletion
, DiffusionCoefficient
, Dimensions
, DistribBase
, Domain
, DomainType
, Ellipse
, Event
, EventAssignment
, ExternalModelDefinition
, FbcAnd
, FbcAssociation
, FbcOr
, FluxBound
, FluxObjective
, FunctionDefinition
, FunctionTerm
, GeneAssociation
, GeneProduct
, GeneProductAssociation
, GeneProductRef
, GeneralGlyph
, Geometry
, GeometryDefinition
, GlobalRenderInformation
, GlobalStyle
, GradientBase
, GradientStop
, GraphicalObject
, GraphicalPrimitive2D
, Group
, Image
, InitialAssignment
, Input
, InSpeciesTypeBond
, InteriorPoint
, IntraSpeciesReaction
, KeyValuePair
, KineticLaw
, Layout
, LinearGradient
, LineEnding
, LineSegment
, ListOf
, ListOfAdjacentDomains
, ListOfAnalyticVolumes
, ListOfColorDefinitions
, ListOfCompartmentGlyphs
, ListOfCompartmentReferences
, ListOfCompartments
, ListOfCompartmentTypes
, ListOfConstraints
, ListOfCoordinateComponents
, ListOfCSGNodes
, ListOfCSGObjects
, ListOfCurveElements
, ListOfDeletions
, ListOfDomains
, ListOfDomainTypes
, ListOfDrawables
, ListOfEventAssignments
, ListOfEvents
, ListOfExternalModelDefinitions
, ListOfFbcAssociations
, ListOfFluxBounds
, ListOfFluxObjectives
, ListOfFunctionDefinitions
, ListOfFunctionTerms
, ListOfGeneAssociations
, ListOfGeneProducts
, ListOfGeometryDefinitions
, ListOfGlobalRenderInformation
, ListOfGlobalStyles
, ListOfGradientDefinitions
, ListOfGradientStops
, ListOfGraphicalObjects
, ListOfGroups
, ListOfInitialAssignments
, ListOfInputs
, ListOfInSpeciesTypeBonds
, ListOfInteriorPoints
, ListOfKeyValuePairs
, ListOfLayouts
, ListOfLineEndings
, ListOfLineSegments
, ListOfLocalParameters
, ListOfLocalRenderInformation
, ListOfLocalStyles
, ListOfMembers
, ListOfModelDefinitions
, ListOfMultiSpeciesTypes
, ListOfObjectives
, ListOfOrdinalMappings
, ListOfOutputs
, ListOfOutwardBindingSites
, ListOfParameters
, ListOfParametricObjects
, ListOfPorts
, ListOfPossibleSpeciesFeatureValues
, ListOfQualitativeSpecies
, ListOfReactionGlyphs
, ListOfReactions
, ListOfReferenceGlyphs
, ListOfReplacedElements
, ListOfRules
, ListOfSampledFields
, ListOfSampledVolumes
, ListOfSpecies
, ListOfSpeciesFeatures
, ListOfSpeciesFeatureTypes
, ListOfSpeciesFeatureValues
, ListOfSpeciesGlyphs
, ListOfSpeciesReferenceGlyphs
, ListOfSpeciesReferences
, ListOfSpeciesTypeComponentIndexes
, ListOfSpeciesTypeComponentMapInProducts
, ListOfSpeciesTypeInstances
, ListOfSpeciesTypes
, ListOfSubmodels
, ListOfTextGlyphs
, ListOfTransitions
, ListOfUncertainties
, ListOfUncertParameters
, ListOfUnitDefinitions
, ListOfUnits
, ListOfUserDefinedConstraintComponents
, ListOfUserDefinedConstraints
, LocalParameter
, LocalRenderInformation
, LocalStyle
, Member
, MixedGeometry
, Model
, ModelDefinition
, ModifierSpeciesReference
, MultiSpeciesType
, Objective
, OrdinalMapping
, Output
, OutwardBindingSite
, Parameter
, ParametricGeometry
, ParametricObject
, Point
, Polygon
, Port
, PossibleSpeciesFeatureValue
, Priority
, QualitativeSpecies
, RadialGradient
, Reaction
, ReactionGlyph
, Rectangle
, ReferenceGlyph
, RenderCubicBezier
, RenderCurve
, RenderGroup
, RenderPoint
, ReplacedBy
, ReplacedElement
, Rule
, SampledField
, SampledFieldGeometry
, SampledVolume
, SBase
, SBaseExtensionPoint
, SBaseRef
, SBMLDocument
, SpatialPoints
, SpatialSymbolReference
, Species
, SpeciesFeature
, SpeciesFeatureType
, SpeciesFeatureValue
, SpeciesGlyph
, SpeciesReference
, SpeciesReferenceGlyph
, SpeciesType
, SpeciesTypeComponentIndex
, SpeciesTypeComponentMapInProduct
, SpeciesTypeInstance
, StoichiometryMath
, Style
, SubListOfSpeciesFeatures
, Submodel
, Text
, TextGlyph
, Transformation2D
, Transformation
, TransformationComponent
, Transition
, Trigger
, Uncertainty
, UncertParameter
, UncertSpan
, Unit
, UnitDefinition
, UserDefinedConstraint
, UserDefinedConstraintComponent
- getElementNamespace()
: SBasePlugin
- getEmail()
: ModelCreator
- getEnableRotationalMapping()
: DefaultValues
, LineEnding
- getEncoding()
: XMLInputStream
- getEnd()
: LineSegment
- getEndHead()
: DefaultValues
, RenderCurve
, RenderGroup
- getError()
: SBMLDocument
, SBMLErrorLog
, XMLErrorLog
- getErrorId()
: XMLError
- getErrorIdOffset()
: XMLError
- getErrorLog()
: SBMLDocument
, SBMLValidator
, XMLInputStream
- getErrorWithSeverity()
: SBMLDocument
, SBMLErrorLog
- getEvent()
: Model
- getEventAssignment()
: Event
- getExponent()
: ASTNode
, Unit
- getExponentAsDouble()
: Unit
- getExtension()
: SBMLExtensionRegistry
- getExtensionInternal()
: SBMLExtensionRegistry
- getExtentConversionFactor()
: Submodel
- getExtentUnits()
: Model
- getExternalModelDefinition()
: CompSBMLDocumentPlugin
- getFailure()
: SBMLValidator
- getFailures()
: SBMLValidator
, Validator
- getFamilyName()
: ModelCreator
- getFast()
: Reaction
- getFill()
: DefaultValues
, GraphicalPrimitive2D
- getFillColor()
: GraphicalPrimitive2D
- getFillRule()
: DefaultValues
, GraphicalPrimitive2D
- getFillRuleAsString()
: DefaultValues
, GraphicalPrimitive2D
- getFloatValue()
: ConversionOption
, ConversionProperties
- getFluxBound()
: FbcModelPlugin
- getFluxBoundOperation()
: FluxBound
- getFluxBoundsForReaction()
: FbcModelPlugin
- getFluxObjective()
: Objective
- getFocalPointX()
: RadialGradient
- getFocalPointY()
: RadialGradient
- getFocalPointZ()
: RadialGradient
- getFontFamily()
: DefaultValues
, RenderGroup
, Text
- getFontSize()
: DefaultValues
, RenderGroup
, Text
- getFontStyle()
: DefaultValues
, RenderGroup
, Text
- getFontStyleAsString()
: DefaultValues
, RenderGroup
, Text
- getFontWeight()
: DefaultValues
, RenderGroup
, Text
- getFontWeightAsString()
: DefaultValues
, RenderGroup
, Text
- getFormula()
: KineticLaw
, Rule
- getForwardTransformation()
: CSGHomogeneousTransformation
- getFunctionDefinition()
: Model
- getFunctionTerm()
: Transition
- getFunctionType()
: AnalyticVolume
- getFunctionTypeAsString()
: AnalyticVolume
- getFx()
: RadialGradient
- getFy()
: RadialGradient
- getFz()
: RadialGradient
- getGeneAssociation()
: FbcModelPlugin
- getGeneProduct()
: FbcModelPlugin
, GeneProductRef
- getGeneProductAssociation()
: FbcReactionPlugin
- getGeneProductByLabel()
: FbcModelPlugin
- getGeneralGlyph()
: Layout
- getGeometry()
: SpatialModelPlugin
- getGeometryDefinition()
: Geometry
, MixedGeometry
, OrdinalMapping
- getGivenName()
: ModelCreator
- getGlobalStyle()
: GlobalRenderInformation
- getGlyphId()
: ReferenceGlyph
- getGradientDefinition()
: RenderInformationBase
- getGradientStop()
: GradientBase
- getGraphicalObjectId()
: TextGlyph
- getGreen()
: ColorDefinition
- getGroup()
: GroupsModelPlugin
, LineEnding
, Style
- getHasOnlySubstanceUnits()
: Species
- getHeight()
: Dimensions
, Image
, Rectangle
- getHost()
- getHour()
: Date
- getHoursOffset()
: Date
- getHref()
: Image
- getId()
: AdjacentDomains
, AnalyticVolume
, ASTNode
, Boundary
, BoundingBox
, ColorDefinition
, Compartment
, CompartmentMapping
, CompartmentReference
, CompartmentType
, CoordinateComponent
, CSGNode
, CSGObject
, Deletion
, Dimensions
, DistribBase
, Domain
, DomainType
, Event
, EventAssignment
, ExternalModelDefinition
, FluxBound
, FluxObjective
, FunctionDefinition
, GeneAssociation
, GeneProduct
, GeneProductAssociation
, GeneProductRef
, Geometry
, GeometryDefinition
, GradientBase
, GraphicalObject
, GraphicalPrimitive1D
, Group
, Image
, InitialAssignment
, Input
, InSpeciesTypeBond
, KeyValuePair
, Layout
, LineEnding
, ListOfMembers
, Member
, Model
, MultiSpeciesType
, Objective
, Output
, OutwardBindingSite
, Parameter
, ParametricObject
, Point
, Port
, PossibleSpeciesFeatureValue
, QualitativeSpecies
, Reaction
, RenderInformationBase
, Rule
, SampledField
, SampledVolume
, SBase
, SimpleSpeciesReference
, SpatialPoints
, Species
, SpeciesFeature
, SpeciesFeatureType
, SpeciesType
, SpeciesTypeComponentIndex
, SpeciesTypeComponentMapInProduct
, SpeciesTypeInstance
, Style
, SubListOfSpeciesFeatures
, Submodel
, Transition
, UnitDefinition
, UserDefinedConstraint
, UserDefinedConstraintComponent
, VConstraint
- getIdAttribute()
: SBase
- getIdentifyingParent()
: SpeciesTypeComponentIndex
- getIdentityMatrix()
: Transformation
- getIdentityMatrix2D()
: Transformation2D
- getIdList()
: LocalStyle
- getIdRef()
: Member
, SBaseRef
- getImageReference()
: Image
- getIndex()
: XMLAttributes
, XMLNamespaces
, XMLNode
- getIndexByPrefix()
: XMLNamespaces
- getIndexForReferenceGlyph()
: GeneralGlyph
- getIndexForSpeciesReferenceGlyph()
: ReactionGlyph
- getIndexForSubGlyph()
: GeneralGlyph
- getInitialAmount()
: Species
- getInitialAssignment()
: Model
- getInitialAssignmentBySymbol()
: Model
- getInitialConcentration()
: Species
- getInitialLevel()
: QualitativeSpecies
- getInitialValue()
: Trigger
- getInput()
: Transition
- getInputBySpecies()
: Transition
- getInSpeciesTypeBond()
: MultiSpeciesType
- getInstance()
: CallbackRegistry
, DefinitionURLRegistry
, SBMLConverterRegistry
, SBMLExtensionRegistry
, SBMLResolverRegistry
- getInstantiation()
: Submodel
- getInteger()
: ASTNode
- getInteriorPoint()
: Domain
- getInterpolationType()
: SampledField
- getInterpolationTypeAsString()
: SampledField
- getIntValue()
: ConversionOption
, ConversionProperties
- getIsActive()
: GeometryDefinition
- getIsEnabledRotationalMapping()
: LineEnding
- getIsLocal()
: SpatialReactionPlugin
- getIsSpatial()
: SpatialSpeciesPlugin
- getIsType()
: MultiCompartmentPlugin
- getItemTypeCode()
: ListOf
, ListOfAdjacentDomains
, ListOfAnalyticVolumes
, ListOfColorDefinitions
, ListOfCompartmentGlyphs
, ListOfCompartmentReferences
, ListOfCompartments
, ListOfCompartmentTypes
, ListOfConstraints
, ListOfCoordinateComponents
, ListOfCSGNodes
, ListOfCSGObjects
, ListOfCurveElements
, ListOfDeletions
, ListOfDomains
, ListOfDomainTypes
, ListOfDrawables
, ListOfEventAssignments
, ListOfEvents
, ListOfExternalModelDefinitions
, ListOfFbcAssociations
, ListOfFluxBounds
, ListOfFluxObjectives
, ListOfFunctionDefinitions
, ListOfFunctionTerms
, ListOfGeneAssociations
, ListOfGeneProducts
, ListOfGeometryDefinitions
, ListOfGlobalRenderInformation
, ListOfGlobalStyles
, ListOfGradientDefinitions
, ListOfGradientStops
, ListOfGraphicalObjects
, ListOfGroups
, ListOfInitialAssignments
, ListOfInputs
, ListOfInSpeciesTypeBonds
, ListOfInteriorPoints
, ListOfKeyValuePairs
, ListOfLayouts
, ListOfLineEndings
, ListOfLineSegments
, ListOfLocalParameters
, ListOfLocalRenderInformation
, ListOfLocalStyles
, ListOfMembers
, ListOfModelDefinitions
, ListOfMultiSpeciesTypes
, ListOfObjectives
, ListOfOrdinalMappings
, ListOfOutputs
, ListOfOutwardBindingSites
, ListOfParameters
, ListOfParametricObjects
, ListOfPorts
, ListOfPossibleSpeciesFeatureValues
, ListOfQualitativeSpecies
, ListOfReactionGlyphs
, ListOfReactions
, ListOfReferenceGlyphs
, ListOfReplacedElements
, ListOfRules
, ListOfSampledFields
, ListOfSampledVolumes
, ListOfSpecies
, ListOfSpeciesFeatures
, ListOfSpeciesFeatureTypes
, ListOfSpeciesFeatureValues
, ListOfSpeciesGlyphs
, ListOfSpeciesReferenceGlyphs
, ListOfSpeciesReferences
, ListOfSpeciesTypeComponentIndexes
, ListOfSpeciesTypeComponentMapInProducts
, ListOfSpeciesTypeInstances
, ListOfSpeciesTypes
, ListOfSubmodels
, ListOfTextGlyphs
, ListOfTransitions
, ListOfUncertainties
, ListOfUncertParameters
, ListOfUnitDefinitions
, ListOfUnits
, ListOfUserDefinedConstraintComponents
, ListOfUserDefinedConstraints
, SubListOfSpeciesFeatures
- getKey()
: ConversionOption
, KeyValuePair
- getKeyValuePair()
: FbcSBasePlugin
- getKind()
: Group
, Unit
- getKindAsString()
: Group
- getKineticLaw()
: Reaction
- getL1TypeCode()
: Rule
- getLabel()
: GeneProduct
- getLayout()
: LayoutModelPlugin
- getLeftChild()
: ASTNode
- getLength()
: XMLAttributes
, XMLNamespaces
- getLengthUnits()
: Model
- getLevel()
: CompExtension
, DistribExtension
, FbcExtension
, GroupsExtension
, LayoutExtension
, MultiExtension
, QualExtension
, RenderExtension
, SBase
, SBasePlugin
, SBMLExtension
, SBMLNamespaces
, SpatialExtension
- getLibraryName()
: XMLOutputStream
- getLibraryVersion()
: XMLOutputStream
- getLine()
: SBase
, XMLError
, XMLToken
- getLinearGradient_x1()
: DefaultValues
- getLinearGradient_x2()
: DefaultValues
- getLinearGradient_y1()
: DefaultValues
- getLinearGradient_y2()
: DefaultValues
- getLinearGradient_z1()
: DefaultValues
- getLinearGradient_z2()
: DefaultValues
- getLineEnding()
: RenderInformationBase
- getListCreators()
: ModelHistory
- getListModifiedDates()
: ModelHistory
- getListNestedCVTerms()
: CVTerm
- getListOfAdditionalGraphicalObjects()
: Layout
- getListOfAdjacentDomains()
: Geometry
- getListOfAnalyticVolumes()
: AnalyticGeometry
- getListOfAssociations()
: FbcAnd
, FbcOr
- getListOfColorDefinitions()
: RenderInformationBase
- getListOfCompartmentGlyphs()
: Layout
- getListOfCompartmentReferences()
: MultiCompartmentPlugin
- getListOfCompartments()
: Model
- getListOfCompartmentTypes()
: Model
- getListOfConstraints()
: Model
- getListOfCoordinateComponents()
: Geometry
- getListOfCSGNodes()
: CSGSetOperator
- getListOfCSGObjects()
: CSGeometry
- getListOfCurveSegments()
: Curve
- getListOfDeletions()
: Submodel
- getListOfDomains()
: Geometry
- getListOfDomainTypes()
: Geometry
- getListOfElements()
: Polygon
, RenderCurve
, RenderGroup
- getListOfEventAssignments()
: Event
- getListOfEvents()
: Model
- getListOfExternalModelDefinitions()
: CompSBMLDocumentPlugin
- getListOfFluxBounds()
: FbcModelPlugin
- getListOfFluxObjectives()
: Objective
- getListOfFunctionDefinitions()
: Model
- getListOfFunctionTerms()
: Transition
- getListOfGeneAssociations()
: FbcModelPlugin
- getListOfGeneProducts()
: FbcModelPlugin
- getListOfGeometryDefinitions()
: Geometry
, MixedGeometry
- getListOfGlobalRenderInformation()
: RenderListOfLayoutsPlugin
- getListOfGlobalStyles()
: GlobalRenderInformation
- getListOfGradientDefinitions()
: RenderInformationBase
- getListOfGradientStops()
: GradientBase
- getListOfGroups()
: GroupsModelPlugin
- getListOfInitialAssignments()
: Model
- getListOfInputs()
: Transition
- getListOfInSpeciesTypeBonds()
: MultiSpeciesType
- getListOfInteriorPoints()
: Domain
- getListOfKeyValuePairs()
: FbcSBasePlugin
- getListOfLayouts()
: LayoutModelPlugin
- getListOfLineEndings()
: RenderInformationBase
- getListOfLocalParameters()
: KineticLaw
- getListOfLocalRenderInformation()
: RenderLayoutPlugin
- getListOfLocalStyles()
: LocalRenderInformation
- getListOfMembers()
: Group
- getListOfModelDefinitions()
: CompSBMLDocumentPlugin
- getListOfModifiers()
: Reaction
- getListOfMultiSpeciesTypes()
: MultiModelPlugin
- getListOfNodes()
: ASTNode
- getListOfObjectives()
: FbcModelPlugin
- getListOfOrdinalMappings()
: MixedGeometry
- getListOfOutputs()
: Transition
- getListOfOutwardBindingSites()
: MultiSpeciesPlugin
- getListOfParameters()
: KineticLaw
, Model
- getListOfParametricObjects()
: ParametricGeometry
- getListOfPorts()
: CompModelPlugin
- getListOfPossibleSpeciesFeatureValues()
: SpeciesFeatureType
- getListOfProducts()
: Reaction
- getListOfQualitativeSpecies()
: QualModelPlugin
- getListOfReactants()
: Reaction
- getListOfReactionGlyphs()
: Layout
- getListOfReactions()
: Model
- getListOfReferenceGlyphs()
: GeneralGlyph
- getListOfReplacedElements()
: CompSBasePlugin
- getListOfRules()
: Model
- getListOfSampledFields()
: Geometry
- getListOfSampledVolumes()
: SampledFieldGeometry
- getListOfSpecies()
: Model
- getListOfSpeciesFeatures()
: MultiSpeciesPlugin
- getListOfSpeciesFeatureTypes()
: MultiSpeciesType
- getListOfSpeciesFeatureValues()
: SpeciesFeature
- getListOfSpeciesGlyphs()
: Layout
- getListOfSpeciesReferenceGlyphs()
: ReactionGlyph
- getListOfSpeciesTypeComponentIndexes()
: MultiSpeciesType
- getListOfSpeciesTypeComponentMapInProducts()
: MultiSpeciesReferencePlugin
- getListOfSpeciesTypeInstances()
: MultiSpeciesType
- getListOfSpeciesTypes()
: Model
- getListOfStyles()
: GlobalRenderInformation
, LocalRenderInformation
- getListOfSubGlyphs()
: GeneralGlyph
- getListOfSubmodels()
: CompModelPlugin
- getListOfTextGlyphs()
: Layout
- getListOfTransitions()
: QualModelPlugin
- getListOfUncertainties()
: DistribSBasePlugin
- getListOfUncertParameters()
: Uncertainty
, UncertParameter
- getListOfUnitDefinitions()
: Model
- getListOfUnits()
: UnitDefinition
- getListOfUserDefinedConstraintComponents()
: UserDefinedConstraint
- getListOfUserDefinedConstraints()
: FbcModelPlugin
- getLocalParameter()
: KineticLaw
- getLocalStyle()
: LocalRenderInformation
- getLocationURI()
: SBMLDocument
- getLowerBound()
: UserDefinedConstraint
- getLowerFluxBound()
: FbcReactionPlugin
- getMajorVersion()
: ListOfGlobalRenderInformation
, ListOfLocalRenderInformation
- getMantissa()
: ASTNode
- getMath()
: AnalyticVolume
, Constraint
, Delay
, EventAssignment
, FunctionDefinition
, FunctionTerm
, InitialAssignment
, KineticLaw
, Priority
, Rule
, StoichiometryMath
, Trigger
, UncertParameter
- getMathNotSupportedFlag()
: SBMLRateRuleConverter
- getMatrix()
: Transformation
- getMatrix2D()
: Transformation2D
- getMaxLevel()
: QualitativeSpecies
- getMaxValue()
: SampledVolume
- getMd5()
: ExternalModelDefinition
- getMember()
: Group
- getMemberByIdRef()
: Group
- getMessage()
: Constraint
, FbcExtension
, XMLError
- getMessageString()
: Constraint
- getMetaId()
: SBase
- getMetaIdRef()
: GraphicalObject
, Member
, SBaseRef
- getMinorVersion()
: ListOfGlobalRenderInformation
, ListOfLocalRenderInformation
- getMinute()
: Date
- getMinutesOffset()
: Date
- getMinValue()
: SampledVolume
- getModel()
: CompSBMLDocumentPlugin
, L3ParserSettings
, SBase
, SBMLDocument
, SBMLValidator
- getModelDefinition()
: CompSBMLDocumentPlugin
- getModelHistory()
: SBase
- getModelQualifierType()
: CVTerm
- getModelRef()
: ExternalModelDefinition
, Submodel
- getModifiedDate()
: ModelHistory
, SBase
- getModifier()
: Reaction
- getModifiers()
: SBMLRateRuleConverter
- getModifierSpeciesReference()
: Model
- getMonth()
: Date
- getMultiplier()
: Unit
- getMultiSpeciesType()
: MultiModelPlugin
- getName()
: AdjacentDomains
, AnalyticVolume
, ASTNode
, Boundary
, ColorDefinition
, Compartment
, CompartmentMapping
, CompartmentReference
, CompartmentType
, CompExtension
, CoordinateComponent
, CSGNode
, CSGObject
, Deletion
, DistribBase
, DistribExtension
, Domain
, DomainType
, Event
, ExternalModelDefinition
, FbcExtension
, FluxBound
, FluxObjective
, FunctionDefinition
, GeneProduct
, GeneProductAssociation
, GeneProductRef
, GeometryDefinition
, GradientBase
, Group
, GroupsExtension
, Input
, InSpeciesTypeBond
, KeyValuePair
, Layout
, LayoutExtension
, ListOfMembers
, Member
, Model
, ModelCreator
, MultiExtension
, MultiSpeciesType
, Objective
, Output
, OutwardBindingSite
, Parameter
, ParametricObject
, Port
, PossibleSpeciesFeatureValue
, QualExtension
, QualitativeSpecies
, Reaction
, RenderExtension
, RenderInformationBase
, SampledField
, SampledVolume
, SBase
, SBMLConverter
, SBMLExtension
, SimpleSpeciesReference
, SpatialExtension
, SpatialPoints
, Species
, SpeciesFeature
, SpeciesFeatureType
, SpeciesType
, SpeciesTypeComponentIndex
, SpeciesTypeComponentMapInProduct
, SpeciesTypeInstance
, Style
, SubListOfSpeciesFeatures
, Submodel
, Transformation
, Transition
, UnitDefinition
, UserDefinedConstraint
, UserDefinedConstraintComponent
, XMLAttributes
, XMLToken
, XMLTriple
- getNamespaceIndex()
: XMLToken
- getNamespaceIndexByPrefix()
: XMLToken
- getNamespacePrefix()
: XMLToken
- getNamespaces()
: SBase
, SBMLDocument
, SBMLNamespaces
, XMLToken
- getNamespacesLength()
: XMLToken
- getNamespaceURI()
: XMLToken
- getNegDer()
: SBMLRateRuleConverter
- getNestedCVTerm()
: CVTerm
- getNotes()
: SBase
- getNotesString()
: SBase
- getNumAdditionalGraphicalObjects()
: Layout
- getNumAdjacentDomains()
: Geometry
, ListOfAdjacentDomains
- getNumAnalyticVolumes()
: AnalyticGeometry
, ListOfAnalyticVolumes
- getNumArguments()
: FunctionDefinition
- getNumAssociations()
: Association
, FbcAnd
, FbcOr
- getNumASTPlugins()
: SBMLExtensionRegistry
- getNumAttributes()
: XMLAttributes
- getNumCallbacks()
: CallbackRegistry
- getNumChildren()
: ASTNode
, XMLNode
- getNumColorDefinitions()
: ListOfColorDefinitions
, RenderInformationBase
- getNumCompartmentGlyphs()
: Layout
- getNumCompartmentReferences()
: MultiCompartmentPlugin
- getNumCompartments()
: Model
- getNumCompartmentTypes()
: Model
- getNumConstraints()
: Model
- getNumConverters()
: SBMLConverterRegistry
- getNumCoordinateComponents()
: Geometry
, ListOfCoordinateComponents
- getNumCreators()
: ModelHistory
- getNumCSGNodes()
: CSGSetOperator
, ListOfCSGNodes
- getNumCSGObjects()
: CSGeometry
, ListOfCSGObjects
- getNumCurveSegments()
: Curve
- getNumCVTerms()
: SBase
- getNumDashes()
: GraphicalPrimitive1D
- getNumDefinitionURLs()
: DefinitionURLRegistry
- getNumDeletions()
: Submodel
- getNumDisabledPlugins()
: SBase
- getNumDomains()
: Geometry
, ListOfDomains
- getNumDomainTypes()
: Geometry
, ListOfDomainTypes
- getNumElements()
: Polygon
, RenderCurve
, RenderGroup
- getNumerator()
: ASTNode
- getNumericValue()
: PossibleSpeciesFeatureValue
- getNumErrors()
: SBMLDocument
, XMLErrorLog
- getNumEventAssignments()
: Event
- getNumEvents()
: Model
- getNumExtension()
: SBMLExtensionRegistry
- getNumExternalModelDefinitions()
: CompSBMLDocumentPlugin
- getNumFailsWithSeverity()
: SBMLErrorLog
- getNumFailures()
: SBMLValidator
- getNumFbcAssociations()
: ListOfFbcAssociations
- getNumFluxBounds()
: FbcModelPlugin
- getNumFluxObjectives()
: ListOfFluxObjectives
, Objective
- getNumFunctionDefinitions()
: Model
- getNumFunctionTerms()
: Transition
- getNumGeneAssociations()
: FbcModelPlugin
- getNumGeneProducts()
: FbcModelPlugin
, ListOfGeneProducts
- getNumGeneralGlyphs()
: Layout
- getNumGeometryDefinitions()
: Geometry
, ListOfGeometryDefinitions
, MixedGeometry
- getNumGlobalRenderInformation()
: ListOfGlobalRenderInformation
- getNumGlobalRenderInformationObjects()
: RenderListOfLayoutsPlugin
- getNumGlobalStyles()
: GlobalRenderInformation
, ListOfGlobalStyles
- getNumGradientBases()
: ListOfGradientDefinitions
- getNumGradientDefinitions()
: RenderInformationBase
- getNumGradientStops()
: GradientBase
, ListOfGradientStops
- getNumGroups()
: GroupsModelPlugin
, ListOfGroups
- getNumIds()
: LocalStyle
- getNumInitialAssignments()
: Model
- getNumInputs()
: Transition
- getNumInSpeciesTypeBonds()
: MultiSpeciesType
- getNumInteriorPoints()
: Domain
, ListOfInteriorPoints
- getNumKeyValuePairs()
: FbcSBasePlugin
, ListOfKeyValuePairs
- getNumLayouts()
: LayoutModelPlugin
- getNumLineEndings()
: ListOfLineEndings
, RenderInformationBase
- getNumLocalParameters()
: KineticLaw
- getNumLocalRenderInformation()
: ListOfLocalRenderInformation
- getNumLocalRenderInformationObjects()
: RenderLayoutPlugin
- getNumLocalStyles()
: ListOfLocalStyles
, LocalRenderInformation
- getNumMembers()
: Group
, ListOfMembers
- getNumModelDefinitions()
: CompSBMLDocumentPlugin
- getNumModifiedDates()
: ModelHistory
, SBase
- getNumModifiers()
: Reaction
- getNumMultiSpeciesTypes()
: MultiModelPlugin
- getNumNamespaces()
: XMLNamespaces
- getNumNestedCVTerms()
: CVTerm
- getNumObjectives()
: FbcModelPlugin
, ListOfObjectives
- getNumOfSBasePlugins()
: SBMLExtension
- getNumOfSupportedPackageURI()
: SBasePluginCreatorBase
, SBMLExtension
- getNumOptions()
: ConversionProperties
- getNumOrdinalMappings()
: ListOfOrdinalMappings
, MixedGeometry
- getNumOutputs()
: Transition
- getNumOutwardBindingSites()
: MultiSpeciesPlugin
- getNumParameters()
: KineticLaw
, Model
- getNumParametricObjects()
: ListOfParametricObjects
, ParametricGeometry
- getNumPlugins()
: SBase
- getNumPorts()
: CompModelPlugin
- getNumPossibleSpeciesFeatureValues()
: SpeciesFeatureType
- getNumProducts()
: Reaction
- getNumQualitativeSpecies()
: QualModelPlugin
- getNumReactants()
: Reaction
- getNumReactionGlyphs()
: Layout
- getNumReactions()
: Model
- getNumReferenceGlyphs()
: GeneralGlyph
- getNumReferents()
: ReplacedElement
, SBaseRef
- getNumRegisteredPackages()
: SBMLExtensionRegistry
- getNumRenderPoints()
: ListOfCurveElements
- getNumReplacedElements()
: CompSBasePlugin
- getNumResolvers()
: SBMLResolverRegistry
- getNumResources()
: CVTerm
- getNumRoles()
: Style
- getNumRules()
: Model
- getNumSampledFields()
: Geometry
, ListOfSampledFields
- getNumSampledVolumes()
: ListOfSampledVolumes
, SampledFieldGeometry
- getNumSamples1()
: SampledField
- getNumSamples2()
: SampledField
- getNumSamples3()
: SampledField
- getNumSemanticsAnnotations()
: ASTNode
- getNumSpecies()
: Model
- getNumSpeciesFeatures()
: ListOfSpeciesFeatures
, MultiSpeciesPlugin
, SubListOfSpeciesFeatures
- getNumSpeciesFeatureTypes()
: MultiSpeciesType
- getNumSpeciesFeatureValues()
: SpeciesFeature
- getNumSpeciesGlyphs()
: Layout
- getNumSpeciesReferenceGlyphs()
: ReactionGlyph
- getNumSpeciesTypeComponentIndexes()
: MultiSpeciesType
- getNumSpeciesTypeComponentMapInProducts()
: MultiSpeciesReferencePlugin
- getNumSpeciesTypeInstances()
: MultiSpeciesType
- getNumSpeciesTypes()
: Model
- getNumSpeciesWithBoundaryCondition()
: Model
- getNumStyles()
: GlobalRenderInformation
, LocalRenderInformation
- getNumSubGlyphs()
: GeneralGlyph
- getNumSubListOfSpeciesFeatures()
: ListOfSpeciesFeatures
, MultiSpeciesPlugin
- getNumSubmodels()
: CompModelPlugin
- getNumTextGlyphs()
: Layout
- getNumTransformation2Ds()
: ListOfDrawables
- getNumTransitions()
: QualModelPlugin
- getNumTypes()
: Style
- getNumUncertainties()
: DistribSBasePlugin
, ListOfUncertainties
- getNumUncertParameters()
: ListOfUncertParameters
, Uncertainty
, UncertParameter
- getNumUnitDefinitions()
: Model
- getNumUnits()
: UnitDefinition
- getNumUserDefinedConstraintComponents()
: ListOfUserDefinedConstraintComponents
, UserDefinedConstraint
- getNumUserDefinedConstraints()
: FbcModelPlugin
, ListOfUserDefinedConstraints
- getObjective()
: FbcModelPlugin
- getObjectiveType()
: Objective
- getObjectRole()
: RenderGraphicalObjectPlugin
- getOccur()
: SpeciesFeature
, SpeciesFeatureType
- getOde()
: SBMLRateRuleConverter
- getOffset()
: GradientStop
, Unit
- getOperation()
: FluxBound
- getOperationType()
: CSGSetOperator
- getOperationTypeAsString()
: CSGSetOperator
- getOperatorName()
: ASTNode
- getOption()
: ConversionProperties
- getOrder()
: CompartmentGlyph
- getOrdinal()
: AnalyticVolume
, CSGObject
, OrdinalMapping
- getOrdinalMapping()
: MixedGeometry
- getOrdinalMappingByGeometryDefinition()
: MixedGeometry
- getOrganisation()
: ModelCreator
- getOrganization()
: ModelCreator
- getOriginOfTextId()
: TextGlyph
- getOutput()
: Transition
- getOutputBySpecies()
: Transition
- getOutputLevel()
: Output
- getOutside()
: Compartment
- getOutwardBindingSite()
: MultiSpeciesPlugin
- getPackage()
: XMLError
- getPackageCoreVersion()
: SBase
- getPackageName()
: CompBase
, CompExtension
, DistribExtension
, FbcExtension
, GroupsExtension
, LayoutExtension
, MultiExtension
, QualExtension
, RenderExtension
, SBase
, SBaseExtensionPoint
, SBasePlugin
, SBMLExtensionNamespaces< SBMLExtensionType >
, SBMLNamespaces
, SpatialExtension
- getPackageRequired()
: SBMLDocument
- getPackageToStrip()
: SBMLStripPackageConverter
- getPackageURI()
: CompBase
- getPackageVersion()
: CompBase
, CompExtension
, DistribExtension
, FbcExtension
, GroupsExtension
, LayoutExtension
, MultiExtension
, QualExtension
, RenderExtension
, SBase
, SBasePlugin
, SBMLExtension
, SBMLExtensionNamespaces< SBMLExtensionType >
, SpatialExtension
- getParameter()
: KineticLaw
, Model
- getParametricObject()
: ParametricGeometry
- getParametricObjectByDomainType()
: ParametricGeometry
- getParentModel()
: CompBase
- getParentSBMLObject()
: ASTNode
, SBase
, SBasePlugin
- getParseAvogadroCsymbol()
: L3ParserSettings
- getParseCollapseMinus()
: L3ParserSettings
- getParseL3v2Functions()
: L3ParserSettings
- getParseLog()
: L3ParserSettings
- getParseModuloL3v2()
: L3ParserSettings
- getParsePackageMath()
: L3ParserSettings
- getParseUnits()
: L3ParserSettings
- getPath()
- getPersistent()
: Trigger
- getPkgRequired()
: SBMLDocument
- getPlugin()
: SBase
- getPointIndex()
: ParametricObject
- getPointIndexLength()
: ParametricObject
- getPolygonType()
: ParametricObject
- getPolygonTypeAsString()
: ParametricObject
- getPort()
: CompModelPlugin
- getPortRef()
: SBaseRef
- getPosDer()
: SBMLRateRuleConverter
- getPosition()
: BoundingBox
- getPositionExplicitlySet()
: BoundingBox
- getPossibleSpeciesFeatureValue()
: SpeciesFeatureType
- getPrecedence()
: ASTNode
- getPrefix()
: SBase
, SBasePlugin
, XMLAttributes
, XMLNamespaces
, XMLToken
, XMLTriple
- getPrefixedName()
: XMLAttributes
, XMLTriple
- getPrimitiveType()
: CSGPrimitive
- getPrimitiveTypeAsString()
: CSGPrimitive
- getPriority()
: Event
- getProduct()
: Reaction
- getProductComponent()
: SpeciesTypeComponentMapInProduct
- getProducts()
: SBMLRateRuleConverter
- getProgramName()
: RenderInformationBase
- getProgramVersion()
: RenderInformationBase
- getProperties()
: SBMLConverter
- getQualifierType()
: CVTerm
- getQualitativeSpecies()
: Input
, Output
, QualModelPlugin
- getQuery()
- getR()
: RadialGradient
- getRadialGradient_cx()
: DefaultValues
- getRadialGradient_cy()
: DefaultValues
- getRadialGradient_cz()
: DefaultValues
- getRadialGradient_fx()
: DefaultValues
- getRadialGradient_fy()
: DefaultValues
- getRadialGradient_fz()
: DefaultValues
- getRadialGradient_r()
: DefaultValues
- getRadius()
: RadialGradient
- getRadiusX()
: Rectangle
- getRadiusY()
: Rectangle
- getRateRule()
: Model
- getRateRuleByVariable()
: Model
- getRatio()
: Ellipse
, Rectangle
- getReactant()
: Reaction
, SpeciesTypeComponentMapInProduct
- getReactantComponent()
: SpeciesTypeComponentMapInProduct
- getReactants()
: SBMLRateRuleConverter
- getReaction()
: FluxBound
, FluxObjective
, GeneAssociation
, Model
- getReaction2()
: FluxObjective
- getReactionGlyph()
: Layout
- getReactionId()
: ReactionGlyph
- getReal()
: ASTNode
- getRed()
: ColorDefinition
- getReference()
: Association
- getReferencedElement()
: SBaseRef
- getReferencedElementFrom()
: ReplacedElement
, SBaseRef
- getReferencedModel()
: ExternalModelDefinition
- getReferenceGlyph()
: GeneralGlyph
- getReferenceId()
: GeneralGlyph
, ReferenceGlyph
- getReferenceRenderInformation()
: RenderInformationBase
- getReferenceRenderInformationId()
: RenderInformationBase
- getRegisteredPackageName()
: SBMLExtensionRegistry
- getRegisteredPackageNames()
: SBMLExtensionRegistry
- getRelation()
: SubListOfSpeciesFeatures
- getRelativeValue()
: RelAbsVector
- getRenderInformation()
: RenderLayoutPlugin
, RenderListOfLayoutsPlugin
- getReplacedBy()
: CompSBasePlugin
- getReplacedElement()
: CompSBasePlugin
- getRepresentationType()
: MultiASTPlugin
- getRequired()
: SBMLDocumentPlugin
- getResolvedURI()
: CompSBMLDocumentPlugin
- getResolverByIndex()
: SBMLResolverRegistry
- getResourceBiologicalQualifier()
: SBase
- getResourceModelQualifier()
: SBase
- getResources()
: CVTerm
- getResourceURI()
: CVTerm
- getResultLevel()
: DefaultTerm
, FunctionTerm
- getReversible()
: Reaction
- getRightChild()
: ASTNode
- getRole()
: ReferenceGlyph
, SpeciesReferenceGlyph
- getRoleList()
: Style
- getRoleString()
: SpeciesReferenceGlyph
- getRotateAngleInRadians()
: CSGRotation
- getRotateX()
: CSGRotation
- getRotateY()
: CSGRotation
- getRotateZ()
: CSGRotation
- getRule()
: Model
- getRuleByVariable()
: Model
- getRX()
: Ellipse
, Rectangle
- getRY()
: Ellipse
, Rectangle
- getSampledField()
: Geometry
, SampledFieldGeometry
- getSampledValue()
: SampledVolume
- getSampledVolume()
: SampledFieldGeometry
- getSampledVolumeByDomainType()
: SampledFieldGeometry
- getSamples()
: SampledField
- getSamplesLength()
: SampledField
- getSBaseRef()
: SBaseRef
- getSBMLDocument()
: SBase
, SBasePlugin
- getSBMLErrMsg()
: SBMLConstructorException
- getSBMLExtensionNamespaces()
: CompExtension
, DistribExtension
, FbcExtension
, GroupsExtension
, LayoutExtension
, MultiExtension
, QualExtension
, RenderExtension
, SBMLExtension
, SpatialExtension
- getSBMLNamespaces()
: XMLInputStream
, XMLOutputStream
- getSBMLNamespaceURI()
: SBMLNamespaces
- getSBOTerm()
: SBase
- getSBOTermAsURL()
: SBase
- getSBOTermID()
: SBase
- getScale()
: Unit
- getScaleX()
: CSGScale
- getScaleY()
: CSGScale
- getScaleZ()
: CSGScale
- getScheme()
- getSecond()
: Date
- getSemanticsAnnotation()
: ASTNode
- getSeverity()
: FbcExtension
, VConstraint
, XMLError
- getSeverityAsString()
: XMLError
- getSeverityOverride()
: XMLErrorLog
- getShortMessage()
: FbcExtension
, XMLError
- getSign()
: Input
- getSignOffset()
: Date
- getSize()
: Compartment
, List
- getSource()
: ExternalModelDefinition
- getSpatialDimensions()
: Compartment
, DomainType
- getSpatialDimensionsAsDouble()
: Compartment
- getSpatialPoints()
: ParametricGeometry
- getSpatialRef()
: SpatialSymbolReference
- getSpatialSizeUnits()
: Species
- getSpatialSymbolReference()
: SpatialParameterPlugin
- getSpecies()
: Model
, SimpleSpeciesReference
- getSpeciesFeature()
: MultiSpeciesPlugin
- getSpeciesFeatureType()
: MultiSpeciesType
, SpeciesFeature
- getSpeciesFeatureValue()
: SpeciesFeature
- getSpeciesGlyph()
: Layout
- getSpeciesGlyphId()
: SpeciesReferenceGlyph
- getSpeciesId()
: SpeciesGlyph
- getSpeciesReference()
: Model
, MultiASTPlugin
- getSpeciesReferenceGlyph()
: ReactionGlyph
- getSpeciesReferenceId()
: SpeciesReferenceGlyph
- getSpeciesType()
: Model
, MultiSpeciesPlugin
, Species
, SpeciesTypeInstance
- getSpeciesTypeComponentIndex()
: MultiSpeciesType
- getSpeciesTypeComponentMapInProduct()
: MultiSpeciesReferencePlugin
- getSpeciesTypeInstance()
: MultiSpeciesType
- getSpreadMethod()
: DefaultValues
, GradientBase
- getSpreadMethodAsString()
: DefaultValues
, GradientBase
- getSpreadMethodString()
: GradientBase
- getStandardMessage()
: XMLError
- getStart()
: LineSegment
- getStartHead()
: DefaultValues
, RenderCurve
, RenderGroup
- getStoichiometry()
: SpeciesReference
- getStoichiometryMath()
: SpeciesReference
- getStopColor()
: GradientStop
- getStrict()
: FbcModelPlugin
, FbcV1ToV2Converter
- getStringFromTypeCode()
: CompExtension
, DistribExtension
, FbcExtension
, GroupsExtension
, LayoutExtension
, MultiExtension
, QualExtension
, RenderExtension
, SBMLExtension
, SpatialExtension
- getStroke()
: DefaultValues
, GraphicalPrimitive1D
- getStrokeDashArray()
: GraphicalPrimitive1D
- getStrokeWidth()
: DefaultValues
, GraphicalPrimitive1D
- getStyle()
: ASTNode
, GlobalRenderInformation
, LocalRenderInformation
- getSubGlyph()
: GeneralGlyph
- getSubListOfSpeciesFeatures()
: ListOfSpeciesFeatures
, MultiSpeciesPlugin
- getSubmodel()
: CompModelPlugin
- getSubmodelRef()
: Replacing
- getSubstanceConversionFactor()
: Submodel
- getSubstanceUnits()
: KineticLaw
, Model
, Species
- getSupportedNamespaces()
: SBMLNamespaces
- getSupportedPackageURI()
: SBasePluginCreatorBase
, SBMLExtension
- getSymbol()
: InitialAssignment
- getTargetExtensionPoint()
: SBasePluginCreatorBase
- getTargetLevel()
: SBMLLevelVersionConverter
- getTargetNamespaces()
: ConversionProperties
, SBMLConverter
- getTargetPackageName()
: SBasePluginCreatorBase
- getTargetSBMLTypeCode()
: SBasePluginCreatorBase
- getTargetVersion()
: SBMLLevelVersionConverter
- getText()
: Text
, TextGlyph
- getTextAnchor()
: DefaultValues
, RenderGroup
, Text
- getTextAnchorAsString()
: DefaultValues
, RenderGroup
, Text
- getTextGlyph()
: Layout
- getThresholdLevel()
: Input
- getTimeConversionFactor()
: Submodel
- getTimeUnits()
: Event
, KineticLaw
, Model
- getToFunctionDefinition()
: SBMLRateOfConverter
- getTransform()
: Transformation
- getTransformer()
: CompModelPlugin
- getTransition()
: QualModelPlugin
- getTransitionEffect()
: Input
, Output
- getTranslateX()
: CSGTranslation
- getTranslateY()
: CSGTranslation
- getTranslateZ()
: CSGTranslation
- getTrigger()
: Event
- getType()
: Association
, ASTNode
, BoundaryCondition
, ConversionOption
, ConversionProperties
, CoordinateComponent
, DefinitionURLRegistry
, DiffusionCoefficient
, Objective
, Rule
, SpatialParameterPlugin
, UncertParameter
- getTypeAsString()
: BoundaryCondition
, CoordinateComponent
, DiffusionCoefficient
, UncertParameter
- getTypeCode()
: AdjacentDomains
, AdvectionCoefficient
, AnalyticGeometry
, AnalyticVolume
, Association
, BindingSiteSpeciesType
, Boundary
, BoundaryCondition
, BoundingBox
, ColorDefinition
, Compartment
, CompartmentGlyph
, CompartmentMapping
, CompartmentReference
, CompartmentType
, Constraint
, CoordinateComponent
, CSGeometry
, CSGHomogeneousTransformation
, CSGNode
, CSGObject
, CSGPrimitive
, CSGRotation
, CSGScale
, CSGSetOperator
, CSGTransformation
, CSGTranslation
, CubicBezier
, Curve
, DefaultTerm
, DefaultValues
, Delay
, Deletion
, DiffusionCoefficient
, Dimensions
, DistribBase
, Domain
, DomainType
, Ellipse
, Event
, EventAssignment
, ExternalModelDefinition
, FbcAnd
, FbcAssociation
, FbcOr
, FluxBound
, FluxObjective
, FunctionDefinition
, FunctionTerm
, GeneAssociation
, GeneProduct
, GeneProductAssociation
, GeneProductRef
, GeneralGlyph
, Geometry
, GeometryDefinition
, GlobalRenderInformation
, GlobalStyle
, GradientBase
, GradientStop
, GraphicalObject
, GraphicalPrimitive1D
, GraphicalPrimitive2D
, Group
, Image
, InitialAssignment
, Input
, InSpeciesTypeBond
, InteriorPoint
, IntraSpeciesReaction
, KeyValuePair
, KineticLaw
, Layout
, LinearGradient
, LineEnding
, LineSegment
, ListOf
, ListOfAdjacentDomains
, ListOfAnalyticVolumes
, ListOfColorDefinitions
, ListOfCompartmentReferences
, ListOfCoordinateComponents
, ListOfCSGNodes
, ListOfCSGObjects
, ListOfCurveElements
, ListOfDomains
, ListOfDomainTypes
, ListOfDrawables
, ListOfFbcAssociations
, ListOfFluxObjectives
, ListOfGeneProducts
, ListOfGeometryDefinitions
, ListOfGlobalRenderInformation
, ListOfGlobalStyles
, ListOfGradientDefinitions
, ListOfGradientStops
, ListOfGroups
, ListOfInSpeciesTypeBonds
, ListOfInteriorPoints
, ListOfKeyValuePairs
, ListOfLineEndings
, ListOfLocalRenderInformation
, ListOfLocalStyles
, ListOfMembers
, ListOfMultiSpeciesTypes
, ListOfObjectives
, ListOfOrdinalMappings
, ListOfOutwardBindingSites
, ListOfParametricObjects
, ListOfPossibleSpeciesFeatureValues
, ListOfSampledFields
, ListOfSampledVolumes
, ListOfSpeciesFeatures
, ListOfSpeciesFeatureTypes
, ListOfSpeciesFeatureValues
, ListOfSpeciesTypeComponentIndexes
, ListOfSpeciesTypeComponentMapInProducts
, ListOfSpeciesTypeInstances
, ListOfUncertainties
, ListOfUncertParameters
, ListOfUserDefinedConstraintComponents
, ListOfUserDefinedConstraints
, LocalParameter
, LocalRenderInformation
, LocalStyle
, Member
, MixedGeometry
, Model
, ModelDefinition
, ModifierSpeciesReference
, MultiSpeciesType
, Objective
, OrdinalMapping
, Output
, OutwardBindingSite
, Parameter
, ParametricGeometry
, ParametricObject
, Point
, Polygon
, Port
, PossibleSpeciesFeatureValue
, Priority
, QualitativeSpecies
, RadialGradient
, Reaction
, ReactionGlyph
, Rectangle
, ReferenceGlyph
, RenderCubicBezier
, RenderCurve
, RenderGroup
, RenderInformationBase
, RenderPoint
, ReplacedBy
, ReplacedElement
, Rule
, SampledField
, SampledFieldGeometry
, SampledVolume
, SBase
, SBaseExtensionPoint
, SBaseRef
, SBMLDocument
, SpatialPoints
, SpatialSymbolReference
, Species
, SpeciesFeature
, SpeciesFeatureType
, SpeciesFeatureValue
, SpeciesGlyph
, SpeciesReference
, SpeciesReferenceGlyph
, SpeciesType
, SpeciesTypeComponentIndex
, SpeciesTypeComponentMapInProduct
, SpeciesTypeInstance
, StoichiometryMath
, Style
, SubListOfSpeciesFeatures
, Submodel
, Text
, TextGlyph
, Transformation2D
, Transformation
, TransformationComponent
, Transition
, Trigger
, Uncertainty
, UncertParameter
, UncertSpan
, Unit
, UnitDefinition
, UserDefinedConstraint
, UserDefinedConstraintComponent
- getTypeList()
: Style
- getUncertainty()
: DistribSBasePlugin
- getUncertParameter()
: Uncertainty
, UncertParameter
- getUncertParameterByType()
: Uncertainty
- getUncertParameterByVar()
: Uncertainty
, UncertParameter
- getUncompressed()
: ParametricObject
, SampledField
, SpatialPoints
- getUncompressedData()
: ParametricObject
, SampledField
, SpatialPoints
- getUncompressedLength()
: ParametricObject
, SampledField
, SpatialPoints
- getUnit()
: CoordinateComponent
, UnitDefinition
- getUnitDefinition()
: Model
- getUnitDefinitionFromPackage()
: DistribASTPlugin
- getUnitRef()
: SBaseRef
- getUnits()
: ASTNode
, Compartment
, Parameter
, Rule
, Species
, UncertParameter
- getUnitSize()
: CompartmentMapping
- getUpperBound()
: UserDefinedConstraint
- getUpperFluxBound()
: FbcReactionPlugin
- getURI()
: CompExtension
, DistribExtension
, FbcExtension
, GroupsExtension
- getUri()
: KeyValuePair
- getURI()
: LayoutExtension
, MultiExtension
, QualExtension
, RenderExtension
, SBase
, SBasePlugin
, SBMLExtension
, SBMLExtensionNamespaces< SBMLExtensionType >
, SBMLNamespaces
- getUri()
- getURI()
: SpatialExtension
, XMLAttributes
, XMLNamespaces
, XMLToken
, XMLTriple
- getUserData()
: ASTNode
, ElementFilter
, SBase
- getUserDefinedConstraint()
: FbcModelPlugin
- getUserDefinedConstraintByLowerBound()
: FbcModelPlugin
- getUserDefinedConstraintByUpperBound()
: FbcModelPlugin
- getUserDefinedConstraintComponent()
: UserDefinedConstraint
- getUserDefinedConstraintComponentByVariable()
: UserDefinedConstraint
- getUseValuesFromTriggerTime()
: Event
- getValidityFlag()
: SBMLLevelVersionConverter
- getValue()
: ASTNode
, Boundary
, ColorDefinition
, ConversionOption
, ConversionProperties
, FluxBound
, KeyValuePair
, Parameter
, SpeciesFeatureValue
, UncertParameter
, XMLAttributes
- getValueLower()
: UncertSpan
- getValueUpper()
: UncertSpan
- getVar()
: UncertParameter
- getVariable()
: AdvectionCoefficient
, BoundaryCondition
, DiffusionCoefficient
, EventAssignment
, Rule
, UserDefinedConstraintComponent
- getVariable2()
: UserDefinedConstraintComponent
- getVariableType()
: FluxObjective
, UserDefinedConstraintComponent
- getVariableTypeAsString()
: FluxObjective
, UserDefinedConstraintComponent
- getVarLower()
: UncertSpan
- getVarUpper()
: UncertSpan
- getVersion()
: CompExtension
, DistribExtension
, FbcExtension
, GroupsExtension
, LayoutExtension
, MultiExtension
, QualExtension
, RenderExtension
, SBase
, SBasePlugin
, SBMLExtension
, SBMLNamespaces
, SpatialExtension
, XMLInputStream
- getVersionString()
: ListOfGlobalRenderInformation
, ListOfLocalRenderInformation
- getVolume()
: Compartment
- getVolumeUnits()
: Model
- getVTextAnchor()
: DefaultValues
, RenderGroup
, Text
- getVTextAnchorAsString()
: DefaultValues
, RenderGroup
, Text
- getWidth()
: Dimensions
, Image
, Rectangle
- getWriteComment()
: XMLOutputStream
- getWriteTimestamp()
: XMLOutputStream
- getX()
: Image
, Rectangle
, RenderPoint
, Text
- getX1()
: LinearGradient
- getX2()
: LinearGradient
- getXmlns()
: ListOfKeyValuePairs
- getXmlnsL2()
: LayoutExtension
, RenderExtension
- getXmlnsL3V1V1()
: CompExtension
, DistribExtension
, FbcExtension
, GroupsExtension
, LayoutExtension
, MultiExtension
, QualExtension
, RenderExtension
, SpatialExtension
- getXmlnsL3V1V2()
: FbcExtension
- getXmlnsL3V1V3()
: FbcExtension
- getXmlnsXSI()
: LayoutExtension
- getXOffset()
: Point
- getXPoint1()
: LinearGradient
- getXPoint2()
: LinearGradient
- getY()
: Image
, Rectangle
, RenderPoint
, Text
- getY1()
: LinearGradient
- getY2()
: LinearGradient
- getYear()
: Date
- getYOffset()
: Point
- getYPoint1()
: LinearGradient
- getYPoint2()
: LinearGradient
- getZ()
: Image
, Rectangle
, RenderPoint
, Text
- getZ1()
: LinearGradient
- getZ2()
: LinearGradient
- getZOffset()
: Point
- getZOffsetExplicitlySet()
: Point
- getZPoint1()
: LinearGradient
- getZPoint2()
: LinearGradient
- GlobalRenderInformation()
: GlobalRenderInformation
- GlobalStyle()
: GlobalStyle
- GradientBase()
: GradientBase
, ListOfGradientStops
- GradientStop()
: GradientStop
- GraphicalObject()
: GraphicalObject
- GraphicalPrimitive1D()
: GraphicalPrimitive1D
- GraphicalPrimitive2D()
: GraphicalPrimitive2D
- Group()
: Group
- GroupsExtension()
: GroupsExtension
- GroupsModelPlugin()
: GroupsModelPlugin
- GroupsSBMLDocumentPlugin()
: GroupsSBMLDocumentPlugin
- GroupsValidator()
: GroupsValidator