Translates infix formulas into MathML and vice-versa, using the SBML Level 3 parser instead of the old Level 1 parser.
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define BUFFER_SIZE 1024
using namespace std;
char *translateMathML (const char *xml);
main (int argc, char* argv[])
char line[BUFFER_SIZE];
char* trimmed;
char* result;
char* str;
size_t len;
StringBuffer_t* sb = StringBuffer_create(1024);
cout << endl
<< "This program translates L3 infix formulas into MathML and" << endl
<< "vice-versa. Enter or return on an empty line triggers" << endl
<< "translation. Ctrl-C quits" << endl
<< endl;
cout << "Enter infix formula, MathML expression, or change parsing rules with the keywords:\nLOG_AS_LOG10, LOG_AS_LN, LOG_AS_ERROR, EXPAND_UMINUS, COLLAPSE_UMINUS, TARGETL2, TARGETL3, NO_UNITS, UNITS, or FILE:<filename>\n(Ctrl-C to quit):"
<< endl << endl;
cout << "> " ;
cin.getline(line, BUFFER_SIZE, '\n');
while (line != 0)
trimmed = util_trim(line);
len = strlen(trimmed);
if (len > 0)
if (strcmp(line, "LOG_AS_LOG10")==0) {
cout << "Now parsing 'log(x)' as 'log10(x)'" << endl << endl << "> ";
else if (strcmp(line, "LOG_AS_LN")==0) {
cout << "Now parsing 'log(x)' as 'ln(x)'" << endl << endl << "> ";
else if (strcmp(line, "LOG_AS_ERROR")==0) {
cout << "Now parsing 'log(x)' as an error" << endl << endl << "> ";
else if (strcmp(line, "EXPAND_UMINUS")==0) {
cout << "Will now leave multiple unary minuses expanded, and all negative numbers will be translated using the <minus> construct." << endl << endl << "> ";
else if (strcmp(line, "COLLAPSE_UMINUS")==0) {
cout << "Will now collapse multiple unary minuses, and incorporate a negative sign into digits." << endl << endl << "> ";
else if (strcmp(line, "TARGETL2")==0) {
cout << "Will now target SBML Level 2 MathML, with no units on numbers, and no csymbol 'avogadro'." << endl << endl << "> ";
else if (strcmp(line, "NO_UNITS")==0) {
cout << "Will now target MathML but with no units on numbers." << endl << endl << "> ";
else if (strcmp(line, "UNITS")==0) {
cout << "Will now target MathML but with units on numbers." << endl << endl << "> ";
else if (strcmp(line, "TARGETL3")==0) {
cout << "Will now target SBML Level 3 MathML, including having units on numbers, and the csymbol 'avogadro'." << endl << endl << "> ";
else if (line[0] == 'F' && line[1] == 'I' && line[2]=='L' && line[3]=='E' && line[4]==':') {
string filename(line);
filename = filename.substr(5, filename.size());
delete doc;
cout << "File '" << filename << "' not found or no model present. Clearing the Model parsing object." << endl << endl << "> ";
else {
cout << "Using model from file " << filename << " to parse infix: all symbols present in that model will not be translated as native MathML or SBML-defined elements." << endl << endl << "> ";
else {
StringBuffer_append (sb, trimmed);
StringBuffer_appendChar(sb, ' ');
str = StringBuffer_getBuffer(sb);
result = (str[0] == '<') ? translateMathML(str) : translateInfix(str, settings);
cout << "Result:" << endl << endl << result << endl << endl << endl;
cin.getline(line, BUFFER_SIZE, '\n');
} while (line != 0);
return 0;
char *
char* result;
if (math==NULL) {
else {
return result;
char *
translateMathML (const char* xml)
char* result;
return result;
ASTNode_t * SBML_parseL3FormulaWithSettings(const char *formula, const L3ParserSettings_t *settings)
Parses a text string as a mathematical formula using specific parser settings and returns an AST repr...
Definition: L3Parser.cpp:3264
char * SBML_getLastParseL3Error()
Returns the last error reported by the "L3" mathematical formula parser.
Definition: L3Parser.cpp:3308
Retain unary minuses in the AST representation.
Definition: L3ParserSettings.h:327
Collapse unary minuses where possible.
Definition: L3ParserSettings.h:319
Definition: L3ParserSettings.h:305
Definition: L3ParserSettings.h:302
Definition: L3ParserSettings.h:299
ASTNode_t * readMathMLFromString(const char *xml)
Reads the MathML from the given XML string, constructs a corresponding abstract syntax tree,...
Definition: MathML.cpp:2273
char * writeMathMLToString(const ASTNode *node)
Definition: MathML.cpp:2428
SBMLDocument_t * readSBMLFromFile(const char *filename)
Reads an SBML document from the given file.
Include all SBML types in a single header file.
Definition: ASTNode.h:221
Definition: L3ParserSettings.h:455
void setParseLog(ParseLogType_t type)
Sets the behavior for handling log in mathematical formulas.
Definition: L3ParserSettings.cpp:142
void setModel(const Model *model)
Sets the model reference in this L3ParserSettings object.
Definition: L3ParserSettings.cpp:126
void setParseAvogadroCsymbol(bool l2only)
Sets the parser's behavior in handling the symbol avogadro in mathematical formulas.
Definition: L3ParserSettings.cpp:174
void setParseCollapseMinus(bool collapseminus)
Sets the behavior for handling unary minuses appearing in mathematical formulas.
Definition: L3ParserSettings.cpp:153
void setParseUnits(bool units)
Sets the parser's behavior in handling units associated with numbers in a mathematical formula.
Definition: L3ParserSettings.cpp:163
Definition: SBMLDocument.h:351
const Model * getModel() const
Returns the Model object stored in this SBMLDocument.
Definition: SBMLDocument.cpp:350
class ASTNode ASTNode_t
Definition: sbmlfwd.h:269