Implementation of the LayoutSBMLError class. More...
Implementation of the LayoutSBMLError class.
Codes for all SBML-level errors and warnings from the 'layout' package.
These are distinguished from other SBML error codes by having a number between 6000000 and 6099999.
Enumerator | |
LayoutUnknownError | Unknown error from layout |
LayoutNSUndeclared | The layout ns is not correctly declared |
LayoutElementNotInNs | Element not in layout namespace |
LayoutDuplicateComponentId | Duplicate 'id' attribute value |
LayoutSIdSyntax | 'id' attribute incorrect syntax |
LayoutXsiTypeAllowedLocations | 'xsi:type' allowed locations |
LayoutXsiTypeSyntax | 'xsi:type' attribute incorrect syntax |
LayoutAttributeRequiredMissing | Required layout:required attribute on |
LayoutAttributeRequiredMustBeBoolean | The layout:required attribute must be Boolean |
LayoutRequiredFalse | The layout:required attribute must be 'false' |
LayoutOnlyOneLOLayouts | Only one listOfLayouts on |
LayoutLOLayoutsNotEmpty | ListOf elements cannot be empty |
LayoutLOLayoutsAllowedElements | Allowed elements on ListOfLayouts |
LayoutLOLayoutsAllowedAttributes | Allowed attributes on ListOfLayouts |
LayoutLayoutAllowedElements | Allowed elements on Layout |
LayoutLayoutAllowedCoreAttributes | Allowed core attributes on Layout |
LayoutOnlyOneEachListOf | Only one each listOf on |
LayoutNoEmptyListOfs | ListOf elements cannot be empty |
LayoutLayoutAllowedAttributes |
LayoutLayoutNameMustBeString | 'name' must be string |
LayoutLOCompGlyphAllowedAttributes | Attributes allowed on |
LayoutLOCompGlyphAllowedElements | Elements allowed on |
LayoutLOSpeciesGlyphAllowedAttributes | Attributes allowed on |
LayoutLOSpeciesGlyphAllowedElements | Elements allowed on |
LayoutLORnGlyphAllowedAttributes | Attributes allowed on |
LayoutLORnGlyphAllowedElements | Elements allowed on |
LayoutLOAddGOAllowedAttribut | Attributes allowed on |
LayoutLOAddGOAllowedElements | Elements allowed on |
LayoutLayoutMustHaveDimensions | Layout must have |
LayoutLOTextGlyphAllowedAttributes | Attributes allowed on |
LayoutLOTextGlyphAllowedElements | Elements allowed on |
LayoutGOAllowedCoreElements | Core elements allowed on |
LayoutGOAllowedCoreAttributes | Core attributes allowed on |
LayoutGOAllowedElements | Layout elements allowed on |
LayoutGOAllowedAttributes | Layout attributes allowed on |
LayoutGOMetaIdRefMustBeIDREF | Layout 'metaidRef' must be IDREF. |
LayoutGOMetaIdRefMustReferenceObject | Layout 'metaidRef' must reference existing object. |
LayoutGOMustContainBoundingBox | A |
LayoutCGAllowedCoreElements | Core elements allowed on |
LayoutCGAllowedCoreAttributes | Core attributes allowed on |
LayoutCGAllowedElements | Layout elements allowed on |
LayoutCGAllowedAttributes | Layout attributes allowed on |
LayoutCGMetaIdRefMustBeIDREF | Layout 'metaidRef' must be IDREF. |
LayoutCGMetaIdRefMustReferenceObject | Layout 'metaidRef' must reference existing object. |
LayoutCGCompartmentSyntax | CompartmentGlyph 'compartment' must have SIdRef syntax. |
LayoutCGCompartmentMustRefComp | CompartmentGlyph compartment must reference existing compartment. |
LayoutCGNoDuplicateReferences | CompartmentGlyph cannot reference two objects. |
LayoutCGOrderMustBeDouble | CompartmentGlyph order must be double. |
LayoutSGAllowedCoreElements | Core elements allowed on |
LayoutSGAllowedCoreAttributes | Core attributes allowed on |
LayoutSGAllowedElements | Layout elements allowed on |
LayoutSGAllowedAttributes | Layout attributes allowed on |
LayoutSGMetaIdRefMustBeIDREF | Layout 'metaidRef' must be IDREF. |
LayoutSGMetaIdRefMustReferenceObject | Layout 'metaidRef' must reference existing object. |
LayoutSGSpeciesSyntax | SpeciesGlyph 'species' must have SIdRef syntax. |
LayoutSGSpeciesMustRefSpecies | SpeciesGlyph species must reference existing species. |
LayoutSGNoDuplicateReferences | SpeciesGlyph cannot reference two objects. |
LayoutRGAllowedCoreElements | Core elements allowed on |
LayoutRGAllowedCoreAttributes | Core attributes allowed on |
LayoutRGAllowedElements | Layout elements allowed on |
LayoutRGAllowedAttributes | Layout attributes allowed on |
LayoutRGMetaIdRefMustBeIDREF | Layout 'metaidRef' must be IDREF. |
LayoutRGMetaIdRefMustReferenceObject | Layout 'metaidRef' must reference existing object. |
LayoutRGReactionSyntax | ReactionGlyph 'reaction' must have SIdRef syntax. |
LayoutRGReactionMustRefReaction | ReactionGlyph reaction must reference existing reaction. |
LayoutRGNoDuplicateReferences | ReactionGlyph cannot reference two objects. |
LayoutLOSpeciesRefGlyphAllowedElements | Allowed elements on ListOfSpeciesReferenceGlyphs |
LayoutLOSpeciesRefGlyphAllowedAttribs | Allowed attributes on ListOfSpeciesReferenceGlyphs |
LayoutLOSpeciesRefGlyphNotEmpty | ListOfSpeciesReferenceGlyphs not empty |
LayoutGGAllowedCoreElements | Core elements allowed on |
LayoutGGAllowedCoreAttributes | Core attributes allowed on |
LayoutGGAllowedElements | Layout elements allowed on |
LayoutGGAllowedAttributes | Layout attributes allowed on |
LayoutGGMetaIdRefMustBeIDREF | Layout 'metaidRef' must be IDREF. |
LayoutGGMetaIdRefMustReferenceObject | Layout 'metaidRef' must reference existing object. |
LayoutGGReferenceSyntax | GeneralGlyph 'reference' must have SIdRef syntax. |
LayoutGGReferenceMustRefObject | GeneralGlyph 'reference' must reference existing element. |
LayoutGGNoDuplicateReferences | GeneralGlyph cannot reference two objects. |
LayoutLOReferenceGlyphAllowedElements | Allowed elements on ListOfReferenceGlyphs |
LayoutLOReferenceGlyphAllowedAttribs | Allowed attributes on ListOfReferenceGlyphs |
LayoutLOSubGlyphAllowedElements | Allowed elements on ListOfSubGlyphs |
LayoutLOSubGlyphAllowedAttribs | Allowed attributes on ListOfSubGlyphs |
LayoutTGAllowedCoreElements | Core elements allowed on |
LayoutTGAllowedCoreAttributes | Core attributes allowed on |
LayoutTGAllowedElements | Layout elements allowed on |
LayoutTGAllowedAttributes | Layout attributes allowed on |
LayoutTGMetaIdRefMustBeIDREF | Layout 'metaidRef' must be IDREF. |
LayoutTGMetaIdRefMustReferenceObject | Layout 'metaidRef' must reference existing object. |
LayoutTGOriginOfTextSyntax | TextGlyph 'originOfText' must have SIdRef syntax. |
LayoutTGOriginOfTextMustRefObject | TextGlyph 'originOfText' must reference existing element. |
LayoutTGNoDuplicateReferences | TextGlyph cannot reference two objects. |
LayoutTGGraphicalObjectSyntax | TextGlyph 'graphicalObject' must have SIdRef syntax. |
LayoutTGGraphicalObjectMustRefObject | TextGlyph 'graphicalObject' must reference existing element. |
LayoutTGTextMustBeString | TextGlyph 'text' must be string. |
LayoutSRGAllowedCoreElements | Core elements allowed on |
LayoutSRGAllowedCoreAttributes | Core attributes allowed on |
LayoutSRGAllowedElements | Layout elements allowed on |
LayoutSRGAllowedAttributes | Layout attributes allowed on |
LayoutSRGMetaIdRefMustBeIDREF | Layout 'metaidRef' must be IDREF. |
LayoutSRGMetaIdRefMustReferenceObject | Layout 'metaidRef' must reference existing object. |
LayoutSRGSpeciesReferenceSyntax | SpeciesReferenceGlyph 'speciesReference' must have SIdRef syntax. |
LayoutSRGSpeciesRefMustRefObject | SpeciesReferenceGlyph 'speciesReference' must reference existing element. |
LayoutSRGNoDuplicateReferences | SpeciesReferenceGlyph cannot reference two objects. |
LayoutSRGSpeciesGlyphSyntax | SpeciesReferenceGlyph 'speciesGlyph' must have SIdRef syntax. |
LayoutSRGSpeciesGlyphMustRefObject | SpeciesReferenceGlyph 'speciesGlyph' must reference existing element. |
LayoutSRGRoleSyntax | SpeciesReferenceGlyph 'role' must be string from enumeration. |
LayoutREFGAllowedCoreElements | Core elements allowed on |
LayoutREFGAllowedCoreAttributes | Core attributes allowed on |
LayoutREFGAllowedElements | Layout elements allowed on |
LayoutREFGAllowedAttributes | Layout attributes allowed on |
LayoutREFGMetaIdRefMustBeIDREF | Layout 'metaidRef' must be IDREF. |
LayoutREFGMetaIdRefMustReferenceObject | Layout 'metaidRef' must reference existing object. |
LayoutREFGReferenceSyntax | ReferenceGlyph 'reference' must have SIdRef syntax. |
LayoutREFGReferenceMustRefObject | ReferenceGlyph 'reference' must reference existing element. |
LayoutREFGNoDuplicateReferences | ReferenceGlyph cannot reference two objects. |
LayoutREFGGlyphSyntax | ReferenceGlyph 'glyph' must have SIdRef syntax. |
LayoutREFGGlyphMustRefObject | ReferenceGlyph 'glyph' must reference existing element. |
LayoutREFGRoleSyntax | ReferenceGlyph 'role' must be string. |
LayoutPointAllowedCoreElements | Core elements allowed on |
LayoutPointAllowedCoreAttributes | Core attributes allowed on |
LayoutPointAllowedAttributes | Layout attributes allowed on |
LayoutPointAttributesMustBeDouble | Layout 'x', 'y' and 'z' must be double. |
LayoutBBoxAllowedCoreElements | Core elements allowed on |
LayoutBBoxAllowedCoreAttributes | Core attributes allowed on |
LayoutBBoxAllowedElements | Layout elements allowed on |
LayoutBBoxAllowedAttributes | Layout attributes allowed on |
LayoutBBoxConsistent3DDefinition | Layout consistent dimensions on a |
LayoutCurveAllowedCoreElements | Core elements allowed on |
LayoutCurveAllowedCoreAttributes | Core attributes allowed on |
LayoutCurveAllowedElements | Layout elements allowed on |
LayoutCurveAllowedAttributes | Layout attributes allowed on |
LayoutLOCurveSegsAllowedAttributes | Allowed attributes on ListOfCurveSegments |
LayoutLOCurveSegsAllowedElements | Allowed elements on ListOfCurveSegments |
LayoutLOCurveSegsNotEmpty | No empty ListOfCurveSegments |
LayoutLSegAllowedCoreElements | Core elements allowed on |
LayoutLSegAllowedCoreAttributes | Core attributes allowed on |
LayoutLSegAllowedElements | Layout elements allowed on |
LayoutLSegAllowedAttributes | Layout attributes allowed on |
LayoutCBezAllowedCoreElements | Core elements allowed on |
LayoutCBezAllowedCoreAttributes | Core attributes allowed on |
LayoutCBezAllowedElements | Layout elements allowed on |
LayoutCBezAllowedAttributes | Layout attributes allowed on |
LayoutDimsAllowedCoreElements | Core elements allowed on |
LayoutDimsAllowedCoreAttributes | Core attributes allowed on |
LayoutDimsAllowedAttributes | Layout attributes allowed on |
LayoutDimsAttributesMustBeDouble | Layout 'width', 'height' and 'depth' must be double. |