ASTNode math
java.lang.String id
java.lang.String name
Annotation annotation
java.util.Map<K,V> declaredNamespaces
java.util.SortedMap<K,V> extensions
containing the SBML extension object of additional packages
with the appropriate name space of the<K,V> ignoredExtensions
containing the ignored package objects.
Package are considered ignored if JSBML does not support this package or support the package but not the associated namespace.
XMLNode ignoredXMLElements
ValuePair<L extends java.lang.Comparable<? super L>,V extends java.lang.Comparable<? super V>> lv
java.lang.String metaId
XMLNode notesXMLNode
int sboTerm
java.lang.String elementNamespace
java.util.List<E> listOfListeners
of listeners for this componentjavax.swing.tree.TreeNode parent
.java.util.Map<K,V> userObjects
that can be stored in addition to all other
features of this AbstractTreeNode
in form of key-value pairs.
Note that things stored here will not be written to SBML files. This
only provides a possibility to attach some in-memory information to
derived about
History history
java.util.List<E> listOfCVTerms
XMLNode nonRDFannotation
java.lang.String definitionURL
int denominator
int exponent
java.lang.String id
java.lang.String style
java.lang.String className
java.lang.String encoding
boolean isSetNumberType
java.util.List<E> listOfNodes
double mantissa
java.lang.String name
is called, the given name is stored in this numerator
, or the
value of an integer if this.isInteger() is true
.MathContainer parentSBMLObject
ASTNode.Type type
java.lang.String unitId
in the
model can be stored here.CallableSBase variable
java.lang.String compartmentTypeID
boolean isSetSpatialDimensions
java.lang.String outsideID
java.lang.Double spatialDimensions
XMLNode message
java.lang.String email
java.lang.String familyName
java.lang.String givenName
java.lang.String organisation
java.util.Map<K,V> otherAttributes
CVTerm.Qualifier qualifier
java.util.List<E> resourceURIs
instance.CVTerm.Type type
. It
depends on the name space in the SBML file, it can be a model qualifier
or a biological qualifier.Delay delay
boolean isSetUseValuesFromTriggerTime
ListOf<T extends SBase> listOfEventAssignments
Priority priority
Trigger trigger
java.lang.Boolean useValuesFromTriggerTime
java.lang.String unitsID
In this case this AssignmentRule
represents the SBML
element variableID
. Matches the variable XML
attribute of an assignmentRule or rateRule creation
java.util.List<E> listOfCreators
java.util.List<E> listOfModification
.java.util.Date modified
ListOf<T extends SBase> listOfLocalParameters
java.util.Map<K,V> mapOfLocalParameters
s in KineticLaw
s themselves:java.lang.String substanceUnitsID
java.lang.String timeUnitsID
java.lang.String unitsID
.java.util.List<E> listOf
ListOf.Type listType
boolean isExplicitlySetConstant
has been
explicitly set to be constant. All instances of LocalParameter
are constant by definition, however, in earlier versions of SBML (before
Level 3) it was possible to explicitly state that a
is constant. Therefore, a special field has become
necessary to reflect this areaUnitsID
java.lang.String conversionFactorID
java.lang.String extentUnitsID
java.lang.String lengthUnitsID
ListOf<T extends SBase> listOfCompartments
ListOf<T extends SBase> listOfCompartmentTypes
ListOf<T extends SBase> listOfConstraints
ListOf<T extends SBase> listOfEvents
ListOf<T extends SBase> listOfFunctionDefinitions
ListOf<T extends SBase> listOfInitialAssignments
ListOf<T extends SBase> listOfParameters
java.util.List<E> listOfPredefinedUnitDefinitions
ListOf<T extends SBase> listOfReactions
ListOf<T extends SBase> listOfRules
ListOf<T extends SBase> listOfSpecies
ListOf<T extends SBase> listOfSpeciesTypes
ListOf<T extends SBase> listOfUnitDefinitions
java.util.Map<K,V> mapOfLocalParameters
s and the
containing Reaction<K,V> mapOfUniqueNamedSBases
s in Model
s themselves:java.util.Map<K,V> mapOfUnitDefinitions
UnitDefinition substanceUnitsID
java.lang.String timeUnitsID
java.lang.String volumeUnitsID
java.lang.String compartmentID
java.lang.Boolean fast
boolean isSetFast
attribute has been set by using a default or
by changing its value.boolean isSetReversible
attribute has been set by using a default or
by changing its value.KineticLaw kineticLaw
ListOf<T extends SBase> listOfModifiers
ListOf<T extends SBase> listOfProducts
ListOf<T extends SBase> listOfReactants
java.lang.Boolean reversible
java.util.Map<K,V> checkConsistencyParameters
SBMLErrorLog listOfErrors
when parsing the file containing this<K,V> mappingFromMetaId2SBase
to avoid
the creation of multiple identical meta identifiers. These identifiers
have to be unique within the document.Model model
java.util.Map<K,V> enabledPackageMap
java.util.Map<K,V> SBMLDocumentAttributes
SBMLException.Category category
SBMLException.Code code
java.lang.String shortMessage
SBMLException.Type type
java.lang.String programName
representation (possibly in a File
) with the help
of programVersion
or File
.SBMLWriter sbmlWriter
boolean amount
java.lang.Boolean boundaryCondition
java.lang.Integer charge
java.lang.String compartmentID
java.lang.String conversionFactorID
java.lang.Boolean hasOnlySubstanceUnits
boolean isSetBoundaryCondition
boolean isSetCharge
boolean isSetHasOnlySubstanceUnits
java.lang.String spatialSizeUnitsID
java.lang.String speciesTypeID
java.lang.Boolean constant
java.lang.Integer denominator
boolean isSetConstant
boolean isSetDenominator
boolean isSetStoichiometry
java.lang.Double stoichiometry
StoichiometryMath stoichiometryMath
java.lang.Double exponent
boolean isSetExponent
boolean isSetMultiplier
boolean isSetOffset
boolean isSetScale
Unit.Kind kind
java.lang.Double multiplier
java.lang.Double offset
java.lang.Integer scale
SBase extendedSBase
int packageVersion
java.lang.String size
int arrayDimension
boolean isSetArrayDimension
java.lang.String id
java.lang.String name
ListOf<T extends SBase> listOfReplacedElements
ReplacedBy replacedBy
java.lang.String portRef
java.lang.String idRef
java.lang.String unitRef
java.lang.String metaIdRef
SBaseRef sBaseRef
ListOf<T extends SBase> listOfFluxBounds
ListOfObjectives listOfObjectives
boolean isSetValue
FluxBound.Operation operation
java.lang.String reaction
java.lang.Double value
ListOf<T extends SBase> listOfFluxObjectives
Objective.Type type
GroupKind kind
ListOf<T extends SBase> listOfMembers
ListOfMemberConstraint listOfMemberConstraints
java.lang.String id
java.lang.String name
boolean membersShareType
boolean isSetMembersShareType
java.lang.String reference
represented by this
.Dimensions dimensions
Point position
org.apache.log4j.Logger logger
CurveSegment.Type type
BoundingBox boundingBox
java.lang.String metaidRef
Dimensions dimensions
ListOf<T extends SBase> listOfAdditionalGraphicalObjects
ListOf<T extends SBase> listOfCompartmentGlyphs
ListOf<T extends SBase> listOfReactionGlyphs
ListOf<T extends SBase> listOfSpeciesGlyphs
ListOf<T extends SBase> listOfTextGlyphs
Curve curve
java.lang.String role
java.lang.String glyph
Curve curve
SpeciesReferenceRole role
java.lang.String speciesGlyph
BindingSiteReference bindingSiteReference1
BindingSiteReference bindingSiteReference2
SpeciesTypeInstanceChange speciesTypeInstanceChange
SpeciesTypeInstanceChange speciesTypeInstanceChange
SpeciesTypeInstanceChange speciesTypeInstanceChange
java.lang.String speciesType
java.lang.Integer minOccur
java.lang.Integer maxOccur
java.lang.Boolean connex
java.lang.Boolean saturated
ListOf<T extends SBase> listOfStateFeatureInstances
ListOf<T extends SBase> listOfContainedSpeciesTypes
java.lang.String qualitativeSpecies
InputTransitionEffect transitionEffect
java.lang.Integer thresholdLevel
Sign sign
java.lang.String qualitativeSpecies
OutputTransitionEffect transitionEffect
java.lang.Integer outputLevel
java.lang.Short versionMajor
java.lang.Short versionMinor
GlobalRenderInformation renderInformation
java.lang.Double cx
java.lang.Double cy
java.lang.Double cz
java.lang.Double rx
java.lang.Double ry
java.lang.Boolean absoluteCx
java.lang.Boolean absoluteCy
java.lang.Boolean absoluteCz
java.lang.Boolean absoluteRx
java.lang.Boolean absoluteRy
GradientBase.Spread spreadMethod
ListOf<T extends SBase> listOfGradientStops
java.lang.String fill
GraphicalPrimitive2D.FillRule fillRule
java.lang.Double x
java.lang.Double y
java.lang.Double z
java.lang.Double width
java.lang.Double height
java.lang.Boolean absoluteX
java.lang.Boolean absoluteY
java.lang.Boolean absoluteZ
java.lang.Boolean absoluteWidth
java.lang.Boolean absoluteHeight
java.lang.String href
java.lang.Boolean enableRotationMapping
BoundingBox boundingBox
RenderGroup group
java.lang.Boolean absoluteCx
java.lang.Boolean absoluteCy
java.lang.Boolean absoluteCz
java.lang.Boolean absoluteR
java.lang.Boolean absoluteFx
java.lang.Boolean absoluteFy
java.lang.Boolean absoluteFz
java.lang.Double cx
java.lang.Double cy
java.lang.Double cz
java.lang.Double r
java.lang.Double fx
java.lang.Double fy
java.lang.Double fz
java.lang.Double x
java.lang.Double y
java.lang.Double z
java.lang.Double width
java.lang.Double height
java.lang.Boolean absoluteX
java.lang.Boolean absoluteY
java.lang.Boolean absoluteZ
java.lang.Boolean absoluteWidth
java.lang.Boolean absoluteHeight
java.lang.Double rx
java.lang.Double ry
java.lang.Boolean absoluteRx
java.lang.Boolean absoluteRy
java.lang.Boolean absoluteX1
java.lang.Boolean absoluteY1
java.lang.Boolean absoluteZ1
java.lang.Boolean absoluteX2
java.lang.Boolean absoluteY2
java.lang.Boolean absoluteZ2
java.lang.Double x1
java.lang.Double y1
java.lang.Double z1
java.lang.Double x2
java.lang.Double y2
java.lang.Double z2
java.lang.String id
FontFamily fontFamily
java.lang.Short fontSize
java.lang.Boolean fontWeightBold
java.lang.Boolean fontStyleItalic
TextAnchor textAnchor
VTextAnchor vTextAnchor
java.lang.String startHead
java.lang.String endHead
ListOf<T extends SBase> listOfElements
java.lang.String programName
java.lang.String programVersion
java.lang.String referenceRenderInformation
java.awt.Color backgroundColor
ListOf<T extends SBase> listOfColorDefinitions
ListOf<T extends SBase> listOfGradientDefintions
ListOf<T extends SBase> listOfLineEndings
RenderGroup group
java.lang.String[] roleList
java.lang.String[] typeList
java.lang.Boolean absoluteX
java.lang.Boolean absoluteY
java.lang.Boolean absoluteZ
FontFamily fontFamily
java.lang.Short fontSize
java.lang.Boolean fontWeightBold
java.lang.Boolean fontStyleItalic
TextAnchor textAnchor
VTextAnchor vTextAnchor
java.lang.Double x
java.lang.Double y
java.lang.Double z
java.lang.Boolean viableWithoutChange
If the math is complete, then whether the solution is
“workable” requires a judgment call on the part of the modeler:
if the modeler feels that the alternative version makes sense in an
alternative context, they may set the attribute value to true
conversely, if they feel that the resulting model component makes no sense,
even if technically “complete”, then they should set the
attribute value to false
.java.lang.String changedBy
CoordinateKind coordinate
java.lang.String spatialId
java.lang.String domainType
AnalyticVolume.FunctionKind functionType
java.lang.Integer ordinal
java.lang.String boundaryDomainType
java.lang.String coordinateBoundary
BoundaryCondition.BoundaryKind type
CoordinateKind type
Boundary boundaryMaximum
Boundary boundaryMinimum
java.lang.String unit
CoordinateKind coordinate
TransformationComponent forwardTransformation
TransformationComponent reverseTransformation
java.lang.String domainType
java.lang.Integer ordinal
CSGNode csgNode
CSGPrimitive.PrimitiveKind primitiveType
CSGSetOperator.SetOperation operationType
java.lang.String complementA
java.lang.String complementB
ListOf<T extends SBase> listOfCSGNodes
CSGNode csgNode
DiffusionCoefficient.DiffusionKind diffusionKind
CoordinateKind coordinateReference1
CoordinateKind coordinateReference2
ListOf<T extends SBase> listOfCoordinateComponents
ListOf<T extends SBase> listOfDomainTypes
ListOf<T extends SBase> listOfDomains
ListOf<T extends SBase> listOfAdjacentDomains
ListOf<T extends SBase> listOfGeometryDefinitions
ListOf<T extends SBase> listOfSampledFields
Geometry.GeometryKind coordinateSystem
ParametricObject.PolygonKind polygonType
java.lang.String domainType
PolygonObject polygonObject
SampledField.DataKind dataType
java.lang.Integer numSamples1
java.lang.Integer numSamples2
java.lang.Integer numSamples3
SampledField.InterpolationKind interpolation
SampledField.CompressionKind compression
XMLNode data
CompartmentMapping compartmentMapping
Geometry geometry
java.util.HashMap<K,V> spatialIdMap
ParameterType param
Token currentToken
int[][] expectedTokenSequences
java.lang.String[] tokenImage
java.lang.String eol
int kind
int beginLine
int beginColumn
int endLine
int endColumn
java.lang.String image
Token next
. This is true only if this token is also a regular
token. Otherwise, see below for a description of the contents of
this field.Token specialToken
When there are more than one such special token, this field refers
to the last of these special tokens, which in turn refers to the next
previous special token through its specialToken field, and so on
until the first special token (whose specialToken field is null).
The next fields of special tokens refer to other special tokens that
immediately follow it (without an intervening regular token). If there
is no such token, this field is null
.javax.swing.tree.TreeNode previosParent
) before the deletion.XMLAttributes attributes
java.lang.StringBuilder characters
long column
boolean isEndElement
boolean isEOF
boolean isStartElement
boolean isText
long line
XMLNamespaces namespaces
XMLTriple triple